Drug Education and Vice Control Handouts
Drug Education and Vice Control Handouts
Drug Education and Vice Control Handouts
Submitted By:
Submitted To:
Saint Joseph College
College of Criminology
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Course Syllabus
2nd Semester 2020-21
I: Subject Information
Course Number: CDI 5
Course Title: Drug Education and Vice Control w/ SARS ED. HIV Awareness
Credit Units: 3 units
III: Rationale:
This course is designated to meet the needs of the students in preparation for higher education
concerning the social problem on drugs. The students will be involved to interact with authorities and
the community with the program on drug education because the subject is responsive to the needs of
time .It will likewise assimilate information to achieve the ultimate goal of drug abuse prevention
program, “which is a drug community”. The common of the drug problem and its attendant vices will
help abate its dangers.
V: Course Requirement
Term Examination
Pre-mid Exam 20&
Mid Term Exam 20%
Quizzes 20%
Class Participation 40%
Attendance (F.A)
Total 100%
Mid Term Grade
Term Examination
Pre-final Exam 20&
Final Exam (Narcotics Scene Investigation Simulation) 20%
Quizzes 20%
Class Participation 40%
Attendance (F.A)
Total 100%
Tentative Final Rating
Final Grade= Tentative Final Rating times two plus Midterm Grade
VII: Reference
Prof. Rommel Manwung, Drug Education and Vice Control
Prepared by:
Joselito M. Velasquez R.C, MCJ
The development of the drug control in the Philippines was brought about by the drug
problem encountered since the Spanish era when the Spanish colonial government imposed
control on opium. This continued during the American regime where legislations on the use and
other involvement on narcotic drugs were in effect. The drug problem in the country since the
early part of 1900s encountered the Philippine. The first control law in the country was Republic
Act Number 953 known as the Narcotic Drug Law of 1953.
Drug Education was formally incorporated as part of school program and curricula in the
Philippines with the enactment of Republic Act No. 6425 known as the Dangerous Drugs Acts of
1972 during the Marcos time, under this law, its provides that instruction on the adverse effects
of dangerous drugs, including their legal, social and economic implications, shall be integrated
into the existing curricula of all public and private schools, whether general, technical,
vocational or agro-industrial such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of this law and, with the assistance of the Board, shall cause the publication and
distribution of materials on dangerous drugs to students and the general public.
In 1992, Republic Act No. 7624 was enacted integrating drug prevention and control in
the intermediate and secondary curricula as well as the non-formal, informal and indigenous
learning systems concerning the ill effects of drugs abuse, drug addiction or drug dependency.
The law also provided that the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (now DepEd), in
coordination with the Department of Health(DOH) and regulations as may be necessary for
effective implementation of this act may enlist the assistance of any government agent or
instrumentality to carry out the objective of this Act.(Sc 1-3 of RA 7624)
In 2002 Republic Act Number 9165 known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of
2002 was enacted reforming the previous laws it is provided in this present law that instruction
on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated in the Elementary, secondary and
tertiary curricula of all public and private school whether general, technical, vocational or agro-
industrial as well as non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems. Such instruction
shall include: 1) Adverse effects of the abuse and misuse of dangerous drugs on the person, the
family, the school and the community; 2) Preventive measures against drug abuse; 3) Health,
socio-cultural, psychological, legal and economic dimensions and implication of the drug
problem; 4) Steps to take when interventions on behalf of a drug dependent is needed, as well
as the services available for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; and 5)
Misconceptions about the use of dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to the importance
and safety of dangerous drugs for medical and therapeutic use as well as the differentiation
between medical patients and drug dependents in order to avoid confusion and accidental
stigmatization in the consciousness of the students (Sec. 43, RA 9165). It provided further, that
with the assistant of the Board, the Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the
Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Director General of the
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) shall cause the development,
publication and distribution of information and support educational materials dangerous drugs
to the students, the faculty, the parents and community (sec. 45 RA 9165) and that the same
offices with Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the National Youth
Commission (NYC) and the Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD) shall establish
in each of its provincial office special education drug center for out-of-school youth and street
children such Center which shall be headed by the Provincial Social Welfare Development
Officer shall sponsor drug prevention programs and activities and information campaigns with
the end in view of educating the out-of-school youth and street children regarding the
pernicious effects of drug abuse. The programs initiated by the Center shall likewise be adopted
in all public and private orphanage and existing special center for street children (Sec. 46, RA
With this basis, the Department of Education Culture and Sports (Now DepEd) issued
several memoranda for the implementation of the Comprehensive School Based Drug Abuse
Education Program known as the (COSDAPP) was later changed to be known as the National
Drug Education Program (NDEP)
In a worldwide perspective, drug education has also been a subject of discussion at the
United Nations specifically the Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is advocating education and
information sharing as a necessary tool in the global fight against drug abuse and the illegal
drug trafficking. The said office has created an Economic and Social Council with the
responsibility of,
1) Noting with great concern the continued massive abuse of narcotic drugs in most
parts of the world, and its harmful effect, particularly on youth.
