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epublic of tbe l}bilipptnes

71Bepartment of Qfbucation

SEP O 5 2012
No. 7 3 , s. 2012
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division / City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools

1. Effective School Year (SY) 2012-2013, the standards-based assessment and

rating system shall be implemented to support the progressive roll-out starting with
Grades 1 and 7 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in public and private
elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

2. The guidelines for the assessment and rating of learning outcomes are
contained in the following enclosures:

Enclosure No. 1 General Guidelines for the Assessment and Rating

of Learning Outcomes
Enclosure No. 2 Prototype Rubrics for the Different Levels
of Assessment
Enclosure No. 3 Prototype Formative and Summative Assessment Tools
Enclosure No. 4 Sample Assessment Matrices for Grade 7 Learning
Enclosure No. 5 Guidelines for Assessing Learning Outcomes
for Grade 1
Enclosure No. 6 Sample Assessment Matrices and Rubrics for Grade 1
Enclosure No. 7 Sample Report Card (Grades 1 and 7)

3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


Ends.: As stated
Reference: DepEd Order: No. 31, s. 2012
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:

R-Rhea/ DO-Guidelines on the Assessment
.. August 14, 2012

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 fj 633-7208/6337228/632-1361 1'636-4876/ 637-6209 4 www.deped.gov.ph
(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


A. Philosophy
Assessment shall be used primarily as a quality assurance tool to track student progress in
the attainment of standards, promote self-reflection and personal accountability for one's
learning, and provide a basis for the profiling of student performance.

B. Nature and Purpose of Assessment

Assessment shall be holistic, with emphasis on the formative or developmental purpose of
quality assuring student learning. It is also standards-based as it seeks to ensure that teachers
will teach to the standards and students will aim to meet or even exceed the standards. The
students' attainment of standards in terms of content and performance is, therefore, a critical
evidence of learning.

C. Levels of Assessment
The attainment of learning outcomes as defined in the standards shall be the basis for the
quality assurance of learning using formative assessments. They shall also be the focus of the
summative assessments and shall be the basis for grading at the end of instruction.
The learning outcomes are defined by level: knowledge; process or skill; understanding; and
products and performances. These levels shall be the outcomes reflected in the class record
and shall be given corresponding percentage weights as follows:

Level of Assessment Percentage Weight

Knowledge 15%
Process or skills 25%
Understanding(s) 30%
Products/Performances 30%
Total 100%

The levels of assessment are defined as follows:

1. Knowledge - the substantive content of the curriculum, the facts and

information that the student acquires
2. Process - skills or cognitive operations that the student performs on facts
and information for the purpose of constructing meanings or understandings

3. Understandings - enduring big ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to
the discipline, which may be assessed using the facets of understanding or other
indicators of understanding which may be specific to the discipline
4. Products/ Performances - real-life application of understanding as evidenced by
the student's performance of authentic tasks

D. Use of Multiple Measures

The assessment of student performance does not specify such factors as quizzes,
participation, projects, periodical tests, and homework, but considers these as tools or
measures for the different levels of assessment. The following are some of the tools for the
different levels of assessment:

1. The assessment at the knowledge level should answer the questions: What do
we want students to know? How do we want them to express or provide
evidence of what they know?

This level may be assessed using traditional measures (e.g., paper-and-pencil

tests using multiple choice, true-false, or matching type of tests) if the intention
is to find out students' knowledge of specific facts and information. But if the
purpose is to determine if students' knowledge of facts and information is of
sufficient breadth and depth to develop understanding, then the constructed
response type of assessment will be useful. For the latter, the use of rubric as a
scoring guide will be appropriate.

2. The assessment at the process or skills level should answer the questions: What
do we want students to do with what they know? How do we want them to
provide evidence of what they can do with what they know?

This level may be assessed by asking learners to outline, organize, analyze,

interpret, translate, convert, or express the information in another form or
format; draw analogies; construct graphs, models, flowcharts and mind maps or
graphic organizers; or transform a textual presentation into a diagram. They may
also be asked to draw or paint pictures, or do role plays to represent or express
creatively their sense of the facts and information. Assessment, in this regard,
may focus on how logically, analytically, or critically students make sense of or
process the information, or use it.

There are skills or processes that are germane to specific subject areas, which
the teacher is in a better position to assess by using the appropriate tool or
technology. Listening to a dialogue to get details, for example, is a skill that the
language teacher may assess by playing a recorded conversation and asking
students to process what they have heard by listing down the details. In TLE or
Tech-Voe, students may be asked to demonstrate the appropriate and safe use
of hand tools after being taught the use of such tools.

3. The next level of assessment focuses on the meanings or understandings that

students themselves make or develop. Assessment at this level should answer
the questions: What do we want students to understand? How do we want them
to provide evidence of their understanding?

The assessment should be able to draw from the students the meaning or
meanings they have made or their own understanding, which may be expressed
using any of the facets of understanding (e.g. explain, interpret, apply, give
perspective, show empathy, and self-knowledge) or any other appropriate
manifestation of understanding as applied in specific subject areas.

4. The highest level of assessment focuses on the products or performances which

students are expected to produce through authentic performance tasks. The
assessment at this level should answer the question: What product(s) or
performance(s) do we want students to produce as evidence of their learning or
understanding? Or, How do we want them to provide evidence that they can use
or transfer their learning to real-life situations?

Products or performances should be reflective of what we want students to be

able to do with their learning. They are evidence of what we want students to
tell us or demonstrate to us about the use in real life that they can make of what
they have learned in our subjects. Being able to make a diorama, for example, is
not a product or performance that we would expect our students to tell us they
have learned in Araling Panlipunan.

The teacher shouldn't prescribe how students will express or provide evidence of
their learning or understanding. Students should be given the freedom to
express their learning in appropriate ways. For example, doing advocacy for a
legitimate cause is a product or performance that we would expect our students
in Araling Panlipunan to be able to do as a demonstration of their understanding
of poverty among agricultural settlers. But the teacher doesn't have to prescribe
how doing advocacy should be expressed or demonstrated.
A good model for assessment at this level is GRASPS (McTighe and Wiggins,
2005). An example using GRASPS is provided in the Enclosure on Prototype
Formative and Summative Assessment Tools.

E. Use of Feedback
Results of the assessment across levels should be fed back immediately to the students,
consistent with the principle of assessment as learning. Students need to learn from the results
of the assessment so they know what to improve further, and then they can plan strategically
how they can address any learning deficiency.

F. Levels of Proficiency
The performance of students shall be described in the report card, based on the following
levels of proficiency:

a. Beginning (B) - The student at this level struggles with his/her understanding;
prerequisite and fundamental knowledge and/or skills have not been acquired or
developed adequately to aid understanding.
b. Developing (D) - The student at this level possesses the minimum knowledge and
skills and core understandings, but needs help throughout the performance of
authentic tasks.
c. Approaching Proficiency (AP) - The student at this level has developed the
fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and, with little guidance
from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer these
understandings through authentic performance tasks.
d. Proficient (P) - The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge
and skills and core understandings, and can transfer them independently through
authentic performance tasks.
e. Advanced (A) - The student at this level exceeds the core requirements in terms of
knowledge, skills and understandings, and can transfer them automatically and
flexibly through authentic performance tasks.

The level of proficiency at which the student is performing shall be based on a numerical
value which is arrived at after summing up the results of the student's performance on
the various levels of assessment. The numerical values are as follows:

Level of Proficiency Equivalent Numerical Value

Beginning 74% and below
Developing 75-79%
Approaching Proficiency 80-84%
Proficient 85-89%
Advanced 90% and above
The equivalent level of proficiency as abbreviated below shall appear in the report card:

B for Beginning;
D for Developing;
AP for Approaching Proficiency;
P for Proficient; and
A for Advanced.

The Final Grade at the end of the four quarters shall be reported as the average of the four
quarterly ratings, expressed in terms of the level of proficiency.

G. Promotion and Retention

Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. Students whose proficiency
level is Beginning (B) at the end of the quarter or grading period shall be required to
undergo remediation after class hours so that they can immediately catch up as they
move to the next grading period. If by the end of the school year, the students are still
at the Beginning level, then they shall be required to take summer classes.
(Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


A. Knowledge (15%)

Knowledge or information acquired by the student may be assessed based on relevance and
Adequacy of data/information to firm up and
Relevance of data/information acquired 8% 7%
deepen understanding

Data/information acquired are completely relevant 8% Data/information are completely adequate to 7%

to the development of understanding. firm up and deepen understanding.

Data/information acquired are to a great extent 6-7% Data/information are to a great extent 5-6%
relevant to the development of understanding. adequate to firm up and deepen understanding.

Data/information are to some extent relevant to 4-5% Data/information are to some extent adequate 3-4%
the development of understanding. to firm up and deepen understanding.
Data/information are of very little relevance to the Data/information are very inadequate to firm
development of understanding. 2-3% up and deepen understanding. 1-2%

B. Skills (25%)

Skills as evidenced by the student's ability to process and make sense of information, and
may be assessed based on the following criteria:

Understanding of Content (10%) 10% Critical Thinking (15%)

The student understands completely the full Strong The student demonstrates deep analytical Strong
content required by the task and can undertake (8-10%) processing of information and can perform (13-15%)
with a great deal of competence processes such as with a great deal of competence processes
the following: such as the following:

• Distinguish (whatever is appropriate to the • Interpret; translate; convert, or express

subject) between relevant and irrelevant the information (such as a set of
content; between fact and fiction; between fact statistics) into another form or format or
and opinion; between fact and hearsay; transform a textual presentation into a
between truth and propaganda; between what flowchart, diagram, advance organizer,
is important and unimportant; between etc.
and inaccurate content, etc. between the lines

• Outline the content at the required level of detail • Reason logically, coherently

• Organize the information coherently, logically

• Demonstrate or perform a procedure (e.g.,

experiment, investigate, construct . . .,use. .
., make. . ., etc.)

The student demonstrates fairly analytical Moderately

processing of information and can perform Strong
with some competence processes such as (10-12%)
the following:

• Interpret; translate; convert, or express

the information (such as a set of
statistics) into another form or format or
a textual presentation into a flowchart ,
diagram, advance organizer, etc.

• Draw insights; see beyond the data;

read between the lines

• Reason logically, coherently

The student understands the minimum content Developing Developing
required by the task and can undertake with some (S-7%)
The student demonstrates little analytical
competence processes such as the following: processing of information and strives to
perform processes such as the following:
• Distinguish (whatever is appropriate to the
subject) between relevant and irrelevant
• Interpret; translate; convert, or express
content; between fact and fiction; between fact
the information (such as a set of
and opinion; between fact and hearsay; between
statistics) into another form or format or
truth and propaganda; between what is
transform a textual presentation into a
important and unimportant; between accurate
flowchart , diagram, advance organizer,
and inaccurate content, etc.
• Outline the content at the required level of detail

• Organize the information coherently, logically • Draw insights; see beyond the data;
read between the lines
• Demonstrate or perform a procedure (e.g.,
experiment, investigate, construct . . .,use. .
• Reason logically, coherently
., make. . .,etc.)

The student understands very little of the Weak Weak

minimum content required by the task and has (2-4%) The student demonstrates very little (4-6%)
great difficulty undertaking processes such as analytical processing of information and

following: has great difficulty performing processes

• Distinguish (whatever is appropriate to the such as the following:

subject) between relevant and irrelevant

• Interpret; translate; convert, or express
content; between fact and fiction; between fact
the information (such as a set of
and opinion; between fact and hearsay; between
statistics) into another form or format or
truth and propaganda; between what is
transform a textual presentation into a
important and unimportant; between accurate
flowchart , diagram, advance organizer,
and inaccurate content, etc.
• Outline the content at the required level of detail

• Organize the information coherently, logically • Draw insights; see beyond the data;
read between the lines
• Demonstrate or perform a procedure
(e.g., experiment, investigate, construct . .
• Reason logically, coherently
.,use. . ., make. . ., etc.)

The student can barely demonstrate Very Weak

analytical processing of information and (1-3%)
cannot perform processes such as the

• Interpret; translate; convert, or express

the information (such as a set of
statistics) into another form or format or
transform a textual presentation into a
flowchart ,diagram, advance organizer,

• Draw insights; see beyond the data;

read between the lines

• Reason logically, coherently

C. Understanding(s) (30%}

Understanding as expressed using any three of the six facets of understanding: Explanation,
Interpretation, Application, Empathy, Perspective, and Self-knowledge, or any other discipline
based manifestation or indicator of understanding. The facets are explained (adapted from the
paper, "Understanding by Design Framework in the Philippines" by McTighe and Grant Wiggins,
p.5) as follows: When students understand they can
• explain concepts, principles, and processes by putting them in their own words,
teaching them to others, justifying their answers and showing their reasoning;
• interpret by making sense of data, text, and experience through images, analogies,
stories and models;
• apply by effectively using and adapting what they know in new and complex contexts;
• demonstrate perspective by seeing the big picture and recognizing different points of
• display empathy by perceiving sensitively and putting one's self in someone else's
• have self-knowledge by showing meta-cognitive awareness, using productive habits of
mind and reflecting on the meaning of the learning and experience.

Understanding may be assessed based on the following criteria:

Breadth of understanding (connection to a wide range of contexts) and d epth of
understanding (use of insights, reflection)

Indicators 30%

The student demonstrates very accurate, very extensive, and very deep Strong
understanding of the topic/concept through any three of the six facets of 26-30%
understanding-- Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective,
Empathy, and Self-Knowledge-or any other indicator of understanding,
where connection to a wide range of contexts and use of insights and
reflection are clearly evident.

The student demonstrates accurate, extensive, and deep understanding of Moderately Strong
the topic/concept through any three of the six facets of understanding-- 21-25%
Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective, Empathy, and Self-
Knowledge-or any other indicator of understanding, where connection to
a wide range of contexts and use of insights and reflection are evident.

The student strives to demonstrate accurate, extensive, and deep Developing

understanding of the topic/concept through any three of the six facets of 16-20%
understanding-- Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective,
Empathy, and Self-Knowledge-or any other indicator of understanding,
where connection to a wide range of contexts and use of insights and
reflection are evident.

The student can barely demonstrate accurate, extensive, and deep Weak
understanding of the topic/concept through any three of the six facets of 11-15%
understanding-- Explanation, Interpretation, Application, Perspective,
Empathy, and Self-Knowledge-or any other indicator of understanding,
where connection to a wide range of contexts and use of insights and
reflection are evident.
The student cannot demonstrate accurate, extensive, and deep understanding of the topic/concept through any of the six facets of understanding-- E

D. Transfer of understanding (30%)

Transfer of understanding to life situations may be assessed as demonstrated through the

Products - outputs which are reflective of learner's creative application of
understanding; or
Performances - skilful exhibition or creative execution of a process, reflective of
masterful application of learning or understanding

Indicators 30%

The student (or the team) independently demonstrates the ability to create, add value and Strong
transfer his/her/their understanding to life situations in the form of products and 26-30%
performances. This means that the product or performance reflects the following attributes:

• The entire process from planning to execution was carried out by the student (or the team),
with little or no guidance from the teacher.

• The product or performance is well thought out by the student (or team) from planning to
execution. Potential problems have been identified and appropriate remediation has been
put in place should problems arise.

• There is evidence of value added by the student (or team) in the execution of the process.
• The product or performance is a demonstration of creative application of enduring

The student (or the team) demonstrates the ability to create, add value and transfer Moderately Strong
his/her/their understanding to life situations in the form of products and performances, but 21-25%
the product or performance can still stand improvement in a number of areas, namely:

• The entire process from planning to execution was carried out by the student (or the team),
with some guidance/ coaching from the teacher.

• The product or performance is fairly well thought out by the student (or team) from
planning to execution.

• There is some evidence of value added by the student (or team) in the execution of the
process. There are attempts at novelty (e.g., formatting, organization, packaging,

• The product or performance is a demonstration of creative application of enduring
understanding, but the context or situation in which the understanding is applied is a little
ordinary or common.

The student (or team) strives to use understanding or learning creatively in producing
products or performances as manifested in the following: Developing

• The student or the team attempts to do the task entirely on their own, but seeks the 16-20%
teacher's help for the major part of the process.

• The product or performance has some flaws in the design that the student (or the team) has
addressed with some help from the teacher.

• There is little evidence of value added by the student (or team) in the execution of the
process. There are limited attempts at novelty (e.g., formatting, organization, packaging,

• A little creative application of enduring understanding is shown in the product or

performance. The context or situation in which the understanding is applied is ordinary or
The student (or team) shows inadequacy in using understanding or learning creatively in
producing products or performances. The inadequacy is manifested in the following: Weak

• The entire process from planning to execution could not have been carried out by the
student (or the team), without the teacher's guidance and coaching.

• The product or performance is poorly thought out by the student (or team) from planning to
execution. There are marked flaws in the design that the student (or the team) is not even
aware of.

• There is almost no evidence of value added by the student (or team) in the execution of the
process or in the use of understanding or learning.

• Every aspect (e.g., formatting, organization, packaging, presentation) of the product or

The student (or the team) shows great difficulty in using understanding or learning creatively Very Weak
in producing products or performances. The difficulty is manifested in the following: 6-10%
• The entire process from planning to execution was poorly carried out by the student (or the
team), even with the teacher's guidance and coaching.

• The product or performance is very poorly thought out by the student (or team) from
planning to execution. There are many obvious flaws in the design that the student (or the
team) has ignored.

• There is no evidence of value added by the student (or team) in the execution of the
process. There are no attempts at novelty (e.g., in formatting, organization,
packaging, presentation).
• The product or performance does not show creative application of enduring understanding.
The context or situation in which the understanding is applied is very ordinary or common.
(Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


A. Pre-Assessment Tools

In order to find out students' background knowledge and skills, and misconceptions, if any,
that might get in the way of new understandings, the prototype tools provided below may be
useful. The tools may be translated into Filipino when used in subjects using that language as
medium of instruction, or modified to suit specific contexts.

Directions: Fill in the open-ended statements below with information about what you already
know (the facts and information), what you can do with the information (skills), what you
understand, and what you want to know about the topic: _

What I know about


What I can do in relation to _

What I understand about


What I want to know about

The teacher may also use checklists of information that students can tick off to indicate what
they already know or can do, or a rating scale to determine students' level of knowledge, skill,
or understanding. Games may also be used to pre-assess students' background knowledge and
skills. Key terms, for example, may be jumbled and, as the students put them together, they
may be asked to explain what they know or understand about the terms.
Whatever tool the teacher decides to use should always yield critical information that the
teacher should process in order to find out how much students already know, what
misunderstandings or misconceptions need to be clarified or corrected at the start or during
instruction, pre-requisite skills that students need to learn, or learning gaps that need to be
bridged along the way or before the lesson begins.

8. Formative Assessment Tools

Quizzes are the common formative assessment tools that teachers use to check for student
understanding. They are short, easy to administer, and can quickly be corrected even by
students. The results can be immediately discussed with the students and used to improve
teaching and learning. Being developmental in purpose, the results of formative assessments
should be fed back immediately to students so they can be used to improve learning.

Formative assessments need not be written all the time. The teacher can check for student
understanding in a variety of ways. The teacher's question to the class, "Does this make sense
to you?", is a way of checking whether students understand. The students' answer to this
question can be validated by the teacher through further questions the purpose of which is to
probe for student understanding. The teacher may also validate the students' understanding
through focus group discussions with students or informally through conversations with them.
Questions that students raise can also be used as indicator of student understanding. Likewise,
the quality of student inputs as they participate in the discussion or group work can indicate the
breadth and depth of their thinking or understanding.

Games such as puzzles may also be used to check for student understanding. The focus
may be the key terms or facts and information that students need to know, but student
understanding of these facts and information should be probed by asking students to explain,
illustrate through examples, or apply their understanding.

The idea is to use multiple measures of student learning or understanding in order to

produce a comprehensive picture or holistic profile of student growth in understanding.
Whatever results are obtained from the formative assessments should be fed back immediately
to students. The students, for their part, should do their own self-check and self-track their
progress (which can be done through graphs or maybe a scale to represent growth in learning

over time). Peer assessment is encouraged. Students should reflect on the results of teacher
assessments, their own, and their peers', and, on this basis, act on the areas that they need to
develop further. This is why immediate feedback should be provided to students, for their

C. Summative Assessment Tools

The students' attainment of the content standard may be evaluated through authentic
performance tasks. One model that may be used for this purpose is GRASPS (McTighe and
Wiggins, 2005). Actual products and performances as evidence of transfer of learning or
understanding shall also be assessed. A prototype rubric has been provided as scoring guide.

