Problem Set (GD)

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Transportation I- III/II BD in Civil Eng

Geometric Design

Problems Set-ICP

Sight Distance

1. Calculate stopping distance for design speed of 50kmph for (a) two-way traffic in a
two lane road (b) two-way traffic in single lane road c) multilane divided highway and
d) multilane undivided highway(Hint: f=0.37, t=2.5) [Ans: (a)61.4 m (b) 122.8 m.]
2. Find minimum sight distance to avoid head-on collision of two cars approaching at 90
kmph and 60 kmph. Given t=2.5sec, f=0.7 and brake efficiency of 50 percent in either
case. (Hint: brake efficiency reduces the coefficient of friction by 50 percent). [Ans:
3. Find SSD for a descending gradient of 2% for V=80kmph. [Ans: 132m].
4. Find head light sight distance and intermediate sight distance for V=65 kmph. (Hint:
f=0.36, t=2.5 s, HSD=SSD, ISD=2*SSD) [Ans: 91.4 and 182.8 m]
5. Overtaking and overtaken vehicles are at 70 and 40 kmph respectively. find (i) OSD
(ii) min. and desirable length of overtaking zone (iii) show the sketch of overtaking
zone with location of sign post (hint: a=0.99m/sec2) [Ans: (i) 278 m (ii) 834 m/1390]
6. Calculate OSD for one way and two way traffic if the design speed is 96 kmph. Assume
all other data. a=0.72, t=2.5s) [Ans: OSD one way 342m, OSD two way 646m]
7. Compute non-passing sight distance for class I highway in plain terrain with downgrade
of 6%. Assume reaction time t = 140/ [35+V]

Super elevation

1. A national highway passing through a rolling terrain has two horizontal curves of radius
450 m and 150m. Design the required super elevation for the curves as per NRS
guidelines. F is given by f = 0.24-0.0012*v. assume v of 80kmph. [0.06]
2. Given R=100m, V=50 kmph, f=0.15 Find:
a e if full lateral friction is assumed to develop [Ans: 0.047]
b find f needed if no super elevation is provided [Ans: 0.197]
c Find equilibrium super-elevation if pressure on inner and outer outer wheel should be
equal (Hint:f=0) [Ans: 0.197]
3. Consider a two lane class I highway, in mountainous terrain, radius of the curve=480
m, Width of the pavement at the horizontal curve=7.5 m. (i) Design super elevation

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Transportation I- III/II BD in Civil Eng

for mixed traffic. (ii) By how much the outer edge of the pavement is to be raised with
respect to the centerline, if the pavement is rotated with respect to centerline. [Ans:(i)
0.059 (ii)0.22m]
4. Design rate of super elevation for a horizontal class I highway curve of radius 500 m
and rolling terrain. [Ans:e=0.07, f=0.087 and within limits]
5. Given a class I highway in mountainous terrain R=200m Design for super elevation.
(Hint: f=0.15) [Ans: Allowable speed is 74.75kmph and e=0.07]
6. Calculate the ruling minimum and absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve of a
NH in plain terrain.(Hint: Vruling=100kmph, Vmin=80kmph., e=0.07, f=0.15) [Ans:
360 and 230 m]
7. Compute super elevation if the impact factor =1/4, class I highway on plain terrain
8. Assuming the maximum value of centrifugal ratio, compute amount by which outer
edge of the road should be raised, assume two lane class II highway on plain terrain.
[hint- for roads maximum ratio = 1/4]

Extra Widening

1. Find the extra widening for two lane highway, R=250m, longest wheel base, l=7m,
assume design speed of 70kmph. (Hint: n=2)[Ans:0.662m]
2. Find the width of a pavement on a horizontal curve for a new two lane highway on
rolling terrain. Assume all data. (Hint: V=80kmph for rolling terrain, l=6.0m). [Ans:R
ruling=230m, We=0.71, W at HC=7.71m]

Transition Curve

1. Calculate the length of transition curve and shift for V=65kmph, R=220m, rate of
introduction of super elevation is 1 in 150, total width including extra widening is 7.5
m. (Hint: c=0.57) [Ans: Ls1=47.1m, Ls2=39m (e=0.07, pav. Rotated w.r.t centerline),
Ls3=51.9m, s=0.51m, Ls=52m]
2. Design a transition curve for a highway with design speed of 100kmph in a plain terrain.
Assume 5 degree of curve.
3. A two lane NH passing through rolling terrain of heavy rainfall area, R=500m. Design
length of Transition curve.(Hint: Heavy rainfall=….pav. surface rotated w.r.t to inner
edge. V=80kmph, N=1 in 150) [Ans:c=0.52, Ls1=42.3, Ls2=63.7m (e=0.057,
W+We=7.45), Ls3=34.6m, Ls=64m]

