180 Dungeon
180 Dungeon
180 Dungeon
On the Cover
Illustration by Tyler Walpole
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edit o rial
Editor-in-Chief Steve Winter The approaching release of the new Dark Sun edition has into the galaxy, exploring and settling new worlds and
my fingers twitching at the thought of holding the new meeting many other races of intelligent beings. The planet
Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette books in my hands and actually turning pages. Of course, Tékumel was a crossroads between alien races, many of
Web Production Bart Carroll we’ve had final PDFs for a while, so we’ve been able to flip whom had cities there—including some of humanity’s
virtual pages to our heart’s content and see exactly what most implacable enemies.
Contributing Authors Scott Fitzgrerald Gray, Then came “the Time of Darkness.” Inexplicably, Téku-
will soon be available in print.
Ed Greenwood, Gareth Hanrahan, mel fell through the fabric of space and time into a pocket
No one should be surprised to hear that I’m a big fan of
Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
the Dark Sun setting. I was involved in early concepting dimension where it was utterly isolated from the universe
Robert J. Schwalb, Rodney we know. Even the laws of nature were different in this
on the original world, before it even had a name. Beyond
Thompson, James Wyatt new realm. As the shattered world clawed its way back
that, I’ve always been a sucker for a) deserts, b) crumbling
Developers Jeremy Crawford, Stephen civilizations, and c) fantasy settings that are entirely differ- toward civilization, failing technology was replaced by
Schubert ent from the norm (whatever you define that to be). So the magic and science was replaced by powerful, inscrutable,
Dark Sun PDFs have been getting a good going-over on and often cruel gods. Vicious beasts were twisted into
Editors Miranda Horner cosmic horrors. After tens of thousands of years, Tékumel
my computer, and I must say that I love what I’m seeing.
Cover Artist Tyler Walpole One side effect of immersing myself in all things Athas became a completely different place—except that the ani-
is that I’ve also been led back to Empire of the Petal Throne. mosity of humanity’s ancient enemies persisted, and the
Contributing Artists Empty Room Studios, McLean I’d love to know, out of all the people reading this, how ruins of its star-spanning empire were entombed beneath
Kendree, Jeffrey Lai, Chuck many of you are familiar with EPT, how many have heard crumbling, dead cities.
Lukacs, Tyler Walpole of it but don’t know anything beyond the name, and how That’s Tékumel. Interesting parallels can be drawn
Cartographers Jason A. Engle, Mike Schley many have never even heard of this legendary game. between it and Athas; most are no more than artifacts of a
Publishing Production Specialists Angelika Lokotz, Erin Dorries,
The original Empire of the Petal Throne was pub- common heritage, I’m sure, although a few homages cer-
lished by TSR in 1975, making it a true trailblazer in tainly crept into the younger setting. What really struck
Christopher Tardiff
RPGs. It had its own game rules, although they were me on rereading EPT, however, was the cold-blooded
Web Development Mark A. Jindra familiar to original D&D players. It was EPT’s setting of deadliness of Tékumel.
Tékumel that made it legendary. In 1975, D&D in general had a fatality rate approach-
Executive Producer,
Tékumel was the fiercely unique creation of Professor ing that of Left 4 Dead, but Tékumel was especially lethal.
D&D Insider Christopher Perkins
M. A. R. Barker, who had been imagining and writing It abounded with creatures such as Thúnru’u, the Eater of
Director of RPG R&D Bill Slavicsek about it for Eyes, and spells such as the Silver Halo of Soul-Stealing.
decades before Death came in many forms on Tékumel, and it came
D&D was a frequently.
Special Thanks
glimmer in Dark Sun has a well-earned reputation as a place that’s
Richard Baker, Greg Bilsland, Michele Carter, Jennifer Clarke Dave’s and hard on player characters. Still, we can all be grateful that
Wilkes, Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, Jeremy Crawford, Peter game designers have learned that no matter how enjoyable
Gary’s eyes.
Lee, Mike Mearls, Kim Mohan, Cal Moore, Peter Schaefer, Stephen
Very briefly, you make the process of creating new characters, that’s
Schubert, Matthew Sernett, Rodney Thompson, James Wyatt
in the far not why people play the game. Soon, we’’ll once more
future, man- stride the dusty streets of Tyr with trikals in our fists and
kind perfected adventure in our souls.
the science I’m ready. Are you? Let us know at dndinsider@wiz-
of traveling ards.com.
between stars.
We moved out
By Scott Fitzgerald Gray
illustration by Tyler Walpole F cartography by Mike Schley
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
In “The Spiral Gate,” the characters find them- This adventure centers around three linked and
selves caught up in a power struggle inspired by partially functioning portals, the last of which holds
the new Netheril. The separatist faction of Bedine power that Netheril seeks. The Spiral Gate was a leg- The Quests
desert tribesfolk known as the Sand Kings have long endary portal nexus built around a confluence point If played as a short adventure, “The Spiral Gate”
opposed the iron grip of Netheril’s restored mas- of the Weave. Its power extended into a wide network focuses on the characters’ part in the activation
ters, the Shadovar. Although Sand King tactics are of gates, but they were shut down by the Spellplague or disabling of the master portal and its network.
typically limited to hit-and-run skirmishes against like all other portals. Now the Spiral Gate and its If you expand this adventure, add minor quests as
Netherese patrols and supply convoys, a faction led by network have been all but forgotten. The Shadovar appropriate. Consider making it more difficult for the
a desert mystic named Ashurta has uncovered a dan- of Netheril, however, have uncovered lost lore that characters to discover the locations of Encounters T1
gerous and far-reaching plot. promises to restore the Spiral Gate to power and leave and T2 or creating a minor quest around their efforts
The Shadovar seek the secret to reactivating a its network under their control. to establish a detente with the Sand Kings, the Sha-
wide-reaching and powerful portal network centered An ancient ritual scroll holds the secret to restor- dovar, or both.
around a magical location known as the Spiral Gate. ing and reclaiming the power of the Spiral Gate,
Led by a shade captain named Durbela, the Shadovar and that could potentially tip the balance of power Major Quest—Activate or Destroy the Spiral Gate
are dangerously close to reclaiming a secret ritual in Faerûn by granting unprecedented mobility to Depending on which side of the Shadovar/Sand King
scroll whose power will reactivate the dead network. If Netherese spies, assassins, and armies. The scroll was conflict the adventurers end up on (or even if they
they are successful, the Spiral Gate will give the Sha- divided into four fragments that the Shadovar and play both sides against one another), their focus in the
dovar control of countless reactivated portals across their sworn enemies the Sand Kings are desperately final encounter is on the activation or destruction of
Faerûn—and that could be the tipping point in Neth- searching for. The Netherese seek to reactivate and the Spiral Gate and its connected portal network by
eril’s quest to become the continent’s dominant power. control the portal; the separatists hope to use the using the power of the scroll fragments.
“The Spiral Gate” is an adventure for five charac- ritual to permanently disable the Spiral Gate and put Reward: 7,000 XP.
ters of 16th level. It can be played as a stand-alone its power out of Netheril’s reach. The characters are
adventure or can be used as a framework on which caught in the middle and must decide which faction
to build a longer adventure or a section of your ongo- to support—or how to effectively manipulate both
ing campaign. sides to their own advantage.
This adventure can take place in any part of Adventure Synopsis
Background Faerûn, but it is best situated in one of the border
As the adventure begins, two of the four scroll frag-
realms caught up in conflict with Netheril. It begins
ments have been found and are in the possession
In the aftermath of the Spellplague, the portal net- in a city the heroes are passing through or in which
of the Shadovar and Sand King factions. A squad of
works that once made Faerûn synonymous with they are resting after their previous adventures.
Sand King agents in with one fragment targets the
magical power were shattered. With the breaking party in a crowded marketplace—not because they’re
of the Weave, most of Faerûn’s portals remain inert looking for a fight but to clandestinely slip the scroll
or unstable, and only the bravest arcanists engage in fragment into the heroes’ possession. The desperate
the dangerous rituals required to bring a dead portal Sand Kings need to keep the fragment away from a
back to life. superior force of Shadovar hot on their heels, and
they hope that it will be temporarily safe hidden
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
with a powerful group of adventurers. The attempt to force of Netherese shadar-kai, while the portal itself Adapting the Adventure
plant the fragment is botched, and the plan goes bad. is protected by a pair of thaalud guardians. A final
To adapt this adventure for parties of more or fewer
This opening encounter can be played as a straight- showdown at the portal becomes an all-out battle
than five characters, simply add or subtract one or
up fight, or the characters can take advantage of an between the characters, the Shadovar, and the Sand
more of the lowest-level creatures in each encounter.
in-combat skill challenge to parlay with this group Kings for control of the Spiral Gate.
Because many of the encounters feature the Sand
of strangers. The aftermath of the fight brings the
Kings and the Shadovar fighting alongside and
characters face-to-face with the Shadovar and the first Preparing for against the characters (see “Everybody In”), stacking
hints of the conflict that the party is caught up in.
When the adventurers discover the scroll frag- Adventure one side or the other is an easy way to adjust the over-
all challenge.
ment, they determine the existence of three other
The adventure begins during the downtime following “The Spiral Gate” can be played as a standalone
fragments and the locations of two of them. They
the characters’ previous adventure. Alternatively, you short adventure of five encounters, or it can be used
discover that the Shadovar possess the fourth frag-
can connect the characters’ presence in the unnamed as the framework for a more detailed adventure.
ment when that group asks their aid against the Sand
city to a previously established quest or mission. The noble’s tomb and the ruined temple of Mystra
Kings. At the same time, the Sand Kings ask the party
If you are starting with a short session, you need can be expanded to incorporate additional areas
to join them in the fight against Netheril, and the
only read “Part 1: Marketplace Skirmish” and the and encounters, as can the Spiral Gate itself. If you
characters are pressured to decide which side of this
accompanying encounter to begin play. The brawl in expand the adventure to more than one level’s worth of
conflict they are on.
the market starts things off with a bang, after which encounters, be sure to increase the danger of the later
The characters should then travel to the sites
the players have plenty of opportunity for roleplaying encounters accordingly. Either add additional monsters
where the other scroll fragments are to be found—a
as they make their first contact with the Shadovar or boost the level of the monsters in the encounters
ruined merchant’s estate and a temple of Mystra
and the Sand Kings. using the guidelines in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
fallen and abandoned in the aftermath of the Spell-
plague. Both of these encounters involve the two NPC
factions in a way that depends on the players’ decision
Adventure Hooks Location, Location, Location
This adventure starts out with a chance encounter The two portals that yield up fragments of the Spiral
about who to support in the conflict. “Enemies and
that thrusts the characters into the middle of a con- Gate’s ritual scroll are local to the city in which the
Allies” sidebars throughout the adventure discuss
flict not of their making. As such, it needs no formal adventure starts. (The Sand Kings and the Shadovar
how the relationship between the characters and the
adventure hooks beyond whatever is necessary to get have come here for this very reason.) Because the
two opposing factions shapes the encounters.
the characters into a market square of the city they Spiral Gate is accessed by way of the earlier por-
With the last two scroll fragments retrieved, the
are currently in. tals, it can be located in any part of Faerûn. If you
final encounters take place within the ruined key-
You might, however, wish to establish prior knowl- want to keep the characters in the same area as this
stone portal known as the Spiral Gate, which is the
edge of (or connections to) the Shadovar and the Sand adventure, simply place the Spiral Gate in reason-
center of a network that once crossed Faerûn. This
Kings, especially for players and characters with able proximity to the city. However, you can use this
spiral-walled cavern tapped into a potent nexus point
no direct knowledge of Netheril (see Chapter 6 of adventure as an excuse to radically change the setting
of the Weave. The Spiral Gate is already under the
the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide). Alternatively, of your campaign—especially if the adventure ends
control of the Shadovar, who have been clearing and
the characters can seek such knowledge from local with the Spiral Gate and its transit portal perma-
preparing the site in expectation of reclaiming all
sources in the aftermath of the first encounter, giving nently disabled, giving the characters no obvious way
four scroll fragments. Its entrance is guarded by a
you a chance to fill them in. to return to the city where the adventure started.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
But What If ... ? Fighting “Off-Screen”: The simplest approach This style of play assumes a certain amount of trust
is a story-based one, in which NPCs at the periphery that the players won’t treat their NPCs as suicidal
This adventure is designed to give the heroes full
of the fight are handled narratively (that is, without melee fodder. If the NPCs are being abused, either
flexibility in deciding how to deal with the conflict
bothering to roll dice for their attacks or actions) discuss your concerns with the players, fall back on
they find themselves caught in the middle of, so be
while the focus remains squarely on the characters. one of the two options above, or have the NPCs react
receptive to any choices the players make in their
In each fight, victory or defeat is determined entirely in a realistically negative manner.
dealings with the Sand Kings and the Shadovar.
by the characters. Even in victory, one or two allies
In the most extreme case, this opening part of the
adventure might see the characters discover the scroll
can be lost in each encounter, the same as other NPCs of Note
expendable party resources. Some might consider this In the course of the adventure, the characters have
fragment and simply turn it over to the Shadovar with
the least ‘realistic’ option, but it is simple and can still a chance to interact with members of both NPC fac-
no appreciation of its importance. If this (or anything
be highly satisfying if your descriptions are colorful. tions. Most of the Sand Kings and the Shadovar are
else unexpected) happens, just run with it.
The Multitasking DM: You can take on the baseline warriors and fairly indistinguishable from
The above scenario is one in which the Shadovar,
responsibility for running all NPCs, friend and foe, each other. Give each NPC a name and a bit of dis-
grateful for having their work done for them, take
just as you control all the monsters and hazards in tinct flavor and personality using the guidelines in
even greater initiative in looking to the characters as
any encounter. You can engage in full combat rolls for the Dungeon Master’s Guide or the backgrounds in
allies. Like the Sand Kings, they recognize the charac-
the members of both factions, letting the dice deter- Player’s Handbook 2. In addition, give the players some
ters as experienced heroes capable of getting the job
mine which way the fight skews (and possibly forcing latitude in developing the personality of any NPCs
done, and they will do whatever they can (including
the heroes to come to their allies’ aid), or you can they control (see “Everybody In,” page 8).
promising the gratitude of a powerful empire) to get
simply assume that each NPC attack deals minimum Three of the more important characters from each
the adventurers to accompany them on their search
damage against another NPC each round. This gives faction are mentioned here. These NPCs have their
for the missing scroll fragments. Encounters T1
the players plenty to think about and many more own statatistics blocks, but those stats can be used for
and T2 then revolve around the furious Sand Kings
ways to interact with the fight going on around them, other NPCs as well.
coming after the characters and the Shadovar. Those
but it also places a lot of work on you and can mean Ashurta (Sand King mystic; human female):
fights might see the characters becoming more firmly
long waits between turns for the players. The leader of the Sand Kings is a noteworthy tacti-
allied with the Shadovar against the Sand Kings, or
Allied Forces: The third approach is for you to cian whose desert-burned appearance conceals a
they might come to understand what the Sand Kings
control all of the characters’ enemies but give the thoughtful demeanor and a calmly analytical mind.
are fighting against, causing them to switch sides.
players control over their NPC allies. Give the NPC Her parents were Bedine nomads slain by a Shadovar
Everybody In statistics directly to the players. Each player takes an patrol when she was a child. In all the years since,
additional turn every round, on a separate initiative Ashurta has dedicated her life to thwarting the ambi-
At various points in the adventure, the characters can
point, to resolve their NPCs’ actions—see “Companion tions of the new Netheril’s rulers.
end up attacking the members of one faction while
Characters” from Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 for more Murrai (Sand King stormlord; human male):
they fight alongside the members of the other faction.
information. (These NPCs aren’t really companions, Ashurta’s second-in-command is a rash and impulsive
In most circumstances, the number of NPCs in each
but one or two might rise to that position before the counterpart to her slow and careful leadership style.
faction should equal the number of characters. There
adventure is over if players grow attached to them.) A mercenary by trade and nature, Murrai fights with
are a number of different approaches to handling this
the Sand Kings for the sheer joy of conflict, claiming
expanded roster of NPCs in combat.
personal reasons for hating the Shadovar that change
on a day-to-day basis.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Yeri (Sand King freeblade; human female): A Chain of Command Part 1: Marketplace
seasoned veteran of countless desert campaigns, Yeri
The number of overall Shadovar and Sand Kings in
looks on each fight as her last. She throws herself into
the adventure is kept intentionally loose by Durbela’s
combat with a fatalistic frenzy that has tipped the
talk of “similar numbers” (see “Calling All Heroes,” This adventure kicks off with an unexpected combat
odds in her favor more than once, but which often
page 12). The idea is that even if one or both factions in the heart of an urban bazaar. The characters
puts her allies in peril.
are wiped out cleanly in any encounter, more can should get no warning that the encounter with the
Durbela (Shadovar shadow captain; human
come in to take their place. However, don’t simply Sand Kings is imminent. If possible, send them to
male shade*): Durbela, the leader of the Shadovar,
regenerate identical numbers of allies and foes each the market on some specific mission or by using an
is a battle-hardened veteran whose appearance is as
time. Instead, have the characters observe enemy adventurer’s desire to purchase new gear with the
unpleasant as his initial demeanor. His manner softens
squads following them at a distance, allies sending spoils of a previous adventure.
with those who express allegiance to the new Netheril,
couriers with requests to regroup, and so on. Whatever business brings the characters to the
and his loyalty to his allies is absolute—almost. In the
If Ashurta is killed in the course of the adventure, city, make sure that their presence as paragon heroes
end, he serves Netheril and is under strict orders to
Murrai takes command of the remaining Sand Kings. does not go unnoticed. (If their recent adventures
eliminate all threats to the Shadovar’s plans.
If Murrai is killed, the Sand Kings are effectively have brought them specific local notoriety, so much
Durbela has become a shade only recently, as a
leaderless, but their rebuilt squads fight the Shadovar the better.)
reward for his service to Netheril. His appearance
(and the adventurers, if they’ve allied with Durbela)
has not yet begun to transform, as is normal for As it has throughout the city, your presence in the bazaar
to the death.
those creatures. attracts attention. More than one vendor proudly calls out
If Durbela is killed, Nula takes command of the
*Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, page 60. with an offer of “Great discounts for great heroes!” Other
Shadovar, who fight with increased fury. If Nula is
Nulu (Shadovar squadmaster; human female): folk catch your eye as you pass through the tightly packed
subsequently killed, any surviving Shadovar immedi-
Nulu has been the point warrior for countless Shado- courtyard of colorful stalls, their whispers telling you that
ately break off combat and flee the current encounter.
var strike teams under Durbela’s command. Vengeful, they know you by reputation if not by name.
From then on, the Shadovar concentrate on prevent-
fearless, and sadistic to a fault, only Durbela’s orders
ing the permanent disabling of the Spiral Gate. They The recognition of the characters as powerful adven-
keep her thirst for battle in check.
reappear only during Encounter S2. By focusing on turers is key to the Sand Kings’ spur-of-the-moment
Kungeya (Shadovar shadow knight; human
destroying the Shadovar early, the characters can plan to hide their scroll fragment with the party.
male): One of the more ambitious warriors under
gain an advantage in intervening encounters. Unfortunately, none of these Sand Kings (currently
Durbela’s current command is Kungeya, who consis-
tently seeks out the weakest opponents in combat. He on the run from the Shadovar) have much in the way
covets the trust Durbela extends to Nulu,and looks for of Thievery skill, so the tactical encounter is triggered
ways to show up the squadmaster. when the attempt is botched. If you want an added
reason to start a brawl, the on-the-run and low-on-
resources Sand King could succumb to temptation
and help himself to the character’s purse or some
other valuable.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
The shrouded blade intent on hiding the frag- about to strike. The characters are clearly a more for- After the Fight
ment looks for the character likely to have the worst midable group than the Shadovar who are pursuing
If the characters routed the Sand Kings and allowed
Perception check, which translates in his mind as the Sand Kings, so the Sand Kings hope that the scroll
the survivors to flee, they are left to wonder what
the best-armored fighter, paladin, or other warrior. fragment will be safe for the short term if it is secretly
caused the altercation for a few minutes before the
Alternatively, pick the adventurer with the most hair- stashed on one of the characters. The shrouded blade
Shadovar arrive. Any dead Sand Kings carry noth-
trigger temper as a means of kicking things off. who precipitates the attack is scared and desperate,
ing of interest, and a search of their bodies yields up
and the other Sand Kings are far enough away in the
Read or paraphrase the following to the target of only that these are desert folk fresh from the road. (If
crowd that they don’t see what sets off the altercation.
the sleight of hand attempt: the heroes have time to use Speak with Dead later
All they’re aware of is that one of their number is
on, incorporate that into the information they gain
The close bustle of the market crowd just took on a more under attack by people they were hoping would dis-
regarding the scroll fragment.)
personal touch—you feel pressure at your waist. Glancing tract the Shadovar. They might leap to the conclusion
The merchants who slowly return to the market do
down, you see a hand slipping out from your pack with your that the adventurers have recognized them—or even
not know who the Sand Kings were, though a helpful
purse tight in its grasp. The figure attached to the arm is that this randomly chosen group is already allied with
farmer reports seeing the group come through the
lean and sun-dark—Netherese by his look. When he glances the Shadovar.
city gates in a great hurry only a few minutes before
up and sees your eyes on him, he snarls and darts back. A
the fight began.
dagger suddenly appears in his hand as he drops into an Rewards If the characters manage to get the Sand Kings to
attack stance. If the heroes take the fight through to the end of the
stand down from combat, one of them quickly steps
encounter, award full XP for any Sand Kings who
As soon as his actions are noted, the unfortunate forward to speak. (Use Murrai or Yeri for this pur-
escape or who are slain or subdued.
