Case digests of the new cases based on the
syllabus of Atty. Melissa Romana P. Suarez
(SY 2020-2021)
Case digests of new cases
based on the updated syllabus of Atty. Melissa Romana P. Suarez
(SY 2020-2021)
Principle: The fact that its drivers are not physically hailed • In response, DBDOYC, on July 4, 2018, filed a
on the street does not automatically render Angkas- Petition for Declaratory Relief with Application for
accredited drivers as private carriers. Temporary Restraining Order/Writ of Preliminary
Injunction19 against petitioners before the RTC alle
• ging that: (a) it is not a public transportation
• On May 8, 2015, the Department of provider since Angkas app is a mere tool that
Transportation and Communications (DOTC), the connects the passenger and the motorcycle driver;
predecessor of DOTr, set the standard (b) Angkas and its drivers are not engaged in the
classifications for public transport conveyances to delivery of a public service.
be used as basis for the issuance of a Certificate
of Public Convenience (CPC) for public utility Issue: Whether or not Transport Network Vehicles and
vehicles (PUVs). The DOTC, through DO 2015-11, Companies such as Angkas are common carriers. [YES]
created two (2) new classifications, namely,
Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and Ruling:
Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS).
Section 15 of the Public Service Act requires that, except for
• Although DO 2015-11 made mention of TNVS, the certain exemptions, no public service shall operate in the
term was not clearly defined until June 19, 2017, Philippines without possessing a CPC. In turn, the then DOTC
when the DOTr issued DO 201 7-11which set the (which had supervision and control over the LTFRB that had
rules and procedures on the issuance of franchises assumed certain powers of the old Public Service Commission)
for public transport routes and services, including issued DO 97-1097 providing for the standard classifications
TNCs and TNVS. DO 2017-11 further provided of all PUVs before they can be issued a CPC. This department
that "[m]otorcycles x x x are likewise not allowed order was later amended by the above stated DOs 2015-
as public transport conveyance." 11 and 2017-11 and thereafter, the LTFRB issued various
memorandum circulars governing the rules for TNC and TNVS
• Consequently, the LTFRB issued various accreditation, which rules DBDOYC purportedly failed to
memorandum circulars to govern the issuance of the comply.
necessary CPC for a TNVS and the accreditation
of a TNC. In its issuances, the LTFRB declared that As stated in the Public Service Act, the term “public service”
a TNC is treated as a transport provider, whose covers any person who owns, operates, manages, or controls
accountability commences from the acceptance by in the Philippines, for hire or compensation, with general or
its TNVS while online. On the other hand, the limited clientele, whether permanent, occasional or
accountability of the TNVS, as a common carrier, accidental, and done for general business purposes, any
attaches from the time the TNVS is online and offers common carrier. The Civil Code defines “common earners” in
its services to the riding public. the following terms: Article 1732. Common carriers are
persons, corporations, firms or associations engaged in the
• Meanwhile, on May 26, 2016, DBDOYC registered business of carrying or transporting passengers or goods or
its business with the Securities and Exchange both, by land, water, or air for compensation, offering their
Commission (SEC), and subsequently, in December services to the public.
2016, launched "Angkas," an online and on-
demand motorcycle-hailing mobile application In this relation, DBDOYC posits that its accredited bikers are
(Angkas or Angkas app) that pairs drivers of private carriers as they do not hold out their services
motorcycles with potential passengers without, generally to the public because they cannot just be hailed on
however, obtaining the mandatory certificate of the street as they only contract via the Angkas online front.
