Polyp Mũi Và CPAP
Polyp Mũi Và CPAP
Polyp Mũi Và CPAP
Original Research
1 ENT Research Laboratory, Department of Otolaryngology and Head Address for correspondence Rogerio Pezato, MD, PhD,
and Neck Surgery, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP, Brazil Departamento de Otolaringologia e Cirurgia da Cabeça e Pescoço,
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Rua Pedro de Toledo 847, Sao
Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol Paulo, SP, 04025011, Brazil (e-mail: pezatobau@gmail.com).
Abstract Introduction It has been hypothesized that increasing the interstitial hydrostatic
pressure within the sinonasal mucosa of patients with nasal polyposis (NP) might
decrease the size of nasal polyps.
Objective To evaluate the effects of positive airway pressure, delivered by a continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) device, in patients with NP and in control subjects.
Methods Twelve patients with NP and 27 healthy subjects were exposed to CPAP
(20 cm H2O) for 2 hours. Visual analog scale (VAS), Nasal Obstruction Symptom
Evaluation (NOSE) scale, acoustic rhinometry (AR), peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF)
and nasal endoscopy (NE—Meltzer polyp grading system) were performed before and
after the intervention, for all patients.
Results The control group showed a significant worsening in nasal obstruction
symptoms, as measured by VAS and NOSE (p < 0.01), and a significant decrease in
nasal patency, as measured by the PNIF and AR (p < 0.01). For the NP group, VAS,
Keywords NOSE, and AR did not differ significantly (p ¼ 0.72, p ¼ 0.73, and p ¼ 0.17, respec-
► chronic rhinosinusitis tively), but PNIF values worsened (p ¼ 0.04) after exposure to CPAP. There was a
► endoscopy statistically significant reduction in the nasal polyps’ size (p ¼ 0.04).
► extracellular matrix Conclusions Positive pressure worsened the nasal obstruction symptoms and decreased
► nasal airflow objective parameters of nasal patency in control subjects. In patients with NP, exposure to
dynamics CPAP reduced the nasal polyps’ size, and the nasal patency, as measured by PNIF. However,
► rhinosinusitis it had no significant effects in AR and in nasal obstruction symptoms.
Fig. 1 Illustration showing an increase in capillary permeability due to inflammation, with protein loss and increasing tissue oncotic pressure (B and C), and,
consequently, extravasation of water to the interstitial space and edema. (B) compensatory increase in interstitial hydrostatic pressure in response to
increasing oncotic pressure, thus limiting edema. (C) less marked increase in interstitial hydrostatic pressure in response to increasing oncotic pressure,
facilitating the greater loss of water from the capillary lumen into the tissues and, consequently, increased edema.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of For the control group, those who had a present or recent
positive pressure, delivered by a continuous positive airway past (< 4 weeks) history of sinonasal infections and/or
pressure (CPAP) device, on patients with NP and in control inflammation were also excluded.
subjects, with special interest in nasal obstruction symptoms, After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13
objective nasal patency parameters, and nasal polyps’ size. and 27 subjects were included in the NP and control groups,
respectively. Of these, 12 and 27 subjects were considered
for the final analysis, respectively, because 1 patient from
the NP group did not tolerate the intervention (CPAP). In the
Design, Setting, and Study Population NP group, 5 (41.6%) participants were women and 7 (58.4%)
An analytic, observational, and cross-sectional study was were men, with ages ranging from 34 to 65 years. Of the 27
conducted at a tertiary otorhinolaryngology referral center, individuals in the control group, 10 (37.0%) were women
from January 2016 to August 2016. Participants were divided and 17 (63.0%) were men, with ages ranging from 18 to
in two groups. The NP group included only those individuals 43 years.
with a recent diagnosis of NP, according to the European This study conforms to recognized ethical standards and
Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012 to the Declaration of Helsinki, and it was approved by the
(EPOS 2012) guidelines,5 and with polyps graded 1 accord- local institutional review board (n. 897.279, 12/2015). Writ-
ing to the Meltzer polyp grading system.6 The control group ten informed consent was obtained from every participant
included only healthy individuals. For both groups, partici- included in the study.
