Assignment 1

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Name : Eni Widiya Astuti

NIM : 2017002082

Class : 8C

1. Write down your title and provide reasons for choosing the topic.

Title: An Analysis of The Expressive Speech Act in The Ron Clark Story (2006)

The reason why I choose this topic because studying expressive speech act is
important because the readers can study the relationship between the speaker and
listener in doing communication. Also, they can know about many kinds of expressive
speech acts. The media that the researcher choose is a movie. The reason because
watching a movie it’s interesting. So that the audience who watch the movie does not
feel bored in learning. The movie that I choose is The Ron Clark Story (2006) Movie.
This movie is talked a teacher who left his small town to teach in New York, but he
has a problem with the naughty students at the school. This movie is based on a true
story. So, the researcher hopes the reader can understand the speech act especially
expressive speech act and many kinds of speech act using The Ron Clark Story (2006)
Movie as media.

2. Read 3 articles or research reports related to your topic.  Summarize the articles
briefly. Your summary should cover the following aspects:

1. Article 1


b. Background and purpose of the study/research:

The background of the study/research are:

In doing communication, we have to understand between the speaker and

the listener. One of the tools is can use of speech act. The speech act is about a
relationship between what the speaker means, what the speaker intends, and
also what the listener understands. According to [ CITATION Joh69 \l 1033 ],
there are five types of speech acts: representives, comisive, directive,
expressive and declaration. This researcher will be a focus on expressive
speech acts. According to [ CITATION Yul96 \l 1033 ], expressive act is a
kind of speech acts that states what the speaker feels. It means the expressive
act is one way to know about the speaker’s feels in doing communication. In
the research, the researcher will analyze the expressive speech act using a
movie, the reasons because the movie as media can make the reader
understand expressive speech act and the social function of the expressive act
with the way. The movie that is used is La La Land Movie. The researcher
chooses La La Land Movie because the genre of this movie is drama musical,
as we know that drama shows more emotions than horror, action, or comedy.
So that the researcher chooses that movie to identify the expressive speech act.

The purpose of the study/research are: This research focuses on the

illocutionary especially expressive speech act. It describes what the speaker
feels about the state of affairs in sincerity condition and the social relationship
between the speaker and the listener. Also, this research purpose is to describe
the types of expressive speech act as found in La La Land Movie and to know
the social functions of expressive speech act as found in La La Land Movie.

c. Theories: Using Searle (1976) and Norrick’s (1978) theories.

d. Methodology: type of research, data and source of data, technique of data

collection, instrument, data analysis technique:

The type of research that the researcher used is a qualitative approach.

A qualitative approach is used by the researcher to analyze the expressive acts
that occurred in the La La Land Movies. The data of the research is contained
the expressive speech act in La La Land Movies. The source of data is from
the original DVD and all of the utterances in the text draft contained in La La
Land Movies. The researcher used the field notes and movie transcript as
techniques of data collection. The researcher itself as an instrument of the
research, the researcher spent her time watching the movie and field the notes
of subtitles of La La Land Movie. The data analysis technique is the researcher
matched the field notes/subtitle with the movies and matched the hours,
minutes, and second when the utterances were spoken, then understanding and
analyzing the movie to find out the expressive act. They were used to identify
the utterances which possible to analyze, with used observation, and content
analysis to conduct the research.

e. Findings: The result of this research showed that there were 35 utterances
consisting of expressive speech act. Some of the expressive types appeared
except expressive speech act of condoling thus their social function.

2. Article 2



b. Background and purpose of the study/research:

The background of the study/research are:

Pragmatics is important in doing communication. According to

[ CITATION PGr06 \l 1033 ], pragmatics is a branch of linguistics which
concerns with the use of patterns in meaningful communication. It means,
pragmatic is the part of linguistic that has a function in doing communication.
One of type linguistic is a speech act. A speech acts is the use of language in
relation to the context, the attitude of the speaker, and its effect on the hearer.
According to [ CITATION Yul96 \l 1033 ], speech acts are actions which are
performed via utterances. The kinds of expressive speech acts are apologizing,
blaming, congratulating, greeting, introductions, praising, thanking. It means,
that speech acts are divided into seven types, they are apologizing, blaming,
congratulating, greeting, introductions, praising, and thanking. Studying
speech acts can know the understanding human conversation. So, the people
can avoid the problem of their life. The movie that the researcher used is the
Venom Movie. The movie tells the story of a journalist whose life has changed
drastically since he entered the body of Eddie and he has super powers like a
spider-man. In this research, the researcher hopes that by watching Venom
Movie, the people can know more about daily conversation and understand
more about pragmatic especially be able to develop the research of linguistic.
Watching Venom Movie also helps to know about the types and meanings of
expressive speech acts.
The purpose of the study/research are: (1) To identify the kinds of expressive
speech act found in Venom Movie. (2) To identify the types speech act of
found in Venom Movie.