TNC accreditation from the LTFRB. In this regard, However, the Court is hard-pressed to rule — at least at this
DBDOYC accredited Angkas drivers and allowed point, and for the purpose of determining the validity of the
them to offer their transport services to the public writ of preliminary injunction — that these bikers are only
despite the absence of CPCs. private carriers who may publicly ply their trade without any
regulation. As the Court observes, the genius behind the
Facts: Ruling:
• Sometime on December 20, 2001, Jesus Fernando A contract of carriage is defined as one whereby a certain
arrived at the LA Airport via Northwest Airlines person or association of persons obligate themselves to
Flight No. NW02 to join his family who flew earlier transport persons, things, or goods from one place to another
to the said place for a reunion for the Christmas for a fixed price. Under Article 1732 of the Civil Code, this
holidays. He was asked by the Immigration Officer “persons, corporations, firms, or associations engaged in the
to have his return ticket verified and validated business of carrying or transporting passengers or goods or
since the date reflected thereon. Instead the both, by land, water, or air, for compensation, offering their
personnel of the respondent merely glanced at his services to the public” is called a common
ticket without checking its status with the computer carrier. Undoubtedly, a contract of carriage existed between
and peremptorily said that the ticket has been used Northwest and the Fernandos. They voluntarily and freely
and could not be considered as valid. He presented gave their consent to an agreement whose object was the
his Elite Platinum World Perks Card but the transportation of the Fernandos from LA to Manila, and
personnel refused to check the validity of the ticket whose cause or consideration was the fare paid by the
in the computer, instead, looked at Jesus Fernando Fernandos to Northwest.
with contempt, then informed the Immigration
Officer that the ticket is not valid. In an action based on a breach of contract of carriage, the
aggrieved party does not have to prove that the common
• The Immigration Officer brought Jesus Fernando to carrier was at fault or was negligent. All that he has to prove
the interrogation room of the Immigration and is the existence of the contract and the fact of its
Naturalization Services (INS) where he was asked nonperformance by the carrier. As the aggrieved party, the
humiliating questions for more than two (2) hours. Fernandos only had to prove the existence of the contract
When he was finally cleared by the Immigration and the fact of its nonperformance by Northwest, as carrier,
Officer, he was granted only a twelve (12)-day in order to be awarded compensatory and actual damages.
stay in the United States (US), instead of the usual Therefore, having proven the existence of a contract of
six (6) months. He further incurred other expenses carriage between Northwest and the Fernandos, and the fact
due to the said incident. of non-performance by Northwest of its obligation as a
common carrier, it is clear that Northwest breached its
• The second incident happened on January 29, contract of carriage with the Fernandos. Thus, Northwest
2002, the Fernandos were on their way back to the opened itself to claims for compensatory, actual, moral and
Philippines. When the Fernandos reached the gate exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and costs of suit.
area where boarding passes need to be
presented, Northwest supervisor Linda Tang Article 1733 of the New Civil Code provides that common
stopped them and demanded for the presentation carriers, from the nature of their business and for reasons of
of their paper tickets. They failed to present the public policy, are bound to observe extraordinary diligence
same since Northwest issued electronic tickets in the vigilance over the goods and for the safety of the
(attached to the boarding passes) which they passengers transported by them, according to all the
showed to the supervisor. The personnel rudely circumstances of each case. Also, Article 1755 of the same
pulled them out of the queue. Elizabeth Fernando Code states that a common carrier is bound to carry the
explained to Linda Tang that the matter could be passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
sorted out by simply verifying their electronic provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons,
tickets in her computer and all she had to do was with due regard for all the circumstances. We, thus, sustain
click and punch in their Elite Platinum World Perks the findings of the CA and the RTC that Northwest committed
Card number. But Linda Tang arrogantly told them a breach of contract “in failing to provide the spouses with
the proper assistance to avoid any inconvenience” and that
Unitrans International Forwarders, Inc. vs. Bureau of Customs (BOC) the Import Entry Internal
<br/>Insurance Company of North America, 896 SCRA Revenue Declaration together with other pertinent
595, G.R. No. 203865 March 13, 2019 documents, as well as to pick up the shipment and
then transport and deliver the said shipment to the
Principle: If the goods are lost, destroyed or deteriorated, consignee's premises in good condition.
common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to have
acted negligently, unless they prove that they observed
extraordinary diligence as required in Article 1733. Issue: Whether or not Unitrans should be held liable. [YES]
Tan vs. Great Harvest Enterprises, Inc., 897 SCRA 586, insisting that she merely accommodated it. Tan also
G.R. No. 220400 March 20, 2019 pointed out that since Great Harvest instructed her
(*J. Leonen) driver to change the point of delivery without her
consent, it should bear the loss brought about by its
Principle: Common carriers are obligated to exercise deviation from the original unloading point.
extraordinary diligence over the goods entrusted to their care.