pants should be older than 18 years-old and younger than 65
years-old, and the following were excluded: Exposure to Positive Pressure—CPAP
All subjects were exposed to CPAP, delivered by a mechanical
• Those using or who had recently used (< 4 weeks) device (F&P Icon, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd., Auckland,
antihistaminic or antihypertensive drugs, topical vaso- New Zealand) attached to a nasal mask (Meridian Nasal
constrictors, systemic vasodilators, or systemic/topic Mask, ResMed Ltd., Bella Vista, Australia) for 2 hours, at a
corticosteroids; pressure of 20 cm H2O. All patients were in a comfortable
• Those with severe septal deviation precluding nasal endo- sitting position during the whole procedure, and air leak
scopy or the use of nasal cannulas for acoustic rhinometry; through the mask was ruled out for all cases. No topical
• Those with a present or past history of tumors, prior medications were used before or after the intervention.
sinonasal surgery, known diagnosis of obstructive sleep
apnea, and/or use of CPAP; Analyzed Variables
• Those with a present or past history of smoking or illicit The following parameters were measured for all participants,
drug use. immediately before and after exposure to the CPAP:
• Visual analog scale (VAS) for nasal obstruction symptoms; was used to prevent air leak; all participants were instructed
• Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale; to control their breathing.
• Nasal endoscopy (NE); At least three curves were obtained for each nostril—after
• Acoustic rhinometry (AR); each measurement, the nosepiece was removed, reconnected,
• Peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF). and a new measurement was then obtained; the results were
considered adequate if the coefficient of variability was lower
Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Nasal Obstruction than 10%; the recorded curves were used to obtain a mean
Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) Scale curve for each nostril; the values of these mean curves were
For the evaluation of nasal obstruction symptoms, all parti- then analyzed. All examinations were performed by the same
cipants were asked to score their nasal obstruction severity investigator, experienced in AR. The cross-sectional area
in a 10-cm VAS, ranging from “0” to “10,” with “0” meaning between the distances of 0 and 5 cm, expressed in cm2, was
“complete absence of nasal obstruction,” and “10” meaning used for objective comparison of findings.
“complete nasal obstruction.” The measurement of PNIF was performed with an In-
The NOSE scale, previously adapted to Brazilian Portu- Check Nasal Inspiratory Flow Meter portable device (Clem-
guese,7 was also administered and calculated for all partici- ent Clarke International Ltd., Essex, UK) equipped with an air-
pants, with scores ranging from 0 to 12. Because of the cushioned facemask. The PNIF was measured with the par-
characteristics of this study, the assessment of nasal obstruc- ticipant in the standing position, at three consecutive times
tion during sleep and exercise was not considered. with a 1-minute interval between measurements. The
results were obtained immediately, and the average of the
Nasal Endoscopy (NE) measures was considered for the final analysis.
Nasal endoscopy was performed in all patients. An 18-cm, 4-
mm, 0-degree rigid endoscope (Hopkins II, Karl Storz Ltd., Statistical Analysis
Tuttlingen, Germany) attached to a video camera system (IK- Data was plotted and analyzed in the Statistical Package for the
M51H / IK-CU51 Imaging System, Toshiba America Inc., Social Sciences (SPSS) v. 22 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) and
Irvine-CA, USA), monitor (OEV 141, Olympus Optical Ltd., Prism v.7 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA) software
Barlett-TN, USA), and an Innova Light & Image FX 300R light environments. The Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U, and Fisher
source (Innova Technik, Cajamar, SP, Brazil) were used. exact tests were used to assess differences within and between
Images were digitally recorded with an HD PVR Rocket video groups. The binomial sign test was used for estimation of
capture device (Hauppauge Inc., Hauppauge, NY, USA). statistical significance for the Meltzer score before and after
Two blinded evaluators, both of whom were experienced exposure to CPAP for the NP group. In all cases, p values < 0.05
rhinologists, watched every NE recorded, and, together, were considered statistically significant.
classified the severity of NP for every nasal cavity, according
to the Meltzer polyp grading system6 (►Table 1).