A sample performance assessment in Science using GRASPS is provided below.

Goal: Your goal is to convince the local government unit (LGU) to support
your science investigatory project addressing an environmental
problem in the community.
Role: You are an environmentalist advocating LGU support for a science
investigatory project on an environmental problem in the
Audience: You will present your proposal to LGU officials who are looking for a science
investigatory project that can be funded.
Situation: The LGU is conducting a search of science investigatory projects that can best
address any of the following problems in the community:
1. Fish kill in the river
2. Snail infestation in rice fields
3. Increasing incidence of pulmonary infections among children
Product: A proposed science investigatory project applying the scientific method and
addressing an environmental problem in the community
Standard: Your proposal will be judged based on the following:
1. Understanding of the problem
2. Application of the scientific method
3. Cost effectiveness of the solution to the problem

In rating this performance task, the teacher may use as scoring guides the rubric for
assessing understanding and the rubric for assessing products/performances.
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of scientific notations.
Performance Standard: The learner applies scientific notation in different fields proficient!
Levels of What will How will I assess? How will I score?
Assessmen I assess?
LC*: Express Paper and Pencil Exercise Every correct answer is given 1 point based on Accuracy
very large and (See attached)
very small
numbers in
(15°/o) scientific
Note to the teacher: You can explore other instances and authentic tasks/experience of students where scientific notation is applied.
How to compute:
Example 1. Learner's Score - 8 8 + 10 = 0.8
Number of Items - 10 0.8 x 100 x 0.15 = 12.000

LC: Explain the Oral/Written Group Activity • Use the rubric for pair/group presentation below (see
process/ attached). The highest possible score is 8 points.
procedures in SET A
expressing very
large and very Column I Column II
Process/Skills small numbers in Decima Scientific
(25°/o) scientific l Form Notation
notation. 150 1.5 x 102
2,400 2.4 x 103
77.4 7.74 x 101
12,800,000 1.28 x 107
ooo,ooo,000,000 5.9736 x 1024
92,337,852 9.2337852 x 107

LC* - Learning Competencies 1

SET B Pair/Group Presentation Rubric
Column I Column II The teacher will use this rubric to evaluate each group's
Decimal Scientific Notat presentation. Students can look at this rubric so they may
Form understand what they are being graded on. The Group
0.000000000000 Presentation Rubric will be combined with the Teammate
0000000000000 Participation Rubric to determine the final grade for the project.
0.000000000000 C
0000000000000 I 5.35607818 x RI
535607818 E
0.000000001 I 1 x 10-9 RI
0.001 I 1 x 10-3 A

Explanation is !Explanatio
is Expla
nce or


P s (250/o) b answ
r L s number er the
o et e s in follow
c st r Column ing
e u v Iand questi
s d e Column ons:
s/ e IIof How do the
S nt t Set A numbers in
ki s h and Set each pair
ll o e B then,
Cl relevant; relev som pre s Most ideas are Some ideas betw ideas; some parts
arity presentation ant; e sen si in logical order with adequate transitions not Ideas een of
of contains focus fact tati o between most major ideas; presentation is generally are not lacki
Expl accurate ; ual on n clear and understandabl e presented in ng several parts of
anat information major con s. presented in betw presentation
ion with no facts tain proper een
factual are er order; som presentation are
errors prese ro proper e may
ntatio rs order; idea
n transitions s; wordy or unclear.
or e
accur are majo be wordy or
o fact
ate transitions r unclear.
mi ual
and are needed
ss err
conta io ors Note to the tcher: You can refr to the questions in the knowledge
ins ns or levIto assess the learners in the process/skills level in order to see the
gener . omi connectivi and alignment. Yo can have the option to use generic
I cedure rubri or specific rubric where the lesson is indicated.
presented How to comp te:

in major ideas;
order pr 7 + 8 = 0.875
Example 1. 7
L e 0.875 x 100 x 0.25 = 21.875
og s
ic e earner's
• al nt Score
eff at
tiv n i
e is g
S cl h
eq e
ue ar e
nc a s
e n t
• How are the numbers in Column of d
II expressed? c
o c
• ns
iti n o
on ci r
s s
e. e
• ee
Understanding Problem Solving
that big and • Use the rubric for Problem Solving below. The possible
small quantities Let students explain their highest score is 12 points.
can be expressed understanding of the problem, how
conveniently in they arrived at their solution and what
Points Criteria
scientific principles guided them.
notation. • Explained the problem, performed the
Directions: Solve the following and 3 correct operation/s, and got the correct
express the answers in scientific answer.
notation. Show all solutions. • Explained the problem, performed the
2 correct operation/s, and got an
1. A watch ticks four times every incorrect
second. How many ticks will answer
it make in a day? • Attempted to solve the problem,
performed an incorrect operation/s and
2. The sun is approximately 1.5 x got an incorrect answer.
Understanding 1
1011 m from Earth. How far from • Got the correct answer, but no
(30°/o ) the Earth is the nearest star if it solutions/wrong solution.
is approximately 300,000 times
as far as the sun?
3. A person's heart beats
approximately 72 times per
minute. How many times does a
heart beat in an average lifetime
of 75 years?
Note: Assume all years have 365
4. Biologists use the micrometer or
the micron to measure short
lengths. One micrometer is
equal to 0.001 millimeter. If a
cell is 47 micrometers long,
what is its length in millimeter?
Note to the teacher:In this level, understanding is drawn from the learners based on the activities in the previous levels (knowledge and
process/skills). You can have the option to use generic rubric or specific rubric where the lesson is indicated.
How to compute:
Example 1. Learner's Score - 11 11 + 12 = 0.92
Highest Score - 12 0.92 x 100 x 0.30 = 27.500
Use scientific Problem Posing/Formulation • Use the rubric for Prciblem Solving below. The possible
notation in highest score is 18 points
real life Formulate three (3) intellectually
situations. challenging situations where Rubric on Problem Posing/formulation
scientific notation can be applied in Rubrics Score i Descriptors
real life. Poses a more complex problem
with2 or more correct possible
solutions and communicates
ideas unmistakably, shows in-
6 depth comprehension of the
pertinent concepts and/or
processes and provides
explanations wherever
Poses a more complex problem
and finishes all signif"lcant parts of
the solution and communicates
5 ideas unmistakably, show in-depth
Product/ comprehension of the pertinent
Performance concepts and/or processes.
Poses a problem and finishes all
(30°/o) significant parts of the solution
and communicates ideas
4 unmistakably, shows in-depth
comprehension of the pertinent
concepts and/or processes.
Poses a problem and finishes most
significant parts of the solution and
communicates unmistakably,
3 shows comprehension of major
concepts although neglects or
Poses significantideas
a problem and or details.
some significant parts of the
2 solution and communicates
unmistakably but shows that there
are gaps on his theoretical
Poses a problem but

===============i1 1 demonstrates minor

comprehension,not being able to
How to compute: develop an approach.
Note to the teacher: You may modify the rubrics as desired.

Example 1. Learner's Score - 16 16 -,- 18 0.89

Highest Score - 18 0.89 x 100 x 0.30 == 26.670
Final Computation:

Levels of Assessment Percentage Score

Knowledge 12.000
Process/Skills 21.875
Understanding 27.500
Product/Performance 26.670
Total Percentage Score 88.045
Level of Proficiency P (Proficient)

Pen and Paper Exercise

rr aar4. 1
Direction: Rewrite the encircled or underlined numbers in scientific notation. Number them as
they appear.

The height of the Tsunami that hit Japan in 2011
was approximately 77.4 ft.

In2010, DENR confiscated 1 2 800 000 board

feet of illegally-cut and transported forest
product .

The mass of the Earth is 5 973 600 000 000

000 000 000 000 kg.

The NSO said that based on the 2010 Census of

Population and Housing, the Philippines
population, which is 92,337,852, is higher by
15.83 million compared to the 2000 population
of 76.51 million . In 1990, the total population
was 60.70 million .

The mass of one oxygen atom is

0. 267803909 kg.
oxwan MOiecuie
The mass of a single oxygen molecule is
0. 35607818 kg.
, cc;a-
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Tune (sJ .
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P, lyplc .C,padtlt

00 Avoiled lO Zero Zero

CFU clock 1nannd ECO!ld

CPU 10 naroseconcs 1x 10-3 10seconds Few byte$

CFU 100 1X 10 7 100 seconrJs 32J<
cache nanoseconds -1MB

Memor1 1mcrosecond 1x 10 5 17minutes 256GB

Fla5h 100 l x 10-' 28 hwrs TS
Memory micfosecoous
RashDiSk 1mllisecood 27Bhours '<HS

RotatiIQ 10 mil i58COnds lx ,o 4 nont1i 'COTB

Tape 10 seconds 1x 10.i 3 coob.ms Petab}1es

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

(Sample Assessment Matrix)
Topic: Concentration of Solutions

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of solutions and ways of describing their concentrations.
Performance Standard: The learner prepares useful solutions.

Levels of What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Knowledge LC*: Describe the types of Written Test One point for each correct answer
(15%) solutions according to concentration ( See attached test)
Note to the teacher: Other authentic tools can be used to assess learner's knowledge
Process/ Skills LC: Analyze solutions in different Performance Task: Laboratory Activity See attached Scoring Guide
(25%) concentrations (See attached instructions)
Note to the teacher: You may transform the rubric into more specific one as desired.

Understanding Understanding the usefulness of Using illustration to draw understanding See attached Scoring Guide
(30%) preparing solutions in varied on different concentrations of solutions
concentrations (See attached instructions)
Product/ Prepare useful solutions Performance Task: Prepare useful solution See attached Scoring Guide
Performance (See attached instructions)
Note to the teacher: The performance tasks can be done in many ways depending on the needs and exposure of the learners.

*LC : Learning Competency


Written Test

Sandra bought a litro pack powdered juice drink. According to the directions, the juice can be
prepared by mixing the litro pack powdered juice with a liter of water. What kind of solutions will
Sarah make if she will follow the ratios below?

One liter pack of powdered jnice + two liters of water

One liter pack of powdered jnice + one liter of water

two liter pack of powdered jnice + one liter of water

total points = 15 (5 points for each correct answer)
Score (total number of correct answers)/ total points x 100 x. 15
13 I 15 x 100 x .15 = 13


Performance Task: Laboratory Activity

Activity 1: Juice It Up !

Prepare juice drink in varied concentration.
3 transparent cups
3 spoons
Drinkable water
Powdered juice
1. Have the group member meeting and plan out the role of each member in the activity.
2. Label each cup as A, B and C.
3. Pour 250 mL water in each cup.
4. Add unequal amount of powdered juice in each cup. Make sure that you measure the
amount of powdered juice you put into the water.
5. Stir the mixtures then observe what happens to the juice particles.
6. Describe each set up. Which of the following set up do you think is the saturated solution?
7. Validate your answer by asking a classmate to taste the prepared juices.
8. Let a representative present the group findings to the class.

Standard Excellent (5) Good (3) Fair (1)

Ability to analyze The analysis of the The analysis of the The analysis done is
difference of the difference of the difficult to
concentration of concentration of understand. The
solutions is well- solutions is learner has little idea
organized and generally-organized on the analysis of
understandable. but needs more concentration of
details for better solution.
Correctness The analysis done is The analysis done is There are several
of analysis free from errors. almost free from errors m the
errors. analysis.
Content knowledge The information The information The information
given is precise and given is appropriate given is
accurate. but needs more unclear.

total points = 15
Score (total number of correct answers)/ total points x 100 x.15
13 I 15 x 100 x .25 = 21.66


Directions: Study the illustration below.

A & c

Which of the following combinations is the supersaturated solution? Justify your answer.
Explain the usefulness of understanding how to prepare solutions in different concentrations.
Use the space below for your answer.

Standard Excellent (5) Good (3) Fair (1)

Explanation Clearly describes Partly describes the Has difficulty
different concentration different describing
of solution. concentrations of the
solution. different concentration
Interpretation Creates analogies to Use familiar examples of solution.
Has difficulty
express understanding to express interpreting
on understanding on the illustration.
different concentration different concentration
of solution. of solution.
Self-knowledge Superior level of Appropriate amount Needs a significant
recognition on the of recognition on the effort in recognizing
usefulness of usefulness of the usefulness of
preparing varied preparing varied preparing varied
concentrations of concentrations of concentrations of
solutions in life. solutions in life. solutions in life.

Perfect score: 15
Total Score I perfect score x 100 x .30
12 I 15 x 100 x .30 = 24


Performance Task: Preparation of useful solutions (e.g. natural fruit juice drink, pesticide, health
drink/supplement etc.)

Performance Task
Barangay Luntian is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the theme "Kalikasan Ko, Mahal Ko''.
The barangay captain called for a council meeting to discuss the preparations for the program. As
a councilor, you are asked to take charge of the preparation of "Natural Beverage" for the guests.
This healthful drink should promote your locally produced fruits or vegetables as well as health
and wellness. On your next council meeting, you will present your plan for the preparation of the
drink and let the council member do the taste testing. The council members will rate your drink
based on the following criteria:

Availability of materials
Composition of solution (drink)

Criteria 4 3 2 1
(25) (18.75) (12.50) (6.25)
Practicality The solution The solution The solution The solution 25%
can be used can be used can be used can be used
most of the from time to occasionally rarely.
time time
Preparation Easy to The Difficult to Very difficult 25%
prepare. preparation prepare. to prepare.
is moderately
Availability of Materials are Materials are Materials are Materials 25%
materials/ingredi available in available in seasonal in available in
ents the locality the locality the locality. some
whole year most of the provinces
round. time. only.
Component of The solution The solution The solution The solution 25%
the solutions is tasty and is tasty but is good needs more
the amounts the amount enough but planning in
of solute and of solute is a solvent used terms of the
solvent bit more than has exceeded amounts of
complement what is the solute solute and
each other. needed. dissolved. solvent to be
Total Score

Perfect Score = 100
Score I total points x 100 x .30
75/100 x 100 x .30 = 22.5
Level of Assessment I Percenta e Com utation Score
Knowledge (15%) 7 I 1O x 100 x . 15 = 10.5 10.5
Process I Skill (25%) 13 I 15 x 100 x .25 = 21.66 21.66
Understanding (30%) 12 / 15 x 100 x .30 = 24 24
Product I performance (30%) 75/100 x 100 x .30 = 22.5 22.5
Total 78.66
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s.
(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Domain: Oral Language and Fluency

CONTENT STANDARD: The students demonstrate oral language
proficiency and fluency in various social contexts PERFORMANCE
STANDARD: (Q1) The learner proficiently renders rhetorical pieces

LEVEL OF What will I How will I assess?

ASSESSMENT assess? (Competencies) (Tool)
Knowledge (15%) • Identify the speech event, Paper and Pencil Tes
interlocutors, and objective of the See attached sample
• Recognize differences in voice levels Note to the Teacher:
a speech patterns
• Identify attitudes and feelings You can use other tool
signaled prosodic patterns measure students' knowled
on the use of prosodic

Process/Skills (25%) • Observe the right syllable stress
different categories
• Observe the use of the
intonation, rising intonation, and
the combination of both
patterns in utterances
• Demonstrate how prosodic
patterns affect the understanding of
the message

20 -,-- 25 = 0.8
0.8 x 100 x .25 = 20

Understanding (30%) • Understand that the prosodic Scene Simulation Please see attached
patterns are reflections of {sample) sample Rubrics for
the • Ask students to discuss understanding.
speaker's attitude, thought and the process of using the
feelings correct prosodic patterns How to compute:
in various social Example
contexts Student's Score -
18 No. of Items - -
Note to the Teacher: 20
You can use various tools
18 + 20 = 0.9
to assess their understanding.
0.9 x 100 x .30 = 27
Product/Performance • Use the correct prosodic Conversational Fluency Please see attached
(30%) patterns (stress, intonation, (sample) sample Rubrics for product/
phrasing, pacing, tone etc.) in Storytelling performance
rendering various speech acts or • Declamation
in oral reading activities. • Oration How to compute:
• Readers Theater Example
Student's Score -
• Chamber Theater
20 No. of Items - 25
• Dialog Improvisation
20 -;.- 25 = 0.8
0.8 x 100 x .30 = 24
Final Computation
Knowledge 10.00
Process/ Skills 20.00
Understanding 27.00
Product/Performance 24.00
Total Percentage Score 81.00
Level of Proficiency AP
(Approaching Proficiency)
Sample Test Items
Knowledge Level - 15%
A. Listen to a panel of speakers. As you listen find out the answers to these
1. What is the speech event?
2. Where is it taking place?
3. Who are the speakers?
4. What is their objective?
5. Who are the listeners?
B. Listen to the recorded speech/sentences. Write the words where the speaker's
voice rises or falls. Write your answers in the appropriate column.
Speaker's Voice Rises In Speaker's Voice Falls In
> - - ---------- - +---- -------<

C. Identify the feelings and attitudes being evoked in the taped conversation.
Identify at least 5.
Process/Skills - 25%
Aural-Oral Production (The perfect score is 10)
D. Stress the following words correctly
1. Cheerfulness 6. many
2. shyness 7. oversized
3. show-off 8. teenage
4. often 9. towards
5. between 10. agree

E. Conversation Production (The perfect score is 8)

Directions: Read the dialog orally with a partner observing correct prosodic

Student 1: I' going to the Sports Emporium this afternoon. Would you like to
come along?
Student 2: No, thanks! I haven't got time for it. Are you going to buy anything, or
just window shop?
Student 1: I'm going to buy a swimming outfit a swimming cap, a bathing suit
and a beach towel.

F. Refer to the dialog on Task E to illustrate the different intonation patterns. (The
perfect score is 7)

1- Poor 3- Progressing
DIMENSIONS More Practice 2- Satisfactory Making
4 -Outstanding
Still Work to be Done You have made it!
Needed Improvements
Expression • Reads with little • Reads with some • Sounds like natural • Reads with
And expression or expressions in voice langauge excellent
Volume enthusiasm in voice • Begins to use voice to throughout most of expression and
• Reads words just to make text sound like the reading. enthusiasm
get them out natural language in • Sometimes slips throughout the
• Not trying to make some areas of the etxt, into reading without whole text .
text souud like natural but not others. expression. • Sounds like natural
language. • Still reading in aquiet • Voice volume is language-like the
voice. reader is talking
• Reads in quiet voice. pretty good
throughout the text. • Uses different
expressions while
• Uses different
volume to match
the interpretation
of passage.

Phrasing • Reads in dull voice • Uses many two and • A mixture of run- • Uses excellent
• Can't hear phrases three-word phrases ons , mid sentence phrasing, mostly in
• Mostly word-by-word making the reading pauses for breath, clause and
reading sound choppy. and may have some sentence units.
• Does not use stress choppiness.
and intonation on the • Puts
right ends of sentences stress/intonation on
and clauses. most of the right

Smoothness • Long pauses, • Some "rough spots" in • Has few breaks in • Smooth reading
hesitations, false text with long pauses, smoothness with some breaks ,
starts, sound-outs, hesitations, etc. because of difficult but the difficult
repetitions, and/or words and/or words and
multiple attempts. sentence structures. sentence structures
are corrected by
the reader.

Pace • Slow and laborious • Moderately slow • Uneven mixture of • Sounds mostly
(sounds hard) fast and slow like a
reading conversation.

Needs Practice/ Good most of the Skilled/ Total Score
With Assistance time (14 pts) Independent
(7pts) (20 pts.)