This is due to the nature of their business, with the public policy • Regional Trial Court of Manila found Karamihan
behind it geared toward achieving allocative efficiency and guilty as an accessory after the fact of theft,...
minimizing the inherently inequitable dynamics between the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City granted Great
parties to the transaction. Harvest's Complaint for sum of money. It found that
Tan entered into a verbal contract of hauling with
Facts: Great Harvest, and held her responsible for her
driver's failure to deliver the soya beans to Great
• Great Harvest hired Tan to transport 430 bags of Harvest.
soya beans worth P230,000.00 from Tacoma
Integrated Port Services, Inc. (Tacoma) in Port Area, • But the Court of Appeals dismissed it in its March
Manila to Selecta Feeds in Camarin, Novaliches, 13, 2015 Decision.
Quezon City.[5] That same day, the bags of soya
beans were loaded into Tan's hauling truck. Her Issue: Whether or not Tan should be held liable. [YES]
employee, Rannie Sultan Cabugatan (Cabugatan),
then delivered the goods to Selecta Feeds.[6] At Ruling:
Selecta Feeds, however, the shipment was rejected.
Upon learning of the rejection, Great Harvest Article 1732 of the Civil Code defines common carriers as
instructed Cabugatan to deliver and unload the “persons, corporations, firms or associations engaged in the
soya beans at its warehouse in Malabon. Yet, the business of carrying or transporting passengers or goods or
truck and its shipment never reached Great both, by land, water or air, for compensation, offering their
Harvest's warehouse. services to the public.” The Civil Code outlines the degree of
diligence required of common carriers in Articles 1733, 1755,
• Great Harvest asked Tan about the missing and 1756: ARTICLE 1733. Common carriers, from the nature
delivery. At first, Tan assured Great Harvest that of their business and for reasons of public policy, are bound
she would verify the whereabouts of its shipment, to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the
but after a series of follow-ups, she eventually goods and for the safety of the passengers transported by
admitted that she could not locate both her truck them, according to all the circumstances of each case. . . . .
and Great Harvest's goods.[8] She reported her ARTICLE 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the
missing truck to the Western Police District Anti- passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
Carnapping Unit and the National Bureau of provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons,
Investigation.[9] On February 19, 1994, the with a due regard for all the circumstances. ARTICLE 1756. In
National Bureau of Investigation informed Tan that case of death of or injuries to passengers, common carriers
her missing truck had been found in Cavite. are presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
However, the truck had been cannibalized and had negligently, unless they prove that they observed
no cargo in it.[10] Tan spent over P200,000.00 to extraordinary diligence as prescribed in Articles 1733 and
have it fixed. 1755.