Sand King panics and attacks the chosen character pose; see “NPCs of Note” on page 8. Ashurta is not
If the characters persuade the Sand Kings to stand
(or anyone else who raises a hue and cry). The other with this group yet; her absence is what inspired the
down, award XP for the skill challenge and for any
Sand Kings join the melee starting in the second somewhat desperate plan to hide the scroll fragment
Sand Kings slain or subdued before the challenge was
round. on the adventurers.) Read the following aloud:
completed. If this total XP does not equal or exceed
If a fight breaks out, see tactical encounter the XP total noted at the top of the encounter, allow a Shouts echo in the distance as the frantic merchants and
M1: Marketplace Skirmish. roleplaying XP reward to make up the difference. farmers who fled the bazaar call for the city guard. The
In this encounter, the adventurers and their foes If the characters succeed at the skill challenge but weathered warrior who steps forward glances around
don’t necessarily have contrary objectives that lead then decide to cut down the Sand Kings anyway, feel warily. “This could have gone easier, I wager. Sorry for the
inevitably to a fight to the death. Bad timing and free to not award additional combat XP or to have the trouble.”
circumstance create the initial conflict between the surviving Sand Kings simply flee. (Such bloodthirsty
The Sand Kings are annoyingly circumspect in
Sand Kings and the characters, but that brief confron- and untrustworthy behavior will have an extremely
response to any questions, offering up only that they
tation can unfold in different ways. negative impact on any further dealings with the
are “travelers from the desert—the Bedine,” and apolo-
A brawl with the characters is not a fight that the Sand Kings.)
gizing for “the misunderstanding.” Their only goal in
Sand Kings would ever choose to engage in. The deci- the aftermath of combat is to get away before the Sha-
sion to plant one of the scroll fragments on the heroes dovar arrive. Read the following aloud:
was a desperation play inspired by the knowledge that
a superior force of the Sand Kings’ mortal enemies is
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
As a shout comes from a nearby street, the remaining The Shadovar have no idea that the heroes have the Read the following aloud:
warriors turn as one. “Until next time,” the speaker says scroll fragment and have no reason to suspect that the “We pursue the Sand Kings—separatist fanatics attempting
with a thin smile, and then all the desert folk are running. Sand Kings temporarily disposed of it the way they to hold the Empire of Netheril hostage in the name of a
did. Even if the characters are completely forthcom- lost way of life. Desert rats and murderous rabble, the lot
The Sand Kings leave their dead on the ground and
ing as to how the fight started, Durbela assumes that of them. But they have stolen something of the Shadovar’s,
head off down a deserted alleyway, where they quickly
the desperate Sand Kings were trying to steal from and we mean to see it returned.”
disappear from sight. If the characters try to follow,
the characters. The idea that they would cast off their
have the arrival of the Shadovar interrupt them. Alternatively, the characters can discover the same
precious scroll fragment even temporarily does not
occur to him (which was the point of the Sand Kings’ information with three DC 15 Gather Information
Shadovar Arrival spur-of-the-moment plan). checks made later in the city.
Just a few minutes after the fight in the bazaar,
Durbela is interested only in where the Sand
another group of strangers enters the ransacked
Kings might have gone, and he has little interest in The Scroll Fragment
market—the Shadovar. Read the following aloud: If the adventurer who was targeted as the plant for
the characters’ business once he discovers that know
With a shout, a half-dozen well-armed figures run into nothing useful about his quarry. Any Insight check the scroll fragment doesn’t immediately search his
the bazaar from one of its many side streets. Their faded made against Durbela or his troops tells the adven- or her pack after the fight, Durbela speaking of the
and dusty cloaks grant them a passing resemblance to the turers that these are hardened warriors on an urgent Sand Kings as thieves might inspire such action. A
warriors you just fought, but each wears the uniform of mission. If the characters engage the Shadovar leader thorough check shows that nothing was removed (or
Netheril and a night-black armband with an insignia with Bluff or Diplomacy perhaps something was, if the DM prefers; losing a
of rank on it. A wind-burned warrior leads them, and a (DC 20) or with an valuable item may encourage the characters to get
pack of city guards geves these newcomers a healthy honest expression of involved by pursuing the thief ). In either case, a mys-
amount of distance. allegiance to Neth- terious addition to the character’s gear is discovered.
eril, he takes the Read the following aloud:
The city guards are clearly intimidated time to lay out the
by the Shadovar, who have just arrived in Tucked into the bottom of your pack is a thing you’ve never
broad strokes of
the city hard on the heels of the Sand seen before—a tightly sewn, flat pouch of vellum, no larger
their mission.
Kings. Their Captain is Durbela, who than your hand and sealed with a brass clasp.
approaches the characters. Read the
When opened, the pouch reveals the scroll fragment.
following aloud:
It is a well-worn piece of folded parchment, darkened by age
The leader who approaches has seen and roughly torn along two sides as if it might have been
his share of battles. His cold eyes a piece of a larger scroll. Writing fills the parchment—a
stare out of a face like old leather. tightly cramped script in red-black ink. Even to a casual
“The farmers who just fled past glance, this is clearly a fragment of a ritual scroll, but so
us spoke of an altercation here—a much is missing that its meaning and purpose are difficult
group of mercenaries facing off to determine.
against a band of desert vagabonds.
What might you know of this?” Durbela
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
It takes a day’s study of the fragment and two DC 25 currently at, as he tells them he has heard how effec- If the characters join with Durbela and the Shadovar,
Arcana checks to determine that it is one part of a tively they took on the Sand Kings in the bazaar. This they head out the following day for tactical encounter
unique and powerful ritual by which a portal known can happen immediately after the fight in the bazaar, T1: Mutashi’s tomb.
as the Spiral Gate was once activated. The scroll frag- after the characters have researched the scroll frag-
ments are artifact-level magic and cannot be harmed ment, or any other time deemed appropriate. At that My Scroll, Please?
or destroyed by any power available to the characters. time, read the following aloud: The Sand Kings, who are yet hiding out in the city,
With two more DC 25 Arcana or History checks, also have no problem getting close to the adventur-
“If you would like a chance to respond to the insult of their
the characters learn the information regarding the ers thanks to the party’s notoriety (which has only
attack, I offer you an opportunity. We have reason to
Spiral Gate in the “Background” section (page 5) and increased as a result of the dust-up in the bazaar). The
believe that the militants seek something in a ruin a short
that two of the many portal sites that once connected Sand Kings are keeping a cautious eye on them, and
distance from the city. We also have indications that they
to the Spiral Gate stand within a day’s ride of the city. Ashurta, their leader, may come to the characters a
have been joined by others of their foul order—at least
With another day’s research in the city and three few hours after the meeting with Durbela. (Remem-
three squads’ worth against similar numbers of our own
DC 20 Gather Information checks, the heroes learn ber that the characters have not met Ashurta yet. She
forces that seek them even now. The Sand Kings possess a
the information in the “Background” section regard- and a number of new Sand Kings arrived in the city
fragment of a powerful scroll, which matches a fragment
ing Netheril’s interest in finding the Spiral Gate and after the initial encounter.) Work Ashurta’s approach
already in our possession. They seek two more similar
the locations of the two local portals. into whatever location the characters are at, and
pieces, but they cannot be allowed to gain them. We could
One portal was privately held by a local merchant lord paraphrase the following as necessary.
use your aid, and will pay well for it.”
named Mutashi, whose fortunes fell some years ago. His A woman approaches,
estate lies in thoroughly looted ruins to the east of the city. Durbela offers the characters treasure parcel 4 for
drawing back the hood Ashurta
The locals avoid the site thanks to rumors of protective their services if they will join with the Shadovar. If
of her cloak to reveal a
magic and fell beasts living there. the characters decline, he expresses his regrets but
face tanned nut-brown
The second portal is said to have stood within a accepts their decision. (Durbela will cheerfully betray
by the sun and wind.
temple of Mystra to the west of the city. It fell during the the heroes later if they ally with him; see Part 4: The
Her piercing blue
Spellplague, and its ruins, too, are now shunned. Transit Portal. For now, however, he has no reason
eyes take you in as
to suspect that the characters are on the Sand Kings’
she nods in greeting,
Overtures and Intrigues side or that they have the scroll fragment, unless they
her movements
The characters have no direct knowledge that the showed it to him.)
revealing a scorpion
missing scroll fragments are hidden at the two local Insight Check tattoo at her neck.
portals, but that information is provided by an unex- DC 20: The Shadovar leader carries himself with the cool “Sorry to disturb
pected meeting a short time after the characters learn detachment of a career military officer with a strong sense you,” she says, “but
the information above. of honor. His offer is an honest one. I believe you have
DC 25: There is an undercurrent of disdain in his manner something that belongs
Calling All Heroes that gives you pause. This is a warrior wholly dedicated to to me. I thank you for
The Shadovar captain Durbela easily tracks down his masters. Although his offer is genuine, the Shadovar holding it, but I must ask
the characters as a result of their notoriety. Work his leader is not to be wholly trusted. its return.”
approach into whatever location the adventurers are
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Ashurta is honestly apologetic as she explains the None of the Above If the characters arrive here by way of the portal in
reasons behind the altercation in the bazaar and that The adventurers are entirely free to reject the over- Encounter T2, they probably expect to be teleported
“such a thing would not have happened had I been tures of both the Sand Kings and the Shadovar. In from that portal to the door portal in the tomb. How-
here.” She then makes a plea to the heroes for sup- that case, use Durbela’s mention of the ruins a short ever, the instability of the power connecting these
port for the Sand King cause, describing the faction’s distance from the city (which ties to what the charac- portals sends them slightly off course. In that case,
fight against the “corrupt and murderous reign” of the ters previously learned in “The Scroll Fragment”) to read the following aloud:
Shadovar. (Use this conversation as an opportunity to get them on their way. The tomb you saw through the archway suddenly melts
introduce backstory elements regarding Netheril.) If the characters are inclined to ask after either away before you as something tears at you like a scouring
Ashurta offers the rough-cut diamond from trea- of the factions before making plans, two DC 20 wind. With a lurch, you find yourselves outside and
sure parcel 3 in exchange for the scroll fragment Gather Information checks at the city gates the next tumbling to the rocky ground. The outer wall of a ruined
planted on the characters, then offers the remainder day reveal that the Shadovar headed east out of the estate looms up beside you; a desolate and deserted manor
of that parcel for the party’s aid in helping the Sand city (toward Encounter T1) an hour earlier. Two DC house stands a short distance off.
Kings to retrieve the other fragments. 25 Gather Information checks reveal that the Sand
If the characters have already given the scroll A DC 20 Arcana check determines that the
Kings also headed east an hour before that, and unstable connection between the portals is respon-
fragment to the Shadovar, Ashurta is noticeably dis- that the Shadovar were following them. (In fact, the
tressed. She does not blame them; her own soldiers sible for the rough landing and that the portal the
Sand Kings doubled back and headed west toward adventurers should have teleported to is somewhere
are ultimately at fault. She becomes even more anx- Encounter T2.)
ious, however, to secure the other fragments with the within the ruins.
With no faction to follow, the heroes can choose to If you are using this adventure as a framework
characters’ aid. undertake either Encounter T1 or Encounter T2 first.
If the characters join with Ashurta and the Sand on which to hang additional encounters, the ruins of
Kings, they head out the following day for tactical Mutashi’s estate can hide any number of monstrous
encounter T1: Mutashi’s tomb.
Part 2: or magical challenges. Remember that one faction or
Mutashi’s Tomb the other will have previously fought its way into the
The Old Double-Cross manor house, so show signs of combat (and a few dead
Ashurta has no way of knowing that the heroes met This estate of a rich merchant lord fell into ruin in the monsters) as the characters approach.
with Durbela. It is entirely possible that the characters aftermath of the Spellplague. The upper ruins have Like the estate itself, the upper levels of the manor
will end up agreeing to help Durbela, then be swayed long since been scoured clean, but the locals steer house feature no encounters unless you add them.
to switch their allegiance by Ashurta’s plea. The play- clear of the estate’s underground tomb where the Encounters or no, the place has a sinister appearance.
ers can decide whether the characters simply choose portal is hidden. Even before its fall, this once-palatial manor must have been
to go with the Sand Kings and leave the Shadovar in If the characters undertake this encounter prior to an unsettling sight. Beyond the fallen front doors, high walls
the lurch, or whether they pretend to go out in support encounter T2, they catch their first sight of the ruined are tiled in black slate panels split and cracked by exposure
of the Shadovar in Encounter T1 and then double- estate as they approach overland. to the open air. Even where the shutters have fallen, narrow
cross them during the fight with the Sand Kings. A crumbling wall marks the boundary of a once-rich window slits let in only a haze of shadowy light. That light
Likewise, nothing prevents the characters from feign- merchant’s estate, but all lies in ruin now. A moss-covered is enough to reveal footprints in the dust and rubble strewn
ing allegiance to Ashurta as a means of setting up the stone archway leads to an overgrown boulevard of dead across the wooden panels of the uneven floor. A stone
Sand Kings to be taken by Durbela and his troops. trees. A great manor house rises beyond, but its windows doorway on the far side of a wide great hall has been cracked
In either event, adjust the setup of Encounters T1 are sealed behind rotting shutters, like blind eyes in a open, revealing a flight of stairs leading down.
and T2 as noted in those encounters. blank face.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Recently-made, humanoid footprints approach the The unnatural shadow here negates any mundane the ritual, one of their allies does or they find a ritual
temple from the road, but these appear to simply circle light source. Magical light sources shed only dim light scroll on one of the dead.)
the ruins before retreating again into the surrounding in all areas of the temple. If the characters restore this portal before the
rocks and scrub. Other tracks mark the threshold of the portal in Encounter T1, it connects to the ruins of the
doorway—the clawed footprints of at least three massive Into the Temple noble’s estate. In that case, the character who per-
creatures. These tracks are older but still recent, clearly The two initial areas of the temple contain only forms the ritual becomes aware that the portal also
showing that something has entered and left the temple rubble and darkness. Let the characters investigate has a dormant connection to the Spiral Gate, which
ruins on numerous occasions. cautiously. They should not know that there is no will be reestablished if both portals are activated. Use
Perception Check danger here. the area description in Encounter T1 to tell the play-
DC 20: The darkness beyond the doors has an unnatural In the temple’s innermost chamber, the characters ers what they see through the portal, or let a character
quality and seems to drift and roil like smoke as you stare. face off against the pack of banderhobbs. If the party make a DC 20 Arcana check to confirm the portal’s
has come here with an allied faction, the fight is com- destination.
The clawed tracks mark where the banderhobbs have plicated partway through by the arrival of the enemy If the characters restore this portal after restoring
entered and left the temple. The humanoid tracks are faction. the portal in Encounter T1, they establish a connec-
those of the enemy faction, who earlier approached See tactical encounter T2: The Temple of tion to the Spiral Gate. See “The Transit Portal” below
the ruined temple but did not enter it, cautious of Mystra. for more information.
what lies within and hoping that the other faction
arrives here and will clear out the threat. The Scroll Fragment Part 4:
This encounter assumes that the enemy faction The scroll fragment here is hidden within a secret
has withdrawn to a location where they can see the compartment behind the middle star of the altar’s The Transit Portal
characters enter the temple, then follow. If you are capstone. It can be spotted with a DC 31 Perception
expanding the adventure, consider adding a skill check during a general search of the room or a DC The focus of the Shadovar’s plots is the Spiral Gate,
challenge and an outdoor encounter if the characters 20 Perception check if the altar is searched specifi- an ancient portal built on a nexus point of the Weave.
want to track down the enemy faction first. cally. The compartment can be opened with a DC 25 The portal was once the site of a powerful confluence
Thievery check or the stone can be shattered with a of arcane and planar energy, but it has been crippled
Roiling Darkness DC 25 Strength check. in the aftermath of the Spellplague like so many of
The power of the Shadowfell has corrupted this the portals of Faerûn. The Shadovar know that if they
once holy site, filling its empty chambers with a The Ruined Portal can reactivate this central link, they may be able to
roiling darkness that inspired the banderhobbs to The portal arch here once connected to other temples regain control of many other portals across the world.
lair here. As the heroes enter the first chamber, they of Mystra, but its power was corrupted and broken All four scroll fragments will have been claimed
note its effects. when the destruction of the Weave brought down this in the aftermath of the previous encounters, though
Shadow swirls around you like something alive, swallowing temple. It cannot be reactivated normally. However, a which factions possess which fragments depends on
any light brought to bear against it. From the corner of your character in possession of one of the scroll fragments how the encounters played out and how the adventur-
eye comes sudden movement—but when you turn quickly, can use a Linked Portal ritual to partially restore the ers positioned themselves in the conflict between the
you see nothing there. portal’s power. (If none of the heroes has access to Shadovar and the Sand Kings.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
The activation of both portals in Encounters T1 Sand Kings from using the transit portal to pursue the Descending through the portal chasm leads to the
and T2 reestablishes a dormant connection between party. The characters can hinder pursuers by making Spiral Gate and the final encounter of the adventure.
both of those portals and a transit portal above the a total of three DC 22 Arcana, Athletics, Religion,
cavern that houses the Spiral Gate. (This already- or Thievery checks to disrupt the operation of the Part 5: The Spiral
active transit portal also connects to locations in transit portal. For each successful check, pursuers
Netheril and is the means by which the Shadovar first are delayed by 1 round before entering combat in Gate
accessed the Spiral Gate cavern.) encounter S2. See that encounter for details.
When the second portal is activated, a vague When characters enter the chasm in tactical
glimpse of what lies beyond can be seen. Read the
The Shadow Chasm encounter S1, they descend 100 feet down a narrow,
following aloud: The Shadovar have been working in this area for rough-cut, steeply sloping tunnel. (The thaaluds in
some time to open a temporary physical access to the this encounter were created in the cavern below; only
A sudden pulse of white light is replaced by a shimmer the Shadovar pass this way.)
Spiral Gate and clear the rubble that buried it in the
of gloom marking the far side of the portal connection. A
aftermath of the Spell Plague. Retrieving the four When the heroes approach the end of the tunnel,
small with rough stone walls can barely be seen.
scroll fragments is the last and most important step read the following aloud:
When the characters step through the arch, they in their effort to bring the Spiral Gate back to life. To
find themselves in a rough stone chamber with a Ahead, the floor of the tunnel suddenly slopes away where
that end, a force of Netherese shadar-kai have been
single exit. A portal arch set into the wall can return a huge cavern opens up into shadow. The far side of the
laboring here for some weeks, directing the work of
them safely to either Mutashi’s tomb or the ruined cavern cannot be seen in the darkness, but its near wall
the thaaluds (see tactical encounter S2) and prepar-
temple of Mystra at any time. The chamber’s only appears to have been naturally eroded as a sloping, rubble-
ing the portal for the ritual that will reactivate it.
physical exit is a rough stone passageway that runs a strewn ledge which plunges steadily downward. The cavern
See tactical encounter S1: Shadow Chasm.
hundred paces or so before emerging at the ledge in narrows as the ledge twists around it in an enormous spiral.
