Fate GM Screen

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+8 Legendary Roll dice when either succeeding or failing at the action

+7 Epic could contribute something interesting to the game

+6 Fantastic The Golden Rule
+5 Superb Decide what you’re trying to accomplish first, then consult the rules to
help you do it
+4 Great
The Silver Rule
+3 Good Never let the rules get in the way of what makes narrative sense. If you
+2 Fair or the players narrate something in the game and it makes sense to
apply a certain rule outside of the normal circumstances where you
+1 Average would do so, go ahead and do it.
0 Mediocre The Bronze Rule (Fate fractal)
–1 Poor You can treat anything in the game world like it’s a character. Anything
can have aspects, skills, stunts, stress tracks, and consequences if you
–2 Terrible need it to.

Enter each scene with 1 Fate / PC GM Fate points

+1 Fate if the last scene ended from the GM accepting a compel
+1 Fate if the last scene ended from the GM conceding a conflict (+1 Fate / consequence!)

Fate points used to offer PCs a compel or pay for a PCs’ concession are free

Earn a Fate point by Player Fate points

+1 Fate per consequence
conceding a conflict
suffered in the conflict
having an aspect
invoked against them get the point next scene
The A aspect in B situation
accepting a compel means that ...
Spend a Fate point to ... unfortunately, X happens
offer a compel for
someone else's aspect ... you decide to X, which
goes wrong when Y
refuse a GM compel
power a stunt they have
borrow a stunt they lack get
invoke an aspect +2 or re-roll
declare a story detail on a skill roll
v0.9 by Jonathan Korman
o c
Overcome Create An Advantage
do something or invoke an existing
add a new aspect
remove an aspect aspect for free

no new aspect
or the enemy gets
Fail create the aspect one free invocation
succeed at +
serious cost enemy gets one
free invocation

succeed at get one free

0 Tie minor cost get a boost

create the aspect

+ get one free
1-2 Succeed succeed
get one free invocation

create the aspect

Succeed +
+ get two free
With Style get two free invocations
get a boost

Recover from consequences

recover next overcome vs Boost
Mild scene +2 a new aspect
if attempting one free invoke
Moderate session +4 +2 overcome on disappears after invoking
Severe scenario +6 yourself

Challenge Contest
Handling a complex situation Competing goals but no direct attacks Before rolling,
characters may
Multiple Overcome rolls with In each exchange each participant rolls: try to Create An
multiple skills • Highest roll scores a victory Advantage, but
• Highest with style scores 2 victories failure costs
Integrate all roll results to • Ties produce a twist aspect their chance to
narrate the conclusion roll in the
Three accumulated victories wins exchange
a d
Attack Defend
harm someone in a conflict or avoid an attack or prevent
take them out of a scene someone from creating an
advantage against you

attacker succeeds
in their attack
Fail target is unharmed
attacker creates
an advantage

get a boost attacker gets a

0 Tie
target is unharmed boost

hit for # of shifts

1-2 Succeed (attacker fails)
of effect

hit for # of shifts of effect get a boost

With Style (you may trade one shift (attacker fails)
for a boost)

Full defense
shifts are absorbed as either
stress or consequences forego any other action
(or both) In this exchange
+2 to Defend

When characters try to harm each other

1. Set the scene: 3. A series of exchanges:

environment, who is on which side, each character may make one roll in each
characters’ goals, aspects, zones exchange (and move one zone)

2. Set turn order: 4. The conflict ends when everyone has

• Physical: Notice-Athletics-Physique either Conceded or been Taken Out
• Mental: Empathy-Rapport-Will

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