• Tan filed a Complaint against Cabugatan and Law and economics provide the policy justification of our
Rody Karamihan (Karamihan), whom she accused existing jurisprudence. The extraordinary diligence required
of conspiring with each other to steal the shipment by the law of common carriers is primarily due to the nature
entrusted to her.[12] An Information[13] for theft of their business, with the public policy behind it geared
was filed against Karamihan, while Cabugatan toward achieving allocative efficiency between the parties to
was charged with qualified theft.[14] On March 2, the transaction. Allocative efficiency is an economic term that
1994, Great Harvest, through counsel, sent Tan a describes an optimal market where customers are willing to
letter demanding full payment for the missing bags pay for the goods produced. Thus, both consumers and
of soya beans. On April 26, 1994, it sent her producers benefit and stability is achieved. The notion of
another demand letter. Still, she refused to pay for common carriers is synonymous with public service under
the missing shipment or settle the matter with Great Commonwealth Act No. 146 or the Public Service Act. Due to
Harvest.[15] Thus, on June 2, 1994, Great Harvest the public nature of their business, common carriers are
filed a Complaint for sum of money against compelled to exercise extraordinary diligence since they will
Tan.[16] In her Answer, Tan denied that she be burdened with the externalities or the cost of the
entered into a hauling contract with Great Harvest,
III. COMMON CARRIER OF PASSENGERS The resolution of this case must consider two (2) rules. First,
(Liability for Quasi-Delict) Article 2180’s specification that “[e]mployers shall be liable
for the damages caused by their employees . . . acting within
the scope of their assigned tasks[.]” Second, the operation of
Caravan Travel and Tours International, Inc. vs. Abejar, the registered-owner rule that registered owners are liable
783 SCRA 368, G.R. No. 170631 February 10, 2016 for death or injuries caused by the operation of their vehicles.
(*J. Leonen) These rules appear to be in conflict when it comes to cases in
which the employer is also the registered owner of a vehicle.
Principle: The plaintiff may first prove the employer's ownership Article 2180 requires proof of two things: first, an
of the vehicle involved in a mishap by presenting the vehicle's employment relationship between the driver and the owner;
registration in evidence. Thereafter, a disputable presumption and second, that the driver acted within the scope of his or
that the requirements for an employer's liability under Article her assigned tasks. On the other hand, applying the
21801 of the Civil Code have been satisfied will arise. The registered-owner rule only requires the plaintiff to prove that
burden of evidence then shifts to the defendant to show that no the defendant-employer is the registered owner of the
liability under Article 2180 has ensued. This case, thus, vehicle. The registered-owner rule was articulated as early
harmonizes the requirements of Article 2180, in relation to as 1957 in Erezo, et al. v. Jepte, 102 Phil. 103, where this
Article 21762 of the Civil Code, and the so-called registered- court explained that the registration of motor vehicles, as
owner rule as established in this court's rulings in Aguilar, Sr. v. required by Section 5(a) of Republic Act No. 4136, the Land
Commercial Savings Bank,3Del Carmen, Jr. v. Bacoy,4Filcar Transportation and Traffic Code, was necessary “not to make
Transport Services v. Espinas,5 and Mendoza v. Spouses Gomez. said registration the operative act by which ownership in
vehicles is transferred, . . . but to permit the use and operation
Facts: of the vehicle upon any public highway[.]” Its “main aim . . .
is to identify the owner so that if any accident happens, or
• On July 13, 2000, Jesmariane R. Reyes (Reyes) that any damage or injury is caused by the vehicle on the
was walking along the west-bound lane of public highways, responsibility therefor can be fixed on a
Sampaguita Street, United Parañaque Subdivision definite individual, the registered owner.”
IV, Parañaque City. A Mitsubishi L-300 van with
plate number PKM 195 was travelling along the Aguilar, Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank, 360 SCRA 395
east-bound lane, opposite Reyes. To avoid an (2001), Del Carmen, Jr. v. Bacoy, 671 SCRA 91 (2012), Filcar
incoming vehicle, the van swerved to its left and hit Transport Services v. Espinas, 674 SCRA 117 (2012), and
Reyes. Alex Espinosa (Espinosa), a witness to the Mendoza v. Spouses Gomez, 726 SCRA 505 (2014), should
accident, went to her aid and loaded her in the not be taken to mean that Article 2180 of the Civil Code
back of the van. Espinosa told the driver of the van, should be completely discarded in cases where the
Jimmy Bautista (Bautista), to bring Reyes to the registered-owner rule finds application. As acknowledged
hospital. Instead of doing so, Bautista appeared to in Filcar, there is no categorical statutory pronouncement in
have left the van parked inside a nearby the Land Transportation and Traffic Code stipulating the
subdivision with Reyes still in the van. Fortunately liability of a registered owner. The source of a registered
for Reyes, an unidentified civilian came to help and owner’s liability is not a distinct statutory provision, but
drove Reyes to the hospital. remains to be Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code:
While Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land Transportation and
• Upon investigation, it was found that the registered Traffic Code does not contain any provision on the liability of
owner of the van was Caravan. Caravan is a registered owners in case of motor vehicle mishaps, Article
corporation engaged in the business of organizing 2176, in relation with Article 2180, of the Civil Code imposes
travels and tours.[20] Bautista was Caravan's an obligation upon Filcar, as registered owner, to answer for
employee assigned to drive the van as its service the damages caused to Espinas’ car. Thus, it is imperative to
driver. apply the registered-owner rule in a manner that harmonizes
it with Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code. Rules must
be construed in a manner that will harmonize them with other
• Caravan shouldered the hospitalization expenses
rules so as to form a uniform and consistent system of
of Reyes. Despite medical attendance, Reyes died
jurisprudence. In light of this, the words used in Del
two (2) days after the accident.