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Transportation I- III/II BD in Civil Eng

Setback distance

1. Horizontal curve of R=400m, L=200 m. Compute setback distance required to provide

(a) SSD of 90m, (b) OSD of 300 m. Distance between center line of road and inner land
(d) is 1.9m.[Ans:(a) /2 =6:5 ,m=4.4 m (b)ODS>L, for multi-lane m=26.8 m]
2. Determine the setback distance required on a four lane highway to provide adequate stopping
sight distance. Assume a horizontal curve of degree 7, deflection angle of 50 degree, and design
speed of 100 kmph. The reaction time of the driver is given by 𝑡 = 300/(10 + 𝑣)
3. A two lane highway passing thorough a dense forest area has sight obstructions located
6m from the center line of the inside lane. Inadequate sight distance has been blamed
for some accidents that have occurred on this section where it negotiates a 20 degree
horizontal curve. The posted- speed on the highway is 65 kmph. Analyze the problem
and comment on the result. Suggest suitable speed limit for this highway.[hw]
Horizontal curves

1. Compute all the elements of horizontal circular curve if the intersection angle is 110
degree, and degree of the curve is 3.5
2. Two roads having a deviation angle of 45 degree are to be joined by a 180m radius
curve. Compute the elements.
3. The tangent length of a simple curve was 202.12 m and the deflection angle for a 30-m
chord 2◦ 18’ Calculate the radius, the total deflection angle, the length of curve.
4. A circular curve of 800 m radius has been set out connecting two straights with a
deflection angle of 42◦. It is decided, for road construction reasons, that the mid-point
of the curve must be moved 4 m towards the centre, i.e. away from the intersection
point. The alignment of the straights is to remain unaltered. Calculate: The radius of
the new curve. The distances from the intersection point to the new tangent points and
length of the curve. [hw]
5. It is required to connect two straights (∆ = 50◦) with a composite curve, comprising
entry transition, circular arc and exit transition. The initial design parameters are V =
105 km/h, c = 0.6 m/s3, f = 0.15 and crossfall 1 in 14.5 (tan θ = 0.07). compute the
elements of the combined curve.
6. You are asked to design a horizontal curve with a 40-degree central angle for a two-
lane road with 3.5m lanes. The design speed is 100 km/h and superelevation is limited
to 0.06 m/m. Give the radius, degree of curvature, and length of curve that you would

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Transportation I- III/II BD in Civil Eng

Vertical Alignment

1. A vertical summit curve is formed by g1 = +3.0% and g2 = -5.0%. Design the length
of the summit curve for V=80 kmph. (Hint: SSD=128m). [Ans: 298m]
2. g1 ==1 in 100, g2 = -1 in 120. Design summit curve for V=80kmph, OSD=470m. [Ans:
3. g1 = +1/50 and g2 = - 1/80, SSD=180m, OSD=640m. Due to site constraints, L is
limited to 500m.Calculate the length of summit curve to meet SSD, ISD and OSD.
Discuss results. [Ans: L for SSD=240m, okay, L for OSD=1387m, > 500m not okay, L
for ISD=439m okay.]
4. A valley curve is formed by descending gradient g1= 1 in 25 and ascending gradient
g2= 1 in 30. Design the length of the valley curve for V =80kmph. (Hint: c=0.6 m/cm3,
SSD=127.3m) [Ans: L=max (73.1, 199.5)]
5. A -2.5% grade is connected to a +1.0% grade by means of a 180 m vertical curve. The
P.I. station is 100+00 and the P.I. elevation is 100.0 m above sea level. Find the station
and elevation of the lowest point on the vertical curve?
6. Given g1= +3.5% and g2 = -1.5%. chainage of IP = 60+15 chain, RL = 250m. compute
the elements of the curve. And RL of various points to layout the cureve@ 15m. [hint-
1 chain = 30m]
7. Given the length of VC = 200m, initial grade = -3.5% and final grade = +0.5%. chainage
of BVC = 3+700 and RL = 321m. find the RL of lowest point [318m]
8. A grade of - 3.5% meets another grade of + 0.50%. The elevation of the point of
intersection is 267 m and chainage is 780 m. Field coordinates require that the vertical
curve should pass through a point of elevation 268 m at chainage 780 m. Compute a
suitable equal tangent vertical curve and elements of curve. [HW]
9. Arising gradient g1 is followed by another rising gradient g2 (g2 less than g1). The
gradients are connected by a vertical curve having a constant rate of change of gradient.
Show that at any point on the curve the height y above the first tangent point A is given

by where x is the horizontal distance of the point from A, and L

is the horizontal distance between the two tangent points. [HW]
10. Derive expressions for the length of VC [both summit and valley] [HW]

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