Encounter S1. Aftermath Perception Check
(Access to the powerful Spiral Gate was once Any shadar-kai left alive for questioning will grudg- DC 27: The intermittent grinding of stone can be heard
strictly controlled by forcing creatures to first pass ingly detail their purpose here (or the adventurers echoing from the darkness below.
through this portal, then through the wards of the can use Speak With Dead to gain the same infor-
If they proceed with caution, the characters make
shadow chasm, then through the second portal that mation). Shadar-kai given their freedom after
their way down the spiral ledge without difficulty.
was the final access point to the gate. Depending on questioning will offer up information regarding the
where you decide to place the Spiral Gate in your cam- preparations they have made to reactivate the Spiral When the characters have descended to the edge
paign, this entrance chamber can also have a secret Gate. This grants a +2 bonus to the first check made of the tactical map and within sight of the cavern
exit leading to the surface or to some other site.) in the skill challenge in Encounter S2. f loor, read:
The lower tier once housed a portal archway that The spiral ledge trails down to a broad cavern strewn with
Preventing Pursuit linked to the hidden Spiral Gate below. With that piles of rubble showing signs of recent excavation. At the
In activating this portal, the characters know that portal destroyed, the Shadovar have had to open up center of the cavern stands the archway of a great portal.
a connection will persist between this location and an alternate access. Read the following aloud: Its stones are carved in disturbing spiral patterns that glow
both the temple of Mystra and Mutashi’s tomb. Telltale sigils mark this crumbling archway as a portal, faintly.
Whether the heroes are allied with one faction or but no sign of its magic remains now. The rocky ground
none, it is impossible to prevent the Shadovar or the before it has been torn open by great force, and recently. A
crumbling chasm 10 feet across leads down into darkness.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Sand King Shrouded Blade Level 15 Skirmisher Sand King Freeblade Level 14 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,200 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,000
HP 147; Bloodied 73 Initiative +15 HP 138; Bloodied 69 Initiative +13
AC 29 (31 against opportunity attacks), Perception +13 AC 30, Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 25 Perception +11
Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 27 Speed 6
Speed 6 Traits
Traits O Fighting Focus F Aura 1
Combat Advantage Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura is marked until
A shrouded blade deals 1d8 extra damage to any creature the start of its next turn.
granting combat advantage to it. Standard Actions
Standard Actions m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage.
Hit: 2d4 + 10 damage. M Veil of Blood (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage
Hit: 2d4 + 10 damage. and is blinded (save ends both).
M R Shifting Strike (weapon) F At-Will M On Your Knees (weapon) F Encounter
Effect: The shrouded blade uses dagger twice. It can shift 1 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude
square before or after each attack. Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage, and the target is knocked prone and
M R Crippling Strike (weapon) F Recharge 5 6 cannot stand up (save ends).
Effect: The shrouded blade uses dagger twice. If either attack Triggered Actions
hits, the target is also slowed (save ends). If both attacks hit C Last Stand (weapon) F Encounter
the same target, the target is instead also knocked prone Trigger: The freeblade is reduced to 0 hit points.
and cannot stand up (save ends). Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +19 vs.
Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +17, Stealth +18 Reflex
Str 15 (+9) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 12 (+8) Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
Con 19 (+11) Int 14 (+9) Cha 20 (+12) Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +18
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Netherese Str 22 (+13) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 19 (+11)
Equipment leather armor, 6 daggers Con 18 (+11) Int 12 (+8) Cha 17 (+10)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Netherese
Equipment leather armor, light shield, short sword
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Shadovar Squadmaster Level 15 Soldier (Leader) Shadovar Shadow Knight Level 14 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,200 Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,000
HP 146; Bloodied 73 Initiative +14 HP 137; Bloodied 68 Initiative +13
AC 31; Fortitude 28, Reflex 27, Will 26 Perception +9 AC 30; Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 25 Perception +11
Speed 7 Speed 5
Traits Standard Actions
Squadmaster’s Advantage m Warhammer (weapon) F At-Will
A squadmaster gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against an Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
enemy it is flanking, and its attacks deal 2d6 extra damage to Hit: 2d10 + 9 damage, and the target is marked.
that creature. r Longbow (weapon) F At-Will
Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage, and the target is marked.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Minor Actions
Hit: 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Force of Shadow (force) F Recharge 4 5 6
r Shortbow (weapon) F At-Will Until the start of the shadow knight’s next turn, it gains con-
Attack: Ranged 15/30 (one creature); +21 vs. AC cealment and its weapon attacks target Will instead of AC.
Hit: 2d10 + 8 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Triggered Actions
Minor Actions Forceful Critical F At-Will
C Choice Target F Recharge 6 Trigger: The shadow knight scores a critical hit.
Attack: Close burst 5 (one enemy) Effect (Free Action): The shadow knight can slide the target of
Effect: The target provokes an opportunity attack from each the attack 1 square.
enemy that is adjacent to it. Watchful Eye F At-Will
Triggered Actions Trigger: An adjacent enemy shifts or an adjacent enemy
C Squad Command F Encounter marked by the shadow knight attacks an ally.
Trigger: The squadmaster is first bloodied. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shadow knight makes a basic
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 10 (allies in burst) melee attack against the enemy.
Effect: The target makes a melee basic attack or shifts 3 Skills Endurance +15, Intimidate +13, Thievery +16
squares as a free action. Str 22 (+13) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 18 (+11)
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +18 Con 17 (+10) Int 12 (+8) Cha 12 (+8)
Str 22 (+13) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 14 (+9) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Netherese
Con 18 (+11) Int 14 (+9) Cha 18 (+11) Equipment chainmail, light shield, warhammer, longbow,
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common 20 arrows
Equipment longsword, shortbow, 20 arrows
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
M1: Marketplace As soon as his actions are noted, the unfortunate Market Stalls: Any square containing part of a
Sand King panics and attacks the chosen character canvas stall is difficult terrain. Squares within a stall
Skirmish (or anyone else who raises a hue and cry). The other are difficult terrain and require a DC 13 Athletics or
Sand Kings join the melee starting in the second Acrobatics check to move through. On a failed check,
Encounter Level 16 (7,200 XP) round. Because of the unpredictability of this confron- see “Market Mayhem” on the following page.
tation, no setup locations are indicated on the map; Buildings: The buildings adjacent to the open
Setup arrange the combatants to fit the evolving situation. market court are a mix of merchant’s residences and
1 Sand King stormlord shops. The Sand Kings don’t enter the buildings, but
1 Sand King mystic In the Thick of It you can add doors, windows, and indoor features as
2 Sand King shrouded blades This fight in the bazaar makes use of the crowd appropriate if the adventurers manage to take the
2 Sand King freeblades as a distraction and ongoing hazard. Place a total fight inside.
This encounter triggers when one of the Sand King of twenty bystanders across the market in squares
shrouded blades hurriedly tries to hide a scroll frag- around and between the stalls. On initiative count 0,
ment on the heroes. Unfortunately, none of these each bystander moves 4 squares away from the near-
Sand Kings (currently on the run from the Shadovar) est combat, trying to get to the edge of the map. The
have much in the way of Thievery skill. More prob- bystanders are blocking terrain, but a character can
lematically, the on-the-run and low-on-resources Sand move through a bystander square with a DC 20 Acro-
King succumbs to the temptation to help himself to batics or Athletics check.
the character’s purse or some other valuable. In the rising pandemonium, the heroes cannot
The shrouded blade intent on hiding the frag- initially get a clear sense of the locations of the other
ment looks for the character likely to have the worst Sand Kings. A successful Perception check alerts
Perception check, which translates in his mind as them to the imminent threat.
the best-armored fighter, paladin, or other warrior.
Alternatively, pick the adventurer with the most hair- Perception Check
trigger temper as a means of kicking things off. DC 20: Most of the folk around you are trying to get clear
of the brawl, but as the would-be thief draws down, you
Read or paraphrase the following to the target of feel eyes on you from the thick of the crowd. There is more
the sleight of hand attempt: danger here than meets the eye.
The close bustle of the market crowd just took on a more
The other Sand Kings move through the crowd
personal touch—you feel pressure at your waist. Glancing
toward the characters, who are free to suspect them
down, you see a hand slipping out from your pack with your
as antagonists because of that movement. Do not
purse tight in its grasp. The figure attached to the arm is
make the threat obvious until they attack.
lean and sun-dark—Netherese by his look. When he glances
up and sees your eyes on him, he snarls and darts back. A
dagger suddenly appears in his hand as he drops into an
Features of the Area
Illumination: Bright light (daylight or lanterns)
attack stance.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
Market Mayhem Use stall incidents to increase the visual drama of the Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
fight as characters push through throngs of startled failures).
Any square containing part of a canvas stall is diffi-
sheep or try to make ranged attacks from within a Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight,
cult terrain. Squares within a stall are difficult terrain
cloud of chickens. Intimidation.
and require a DC 13 Athletics or Acrobatics check to
Bluff or Diplomacy (DC 20, minor action): The
move through. On a failed check, a character crashes
into or knocks over a stall, with disruptive effects.
Tactics character tries to dissuade the Sand Kings from
See page 18 for the Sand King statistics. In addition to combat with reason or distraction. If the character
Use the following table to determine what kind of
the personal tactics described there, the Sand Kings has attacked a Sand King in the current or previous
stall has been disturbed and its effect. Unless other-
make use of the dwindling crowd for cover. With round, he or she takes a –2 penalty to this check.
wise indicated, these effects are zones which last until
their training in Acrobatics, the shrouded blades In order to succeed at the skill challenge, the party
the start of the triggering character’s next turn.
and the freeblades duck through the stalls when- must make at least two successful Bluff or Diplomacy
d10 Vendor Effect ever possible, hoping to gain the upper hand on the checks.
1 Poultry farmer close burst 1; squares are characters. Insight (DC 20, minor action): The adventurer notes
heavily obscured If the adventurers do not succeed on the skill chal- that the Sand Kings are fighting from fear, not anger
2 Sheep herder close burst 2; squares are
lenge, the separatists fight to the best of their ability. or mistaken identity. In addition to earning a success
difficult terrain
When only two Sand Kings are left or all are blood- in the challenge, a successful Insight check grants a
3 Knife sharpener area of the stall; creatures
ied, they try to flee, snarling curses at the characters +2 bonus to the next Bluff or Diplomacy check made
that enter the zone take 1d4
damage; lasts until end of as they go. If the characters pursue, let the fight play in the challenge.
encounter out to the end. Otherwise, the Sand Kings quickly Intimidate (DC 20, minor action): The character
4 Baker area of the stall; creatures vanish from sight. attempts to cow the Sand Kings into standing down.
that enter or begin their turn The Sand Kings will not willingly allow themselves After an Intimidate check, any Bluff or Diplomacy
in the zone take 1d4 fire to be taken prisoner or questioned. For these hard- check made in the same round takes a +2 bonus
ened rebels, death is preferable to capture. (as the characters undertake a good-cop/bad-cop
5 Beermaker burst 2; squares are routine).
challenging terrain Standing Down Success: The heroes convince the Sand Kings to
(Acrobatics DC 20 when
The circumstances of this fight give the characters a stand down and have a chance to gain useful informa-
entering the zone to avoid
falling prone) chance to persuade the fearful Sand Kings that the tion. See “After the Fight” on page 10.
6 Fishmonger close burst 1; squares are
characters are not a threat and to parlay instead of Failure: The characters’ attempts to placate the
difficult terrain; Acrobatics fighting. Do not tell the players that this skill chal- Sand Kings only make them more suspicious. It’s a
DC 20 when entering the lenge is an option unless their own action inspires fight to the finish unless the characters undertake
zone to avoid falling prone it. If a character makes an Insight check to assess the skill challenge again. However, each repeat of the
7 Ropemaker close burst 1; squares are the would-be thief ’s intent or decides to talk to the challenge bestows a –2 penalty to all checks.
difficult terrain; lasts until Sand Kings during combat with a Bluff or Diplomacy
end of encounter check, treat that as a primary check to let the heroes
8–10 Stall collapses area of the stall; squares are know that fighting isn’t their only option.
blocking terrain; lasts until Level: 16 (XP 2,800).
end of encounter
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
T1: Mutashi’s Tomb This encounter is built around a phantom hunter trap Attack 2
Standard Action Melee 1
triggered when an arcane, divine, primal, or psionic
Target: One creature
Encounter Level 16 (7,500 XP minimum) power is first used in this area. The trap’s totem is a Attack: +23 vs. AC
bas-relief image of a great hunting hound set into the Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
Setup fallen door of the sepulcher. Countermeasures
F Succeeding on a complexity 1 skill challenge (4 successes
5+ members of the enemy faction (E) before 3 failures) using either Nature or Arcana on the
Phantom Hunter Level 18 Lurker
Trap XP 2,000 totem disables the trap. The characters disabling the
The characters and any factional allies enter the phantom hunter must be adjacent to the fallen door. Each
belowground tomb either by some combination of From the crumbling sepulcher comes a sudden howl of wind. attempt takes a standard action. If the skill challenge results
Dust and mold swirl in the air to take the form of a great beast
the stairs or falling into the area. If any characters in failure, the phantom hunter trap’s Attack 1 recharges
that lurches forward to attack. automatically and then is triggered as an immediate
fall into the tomb, the enemy faction does not have
Trap: A phantom hunter fades in and out of existence. reaction.
enough time to react, so there is no surprise round. It attacks creatures inside or within 2 squares of the
However, adventurers who fall do start the encounter sepulcher.
F DC 20: The character notices that the shadows play See pages 18-21 for the Shadovar and Sand King sta-
If all the characters descend the stairs, then they strangely in the area, as if ghostly figures move within them. tistics. In addition to the personal tactics described
have a chance to catch the enemy by surprise. Adjust F DC 25: The character notices a bas-relief totem on the
there, the members of both factions use the rubble
the readaloud text depending on which faction is underside of the fallen door.
Additional Skill: Arcana piles and the sepulcher as cover as they open combat
already here and how the characters enter the area.
F DC 29: After the characters spot the totem, an Arcana with ranged attacks. Once battle is joined, they try to
check to detect magic determines that it courses with use the rubble to limit the tactical movement of their
When the heroes can see the ruined tomb, read:
primal power.
This wide tomb chamber was once lavishly decorated, but
This trap triggers the first time an arcane, divine, primal, Both factions are unaware of the power of the
all is in ruins now. Great arches suspending the ceiling
or psionic power is used in this area. Thereafter, when an sepulcher and the danger of the crumbling walls. The
are crumbling dangerously, and the floor is covered with enemy enters the trap area, the phantom hunter makes the
NPCs are as likely as the adventurers to trigger the
rubble and the rotting remains of fine furnishings. A great following two attacks on initiative counts 25 and 20. If an
enemy is currently adjacent to the fallen door, the phantom trap or to cause a wall collapse.
sepulcher stands at the center, its stone door pulled down
hunter attacks that creature instead of attacking a random
long ago. Alcoves are set with moldy mosaics that once enemy.
showed scenes of luxury and nobility, but much of this has For the purpose of this encounter, all creatures in the tomb
crumbled away to reveal cracked stone beneath. Scattered are enemies of the phantom hunter.
Attack 1
around the chamber are a half-dozen figures digging
Standard Action Melee 1
cautiously through the rubble. Special: This attack recharges on a roll of 6 on a d6. The
phantom hunter uses this attack first during an encounter.
Perception Check The trap always uses this attack whenever it recharges
DC 20: The walls here are dangerously unstable and look instead of attack 2.
as if they might collapse under any shock or strain. Target: One creature
Attack: +23 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 7 damage, and the target is weakened and slowed
(save ends both).
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The Spiral Gate
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The Spiral Gate
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The Spiral Gate
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The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
S1: Shadow Chasm If the characters are allied with the Shadovar, shadar-kai take a –2 penalty to all defenses until the
then they enter this area freely on the overt assump- beginning of the third full round of combat.
Encounter Level 17 (8,400 XP minimum) tion that the adventure is at an end. If one of the
Shadar-Kai Blacksoul Level 14 Controller
party members correctly assessed Durbela during his
Setup initial overtures to them, they are likely expecting a
Medium shadow humanoid
HP 138; Bloodied 69
XP 1,000
Initiative +10
1 shadar-kai blacksoul (B) sudden but inevitable betrayal now that the Shadovar AC 26; Fortitude 25, Reflex 28, Will 28 Perception +8
3 shadar-kai dawnkillers (D) have gotten all they need and have the characters Speed 7 low-light vision
1 shadar-kai painbearer (P) outnumbered. Traits
As soon as the shadar-kai are sighted, whoever Shrouded in Gloom
The entrance to the Spiral Gate is guarded by a force While shrouded in gloom, a creature takes a –2 penalty to
is in charge of the Shadovar calls out to them. (This
of shadar-kai tasked with preparing the portal for attack rolls and gains only half the benefit of healing effects.
betrayal works best if the somewhat sadistic Nulu
activation. Their preliminary rituals are now com- Standard Actions
has taken command of the Shadovar after Durbela m Corrupting Blackfire (fire, necrotic) F At-Will
plete; all that remains is the final ritual undertaken
is slain; see “Chain of Command,” page 9.) Read the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC
with the scroll fragments.
following aloud: Hit: 1d10 + 6 fire and necrotic damage, and the target is
When the adventurers can see into the cavern shrouded in gloom (save ends).
Without so much as a glance back at you, the Shadovar r Shadowbolt (necrotic) F At-Will
from the ledge, read:
shouts out to the shadar-kai guards ahead. “With thanks to Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +18 vs. Reflex
A wide cavern opens up on two levels below. Its rough stone our friends here, the scroll fragments are ours. Show them Hit: 3d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is shrouded in
floor is set with crumbling columns. A narrow ledge leads the gratitude of Netheril. Kill them all.” gloom (save ends).
down 20 feet to the first tier. It offers no cover, however, R Corrupt Soul (charm) F At-Will
from the five shadar-kai that pace fretfully across the The Easy Way In Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature shrouded in gloom);
middle of the cavern. +18 vs. Will
If the characters are not entering this area as soon-
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
The setup of these final two encounters depend on to-be-former allies of the Shadovar, they can choose
A Shadowburst (necrotic) F Recharge 6
the circumstances that brought the characters here. to fight their way in starting from the high ledge. Attack: Area burst 3 within 10 (enemies in burst); +16 vs.
If the characters have avoided allegiances Characters who have learned any of the details of the Reflex
and enter this area alone, this encounter becomes Shadovar’s plots can also easily pretend to be on Dur- Hit: 1d10 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is shrouded in
a straight-up fight against the shadar-kai defenders. bela’s side to gain the shadar-kai’s initial trust. gloom (save ends).
The shadar-kai immediately present weapons and Miss: Half damage.
Any Sand Kings or Shadovar in pursuit hold back and
go into defensive positions behind the pillars at the Move Actions
wait for the opportunity to push through to the Spiral
Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) F Encounter
Gate. first sign of the heroes. They are under orders to grant
The shadar-kai blacksoul teleports 3 squares and becomes
If the characters are allied with the Sand no one except Durbela or Nulu access to the portal
insubstantial until the start of its next turn.
Kings, then both factions attack the shadar-kai chasm, so a fight is inevitable. However, a DC 31 Diplo- Skills Arcana +19, Stealth +15
together. Any surviving Shadovar join the fray if they macy check or DC 25 Bluff check will cause enough Str 12 (+8) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 12 (+8)
have the ability to follow from either of the previous uncertainty among the shadar-kai for the characters Con 18 (+11) Int 24 (+14) Cha 20 (+12)
encounters. At least some of the Shadovar hold back to clamber down to the first tier of the chamber. If the Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
characters then attack immediately instead of trying Equipment leather armor
in case the heroes make it through to the Spiral Gate
below. to parley further, they gain a surprise round and the
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
3 Shadar-Kai Dawnkillers Level 14 Lurker Shadar-Kai Painbearer Level 15 Skirmisher (Leader) Pillars of Shadow Level 17 Elite Blaster
Medium shadow humanoid XP 1,000 each Medium shadow humanoid XP 1,200 Trap XP 3,200
HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +18 HP 144; Bloodied 72 Initiative +16 Crumbling pillars across the chamber are shrouded
AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 25 Perception +16 AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 27 Perception +11 by black mist.
Speed 7 low-light vision Speed 7 low-light vision Trap: When a creature uses any magic in this chamber, the
Traits Traits nearest pillars lash out with deadly tendrils of shadow.
Shrouded in Gloom O Shadow Weft F Aura 5 Perception
While shrouded in gloom, a creature takes a –2 penalty to Each shadar-kai ally within the aura shifts 1 square as a free F DC 20: A character spots the shadow clinging to the pillars.
attack rolls and gains only half the benefit of healing effects. action after it hits with a melee attack. Additional Skill: Arcana or Religion
F DC 20: Necrotic power imbued within the pillars is
Shadows of the Raven Queen (necrotic) Shrouded in Gloom
sensitive to magic.
The shadar-kai dawnkiller’s melee attacks deal 2d6 extra While shrouded in gloom, a creature takes a –2 penalty to F DC 25: Radiant damage will temporarily thwart the power
necrotic damage against a target that cannot see the attack rolls and gains only half the benefit of healing effects. of the pillars.
dawnkiller. Standard Actions Trigger
Standard Actions m Shadow Chain (weapon) F At-Will The trap attacks whenever a creature in the chamber
m Kukri (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC uses an arcane, divine, primal, or psionic power, or makes
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is shrouded in gloom an attack that uses the enhancement bonus of a magic
weapon or a magic implement, or uses a magic item power.
