Fate GM Screen
Fate GM Screen
Fate GM Screen
Fate points used to offer PCs a compel or pay for a PCs’ concession are free
no new aspect
or the enemy gets
Fail create the aspect one free invocation
succeed at +
serious cost enemy gets one
free invocation
Challenge Contest
Handling a complex situation Competing goals but no direct attacks Before rolling,
characters may
Multiple Overcome rolls with In each exchange each participant rolls: try to Create An
multiple skills • Highest roll scores a victory Advantage, but
• Highest with style scores 2 victories failure costs
Integrate all roll results to • Ties produce a twist aspect their chance to
narrate the conclusion roll in the
Three accumulated victories wins exchange
a d
Attack Defend
harm someone in a conflict or avoid an attack or prevent
take them out of a scene someone from creating an
advantage against you
attacker succeeds
in their attack
Fail target is unharmed
attacker creates
an advantage
Full defense
shifts are absorbed as either
stress or consequences forego any other action
(or both) In this exchange
+2 to Defend
When characters try to harm each other