At the start of • Forgets to look at • Looks at the • Looks at the

the conversation the other person peson he is person he is
• Forgets how to talking to talking to
initiate a • Initiates • Initiates the
conversation conversation conversation
• Doesn't pause to greeting or with
allow other question a greeting or
person • Pauses to allow question
to talk person to • Pauses to allow the
• Stands/sits too respond other person to
close or far • Stands about an answer
away arm's length away
• Interrupts other • Stands about an
person while arm's length away
they • Waits until the
other person stops
are conversing
talking before
During the conversation • Forgets to • Maintains eye Maintains eye
maintain eye contact during • contact during the
contact during teh the conversation
conversation conversation • Uses the other
• Forgets to use the • Uses the other person's name
other person's person's name during the
name during the during the conversation
conversation conversation • Stays on the
• Stays on the same topic
• Forgets to stay on same topic
the same topic • Adds more • Adds more
• Forgets to add information about information
more the topic about
information • Takes turns even if the topic
about the topic only adding a nod • Takes turns even if
• Forgets to take only adding a nod
turns • Uses appropriate
facial expressions
and body
• Employs the
proficient use of
prosodic patterns
throught the

At the end of • Doesn't allow the • Makes sure each • Makes sure
the conversation other person to person had teh each person had
talk chance to speak teh chance to
• Doesn't use • Uses a good speak
closing terminating • Uses a good
sentence terminating
expression to
during topic end the expression to end
termination conversation the conversation
• Doesn't • Compliments • Compliments
compliment the other person the other person
other person • Uses a handshake
• Doesn't use a
Beginning (1) Developing (2) GOOD (3) VERY GOOD (4) EXCELLENT (5) SCORE

Clarity 10% All questions and answers Questions and answers Questions and answers Questions and answers Questions and answers
were awkward and were awkward and were awkward at times were clear and were clear and
incomprehensible incomprehensible at but understandable comprehensible comprehensible
times most of the time
Voice/ Non verbal Pronunciation, inflection, Some communication No serious problems Very good Pronunciation was clear
Communication and/or expression confused problems arose due to arose, but better pronunciation, and inflection and
20% communication unclear pronunciation pronunciation, inflection and expressions were used to
and/ or lack of inflection inflection, and/or non expressions but enhance communication
and/or expression verbal communication sometimes forgot to
could have made use non-verbal clues
communication more
Fluency 30% Much effort was required to Some effort was Some minor Can maintain the Student acted as
maintain the conversation. required to mainatin the difficulties in conversation with ease facilitator, helping the
There were many long conversation. There maintaining the and confidence conversation flow and
pauses. were few long pauses. conversation were develop.
Comprehension Student was unable to The student showed The student understood The student understood The student fully
20% comprehend questions. little comprehension most of what was the questions asked understood the questions
Questions needed to of questions. Questions asked. and answered almost asked and answered all
be reapeated or had to be repeated. all the them of them.
Content 20% rephrased.
Did not ask appropriate Asked some Gave appropriate Ask appropriate Gave appropriate
question for information, inappropriate questions questions for survey questions and questions and good
no response to question for information or information but elaborated responses content in responses to
answered question with responses were limited questions
limited answers in content
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


Kakayahan (domain) - Pag-unawa sa Napakinggan

Pamantayang Pangnilalaman (Content Standard): Naipamamalas ng mga mag-aaral ang pag-unawa
sa paksa ng akdang napakinggan
Pamantayan sa Pagganap para sa Aralin (Performance Standard): Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakasusulat ng talata na
may kaugnayan sa paksa ng akdang napakinggan

Antas ng Pagtatasa Ano ang tatasahin? Paano ito tatasahin? Paano ito
(Levels of Assessment) (What will I assess?) (How will I assess?) mamarkahan?
(How will I
Kaalaman (15%) LC: Pangkatang Pag-uulat Mamarkahanscore?)
ang mga
Nakapagsasagawa ng nasaliksik na
pananaliksik na may impormasyon batay sa
kaugnayan sa paksa ng mga pamantayan:
akdang pakikingggan a) kahalagahan ng
b) kasapatan ng mga
c) kaugnayan ng mga
impormasyon sa

(Kalakip ang gabay na

rubriks sa

Antas ng Pagtatasa Ano ang Paano ko ito tatasahin? Paano ko ito
(Levels of Assessment) aking (How will I assess?) mamarkahan?
tatasahin? (How will I
Proseso/Kakayahan(25%) LCs: Malayang Talakayan score?)
Mamarkahan ang
• Nakapagbabahagi proseso/ kakayahan ng
ng mga nasaliksik mga mag-aaral batay
na impormasyon sa mga pamantayan:
a) pag-unawa
• Nakapag-uugnay
ng mga nasaliksik sa nilalaman
na impormasyon sa
paksa ng akdang b) may mapanuri/
pakikinggan kritikal na pag-
• Nakapag-uugnay
ng ilang pangyayari c) paraan ng
sa kasalukuyan na paglalahad
may kaugnayan sa
akdang (Kalakip ang gabay na
napakinggan rubriks sa
• Nakatutukoy ng
ilang akda o awitin
na may
pagkakatulad sa
paksa ng akdang
Antas ng Pagtatasa Ano ang aking Paano ko ito tatasahin? Paano ko ito
(Levels of Assessment) tatasahin? (How will I assess?) mamarkahan?
(What will I assess?) (How will I
Pag-unawa (30%) Nauunawaan ng mag-aal Dugtungang Mamarkahanscore?)
ang pag-
na ang pag-unawa na Pagsasalaysay unawa ng mga mag-
anumang akdang ( Pagpapabigay ng ilang aaral batay sa mga
pakikinggan/pinakikinggan sitwasyon sa kasalukuyan pamantayan:
ay may mahahalagang na may kaugnayan sa a) may malalim na
paksa na maaaring paksa ng akdang pag-unawa
maiugnay sa ilang napakinngan)
sitwasyon sa kasalukuyan b) may
o buhay ng tao. kakayahang
iugnay sa iba't
ibang konteksto
ang naunawaan
mula sa aralin

c) waste ang

(Kalakip ang gabay na

rubriks sa
Antas ng Pagtatasa Ano ang aking Paano ko ito tatasahin? Paano ko ito
(Levels of Assessment) tatasahin? (How will I assess?) mamarkahan?
(What will I assess?) (How will I
Produkto/Pagganap (30%) LC: Pagpapasulat ng Tatasahinscore?)
ang ginawang
Nakasusulat ng talatang nagsasalaysay produkto/pagganap ng
talatang nagsasalaysay (narrative) mga mag-aaral batay sa
ng ilang pangyayari sa mga pamantayan:
kasalukuyan na may a) may kaugnayan
kaugnayan sa paksa ng sa paksa ng
akdang napakinggan akdang
b) maayos ang
pagkakabuo ng
simula, gitna at
c) sumusunod sa
mga tuntunin sa
pagsulat ng

(Kalakip ang gabay na

A. Pagtataya sa isasagawang pag-uulat batay sa mga pamantayan: ( Kaalaman - 15%)

a) Kahalagahan ng mga impormasyon (5%)

5% - ang mga nasaliksik na impormasyon ay lubhang mahalaga upang lubos na

maunawaan ang aralin

3-4% - ang mga nasaliksik na impormasyon ay mahalaga upang maunawaan ang aralin

2% - ang mga nasaliksik na impormasyon ay di- gaanong mahalaga sa pag-unawa ng aralin

1% - ang mga nasaliksik na impormasyon ay hindi mahalaga dahil walang kaugnayan sa


b) Kasapatan ng mga impormasyon (5%)

5% - sapat at maayos na sanggunian ang mga nasaliksik na

impormasyon 3-4% - sapat lamang ang mga nasaliksik na impormasyon

2% - di-gaanong sapat ang mga nasaliksik na

impormasyon 1% - kulang na kulang ang mga nasaliksik

na impormasyon

c) Kaugnayan ng mga impormasyon sa aralin (5%)

5% - may malaking kaugnayan sa aralin ang mga impormasyon at may mga tiyak na

halimbawa 3-4% - may kaugnayan sa aralin ang mga impormasyon

2% - may mga impormasyong walang kaugnayan sa

aralin 1%- walang kaugnayan sa aralin ang mga


8. (Proseso/Kakayahan - 25%)

1. Pagtataya sa isasagawang malayang talakayan/ interaksiyong-pangklase batay sa mga pamantayan

(indibicllwal): (15%)

pag-unawa sa nilalaman (7%)

7% - Lubes na nauunawaan ang nilalaman ng aralin at naisasagawa nang buo ang tiwala sa sarili ang
sumusunod na proseso:

• naiisa-isa ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin

• maayos na napagsusunod-sunod ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• naipaliliwanag nang buong linaw ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• nakabubuo ng balangkas ng mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• naihahambing ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin sa
ibang asignatura/disiplina
• nakapagbibigay ng mga makabuluhang halimbawa na may kaugnayan sa aralin
• nakabubuo ng buod o sinstesis ng tinalakay na aralin

4.5 % - nauunawaan ang nilalaman ng aralin at naisasagawa ang sumusunod na proseso:

• naiisa-isa ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• napagsusunod-sunod ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• naipaliliwanag ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawa na may kaugnayan sa aralin

2.3 % - di lubes nauunawaan ang nilalaman ng aralin ngunit naisasagawa ang sumusunod na proseso:
• naiisa-isa ang mahahalagang impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• hindi sapat ang pagpapaliwanag ng mga impormasyon/pangyayari sa tinalakay na aralin
• nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawa ngunit hindi lahat ay may kaugnayan sa aralin
1% - hindi nauunawaan ang nilalaman ng aralin at walang nagawa sa alinman sa mga binanggit na proseso

a) may mapanuri/kritikal na pag-iisip (8%)

8% - naipamamalas ang kakayahang suriin ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin at naisasagawa ang
sumusunod na proseso:
• nabibigyan ng sariling pakahulugan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin
• may kakayahang baguhin/isalin sa sa sarili at masining na paraan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon
• napangangatuwiranan ang ginawang pagbabago/pagsasalin ng mga nakuhang impormasyon
• nasusuri at naipaliliwanag ang mga tagong kahulugan ng mga nakuhang impormasyon
• naiuugnay ang ng mga nakuhang impormasyon sa buhay/kasalukuyang sitwasyon
• nakapagbibigay ng mga makatotohanan at napapanahong halimbawa kaugnay ng aralin

6.7 % - naipamamalas ang kakayahang suriin ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin at naisasagawa ang
sumusunod na proseso:
• nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin
• may kakayahang baguhin/isalin sa masining ngunit hindi sariling paraan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon
• naipaliliwanag kahutugan ng mga nakuhang impormasyon
• naiuugnay ang ng mga nakuhang impormasyon sa buhay/kasalukuyang sitwasyon
• nakapagbibigay ng mga makatotohanan at napapanahong halimbawa kaugnay ng aralin

4.5 % - naipamamalas ang kakayahang suriin ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin at naisasagawa ang
sumusunod na proseso:
• nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin
• naipaliliwanag kahulugan ng mga nakuhang impormasyon
• naiuugnay ang ng mga nakuhang impormasyon sa buhay/kasalukuyang sitwasyon
• nakapagbibigay ng mga halimbawa kaugnay ng aralin

2.3 % - walang gaanong kakayahang suriin ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin at naisasagawa ang sumusunod
na proseso:
• nabibigyang-kahulugan ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin
• naipaliliwanag kahulugan ng mga nakuhang impormasyon

1% - walang kakayahang suriin ang mga nakuhang impormasyon sa aralin at walang naisagawa sa alinman sa
nabanggit na proseso

2. Pangkatang/Kolaboratibong Gawain (10%)

(Maaari ring gamitin ang rubriks para sa indibidwal na pagataya.)

Paraan ng paglalahad (10%)

3% - masining at sariling-likha ang ginawang pag-uulat

2% - masining ang ginawang pag-uulat

1% - simple lang ang ginawang pag-uulat

C. Pag-unawa (30%)
1. Markahang Pagsusulit - 15% (lminumungkahing ang ibibigay na markahang pagsusulit ay susukat sa pag-
unawa ng mga mag-aaral gamit ang 6 Facets of Understanding o Bloom's Taxonomy)
2. Malayang Talakayan/lnteraksiyong Pangklase (15%) (Maaaring gamitin ang rubriks para rito.)

D. Produkto/Pagganap (30%)
Halimbawa: Pagtataya sa pangwakas na gawain (dula-dulaan) batay sa sumusunod na pamantayan (15%):
a. (produkto) lskrip (7%)

7% - orihinal, napapanahon, makatotohanan, taglay ang lahat elemento ng iskrip na pandulaan, angkop
ang pagkakalapat ng sound effects at musika

5-6% - orihinal, napapanahon, taglay kulang ng isang elemento ng iskrip na pandulaan, angkop ang
pagkakalapat ng sound effects at musika
3-4% - hindi orihinal, masining, kulang ng dalawang elemento ng iskrip na pandulaan, gumamit ng sound effects
at musika ngunit hindi naman angkop

1-2% - hindi orihinal, kulang ng dalawang elemento ng iskrip na pandulaan, hindi nilapatan ng sound effects at

b. (pagganap) Pagsasadula (8%)

8% - masining, angkop ang mga kasuotan, angkop ang mga kagamitan at "props" (total

theatre) 6-7% - masining, angkop ang mga kasuotan, angkop ang mga kagamitan at "props"

4-5% - masining, angkop ang mga kasuotan, kulang ang mga kagamitan at

%props" 2-3% - isinadula lamang ang isa sa mga akdang tinalakay

1% - hindi naitanghal ang isinulat na iskrip

Paunawa: Ang natitirang 15% ay maaaring gamitin sa pagmamarka/ pagtataya ng iba pang produkto/pagganap na
isasagawa ng mga mag-aaral matapos ang bawat aralin. 5% ang ibibigay para sa pagpapasulat ng talata.

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

Araling Panlipunan Gr 7( Mga Saksi ng Kasaysayang Pilipino)

Halimbawa ng Disenyo ng Pagtatasa I Pagmamarka
( Sample Assessment Matrix)

Pamantayang Pangnilalaman : Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa katotohanan ng mga pangyayarii mula sa
sinaunang pamayanan hanggang sa pagtatag ng Patakarang Kolonyal ng Espana sa
Pilipinas sa pamamagitan ng pagsusuri sa pagbabago, pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy gamit
ang mga pili at may kredibilidad na primaryang sanggunian.

Pamantayan sa Pagganap: Ang mag-aaral ay kritikal na nakapagsusuri sa katotohanan ng anumang pangyayaring may
kinalaman sa pagbabago, pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy gamit ang mga pili at may kredibilidad na
primaryang sanggunian.

Antas ng Ano ang aking tatasahin? Paano ito tatasahin? Paano ito Mamarkahan?
Pagtataya (What Will I Assess?) ( How will I Assess ?) (How will I score ?)
( Level of
Kaalaman LC*: Nakikilala ang mga Paggamit ng T-Tsart ng
( 15%) pagbabago, pag-unlad at lmpormasyon May katumbas na isang punto ang
pagpapatuloy ng lipunang ( Tignan ang kalakip na halimbawa bawat pangungusap. May 5 na hinihingi
Pilipino mula sa Sinaunang ng T-Tsart) sa T- tsart ng pagbabago, pag-unlad at
Panahon hanggang sa pagpapatuloy ng lipunang Pilipino mula
pagtatag ng Patakarang sa nailaang primaryang sanggunian.
Kolonyal ng Espaoa Kaya may 15 puntos sa kabuuan
gamit ang mga pili at may
kredibilidad na primaryang
Paunawa sa Guro: Kinakailangan ng guro na maglaan ng isang may kredibilidad na primaryang sanggunian na
pagkukunan ng mga mag- aaral ng sagot para sa T-Tsart. Samantala, ang pagtataya dito ay isang
mungkahi lamang. Hinihikayat ang guro na mag-isip at gumamit ng iba pang angkop na paraan o
kaaamitan sa _eaatatava nq kaalaman.
Paano magkompyut?: Sa pagkuha ng bahagdan sa bawat antas ng pagtataya, sundin ang ibinigay na proseso sa

( ' 00 ( Nakuhang bahagdan ng marka sa antas ng kaalaman)

(Nakuhang tamang sagot) (Kabuuang bilang ng ay ) (Katumbas na bahagdan para sa antas ng kaalaman)
Proseso/ LC: Nasusuri ang Paggamit ng H- PERSIA Tsart May 3 H- PERSIA Tsart. Ang bawat
Kakayahan katotohanan ng mga ( Tignan ang kalakip na mas kolumn ay nangangailangan ng 6
(25 %) pangyayaring may malaking halimbawa ng H PERSIA anim na sagot na may katumbas na
kinalaman sa pagbabago, tsart) isang punto ang bawat isa. Kaya may
pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy kabuuang 72 puntos
ng lipunang Pilipino mula sa
Sinaunang Panahon
hanggang sa pagtatag ng
Patakarang Kolonyal ng
Espaoa gamit ang mga pili
at may kredibilidad na
Paunawa sa Guro: Sa ganitong pagtataya ay kinakailangang ipasaalang-alang ng guro sa mga mag-aaral ang kanilang mga
natutunan sa lipunang Pilipino mula sa Sinaunang Panahon hanggang sa Patakarang Kolonyal ng
Espana gamit ang mga pili at may kredibilidad na primaryang sanggunian. Samantala, ang
pagtatayang nailagay dito ay isang mungkahi lamang. Hinihikayat ang guro na mag-isip at gumamit ng
iba pang angkop na paraan o kagamitan sa pagtataya ng proseso/ kakayahan.

Paano magkompyut?: Sa pagkuha ng bahagdan sa bawat antas ng pagtataya, sundin ang ibinigay na proseso sa


50 172 x 100 x .2.e.: I 17.361% j---. (Nakuhang bahagdan ng marka sa antas ng proseso/ kakayahan)

(Nakuhang tamang sagot) ang bilang ng aytem) (Katumbas na bahagdan para sa antas ng proseso/kakayahan)

Pag-unawa Nauunawaan na ang Paggamit ng D- PAPA Tsart I Ang bawat sagot sa bawat kolum ay may
(30%) pagpapatibay ng nakalaang puntos. Mayroon itong
katotohanan ng mga ( Tignan ang kalakip na mas I kabuuang 35 puntos.
pangyayari ay bunga ng malaking halimbawa ng D- PAPA
kritikal na pagsusuri sa Tsart)
pagbabago, pag-unlad,
pagpapatuloy gamit ang
mga pili at may kredibilidad
na primaryang sanggunian
Paunawa sa guro: Ang mga primaryang sanggunian sa bawat row ng 0- PAPA Tsart ay mungkahi lamang at maaaring
palitan ng mas angkop na pagtataya. Bigyan pansin ang nakalaang puntos sa bawat kolum. Samantala,
ang pagtatayang nailagay dito ay isang mungkahi lamang. Hinihikayat ang guro na mag-isip at gumamit
ng iba pang angkop na paraan o kagamitan sa pagtataya ng pag-unawa.

Paano magkompyut?: Sa pagkuha ng bahagdan sa bawat antas ng pagtataya, sundin ang ibinigay na proseso sa

Halimbawa : 34 / 35 x o<l 29.142 % l • (Nakuhang bahagdan ng marka sa antas ng pag-

unawa) (Nakuhang tamzagot) (Kabuuang bilang ng aytem ) - (Katumbas na bahagdan para sa antas ng pag-

Produkto/ Nakapagsasagawa ng Pagsasagawa ng kritikal na Ang pagmamarka sa 5 pamantayan ay
Pagganap kritikal na pagsusuri sa pagsusuri (iminumungkahing bigyan 1-5. Ang perfect score ay 25 puntos
( 30%) katotohanan ng mga ng opsyon ang mag-aaral kung paano
pangyayari na may ipamamalas ang kakayahang
kinalaman sa pagbabago, magsuri, Halimbawa: gamit ang
pag-unlad at position statement! argumentative
pagpapatuloy gamit ang essay/debate atbp.) sa
mga pili at may katotohanan ng pangyayari na
kredibilidad na primaryang may kinalaman sa pagbabago,
sanggunian pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy gamit
ang mga pili at may kredibilidad na
primaryang sanggunian

(Tignan ang kalakip na rubrik sa

pagsusuring kritikal )
Paunawa sa guro: Sa pagtataya ay bigyang-tuon ang mismong pagsasagawa ng kritikal na pagsusuri na maaaring iipamalas
ng mga mag-aaral sa iba' ibang paraan. Anumang paraan ang gagamitin, ang mahalaga ay mataya ang
kakayahang magsuri at hindi ang paraang ginamit upang maipamalas ito. Hinihikayat ang guro na mag-isip
at gumamit ng iba pang angkop na paraan o kagamitan sa pagtataya ng produkto/pagganap .