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is shrouded in gloom (save save ends).
The triggering creature is targeted by all pillars within
ends). M Shadow Dance (necrotic) F Recharge 5 6
M Shade Strike (necrotic) F At-Will The shadar-kai painbearer shifts 7 squares and makes three Attack F Necrotic
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature shrouded in gloom); +19 vs. AC shadow chain attacks during the move, each against a dif- Free Action Ranged 3
Hit: 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is blinded ferent target. The painbearer’s second and third attacks deal Attack: +18 vs. Reflex
(save ends). 2d6 extra necrotic damage for each prior attack that has hit. Target: The triggering creature.
Move Actions A creature that is shrouded in gloom and is hit by an attack is Hit: Ongoing 10 necrotic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Shadow Jaunt (teleportaion) F Encounter blinded (save ends).
The shadar-kai dawnkiller teleports 3 squares and becomes Triggered Actions F With a DC 13 Arcana or Religion check (minor action), a
insubstantial until the start of its next turn. Shadow Boon F Encounter character gains a +2 bonus to Reflex against the trap’s next
Skills Acrobatics +19, Stealth +19 Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of the shadar-kai painbearer attack.
Str 20 (+12) Dex 24 (+14) Wis 18 (+11) misses with an attack. F A pillar targeted by a power that deals radiant damage
Con 16 (+10) Int 14 (+9) Cha 11 (+7) Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering ally rerolls the is disabled until the end of the encounter. Before being
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common attack roll. disabled, the pillar makes an attack against the character
targeting it.
Equipment leather armor, 2 kukris Move Actions
Shadow Jaunt (teleportation) F Encounter
The shadar-kai painbearer teleports 3 squares and becomes
insubstantial until the start of its next turn.
Skills Acrobatics +19, Stealth +19
Str 20 (+12) Dex 24 (+14) Wis 18 (+11)
Con 16 (+10) Int 14 (+9) Cha 11 (+7)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, spiked chain
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
S2: The Spiral Gate don’t count as skill failures. (For the purpose of the Gate. With overall success in the skill challenge, the
skill challenge, treat the attacks of any of the NPCs as scroll fragments are destroyed.
Encounter Level 19 (12,800 XP minimum) magic weapon or arcane attacks). Failure: The various characters’ attempts to
Level: 17 (XP 1,600). control the power of the Spiral Gate lead to a dan-
Setup Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 gerous pulse of arcane energy. All creatures in the
2 thaaluds (T) failures). area except the thaaluds lose one healing surge.
The effective complexity of this skill challenge is (NPCs without healing surges take damage equal to
The Spiral Gate increased by the presence of another faction attempt- half their bloodied value.) All factions lose accrued
Even as the fight unfolds, the factions here attempt to ing to counter the adventurers’ efforts to activate or successes or failures and must begin again if they
control the Spiral Gate. This powerful portal is keyed disable the Spiral Gate. Each success earned in this continue with the skill challenge. All subsequent skill
to ancient magic imbued in the scroll fragments, by skill challenge adds to the earning side’s tally of suc- checks in the challenge (but not attacks against the
which its dormant power can be reactivated or per- cesses and also reduces the opposing side’s tally by portal) have a –2 penalty; this is cumulative each time
manently disabled. one. This cannot reduce the number of successes for the skill challenge fails.
Depending on how the characters are allied with any faction to less than 0. Special: In the event that the characters and their
either the Sand Kings or the Shadovar, they might Primary Skills: Arcana, Thievery. allies win the combat before anyone succeeds at the
undertake the skill challenge on their own or in con- Arcana (DC 25, standard action): By tapping into the skill challenge, they can then finish reactivating or
junction with another group. flow of arcane power within the archway, a character destroying the portal safely and automatically in a few
Among the Sand Kings and the Shadovar, the skill can tune or disrupt that power. minutes without risking more skill checks.
challenge will be attempted by characters with train- Thievery (DC 25, standard action): The spirals
ing in Arcana or Thievery (a mystic or stormlord; a graven into the archway control the flow of magical Tactics
stormcaster or shadow knight) or by characters who energy within it. By careful manipulation, a char- The thaaluds attack all creatures except the shadar-
attack the portal arch. acter can interrupt or focus that power. This check kai that control them (including any Shadovar here).
Special: The DCs given below assume that all four must be made by a character adjacent to the archway. Each strikes with double attack or sweeping maul each
scroll fragments are present in the cavern, as they Members of a faction cannot earn a success in the round, falling back on thrown maul only if no crea-
should be if the characters and their allies obtained challenge with Thievery until they have earned 1 suc- tures are within reach.
all four or once the enemy faction arrives. For each cess with Arcana. See pages 18-21 for the Shadovar and Sand King
scroll fragment missing, all checks in the challenge Secondary Skills: Insight, Perception. statistics blocks. In addition to the personal tactics
take a –2 penalty. At least two fragments must be pres- Insight or Perception (DC 14, minor action): The described there, the members of both factions use the
ent for the skill challenge to be attempted at all. magic within the portal ebbs and flows with a pat- rubble piles as cover.
A character attempting to destroy (not reactivate!) tern that can be discerned. With a successful check,
the portal can attack the archway with a magic the hero gains a +2 bonus on his or her next primary
weapon, an arcane power, or a divine power. The check made in the challenge.
archway has AC, Reflex, and Fortitude 31. A single Success: The first faction to attain 4 successes
attack that deals 15 or more damage to the archway before 3 failures in the challenge succeeds in its goal
earns 1 success in the skill challenge. Attacks which of activating or permanently disabling the Spiral
miss or deal less than 15 damage have no effect; they
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Spiral Gate
2 Thaaluds (T)
Huge natural animate (construct)
Level 20 Elite Soldier
XP 5,600 each
Features of the Area
HP 380; Bloodied 190 Initiative +15 Ceiling: Sloping 20 feet above the spiral ledge; 30
AC 38; Fortitude 35, Reflex 31, Will 32 Perception +16 feet high at the bottom of the chamber.
Speed 8 (earth walk), burrow 2 (tunneling) blind, blindsight 20 Illumination: The portal sheds dim light within
Immune poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 fire, 10 lightning 2 squares. The rest of the area, including the initial
Saving Throws +2
descent passageway and the spiral ledge, is dark.
Action Point 1
Spiral Ledge: The stone ledge that spirals down
Standard Actions
m Maul (weapon) F At-Will toward the bottom of this cavern is recessed into the
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +27 vs. AC rock wall and strewn with rubble, making for a pre-
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage. carious descent. The ramp itself is difficult terrain. A
r Thrown Maul (weapon) F At-Will creature can move at half speed along a ledge without
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +26 vs. AC risk. Moving at more than half speed (in or out of
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage. The maul returns to the thaalud’s grasp combat) requires a DC 14 Athletics check. On a failed
at the end of its turn.
check, roll 1d6: on 1-4, the creature slides 1 square
M Double Attack (weapon) F At-Will
down the ramp and falls prone; on 5-6, the creature
The thaalud makes two melee basic attacks.
M Sweeping Maul (weapon) F At-Will
slides off the edge. A creature that slides off the edge
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +20 vs. AC gets a saving throw to catch itself.
Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage, the target is pushed 2 squares and is If the adventurers enter combat while descending
knocked prone, and the thaalud can make a melee basic the spiral ledge, expand the tactical map to include
attack against another creature within reach. the ledge making two full arcs around the cavern.
A Spike Stones (zone) F Encounter The ledge rises 30 feet for every quarter-arc, or 120
Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (enemies in burst); +24 vs. AC
feet for every full circuit of the cavern. Because the
Hit: 1d8 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). The area
ledge is recessed, creatures on it have cover against
of the burst becomes a zone which is difficult terrain until
the end of the encounter.
attacks from creatures that are not on the ledge.
Critical Hit: As above, but the target takes a –5 penalty to its Portal Arch: This rough stone archway stands
saving throw to end the slowed condition. 20 feet high by 20 feet wide. Its stones are carved in
Skills Arcana +21 spiral patterns that glow faintly. See “The Spiral Gate”
Str 30 (+20) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 12 (+11) skill challenge on page 32.
Con 22 (+16) Int 22 (+16) Cha 24 (+17) Rubble Piles: Piles of rocks and rubble rise to the
Alignment Unaligned Languages understands Common
indicated heights. Climbing a rubble pile takes a DC
and Netherese; telepathy 20
20 Athletics check.
Equipment +1 adamantine magic maul
Rubble: Areas of loose stone are difficult terrain.
A character who runs, charges, or is forced to move
through rubble must make a DC 13 Acrobatics check
or fall prone at the end of that movement.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
An adventure for
4th-level characters
By Robert J. Schwalb
illustration by Empty Room Studios, Jeffrey Lai F cartography by Mike Schley
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
“Oh, there are many strange things beyond the Wall. I have seen some for myself. I’ve
witnessed the wonders it contains, and the horrors besides. Yet for every obvious danger
and splendid treasure, there are things that have held their secrets close, places where some
mysteries remain guarded despite my best efforts and those of other less worthy souls.
“One such place is the Pillar of Eyes. A fascinating structure, and undoubtedly straddling
a ley line—you can see the gaps through the trees just there. But, you might ask, what does
it do? Who raised it? And why? What do the eyes watch for? Do they even see? Trust me,
traveler, these questions and others born from my fabulous intellect have troubled me
greatly these long weeks. I defy you to answer even one of them!”
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
Not far from the wall bounding the Chaos Scar’s countryside. Thus, most experts prefer to focus on any others of his kind. His life took an unexpected
haunted lands is a crooked stone pillar, standing the more fantastic and wondrous stories attributed to turn when he gobbled up a priest devoted to Vecna.
alone in an otherwise ordinary field. It resembles the stone. The priest had come to the Chaos Scar to unlock
nothing so much as a stack of staring eyeballs. Many A second, more romantic, theory suggests the the power of the Pillar of Eyes, but Foosteth caught
explorers have sought out the strange monolith, cer- pillar was raised to honor the Master of Whispers: him before he had the chance to begin the ritual of
tain some power hums beneath its rocky façade. But old Silence himself, the god Vecna. As anyone with Remove Affliction that would release the petrified
if the relic does hold magic, gaining access to it has passing knowledge is aware, the Lich Lord has an monster. Not only did the bones yield rich marrow,
proven troublesome. No one thus far has winkled out enduring interest in eyes, due in part to his losing but the priest’s will persisted beyond the life feed-
enough energy to power even the simplest cantrip. one valuable orb. His cultists often honor their dread ing. His memories and consciousness took root in
Thus the Pillar of Eyes has remained a hoary and master by offering eyes—and hands—to their dark Foosteth’s mind, filling it with strange thoughts and
puzzling edifice, a source of speculation and wonder master, whether in flesh or stone. This possibility has an obsession with undead—and the mysterious pillar.
for those who would test their mettle against the drawn the unhealthy interest of a gluttonous bar- During the weeks that followed, Foosteth acquired
Chaos Scar’s manifold dangers. Recent study of the ghest, Foosteth the Fat, the most recent in a long line some of the dead man’s talents from the devoured
stone suggests that whatever it contains might be of unhinged and thoroughly wicked villains to obsess memories. He itches to perform the Remove Afflic-
growing restive. Perhaps someone with special talents over the Pillar’s mysterious powers. tion ritual, but he is not yet powerful enough to
might be able to touch its magic and claim it. control it and lacks the necessary ingredients. Having
“The Pillar of Eyes” is a Chaos Scar adventure for no treasures worth disenchanting, Foosteth has
five characters of 4th level. Facts about the Pillar turned to simple banditry to gather up magic items
and distill them down to residuum. In time, he is
The pillar is in fact a petrified gibbering mouther that
An Unsightly Stone was created from a priest of Vecna who perished
certain he will accrue the necessary knowledge and
experience to meet the ritual’s demands.
in a place touched by the Far Realm. Unlike others One obstacle blocks the barghest from his dearest
The trouble with the Pillar of Eyes is that, for as long
of its kind, the aberrant monster retained much of desire: his innate lethargy. Foosteth is unwilling to
as it has stood (and local graybeards swear it has been
its awareness and knowledge. It slithered into the shift his bulk from his noisome throne room, so he
there for as long as they can remember), it hasn’t done
valley, where it ran afoul of something that turned it relies on underlings to do the robbing for him. Having
a thing. Not even spooky moaning or phantasms have
to stone. Because of its unique experience, the pillar is heard their fat leader go on about the pillar’s fabulous
arisen to indicate that anything is special about it.
important to Vecna’s followers. As well, many cultists power, a few unscrupulous goblins have got the idea
It is certainly a curious piece, an oddity in con-
with a passion for the forbidden would love to free to claim it for themselves and destroy him so they can
struction and style suggesting that some inhuman
the imprisoned mouther. receive a proper share of the food for once. They are
architect might have been responsible for the awful
thing. Who else would find beauty in such a gro- too weak to overpower him but are constantly look-
tesque form? Adventurers have suggested it might ing out for opportunities. Foosteth is too absorbed in
be a petrified creature, but if this theory is correct, it his own conflicting thoughts to pay them any mind.
only raises more questions. What was it before? Why Foosteth the Fat He waits, patience fraying, for them to bring back the
did it turn to stone? No one has yet tested this idea Aside from a predisposition to huskiness, Foosteth goods so he can get on with the ritual and be done
by performing a Remove Aff liction ritual—doing so would have been an unremarkable barghest—a vile, with the accursed stone that torments him.
might let loose some hideous eyeball monster on the ravenous monster to be sure, but no different than
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
Involving the inclined to use it after seeing the pillar. Destroying Level: 4 (XP 350)
the statue, freeing the gibbering mouther, or getting Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
Characters someone else to free it completes the quest. failures)
Quest Reward: 175 XP (minor quest). If the party Primary Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Heal,
The Pillar of Eyes is a well-known point of interest in frees the monster, it is grateful and offers a reward by Religion, Perception
the Chaos Scar. The adventurers might come across describing a hidden treasure cache. Following up the Arcana (DC 14, 1 minute): The character attempts
the monolith while taking in the valley’s sights on description might be the seed for another adventure. to sense the presence of magic. A successful check
their way to slay monsters. Gawking at the stone like Success leads to a 5th-level magic item and 250 gp. contributes 1 success toward the skill challenge and
tourists is not very heroic, though, so you might prefer reveals an arcane aura about the pillar. With a second
to draw in your players with the following hooks.
If you’re using one of these hooks, the party Getting Started success, the character confirms that the pillar is a
petrified creature. Arcana can be used to gain 2 suc-
receives treasure on completing the quest. Other- cesses in this challenge.
The Pillar of Eyes is within sight of the wall enclosing
wise, you can add the appropriate treasure to the loot Dungeoneering (DC 14, 1 minute): The character
the valley of the Chaos Scar, so once the characters
gained in the final encounter. tries to identify the creature depicted by the column.
cross, they can head straight there. How long this
Font of Dread Power: The characters hear A successful check reveals it to be a gibbering
takes depends on where they entered the Scar.
rumors that the Pillar of Eyes is pregnant with sinis- mouther, a kind of aberrant magical beast created
ter power and that its destruction might reduce the When the adventurers can see the Pillar of Eyes, when a sentient creature dies in an area touched by
Chaos Scar’s malign presence. Alternatively, they are read: the Far Realm. Beating the DC by 5 or more allows
hired to investigate the pillar and destroy it. Their A monstrous pillar, crooked and spotted with lichen, rises the character to learn about the creature’s powers.
employer might be a sage, wizard, or priest, with from a crude pedestal in the middle of a green field. Bones (For more information about gibbering beasts, see
a personality ranging from eccentric to pompous. litter the ground all around it, suggesting it might be an Monster Manual, page 127.) Dungeoneering can be
Regardless, the employer rewards adventurers who altar of some kind. The pillar has a lumpy appearance. used to gain 1 success in this challenge.
complete this desperate mission. Closer inspection reveals the reason: It is a giant column of Heal (DC 14, 1 minute): A character near the bones
Quest Reward: 875 XP (major quest). The adventur- stone eyes. can determine that they all belonged to humanoids.
ers also receive 140 gp and two potions of healing. With a second success, the character realizes that
A Plague of Dreams: The petrified gibbering Investigating the Pillar the creatures were killed somewhere else; as well,
mouther wants desperately to be free. Unlike most The most notable feature here is the pillar, though the the bones look like something had been chewing on
creatures turned to stone, it retains some awareness bones might merit some investigation too. The mono- them. Heal can be used to gain 2 successes in this
and broadcasts its thoughts across the land, luring lith guards its secrets well, and only dedicated study challenge.
the adventurers to release it. The telepathic sum- can coax them forth. However, while the adventurers Perception (DC 14, 1 minute): The character
mons interferes with sleep, preventing extended examine the site, goblin wolf riders slowly converge searches the area. A successful check reveals bestial
rests as long as the adventurers remain in the Valley on their position. Should the characters become con- prints in the soft earth all around the pillar. With a
of the Scar. Whether the monster is harmless or a fused or distracted by their investigation (represented second success, the character learns the direction
serious danger, the party needs to come to the pillar by failing the skill challenge), the goblins can get the from which the creatures approached. Perception can
and decide what to do. The Remove Affliction ritual drop on them. be used to gain 2 successes in this challenge.
is beyond their ability to perform, even if they were
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
Religion (DC 21, 1 minute): The character locates Wolf Riders checks made during stage 2 of this challenge. On a
and deciphers hidden runes on the pillar’s base. Whether or not they succeed at the skill challenge, second failure, they also take a –2 penalty to Stealth
These runes signify some connection to Vecna. Reli- the adventurers must deal with the wolf riders, gob- checks made during stage 3 of this challenge. This
gion can be used to gain 1 success in this challenge. lins charged by Foosteth to plunder explorers that skill can be used to gain 2 successes in this challenge.
Secondary Skill: Nature wander into the area. Secondary Skill: Insight
Nature (DC 10, requires 1 success using Perception, Tactical Encounter 1: “Howling Host,” page 10. Insight (DC 21): The character examines the
1 minute): The character tries to identify the prints manner of the goblins’ approach to deduce the direc-
around the pillar. A successful check reveals that Tracking the Wolf Riders tion they likely came from. This skill can be used to
the prints belong to dire wolves and grants a +2 After the characters defeat the wolf riders, they gain 1 success in this challenge.
bonus to the next Perception check made during this should be able to figure out that the goblins are some-
challenge. how involved with the pillar. The goblins are carrying
Stage 2: Unexpected Obstacles
Success: If the characters get 6 successes, they bones similar to those surrounding the edifice, which After achieving 2 successes, the party must deal with
learn that the pillar is in fact a petrified creature and the party can confirm by searching bodies or inter- hazards and obstacles that might injure or slow them.
that someone or something is delivering bones to the rogating prisoners. Getting around these problems takes about an hour.
area, which has seen a great deal of traffic. They also The adventurers can follow the wolf riders’ tracks Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics
detect the goblin wolf riders before they close and to discover their lair, represented by the following Acrobatics or Athletics (DC 14, group check): The
thus are not surprised. staged skill challenge. If they capture a goblin during party follows the tracks into a forest, where progress
Failure: The wolf riders surprise the party. After the combat, they might be able to persuade it to help is blocked by a dry river bed filled with branches. A
the combat, the characters can retry the skill chal- them (see “Development” on page 10). successful check means that the characters climb or
lenge to pick up any clues they might have missed. Let Level: 5 (XP 200) jump across safely, earning 1 success toward the skill
them keep any successes earned from the first try (a Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 challenge. On a failed group check, the party blun-
failed effort doesn’t mean they forgot what they had failures) ders through the obstacle but still earns 1 success in
previously learned). The Nature check automatically addition to incurring a failure. In addition, each char-
succeeds, whether or not anyone attempted it. How- Stage 1: Finding the Way acter who failed the check loses 1 healing surge from
ever, each time the party fails the challenge after the The first stage of the challenge involves detecting and injuries sustained in crossing the terrain. This skill
first costs each character a healing surge as the pil- following the wolf riders’ tracks. This process should can be used to gain 1 success in this challenge.
lar’s malevolent influence gnaws at the soul. take around half an hour. Secondary Skill: Endurance, Nature
Should the party not bother to retry the skill chal- Primary Skills: Nature, Perception Endurance (DC 14, group check): Tracking the
lenge, you can make up for the lost XP by adding one Nature or Perception (DC 14): The character goblins is an arduous task over difficult ground. A
extra cunning goblin archer to Tactical Encounter 2 attempts to follow the goblins’ tracks. Up to two char- successful check keeps the group moving without
and an extra green slime to Tactical Encounter 3. acters can aid this check. A successful check allows undue exhaustion.
the party to continue along the trail, while a failed Nature (DC 14): The character uses his or her
check means it fades out where the goblins crossed knowledge of vegetation and terrain to help the party
rocky terrain. The characters lose the trail for a time move past the hazard. A successful check grants a +2
and get lost; they must find the tracks again to con- bonus to Acrobatics or Athletics checks made during
tinue the chase. In addition to incurring a failure, the the group check described above.
characters take a –2 penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
Stage 3: Arrival
After 3 successes, the characters can approach the
goblins’ hideout.
