25 New Single Herbs: 6. Clear Toxic-Heat
25 New Single Herbs: 6. Clear Toxic-Heat
25 New Single Herbs: 6. Clear Toxic-Heat
YU XING CAO acrid LU Clear Toxic‐Heat, resolve abscesses & pus: boils, furuncles, skin infections, LU
cool LI abscesses, fever, cough
魚腥草(어성초) Clear Damp‐Heat & promote urination: diarrhea, painful urinary dribbling due
Houttuyniae Hb to Lower Jiao Damp‐Heat
BAI HUA SHE SHE bitter LV Clear Toxic‐Heat: Toxic accumulation, sores due to Fire Toxin, swollen sore
CAO sweet ST throat
cold LI Clear Heat & drain Damp: Damp‐Heat jaundice, painful urinary dribbling,
白花蛇舌草(백화사설초) SI
intestinal abscess, dysenteric disorder
Hedyotis diffusae Hb Treat cancer: gastric, esophageal, colon or rectal cancer
LU DOU sweet HT Clear Summer‐Heat: Summer‐Heat especially with pronounced thirst
cold ST Clear Toxic‐Heat: Toxic sores & swelling
綠豆(녹두) Antidote for Fu Zi & Ba Dou: agitation, vomiting or thirst due to Fu Zi
Phaseoli raiati Sm (Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata) or Ba Dou (Crotonis Fructus) poisoning
(Mung bean)
BAI XIAN PI bitter SP Clear Toxic‐Heat & Damp‐Heat, relieve itching: boils, furuncles with pus,
cold ST chronic skin ulcers, skin pruritus, eczema, tinea, vaginal itching
白鮮皮(백선피) → Si Wu Xiao Feng Yin
Dictamni Cx Dispel Wind & resolve painful obstruction: mobile muscle aches & pains
(Chinese Dittany root Clear Damp‐Heat: jaundice, right flank pain
MA BO acrid LU Clear Heat constraint in the LU: Toxic swelling of the throat with cough &
neutral loss of voice → Yin Qiao Ma Bo San
馬勃(마발) Stop bleeding: continuous nosebleed
XIE BAI acrid LI Circulate the Yang Qi, disperse Turbid‐Phlegm: painful obstruction of the chest
bitter LU with wheezing, cough, pain through the chest & back, shortness of breath
薤白(해백) warm ST → Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang
Allii macrostemi Bulbus 5‐9g Activate the Qi & relieve pain: epigastric fullness, abdominal pain, chronic
(Chinese Garlic) diarrhea with blood & mucus
MEI GUI HUA sweet LV Gently regulate Qi & Blood, harmonize the LV & ST: stifling sensation in the
sl bitter SP chest, belching, flank distention, poor appetite due to LV Qi stagnation
玫瑰花(매괴화) warm Regulate menstruation: irregular menstruation, breast distention or abdominal
Rosae rugosae Fl 1.5‐6g pain due to Qi & Blood stasis
(Chinese Rose bud)
XIAO JI sweet LV Cool the Blood to stop bleeding: any bleeding due to Blood‐Heat
cool HT → San Xian Yin
小薊(소계) Resolve Toxicity, reduce abscesses: sores & abscesses due to Heat‐Toxin
Cirsii Hb Promote urination: Blood in the urine due to Damp‐Heat, reduce jaundice,
(Field Thistle) hepatitis, hypertension
Ou Jie sweet LU Stop bleeding: used for many types of bleeding because, while it is an
astringent ST astringent, it also reduces stasis. Most often used for bleeding associated with
藕節(우절) neutral LV heat in the LU or ST with vomiting or coughing of blood. Also for chronic
Nelumbinis Nodus Rz 9‐15g bleeding when combined with other appropriate substance
(Lotus Rhizome Node)
HAN LIAN CAO sweet KD Tonify the LV & KD Yin: Yin deficiency with dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo,
= Mo Han Lian sour LV premature greying of hair → Er Zhi Wan
cool Cool the Blood & stop bleeding: bleeding due to Heat in the Blood in Yin
9‐15g deficiency patterns
Ecliptae Hb
Er Zhi Wan (Two Solstice Pill)
Nu Zhen Zi (privet fruit) Han Lian Cao (eclipta)
Nourish the LV/KD Yin
Clear Empty‐Heat, improve vision Cool the Blood, stop bleeding
Harvest at Winter solstice Harvest at Summer solstice
GUI BAN salty HT Nourish the Yin, anchor the Yang: night sweats, dizziness, Steaming Bone
sweet KD disorder due to Yin deficiency, Yin deficiency generating internal Wind
龜板(구판) cold LV → Da Bu Yin Wan / San Jia Fu Mai Tang / Zuo Gui Wan / Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
Testudinis Plastrum 15‐45g Benefit the KD, strengthen the bones: sore lower back, weak legs, retarded
(ventral aspect of skeletal development, failure of the fontanels to close → Gui Lu Er Xian Jiao
Freshwater Turtle shell) Nourish the Blood, tonify the HT: HT deficiency with insomnia, anxiety,
Cool the Blood, stop uterine bleeding: excessive menstruation or uterine
bleeding due to reckless movement of hot Blood
Regenerate tissue: chronic, non‐healing, indolent sores
GUI BAN JIAO 龜板膠(구판교) ‐ Testudinis Plastri Colla (Turtle Plastron Glue)
The glue has the same properties as GUI BAN but is richer, more cloying,
and almost exclusively enriches the Yin.
Dosage is 3‐9g. It is dissolved in either wine or the decoction of the other
herbs before ingesting.
NIU HUANG bitter HT Clear the HT to awaken the Spirit, vaporize Phlegm to open the orifices:
cool LV delirium or coma due to warm‐febrile diseases, Wind‐stroke, convulsions, or
牛黃(우황) seizures → Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan / Zhi Bao Dan / An Gong Niu Huang Wan
Bovis Calculus Extinguish LV Wind and stop convulsions: spasms, tremors, or convulsions with
(Cattle Gallstone) high fever from LV Heat
Clear Toxic‐Heat: red, painful, swollen or ulcerated throat, hot swellings &