c. Theories: Using Searle (1976) theories.

d. Methodology: type of research, data and source of data, technique of data

collection, instrument, data analysis technique:

The type of research that the researcher used is the descriptive

qualitative method. The data of the research is contained analyze the
expressive acts in Venom Movies. The source of data is from Venom Movies.
For the technique of data collection, the researcher uses noting techniques as
the methods for collecting data. The instrument of the research, researcher
download the movie, watching the movie, rereading subtitles in the movie,
reading script in the movie, and writes the meaning of expressive speech acts
in the movie. The data analysis technique is the researcher uses descriptive
methods as the methods of analyzing data. The process of analyzing data
consist of four processes, namely: applying the theories, classifying, finding,
making a conclusion.

e. Findings: The result of this research showed that the researcher finds seven
expressive used, they are: apologizing, blaming, congratulating, greeting,
introducting, praising, and thanking. Introductions are as many as 4 data,
apologizing and praising is as many as three, blaming and greeting is only one,
and thanking is only two, the expressive speech act that is often used in the
Venom Movie is introductions expressive speech act. Also, the researcher
finds only five types of speech acts. They are declaration, commisive,
representative, expressive, and directive. Expressive speech acts are found in
the movie as many as six. Meanwhile, declaration found in the movie is only
three data, commisive found in the movie is only three data, and representative
found in the movie is only two data, and directive found in the movie is only
three data. The types of expressive speech act are found in the movie are only
three data.

3. Article 3

b. Background and purpose of the study/research:

The background of the study/research are:

Language is important in doing communicating with each other.

According to [ CITATION Yul96 \l 1033 ], in expressing themselves, the
result of each person’s speech contains not only the structure of the language
and words, but also the actions which are called speech acts. It means the
speech act is not only divided into language and words but also action on it.
With knowing speech act, people can more easily communicate with other
people. In this research, the researcher chooses to analyze expressive speech
acts in the movie. The type of speech act in expressive speech act like
greeting, thanking, complimenting, wishing, congratulating, and apologizing.
The media that the researcher chooses to analyze expressive speech acts is a
movie, the movie that the researcher choose is found in the Crazy Rich Asians
Movie. This is an American romantic comedy movie directed by Jon M.Chu,
from a screenplay by Peter Chiarellie and Adele Lim in 2018. So, with
knowing the speech act from the movie, the researcher hopes that the people
can know about many types of speech acts and knowing about communication

The purpose of the study/research are: To find out the types of expressive
speech act used by the characters and the communication strategies used in the
Crazy Rich Asians Movie.

c. Theories: Using Searle (1976) theories.

d. Methodology: type of research, data and source of data, technique of data

collection, instrument, data analysis technique:

The type of research that the researcher used is the qualitative method.
The data of the research were taken from the movie in terms of speech acts
uttered by the characters that refer to expressive speech acts. The source of
data is the movie entitle Crazy Rich Asians, it is a romantic, comedy genre
movie. The technique of Data Collection, first watching the movie, observing,
and writing all the expressive speech acts in the movie and matched them with
the movie transcripts. The data analysis technique is the researcher use
qualitative methods as the methods of analyzing data. The researcher
classified, analyzed, and interpreted the data analysis to get the results or

e. Findings: The result of this research showed that there is the expression of
thanking mostly appear from this analysis because the expressive speech acts
of gratitude or “thanking” are often used in communication, not always thank
you for being given something, but thanks for what people have done to us
and many others. From the result, the writer concludes that the expressive
speech acts used depends on the theme of the movie. Then, from all the
expressive speech act data, the researcher found that there are three
communication strategies used by the characters in the movie, such as bald on
record, positive politeness, and negative politeness. In the politeness strategy,
the dominant sub-strategy used by the characters is Give gift to H (goods,
sympathy, understanding, cooperation) strategy with eighty-nine data. On the
other hand, the negative politeness sub-strategies used are only eighteen data,
namely negative politeness apologize and the last bald on record only one
data, namely cases of non-minimization of the face threat.

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