Primary Skills: Nature, Stealth
Nature or Stealth (DC 14, group check): The party
locates the Wolf Den, at whose entrance a bugbear
warrior stands guard. If the group check succeeds,
the adventurers approach without being noticed. In
addition, they gain surprise in Tactical Encounter
2. On a failed check, the party’s approach alerts the
guard. However, the party still earns 1 success in
addition to incurring a failure.
Secondary Skills: Perception, Thievery
Perception (DC 14): The character scouts ahead to
avoid goblin lookouts. A successful check grants a +2
bonus to Stealth checks made during the group check
described above.
Thievery (DC 21): The character uses sneaky tricks
to assist the party in finding short cuts through the
woods. A success grants a +2 bonus to Stealth checks
made during the group check described above. On a
failure, the characters instead take a –2 penalty to the
Stealth check.
Success: The adventurers arrive at the goblins’ lair
The Wolf Den 1. Entrance
and surprise the sentry outside the entrance. Foosteth and his goblin followers lair inside the Wolf Several bugbears and goblin wolf riders protect the
Failure: The adventurers stumble across the Wolf Den, a stinking mound of dirt, debris, and fallen entrance into the Wolf Den to ensure enemies don’t
Den, whose sentries are expecting them. Add another trees. Its single yawning entrance, littered with leav- wander inside.
goblin wolf rider to Tactical Encounter 2 (page 11). ings and junk, is guarded at all times. Smoke lifts Tactical Encounter 2: “Foosteth’s Sentries,”
from crooked chimneys rising from the roof, but these page11.
gaps are too small to enter.
2. Common Room
The interior of the hill is filthy. The walls are made
When not raiding and plundering, Foosteth’s troops
from packed dirt, rocks, and branches held together
billet in this dark chamber, with goblins along one
with spit and excrement. The floors and ceilings are
side and the bugbears the rest. The remains of a cook-
made of the same materials. Rooms are semicircular,
ing fire are in the center, with sleeping pallets strewn
with ceilings about half as tall as the rooms are wide.
all around. Combat from Tactical Encounter 2 might
spill into this chamber.
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The Pillar of Eyes
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The Pillar of Eyes
Encounter 1: Features of the Area grants a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate
checks against the prisoner.
Bones: Shattered bones litter the area around the
Howling Host pillar. Any creature that is knocked prone in a square
With a successful DC 14 Bluff, Diplomacy, or
Intimidate check, the prisoner reveals that it serves a
Encounter Level 5 (1,000 XP) containing bones takes 3 extra damage from the
bugbear, Foosteth the Fat, and that the goblins bring
jagged splinters.
Setup Pillar of Eyes: Any creature that makes an attack
bones to honor the pillar. On a successful DC 21
5 goblin wolf riders (G) check, the captive also tells the party that Foosteth
while on top of the pillar or in a square adjacent to
wants to awaken the pillar. It admits that the wolf
The wolf riders spot the party from some distance it ignores cover and concealment (but not superior
riders attack adventurers to steal their magic, which
away and close on their position, using natural terrain cover or total concealment). The pillar stands 8 feet
Foosteth needs for the “ritual of awakening.” The dis-
to cover their approach. tall; climbing it requires a DC 10 Athletics check.
gruntled goblin also provides directions to the Wolf
If the party failed the “Investigating the Pillar” Treasure: Other than their equipment, the goblins
Den, granting a +2 bonus to all Perception checks
skill check (page 6), the goblins have surprise against have nothing of value. However, one carries a bag of
during the “Tracking the Riders” skill challenge on
the adventurers. bones.
page 7. (On a failed check, the goblin instead lies
When the goblin wolf riders attack, read: Development about the location and downplays the perils, impos-
ing a –2 penalty on all skill checks during the skill
A growling, barking band of wolves bearing goblins bounds If the adventurers capture one or more of the wolf
across the field. riders, they can try to extract useful information.
A captured goblin does not participate in combat
A character can make a DC 10 Insight check to
Tactics assess the prisoner’s state of mind, fears, or something
and flees at the first opportunity.
The goblins concentrate attacks on tough defenders, else useful about its personality. A successful check
using wolf ’s bite against any they knock prone. Other- reveals the goblin is not only unhappy because it is
wise, they use mobile melee attack to strike and move a prisoner but blames its master for its misfortune
away. They flee if the battle is going against them. and would be happy to see him fall. This information
5 Goblin Wolf Riders (G) Level 5 Skirmisher not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the
Small natural humanoid XP 200 each target of this attack.
HP 62; Bloodied 31 Initiative +6 Triggered Actions
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +3 Goblin Tactics F At-Will
Speed 8 Low-light vision Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Standard Actions Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Knockdown Charge F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Trigger: The goblin hits with a charge attack.
Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage. G G G G G
Effect (No Action): The attack deals 1d6 extra damage and the
M Wolf’s Bite F At-Will target falls prone.
Attack: Melee 1 (one prone creature); +10 vs. AC Skills Stealth +9
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage. Str 13 (+3) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 13 (+3)
M Mobile Melee Attack F At-Will Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 8 (+1)
Effect: The goblin moves up to half its speed and uses short Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
sword once at any point during the movement. The goblin does Equipment leather armor, short sword
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The Pillar of Eyes
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The Pillar of Eyes
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The Pillar of Eyes
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The Pillar of Eyes
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The Pillar of Eyes
Encounter 4: Foosteth (F) Level 6 Brute M Power Feed (psychic) F Recharge if the power misses
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger), barghest XP 250
Requirement: Foosteth must be in wolf form.
Unhinged Mind HP 84; Bloodied 42 Initiative +5
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Will
AC 18, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 18 Perception +10
Hit: 3d8 + 5 psychic damage, and Foosteth gains one use of an
Encounter Level 6 (1,290 XP) Speed 6 (8 in wolf form) Low-light vision
at-will or encounter attack power that it has seen the target
use during this encounter.
Setup O Aura of Madness F Aura 3
Foosteth must use the gained power while in bugbear form
Foosteth slides any creature starting its turn in the aura 1
Foosteth (F) and before the end of the encounter. The attack bonus for
2 bugbear stranglers (B) Standard Actions
the power is +11 vs. AC and +9 vs. any other defense. The
2 hungry dire wolves (W) damage roll uses the ability score modifier of the creature
m Bite F At-Will
from whom the power was chosen. The damage does not
5 norker slaves (N) Requirement: Foosteth must be in wolf form.
include any bonuses or penalties to the damage roll that the
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Do not place the norkers on the map at the start of Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage.
owner of the power might have.
combat. They are hiding behind the curtain and do Minor Actions
m Battleaxe (weapon) F At-Will
Change Shape (polymorph) F At-Will (1/round)
not join the fight until the third round. Requirement: Foosteth must be in bugbear form.
Effect: Foosteth can alter his physical form to appear as a
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
When the characters enter the Hall of Whispers, Medium wolf or a bugbear until he uses change shape again
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage.
read: or until he drops to 0 hit points. He retains his statistics in
M Jump Strike F Recharge 5 6
his new form. His clothing, armor, and other possessions do
The hallway opens into a roundish chamber. Seated in a Effect: Before or after the attack, Foosteth shifts 3 squares.
not change.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
throne made from sharpened bones is a profoundly obese Skills Stealth +10
Hit: 4d8 + 7 damage.
bugbear. A gaudy tapestry stinking of mildew hangs across Str 19 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 15 (+5)
from the gruesome throne, which is topped by a humanoid Con 14 (+5) Int 13 (+4) Cha 12 (+4)
skull. Two tough-looking bugbears stand guard nearby. A Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment battleaxe
pair of shaggy wolves growl near a curtain against the far
Tactics can use strangle. The dire wolves charge the nearest
The adventurers have surprise if they bypassed the enemy and then stay as close as possible to Foosteth
Foosteth begins by taking wolf form, then springs
footchopper alarm trap in area 4, since Foosteth is or a bugbear so they can knock enemies prone.
from his throne with jump strike to attack the closest
confident that the trap will warn him against intrud- At the start of the third round of combat, the
enemy. When he sees an enemy use an interesting
ers. Otherwise, all the creatures in the room are norker slaves roll initiative. They come through
encounter power, he attacks that target with power
ready and waiting. the curtain and focus against any enemy that’s not
feed. If he becomes bloodied and hasn’t yet used
already engaged in melee.
power feed, he uses it to gain an enemy’s at-will power.
All creatures except the stranglers fight to the
Foosteth exploits aura of madness to draw the adven-
death. The stranglers are willing to sacrifice them-
turers deeper into the room and also to position his
selves only so long as Foosteth lives. If he falls, they
servants to get combat advantage when possible.
attempt to flee when reduced to 15 or fewer hit
The bugbears wheel out to either side of Foosteth,
maneuvering to flank enemies with him so they
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
2 Bugbear Stranglers (B) Level 6 Lurker 2 Hungry Dire Wolves (W) Level 4 Skirmisher 5 Norker Slaves (N) Level 3 Minion Soldier
Medium natural humanoid XP 250 each Large natural beast XP 175 each Small elemental humanoid XP 38 each
HP 58; Bloodied 29 Initiative +11 HP 59; Bloodied 29 Initiative +6 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +4
AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +5 AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +9 AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +1
Speed 7 Low-light vision Speed 8 Low-light vision Speed 6 Low-light vision
Standard Actions Traits Standard Actions
m Morningstar (weapon) F At-Will Pack Harrier m Battleaxe (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC The wolf has combat advantage against any enemy that is Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage. adjacent to one or more of the wolf’s allies. Hit: 5 damage, and the target is marked until the start of the
M Strangle F At-Will Standard Actions norker’s next turn.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage to m Bite F At-Will Triggered Actions
the bugbear); +9 vs. Reflex Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Horrid Endurance F At-Will
Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 19). Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, or 3d6 + 5 damage against a prone Trigger: The norker takes damage from an attack by an enemy
Sustain Standard: 2d8 + 5 damage, and the grab persists until target. The target falls prone if the wolf has combat advan- adjacent to it.
the end of the bugbear’s next turn. tage against it. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The norker gains resist 5
Minor Actions Str 19 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 14 (+4) all against the triggering attack. If the norker takes no
Predatory Eye F Encounter Con 19 (+6) Int 5 (–1) Cha 11 (+2) damage from the attack, the triggering attacker takes 5
Effect: The bugbear deals 1d6 extra damage on the next attack Alignment unaligned Languages — damage.
it makes against a target granting it combat advantage before Str 14 (+3) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 11 (+1)
the end of its next turn. Con 17 (+4) Int 6 (–1) Cha 7 (–1)
Triggered Actions Alignment evil Languages Common
Body Shield F Recharge 4 5 6 Equipment battleaxe
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee or ranged attack against
the bugbear’s AC or Reflex while the bugbear is grabbing a
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The grabbed creature becomes the
target instead. The bugbear can’t use this power to redirect
attacks made by a creature it is grabbing.
Skills Intimidate +8, Stealth +12
Str 18 (+7) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 10 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, morningstar, rope garrote
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Pillar of Eyes
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the
By Gareth Hanrahan
illustration by Empty Room Studios, Jeffrey Lai F cartography by Jason A. Engle
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
Down the Goblin Hole is a short adventure for five Background further sign of Urgog the Mangler for years. It was
2nd-level characters. The Goblin Hole is located in assumed that he had been destroyed by some greater
the woods near the southeastern corner of the Chaos “What do you do with a lying rogue? monster.
Scar. While several reasons for the characters to seek Throw him down the goblin hole! In fact, the goblin survived. In the scar, Urgog
out the Goblin Hole are provided in the “Getting What do you do with a damned soul? found an ugly lump of magical crystal, a shard of
Started” section, it’s also possible that the party just Throw him down the goblin hole! the meteor that made the scar long ago. Fearing that
randomly encounters goblins from the Hole while Oh, the goblin hole, the goblin hole, some thief might steal his prize, he took the shard to a
traveling in the Chaos Scar. If you’re not running a Hell’s at the bottom of the goblin hole!” place where it would be safe and secure—the bottom
Chaos Scar campaign, then you can easily remove the —Traditional drinking song east of the King’s Wall of the Goblin Hole!
distinctive elements of that setting, such as Urgog’s Once Urgog took up residence in the hole, other
fragment of the magical meteor, and replace them No matter how inhospitable, barren, or simply vile goblins were drawn there. Today, he rules over a tribe
with elements more suited to your game. The meteor a place is, some creature calls it home. There are of some fifty goblins. The eldritch influence of the
fragment could be a stolen drow relic, for example, monsters who dwell in the depths of the world, so far chaos shard in Urgog’s possession has given the gob-
or perhaps a portal to some outer plane lies at the underground that the sun is a wild legend and even lins a strange affinity with the spiders who also infest
bottom of the Hole. light is a rarity beyond compare. There are things who the hole. Since Urgog arrived, the spiders have grown
The adventure’s encounters are designed to upset dwell in bubbling lava, in the icy wastes of the utter- larger and more intelligent.
established tactics and force players to think cre- most north, or in the harshest of deserts. The Goblin The most powerful of these spiders has trans-
atively. The fights themselves are hard enough, but Hole is not quite so dangerous as those places, but it formed into an unusually intelligent horror, a
it’s the unusual terrain and the waves of foes that is a place only goblins could love—a steep-sided pit feyspitter spider that is now the power behind Urgog’s
make the combats memorable. Once a fight starts, the filled with ordure, strange fungal growths, thousands throne. At night, the spider whispers into Urgog’s
players should feel as if everything is spinning out of of nasty spiders, and squirming things with odd num- ear, advising him on how to manipulate his followers
control and they are about to be overrun. That said, bers of legs. In the past, adventurers have descended and expand his influence. For his part, Urgog is quite
the goblins can also be played for humor in places— into the Hole and cleared out the denizens, but the happy to have a giant, intelligent spider in the Goblin
there are plenty of absurd elements and opportunities goblins always return. Hole. It’s an impressive pet and a useful ally. He
for slapstick in the adventure. Feel free to throw your The current chieftain of the local goblins and self- dreams of a horde of spider-riding goblins swarming
players off cliffs and dump them into pits full of spi- styled ‘King of the Hole’ is Urgog the Mangler, who in over the world, conquering everything that stands in
ders and slime. his youth was a feared goblin warrior. In those years, their path.
he and his marauders raided human villages and put Once again, goblin raiders shouting Urgog’s name
elf-woods to the torch. It is said that Urgog personally are attacking human settlements. Once again, brave
slew hundreds and that his tent was made out of the adventurers must go down the Goblin Hole.
flayed skin of adventurers and knights who tried to
stop his rampage. Eventually, the short lifespan of
goblin-kind caught up with Urgog. His strength and
cunning faded and his warband suffered a series of
defeats. They were driven deep into the Chaos Scar,
where most of the goblins perished and there was no
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
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Down the Goblin Hole
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Down the Goblin Hole
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Down the Goblin Hole
Deathjump Spider (D) Level 4 Skirmisher 2 Bloodthorn Vines (V) Level 2 Soldier Webs: One copse of trees is covered in sticky
Medium natural beast (spider) XP 175 Medium natural beast (plant) XP 125 each
webs that trap creatures who blunder in, making that
HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +5 HP 41; Bloodied 20 Initiative +3
copse into a potential killing ground if characters did
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +7 AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5 Speed 5 (forest walk) Blindsight 10
not succeed at the “Ambushing the Ambushers” skill
Resist 5 poison Standard Actions challenge; see above.
Traits m Striking Vine F At-Will
Web Walk Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
The spider ignores difficult terrain composed of webs. Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage.
Standard Actions M Impaling Thorn (healing) F Recharge when the vine doesn’t G
m Bite (poison) F At-Will have a creature grabbed
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and the vine grabs the target. S V
damage (save ends). Sustain Standard: The vine sustains the grab, the target takes
M Death from Above F Recharge 4 5 6 2d8 + 4 damage, and the vine regains 5 hit points.
Effect: The spider jumps up to 6 squares. This movement does Minor Actions
not provoke opportunity attacks. After the jump, the spider Pulling Vines F At-Will
uses bite, knocking the target prone on a hit. Effect: The vine shifts 1 square, pulling any creatures it has V
Move Actions grabbed into spaces adjacent to it.
Prodigious Leap F Encounter Str 17 (+4) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 14 (+3) G
Effect: The spider jumps up to 10 squares. This movement Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 6 (–1)
does not provoke opportunity attacks. Alignment unaligned Languages —
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8 S
Str 14 (+4) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 10 (+2) Features of the Area
Con 12 (+3) Int 1 (–3) Cha 8 (–1)
Illumination: It’s daylight.
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Trees: The goblin snipers have concealment
4 Spiderlings (S) Level 4 Minion Skirmisher thanks to the foliage of the trees, giving a -2 penalty
Small natural beast (spider) XP 44 each to attack rolls targeting them. They are 15 feet off the
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +6 ground, so they can only be hit by ranged attacks or
AC 18, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +3
weapons with Reach. Climbing a tree requires a DC
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5
15 Athletics skill check. Goblin snipers deal extra
Standard Actions
m Bite (poison) F At-Will
damage against foes when they have combat advan-
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC tage, and characters grant combat advantage while
Hit: 2 poison damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 climbing.
poison until the end of the spiderling’s next turn. If the The trees are so close together that their branches
target already has vulnerability to poison damage, increase have interwoven, allowing characters to move
the vulnerability by 2. between adjacent trees without needing to climb back
Skills Acrobatics +9
down. This is difficult terrain, so the goblins cannot
Str 11 (+2) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
shift using goblin tactics while in the trees.
Con 10 (+2) Int 4 (–1) Cha 7 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
Encounter 2: Tactics searches the pit finds the pouch with a DC 9 Percep-
tion check. A character who falls into the pit finds the
The hex hurler begins by shrouding himself and his
The Webwall allies in a vexing cloud, giving himself and the warriors
pouch through dumb luck if you roll a 6 on 1d6.
Encounter Level 4 (976 XP) concealment. He then throws stinging hexes on any Goblin Hex Hurler (H) Level 3 Controller (Leader)
characters who are making good progress climbing Small natural humanoid XP 150
Setup down the cliff. Keep one warrior or cutter adjacent to HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 16
Initiative +3
Perception +2
The cave tiles represent the flat bottom of the ravine. the hex hurler at all times so he can use lead from the
Speed 6 Low-light vision
Three sides of the ravine are so steep they cannot rear to deflect attacks.
Standard Actions
be climbed. The fourth side is represented by the The warriors and cutters stay at the bottom of the m Staff (weapon) F At-Will
webbed tile. This tile represents a wall that is per- cliff, moving enough to take advantage of their great Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
pendicular to the other tiles—the encounter begins position ability as they hurl javelins up at the charac- Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage, and the goblin can slide the target 1
with the player characters climbing down this near- ters. If they run out of javelins, they form a defensive square.
line and await the characters. If possible, they stay R Blinding Hex F At-Will
vertical cliff.
within the hex hurler’s vexing cloud. The cutters join Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude
At the start of the encounter, place the following
Hit: 2d6 + 1 damage, and the target is blinded until the end of
foes on the map: the fight as soon as a character reaches the bottom—
the goblin’s next turn.
and that includes falling into the pit. They try to
1 goblin hex hurler (H) R Stinging Hex F Recharge 5 6
swarm the characters and set up flanking attacks for Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. Will
2 goblin warriors (W)
any surviving warriors or spiders. Hit: The target takes 3d6 + 1 damage if it moves during its
There is also a hidden pit at the bottom of the cliff The spiders can move freely on the webs thanks to turn (save ends).
(marked by Xs). their climb speed, so they can position themselves to A Vexing Cloud (zone) F Encounter
best attack the characters. They do not use death from Effect: Area burst 3 within 10. The burst creates a zone that
When any character comes within four squares of lasts until the end of the goblin’s next turn. Enemies take a
above attacks while on the cliff wall but may use those
the bottom of the cliff, the following foes emerge from –2 penalty to attack rolls while in the zone.
attacks on characters who have reached the bottom of
shadowy holes in the cliff wall. A character who ends Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of the goblin’s
the ravine.
his turn within four squares of the cliff bottom can next turn, and the goblin can move it up to 5 squares.
