Name - Section
Name - Section
Name - Section
Delivery Student read the Student read the Student read the Student had difficulty
script with stript with some script but had little reading the script and
confidence and expression, expression, few consistently did not use
expression, made gestures, eye gestures, little eye expression, eye
gestures and good contact, and use contact, or did not contact, or props
eye contact, and of props. use props appropriately.
used props to add appropriately.
to the
Cooperation with Student worked Student worked Students worked Student did not work
Group cooperatively with cooperatively with cooperatively with cooperatively together
the group in all group in most group in some with group and could
aspects of the aspects of the aspects of the project not agree on what to
project and share project and shared but sometimes couple do. Student did not
all responsibilities most not agree on what to share responsibilities or
and ideas well. responsibilities do and wasted time. ideas and wasted time.
and ideas.
On-task High level of Majority of group Moderate level of on- Low level os active
Participation active, on-task members on-task task work or few of participation from
participation from and actively the group members majority of group
all group members participating actively participating members
Script Script was written Script was written Script was written Script was written
properly with with dialogue, properly, but was improperly and was
dialogue, stage stage direction, missing one of the missing two of the
direction, and and includes the elements (dialogue, elements (dialogue,
includes the use use of props. stage direction, stage direction, props)
of props. props)
Total: /40