Carmen are particularly notable. There, this court stated that
Article 2180 “should defer to” the registered-owner rule. It
never stated that Article 2180 should be totally abandoned.
Issue: Whether or not Caravan should be held liable for the
negligence of its employee Bautista. [YES]
The appropriate approach is that in cases where both the
registered-owner rule and Article 2180 apply, the plaintiff
must first establish that the employer is the registered owner
of the vehicle in question. Once the plaintiff successfully
• Approximately 10 minutes later, the same cargo In civil cases, Vivian is only required to establish her claim by
truck returned to the wharf. Again, fellow a preponderance of evidence. Allowing testimonial evidence
passengers from M/B Island Traders started to prove loss of earning capacity is consistent with the nature
embarking it. This time, Rodolfo, Monalisa, of civil actions.[68] Rule 133, Section 1 of the Rules of Court
Johanna, and Abellana also boarded it. Abellana provides:
was seated in front, while Rodolfo and his
daughters were with the rest of the passengers at Section 1. Preponderance of evidence, how determined. —
the back of the truck. Because there were no In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must
proper seats at the back of the truck, the 30 or establish his case by a preponderance of evidence. In
more passengers were either standing or sitting on determining where the preponderance or superior weight of
their bags. evidence on the issues involved lies, the court may consider
all the facts and circumstances of the case, the witnesses'
• While passengers were getting on the truck, manner of testifying, their intelligence, their means and
Simolde called Felix Caballes (Caballes), the opportunity of knowing the facts to which they are testifying,
official truck driver. Caballes approached Simolde the nature of the facts to which they testify, the probability
but left the engine running. While Simolde and or improbability of their testimony, their interest or want of
Caballes were talking, Generoso Aparra, Jr. interest, and also their personal credibility so far as the same
(Aparra), Simolde's chief diesel mechanic, started may legitimately appear upon the trial. The court may also
driving the truck. Upon seeing the truck move, consider the number of witnesses, though the preponderance
Caballes rushed to the truck and sat beside is not necessarily with the greater number.
Aparra. However, instead of taking control of the
vehicle, Caballes allowed Aparra to drive. In determining if this quantum of proof is met, this Court is not
required to exclusively consider documentary evidence:
• Shortly thereafter, Aparra maneuvered the truck to
the right side of the road to avoid hitting a parked
Nothing in the Rules of Court requires that only documentary should an employer be allowed to testify on the amount she
evidence is allowed in civil cases. All that is required is the was paying her deceased employee.
satisfaction of the quantum of evidence, that is,
preponderance of evidence. In addition, the Civil Code does
not prohibit a claim for loss of earning capacity on the basis
that it is not proven by documentary evidence.
Principle: The law sanctions the award of temperate damages in • Major Karaan attested he saw life rafts secured to
case of insufficiency of evidence of actual loss suffered. the vessel when he boarded the same.