While characters cling to the wall, they fight at a Triggered Actions
spot the hidden enemies with a DC15 Perception
severe disadvantage against the spiders (see Player’s Goblin Tactics F At-Will
Handbook, page 182). If they jump down to escape the Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
4 spiderlings (S) spiders, the goblin cutters rush out, making this an Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
2 deathjump spiders (D) out-of-the-frying-pan-and-into-the-fire encounter. As Lead from the Rear F At-Will
with encounter 1, the characters could wind up badly Trigger: An enemy hits the goblin with a ranged attack.
When any character reaches the bottom of the cliff,
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The goblin can change the attack’s
the following foes emerge: outnumbered, but most of their foes are minions.
target to an adjacent ally of the goblin’s level or lower.
4 goblin cutters
Development Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10
Str 10 (+1) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 13 (+2)
There’s a leather pouch in the slime pit, dropped Con 14 (+3) Int 9 (+0) Cha 18 (+5)
there by some luckless adventurer. It contains 10 Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
gold coins and a potion of healing. A character who Equipment leather robes, staff
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
2 Goblin Warriors (W) Level 1 Skirmisher 4 Goblin Cutters Level 1 Minion Skirmisher 2 Deathjump Spiders (D) Level 4 Skirmisher
Small natural humanoid XP 100 each Small natural humanoid XP 25 each Medium natural beast (spider) XP 175 each
HP 29; Bloodied 14 Initiative +5 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +5
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12 Perception +1 AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception +1 AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +7
Speed 6 Low-light vision Speed 6 Low-light vision Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5
Traits Standard Actions Resist 5 poison
Great Position m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Traits
If, on its turn, the goblin ends its move at least 4 squares away Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Web Walk
from its starting point, it deals 1d6 extra damage on its ranged Hit: 4 damage, or 5 if the goblin has combat advantage against The spider ignores difficult terrain composed of webs.
attacks until the start of its next turn. the target. Standard Actions
Standard Actions Triggered Actions m Bite (poison) F At-Will
m Spear (weapon) F At-Will Goblin Tactics F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Trigger: The goblin is missed by an attack. Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison
Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. damage (save ends).
R Javelin (weapon) F At-Will Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8 M Death from Above F Recharge 4 5 6
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1) Effect: The spider jumps up to 6 squares. This movement does
Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage. Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1) not provoke opportunity attacks. After the jump, the spider
R Mobile Ranged Attack (weapon) F At-Will Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin uses bite, knocking the target prone on a hit.
The goblin moves up to half its speed. At any point during that Equipment leather armor, short sword Move Actions
movement, it makes one ranged attack without provoking Prodigious Leap F Encounter
opportunity attacks. 4 Spiderlings (S) Level 4 Minion Skirmisher Effect: The spider jumps up to 10 squares. This movement
Triggered Actions Small natural beast (spider) XP 44 each does not provoke opportunity attacks.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +6
Goblin Tactics F At-Will Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +8
AC 18, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +3
Trigger: The goblin is missed by an attack. Str 14 (+4) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 10 (+2)
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. Con 12 (+3) Int 1 (–3) Cha 8 (–1)
Standard Actions
Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10 Alignment unaligned Languages —
m Bite (poison) F At-Will
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Hit: 2 poison damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
poison until the end of the spiderling’s next turn. If the
Equipment leather armor, spear, 5 javelins
target already has vulnerability to poison damage, increase
the vulnerability by 2.
Skills Acrobatics +9
Str 11 (+2) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 10 (+2) Int 4 (–1) Cha 7 (+0)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
Hit: Target falls into pit, takes 1d6 damage per 10 feet fallen,
and falls prone.
Miss: Target returns to the last square it occupied and its move S D S
action ends immediately.
Effect: The false floor opens and the pit is no longer hidden.
F An adjacent character can trigger the trap with a DC 10
Thievery check (standard action). The floor falls into the pit.
F A character can jump over the pit.
F A character can climb out with a DC 20 Athletics check.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
Setup Round 3: The goblins make another rockslide Urgog (U) Level 4 Elite Controller (Leader)
Place the following foes on the map at the start of the attack. (goblin underboss)
Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 350
encounter: Round 4: The goblins swing down on ropes from
HP 110; Bloodied 55 Initiative +4
the upper chamber and attack. The momentum of AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +8
Urgog (goblin underboss) (U)
swinging down on a rope counts as a charge. They Speed 5 low-light vision
1 feyspitter spider (F)
move to link up with Urgog if he is still alive. Other- Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
2 goblin cutthroats (G)
wise, they just attack the nearest enemies. Traits
Survival Instinct
On round four, add the following foes.
Development The goblin underboss gains a +3 bonus to defenses while
4 goblin cutters The shard of the meteor discovered by Urgog is bloodied.
1 goblin warrior Standard Actions
lodged in the webs of the spider. The characters
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
can cut it free from the webs and take it with them. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs AC
The player characters start in the middle of the Its specific properties and hazards are up to you, Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage.
cavern. depending on what plans you have for further Miss: An adjacent ally makes a free basic attack.
Triggered Actions
Tactics 4 Goblin Cutters
Small natural humanoid
Level 1 Minion Skirmisher
XP 25 each Superior Goblin Tactics F At-Will
Urgog keeps his two cutthroat henchmen close by at HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 Trigger: An enemy misses the goblin underboss with a melee
all times. The three gang up on the most dangerous AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception +1 attack.
foes, using goblin tactics to stay in flanking positions Speed 6 Low-light vision Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The goblin underboss and up to
Standard Actions two allies within its line of sight shift 1 square.
so the cutthroats have combat advantage and can use
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10
Urgog’s power to grant allies extra attacks.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Str 18 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 13 (+3)
The feyspitter spider keeps moving and attacking Con 15 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha 16 (+5)
Hit: 4 damage, or 5 if the goblin has combat advantage against
When it uses bite or poison spittle to slide characters, Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
the target.
try to position them in the path of the rockslides. Triggered Actions Equipment: chainmail, short sword
On round 2, 4 goblin cutters and 1 goblin warrior Goblin Tactics F At-Will
arrive in the upper chamber. They act as follows: Trigger: The goblin is missed by an attack.
Round 2: Push rocks down from above. These Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
goblins working together make a single rockslide Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8
attack as described below. The attack occurs on the Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
slowest of the goblins’ initiative points. It is centered
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
on the square marked X on the map.
Equipment leather armor, short sword
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
Feyspitter Spider (F) Level 7 Controller 2 Goblin Cutthroats (C) Level 1 Skirmisher Goblin Warrior Level 1 Skirmisher
Medium fey beast (spider) XP 300 Small natural humanoid XP 100 each Small natural humanoid XP 100
HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +6 HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5 HP 29; Bloodied 14 Initiative +5
AC 21, Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +5 AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2 AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12 Perception +1
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5 Speed 6 Low-light vision Speed 6 Low-light vision
Standard Actions Standard Actions Traits
m Bite (poison) F At-Will m Short Sword F At-Will Great Position
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC If, on its turn, the goblin ends its move at least 4 squares away
Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 if the goblin has combat from its starting point, it deals 1d6 extra damage on its ranged
(save ends). advantage against the target. In addition, the goblin can attacks until the start of its next turn.
Each Failed Saving Throw: The spider slides the target shift 1 square. Standard Actions
3 squares. R Dagger F At-Will m Spear (weapon) F At-Will
M Poison Spittle (poison) F At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in blast); +10 vs. Will Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage. Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage.
Hit: Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Move Actions R Javelin (weapon) F At-Will
Each Failed Saving Throw: The spider slides the target Deft Scurry F At-Will Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
3 squares. Effect: The goblin shifts up to 3 squares. Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage.
Triggered Actions Triggered Actions R Mobile Ranged Attack (weapon) F At-Will
Fey Leap (teleportation) F Recharge 6 Goblin Tactics F At-Will The goblin moves up to half its speed. At any point during that
Trigger: An enemy hits the spider with a melee attack. Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack. movement, it makes one ranged attack without provoking
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The spider teleports 3 squares. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. opportunity attacks.
Skills Acrobatics +11 Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8 Triggered Actions
Str 13 (+4) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2) Goblin Tactics F At-Will
Con 16 (+6) Int 7 (+1) Cha 11 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1) Trigger: The goblin is missed by an attack.
Alignment unaligned Languages — Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Equipment leather armor, light shield, short sword, 2 daggers Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment leather armor, spear, 5 javelins
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Down the Goblin Hole
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
By Robert J. Schwalb
illustration by Chuck Lukacs F cartography by Jason Engle
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
Eberron demonstrates magic’s full potential. The world This article presents a sample, customizable encoun-
showcases the myriad ways in which magical innova- ter to demonstrate the sorts of aerial enemies one can
tion can supplant mundane technology. Everything from find in the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons adventure.
fantastical methods for travel and rapid information The encounter combines the foundation established in
exchange to the magical warriors crafted to fight in the the “Fight in the Skies” encounter presented in the Eber-
Last War are among the wonders found in this rich and ron Campaign Guide (page 280) with rules drawn from
dynamic world. the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Adventurer’s Vault to
While the crackling lightning rails are certain to draw provide a thrilling and complex encounter where death
the eye, as do the floating towers drifting above Aundair is just a slip away over the ship’s side. “Sky Pirates” is
and the elemental galleons knifing through uncharted intended for high-Heroic to mid-Paragon adventuring
waters, one of the more alluring and intriguing develop- groups. Additional adaptation guidelines make it pos-
ments found in most civilized lands of Eberron is the sible to make the encounter more or less challenging by
airship. scaling it up or down and bending it in whatever way you
What makes these vehicles so exciting are the pos- want so that it conforms to your game’s needs.
sibilities they bring to the game. With an airship, terrain This article draws its greatest inspiration from the
obstacles become landmarks for navigation and sites Eberron Campaign Guide, but you can easily adapt the
to marvel at from above. A forbidding mountain is far material for any D&D world. The adventurers might
less arduous to an airship than to travelers on foot, and battle sky pirates for control of an earthmote in the For-
swamp, ocean, or ravine are easily crossed in comfort. gotten Realms or wage war against the githyanki over
The most far-flung places are at hand to those with the Shom’s white deserts during a planar expedition.
courage and will to seek them out from the air. What This article references the vehicle rules described in
might have once been an unreachable continent is just a Adventurer’s Vault. While not required for this encoun-
simple voyage away. ter, having them handy for review will be helpful. You
Or is it? might also find it helpful to review the “Movement in
Airships provide swift and relatively safe travel at a Three Dimensions” and “Flying” rules on pages 45 and
modest price for passengers, but such voyages are not 47-49 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide before diving into
without their dangers. Storms can whip and fling an air- the rest of this article.
ship to the ground. Prowling pirates descend from the
great cloudbanks to strike passersby in the air or on the
ground, while larger, deadlier monsters may regard an
airship as a meal.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
Sky Pirates When the encounter begins, the characters’ vessel is Captain Zilthaal Level 15 Artillery (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, githyanki XP 1,200
flying at an altitude of 500 feet (100 squares) at an over-
HP 112; Bloodied 56 Initiative +12
Encounter Level 14 (5,890 XP) land flight speed of 15. Zilthaal’s ship, Raptor, is 50 feet
AC 27, Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 27 Perception +15
higher (altitude 550 feet, or 110 squares) and is pursuing Speed 6
Setup at the same speed (overland flight 15). The ships are a Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
Captain Zilthaal mere 20 squares (100 feet) apart. Traits
2 githyanki sky reavers O Focused Fire F Aura 1
2 Githyanki Sky Reavers Level 14 Skirmisher
5 githyanki thought arrows When Zilthaal hits with a ranged attack, each ally within the
Medium natural humanoid XP 1,000 each
6 githyanki sky pirates aura gains a +2 bonus on ranged attack rolls until the start of
HP 134; Bloodied 67 Initiative +15
Zilthaal’s next turn.
2 airship pilots AC 28, Fortitude 26, Reflex 28, Will 26 Perception +14
Standard Actions
10 airship crewmen Speed 6
m Silver Longsword (psychic, weapon) F At-Will
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
The encounter begins with the adventurers aboard an air- Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
Standard Actions
Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage plus 1d8 psychic damage.
ship bound for a destination important to the adventure’s m Silver Longsword (psychic, weapon) F At-Will
R Mindrend (psychic) F At-Will
story. Along the way, Captain Zilthaal, a rapacious githy- Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +20 vs. Will
anki pirate, spots the adventurers’ vessel and turns his Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage plus 1d6 psychic damage. If the githyanki
Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage, and the target grants combat
ship to catch and engage what he believes is easy prey. has combat advantage against the target, the attack deals
advantage until the start of Zilthaal’s next turn.
1d6 extra damage.
A Psychic Torrent (psychic) F Recharge 6
When the encounter begins, read: M Blade Dance (psychic, weapon) F Encounter
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in burst); +16 vs. Will
Effect: The githyanki shifts 2 squares before the attack.
The clouds pile up into great fluffy mountains that rise Hit: 1d6 + 3 psychic damage, and the target takes ongoing 5
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
high above you and drift in the warm breeze. Below, you psychic damage and it cannot use daily or encounter powers
Hit: 3d8 + 5 damage plus 1d6 psychic damage, and the target
see the world in miniature, its farms and fields forming (save ends both).
is dazed (save ends). If the githyanki has combat advantage
a patchwork tapestry stitched by greenery and threaded Move Actions
against the target, the attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
R Telekinetic Leap F Encounter
by narrow roads. That view is broken by a shout from a Move Actions
Effect: Ranged 10 (Zilthaal or one ally); the target flies 5
crewman which draws your eye to starboard. There you spy R Telekinetic Leap F Encounter
squares. The target must land at the end of this movement,
a magnificent vessel, equal in size and speed to your own, Effect: Ranged 10 (the githyanki or one ally); the target flies 5
or it falls.
squares. It must land at the end of this movement or it falls.
breaking through a cloudbank. Minor Actions
Triggered Actions
R Telekinetic Shove F At-Will, 1/round
Perception Check Dancing Blade F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one ally)
DC 18: The stranger’s ship flies a crimson flag portraying Trigger: The githyanki damages an enemy granting it combat
Effect: Zilthaal slides the target 1 square.
advantage with a melee attack.
a winged hourglass flanked by two skeletons. There can be Skills History +17, Insight +15, Intimidate +16
Effect (Free Action): The githyanki shifts 3 squares.
no doubt. Pirates are on your trail. Str 16 (+10) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 17 (+10)
Skills Acrobatics +18, Athletics +16
Con 16 (+10) Int 21 (+12) Cha 18 (+11)
Str 19 (+11) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 14 (+9)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Con 14 (+9) Int 12 (+8) Cha 17 (+10)
Equipment silver longsword
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Equipment light shield, silver longsword
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
5 Githyanki Level 12 Minion Artillery Skyship 2 Airship Pilots Level 12 Minion Soldier
Thought Arrows Gargantuan (4 squares by 16 squares) vehicle Medium natural humanoid XP 175
Medium natural humanoid XP 175 each HP 400 Initiative As pilot HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +11
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +10 AC 4, Fortitude 20, Reflex 2 AC 28, Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 22 Perception +8
AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 24, Will 23 Perception +9 Speed 0, fly 12 (hover), overland flight 15 Speed 6
Speed 6 Traits Standard Actions
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects Pilot m Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
Standard Actions The pilot must stand at a control wheel, typically at the front Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will of the topmost deck of the airship cabin. Hit: 9 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Crew Move Actions
Hit: 7 damage. In addition to the pilot, an airship requires a crew of five, all Pilot F At-Will
r Psychic Bolt (psychic, weapon) F At-Will of whom use a standard action each round to help control the The airship flies its speed in the direction of its heading
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +17 vs. Will vessel. Reduce the ship’s speed by 4 for each missing crew marker. The airship can move directly forward or diagonally
Hit: 8 psychic damage, and the githyanki slides the target member. At fly speed 0, the ship flies out of control. forward, but it cannot turn.
1 square. Load Turn F At-Will
Move Actions 30 Medium creatures; 20 tons of cargo. The airship flies one-half its speed directly forward or diago-
Telekinetic Jump F Encounter Out of Control nally forward. At any point during this movement, the ship can
The githyanki flies 5 squares. The githyanki must land at the An out-of-control airship moves forward at half speed. Each rotate 90 degrees to the left or the right around its heading
end of this movement, or it falls. round, it has a 50% chance of descending. It descends 5 marker. The ship can turn only once during a move action.
Str 15 (+8) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 17 (+9) squares for the first 10 rounds it is out of control. After 10 Stop F At-Will
Con 13 (+7) Int 11 (+6) Cha 10 (+6) rounds, it descends 10 squares per round. An out-of-control The airship flies a number of squares equal to the number of
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech airship that hits the ground after descending more than 20 squares it moved during the previous move action. It can fly
squares is destroyed. directly forward or diagonally forward. At the end of the move,
6 Githyanki Sky Pirates Level 13 Minion Soldier
Decks the airship is motionless.
Medium natural humanoid XP 200 each
The airship’s cabin has four decks: an exterior observation plat- Str 18 (+10) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 15 (+8)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +12
form, the topmost crew deck, a middle deck for passengers, Con 14 (+8) Int 13 (+7) Cha 12 (+7)
AC 29, Fortitude 25, Reflex 25, Will 25 Perception +9
and a lower cargo hold. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Speed 5
Fragile Propulsion
Saving Throws +2 against charm effects
For every 50 damage the airship takes, its fly speed and over-
O Telekinetic Wrench F Aura 1 land flight speed drop by 2 squares. At fly speed 0, the ship is
unable to travel and floats out of control.
Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura is slowed until
Vehicle Traits
the start of its next turn.
The airship does not provoke opportunity attacks against
Standard Actions
m Silver Longsword (weapon) F At-Will either itself or the creatures it bears when it moves. An immo-
bilized vehicle cannot move except by a pull, a push, or a slide.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
Should the vehicle be subject to an effect that would knock
Hit: 8 damage or 12 damage against slowed targets.
it prone, it is not knocked prone but takes 1d10 damage
Move Actions
and is slowed until the end of its next turn. If the vehicle is
Telekinetic Jump F Encounter
restrained, it is immobilized and cannot be forced to move by a
The githyanki flies 5 squares. The githyanki must land at the
pull, a push, or a slide. If the restrained condition can be ended
end of this movement, or it falls.
by the escape action, the vehicle uses the pilot’s relevant skill
Str 19 (+10) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 16 (+9)
modifier when rolling to escape.
Con 13 (+7) Int 10 (+6) Cha 11 (+6)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
Features of the Area Adapting the fighting over Sharn, you can allow trees, vessels moving
at lower elevation, mountain slopes, or something fantas-
Falling: A creature that falls from an airship is likely
Encounter tic to catch the character. The safety net should prevent a
to become paste when it hits the ground. In a combat
character from falling farther than what “deadly” sever-
round’s 6 seconds, a falling creature should fall some 200 “Sky Pirates” simplifies an aerial battle to what is essen-
ity (Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 44) allows. If using
or so squares. You might advise the players to lower their tially a boarding party invading the adventurers’ ship.
“Sky Pirates” for 14th level characters, for example, no
altitude to prevent an unpleasant and abrupt end to their Aside from the danger posed by potentially hitting the
character should fall more than 110 feet.
characters’ careers. ground, there are few complications or hazards to inter-
Creature Composition: Airship combat is complex.
Decks: Barrels, crates, coils of rope and the like fere with what is essentially a straightforward battle in an
Special rules are required for moving the vehicles with
clutter the decks of both ships. Squares containing such unusual environment. The following guidelines can help
the added complication of fighting in three dimensions.
items along with squares containing stairs count as dif- adapt the adventure to your needs, inject complications,
To make your life easier when scaling the encounter, use
ficult terrain. and place the encounter against different backdrops to
minions and low-level monsters to populate the opposi-
Masts: The masts grant cover to adjacent creatures. create a memorable experience for your players.
tion. Avoid creatures with powers that can push, pull, or
Gunwales: The sides of the airship rising above the
slide (no one wants to take 50d10 damage). If you choose
deck provide cover to characters standing adjacent to Scaling the Encounter an elite or solo monster, go with a lower than normal
them, if the attack comes from off the vessel. As written, “Sky Pirates” is suitable for groups of 9th
level and fill in with more minions.