Paano magkompyut?: Sa pagkuha ng bahagdan sa bawat antas ng pagtataya, sundin ang ibinigay na proseso sa


2r (Nakuhang bahagdan ng marka sa antas ng produkto/


(Nakuhang tamang sagot) {Kabuuang bilang ng aytem ) (Katumbas na bahagdan para sa antas ng produkto/ pagganap)

* LC- Leaming Competency

Final Computation :

Level of Assessment Percentage Score

Knowledge ( Kaalaman) 15 % 9.000
Process/ Skill ( Proseso/ Kakayahan) 25% 17.361
Understanding { Pag-unawa) 30% 29.142
Product! Performance ( Produkto/ Pagganap) 30 % 26.400

Total Percentage Score 81.903
Descpritive Rating AP- Approaching Proficiency

Pagtataya sa Kaalaman

Panuto: Punan ng kinakailangang impormasyon na hango sa nakalaan at may kredibilidad na primaryang sanggunian ang
sumusunod na T-Tsart (Kabuuan: 15 puntos)

Primaryang Sanggunian : Sipi ng Tungkol sa Kumbersyon ni Rajah Humabon ( na nasa First Voyage Around the World
by Antonio Pigafetta ) at sa sipi tungkol sa sagot nina Gobernado Heneral Guido de Lavezaris
at mga opisyal at Encomendero sa " Opinion" ni Padre de Martin de Rada)


Pagbabago Pag-unlad Pagpapatuloy

mpormasyon I Hinuna sa 1mpormasyon rmpormasyci,n - ·r1mu11a lmpormasyon Hmuha s,il
salmpormasyon lmpormasycm

1. 4. 1. 4. 1. 4.

2. 2. 2.

3 5. 3. 5. 3. 5.
Pagtataya sa Proseso/ Kakayahan

Panuto: Punan ng kinakailangang impormasyon ang 3 H- PERSIA Tsart mula sa mga natutuhan sa lipunang Pilipino ng
Sinaunang Panahon hanggang sa pagtatag ng Patakarang Kolonyal ng Espaoa gamit ang mga pili at may
kredibilidad primaryang sanggunian. Ang bawat kolum ay may anim na sagot na kung saan may katumbas na isang
punto ang
bawat isa. Kaya ang bawat isang tsart ay may 24 na puntos. Sa kabuuan ay may 72 puntos.


Ano ang kanilang Ano ang naging

H- PERSIA Ano ang pangunahing Paano ito nakaapekto
naging reaksiyon dito kahalagahan nito sa kanila ?
umunlad? sa lipunang Pilipino? ?
Politikal Diolomati ko
Sosyal/ Panliounan
Artistiko Kultural

H- PERSIA Ano ang pangunahing Paano ito nakaapekto Ano ang kanilang Ano ang naging
nagbago? sa lipunang Pilipino? naging reaksiyon dito? kahalagahan nito sa
Heograpiya kanila?
Politikal/ Diplomatiko
Sosyal/ Panlipunan
\ Teknolohiya
Artistiko Kultural
Ano ang Ano ang kanilang Ano ang naging
H- PERSIA Paano ito nakaapekto sa lipunang
pangunahing nagpatuloy ? naging reaksyon kahalagahan nito sa kanila ?
dito ?
Politikal/ Diplomatiko
Sosval/ Panlipunan
Intelektuwal/ Teknolohiya

Artistiko Kultural

Pagtataya sa Pang-unawa

Panuto :Tukuyin ang pangunahing pagbabago/ pag-unlad/ pagpapatuloy/ na nakalahad sa mga sumusunod na mga pili at may
kredibilidad na primaryang sanggunian at sagutin ang mga tanong ang mga tanong sa bawat kolum.
( Kabuuang Puntos 35 puntos )

D- PAPA Tsart

Ano ang magiging

Pangunahing Alin sa mga kaugnayan nito sa
Pagbabago/ Pag-unlad/ impluwensiya ang Paano ito nalilinang sa pagpapaunlad ng
Dokyumento Pagpapatuloy patuloy na kasalukuyan? lipunang Pilipino sa
ginagamit ( 2 puntos bawat isa) hinaharap?
( 1 punto bawat isa) sa kasalukuyan? Bakit? (2 puntos bawat
( 2 puntos bawat isa ) isa)
1. Relation of the Pagbabago:
Philippine Island
by Father Chirino
2. Historical Events of Pagpapatuloy:
the Philippines
Islands by Antonio
De Morga
May isang seminar na pinangungunahan ng isang samahan ng mga sosyolohista at imbitado
hinaharap ng mga ng mga pag- unlad, pagbabago at pagpapatuloy mula sa lipunang Pilipino sa Sinaunang Panahon hanggang sa mga Patakarang Kolo

3. Labor Evangelica Pag-unlad:

by Francisco Collin
4. First Voyage Pagpapatuloy:
Around the World
by Antonio
5. Reply to Fray Pagbabago:
Rada's Opinion

Pagtataya Pagtataya sa Produkto/ Pagganap

Panuto: Sumulat ng papel ng paninindigan batay sa sitwasyon sa ibaba gamit ang mga pili at may kredibilidad na primaryang
sanggunian sa pagsusuri ng alinmang impormasyon na may kinalaman sa lipunang Pilipino sa kasalukuyan at sa pag-
unawa sa pagbabago, pag-unlad at pagpapatuloy mula sa sinaunang pamayanan hanggang sa pagtatag ng Patakarang
Kolonyal ng Espaoa sa Pilipinas

Rubrik sa Kritikal na Pagsusuri

Pamantayan 1 2 3 4 5
Nakakabuod ng Bigong makatukoy at May ilan-ilan na May mga Higit ang Lahat ay natutukoy at
suliranin, mga makabuod ng tama natutukoy at hindi natutukoy at natutukoy at maayos na maayos
tanong at isyu nakabubuod ng bahagyang maayos ang ang pagkakabuod
tama maayos ang pagkakabuod
Naipapahayag ang Bigong Mangilan-ngilan ang Bahagyang Maayos na na Maayos na Maayos
sariling maipahayag ang naipahayag na maayos na naipahayag ang na naipahayag ang
perspektibo, sariling sariling perspektibo, naipahayag ang sariling perspektibo, sariling perspektibo,
konklusyon at perspektibo, konklusyon sariling konklusyon at konklusyon at posisyon
posisyon konklusyon at perspektibo, posisyon
posisyon konklusyon at
Nasusuri ang Walang sapat na Kaunti ang mga Sapat na Sapat na Sapat ang Higit sa
pantulong na pantulong na pantulong na pantulong na mga pantulong na inaasahan ang
impormasyon at impormasyon at impormasyon at impormasyon at impormasyon at naipakitang
ebidensiya ebidensiya ang ebidensiya ang ebidensiya ang ebidensiya ang pantulong na
naipakita naipakita naipakita naipakita impormasyon at
Nakagamit ng ibang Hindi nakagagamit Bahagyang na Maayos na Maayos na Maayos ebidensiya
Higit sa inaasahan ang
perspektibo at ng ibang nakagagamit ng nakagagamit ng nakagagamit ng pagkakagamit ng ibang
posisyon perspektibo at ibang perspektibo at ibang perspektibo ibang perspektibo at perspektibo at
posisyon sa posisyon sa at posisyon sa posisyon sa posisyon sa
pagpapaliwanag pagpapaliwanag paaoapaliwanag paaoapaliwanag pagpapaliwanang
Natatataya ang Hindi natataya ang Bahagyang Maayos na Maayos na Higit sa inaasahan ang
implikasyon at ang implikasyon at ang natataya ang natataya ang maayos na pagkakataya sa
mga posibleng mga posibleng implikasyon at ang implikasyon at ang natataya ang implikasyon at ang
kahihinatnan kahihinatnan mga posibleng mga posibleng implikasyon at mga mga posibleng
kahihinatnan kahihinatnan posibleng kahihinatnan
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the proper handling and safe use of hand tools.
Performance The learner independently uses and properly handles the hand tools appropriate for the task.

Levels of \ What will I How will I assess? How will I score?

Assessment assess? \ I
Lesson 1: Use of Hand Tools

Every correct classification and description of a hand tool is given I point.

Knowledge LC*: Classify Actual display of different
(15%) hand tools hand tools 5
according to -
use. Directions: Able to classify and describe all the hand tools correctly.
LC: I . Lay down all available
Describe the hand tools on the table.4
proper handling Let students classify the-
of the tools. tools according to use. Able to classify all hand tools with one or two incorrect descriptions.
2. Let students describe the3
proper handling of each to classify all hand tools with three to five incorrect descriptions.
tool. Not all hand tools were classified and described correctly.

*Learning Competency (LC) I

*Identifying the hand tools is done during ere-assessment stage
Not all hand tools were classified and no hand tools were described correctly.

Levels of What will I

How will I assess?- How will I score?
Assessment assess? Able to discuss comprehensively the appropriate and safe use of all hand tools.

Lesson 1: Use of Hand Tools 4

Process I Skills Use hand tools Oral Presentation

(25%) appropriately
Directions: Able to discuss the appropriate and safe use of hand tools with one or two errors.
Let students discuss orally
the proper use and safe-
handling of tools. Able to discuss the appropriate and safe use of hand tools with 3-5 errors.
Able to discuss the appropriate and safe use of hand tools with 6-8 errors.

Understanding Understanding Essay
(30%) that hand tools - 5 - Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the ero2er handling of tools.
should be used Directions: 4 - Demonstrate
The appropriateness basic
and safe useunderstanding
of hand tools of the not
were QroQer handling
observed of the
during tools.
and handled 1. The teacher will showdiscussion. -
3 Demonstrate some misunderstanding of proper handling of tools.
properly video presentations or an 2 - Demonstrate weak understanding of the proper handling of tools.
actual demonstration of 1 - Demonstrate a very weak understanding of the eroper handling of tools.
the proper/improper
handling of tools. 5 - Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the safety practices of handling
2. Let students explain the tools.
proper/improper and the 4 - Demonstrate basic understanding of the safety eractices of handling toolls.
violations or safety 3
- Demonstrate a some misunderstanding of the safety practices of handling
practices observed Ill tools.
handling tools. 2 - Demonstrate weak understanding of the safety 2ractices of handling tools
1 - Demonstrate very weak understanding of the safety practices of handling
Levels of What will I
How will I assess? How will I score?
Assessment assess? I
Lesson I : Use of Hand Tools
Product I Use Performance Task:
Performance hand Actual
(30%) perform
tools to a Demonstration Able to
5 demonstrate
- the 12ro12er handling hand tools in accomplishing a task..
task. A mistake was spotted in the proper handling of hand tools while performing the task.
Directions: 4 -
Let Two mistakes were spotted in the proper handling of hand tools while performing the task.
students 3 -
demonstrate the proper
handling and safety 2 - Three mistakes were spotted in the proper handling of hand tools while
use of tools m accomplishing a task (Task related2erforming
to the the task.
course). 1 - Four or more mistakes were spotted in the proper handling of hand tools while
performing the task.

5 - Able to demonstrate safety use of hand tools in accomplishing a task.

4 - Able to demonstrate one unsafe practice while performing the task.
3 - Able to demonstrate two unsafe practices while perfoming the task.
2 - Able to demonstrate three unsafe practices while performing the task.
1 - Able to demonstrate four or more unsafe practices while performing the task.

Summary of Sample Computation:

Knowledge Level ( 15%) -xlOOx0.15 == 12

Process/Skill Level (25%) -xIOOx.025 = 20


Understanding Level (30%) -xIOOx0.30 == 27

Product/Performance Level (30%) - -xIOOx0.30 == 24

Total Percentage Weight 83 - Approaching Proficiency (AP)

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept and principles of physical fitness as essential in achieving active lifestyle
Performance Standard: The learner designs a personalized exercise p t"9gram _t_() improve and sustain the desired level of fitness.
Levels of
Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?

Oral or written assessment

LC*: Know the concept and See attached scoring rubric
principles of physical activity and (See attached perormance task)
Knowledge 15%
its importance

Written and performance assessment

LC: Perform physical fitness
Process/Skills 25% See attached scoring rubric
activities that will improve one's (See attached perormance task)
fitness level.

Understand that sustaining the Oral and Written Assessment: Self-

Understanding desired level of physical fitness assessment
See attached scoring rubric
(30%) is a personal responsibility of
every individual. (See attached perormance task)

Performance Task: Personalized exercise

Products/ See attached Personal Fitness
Create a personalized exercise program
Performances Plan Rubric
(See attached perormance task)

*Learning Competencies
Sample Performance Task for KNOWLEDGE

Your class is creating an activity about ways to keep fit. You and a partner have been selected to be .fitness advocates,enthusiasts. In the
activity, your goal is to help others learn wco,is to be physically fit. How would you convince your target audience about the importance of
physical activity in achieving the desired level of .fitness? What physical .fitness terms and principless would you use in the activity that will
indicate how much you know about the concept and principles of physical activity?

Note to the teacher: Teacher may suggest or draw out activities that learners might want to undertake such as: poster making, play, debate, etc.
as tools for assessing knowledge similar to the above units

Rubrics for Assessment:

l-3Novice 4-7 Intermediate 8 -10 -Exemplary

limited/Inadequate knowledge of Adequate knowledge of the Comprehensive knowledge of

the concept and principles of concept and principles of physical the concept and principles of
physical activity as indicated by activity as indicated by the physical activity as indicated
the learner's use of such terms learner's use of such terms as: by the learners's use of such
as: frequency, intensity, time, frequency, intensity, time, terms as: frequency,
conditioning,overload, etc) conditioning,overload, etc) intensity, time,
conditioning,overload, etc)
Inappropriate and inaccurate Appropriate use of terms related Approrpiate use of terms
use of terms related to to physical activity but not so related to physical activity
physical activity clearly explained and clearly elaborated

Sample Computation: Score 9

9/10 x 100 x .15 = 13.5

Sample Performance Task for SKILLS

We will be hiring a student assistant for our Sports Club. The knowledge and understanding of exercises are of
paramount concern. The Sports Club believes that designing an exerciseprogram is primarily apersonal thing, and so the
applicant will be assessed first on whether he/she can demonstrate competence in designing personalexerciseprogram and on
actualllyperfo rming the exercises. Exercises must be fun and responsive to the applicant'sphysical needs.

Your application for theposition shall therefore, include your proposed exercises andyour actualdemonstration of such
exercises. The first willbe evaluated based on appropriateness, doability and comprehensiveness. Yourperformance, on the other
hand, will be evaluated based on accuracy, fluency and mastery.

We look forward to hearing fr om

you. Tmlyyours,
Note to the Teacher: The above performance task may be stretched for advanced learners by advising them to design an exercise program
appropriate for specific age of their choice. And then, asking them to demonstrate the exercise.

Rubrics for Assessment:

1-5 6-10 11-15
Proposed Exercises Only one indicator was met Only two indicators were met All three indicators were met
• Appropriateness to one's fitness needs
• Doability
• Comprehensiveness
Performance Only one indicator was met Only two indicators were met All three indicators were met
• Precision
• Fluency
• Mastery

Sample Computation: Score 8

8/15 x 100 x .25 = 13.3
Beginner 1-5
Intermediate 6-10
Advanced 11-15
No evidence, reasons or realization provided in responses that reflect the given understanding
Provides evidence and reasons but Oral or Written
no realization Assessment
in the forreflects
responses that UNDERSTANDING
the given understanding
Provides realization and uses evidence, reasons and further explains responses that reflect the given understanding
Direction: Go back to the performance task for Level II assessment. Write or talk about your own understanding of the most important message
you can draw from the performance task. Then, do any one of the following:
1. Express your feelings/thoughts about the understanding.
2. Translate your understanding into a slogan.
3. Convince a friend about it.

The student will be asked to relate tofitness and reflect on the given statement.

The only person who has thefull control over you isyou.

Rubric Clue:

To what extent do students give responses that reflect the understanding that sustaining the desired level of fitness is a personal responsibility?

Note to the teacher: Teacher may use tasks or activities which are appealing and interesting to students e.g. skit, panel
discussion, poster making, etc.

Sample Computation: Score 10

10/15 x 100 x .30 = 20

Personalised Exercise Plan Rubric
Little effort or thouht WIS used to
undcrstandint <if several tnnccpts of • conccpl<i where improvement is wh1t constit utes fitncs,.; wa. lackmg. complete. Goals arc un-ori inal ind
Variety I
ph}!.llll fitnC.\.<;, b ut b u; dci;iml. rcrhl[licaricd fmm another st udent.
ru1some though• into rn:h one.
i;ivine dctaib.
thal answer qucsltJ ns such .L'i oow
much O r hnw high Or hn w fa.,.1?
G 1lals ifC highly specific to the Goal\ describe m11 on· the specific &1rne goals arc pcrsontl while uthcrs Goals ltcJ arc \'Cl}' ('(mrly thtiught
ind1viJull reflected by lhc procni:c fit ne,; allributc that r; desired 10 • how 1lack d thought and rctlcclion. out. L\ cviJcnccd by short. one- or
Personal of Jciails t h1t expand the !O•lii away do two word responses.
from simpk. nnc-worJ statements . bcllcr in. but give specific i11fonn11io11
su,h 11. "bctlcr". ' l111 ho\\ to do better.

Acli\ itics lrC highly ll rismal Ac1i\·i1ics chosen &dcqu11dy lddm;s the :\cti\'itit-s ,lfC not arrmpriatc for Link to no effort WIS made m
anti appmpriatc Ill the ils needs identified in the goals. their i idcntrt'icd guak Activities will the sckction of activities. Short
they strive to meet. not inherently acctm1plish desired non dctailcd respu nscs arc the
i obJcclivcs. norm.
Frcqumy and duration arc well • The frcqucnc· and duration oi the I
The frequency or dur1tio11 for some udcnt failed to m tkc an effort to
Frequency & thought-out. sbowin! an understanding activities is irpmpriate to the ac1h·i1y Kli\'itia; is not untltnil(md or detail ciut the frcqucni:y or duntKID
Duration of the needs of pm,ona.l filncs.s a., well and aclcquilc for accom plishing il!i r incomplete. It is io lieking m of the majority{){ the acti,·itics.
3.'i the needs c1f the ilCti,·ity. ta.,k.

Plan shows a great deal of in.imspcction Pbn was complc1cd in wh11lc. Every Plan wa.,lacking in a few arcis, leaving
anJ t houht. Student took thi\ pmject day has been as,. ;ned a tlsk wit h a t;nod starting ruint, but incom plete. offered no sdf-Kf b:tion to the go 1
Complete scmusly and it shows. Pllll. 11.'i a whok. spccifc duration indicated. o thi a\. 'i1n mrnt. Mijor portions of
is YelJ well done and appropriate for the plan arc incomplete or mis.,;ing
the rcso1m:c. and loutioll!i anilabk. entirely
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and management of health concerns during puberty.
Performance Standard: The learner appropriately manages concerns during puberty to achieve holistic health.

Level of Assessment What will Iassess? How will Iassess? How will Iscore?
Knowledge (15%) LC*: Identify the different Paper-and-Pencil Test (See Every correct answer is given 1 point.
dimensions of holistic health. attached sample test items.)
Note to the teacher: The teacher may also use the constructed response type of test in determining students' knowledge of facts and
information and the use of rubric as a scoring guide will be appropriate.
Process/Skills (25%) LC: Analyze one's behavior or See attached scoring guide
practices in relation to the Checklist on Health habits and
desired practices/behavior for practices (See attached)
attainina holistic health
Understanding (30%) Understanding that Reflection Log See attached scoring guide
attainment of holistic health is
a personal responsibility. Directions: Based on the analysis
made by the students at the
process level, ask them to draw
their generalization or insights on
their personal responsibility in
attaining holistic health
Products/Performances Manage one's health Performance Assessment (Action See attached scoring guide
(30%) concerns during puberty as Plan)
may be
articulated in an action plan to
attain holistic health

LC* - Learning Competency

A. Sample Assessment for Knowledge (15%)
I. Directions: Identify the dimension of health being developed in the activity or behavior. Write the symbol for each

P for Physical health

S for Social health
MS for Moral-Spiritual health
E for Emotional health
M for Mental health

1. Jogging around the park

2. Reading your favorite books
3. Going out with family and friends
4. Listening to mood music
5. Eating a balanced diet regularly
6. Telling the truth
7. Getting enough rest and sleep
8. Respecting your parents and elders
9. Sharing jokes with family members
10. Playing chess, checkers, and Math game

Example of how to compute for the percentage score at the Knowledge level
If 9 is the number of correct answers, divide this by the total number of items, multiply by 100, and then dividE3 by the
percentage weight to arrive at the score for level 1. See the computation below:
9/10 .9 x 100= 90 x .15= 13.5
8. Sample Assessment for Process/Skills (25%)
Directions: 1) Ask students to list down their own health habits/behaviors and indicate the dimension of health in the column
provided in table 1 below.
2) Let them assess how often they practice these health habits/behaviors by checking the appropriate column on
table 1.
Individual Health Habits/Behavior Dimension Always Sometimes Never
of Health
Table 1.Individual Health Habits/Behavior

3. Let students analyze their own health habits/behavior in each dimension by comparing them against the desired health
habits/behavior listed below.