Facts: • Napoleon, likewise a retired soldier and
passenger of the ill-fated M/V Princess of the
• Respondents Major Victorio Karaan (Major Orient, testified that about 10:45 p.m., he heard a
Karaan), Napoleon Labrague (Napoleon) and loud sound coming from below the deck. It sounded
Herminia Labrague (Herminia) (Spouses like a container van falling and thereafter, the
Labrague), and Ely Liva (Liva) were passengers of vessel lifted to its side. He woke his wife Herminia,
M/V Princess of the Orient owned by petitioner their eight (8) year old daughter, Karen Hope, and
Sulpicio Lines, Inc. (now known as Philippine Span their helper Liva and got them life jackets before
Asia Carrier Corporation) when it sank on moving out to the stairway. They held on to the
September 18, 1998 somewhere between Cavite gangplank near the stairway while water was
and Batangas, near Fortune Island. rushing inside the ship. During those times, no vessel
crew could be seen. Oil was dripping from the
• On June 30, 1999, respondents lodged a ship's hull and when the ship was about to sink, they
Complaint based on breach of contract of carriage jumped into the sea. He was then holding his
against petitioner praying for various amounts of daughter but waves struck them apart. He was
damages as passengers/survivors of the sinking of able to grab a life raft loaded with three (3) other
petitioner's vessel. passengers. He heard his wife calling for help and
lifted her to the raft but he lost touch of their
• During trial, the respondents was presented as daughter. They were rescued the next day at
witnesses. Their testimonies were summarized by about 12:30 noon. They were then brought to the
the CA as follows: Municipal Hall where they were fed and then to
the SLI office at the port area where they were
• Major Karaan, a retired soldier, deposed that at given clothes. Their daughter's lifeless body was
about 8:00p.m. on September 18, 1998, he recovered in Tanza, Cavite. Consequently, he felt
boarded M/V Princess of the Orient bound for very sad consdering that she was their only child.
Cebu City from Manila. He was at Cabin No. 601 He also lost P26,000.00 cash and a video camera.
along with another passenger. The travel
commenced smoothly although there was a typhoon • Herminia affirmed Napoleon's recount of events.
at that time. However, about two (2) hours after, She recalled that while sleeping, she heard a loud
while he was lying in his cabin, he heard a loud sound and the things inside their cabin started to
sound which lasted for about 30 minutes. It sounded fall. That was when her husband woke them up.
like something heavy fell somewhere below the They wore their life jackets and tried to contact the
cabin. Then, the ship started to tilt, the lights went ships's crew through the intercom but to no avail.
out and the engine shut down. He went out of his Since the ship continued to capsize, they decided
cabin and saw the passengers already panicking. to go out to the upper deck but could not make it
He saw no SLI crew assisting them. He went to the because of the oil spilling all over them. They
upper level where he grabbed a life jacket. He instead went down and seeing that the water was
stayed there until the ship eventually sank. He went already inside the ship, they dived into the sea.
with the ship underwater but was able to swim They were separated from each other when a big
therefrom and hold on to a life raft. He could not wave hit them. Nobody was there to help them nor
see much at that time as it was very dark and the was there any order to abandon the ship. She was
rain poured heavily. He was rescued by a chopper able to take hold of the raft but they could not use
at about 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon of the next its broken paddle. The raft had medicines but they
day after being in the water for about 15 hours. chose not to use them as they could not read the
Estrada vs. Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc., 831 SCRA results, or it is proved that the carrier was guilty of
349, G.R. No. 203902 July 19, 2017 fraud or bad faith, even if death does not result.
The CA held that there was no evidence on record
Principle: Moral damages, as a general rule, are not recoverable indicative of fraud or bad faith on Philippine
in actions for damages predicated on breach of contract. Rabbit's part. Bad faith should be established by
However, as an exception, such damages are recoverable in clear and convincing evidence. Further, the CA
cases in which the mishap results in the death of a passenger and ruled that the driver may not be held liable under
in cases in which the carrier is guilty of fraud or bad faith. the contract of carriage as he is not a party to the
same. As such, the CA modified the RTC decision
Facts: and held that Philippine Rabbit as solely and
exclusively liable for actual damages and deleted
• A mishap occurred, between a passenger bus, the award of moral damages and attorney's fees.
driven by one Saylan and owned by Philippine
Rabbit Bus, Lines, Inc. and an Isuzu truck driven by Issue: Whether or not the decision of the CA was correct?
