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qxd 6/28/06 4:48 PM Page 610

610 Chapter 8 Vibration and Time Response

Sample Problem 8/2

The 8-kg body is moved 0.2 m to the right of the equilibrium position and c
released from rest at time t  0. Determine its displacement at time t  2 s. The
viscous damping coefficient c is 20 N  s/m, and the spring stiffness k is 32 N/m. 8 kg

Solution. We must first determine whether the system is underdamped, criti- k

cally damped, or overdamped. For that purpose, we compute the damping ratio .

c 20 Equilibrium
n  k/m  32/8  2 rad/s    0.625
2mn 2(8)(2) position
Since   1, the system is underdamped. The damped natural frequency is mg
d  n1  2  21  (0.625)2  1.561 rad/s. The motion is given by Eq. 8/12
and is cx· = 20x·

x  Cent sin (dt  )  Ce1.25t sin (1.561t  ) kx = 32x

The velocity is then
ẋ  1.25Ce1.25t sin (1.561t  )  1.561Ce1.25t cos (1.561t  ) N

Evaluating the displacement and velocity at time t  0 gives

x0  C sin   0.2 ẋ 0  1.25C sin   1.561C cos   0 Helpful Hint
Solving the two equations for C and  yields C  0.256 m and   0.896 rad.  We note that the exponential factor
Therefore, the displacement in meters is e1.25t is 0.0821 at t  2 s. Thus,
  0.625 represents severe damp-
x  0.256e1.25t sin (1.561t  0.896)
ing, although the motion is still
 Evaluation for time t  2 s gives x2  0.01616 m. Ans. oscillatory.

Sample Problem 8/3

The two fixed counterrotating pulleys are driven at the same angular speed
0. A round bar is placed off center on the pulleys as shown. Determine the nat- ω0 ω0
ural frequency of the resulting bar motion. The coefficient of kinetic friction be-
tween the bar and pulleys is k. Central y
Solution. The free-body diagram of the bar is constructed for an arbitrary dis- a a
–– ––
placement x from the central position as shown. The governing equations are 2 2

[ΣFx  mẍ] k NA  k NB  mẍ

[ΣFy  0] NA  NB  mg  0 µk NA µk NB
NA mg NB
 [ΣMA  0] aNB a2  xmg  0 Helpful Hints
Eliminating NA and NB from the first equation yields  Because the bar is slender and does
2k g not rotate, the use of a moment
 ẍ  a x  0 equilibrium equation is justified.
 We note that the angular speed 0
We recognize the form of this equation as that of Eq. 8/2, so that the natural fre-
does not enter the equation of mo-
quency in radians per second is n  2k g/a and the natural frequency in cy-
tion. The reason for this is our as-
cles per second is
sumption that the kinetic friction
1 force does not depend on the relative
ªn  2k g/a Ans.
2 velocity at the contacting surface.
c08.qxd 6/28/06 4:48 PM Page 637

Article 8/4 Vibration of Rigid Bodies 637

Sample Problem 8/9

Derive the equation of motion for the homogeneous circular cylinder, which
rolls without slipping. If the cylinder mass is 50 kg, the cylinder radius 0.5 m, m
k r
the spring constant 75 N/m, and the damping coefficient 10 N  s/m, determine c
(a) the undamped natural frequency
(b) the damping ratio
(c) the damped natural frequency
(d) the period of the damped system.
In addition, determine x as a function of time if the cylinder is released from rest
at the position x  0.2 m when t  0.
Helpful Hints
Solution. We have a choice of motion variables in that either x or the angular
 displacement of the cylinder may be used. Since the problem statement in-  The angle is taken positive clock-
volves x, we draw the free-body diagram for an arbitrary, positive value of x and wise to be kinematically consistent
write the two motion equations for the cylinder as with x.

 [ΣFx  mẍ] cẋ  kx  F  mẍ  The friction force F may be as-

sumed in either direction. We will
[ΣMG  I ¨] Fr  12 mr2 ¨ find that the actual direction is to
the right for x  0 and to the left
The condition of rolling with no slip is ẍ  r ¨. Substitution of this condition
1 for x  0; F  0 when x  0.
into the moment equation gives F  2 mẍ. Inserting this expression for the
friction force into the force equation for the x-direction yields
1 2 c 2 k
cẋ  kx  mẍ  mẍ or ẍ  ẋ  x0 Equilibrium
2 3m 3m position

Comparing the above equation with that for the standard damped mg
oscillator, Eq. 8/9, allows us to state directly
kx cx·
(a) n 2 
2 k
n  23 mk  23 7550  1 rad/s Ans.
2 c 1 c 10
(b) 2n     0.0667 Ans.
3m 3 mn 3(50)(1) N
Hence, the damped natural frequency and the damped period are
(c) d  n1  2  (1)1  (0.0667)2  0.998 rad/s Ans.

(d) d  2/d  2/0.998  6.30 s Ans.

From Eq. 8/12, the underdamped solution to the equation of motion is
x  Cent sin (dt  )  Ce(0.0667)(1)t sin (0.998t  )

The velocity is ẋ  0.0667Ce0.0667t sin (0.998t  )

 0.998Ce0.0667t cos (0.998t  )

At time t  0, x and ẋ become
x0  C sin   0.2

ẋ 0  0.0667C sin   0.998C cos   0

The solution to the two equations in C and  gives
C  0.200 m   1.504 rad
Thus, the motion is given by
x  0.200e0.0667t sin (0.998t  1.504) m Ans.
# 1.
# 2.
# 3.
# 4.
# 5.
# 6.
# 7.
# 8.
# 9.
# 10.
# 11.
# 12.
# 11
# 13.
# 14.
# 15.
# 16.

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