Desired Health Habits/Practices

1. I eat a variety of foods including fruits and vegetables.
2. I practice good hygiene.
3. I am physically active regularly.
4. I prepare for events that I know will be stressful to me.
5. I enjoy learning new things by reading books.
6. Ishow respect for others.
7. Ifind it easy to relax and express my feeling.
8. I listen to the ideas and suaaestions of others
9. I have close friends or relatives in whom I can confide.
10. I avoid risky behavior.
4. Ask them to determine the areas that need improvement and the areas that need to be sustained.

5. Rate the responses in table 1 using the following

points: 3 points - Always

2 points - Sometimes
1 point - Never

Example of how to compute for the percentage score at the Process/Skills level
If 26 is the number of correct answers, divide this by the total number of items, multiply by 100, and then divide by the
percentage weight to arrive at the score for level 2. See the computation below:
26/30 =
.86 x 100 =
.90 x .25 21.67=
C. Sample Assessment for Understanding (30%)
Directions: Based on the analysis made by the students at the process level, ask them to draw their generalization or insights on
- -·
holistic health. Their oeneralization/insiahts will be rated usino the scorina ouide bet
- -

Scoring Guide
9-10 - The generalization reflects comprehensive understanding of how to attain holistic of health.
7-8 - The generalization reflects basic understanding of how to attain holistic health.
5-6 - The generalization reflects some misunderstanding of how to attain holistic health.
3-4 -
The generalization reflects weak understanding of how to attain holistic health.
1-2 - The generalization reflects very weak understanding of how to attain holistic health.

Example of how to compute for the percentage score at the Understanding level
If 9 is the number of correct answers, divide this by the total number of items, multiply by 100, and then divide by the
percentage weight to arrive at the score for level 3. See the computation below:
9/10 .9 x 100= 90 x .30= 27
D. Sample Assessment for Products/Performance
Sample Scoring Guide for Action

Action Beginning (1) Developing (2) Capable (3) Powerful (4)

and specific little understanding or partially developed generally clear very comprehensive;
outcomes described comprehension of context with some articulation of clear articulation of
task relationship to specific context and specific context and learning
learning outcomes learning outcomes - outcomes
( rationale and
learning outcomes are
Steps to be taken; little understanding of gaps in the articulation of clear)
generally clear clear and innovative
resources clearly comprehension of the steps; vague or lacking articulation of steps/ articulation of steps/
identified with specific task; overlaps too much details; resources not deadlines; adequate deadlines; good
deadlines written with regular program or detailed or too general; resources named; resources; realistic and
course expectations replicates regular realistic and substantial very substantial.
program or course plan.
Proposed evidence of little understanding or expectations
limited proposed evidence generally clear and specific clear and innovative
growth comprehension of of growth proposed evidence of growth proposed evidence of
that is easy to "picture"
task growth

Example of how to compute for the percentage score at the Product/Performance level
If 10 is the number of correct answers, divide this by the total number of items, multiply by 100, and then divide by
the percentage weight to arrive at the score for level 4. See the computation below:
10/12 =.83 x 100 =83.33 x .30 =
Summary of Computation:

Final Computation
Knowledge (15%) 9/10 = . 9 x 100 = 90 x .15 = 13.5
Process/ Skills (25%) 26/30 = .86 x 100 = 90 x .25 = 21.67
Understanding (30%) 9/10 = .9 x 100 = 90 x .30 = 27
Products/ Performances (30%) 10/12 = .83 x 100 = 83.33 x .30 = 24.99
Total 87.16
Level of Proficiency Proficient (PJ

Leve/s o/ Assessment
What will I assess?

How will I assess?

How will I score?

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)
Philippine Music (Vocal) -- Grade 7
(Sample Assessment Matrix)

Performance Standard: The learner performs examples of Philippine music, alone and with others in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression and style
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of musical elements and processes of Philippine music, particularly the music of Luzon
hig hlands and lowlands.

Knowledge (15%)

Classifies Philippine folk songs according to their function.

Pen & Paper Test

The learners will give the background information for Philippine songs by comparing and contrasting. Answers will be written in a table following the listening guide.

e.g. song table

l point will be given for every correct classification according to function

The highest score of the first table is 15 points.

Song Title
Classification according to funct ion

Pamulinawen (Ilocano)
Atin Cu Pung Singsing (Ka "' ,o<>n)
Ballad or Narrative Song (Song-Story)
Computation for the 15% Knowledge will be TOTAL SCORE x 100 x 0.15 =
The total score of the student is equivalent to the 15% of the total percentage of the Knowledge assessment.

Table will befdled up with:

1. Song Title
2. Classification according to function:
Salidummay (Western Bontoc)
Ballad/Narrative Songs Love and Courtship songs Friendship and Conviviality Ritual Songs
Song Friendship and Conviviality Work Songs
Listening Test

The learners will describe the Philippine folk songs by analyzing the musical
elements and tabulating them accordingly. Five (5) of these folk songs may be
Doon Po Sa Amin (Tagalog) selected for analysis.
Song of Conviviality I
Humorous Song
Sone Title Timbre Rhythm Meter Melody Harmony Texture Form
L.C.*: Pamulinawen
Analyzes (Ilocano)
examples of Atin Cu Pung
Philippine Singsing
Music by (Kapampangan)
describing Salidummay
SiProcess/ Si Tatay Di Coeach
Nanay, Skills Babayaan
of the (Bicolano)
(25%) (Parental) Song song's Bontoc)
Doon Po Sa
Si Nanay, Si
Sitsiritsit (Tagalog) Tatay Di Co
Song of Conviviality I Babayaan
Humorous Song (Bicolano)
Manang Biday
Manang Biday (Ilocano) (Tagalog)
Love or Courtship Song
Ako'y Kampupot (Taira.log)
Love Song Song Description in terms of the Musical Elements:
Timbre: head voice/falsetto (light), chest/speaking voice (throaty),

NOTE: , guttural voice (raspy/growl)

Rhythm: fast (4 beats/second), moderate (2 beats/second) or slow tempo

= Learning Competency
, (1 beat/second)
Meter: Regular Meter in 2 (1-2), in 3 (1-2-3), in 4 (1-2-3-4), Irregular

Melody: Narrow Range (1-3 tones), Moderate (5 tones), Wide (8 tones

, and above)
Harmony: Major Tonality (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do), Minor Tonality (la-
ti-do-re-mi-fa-so-la), Pentatonic (do-re-mi-so-la), Modal (combination of

different tonal patterns)

Texture: Monophony (melody alone), Homophony (melody with

instrumental accompaniment), Polyphony (two or more different
melodies sung at the same time), Heterophony (similar melodies sung

,the same time)

Form: Syllabic phrasing (one tone per syllable), Melismatic phrasing
(manv tones per syllable.
NOTE: Explain how they will analyze the songs according to the musical elements. Give an example for the analysis.

Big Idea:
that folk
cultural ideas,
emotions and
Understandin beliefs of
Assess the musicianship and stage presence of the performers. Please see attached rubrics.
g (30%) Filipinos

Big Idea:
songs Folk
the historical
experience of
the people.

that the folk
songs reflect
the history
and culture of
the Filipinos.

NOTE: Singing Philippine Folk songs following the musical elements & using the proper singing style will show understanding of the cultural ideas, emotions, and beliefs.

examples of
Philippine Performance Task : Individual or Group Singing
Folk songs in Directions:
Product/Performance Please see attached rubrics.
clear tone, • Sing a chosen Philippine Folk song
correct pitch, • Use the appropriate costumes, musical elements & vocal techniques
rhythm, • Creativity
and style.

NOTE: Performance may be solo or in an ensemble. (Songs to be performed are based on musical sheets or music sources such as mp3, music video, CD, PDF files of music
sheets, etc.)

Each song will be given the following number of points

5 = Was able to correctly describe all 7 musical
4 = Was able to correctly describe most of the musical elements
3 = Was able to correctly describe some musical elements
2 = Was able to correctly describe only a few musical elements
1 = Was able to correctly describe none of the musical elements.


5 = Dynamic levels are obvious, consistent, and phrasing is always consistent and sensitive to the style of music being sung. Performs with
creative nuance and style in response to the score without coaching

4 = Dynamic levels and phrasing is usually consistent and sensitive to the style of music being sung. Typically performs with nuance and style
that is indicated in the score or which is suggested by instructor or peer.

3 = Dynamic levels fluctuate but can be discerned. Phrasing is usually consistent and occasionally sensitive to the style of music being sung.
Sometimes performs with nuance and style that is indicated in the score or which is suggested by the instructor or peer.

2 = Attention to dynamic levels is not obvious. Phrasing is rarely consistent and/or rarely sensitive to musical style. Just sings the note.

1 = No sense of dynamics or phrasing and a low degree of independent musicianship; severe technical flaws overshadow the expression.


5 = Shows an excellent command of the stage in all styles and literature

4 = shows great potential on stage with an occasional lapse in commitment to text/character; there's room for improvement
3 = Has potential on stage but lacks consistency in commitment to text/character in some styles;
Could use more work on interpretation and stage deportment
2 = Shows lack of comfort on stage; rarely demonstrates an understanding of text/character
1 = No connection to text/character and no stage presence to speak of

Cateory 5 2oints 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Melody Able to sing the Able to sing the songs in the Able to sing the songs in the Able to sing a few parts Could not
songs in the correct correct pitch with only a few correct pitch with several of the songs in the follow the
pitch without any mistakes. mistakes. correct pitch but with a melodic lines
mistakes lot of wrong notes.
Rhythm Able to interpret all Able to interpret the notes Able to interpret the notes Had a lot of difficulty in Rhythmic
the notes and rests and rests but with 1-3 and rests but with difficulty. following the rhythmic patterns were
correctly or without mistakes. patterns. not followed.
Timbre Can sing the whole Sound quality is inconsistent Sound quality is inconsistent Sound quality is airy Weak tone
piece in the in some parts of the song. in most parts of the song but and breathy. production
prescribed sound is clear and beginning to be
quality focused in some 2arts.
Dynamics Dynamics was Improper use of dynamics in Improper use of dynamics in Improper use of Dynamics was
properly used in all 1-2 parts of the songs. 3-4 parts of the songs. dynamics in most parts not used
parts of the song. Dynamics was properly used Dynamics was properly used of the songs. properly at all.
in the rest of the song. in the rest of the song.
Antas ng Pagtatasa
Ano ang Tatasahi n?
(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Order No.ang
Paano 73, Pagtatasa?
s. 2012)
Paano Ito Mamarkahan?
Kaalaman (Knowledge) - 15%
LC*: Natutukoy ang mga katangian, PAGTATAYA SA ng
gamit at tunguhin EDUKASYON
isip at kilos-loobSA PAGPAPAKATAO
sa paaaawa ng pasiya (EsP), Baitang 7
Pagpili ng Tamang Sagot (Multiple Choice Test) (Kalakip)(Sample Assessment Matrix)
1 punto sa bawat tamang sagot
lkalawang Markahan:
Proseso/Kakayahan Ang Pagkatao
(Process/Skills) - 25% ng Tao
LC: Nasusuri ang isang pasiyang ginawa batay sa gamit at tunguhin ng isip at kilos-loob
Pamantayang Pangnilalaman: Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa mga konsepto tungkol sa isip at kilos-loob tungo sa
Situation Analysi s: Pagbuo ng angkop na pagpapasiya batay sa mga ibinigay na sitwasyon (Kalakip)
Kalakip ang scoring guide angkop na pagpapasiya.
Pamantayan sa Pagganap:
Pag-unawa (Understanding) Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang mga angkop na pagpapasiya tungo sa katotohanan at kabutihan batay
- 30%
Nauunawaan na ang isip at kilos-loob ang nagpapabukod-tangi
konsepto tuna kol sasa tao,
isip atkaya ang kanyang mga pagpapasiya ay dapat patungo sa katotohanan at
kabutihan - -
Pagbuo ng batayang konsepto gamit ang graphic organizer (Kalakip)
Pagsulat ng pangangatwiran kung bakit dapat sanayin ang paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob batay sa tunguhin ng mga ito (Kalakip)
Kalakip ang scoring guide
Produkto/Pagganap (ProducU Performance) - 30%
Nakabubuo ng angkop na pagpapasiya tungo sa katotohanan at kabutihan gamit ang isip at kilos-loob
Tseklis ng mga tungkuling isasakatuparan Pagninilay
Journal ng pagninilay Pagsasabuhay
Journal ng mga tala ng pagsasabuhay Kraytirya sa pagtataya ng awtput:
May malinaw na paglalahad ng mga pasya o kilos tungo sa katotohanan at kabutihan
May paliwanag ang bawat pasya o kilos sa bawat situwasyon batay sa gamit at tunguhin ng isip at kilos-loob
Mal kalaki na patunay ng agsasabuhay
Kalakip ang scoring guide
Mga lnstrumento sa Pagtatasa (Assessment Tools)

lkalawang Markahan: Ang Pagkatao ng Tao

Pamantayang Pangnilalaman: Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa mga konsepto tungkol sa isip at kilos-loob tungo sa
angkop na pagpapasiya.
Pamantayan sa Pagganap: Naisasagawa ng mag-aaral ang mga angkop na pagpapasiya tungo sa katotohanan at kabutihan
batay sa mga konsepto tungkol sa isip at kilos-loob.

Kaalaman (Knowledge)
Multiple Choice
Panuto: Basahin at unawaing mabuti ang bawat tanong. lsulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa patlang sa unahan ng bilang.
1. Ang halaman, hayop at tao ay nagkakatulad sa ilang aspeto, maliban sa
a. Kailangang alagaan ito upang lumaki, kumilos, at dumami.
b. Kumukuha ito ng sapat na sustansya upang maging malusog.
c. Kailangang dumami upang maipagpatuloy ang kanyang lahi.
d. Nag-iisip, pumipili at nagpapasiya para sa kanyang ikauunlad at ikabubuti.

2. Alin ang hindi totoo sa isip?

a. Ito ang pakultad (faculty) na naaakit sa mabuti.
b. Ito ay may kapangyarihang alamin ang buod ng isang bagay.
c. Sa pamamagitan ng isip, ang tao ay naghahanap ng katotohanan.
d. Kailangang sanayin at linangin upang magampanan nito ang kanyang tunguhin (goal).
3. Sa pamamagitan ng kilos-loob, nahahanap ng tao ang
a. kabutihan c. kaganapan
b. katotohanan d. karunungan
4. Paano tunay na mapamamahalaan ng tao ang kanyang kilos?
a. Sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalakas ng kontrol sa sarili o pagkakaroon ng disiplina
b. Sa pamamagitan ng tamang paggamit ng kilos-loob
c. Sa pamamagitan ng mahabang proseso ng pag-iisip
d. Sa pamamagitan ng pagsangguni sa mga taong nakaaalam at puno ng karanasan
5. Alin ang hindi katangian ng isip?
a. May kakayahang magnilay.
b. May kakayahang magtimbang ng esensya (essence) ng mga bagay.
c. Binibigyan ng kapangyarihan ang tao na ayusin ang kanyang mga iniisip at ikinikilos.
d. May kakayahang maisabuhay ang mga katotohanang pangkalahatan (universal truths).
6. Ang isip ng tao ay may limitasyon at hindi ito kasing perpekto ng Diyos, kaya ang tao ay
nakadarama ng:
a. kalungkutan
b. kahihiyan
c. kakulangan
d. kapaguran
7. Ang kilos-loob ayon sa paglalarawan ni Santo Tomas de Aquino ay isang makatwirang
pagkagusto (rational appetency), sapagkat ito ay pakultad (faculty) na:
a. nagpapagaan ng kalooban at nagpapasaya ng damdamin
b. naaakit sa mabuti at lumalayo sa masama
c. ginugusto ang tama at pinipili ang kapakanan ng nakararami
d. inaayunan ang mabuti at pinahihintulutan anglama
8. Ang kilos-loob ay hindi naaakit sa kasamaan at hindi kailanman magugustuhan ang mismong
masama. Nagaganap lamang ang pagpili sa masama kung ito ay
a. pinipilit ng iba sa kanya
b. nakalimutang iproseso ang pagpili
c. ginagawa ng lahat o ng nakararami
d. nababalot ng kabutihan at nagmumukhang mabuti at kaakit-akit
9. Ang maaaring makaimpluwensya sa pagpili ng kilos-loob ay ang
a. isip
b. kaluluwa
c. damdamin
d. puso
10. Kawangis ng Diyos ang tao dahil sa kakayahan niyang
a. makaalam at magpasya nang malaya
b. makalulong at makapagbigay sa kapwa
c. mag-isip at sundin ang iniisip
ct. gumawa nglama at maging mabait
Mga Sitwasyon
Ano ang iyong iisipin?
Ano ang iyong gagawin?
1. Nakita mong (Process/Skills)
binu-bully ng 3 kaklase mo ang isang mag-aaral na bagong lipat sa inyong paaralan.
Situation Analysis: Pagsuri ng mga sitwasyon kung saan tutukuyin ng mag-aaral ang kanyang iisipin at gagawin kung maharap sa
2. Mag-aaral ka para sa presentasyon sa klase kinabukasan nang maalala mo ang dati mong kaklase na nangamusta sa Facebook.

3. May nakita kang tinedyer na nagbukas ng iPod habang nagdarasal ang maraming tao sa inyong sambahan.

4. Plano mong magpunta sa kapilya ng inyong paaralan upang magdasal nang yayain ka ng iyong mga kaklase na magpunta sa mall.

5. Nagmamadali kang papunta sa klase nang makakita ka ng basag na bote sa pasilyo papunta sa klasrum. Pupulutin mo sana pero pinigilan ka ng isang mag-aaral.

Rubric para sa pagsusuri ng mga sitwasyon:

Kraytirya/Puntos 2 1 0
1. Patungo sa Tama at patungo sa katotohanan Tama at patungo sa katotohanan ang Mali at hindi patungo sa
katotohanan ang sagot sa ang isinulat sa "iisipin" isinulat sa "iisipin" ngunit naglagay ng katotohanan ang isinulat sa
"iisipin" pahayag na nakalilito sa dapat na isipin "iisipin"
2. Patungo sa kabutihan ang Tama at patungo sa kabutihan ang Tama at patungo sa kabutihan ang Mali at hindi patungo sa
sagot sa "gagawin" isinulat sa speech balloon na dapat isinulat sa speech balloon na dapat kabutihan ang isinulat na
gawin sa sitwasyong iyon gawin sa sitwasyong iyon subalit dapat gawin sa
naglagay ng pahayag na nakalilito sa sitwasyong iyon
dapat na gawin
3. May malinaw na Kompleto at wasto ang paliwanag Hindi kompleto bagama't waste> Mali ang paliwanag
paliwanag sa bawat sagot ang paliwanag

Ang gamit ngngkilos­
AngKaya ng kilos­
isip naayloob
ay ay ay Ang tao, ay at
ang isip at kilos-loob upang
Isip na
Kilos-loob na

Pag-unawa (Understanding)
A. Pagbuo ng batayang konsepto gamit ang graphic organizer (kalakip)

Anong konsepto ang naunawaan mo mula sa babasahin? Sagutin ito sa iyong kuwaderno gamit ang graphic organizer.

na nilalang dahil siya ay may:

8.. Pagsulat ng pangangatwiran kung bakit dapat sanayin ang paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob batay sa tunguhin ng mga ito
Mga sagot:
1. Hindi gugustuhin ng kilos-loob ang isang bagay na hindi alam ng isip, kaya mahalaga ang pag-aaral at pananaliksik.
Sa pagsaliksik at pag-alam kung alin ang higit na mabuti, mapipili ng tao kung ano ang mabuting dapat niyang gawin.
2. Upang magampanan niya ang kanyang tunguhin bilang tao
3. Upang magamit ang kaalaman at kabutihan sa pagpapaunlad ng kanyang pagkatao, paglingkod sa kapwa at pakikibahagi
o paalilinakod
Kraytirya/Puntos 6 4 2
1. Nagbigay ng 3 dahilan Nagbigay ng 3 dahilan Nagbigay ng 2 dahilan Nagbigay ng 1 dahilan
kung bakit dapat sanayin
ang paggamit ng isip at
kilos-loob batay sa tunguhin
ng mga ito
2. Nakapagbigay ng malinaw Lahat ng paraang gagawin 1 paraan ay walang paliwanag 2 paraan ay walang paliwanag
na paliwanag sa bawat dahilan ay mayroong paliwanag
kung bakit dapat sanayin ang
paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob
batav sa tunguhin ng mga ito

Product/Performance (Produkto I Pagganap)

1. Pagtatala ng mga tungkuling isasakatuparan
2. Pagsusuri kung ginagawa niya ang bawat tungkuling itinala
3. Pagsulat ng paliwanag (kung tugma ang iniisip at ginagawa niya sa bawat tungkulin) sa kolum na "Natuklasan Ko"

Tungkulin Afam ko Ginagawa ko Natukla-.n Ko

Halimbawa: Sumusunod lang ako sa uso at mga
Pumili ng musikang pakikinggan. ,/ )( gusto ng aking mga kaibigan

Tungkulin Alam ko Ginagawa ko Natuklasan Ko

Note: Ang awtput sa pagganap ay magagamit sa pagsasabuhay kaya huwag muna itong markahan.