Urez and registered in the name of Cuyton. Before [YES]
the collision, the bus was following closely a
jeepney. When the jeepney stopped, the bus Ruling:
suddenly swerved to the left encroaching upon the
rightful lane of the Isuzu truck, which resulted in the Under Article 2219 of the Civil Code, moral damages are
collision of the two vehicles. Estrada, who was recoverable in the following and analogous cases: (a) a
an1ong the passengers of the bus, as evidenced by criminal offense resulting in physical injuries; (b) quasi-delicts
the ticket issued to him, was injured on his right arm causing physical injuries; (c) seduction, abduction, rape or
(which had to be amputated) as a consequence of other lascivious acts; (d) adultery or concubinage; (e) illegal
the accident. For the treatment of his injury, he or arbitrary detention or arrest; (f) illegal search; (g) libel,
incurred expenses as evidenced by various slander, or any other form of defamation; (h) malicious
receipts. prosecution; (i) acts mentioned in Article 309.
• Estrada then filed complaint for damages in the Since breach of contract is not one of the items enumerated
RTC for the injury that he sustained. He argued that under Article 2219, moral damages, as a general rule, are
pursuant to the contract of carriage between him not recoverable in actions for damages predicated on breach
and Philippine Rabbit, respondents were duty- of contract. However, as an exception, such damages are
bound to carry him safely as far as human care recoverable in cases in which the mishap results in the death
and foresight can provide, with utmost diligence of of a passenger and in cases in which the carrier is guilty of
a very cautious person, and with due regard for all fraud or bad faith.
the circumstances. However, through the fault and
negligence of Philippine Rabbit's driver, It is obvious that this case does not come under the first of the
respondents failed to transport him safely and abovementioned exceptions since Estrada did not die in the
resulted in the amputation of his right arm.The RTC mishap but merely suffered an injury. Nevertheless, Estrada
ruled in favour of Estrada wherein it found that contends that it falls under the second category since they
Saylan was negligent in driving the bus. The RTC aver that Philippine Rabbit is guilty of fraud or bad faith.
also held Philippine Rabbit jointly and severally
liable with Saylan in paying for moral and actual It has been held, however, that "allegations of bad faith and
damages, and attorney’s fees. fraud must be proved by clear and convincing
evidence."They are never presumed considering that they are
• On appeal, Philippine Rabbit imputed error upon serious accusations that can be so conveniently and casually
the RTC in granting moral damages. It argued that invoked. And unless convincingly substantiated by whoever is
moral damages are not recoverable in an action alleging them, they amount to mere slogans or mudslinging.
for damages predicated on breach of contract
except when death results or when the carrier is In this case, the fraud or bad faith that must be convincingly
guilty of fraud or bad faith. Since none of the two proved by petitioners should be one which was committed by
aforementioned circumstances are present in this Philippine Rabbit in breaching its contract of carriage with
case, Philippine Rabbit contended that it is Eduardo Estrada. Unfortunately for petitioners, the Court finds no
alone who should be held civilly liable. persuasive proof of such fraud or bad faith.