2) Aware of the urgent need to protect society from the harm caused by abuse of
narcotic drugs.
3) Emphasizing the need to take effective measures to reduce the demand for illicit
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
4) Recognizing that in some cases information made available about narcotic drugs and
drug abuse gives a result that is the opposite of the one desired, evoking undesirable
curiosity, and leading to young people experimenting with drugs.
Thus, this office calls upon States to make every effort to ensure that preventive
educational work in respect of narcotic drugs and drug abuse is carried out by persons with
appropriate training and skills, taking into account the particular needs of groups of people of
similar age, skills and psychological characteristics who are at particular risk of abuse of drugs;
urges governments to encourage efforts to ensure that preventive information does not involve
elements that evoke curiosity or the desire to experiment with narcotic drugs, such as detailed
descriptions of euphoria, but clearly indicates the negative, harmful consequences of drug
abuse and emphasizes the positive effects alternative activities and a life-style free from
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; recommends that Governments ensure that
preventive information does not contain details descriptions of methods and routes of illicit
traffic in narcotic drugs, places of origin of illicit production and non-medical uses of narcotic
drugs; requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to Governments,
specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations for their
consideration and corresponding action.
Lesson 1
A. Definition of Terms
Administer – the act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person with or
without his knowledge.
Chemical – it is any substance taken into the body that alters the way and the mind and the
Chemical Abuse – it is an instance when the use of chemical has produced negative or harmful
Cultivate – it means the act of knowingly planting, growing, raising or permitting the planting,
growing, raising of any plant which is the source of a prohibited drug.
Drug – Traditionally, drugs are synthetic chemicals used as medicine or in the making of
medicines, which affects the body and mind and have potential for abuse. In
criminological meaning, refers to substances, other than food and water that is intended
to be taken or administered for the purpose of altering, sustaining or controlling
recipient’s physical, mental or emotional state.
Drug Abuse – it is the illegal, wrongful or improper use of any drug.
Drug Addiction – it refers to the state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the
repeated consumption of a drug.
Drug Dependence – it refers to the state of psychic or physical dependence or both on
dangerous drugs following the administration or use of that drug. WHO, defines it as the
periodic, continuous, repeated administration of a drug.
Drug Experimenter – one illegally, wrongfully or improperly uses any narcotic substances for
reasons of curiosity, peer pressure or other similar reasons.
Drug Syndicate – it is a network of illegal drug operations operated and manned carefully by
groups of criminals who knowingly traffic through notorious trade for personal or group
Manufacture – the production, preparation, compounding or processing a dangerous drug
either directly or indirectly or by extraction from substances of natural origin or by
chemical synthesis.
Narcotic Drug – refers to illegally used drugs or dangerous drugs which are either prohibited or
regulated drugs. It also refers to drugs that produces sleep or stupor and relieves pain
due to its depressant effect on the CNS. The term Narcotics comes from the Greek work
“narcoticos “. It is sometimes known as “opiates”.
Physical Dependence – an adaptive state caused by repeated drug use that reveals itself by
development of intense physical symptoms when the drug is stopped (withdrawal
Psychological Dependence – an attachment to drug use which arises from a drug ability to
satisfy some emotional or personality needs of an individual.
Pusher – any person who sell, administer, deliver or give away to another, distribute, transport
any dangerous drug.
Rehabilitation – it is a dynamic process directed towards the changes of the health of the
person to prepare him from his fullest life potentials and capabilities and making him
law abiding and productive member of the community without abusing drugs.
Tolerance – it is the tendency to increase dosage of drugs to maintain the same effect in the
Treatment – a medical service rendered to a client for the effective management of his total
condition related to drug abuse. It deals with the physiological and psychosocial
complications arising from drug abuse.
Potentiate – Occurs when the combined action of two or more drug is greater than the sum of
the effects of each drug taken alone.