1. Pagsulat ng pagninilay sa mga natuklasan sa paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob sa pagtupad ng mga tungkuling itinala
2. Pagtukoy sa mga paraan o hakbang kung paano magiging tugma ang alam ng isip sa ginagawa ng kilos-

loob Rubric sa Pagninilay

Kraytirya/Puntos 3 2 1
1. Natukoy ang mga realisasyon sa Natukoy ang 3 realisasyon sa Natukoy ang 2 realisasyon Natukoy ang 1 realisasyon
paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob paggamit ng isip at kilos-loob sa paggamit ng isip at kilos- sa paggamit ng isip at kilos-
2. Nakapagbigay ng malinaw na May paliwanag ang bawat loob isang realisasyon na
May loob
2 ay walang paliwanag
paliwanag sa bawat realisasyon realisasyon walang paliwanag
3. Pagninilay o realisayon sa mga Kompleto ang tatlong bahagi ng Kulang ng isa ang tatlong Kulang ng dalawa ang
realisasyon pagninilay bahagi ng pagninilay tatlong bahagi ng pagninilay
• Bumanggit ng karanasan sa
pagsasagawa ng gawain
• May makabuluhang aral na
• Komitment na ipagpatuloy ang

Pagsasagawa ng mga itinalang tungkulin sa loob ng dalawang linggo hanggang ang mga ito ay maging bahagi ng araw-araw na
pamumuhay gamit ang Talahanayan ng Pagtupad ng mga Tungkulin (upang maging tugma ang alam ng isip at ginagawa ng kilos
Tungkul in na nais ..... '"' --
I ,_
,.•:s --
, -· = - - ·-·,.. -... •:s ,.....-
,_ _ ..... .H

il:11.rl:lti 1nl:lrl:ln v,
Paraan o
1 (I)
.g O> O> -9?
i "' .g

i. !
0 (/) 0
upang maging tugma ang alam ng isip sa ginagawa ng kilos- loob(/) (/) (/)
O> O>
Hakbang na Gagawin Q) Q)
i i
-CQID ::ic -- !l> :Eim C/')
c:::s c
:::s (tJ (tJ c
Kraytirya sa pagtataya ng awtput: ....J ....J
a. May malinaw na paglalahad ng mga pasya o kilos tungo sa :E katotohanan at kabutihan
b. May paliwanag ang bawat pasya o kilos sa bawat situwasyon..,,,batay sa gamit at tunguhin ng isip at kilos-loob
c. May kalakip na patunay ng pagsasabuhay )(

lpagamit ang tseklisMaging b.
na sinagutan ..-, ipagawa sa mag-aaral
sa pagganap at xmula xrito )( )(
ang sumusunod:

sensitibo sa idinudulot na epekto nito sa

1. Mula sa mga nakatalang
akin. tungkulin sa bahaging pagganap, pumili ng lima na nais paunlarin upang magtugma ang alam ng isip
sa ginagawa ng kilos-loob.
2. Tukuyin din ang paraan o hakbang na dapat gagawin. Sa tapat ng bawat paraan ay maglagay ng pitong kolum na kakatawan
sa pitong araw na mayroon sa isang linggo.
3. Lagyan ng tsek (""") ang kolum kung naisagawa sa naturang araw ang pamamaraan na naitala at ekis ( x) kung hindi. Gawin
ito sa loob ng dalawang linggo.

Talahanayan ng Pagtupad ng mga Tungkulin

Hal.: Pumili ng a. Suriin ang liriko )( )( x

musikang ng awitin.
Rubric sa Pagsasabuhay

Kraytirya/Puntos 3 2 1
1. Natukoy ang mga tungkulin na Natukoy ang 3 o higit pang Natukoy ang 2 tungkulin na Natukoy ang 1 tungkulin na
nais isakatuparan upang tugma tungkulin na nais nais isakatuparan nais isakatuparan
ang tamang iniisip sa ginagawa isakatuparan
2. Natukoy ang mga paraan Natukoy 3 paraan upang Natukoy 2 paraan upang Natukoy ang 1paraan upang
upang maisakatuparan ang mga maisakatuparan ang mga maisakatuparan ang mga maisakatuparan ang mga itinalang
itinalang tungkulin gamit ang isip itinalang tungkulin gamit ang itinalang tungkulin gamit tungkulin gamit ang isip at kilos
isip at kilos loob ang isip at kilos loob loob
at kilos loob
3. Binanggit ang resulta sa loob Hindi nagampanan ng 1-2 Hindi nagampanan ng 3-4 Hindi nagampanan ng 5 o higit
ng 2 linggo at nilakipan ng araw at kulang ng 1-2 araw at kulang ng 3-4 pang araw at kulang ng 5 o
paliwanag paliwanag paliwanag higit pang paliwanag
4. Nilakipan ng pagninilay o Kompleto ang tatlong bahagi Kulang ng isa ang tatlong Kulang ng dalawa ang tatlong
realisayon sa nagging ng pagninilay bahagi ng pagninilay bahagi ng pagninilay
• Bumanggit ng karanasan sa
pagsasagawa ng gawain

• May makabuluhang aral na


• Komitment na ipagpatuloy
ang natutuhan
(Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


I. Assessment of the Four (4) Levels of Assessment

For every quarter, pupils shall be assessed at these four (4) levels of assessment.

A. Assessment of Level of Knowledge {15%)

On assessing the level of knowledge, the following assessment tools maybe used:
1. Paper and Pencil Tests

These types of test can be used to determine the pupil's knowledge of specific facts and

a. Multiple Choice Test

b. True or False
c. Matching Type
d. Constructed response type of test (To determine if the pupil's knowledge of facts and
information is of sufficient; breadth and depth, the following test type maybe appropriate. A
rubric or scoring guide will be necessary).

2. Oral Participation
3. Periodic Test

B.Assessment of Process or Skills {25%)

For assessment of process or skills, the focus is on how pupils construct meanings or makes sense of
the facts and information. The following maybe asked for pupils to do as deemed appropriate for a
learning area and grade level.

a. Outlining, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, translating, converting, or expressing the
information in another format;
b. Drawing analogies
c. Constructing graphs, flowcharts, and maps or graphic organizers
d. Transforming a textual presentation into a diagram
e. Drawing or painting pictures
f. Other Activities

Oral Participation

a. Doing role plays

b. Other Activities
C. Assessment of Understanding (s) (30%)

For assessment of understanding(s), pupils may be assessed in terms of:

Explain/justify something based on facts/data , phenomena or evidence
b. Tell/retell stories
c. Make connections of what was learned within and across learning areas
d. Apply what has been learned in real life situations
Oral Discourse/recitation
a. Explain/justify something based on facts/data , phenomena or evidence
b. Tell/retell stories
c. Make connections of what was learned within and across learning areas
d. Apply what has been learned in real life situations
Open-ended tests

D. Assessment of Products/Performances (30%}

Pupils may be assessed by the any of the following:

a. Participation (e.g. in group projects)

b. Projects
c. Homework
d. Experiments
e. Portfolio
f. Other Outputs

II. Sample Computation of Pupil Rating

To determine the rating for the learning area in a grading period, which includes
Mother Tongue, get the average of all the ratings entered in the Class Record under each
measure of achievement. Multiply the result by the corresponding percentage weight.

Rating for Elementary Mathematics for a Quarter
Knowledge Process or Skills Understanding (s) Product/Performance Tota
upil I
Oral Peria Ave 15% Quiz/Oral Ave 25% Quiz Oral Test Ave 30% Project Participa Home Ave 30% 100%
Quiz part die Wt Participation Wt Partici Wt. Portfol tion in work wt
test pation io Group
' 80 78 82 80 12 90 94 92 23 82 80 78 80 24 88 86 87 87 26.1 85
: 88 85 87 86.67 12.13 89 87 88 22 82 84 83 83 24.9 85 86 85 85 25.5 85
89 90 91 90 13.5 92 94 93 23.25 92 94 93 93 27.9 93 95 94 94 28.2 93
) 82 85 80 82.33 12.35 80 86 83 20.75 80 78 81 80 24 82 84 83 83 24.9 82

To compute the rating of Pupil A in the given example:

Percentage Weight Ave. x Weight Computed Value

Knowledge 15% 80 x 0.15 = 12
Process/Skills 25% 92 x 0.25 = 23
Understanding 30% 80 x 0.30 = 24
Product/Performance 30% 87 x 0.30 = 26.1

100% 85.1
Round 85.1 to 85.

To compute the rating of Pupil B in the given example:

Percentage Ave. x Weight Computed Value

Knowledge Weight 86.67 x 0.15 = 12.13
Process/Skills 15%
25% 88 x 0.25 = 22
Understanding 30% 83 x 0.30 = 24.9
Product/Performance 30% 85 x 0.30 = 25.5

100% 84.53

Round 84.53 to 85.00

To compute the rating of Pupil C in the given example:

Percentage Weight Ave. x Weight Computed Value

Knowledge 15% 90 x 0.15 = 13.5
Process/Skills 25% 93 x 0.25 = 20.75
Understanding 30% 93 x 0.30 = 27.9
Product/Performance 30% 94 x 0.30 = 28.2

100% 92.85
Round 92.85 to 93.00

To compute the rating of Pupil D in the given example:

Percentage Weight Ave. x Weight Computed

Knowledge 15% 82.33 x 0.15 = Value 12.35
Process/Skills 25% 83 x 0.25 = 20.75
Understanding 30% 80 x 0.30 = 24
Product/Performance 30% 83 x 0.30 = 24.9

100% 82.00
The pupils' rating shall be interpreted in terms ofthe five (5) Level of Proficiency.

Level of Proficiency Equivalent

Beginning 74% and below
Developing 75 - 79%
Approaching Proficiency 80 - 84%
Proficient 85 -89%
Advanced 90 % and above

The numerical value shall not appear in the report card , but the descriptive equivalent level
of proficiency.

B for Beginning
D for Developing
AP for Approaching Proficiency
P for Proficient
A for Advanced

In the given example, Pupil A is Proficient (P), Pupil B is Proficient (P), Pupil C is Advanced (A)
and Pupil D is also Approaching Proficiency (AP).

Ill. Marking for MAPEH

For MAPEH, each of the four (4) component areas shall be taught separately and pupils will
be rated per component area. There shall be one rating for MAPEH, which is the average of
the four component areas.


Music 84 AP
Art 88 p
P.E. 90 A
Health 89 p

351 I 4 = 87.75 round to 88.00 P

Thus the grade for MAPEH is 88.00 which is Proficient (P).

Add the grades for the four (4) component learning areas. Total grade divided by 4 is the
average rating for MAPEH.

In the given example, the descriptive rating for each component area will also appear in the
report card.
IV. Marking for Oral Fluency in Filipino and English

Like the other learning areas, assessment of Oral Fluency in Filipino and English shall also
be at four (4) levels Knowledge (15%), Process/Skills (25%), Understandings {30%) and
Product/Performance (30%). Oral tests shall be given with corresponding rubrics.


• For the first semester (second grading period), pupils shall be assessed on oral
fluency (see attached sample)
• During the second semester, pupils shall be rated the way they are rated in the other
learning areas.


For English which will be introduced during the second semester, pupils will be assessed on
oral fluency (see attached sample).

For the computation of pupil's rating for Oral Filipino and English, activities can be used for
this purpose with the aid of Rubrics. The following are some example of activities that can
be used for purposes of assessing oral Filipino and English fluency. Teachers may use other
activities which are appropriate for rating oral fluency.

Below are examples of Activities/Oral Tests for rating oral fluency (Filipino and English).
Rubrics on the four (4) Levels of assessment ( Knowledge (15%), Process/Skills (25%),
Understandings (30%) and Product/Performance (30%)) shall be used.

• Retelling Personal Stories

Pupils retell anecdotes which they heard from their classmates or friends
• Retelling Stories
Pupils retell stories which they have just heard from their teacher, classmates or
• Role playing a Dialogue
Pupils role play a dialogue, guided by some keywords
Pupils role play according to instructions on role play card
Pupils role play a telephone conversation
• Storytelling by Turns
Through group work, pupils create a story. They take turns to speak while providing
details for the story.
• Spotting Differences and Similarities
Pupils are asked to speak in order to find differences and similarities of two similar
• Interview
Pupils may be interviewed by their teacher on topics interesting for them.
• My Favorite Cartoon Character
Pupils are asked to speak in order to describe their favorite cartoon character.
• Oral Filipino and English Tests
V. Assessing the Mother Tongue Subject

Mother Tongue is a generic and international term that refers to the first language (Ll) or
home language of the child. It is a language subject that aims to develop the literacy,
cognitive and reasoning skills of students. It focuses on the four aspects of development as

A. Language Development via small and big group activities on oral language for
extensive use and deeper understanding of the language (Language competence)
and the child's confidence on the use of language in academic oral and even
written discourse;

B. Cognitive Development via the art of questioning that will encourage higher order
thinking skills of not only the students but also the teachers;

C. Academic Development via small and big group activities on vocabulary

development using concept map, diagrams and others; and

D. Socio - cultural Development via use of local and indigenized materials for
relevance to student's background and deeper understanding of the concept.
Since MT is a language subject its assessment follows the four levels of assessment with its
corresponding weight and the level of proficiency as indicated in DO No. 31 s. 2012. MT
should not be treated as a different or distinct subject from the rest of the subjects.

On the other, oral language proficiency of the students and small and big group activities
will be measured using the rubrics. (see attached samples)

VI. Marking for Character Traits

Existing Guidelines stipulated in DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2004 for Marking Character Traits
shall be applied.

VII.Scoring Quizzes and Periodic Test (Refer to DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2004, Paragraph 5))

Transmutation table shall not be used in computing grades. Test scores for quizzes shall be
recorded as raw scores, totaled at the end of a grading period and then computed as
percentage (Pupils Total Score + Highest Possible Score x 100). Periodic test score shall also
be computed as percentage using the same formula.

VIII. Rating Oral Participation,Group Participation, Projects, Performances, Homework,

Experiments, Portfolio, and others

a. Rubrics shall be utilized for rating individual or group participation, project, performances
etc. (Teachers are encouraged to prepare their own rubrics)
IX .Computation of the Final Rating for each Learning Area

To determine the Final rating for each learning area, get the average of the numerical values
of the four (4) quarters. See example below:

First Grading 88
Second Grading 90
Third Grading 91
Fourth Grading
361 + 4 = 90.25 round to 90.00
The final rating in numerical value which is 90.00 shall not be entered into the progress
report card but its descriptive equivalent. In this case 90.00 is Advanced (A).

X. Computation of the General Average

To arrive at the General Average of the pupil, add all the numerical ratings for the
Descriptive Equivalents under the column for Final Ratings in the Progress Report card.
Divide the sum by the number of learning areas in the grade level.

Consider that Pupil A of Grade 1obtained the following numerical final ratings

Learning Areas Final Numerical Rating

Mathematics p
English (Third and Fourth p
Quarter) Filipino p
Araling Panlipunan p
90.00 A
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
92.00 A
Mother Tongue
91.00 A
623.00 7 7 = 89.00
The General Average which is 89 shall be entered in the Progress Report card beside its
descriptive equivalent which is Proficient. However, it shall be written enclosed by
parentheses as in P (89).

XII. Rounding Numbers

Rounding Numbers to the nearest whole number is applied when computing for the rating
of each learning area for a quarter, final rating of each learning area and general average.
When rounding to the nearest whole numbers, if the digit to the right of the digit where
rounding is to be done is 5 and above, round up otherwise, round down.

For the selection of honors/ranking purposes, "rounding numbers" shall not be applied for
the following:
• Final rating for each learning area
• General Average
(Separate guidelines for the selection of honor pupils shall be issued).
XIII. Promotion and Intervention

Like those in the Advanced, Proficient and Approaching Proficiency, pupils in the Developing
(D) level of proficiency as the general average, shall be promoted to the next grade level.
However, appropriate intervention is necessary for those at the Developing Level.

If after the school year, these pupils still get the Beginning (B) Level of Proficiency as the
general average, they shall be advised to take make-up or summer classes in the learning
areas where they need help to be able to cope up with the competencies in the next grade
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

. ance/Products
(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)
Participation (e.g. in group projects) Projects
What to Assess {30%) How to Assess (Suggested Assessment Tools/Strategies) How to Score/Rate Learning How to Utilize Results
Knowledge Using Rubrics {15%)
Content of the authentic tasks as1. Quizes Raw scores
i. !
curriculum e. Multiple Choice Test
Homework To identify individual learner
Facts and f. True or False
information that with specific needs for academic
I evidence
learners of
g. Matching Type
interventions and individual
h. Constructed response type of test
2. Oral Participation
instruction Rubrics
understandings Multiple
test Raw scores

(25%) To identify learners with similar


Portfolio Other 1.Quizes needs for academic I
operations that
Outputs a. Outlining, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, translating, converting, or expressing Raw Scores interventions and small group
learners perform the information in another format;
on facts and instruction
intelligences - Constructing graphs, flowcharts, and maps or graphic organizers
information for
- Transforming a textual presentation into a diagram
i constructing
meanings -Drawing or painting pictures
- Other Outputs To assess effectiveness of
2. Oral participation Rubrics teaching and learning strategies
I Understanding/s (30%)
l.Quizes Raw Scores To evaluate instructional

I • Explanation a. Explain/justify something based on facts/data , phenomena or evidence Rubrics materials used.
• Interpretation b. Tell/retell Stories
• c. Make connections of what was learned within and across learning areas To design instructional materials
d. Apply what has been learned in real life situation
. Oral Discourse/recitation Rubrics
a. Explain/justify something based on facts/data , phenomena or evidence To assess and improve classroom
b.Make connections of what was learned within and across learning areas
c. Apply what has been learned in real life situations To design in-service training
program of teachers in the core
3. Open-ended tests
subjects of the curriculum.
Perfo r

(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)


Name: - Title of Work:



No. T he teacher observes the learners: 5 4 3 2 1

Always Frequently Occasional Seldom Never
1 Helping - offering assistance to each other

2 Listening - interacting with each other

3 Participating- contributing in the completion of the task

4 Persuading- exchanging, defending, and processing ideas

5 Questioning- interacting, discussing, and posing HOTS questions to other members of

the group
6 Respecting- (1) encouraging and supporting each others' ideas and efforts (2)
practicing honesty, cooperation and harmonious relationship with the other members
of the group
7 Sharing- sharing ideas and reporting their findings

8 Receiving Feedback-Accepting feedback about ideas presented

Total Points

Legend: Numerical Value

Always - 90% and above
Frequently - 85% - 89%
Occasional - 80% - 84%
Seldom - 75% - 79%
Never - 74% below
(Mother tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

Directions: Check the appropriate box to assess the pupil's performance.