Acoustic Rhinometry and PNIF There was no statistically significant difference in gender
For the objective evaluation of nasal patency, all patients distribution between groups (p ¼ 1.00). The participants in
underwent AR and PNIF, before and after exposition to CPAP. the control group were significantly younger than patients in
The AR was performed without administration of vasocon- the NP group (p < 0.01) (►Table 2).
strictors, with a calibrated acoustic rhinometer and the A1
Acoustic Rhinometer software (GM Instruments Ltd., Kilwin- Effects of Positive Pressure on Symptoms of Nasal
ning, UK). The test was conducted as standardized by the Obstruction (VAS and NOSE)
International Standardization Committee on Objective For the control group, there was a significant deterioration in
Assessment of the Nasal Airway.8 Each participant remained nasal obstructive symptoms, as measured by the VAS and
for 30 minutes in an air-conditioned room (temperature set to NOSE, after exposure to CPAP (p < 0.01). In the NP group, VAS
21°C before measurement, and ambient humidity kept in the and NOSE did not differ significantly after exposure to CPAP
50–60% range); the head of each participant was stabilized to (p ¼ 0.72 and p ¼ 0.73, respectively).
ensure proper positioning of the pulse tube; petroleum jelly
Table 2 Demographic characteristics for the control group and
Table 1 Meltzer polyp grading system the NP group
Multiple polyps occupying the middle meatus 2 Age Age 24.03 4.17 48.17 10.94 < 0.01
Polyps extending beyond the middle meatus 3 (SD)
Polyps completely obstructing the nasal cavity 4
Abbreviations: NP, nasal polyposis; SD, standard deviation.
Effects of Positive Pressure on Nasal Patency (AR and Strengths and Limitations of this Study
PNIF) This study presents some limitations, with its small sample
Anterior nasal cavity volume and PNIF decreased significantly in size being, arguably, the most important one. For instance,
the control group after CPAP use (p < 0.01). For the NP group, increasing the number of participants could yield statisti-
the values of PNIF worsened (p ¼ 0.04), but there was no cally significant results for nasal patency parameters in the
significant alteration in the AR after the intervention (p ¼ 0.17). NP group. It could be also questioned whether the exposure
to CPAP for longer periods of time, set at different pressures,
Effects of Positive Pressure on NE or with the patients in different positions, could yield
There was a statistically significant reduction in nasal polyps’ different results. Indeed, patients with obstructive sleep
size for the NP group, as measured by NE and the Meltzer apnea syndrome (OSA) use CPAP for 8 sleeping-hours and
score (p ¼ 0.04) (►Video 1). Results for both groups are in the horizontal position. These factors affect the lymphatic
summarized in ►Table 3. and venous drainage of the nasal mucosa and could also have
influenced the results of this study.9
Moreover, the long-term effects of CPAP on NP were not
Video 1 evaluated. Considering that oncotic pressure does not change
with time, but hydrostatic pressure decreases after CPAP expo-
sure is ended, the polyps could have returned to their preexpo-
Nasal endoscopic evaluation of the right nasal cavity of a sure size after a few hours/days. A secondary evaluation would
patient with nasal polyposis that underwent exposition be ideal to assess what are the real permanent effects of CPAP on
to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for the interstitial hydrostatic pressure and the polyps’ volume.
2 hours. Note the reduction in the polyps’ size after Nonetheless, this study has the great advantage of experi-
intervention. Online content including video sequences mentally determining the effects of positive pressure on NP,
viewable at: which, to the best of our knowledge, had never been done
before. It was also possible to compare these effects in
healthy individuals. The results presented are worthy to be
taken into consideration in the understanding of the NP
Table 3 Effects of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with nasal polyposis and in control subjects
Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; NOSE, nasal obstruction symptoms evaluation; NP, nasal polyposis; PNIF, peak nasal
inspiratory flow; SD, standard deviation; VAS, visual analog scale.
p-values for comparisons within-group; † Meltzer score for both nasal cavities. ‡ Binomial sign test.
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