Eclipsed Airships: If the ships are within 3 squares of level to about 15th level. With a little work, you can scale
each other but are at different altitudes, then creatures or
characters on the ship with the higher elevation lose line
the encounter for use with parties of any level. Altering Opposition
Safety Nets: Aside from the enemies, a fall from an
Rather than pitting the heroes against another airship,
of sight and line of effect to the ship at the lower elevation. airship is the biggest danger a character faces. “Fight
you could alter the combat so the adventurers face two or
As well, creatures on the ship at the lower elevation have in the Skies” pulls off a trick in the Eberron Campaign
more airships, one airship and smaller one-man vessels,
line of sight and line of effect only to the ship at the higher Guide by establishing bridges, walkways, and balconies
or flying creatures.
elevation, not to characters or creatures on its decks. to catch falling characters. Even if the characters are not
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
Multiple Airships: The more airships you add, the Victory Conditions Precipitation: Rain, heavy falling snow, smoke, and
more complex the fight becomes, because you must track so on all lightly obscure squares. Snow and ice accu-
Not every sky battle needs to be a contest won through
additional positions relative to the characters’ ship. You mulates on exposed decks. After 3 rounds of moving
force of arms. The combat itself might be a complication
can reduce the complexity by through snow or ice, the deck becomes slippery and
blocking the characters from attaining a different victory
F fixing the enemy ships into formation so that counts as difficult terrain unless a moving character first
they seldom change relative to one another; succeeds on an Acrobatics check against an easy DC.
Race: The characters are racing toward an objective,
F setting up the enemy ships so they form a barricade Failure by 5 or more knocks the character prone.
and time is a factor. For example, the characters have 10
that the characters must pass through; or Wind: Powerful winds can scatter airships. Choose
rounds to reach a tower before the mad wizard completes
F limiting the number of ships the characters a direction for the wind to blow. On initiative count 10,
a ritual to summon a demon from the Abyss. At the
must face at once, either by letting the heroes roll any die. On an even number, the wind makes the
encounter’s start, the tower is 120 squares away, a dis-
maneuver so that only one enemy ship is within following attack.
tance the characters can reach easily in 5 rounds if they
striking distance at a time or simply having double move. At the start of the second round, however, C Gust of Wind F special (see above)
most of the enemy ships stand off and attack gargoyles, harpies, or another airship intercept and delay Attack: Close blast (flying creatures, falling creatures, and all
with missile fire from long range or move into their approach. vehicles on battle grid); encounter level + 3 vs. Fortitude
blocking positions while just one ship closes in Hit: The wind pushes the target 1d6 squares. If the target is a
Escape: The characters have commandeered an air-
vehicle and it is short one or more crew members, the vehi-
for the kill. ship to flee for their lives. The characters escape when
cle is pushed 1 extra square for each missing crew member.
Smaller Vessels and Flying Creatures: Smaller they pass a certain threshold—when they travel 200 Out-of-control vehicles are instead pushed 2d6 squares.
single-creature vessels can zip around the characters’ squares, for example. A pursuing airship combined with Effect: Any creature on a pushed vehicle must succeed on an
airship, strafing them with ranged attacks as they pass enemy fire from towers below make reaching this thresh- Acrobatics check against an average DC or be knocked
by. Rather than using vehicle rules for these opponents, old extremely difficult. prone.
just give them a fly speed of 6 or 8 and no hover ability. Chase: An enemy flees from the characters on an air-
Lightning: Thunderstorms add lightning to the mix.
This way, they must fly at least 2 squares or fall, giving ship. The characters must give chase on their own vessel.
On initiative count 5, roll 1d6. On a 6, lightning strikes a
the characters a chance to knock them from the sky by The foe tries to lose the characters in a narrow ravine,
random flying creature or vehicle or exposed creature on
immobilizing a vessel or otherwise dropping its speed to requiring the party to succeed on a skill challenge if they
a vehicle.
1 or 0. would navigate the maze and keep up with their quarry.
As with smaller vessels, a flying creature is easier Along the way, an enraged dragon strikes the fleeing R Lightning Strike (lightning, thunder) F special (see above)
ship and the characters when they finally catch up. Attack: Ranged sight (one creature or vehicle); encounter level
to use, because it simply flies where it wants to go
+ 3 vs. Reflex
without worrying about heading. On the other hand,
flying creatures are often designed with attacks that can
Environmental Factors Hit: 2d10 lightning damage (3d10 at paragon tier, 5d10 at
epic tier), and the target is dazed (save ends).
prove disastrous to characters aboard airships or similar Weather can also shape the outcome of an aerial fight.
Miss: Half damage.
vehicles. A flying ship has nowhere to run from a dragon You can use any of the following environmental factors Effect: The target and each creature within 3 squares of the
using its breath weapon, so be sure to account for mobil- to add complications to an aerial battle. target is deafened (save ends).
ity limitations when planning encounters against such Clouds: Clouds can cover all, some, or none of the
creatures. battlefield. Clouds count as lightly obscured terrain.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Aerial Battles
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Eye on Dark Sun
By Rodney Thompson
illustration by Chuck Lukacs
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Dragon’s Altar
In order to prevent their city-states from being beings waiting to be claimed by the Dragon. They The truth behind these whispers is less mystical. A
destroyed, sorcerer-kings pay tribute to the Dragon have left behind a massive, despairing display of pic- slave tribe, known to one another as the Altar Skulk-
in the form of massive sacrifices. Slaves, dissidents, tographs and even the occasional written word telling ers, makes its home in the system of ancient lava
rebels and other undesirables are rounded up and a tale of centuries of sacrifices to the great beast. tubes surrounding the Dragon’s Altar. The “whispers
offered to the Dragon in order to placate the terrible Most sensible people of Athas stay far, far away of the dead” that people hear as they march toward
beast and buy safety for the despots and those under from the Dragon’s Altar, even when no sacrifices are the Altar are members of the slave tribe trying to lure
their control—at least for a while longer. waiting to be claimed. Aside from the taint left on the potential sacrifices away from the Altar and into the
Most of the sorcerer-kings wisely seek to keep the landscape by the Dragon’s presence over the years, safety of the caves before the Dragon arrives. They
Dragon from coming close to their domains when there is the (not unreasonable) fear that the Dragon can save only a few at a time, both because they fear
claiming their offering. Numerous sites throughout might reappear at any time. drawing the attention of the templars and because the
the Tyr region serve as places where the Dragon The Dragon’s Altar is located in the mountains tribe lacks the resources to absorb more than a few
claims its victims. Most are far from civilization. One to the southwest of Gulg and west of the Great Ivory new members at once.
of the most notorious sacrificial sites is the Dragon’s Plain, not far from Altaruk. At the base of those Other than those being sacrificed, templars are the
Altar, a place rarely visited because of its long-time mountains lies an archway of carved stone bearing only people of Athas who can openly claim to have
association with the Dragon. The Dragon’s Altar is so warnings (in the form of both pictographs and rarely- visited the Dragon’s Altar and survived. Even when
polluted by the Dragon’s powerful defiling magic that seen written languages of many of the races of Athas) the Dragon is not there and no sacrifice is waiting,
the very stones of Athas have been twisted and black- that the region beyond the arch belongs to the Dragon templars (in well-guarded entourages) sometimes visit
ened by repeated exposure to the Dragon’s presence. of Tyr. The archway is not hidden but it is relatively the Dragon’s Altar on missions for the inscrutable
The Dragon’s Altar is located well within the small, so only those who know where it lies (or have sorcerer-kings. Mercenaries hired to accompany these
mountains, in a canyon surrounded on all sides by a map leading to it) can find it readily. Without such templars tell stories of the visits, but all are different;
towering, red-stone peaks. The Dragon’s Altar is actu- knowledge, one could spend days wandering the foot- sometimes the templars claim to be looking for slaves
ally within the caldera of an extinct volcano which hills of the mountains, expending precious food and that escaped the Dragon’s wrath, while other times
erupted in a time so ancient that there is no record of water while searching for the entrance. they offer no explanation but spend hours or days per-
it, not even in the vast memories of the sorcerer-kings. Once one passes through the arch, a path winds forming frightening, arcane experiments on the stone
A narrow, winding path leads through a crevasse for several miles through the mountains before cross- surrounding the Dragon’s Altar. Though explorers,
in the side of the canyon, granting access from the ing the crevasse into the caldera where the Dragon’s dune traders, and raiders have almost certainly jour-
outside. At the bottom of the canyon is a single, mas- Altar lies. Along the way, dozens of caves lead into neyed or wandered up the winding path to the Altar,
sive block of chiseled obsidian—the Dragon’s Altar darkness. Templars who speak of their journeys to they were either captured and killed by the Altar
itself. Though no one knows who carved this obsidian deliver sacrifices to the Dragon’s Altar claim that the Skulkers or are too afraid of the stigma attached with
slab, it has been fortified by some external means— whispers of the sacrificed dead call out from those standing so close to the shadow of the Dragon to tell
magic, psionics, or something else—to remain pristine caves to anyone who passes by. Those who were brave anyone about it.
despite eons of use as a place of hideous sacrifice. The enough to follow the whispers have never been seen
walls surrounding the Dragon’s Altar, on the other or heard from again—ferried directly to the land of
hand, have been carved repeatedly by the wretched the dead, the templars claim.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Dragon’s Altar
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
The Dragon’s Altar
magic—or in the hope that the Dragon might appear Lore Altar Skulker Tribe Scout
Medium natural humanoid
Level 2 Lurker
XP 125
and do the sorcerer-king’s dirty work for him. Alter-
History DC 22: The escaped slaves of the Altar HP 32; Bloodied 16 Initiative +8
natively, the Dragon’s Altar might be the place where
Skulkers tribe live in caves surrounding the Dragon’s AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +3
high-level adventurers ambush the Dragon itself, Speed 6 (earth walk)
Altar. The first Altar Skulkers were slaves who chose
hoping to trap it in the confines of the caldera and Traits
to risk their lives in the dark caves lining the path to
end its threat to Athas once and for all. O Plague of the Dragon’s Altar (necrotic) F Aura 1
the Dragon’s Altar rather than face the Dragon itself.
Enemies that end their turns adjacent to the scout take 5
The caves led them to a network of lava tubes where
The Altar Skulkers they could live without fear of discovery. The Altar
necrotic damage.
The Altar Skulkers are a slave tribe that has lived in Red Clay Cloak
Skulkers are a paranoid tribe who want their secret While within rocky or mountainous terrain, a hidden scout
the caves surrounding the Dragon’s Altar for decades,
protected at all costs. On occasion, they rescue a few remains hidden even if it loses cover or concealment as long as
if not centuries. They use the area’s reputation to their
sacrificial victims by drawing them off the path to it does not move, attack, or speak.
advantage; since most right-minded people fear visit-
the Altar. When necessary, the Altar Skulkers send Scar of the Dragon’s Altar F At-Will
ing a place so tainted by the Dragon, there are few Whenever a creature makes an attack against the scout’s For-
representatives to meet with dune traders at neutral
visitors that the Altar Skulkers need to hide from or titude defense and misses, the scout gains 5 temporary hit
locations and bring back supplies for the entire tribe.
kill to preserve their secret. In essence, the supersti- points.
They use the spoils of attacks against visitors to the
tion about the Dragon’s Altar, no matter how valid, Standard Actions
Dragon’s Altar to pay for their goods but live a meager m Stone Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
serves as the tribe’s greatest defense against discovery.
existence nonetheless. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Despite the rarity with which the Dragon’s Altar
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
gets visitors, the Altar Skulkers have developed a rela- Encounters r Hurl Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
tively sophisticated system for warning against the Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Members of the Altar Skulker tribe rarely join forces
approach of visitors. Lookouts wearing animal skins Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
with other humanoids outside of their tribe. They do,
stained with red clay lurk in the peaks surrounding Minor Actions
however, keep domesticated animals in the caves,
the rim of the caldera. They relay warnings to one Desert Stalker F Recharge 4 5 6
particularly those that can adapt well to life in their
another with a series of hand gestures. These scouts Effect: The scout gains a +5 bonus to all defenses until the end
mountainous home. Many baazrags are kept as pets of its next turn. The first melee attack the scout makes on its
have learned to remain so still while on watch duty
and are trained as scouts to sense danger. Similarly, next turn deals 10 extra damage.
that (with the help of their cloaks) they appear to
a few of the Altar Skulker’s best high-altitude scouts Skills Stealth +11
be stones rather than men. When templars or other
(those that stand watch for the approach of the Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 15 (+3)
visitors approach, the tribe moves deeper into the Con 14 (+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 9 (+1)
Dragon) have tamed kestrekels that they use to hunt
supposedly haunted caves and waits out the visit. If Alignment unaligned Languages Common
for food while on watch.
the intruders are few in number, the Altar Skulkers Equipment red clay cloak
may decide to ambush and slay them, then claim About the Author
the travelers’ belongings for their own. In the rare Rodney Thompson is an RPG designer at Wizards of the
event that the Dragon comes to the Altar, the Skulk- Coast. Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee, his credits
for the Dungeons & Dragons® game include Monster Manual
ers have plenty of warning. They can retreat through 3, the Dark Sun Campaign Setting, Player Essentials: Heroes of the
their caves to a place so deep underground that the Fallen Lands, Player Essentials: Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms,
Dragon’s defiling does not touch them. and Monster Vault.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Ed Greenwood’s
Eye on
the Realms
False Nobles
by Ed Greenwood ✦ illustration by McLean Kendree
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
The Rallyhorns and Roaringhorns are two family the fifth Azoun to rule the Forest Kingdom curtailed
names that share a rare distinction: Each is borne by noble powers. The two Roaringhorn families are
two related noble families. So various Lord and Lady more distantly related and have existed in both places
Rallyhorns are in both Waterdeep and Cormyr, and for centuries; which branch came first is less certain.
sundry Lord and Lady Roaringhorns are in the same Until recently, these families (who are both men-
two places. The Rallyhorns of Waterdeep are recent tioned here because commoners in Waterdeep and
ennoblements. Established since the Spellplague, they Cormyr often mistake one for the other because
are clearly remembered and recorded as originating of their similar names) were regarded as “good old
with Rallyhorn nobles who relocated from Cormyr. stock” among nobles. These arrogant, idle, long-
These nobles left due to their fury at the writ in which established wealthy followers of fashion and their
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Eye on the Realms
own eccentricities wore monocles, swilled wine from nobles of proven heritage whose decadence, cruelties, who seek to entrap him. He can look and act noble
great goblets, held and attended many revels for and arrogance have made nobles hated or despised when he wants to gain entrance to a club or revel, and
nobles and “diversions” at exclusive clubs, and very by many. he enjoys flirting and dallying with nobles, drink-
much proudly did as they pleased. People find them As for “rooting out and destroying,” Nightcloak ing their wine and joining in their banter. However,
good to have as friends and allies, but they make bad Rallyhorn means exactly that: driving out, discredit- he notices and remembers everything while doing
enemies. ing, and killing all unfit nobility in Waterdeep and so, for future use. If a servant or noble watches him
However, this perception is now changing—all Cormyr (for a start). He has founded, and heads, a suspiciously from afar, he notices and adroitly slips
because of one young man. secretive society known as the Scourge of Corrupt away before he can be trapped or confronted.
Nobility, who have clashed many times with nobles, The eight original members of the Scourge of
A Nightcloak Arises both publicly and by night at revels, on the roads, or Corrupt Nobility were either fanatics who firmly
in clubs and festhalls. believed in Nightcloak’s cause or people with legiti-
In current Heartlands parlance, a nightcloak is some- Rallyhorn proudly claims to have slain more than mate grudges against specific noble families who
one who leads two markedly different lives (usually a dozen nobles the Realms are better off without, saw the Scourge as a road to revenges they couldn’t
one by night and the other by day), deceiving most and he has named thrice that many as future targets manage by themselves. Thanks to the influence and
friends, relatives, and acquaintances as to his or her unless they repent their ways, earnestly and lifelong. guard-buying power of their targets, losses among the
true nature. The classic nightcloak of many tales is Both the Crown of Cormyr and the Lords of Water- Scourges have always been heavy, keeping their num-
the timid, bookish, stiff heir (of either gender) who deep have declared Rallyhorn an outlaw and his bers small. Increasingly, they are reduced to a few
is a dashing, sword-brandishing adventuring sort by Scourges perils who should be imprisoned on sight— veteran, wily fanatics leading men and women who
night. Nightcloaks can be villains or wastrels rather but capturing or killing the Nightcloak or his agents is are opportunists and who have joined Rallyhorn’s
than heroes, but there is always something roman- proving to be easier proclaimed than performed. game for personal monetary gain.
tic about them, even if it’s only a hopeless cause.
Nightcloaks are, of course, rarer in real life than in The Dark Truth A Crusade Unfolds
tavern-tales. Heldran Rallyhorn is crazy—and isn’t a noble at
Right now, however, at least one is very real—and all. He just happens to share a surname with the The Scourge started by confronting and knifing
formidable indeed. Some deem him insane, but if Rallyhorn nobles. He was born in Crimmor to a arrogant, careless lords of Amn and Sembia. They
he is, it’s the cunning, capable sort of crazed, not the horseshoe-maker and his herb-selling wife. He’s not accomplished this with ease, taking down overcon-
reckless or erratic “wildwits.” Across the Heartlands, so crazy as to really believe he’s of noble birth, but he fident drunkards they surprised and overwhelmed.
folk have heard of Heldran “Nightcloak” Rallyhorn, does harbor a relentless, irrational hatred for nobles The Scourges stole wealth and goods (such as horses
and most believe he’s a renegade Rallyhorn (a rebel- and all who act noble (everyone who presumes to be and coaches) from several victims to make the deaths
lious member of either branch of the Rallyhorn better than others and who believe they deserve spe- seem the result of robberies gone wrong. However,
nobles). That is, after all, what this handsome, charis- cial rights and privileges because of who their parents Nightcloak Rallyhorn began making pronouncements
matic young man claims to be, despite his nickname. were). in taverns about ridding the Realms of “false nobles.”
He says he’s not only noble, but a “true” noble, and he Heldran is athletic and agile, and he grew up As a result, the weak “it was fool-headed thieves”
has dedicated himself to rooting out and destroying thieving in Amn. He is good with a wielded or thrown deception died right then.
all “false” nobles. By this, he doesn’t just mean those blade and at creeping around, climbing walls, staying As word spread of more and more killings, nobles
of common birth who pretend to be noble, but actual alert, and remaining one cunning step ahead of all all over the Realms took note, seeing Rallyhorn for
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
Eye on the Realms
the danger he is; even before Nightcloak proclaimed Darker Truths About the Author
Ed Greenwood is the man who unleashed the Forgotten
it himself, many elder nobles far from the Heart-
Most of the lords and ladies who claim to have killed Realms® on an unsuspecting world. He works in libraries,
lands said, “If it’s the Deep and the Forest Kingdom writes fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and even
Rallyhorn are telling the truth—as they know it. Only
today, it’ll be us tomorrow!” Various nobles, particu- romance stories (sometimes all in the same novel), but he is
recently have wizards and warlocks hired by vari-
larly in Cormyr and Waterdeep, moved from being still happiest churning out Realmslore, Realmslore, and more
ous frightened nobles to trace Nightcloak Rallyhorn Realmslore. There are still a few rooms in his house with
satisfied that this or that longtime rival had been
uncovered the fact that the leader of the Scourges has space left to pile up papers in . . .
slain, to embracing fear for their own lives. They
taken to protecting himself by hiring doppelgangers
bolstered their bodyguards. They changed family
to take his shape at all times. Presumably this is so
habits to include far less hunting, wandering, and
that would-be slayers can’t ever be sure to have killed
shopping. In some cases, they hired professional
or captured the “real” Rallyhorn. Disbelieving nobles
slayers or handy bands of adventurers to hunt down
and courtiers dismissed this claim until prominent
and slay Rallyhorn and his followers. The nobles
nobles fought Nightcloak on three separate festival
were not appeased in the slightest when Nightcloak’s
days last year in both Waterdeep and Cormyr—at
speeches began to mention aiding and promoting
more or less the same time. So either Rallyhorn raced
“true” nobles, killing only the worst, and discrediting
back and forth through unknown portals no one saw
all others (and in any case, stealing their wealth and
him use, or he employed magic no one has ever seen
property, so as to end any inf luence they might have
him wield to teleport halfway across the Heartlands
in Waterdeep or Cormyr).
and back again . . . or simultaneous Heldran
Although Rallyhorn and his agents rapidly
Nightcloak Rallyhorns were in both Waterdeep
became fabulously wealthy as they seized ships,
and the cities of Suzail, Arabel, and Marsember in
entire ship cargoes, mansions full of gems and coins
and fine wine, statues, paintings, tapestries, furni-
The “we’re fighting doppelgangers” belief is swiftly
ture, horses, and more, losses among the Scourges
gaining popularity among nobles and courtiers
mounted so swiftly that Rallyhorn found himself
everywhere. For one thing, it saves face for all who’ve
not just hounded across the Heartlands but almost
been ridiculed for failing to find and deal with one
alone. He turned to hiring adventurers as his agents,
wildwits and his handful of thugs. However, a few
outspending the nobles with his newfound wealth,
nobles and wizards have now raised a far more sin-
so that adventurers are now fighting on both sides of
ister possibility: The real Rallyhorn was murdered
what merchants increasingly came to call the “scour
by a doppelganger some time ago, and an unknown
out the nobles” war.
number of doppelgangers are now directing the
As bold as ever, Rallyhorn was almost caught and
Scourges in their own bid to end up controlling
killed a number of times. In fact, some nobles swear
Cormyr, Waterdeep, or both.
to this day, even as the rest of the Heartlands sneer at
them, that they killed Nightcloak Rallyhorn.