JUDITH D. DARINES AND JOYCE D. DARINES v. The principle that, in an action for breach of contract of
PRESENT: EDUARDO QUIÑONES AND carriage, moral damages may be awarded only in case (1)
ROLANDO QUITAN an accident results in the death of a passenger; or (2) the
G.R. No. 206468, August 02, 2017, FIRST DIVISION, DEL carrier is guilty of fraud or bad faith, is pursuant to Article
CASTILLO, J. 1764, in relation to Article 2206(3) of the Civil Code, and
Article 2220 thereof, as follows:
Principle: An action for breach of contract of carriage, moral Article 1764. Damages in cases comprised in this Section shall
damages may be awarded only in case (1) an accident results be awarded in accordance with Title XVIII of this Book,
in the death of a passenger; or (2) the carrier is guilty of fraud concerning Damages. Article 2206 shall also apply to the death
or bad faith, is pursuant to Article 1764, in relation to Article of a passenger caused by the breach of contract by a common
2206(3) of the Civil Code, and Article 2220 thereof. To award carrier. (Emphasis supplied)
moral damages for breach of contract, therefore, without proof
of bad faith or malice on the part of the defendant, as required Article 2206. The amount of damages for death caused by a
by [Article 2220 of the Civil Code], would be to violate the crime or quasi-delict shall be at least three thousand pesos, even
clear provisions of the law, and constitute unwarranted judicial though there may have been mitigating circumstances. In
legislation. addition: (3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants
and ascendants of the deceased may demand moral damages
Facts: for mental anguish by reason of the death of the deceased.
• Judith D. Darines and her daughter, Joyce D. Article 2220. Willful injury to property may be a legal ground
Darines alleged in their that they boarded the for awarding moral damages if the court should find that, under
Amianan Bus Line as paying passengers en route the circumstances, such damages are justly due. The same rule
from Carmen, Rosales, Pangasinan to Baguio City. applies to breaches of contract where the defendant acted
Respondent Rolando M. Quitan was the driver of fraudulently or in bad faith. (Emphasis supplied)
the bus. While travelling on Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet
along Kennon Road, the bus crashed into a truck The aforesaid concepts of fraud or bad faith and negligence
which was parked on the shoulder of Kennon Road. are basic as they are distinctly differentiated by law.
As a result, both vehicles were damaged; two Specifically, fraud or bad faith connotes "deliberate or
passengers of the bus died; and the other wanton wrong doing" or such deliberate disregard of
passengers, including petitioners, were injured. contractual obligations while negligence amounts to sheer
Joyce suffered cerebral concussion while Judith carelessness. Fraud includes "inducement through insidious
had an eye wound which required an operation. machination." In turn, insidious machination refers to such
deceitful strategy or such plan with an evil purpose. On the
• Petitioners argued that Quitan and respondent other hand, bad faith does not merely pertain to bad
Eduardo Quinones, the operator of Amianan Bus judgment or negligence but relates to a dishonest purpose,
Line, breached their contract of carriage as they and a deliberate doing of a wrongful act. Bad faith involves
failed to bring them safely to their destination. "breach of a known duty through some motive or interest or
They also contended that Quitan's reckless and ill will that partakes of the nature of fraud."
negligent driving caused the collision.
Consequently, they prayed for actual, moral, In other cases, the Court disallowed the recovery of moral
exemplary and temperate damages, and costs of damages in actions for breach of contract for lack of showing
suit. that the common carrier committed fraud or bad faith in
performing its obligation. Similarly, the Court did not also
• For their part, Quinones and Quitan disputed that, grant moral damages in an action for breach of contract as
during the incident, Quitan was driving in a careful, there was neither allegation nor proof that the common
prudent, and dutiful manner at the normal speed carrier committed fraud or bad faith. The Court declared that
of 40 kilometers per hour. According to them, the "[t]o award moral damages for breach of contract, therefore,
proximate cause of the incident was the negligence without proof of bad faith or malice on the part of the
of the truck driver, who parked the truck at the defendant, as required by [Article 2220 of the Civil Code],
roadside right after the curve without having would be to violate the clear provisions of the law, and
installed any early warning device. constitute unwarranted judicial legislation.
Issue: Whether or not award of moral damages may be The Court also sustains the CA's finding that petitioners are
recovered in this case. [NO] not entitled to exemplary damages. Pursuant to Articles 2229
and 2234 of the Civil Code, exemplary damages may be
Ruling: awarded only in addition to moral, temperate, liquidated, or
compensatory damages. Since petitioners are not entitled to
either moral, temperate, liquidated, or compensatory
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