No. The student demonstrates the ability to...... 5 4 3 2 1
Always Frequently Occasional Seldom Never

1 Follow simple oral directions

2 Participate in class discussions/ activities

3 Listen carefully and interact with others

4 Use courteous expressions
5 Use culturally appropriate expressions to talk about pictures presented with ease and
6 Recite/sing with ease and confidence rhymes, jingles, riddles, chants, song, lullaby in
culturally appropriate manner
7 Use expressions appropriate to the grade level in classifying things, animals, objects,
8 Relate their own stories related to the picture presented with proper phrasing and
9 Show understanding of the content by expressing appropriate feelings, thoughts, bodily
gestures and facial expression.
10 Complete assigned tasks on a given time.


Legend: Numerical Value (Note: Teachers can still add more criteria base on what is expected on that grading)
Always - 90% and above Frequently - 85% - 89% Occasional - 80% - 84% Seldom - 75% - 79% Never - 74% below


74 % and Below 75-79% 80 - 84% 85-89% 90% and Above
- Knowledge of Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates
language forms knowledge of specified knowledge of considerable knowledge of specified extensive knowledge
and conventions language structures and specified language knowledge of specified language structures and of specified language
vocabulary structures and language structures and vocabulary structures and
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
- Understanding Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates full
of content knowledge of content of understanding of considerable understanding of understanding of
required task and includes required task and understanding of content or required task content or required
few of the specified elements includes some of the content of required task and includes all of the task and includes all of
specified elements and includes most of specified elements. the specified elements.
the specified elements
Thinking/Inquiry Uses critical and creative Uses critical and Uses critical and Uses critical and Uses critical and
thinking skills with limited creative thinking creative thinking skills creative thinking skills creative thinking skills
use and effectiveness skills with moderate with considerable with a high degree of with a very high
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness degree of effectiveness
Communication of Presents orally using correct Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates
information and pronunciation and intonation information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas information and ideas
ideas and body language and other with limited clarity with some clarity with considerable with clarity
non-verbal clues, to clarify clarity
and enhance a message
Use of language Use language with limited Use language with Use language with Use language with a Use language with a
accuracy and effectiveness some accuracy and considerable accuracy high degree of accuracy very high degree of
effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness accuracy and
Making Connections Makes connections with Makes connections Makes Makes connections Makes connections
limited effectiveness with moderate connections with with a high degree of with a very high
effectiveness considerable effectiveness degree of effectiveness

s 4 3 2 1
Advanced Proficiency Approaching Developing Beginning
Kaalaman sa Nagpapakita ng Nagpapakita ng Nagpapakita ng Nagpapakita ng sapat Nagpapakita ng
Paksa mas higit sa malawak na epektibong pag-unawa na pag-unawa sa kaunting pag-unawa sa
inaasahang lawak pagkaunawa sa sa kuwentong narinig kuwentong narinig kuwentong narinig
ng pagkaunawa sa kuwento
Bokabularyo Gumagamit ng mas Gumagamit ng Gumagamit ng isang Gumagamit ng isang Gumagamit ng isang
malawak kaysa sa isang malawak na malaking hanay ng mga sapat na hanay ng mababang hanay ng
inaasahang hanay ng natutunan bokabularyo mga natutunan mga pangunahing
bokabularyo na bokabularyo na sa ilang patubigan ng bokabularyo na may natutunan
natutunan at natutunan at mga bagong salita mula ilang mga bagong bokabularyo,
nagagamit ang mga nagagamit ang mga sa teksto salita mula sa teksto
natutunang bagong natutunang mga
salita bagong salita

Katatasan Lumampas sa Naikukuwentong Epektibong pamamaraan Katanggap-tanggap. Maliit na pagpansin

inaasahan muli ang kwentong ng storytelling. Nasasabi ang sa pagakakasunod ng
napakinggan/nabasa Natutukoy ang detalye kuwento na may mas kuwento, pabagu-bago
nang buong kaunting detalye. ang pagtatanghal,
ng kuwento nang hindi
kahusayan at limitado katatasan.
kagalingan. na naghahanap para sa Kaunting kakayahan.
bokabularyo o

Paggamit ng wika Nagagamit ang Nagpapakita ng Katamtamang tagumpay Katanggap-tanggap May kaunting na
wika nang buong matagumpay na sa pagbigkas na pagbigkas at kakayahan sa
kahusayan. pagbigkas. paggamit ng balarila. pagbigkas, at may
limitadong kontrol ng


75% - 79 % 80% - 84% 85% - 89% 90% and above
74% and below

COMPREHENSION Cannot understand even Has great difficulty following Understands most of what is said Understands almost nearly what Understands everyday
simple conversation. what is said. Can comprehend at a slower than normal speed is said at a normal speed conversations and normal
only when spoken slowly and with repetitions. although occasional repetitions classroom discussions
with frequent repetitions. maybe necessary. without difficulty.

FLUENCY Speech is so halting (with Usually hesitant; often Speech in everyday conversation Speech in everyday conversation Speech in everyday
frequent irregular pauses) forced into silence by and classroom discussions and classroom discussions conversation and
and fragmentary as to language limitations. frequently disrupted by the generally fluent with occasional classroom discussions
make conversation student's search for correct lapses by the student's search for fluent and effortless.
virtually impossible. manner of expression. correct manner of expression.

PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation problems Very hard to understand Pronunciation problems Always intelligible, though one is Proper pronunciation and
so severe as to make because of pronunciation necessitate concentration on conscious of a definite accent and intonation are observed
speech virtually problems. Must frequently the part of the listener and occasional inappropriate
impossible. repeat in order to make occasionally lead to intonation patterns
himself/herself understood. misunderstanding

VOCABULARY Vocabulary limitations so Misuse of words and very Student frequently uses the wrong Student occasionally uses Uses vocabulary
extreme so as to make limited vocabulary; words; conversation somewhat inappropriate terms/and or must and idioms
conversation virtually comprehension quite difficult. limited because of the inadequate rephrase ideas because of lexical appropriately
impossible. vocabulary inadequacies

CREATIVITY WITH Cannot express oneself. Can hardly express Can express oneself. Has the Can express oneself with a bit Can express oneself in
LANGUAGE oneself. Can hardly create ability to be creative and of confidence Has the ability to different ways with
sentences/paragraphs. imaginative with language be creative and imaginative confidence Has the ability
with some needed support with language with little to be creative and
needed support, imaginative with

LEVEL Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation

Commits errors in Uses speaking Understands simple Uses one's L1 oral Commits errors frequently
Beginning (B) grammar frequently but vocabulary adequately questions and fluency on the target in pronunciation. but can
can still be understood to express elementary statements only if slowly language. still be understood by the
74 % and Below by the listener. needs (hunger. thirst, delivered, repeated and listener.
etc.) and nothing else. paraphrased.
Handles basic Uses speaking Understands the gist of Uses word level fluency Stresses correctly one to
constructions vocabulary sufficiently to most conversations of in most social two syllable words though
Developing (D) accurately but does not express himself in topics that require no situations. including accentuation (raising and
have thorough or simple situations like specialized knowledge introductions and pausing of voice) is often
75 - 79% confident control of the giving information about like likes and dislikes. casual conversations. quite faulty.
grammar. oneself. directions, personal
information. etc.

Speaks the language Uses speaking Comprehension is quite Uses phrase level Stresses correclty one to
Approaching Proficiency with sufficient structural vocabulary sufficiently to complete at a normal fluency in mosdt formal two syllable words rarely
(AP) accuracy to participate participate effectively in rate of speech. or informatl comitting accentuation
effectively in most formal most formal and informal conversations. (raising and pausing of
80 - 84% and informal conversations rarely voice) errors.
conversation. qropinq for words.
i Uses speaking
Uses the language vocabulary with high Can understand any Uses sentence level Pronounces words
Proficient (P) accurately. Grammatical degree of appropriacy in conversation within the fluency in any accurately but not
errors are quite rare. any conversation within range of his experience. conversation within the necessarilty with native-
85 - 89% the range of one's range of one's like accentuation.
experience. experience.
Uses a wide range of
Uses the language with vocabulary and idioms , Can understand any Has complete fluency in Pronounces words
Advanced (A) native-like proficiency and colloquialisms with conversation with idioms the language such that equivalent to a native
and without grammatical native-like proficiency in and colloquialisms. his speech is almost speaker within the
90 % and Above errors. any conversations within native-like. respective level (grade 1).
the range of one's
1 2 4 5
Letter Matching
Is able to match Match 1- 5 capital and Match 6 - 10 Match 11- 15 Match 15 - 20 Match all capital and
corresponding capital and lower case letter pairs capital and lower capital and lower capital and lower lower case letter pairs
lower case letter pairs case letter pairs case letter pairs case letter pairs
Letter Recognition
Is able to recognize the Recognizes 1- 3 Recognizes 50% of Recognizes capital Recognizes Recognizes all the capital
capital letters in isolation capital letters in all capital letters letters in isolation independently capital letters in isolation with
isolation in isolation but needs guidance letters in isolation automaticity
Is able to recognize the Recognizes 1- 3 Recognizes 50% of Recognizes capital Recognizes Recognizes all the capital
capital letters in context capital letters in context all capital letters letters in context independently capital letters in context with
in context but needs guidance letters in context automaticity
Is able to recognize the small Recognizes 1- 3 Recognizes 50% of Recognizes small Recognizes Recognizes all the
letters small letters in all small letters in letters in isolation independently small small letters in
in isolation isolation isolation but needs guidance letters in isolation isolation with
Is able to recognize the Recognizes 1- 3 Recognizes 50% of Recognizes small Recognizes Recognizes all the
small letters in context small letters in context all small letters in letters in context independently small small letters in context
context but needs guidance letters in context with automaticity
Is able to identify the capital Identifies 1- 3 capital Identifies 50% Identifies capital letters Identifies capital Identifies capital letters
letters both in isolation and letters in isolation and in capital letters in in isolation and in letters in isolation both in isolation and
context context isolation and in context with guidance and in context context with
context independently
Lower-Case Letter Identification
Is able to identify the small Identifies 1- 3 small Identifies 50% small Identifies small letters Identifies small Identifies small letters
letters both in isolation and letters in isolation and in letters in isolation in isolation and in letters in isolation both in isolation and
context context and in context context with guidance and in context context with




Knowledge of Front Cover
Child cannot find front cover of the book
Points out 2 front covers of the book
Points out 3 front covers of the book
Points out 4 front covers of the book
Points out 5 or more front covers of the book
Knowledge of title page
Child cannot tell any information that is found on the title page
Can tell one item found on the title page
Can tell two items found on the title page with little guidance
Can tell what are to be found on the title page
Child can tell and point what are to be found on the title page
Page Turning
Child is not able to turn the pages of the book
Able to turn the pages of the book with little trouble
Able to turn the book with little help
Has less trouble turning the pages of the book Able to identify all
Has no trouble turning the pages of the book
Left to right progression
Child cannot show evidence of following left to right
Cannot show efficiency of following left to right progression
Needs guidance in following left to right progression
Shows independency in following left to right progression
Shows automaticity and flexibility in following left to right progression
Punctuation Mark
Able to correctly identify 1 of the punctuation marks in the text
Able to identify 2 of the punctuation marks with little guidance
Able to identify punctuation marks in the text independently
Able to identify all the punctuation marks in the text with automaticity
Concepts of Print
Unable to correctly identify any of the concepts of print
Able to correctly identify 1of the conceptsPROFICIENCY
of print
1 to identify 2 of the2concepts of print
3 4 5
Able to identify concepts of print independently
Letter Formation 25 % of the letters 50% of the letters 80% of the letters are All but 1letter Each letter is
are formed are formed formed correctly are formed formed correctly
correctly correctly correctly and neatly

Letter Slant Slant of letters All letters have a All letters have a All letters have a All letters have a
vary from letter to uniform slant with uniform slant with 4-6 uniform slant uniform slant.
letter 6-8 exceptions exception with 1-3

Neatness There arethemore

concepts ofThere are 6-8
print with automaticityThere are 3-5 visible There are 1-2 There are no
than 5 visible marks visible marks or marks or smudges visible marks or extra visible
or smudges on the smudges on the on the paper. smudges on marks or
paper paper. the paper. smudges on the
Relationship to Line The size of more The size of 7-8 The size of 4-6 letters The size of 1-3 All letters are
than 6 letters are letters are slightly are slightly larger or letters are located correctly in
slightly or smaller larger or smaller smaller than the slightly larger or relationship to the
than the space than the space space allowed by the smaller than the lines.
allowed by the line allowed by the line. line. space allowed
by the line.


ADVANCED 9 -10 • Extends strategy to show additional conceptual understanding of the problem
• The solution completely shows all mathematical components presented in the task
• The answer is correct
PROFICIENT 7-8 • Uses correct procedure and work is presented in logical order, expressed clearly and with
correct answer
• Correct solution but used other problem solving strategy and with correct answer
APPROACHING 5-6 • Has presented strategies in solving the problem but has not obtained the final correct
• Complete and correct method of solution but wrong answer
DEVELOPING 3 -4 • The work is presented systematically but with errors in computation leading to incorrect
• Suggest good mathematical thinking but with incomplete solution and no answer
BEGINNING 0- 2 • Strategy/Solution used would not work to solve any part ofthe problem
• No strategy or no attempt to solve the problem
Dimensyon 5 4 3 2 1

Kalidad ng Napakahusay Mabuting Matatanggap ang Kailangang Mali at kulang

Pagpapaliwanag ng pagpapaliwanag pagpapaliwanag isaayos ang
pagpapaliwanag (katamtamang (may kaunting (malaki ang Pagpapaliwanag
(buo, pagpapaliwanag) kamalian ang kakulangan,
maliwanag) pagpapaliwanag) nagpapakita ng
kOM UNIKASYON -Maliwanag ang -katamtamang -May kaunting -Malaki ang -Mali at kulang
-Nasasabi ang pagbabahagi ng pagbabahagi ng kamalian ang kakulangan ang ang
batayang impormasyon impormasyon ukol pagpapaliwanag pagpapaliwanag pagpapaliwanag
impormasyon tungkol sa sarili: sa sarili: ng impormasyon ng impormasyon ang
tungkol sa sarili: pangalan, pangalan, ukol sa sarili: ukol sa sarili: pagpapaliwanag
pangalan, edad,tirahan at edad,tirahan at pangalan, pangalan, ng impormasyon
edad,tirahan, paaralan paaralan edad,tirahan at edad,tirahan at ukol sa sarili:
paaralan paaralan paaralan pangalan,
edad,tirahan at
-Naihahambing ang -Maliwanag ang - katamtamang -May kaunting - Malaki ang -Mali at kulang
sariling kwento o paghahambing pagbabahagi o kamalian ang kakulangan ang ang
karanasan sa buhay ng sariling paghahambing paghahambing paghahambing paghahambing
sa karanasan ng kwento o ng sariling kwento ng sariling kwento ng sariling ng sariling
mga kamag-aral karanasan sa o karanasan sa o karanasan sa kwento o kwento o
buhay sa buhay sa buhay sa karanasan sa karanasan sa
karanasan ng karanasan ng karanasan ng buhay sa buhay sa
kamag-aral kamag-aral kamag-aral karanasan ng karanasan ng
kamag-aral kamag-aral
-Naipapakilala ang - Maliwanag na - katamtamang - May kaunting - Malaki ang - Mali at
sarili sa Naipapakilala Naipapakilala kamalian sa kakulangan sa kulang ang
pamamagitan ng ang sarili sa ang sarili sa pagpapakilala pagpapakilala pagpapakilala
nabuong collage o pamamagitan pamamagitan ng ang sarili so ng sarili sa ang sarili so
scrapbook ng mga ng nabuong nabuong collage pamamagitan ng pamamagitan pamamagitan
larawan o bagay collage o o scrapbook ng nabuong collage ng nabuong ng nabuong
nagpapakilala sa scrapbook ng mga larawan o o scrapbook ng collage o collage o
sariIi mga larawan o bagay mga larawan o scrapbook ng scrapbook ng
bagay nagpapakilala sa bagay mga larawan o mga larawan o
nagpapakilala sa sariIi nagpapakilala sa bagay bagay
sariIi sariIi nagpapakilala sa nagpapakilala sa
sariIi sariIi

-Nakapaghihinuha - Buong o - Katamtamang - May kaunting -Malaki ang - Mali at Kulang
sa konsepto ng malinaw paghihinuha sa kamalian ang kakulangan ang ang
pagpapatuloy at paghihinuha so konsepto ng paghihinuha sa paghihinuha sa paghihinuha sa
pagbabago sa konsepto ng pagpapatuloy at konsepto ng konsepto ng konsepto ng
pamamagitan ng pagpapatuloy at pagbabago sa pagpapatuloy at pagpapatuloy at pagpapatuloy at
pagsasaayos ng pagbabago sa pamamagitan ng pagbabago sa pagbabago sa pagbabago sa
mga larawan ayon pamamagitan pagsasaayos ng pamamagitan ng pamamagitan pamamagitan
sa pagkakasunod- ng pagsasaayos mga larawan pagsasaayos ng ng pagsasaayos ng pagsasaayos
sunod nito ng mga larawan ayon sa mga larawan ng mga larawan ng mga larawan
ayon sa pagkakasunod- ayon sa ayon sa ayon sa
pagkakasunod- sunod nito pagkakasunod- pagkakasunod- pagkakasunod-
sunod nito sunod nito sunod nito sunod nito
- Naihahambing -Aktibong -Katamtamang - May kaunting . -Malaki ang -Walang
ang sariling kwento nakilahok ang aktibong Kakulangan ang kakulangan nakilahok so
o karanasan so lahat ng kasapi nakilahok ang ilan so mga kasapi Ng nakilahok so Sa
buhay so karanasan so nakararami so so paghahambing paghahambing paghahambing
ng mga kamag-aral paghahambing paghahambing ng sariling kwento ng sariling ng sariling
ng sariling ng sariling kwento o karanasan so kwento o kwento o
kwento o o karanasan so buhay sa karanasan so karanasan so
karanasan so buhay sa karanasan ng buhay sa buhay sa
buhay sa karanasan ng mga kamag-aral karanasan ng karanasan ng
karanasan ng mga kamag-aral mga kamag-aral mga kamag-aral
mga kamag-aral
-Naisasalaysay ang -Maliwanag ang -Katamtamang -May kaunting -Malaki ang -Mali at kulang
kwento ng pamilya pagsasalaysay ang kamalian ang Kakulangan ang ang
so pamamagitan ng ng kwento ng pagsasalaysay ng pagsasalaysay ng pagsasalaysay pagsasalaysay
family tree at/o pamilya so kwento ng kwento ng ng kwento ng ng kwento ng
album ng pamilya pamamagitan pamilya so pamilya so pamilya so pamilya so
ng family tree pamamagitan ng pamamagitan ng pamamagitan pamamagitan
at/o album ng family tree at/o family tree at/o ng family tree ng family tree
pamilya album ng pamilya album ng pamilya at/o album ng at/o album ng
pamilya pamilya
I/SIP -Maliwanag no -Katamtamang -May kaunting -Malaki ang -Mali at kulang so
-Nasusuri ang pagsusuri ang nasusuri ang kamalian so Kakulangan so pagsusuri ang
batayan ng mga batayan ng mga batayan ng mga pagsusuri ang pagsusuri ang batayan ng mga
alituntunin ng alituntunin ng alituntunin ng batayan ng mga batayan ng mga alituntunin ng
Pamilya Pamilya Pamilya alituntunin ng alituntunin ng Pamilya
Pamilya Pamilya
I/SIP PAGGAW A NG -Maliwanag o -Katamtamang -May kaunting -Malaki ang -Mali at kulang sa
PUPPET maayos ang kaayusan ang kamalian so Kakulangan so pagkakaguhit ng
-Nakakaguhit ng pagkakaguhit ng pagkakaguhit ng pagkakaguhit ng kaayusan ng larawan ng
lmawan ng smiling larawan ng larawan ng lmawan ng smiling pagkakaguhit ng smiling pamilya
pamilya upang smiling pamilya smiling pamilya pamilya upang lmawan ng upang makabuo
makabuo ang klase upang makabuo upang makabuo makabuo ang smiling pamilya ang klase ng
ng malaking mosaic ang klase ng ang klase ng klase ng malaking upang makabuo malaking mosaic
malaking mosaic malaking mosaic mosaic ang klase ng
malaking mosaic
-Nakikilala ang mga -Maliwanag no -Katamtamang -May kaunting -Malaki ang -Mali at kulang
pagpapahalaga ng pagkilala so pagkilala so kamalian so Kakulangan sa ng pagkilala so
iba't-ibang pamilya pagpapahalaga pagpapahalaga pagkilala ng mga pagkilala ng mga
ng iba't-ibang ng iba't-ibang pagpapahalaga mga pagpapahalaga
pamilya pamilya ng iba't-ibang pagpapahalaga ng iba't-ibang
pamilya ng iba't-ibang pamilya
-Nakalalahok so -Aktibong -Katamtamang - May kaunting -Malaki ang -Walang
pagbuo ng nakilahok ang aktibong Kakulangan ang kakulangan nakilahok so
concensus so klase lahat ng kasapi nakilahok ang ilan sa mga kasapi Ng nakilahok so pagbuo ng
tungkol so mga so pagbuo ng nakmmami so na so pagbuo ng pagbuo ng concensus so
pagpapahalaga sa concensus so pagbuo ng concensus sa klase concensus so klase tungkol sa
pamilya klase tungkol so concensus so tungkol so mga klase tungkol so mga
mga klase tungkol so pagpapahalaga mga pagpapahalaga
pagpapahalaga mga sa pamilya pagpapahalaga so pamilya
sa pamilya pagpapahalaga so pamilya
so pamilya
Mga Ginagawa Ko Bilang isang Grade 1June
na Bata July August Sept. Oct.