J u l y 2 010 | D u n g e o n 18 0
save my game
by Stephen Radney-MacFarland
illustration by Rob Alexander
Last month, I provided some pretty good reasons why swirling around in your head, and you want to shake
you may want to say no to your players every so often. up those D&D assumptions a bit. Lots of people run
One of the best reasons is in the pursuit of creating the homebrew campaigns. The ability to do so is one of
campaign that you want to run. While I’m a big propo- D&D’s chief draws. No matter your situation, one of
nent of the idea that good DMs target games toward these days you are probably going to want to mess with
the preferences and emotional kicks of the players expanses of the D&D game. When that day comes,
(audience … cough, cough … excuse me), there’s a flip there are tools in the D&D Insider Character Builder
side to this. As a basic rule of thumb, you should be that if you don’t know about now, you’ll want to.
twice as excited about the campaign as your players I know, I know, you already have a D&D Insider
are. That might not be realistic, there are some excit- account or you wouldn’t be reading this. I don’t need
able players out there, but the point is that you need to to sell you anything. I’m not trying to. But you’d be
be into it. After all, while DMing is time consuming, amazed at the number of people I’ve talked to—I
it’s not a job. If you treat it like one, you are more likely mean genuine 4E nerds—who didn’t know about
to burn out quickly. Knowing this, you may want to these tools in the Character Builder.
think about joining a group that does round-robin
DMing so you can bail out before it starts to burn. Limiting Your Campaign
But say you’re an old warhorse like me; you caught
Open the D&D Character Builder. Go to the
the DM bug early and just can’t shake it. Maybe you’re
“Manage” tab on the far top menu and then select the
the young me 30 years later and starting with the most
“Campaign Settings” tab on the menu just below the
current edition. You like running long campaigns.
far top menu. Other than strong story examples and
Your players appreciate the hand crafting you put
a healthy imagination, this may be your best tool in
into every session, and you enjoy watching your plans
the creation and maintenance of limited campaigns.
unfold and moving to final manifestation by the char-
What do I mean by limited campaigns? You want a
acters’ decisions. It could be that you’re just an old dog
world without elves? You want to keep out that beta
with fond memories of the World of Greyhawk and
Dragon Magazine content until it becomes official?
Forgotten Realms games of your youth. Or maybe you
Both are reasons for having limited campaigns. They
are chomping at the bit for the new Dark Sun books
are campaigns where only a selection of the thou-
so you can get out of the typical fantasy mold. It’s most
sands and thousands of D&D rules bits are available
likely, though, that you have your own game world
to the players.
TM & © 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 010 | D UNGEON 18 0
save my game
My favorite type of limited campaign is one where Expanding Your Campaign game and your midnight hours become obsessed with
the limits are made for story reasons. If you’re a story- You may not have noticed it, but we have only been creating that perfect, story-driven campaign, these
telling DM with a strong sense of the tale you want to discussing the virtues of one tab of the main window. tools well help you pull it off.
tell, you’ll often want to limit the availability of more There is another interesting tab hiding right behind
fringe concepts during character creation. Say you it—the Custom Rules tab. It’s the Restriction tab’s evil Tap … Tap …
want a campaign that pits dragonborn settlers against twin, allowing you to expand your campaign’s options. Anyone Out There?
human barbarians. It would be hard to do if there Let’s say you’re the opposite of the campaign I’m bummed. No one took me up on last month’s
weren’t a single human or dragonborn within the crafter. Let’s say you’re a collector of character cre- Challenge of No. Luckily, there have been other let-
group. You might want to limit the group to almost all ation rules and a bit of an amateur designer with ters and things to chat about. This month, let’s hear
humans or dragonborn. You may even want to limit hopes of getting something published in Dragon how you were able to modify a campaign—be it limit-
the humans to martial and primal classes only. The Magazine. This section lets you add things for world ing or expanding—to create a great play experience. I
campaign settings key allows you to select the exact building reasons (races, languages, and deities), but look forward to hearing your tales. If that doesn’t get
rules that are legal in your campaign. You can then it also lets you add the hard stuff—things like classes you sharing, maybe I’ll just have to post some Raistlin
give it a name and save the campaign and its elements (through class features, builds, and powers), paragon and Drizzt fan fiction I found on an unsavory corner
into a .dndcamp file, email it to your players, and they paths, feats, and rituals. of the internet.
can make their characters using the rules your cam- Your custom rules will not talk to all the coding
paign uses. and formulas of the Character Builder like the ones Help with Hazards
Story considerations aren’t the only reasons to that are updated regularly by the gaggle of howling One of the greatest aspects of a game world is the
make a limited campaign. While the game as a whole programmers in the WotC building, but hey, your environment. There are more than just monsters lurking
is constantly reviewed and updated to make sure all players will work with you. Many advanced players in the darkness. There are the mushrooms that release
of its moving parts work properly, there is nothing love the challenge of playtesting new things. They deadly spores, spider webs that immobilize characters,
wrong with wanting to limit the moving parts after will put up with some basic math in order to do it. the pit of acid and spikes, and the Indiana Jones rolling
reflection on your comfort level with the rules and boulder. I love these kinds of details, but coming up with
changes. A player typically only needs to worry about Why Mess Around them and making them usable for my table is kind of
his powers; as DM, you have to deal with everyone’s with This Stuff a chore. So I tried creating new hazards and traps, but
powers and a half a zillion other things while run- You know what, if you are just running Dungeons there really is not a good guideline for me to follow (espe-
ning and preparing the game. For that reason alone, & Dragons Encounters, only play Living Forgotten cially on the hazards).
you might want to limit your campaign to the Player’s Realms, or run a very pop-and-pretzels game of beat- —RatWarrior
Handbooks and Adventurer’s Vaults. It limits the ing up bad guys and spending their dough, then there I agree. Players may forget the fourth raid by the
number of books you need to deal with (and carry to is almost no reason to use these tools. But if you have drow they face in the moist, secondary passages of
the game). Always remember that DMing should be some friends blowing into town and you want to run the Underdark, but they will not forget the battle
fun, not a chore. It’s OK for you, as DM, to pick your a high-quality game for them, then this is a great tool that occurred in the fungus patch with vermillion
level of new rules influx. to spice things up a bit. Just make sure to set up some grapplers and chokespore puffers during the bat
character creation time for the players that don’t migration. The book you’re looking for is Dungeon
have D&D Insider accounts! (Hey, I’m a realist!) Then, Master’s Guide 2. Its section on Advanced Encounters,
when you can only squeeze out a biweekly or monthly
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save my game
especially the parts on Terrain Powers and Designing I wish I were a gaming anthropologist, and I could So basically, I need to stop him from manipulating the
Traps, are what you’ll really want to focus on. Heck, it study your group. I’m only half kidding. Ayep, it’s game rules and show him that having one single, super
even has that giant rolling boulder trap. official, it takes longer to run combats at paragon powerful character is like a leech, sucking the fun from
Beyond that, scour other media for good trap, and epic tier than at heroic tier. There are many the rest of the party, who have voiced their concerns. I
hazard, and environment ideas. Brainstorm how to reasons, but one of the chief culprits is the damage simply do not know how to do this, because everything
inject them simply and viscerally into your game. If roll. Because every power has a different variety of I’ve done so far does not work.
you need to make something into a trap, do that, but damage roll, the scrambling for, assembling, and —Ryophecles
most of these types of things can be represented as counting of dice is a big time gobbler. You may want
terrain or terrain powers. Don’t overlook the pure to think about using average damage. Tell him he is being a jerk. Have him come over here
awesome that is re-skinning terrain. I’ve used the Want to really speed up combats? Try this. On a and I’ll tell him he is being a jerk. Heck, have him go
main mechanics for creeping ice (Dungeon Master’s miss, monsters take minimum damage (remember to Gen Con, and I am sure we could get the entire
Guide 2 page 58) for nearly half a dozen terrain minions are not damaged on a miss). On a hit, they RPGA event area to tell him he is being a jerk. I don’t
effects just by changing the damage type. If my play- take average damage (rounded up). Critical hits stay know you and I don’t know this player, but you’re
ers have caught on, they’ve not said anything about it. the same. You don’t need to use this for every battle, more likely to ruin a friendship by putting up with
but for battles with many combatants, it should keep bad behavior and letting someone roll over you like
Four Freakn’ Hours!? your combat moving with a speedy hum of attack rolls. this than by telling your friend honestly that his self-
I’m in a group where we switch DMing duties at the end At least, it will if people figure out those damage num- ish behavior is wrecking the game for everyone else.
of an adventure. We started running Revenge of the bers beforehand and don’t need to add everything up You’re the DM. It’s your game, and it’s your
Giants a little while ago (the group is now up to level on the spot every time they attack something! responsibility to make sure everyone is having a good
15), and we’ve noticed that single battles are taking 4 or time—including you. Talk to him reasonably. Tell him
more hours to get through. Tackling the Cheater that if he wants to continue playing, he must follow
I thought the problem was that a couple of the play- I’m DMing a group of relatively new players, so they don’t the rules. Lay down the law when it comes to charac-
ers read through every … single … power … every … turn. quite understand what D&D is all about, though we’ve ter building. Sure, he may decide that he doesn’t want
So we added a timer. Each player gets between a minute played several adventures before. to play in your game, but he’s not really playing in
and a minute and a half to take their actions (depending Essentially, there is one player who does not under- your game anyway. He’s playing his own head game.
on how well they know the game and their party role). It stand that the fun is in the journey, not the destination.
helped, but not as much as I thought it would. He went nuts with the D&D Insider Character Builder, About the Author
Stephen Radney-MacFarland caught the D&D bug at an
The next thing to go was monster health. Almost every making his character an almost godlike thing, even going
impressionable age. Once the content manager for the
monster had their health cut by 20%. Now things move so far as to edit feats and weapon damage. I continue to RPGA and a developer for the 4th Edition D&D rules, he
more quickly, but the challenge is all but gone. catch him, but I can’t scold him or punish him because is now a freelance game designer doing work for Wizards
Are there other things we can do to try to strike a he is a friend, and I don’t want to break a friendship over of the Coast, Paizo Publishing, and is part of a fledgling
group of game commentators and game designers called
balance between encounter length and challenge? a game like this. NeoGrognard. During the daylight hours he teaches game
—Shotgun_Caribou production classes at the International Academy of Design
and Technology of Seattle.
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Episode 29:
Published Adventures
by Ja m e s W yat t
illustration by Wayne England
I’ve had two sessions since I wrote my last column, working from within his extradimensional prison to
thanks to the scheduling snafu that is Gen Con. This corrupt these primordials to be his servants. He’s work-
past Saturday night my father-in-law joined us for his ing on Ogremoch, who’s imprisoned somewhere in
first-ever experience with D&D. He was bewildered, the Elemental Chaos, but really setting his sights high
mystified, and up way past his east-coast bedtime, but on Imix, one of the four most powerful primordials in
I think he had fun, and I know that the group appreci- existence. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out.
ated his participation. The shipwrecked characters have now found their
Let’s see: Last time I wrote about planting some way off the island they originally landed on and made
kind of mystery in the heart of the Fire Warren. I their way to Haven—well, near Haven. It turns out that
ended up putting a stone arrowhead in the kobold Haven has been taken over by a band of evil merce-
leader’s pouch, carved with the jagged spiral symbol naries . . . but I’m not going to get too much into that,
of Tharizdun. With it, I gave them a quest to discover because I’m drawing material and plotlines from an
“what the symbol is all about,” which has proven to be adventure that is not yet published. Don’t want to spoil
an endless source of comedy, for reasons I can’t quite it for you.
understand. They’ve discovered that it’s the symbol of So, yeah, I’m using someone else’s adventure. What
the Elder Elemental Eye, but I haven’t given them the happened to my free-form, quest-driven, open-ended
quest XP for figuring out “what it’s all about” yet. I’m campaign? Actually, really interesting things, I think.
not sure what I’m waiting for, but I know it has to be
more dramatic than the druid NPC exclaiming and Make It Matter
dropping the arrowhead when she saw the symbol.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide has a discussion of incor-
Also in my last column, I tried to sort out the rami-
porating published adventures into a campaign (pages
fications of naming the fire elemental (the primordial
96–97), including advice on hooking characters into
of fire who turned to the gods’ side in the Dawn War)
the adventure, adapting the adventure to your cam-
Imix. It occurred to me afterward that Tharizdun’s
paign’s setting, and transitioning the characters out. If
corruption of the Princes of Elemental Evil might not
I were writing those pages today, I would add a section
have happened yet. It might be that, in my campaign,
at the beginning based on what I’ve done in running
Tharizdun is not yet the Chained God—or perhaps he’s
this campaign.
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If you run a published adventure as a one-shot, a couple of the players were bearing those individual has reconfigured it as a tower, and I’ve made a note
making characters just for that experience and start- quests in mind as they went through the encounters of that the Tome of Striking Lightning is in that tower.
ing something new when the adventure is over, then the (soon-to-be) published adventure. So soon enough, the entire group will have a reason
all you have is what the adventure gives you. That’s a It was only after I laid that groundwork that I to visit that tower, while Valanri has an extra task to
very straightforward approach: use one or more of the started considering the question of what happens complete while she’s there.
hooks provided in the adventure, explain to the players when the characters get to Haven and realized that Similarly, Aerin’s quest to rebuild the Haven Guard
what their characters are doing and why, and get right this adventure is actually a pretty good match. is essentially tied to the overall plot of this adventure,
to the action. If you’re running an episodic campaign, What I was doing was not adapting the charac- and Antalaus’s quest to rid himself of his curse might
you can use much the same approach. ters to fit the adventure (by giving them artificial also get tied in.
When you’re running a campaign with more over- motivations to pursue the goals of the adventure) but
arching themes, character goals, and motivations—in adapting the adventure to fit the characters by align- Get in the Way
short, story—then the trick to using a published adven- ing the characters’ existing goals with obstacles in the Once your characters have clear objectives in the form
ture is tying the adventure’s smaller story into your adventure. The result is an adventure that feels more of both individual and group quests that they want to
campaign’s bigger ones. The advice in the DMG gets at like a part of the campaign and that has the players accomplish, put the events of the adventure between
some of that, but there’s a larger issue that’s becoming more invested and interested in the outcome. them and their goals. More specifically, put the villain
clearer to me now. I’ve used two basic techniques to pull this off. of the adventure between them and their goals. Ulti-
What I’ve tried to do in incorporating this adven- mately, completing the published adventure becomes a
ture into my campaign, fundamentally, is to make Quest Weaving necessary prerequisite for achieving their own goals.
the situation described in the adventure matter to the Give characters their own personal reasons to visit For example, Jesse the ranger was traveling to
players and their characters. I didn’t just have some locations, fight monsters, or seek treasures presented Haven to meet with Sir Brendan, a Knight of the
bigwig ask them to go deal with the problem in Haven. in the adventure. Aside from the main goals and sto- Green Flame. This was part of her background as an
I didn’t have them stumble into Haven and run into rylines of the adventure, weave together characters’ aspirant knight—Brendan agreed to meet with her and
the problem more or less by accident. I could have personal objectives with smaller objectives within the consider her application for a promotion in the order.
done that—my players have certainly demonstrated a adventure. However, once she gets to Haven, she’ll discover that
willingness to be led by the nose in that way, unlike For example, Valanri (my wife’s genasi sorcerer) Sir Brendan is a prisoner of the mercenaries. She can’t
many groups of players, so I have every confidence that has a quest to retrieve the Tome of Striking Lightning achieve her goal until the party liberates the town
it would have worked. from an ancient tower in the heart of the Bloodwhis- from the mercenaries and frees the baron and Sir
Instead, I spent most of the first couple of sessions per Forest and bring it back to her master, Laurish Brendan from their custody.
in the campaign laying groundwork—not planting Samprey, in Angleburg. I’d long ago decided that the Basically, I set up the player characters with their
seeds for this adventure specifically but building stuff Bloodwhisper Forest was the stomping ground of a own goals, many of which involve getting to the town
that the characters and their players care about. I’ve group of elves. of Haven. Then I took Haven itself and made it a
given the characters, both individually and collec- Well, it just so happens that this adventure I’m place where adventure was happening. They can’t
tively, a lot of quests. (I was very gratified, by the way, running has a section where the players, in order to just walk into Haven and talk to the people they
to see the players really start using the quest cards make nice with a group of elves, need to venture into want to talk to, because those people have f led from
I’d been giving them to keep track of what’s on their an ancient sanctuary and defeat the villain that’s taken or been imprisoned by the evil mercenaries who’ve
agenda.) Most of them have individual quests related up residence there. As written, the sanctuary is under- taken over the town.
to their original reasons for traveling to Haven, and ground, but some playing around with Dungeon Tiles 79
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Following My Own Advice Plant Location Hooks or Maps: I did this on a Scale Levels: That hasn’t been necessary, and I’ve
very large scale by superimposing the location of the placed published adventures into the larger sketch of
Looking again at the discussion of using published
adventure onto my very sketchy map of Haven and its my campaign arc at the appropriate levels.
adventures in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, I’ve made
environs. In other words, rather than contriving a way Bring Them Out: I haven’t yet planned the next
use of some of that advice as well.
to get the players to the site of the adventure, I put the stage of the campaign in any detail. I do have a quest
Plan Forward: I haven’t done that for this adven-
adventure in the place they were going anyway. in mind for Sir Brendan to give Jesse once he’s free,
ture, because I decided to use this adventure pretty
Change Names: There’s no flavor difference and that might serve as the impetus for the group’s
late in the planning. However, the process of building
between the names in my campaign and the names next adventure. I have some unresolved questions
backgrounds for the characters involved some plan-
in the adventures I’m using (unlike in past versions lingering from past adventures as well, and by tying
ning forward for future adventures that I want to use.
of Aquela), so I can keep Angleburg and Saltmarsh the Iron Circle to the lich-queen, I’m creating the
I put names like Laurish Samprey of Angleburg and
unchanged. I changed the site of this adventure to opportunity for the characters to investigate that
the town of Saltmarsh into those backgrounds because
Haven, but only because I’d already put the name connection further.
they appear in old D&D adventures I want to adapt for
Haven (stolen from Bill Slavicsek’s campaign) into So that’s it for this month. Next time, I think I’ll talk
my campaign down the road.
character backgrounds. about how writing my latest novel is changing the way
Use Adventure Hooks: I ignored this advice, too. I
Alter the Setting: The setting of this adventure is I DM.
did, however, use the first encounter of this published
a group of villages tucked in a broad expanse of forest.
adventure, which is designed as a hook to draw the About the Author
Not anymore! Now the locations described in the
characters in, more or less as written and tied it to the James Wyatt is the Creative Manager for D&D R&D at
adventure are scattered over a handful of islands in Wizards of the Coast. He was one of the lead designers for
end of the characters’ previous adventure. When the
the Ducan archipelago. Instead of traveling overland 4th Edition D&D and the primary author of the 4th Edition
characters emerged from the Fire Warren, they saw a
to reach the shrine of Dagon (another location I modi- Dungeon Master’s Guide. He also contributed to the Eberron
plume of smoke signaling trouble on the opposite side Campaign Setting and is the author of several Dungeons & Drag-
fied to tie into character goals), they traveled by boat.
of the island. ons® novels set in the world of Eberron.
It’s just a flavor difference, but it’s an important one for
Tie in NPCs and Groups: The key thing I’ve done
maintaining the feel of my campaign.
to tie this adventure into the themes of my campaign
Adjust Monsters: As just mentioned, some of the
has to do with the identity of this band of mercenaries.
devils that appear in the adventure might be changed
In the adventure as written, they’re devil-worshipers. I
to undead or magical constructs to fit with the idea
could use that just fine by tying them to a larger theme
that these mercenaries are servants of the lich-queen.
of forces trying to reestablish the rule of law in the
I also turned bullywugs in this adventure into fish-
remains of the fallen empire. I think it’s a little stron-
like humanoids that some of my players recognized
ger, however, if I tie them to one of the other villains
from a certain massively multiplayer online role-
I want to use in the campaign, such as the lich-queen
playing game that shall remain nameless. I did that
Killesti. That might mean replacing some of the devils
primarily because bullywugs appear elsewhere in my
in the adventure with undead.
campaign outline, and I didn’t want to overuse them.
I ended up using the stat blocks mostly unchanged,
except that I ignored some of the weird chaos abilities.
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