Ako ay nagsasabi
lsang halimbawang totoong
naman sarubric
aking na
pwedengguro, kapatid,
gawin ng mga kaklase at kalaro.
bata para masubaybayan nila ang kanilang pag- uugali sa araw-araw. Ito
ay pwedeng maging bahagi ng kanilang portfolio sa Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga. Ang mga nakasulat na gawain dito ay maaari pang
Ako ay hindi masungit sa aking kaklase
baguhin ayon sa mga gawi na meron sa isang grupo o klase ng mga bata. Sa bawat buwan may pagkakataon ang mga bata na
alamin at pag-isipan kung ano pa ang dapat nilang pag-tuunan ng pansin. Ito ay isang paraan ng pag-assess ng kanilang sarili.

Panuto: Gumuhit ng masayang mukha kung ginagawa ang nasa chart ng palagi; isang medyo malungkot

na mukha @kung hindi ito ginagawa palagi ; at isa namang sobrang lungkot na mukha @ kung

hindi ninyo ito nagawa.

Ako ay hindi
umiiyak at hindi

Ako ay marunong
tumulong sa mga
pampaaralan at
nakikiisa sa klase.

Ako ay palaging
nakikinig sa klase
at nagtataas ng
kamay kapag alam
ang sagot.

Ako ay
gumagawa ng

Ako ay palaging
pumapasok ng
maaga sa
Ako ay tumutulong
sa paglinis ng

Yunit 1 - Ako ay Mabuting Kasapi ng Pamilya

Aralin 2 - lnaalagaan Ko ang Aking Sarili

1. Sample
Assessment: (00\
Babasahin ng guro ang bawat health habit. lguhit ang larawan na masaya \d,)sa tapat ng health habit

palagi ninyong ginagawa; larawang malungkot ® sa tapat ng paminsan-minsan ninyong ginagawa; at sobrang

lungkot @ sa hindi ninyo ginagawa.

HEALTH HABITS Palagi Ginagawa Paminsan-minsan Hindi Ginagawa


1. Naliligo ako araw-araw.

2. Nagsesepilyo ako ng ngipin

pagkatapos kumain.

3. Naghuhugas ako ng kamay bago

ako kumain at pagkatapos
4. Kumakain aka ng masusustansyang pagkain tulad ng prutas, gulay at mga pagkaing nagbibigay lakas tulad ng gatas at tinapay.

5. Maaga akong natutulog sa gabi at maaga ring gumigising sa umaga.

Halimbawa ng rubric scoring guide para sa paggrado ng sagot ng mga bata.

Beginning(B) Developing (D) Proficient Advanced (A)
74% and below 75-79 % (P) 85-89 90 % and
(AP) 80-84 %
% above
May 1 health May 1 health habit na May 3 health habits May 4 na health habits May 5 health habits na
habit na palaging ginagawa at na palaging na palaging ginagawa palaging ginagawa.
paminsan- 4 na paminsan- ginagawa at 2 at 1 health habit na
minsan ginagawa o 3 health habits na paminsan-minsan
health habits na paminsan-minsan ginagawa
ginagawa at 4 ginagawa
paminsan- minsan
na hindi ginagawa at 2 health
ginagawa o habits na palaging
kaya O o ginagawa
walang health
habit na

Beginning(B) Developing (D) Proficient (P) Advanced (A)
KASANAVAN 74% and below 75-79 % 85-89 % 90 % and above
(AP) 80-84 %
Unang Markahan
I. Pananagutang May na pa ka liit na May ba hagya ng a ntas May kasiya-siya ng May ma h usay na May na pa ka h usay
Pansarili at Pagiging antas ng pagka tuto o ng pagkat uto o a ntas ng a ntas ng pagkat uto o anantas ng pagkatuto o
Kasapi ng ka kaya ha n batay ka kaya ha n batay sa pagkat uto o ka kaya ha n batay sa ka kaya ha n batay sa
Pamilya (Self- iti na kda ng ka kaya ha n iti na kda ng itina kda ng
sa iti na kda ng mga
Worth and Family mga ka kaya ha batay sa iti na kda mga ka kaya ha mga ka kaya ha
ka kaya ha n sa n sa ng mga ka kaya n sa n sa
pa m pagka tuto sa pagkatuto sa u na ha n sa Pa m pagkat uto Pa m pagkat uto
u na ng ma rka ha n ng ma rka ha n u na ng ma rka ha n s una ng ma rka sa u na ng ma rka
lkalawang Markahan ha n ha n
II. Pakikipagkapwa-tao May na pa ka liit na May ba hagya ng May kasiya-siya ng May ma h usay na May na pa ka h usay
(Harmony with Other antas ng pagka tuto antas ng pagka tuto a ntas ng pagka tuto antas ng pagkat uto na antas ng
People) o ka kaya ha n batay o ka kaya ha n batay o ka kaya ha n batay o ka kaya ha n bata pagkat uto o
sa iti na kd a ng mga sa itina kd ang mga sa itina kd ang mga ysa iti nakd a ng mga ka kaya ha n batay
Ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa sa
iti na kd ang mga
Pa m pagkat uto sa pagkatuto sa pagkat uto sa Pa m pagka tuto sa ka kaya ha n sa
i ka lawa ng i ka lawa ng i ka lawa ng i ka lawa ng Pa m pagkat uto sa
ma rka ha n ma rka ha n ma rka ha n ma rka ha n i ka lawa ng
ma rka ha n
lkatlong Markahan -
Ill. Pagmamahal sa May na pa ka li it na May ba hagya ng antas May kasiya-siya ng May ma h usay na May na pa ka h usa y
Bansa at Pakikibahagi antas ng pagkat uto o ng pagkat uto o a ntas ng pagkat uto o antas ng pagkatuto na a ntas ng
sa Pandaigdigang ka kaya ha n ba tay sa ka kaya ha n batay sa ka kaya ha n batay sa o ka kaya ha n batay pagka tuto o
Pagkakaisa (Love of itina kda ng mga itina kda ng mga itina kd a ng mga sa iti na kda ng mga ka kaya ha n batay
Country and Global Ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa sa na kda ng mga
Solidarity) Pa m pagka tuto sa pagkat uto sa ikatlong pagkatuto sa i katlong Pa m pagkat uto sa ka kaya ha n sa
i katlong ma rka ha n ma rka ha n ma rka ha n i katlong ma rka ha n Pa m pagkat uto sa
ikatlong ma rka ha n
lkaapat na Markahan
IV. Pagkamaka-Diyos at May na pa ka liit na May ba hagya ng May kasiya-siya ng May ma h usay na May na pa ka h usay
Preperensya sa antas ng pagkat uto o a ntas ng pagkatuto antas ng pagkatuto antas ng pagkat uto na antas ng
Kabutihan ( Love for ka kaya ha n ba tay sa o ka kaya ha n batay o ka kaya ha n ba tay o ka kaya ha n batay pag katuto o
God and Preference for iti na kda ng mga sa iti na kda ng mga sa itina kd ang mga sa iti na kda ng mga ka kaya ha n batay
the Good) Ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa ka kaya ha n sa sa na kda ng mga
Pa m pagkat uto sa pagka tuto sa ikaa pa pagkat uto sa Pa m pagkatuto sa ka kaya ha n sa
i kaa pat na ma rka ha n t ma rka ha n
na i kaa pat na i kaa pat na Pa m pagka tuto sa
ma rka ha n ma rka ha n i kaa pat na
ma rka ha n

LEVEL NO. OF Quality of Inputs Attitude Manifested Task Performance Level of Engagement

ADVANCED 5 • Knowledge shared • Participates voluntarily, actively, • Performs task (as • Contributes knowledge,
is accurate and enthusiastically in activities with leader/ member) without skills and understanding
broad consideration for the feelings/ errors in a very significant way to
opinions of others • Demonstrates excellent class discussion
preparation, relate ideas
to prior knowledge and
PROFICIENT 4 • Knowledge shared • Participates voluntarily, actively, • Performs task (as leader/ • Contributes well
is accurate but enthusiastically in activities with member) with minor (knowledge, skills and
limited little consideration for the feelings/ errors understanding) to
opinions of others • Demontrates good class discussion

APPROACHING 3 • Knowledge shared • Participates somewhat actively and • Performs task (as leader/ • Contributes some ideas
PROFICIENCY is somewhat enthusiastically with little member) with some errors to class discussion
accurate and limited consideration for the feelings/ • Demonstrates adequate
opinions of others preparation
DEVELOPING 2 • Knowledge shared • Participates hesitantly with • Performs task (as leader/ • Contributes only when
is inaccurate and no enthusiasm, and with little member) with many errors called on
limited consideration for the • Demonstrates
feelings/opinions of others some preparation
BEGINNING 1 • Attempted to • Participates only when compelled to • Attempted to perform task • Demonstrates very
share knowledge do so (as leader/ member) minimal involvement in
• Demonstrates little class discussion

*Based on DepEd Order No. 33 s. 2004

Levels of Assessment


(Music, Arts. P.E. and Health)


Approaching Proficiency


Nagpapakita ng kaalaman nang higit pa sa hinihingi so pamamagitan ng pagsagot so mga katanungan na may kaakibat na pagpapalawak at pagpapaliwanag.
Nagpapakita ng kaalaman ayon so hinihingi sa pamamagitan ng pagsagot so mga katanungan no may kaakibat na pagpapalawak at pagpapaliwanag.
Nagpapakita ng kaalaman nang ayon sa hinihingi so pamamagitan ng wastong pagsagot sa mga katanungan.
Nagpapakita ng kaalaman subalit may mga kalituhan sa pagsagot sa mga katanungan .
Nagpapakita ng kaa /aman subalit may pag-aa/inlangan at pagkakamali sa pagsagot sa mga katanungan .

Process and Skills

Malaya at buong husay na naisasagawa ang isang tungkulin nang higit pa so inaasahan at hindi nangangailangan ng tulong kaninuman.
Malaya at buong husay na naisasagawa ang isang tungkulin ayon sa inaasahan at hindi nangangailangan ng tulong kaninuman.
Naisasagawa ang tungkulin subalit nangangailangan ng kaukulang pagpapatnubay.
Naisasagawa ang tungkulin subalit may
mga pagkakamali sa mga pamamaraan.
Nagsikap maisagawa ang tungkulin subalit walang kahandaan sa pagpapatuloy nito.

May kumpleto at detalyadong pagkaunawa so pinakamakabuluhang impormasyon tungkol so paksa. Ave. Rating
May kumpleto ngunit hindi detalyadong pagkaunawa so pinakamakabukuhang impormasyon tungkol so paksa.
Hindi kumpleto ang pagkaunawa so mga impormasyon subalit kakikitaan ng pagkaunawa so paksa.
Hindi lubos ang pagkaunawa sa impormasyon kung kaya"t kakikitaan ng kalituhan tungkol sa paksa.
Walang pagpapasyang maibibigay.

Products and Performances

Nakapagpakita ng kasiya- siyang antas ng malikhaing pagpapahayag at paggawa.
Nakapagpakita ng katamtamang antas ng malikhaing pagpapahayag at paggawa.
Nakapagpakita ng gawain subalit hindi kinakitaan ng pagkamalikhain.
Walang naipakitang gawain.

Group Activity:

Aralin 4: Mahal Ko ang Aking Kapwa

Gawain 3 -p. 83

Panuto: Gumawa ng poster . lguhit ang ginagawa mong pagtulong sa inyong paaralan. Lagyan ng usapan.

Sa Silid Aralan Sa Kantina

SA Palaruan Sa Mga Kaklase

Puwede igrupo ang mga bata at gabayan sila kung paano nila ito gagawin.
Rubric Scoring Guide sa paggrado ng gawa ng bawat grupo.

Category 4 3 2 1 Puntos

Pagkamalikhain Orihinal ang Marami sa mga iginuhit May ilang iginuhit na Ang poster ay katulad na
ginawang poster at ay walang katulad ngunit walang katulad ngunit katulad ng isang poster
walang eksaktong may isang iginuhit na may mga iginuhit din na makikita sa mga
pinagkopyahan kinopya sa isang na kinopya sa mga babasahin o kaya ay 75% 4
babasahin babasahin o sa gawa ay kinopya sa ibang
ng ibang grupo grupo.

Kuwento ng Naipaliliwanag ng Naipaliliwanag ng Naipaliliwanag ng Hindi maipaliwanag ng 4

lginuhit na grupo ang lahat na grupo ang tatlo o grupo ang isa grupo ang anumang
Larawan iginuhit na mga dalawang iginuhit na iginuhit na gawain kanilang iginuhit ayon
gawain ayon sa mga gawain ayon sa ayon sa kanilang sa kanilang natutunan
kanilang natutunan kanilang natutunan na natutunan na na leksyon
na leksyon leksyon leksyon

attractiveness Nakikita ang galing Nakikita ang galing at Nakikita ang Nakikita ang walang 3
at husay ng husay ng pagkakaguhit anumang dumi o tamang pagpaplano sa
pagkakaguhit sa sa bawat gawain na may marka na nakasira mga iginuhit na ayon sa
bawat gawain na kinalaman sa leksyong sa iginuhit na mga natutunang leksyon
may kinalaman sa natutunan ngunit may gawain na may
leksyong natutunan mga bahagi na kinalaman sa
namarkahan o leksyong
nadumihan na hindi natutunan
naman nakasira sa
kabuuang ganda nito
Gamit ng Oras Nagamit ng ayos Nagamit ng ayos at Hindi nagamit ng Hindi nagamit ng ayos at 3
at tama ang oras tama ang oras ngunit ayos at tama tama ang oras at walang
na inilaan ng may kulang pa ang ang oras ngunit pagsisikap na tapusin
pagsisikap na ipinakitang pagsisikap may ipinakitang ang gawain
tapusin ang mga na tapusin ang gawain pagsisikap na
gawain tapusin ang gawain

Kooperasyon Nakikiisa at May isa o dalawang Halos kalahati ng Lahat ng myembro ay 4

ng bawat nagtutulungan ang miyembro ang hindi grupo ay hindi nakikiisa at hindi
miyembro bawat miyembro sa nakikiisa at nakatunganga nakikipagtulungan sa
mga gawain tumutulong sa mga lamang habang mga gawain
gawain ang iba ay nakikiisa
at nagtutulungan
sa mga gawain

Kabuuang Puntos 18
Tra its

(Enclosure No. 7 to DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012)

Jul 2
Aug RESept
Gra de 1 4
Dec 1. Honesty
Periodic Rating
Apr Character Building Activities
Learning Areas Total 2
1 3 4 Final Rating B
No. Of School Days
Filipino 19 - p p A p
English 21 - - p p p
22 p 21 B
Mathematics p p p p
21 2. Courtesy
Ar aling Panlipunan p p p
Music p 21 p p A p
Art A
A A A A c
P.E. A A A A A
Health A 198 A A A A
Mother Tongue AP
APof School Days
No. p p p
3. Helpfulness and Cooperation
Edukasyon sa Pagpapa katao p
Present p p A p
19 B
(EsP) 21
Gen. Avera ge 22 21 P (88)
Legend: 21 B
14 A
Advanced (A )
21 a nd above A
Proficient (P)
21 % 4. Resourcefulness and Crea tivity
Approaching Proficiency (AP) 18
80-84 % c Guidelines for Rating
Developing (D)
75-79 %
Beginning (BJ
% and below A Ousta nding
No. of Times Tardy B
0 B Very Good
0 0 c Good
Attendance Record B
D Fair
0 5. Consideration for Others
0 E Poor
0 c
6. Sportsmanship
7. Obedience
DepEd FORM 138-E
Republic of the
Narrative Report
Philippines Department
B of
First Grading A
Region A
8. Self-Reliance

Second Grading ------------------------ School c

Grades 1a nd 2
Third Grading Age: Sex: ------------

Grade : Section:-----------
School Year:--------
Dear Parent: B
Fourth Grading _ 10. Cleanliness and Orderliness
This report card shows the ability and progress your child has made in the different learning
areas as well as his/her progress in character development.

The school welcomes you if you desire to know more about the progress of your child.
Principal 11. Promptness and Punctuality
Certificate of Transfer
Admitted to Grade : Section: _
Eligible for Admission to
Principal 12. Sense of Responsibility Teacher
Cancellation of Eligibility to c

Admitted in ------------ c
Date: _
13. Love of God
Observed Values and Attitudes
l 2 3 4
B being and environmental so
I. Wellness - demonstrates habits to achieve physical fitness, emotional and
spiritual well so so harmony MO so
(Enclosure No. 7 to DepEd
Learning AreasOrder No. 73, s. 2012) B so
Honesty/Integrity - shows adherence to ethical principles by y 2.
telling the truth in all undertakings, i.e. in examinations, acknowledging other's work, returning things found, class elections, etc. 8 MO so
MO so
Personal discipline - Demonstrates the will power to develop appropriate
"c: behaviour in carrying out activities in the school and community
Quarter Sample Report
emoathizeCard for Grades
feelings and 7
to 10 Patriotism/Love of Country MO
Freedom and responsibility - recognizes one's innate "kagandahang-loob" .=; and shows willingness to share and with others' sufferings
Love of truth - demonstrates intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and creativity in solving problems 3. B
Respect for human rights - shows respect in dealing with others regardless of race, gender, age, religion, political ideology, socio-economic status and disability so
Concern for the common good - demonstrates concern to achieve solidarity through effective communication, cooperation, fairness and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Gregariousness - demonstrates initiative, performs one's responsibilities with dedication, a
Appreciation of cultural heritage - deepens one's pride in the indigenous
and contemporary Filipino music, arts and culture and defend their preservation PROGRESS
and enhancement B
"eo' B

.. ,, :
5. so
B value/virtue in the appropriate column as indicated
Instructions: Write appropriate letters for each in the
6. legend so
4t MO
V J 7. so Strongly Observed
MO Moderately Observed MO
NO Not Observed
Filipino .D
" NOO No Opportunity to Observe so
pt, 8.
p NO
A 9.
E so
i I 0. Wise use of resources - Utilizes resources wisely and
economically for a sustainable future so
AP so
Promoted c
Mathematics ""§'' so
Legend: AP
A (Advanced) - - - - - - - - - - - -
P (Proficient) - - - - - - - - - - - -
90% and above AP
c so
85% - 89% AP
AP (Approaching Proficiency) -
80% - 84%
D (Developing) - - - - - - - - - - -
75% - 79% " so
B (Beginning) - - - - - - - - - - - - Promoted "'"'
74% and below

D so

i so
Araling Panlipunan (AP)
,.... so
No. of school davs
19 MO
21 so
Promoted 21
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
198 A

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