Potentiating can be useful in medical procedures. For instances, physicians
induce and maintain a specific degree of anaesthesia with a small amount of the primary
anaesthetic agent. Potentiating may also be dangerous. Example, barbiturates and
tranquilizers potentiate the depressant effects of alcohol.
Depression – a mental illness characterized by agitation or inactivity and sad, remorseful and
brooding mood.
Convulsion – an involuntary and violent irregular series contraction of the muscles.
Delirium – a condition of mental excitement, confusion, disordered speech and often
Hallucination – a false sense of perception, perception of objects and experience of sensations
which have no external cause and no reality.
Psychedelics – the medical classification of all mind altering substances. It’s a changed a
person’s perception of his surroundings.
Use – the act of injecting, consuming any dangerous drugs. Means of introducing the dangerous
drug into the physiological systems of the body.
Jargons Meaning
“Opiate” - Narcotic
“On-the-Nod/Nodding - suspended sleep
“mainline”/”to shoot” - injecting a drug into the vein
“A Hit” - Slang for injection of drugs
“Work” - Apparatus for injecting a drug
“A Fix” - one injection of opiate
“Juni” - heroin
“Junkie” - an opiate addict
“Skin popping” - to inject a drug under the skin
“A Bag” - a pocket of drug
“Cold Turkey” - withdrawal effects of opiate use
“Track” - scars on the skin due injection
“Overdose” - death occurred
“Speed” - amphetamines
“Speed Freaks” - amphetamine addicts
“Uppers” - street slang for amphetamines
“Rush” - the beginning of a high
“High” - under the influence of drugs
“Coke” - street slang for cocaine
“Flashback” - drug use after stoppage
“Acid” - slang term for LSD
“Acid Head” - LSD user
“Drop” - taking drug orally
“Joint” - an MJ Cigar
“Roach” - butt end of a joint
“Stoned” - intoxicating effect of a drug
“Trip” - reaction that is caused by drugs
“Head” - drug user
“Downer” - street slang for depressant
Lesson 2
A. Define Drugs
The OTC drugs are non-prescription medicines, which may be purchased from any
pharmacy or drugstore without written authorization from a doctor. They are used to treat
minor and short term illnesses and any persistent condition should be immediately referred to
a physician. It should be strongly emphasized that “directions “be closely followed and all
precautions necessarily taken to avoid complications.
The OTC drugs are used for the prevention and symptomatic relief of minor ailments.
The precautions that must be observed when dispensing OTCs are the following:
1. The correct drug with the correct content is given to the correct patient in the
correct dosage form.
2. The pharmacist must counsel the patient to make sure that he/she takes the drugs
correctly and;
3. The pharmacist must be aware of and know about the possible toxicity’s possessed
by the OTC drugs to avoid food/drug incompatibilities and overdoses.
The “self-medication” syndrome is found in users and would be users of drugs whose
sources of information are people or literature other than doctors, pharmacists and health
workers. These could be members of the family, relatives and/or neighbours, all of whom may
have previously may work against the good of the user because it can lead to intoxication and
other adverse reactions.
The possible outcomes of self-medication are:
1. Adverse reaction towards the drug, such as allergies which may be mild or severe.
2. Possible non-response of the patient to the drug effectively due to incorrect drug
3. Possible drug toxicities, through overdose which may lead to severe reactions such
as nausea, vomiting, rashes, etc.
4. Possible habit-forming characteristics due to periodic use of the drugs even when
such are no longer needed.
Most drugs act within a cell, rather than on the surface of a cell or in the extra-cellular
fluids of the body. Similar to normal body chemicals, a drug enter a cell and participate in a few
steps of the normal sequence of a cellular process. Thus, drugs may later, interfere with or
replace chemicals of normal cellular life, hopefully for the betterment of the person. The actual
action of a particular drug depends on its chemical make-up.
When the two drugs are taken together or within a few hours of each other they may
interact with unexpected results. The doses taken become an extremely important part of drug
abuse. The amount of drug in a dose can be described as:
1. Minimal Dose – the amount needed to treat or heal, that is the smallest amount of a
drug that will produce a therapeutic effect.
2. Maximal Dose – the largest amount of a drug that will produce a desired therapeutic
effect, without any accompanying symptoms of toxicity.
3. Toxic Dose – the amount of drug that produces untoward effects or symptoms of
4. Abusive Dose – the amount needed to produce the side effects and action desired
by an individual who improperly uses it.
5. Lethal Dose – the amount of drug that will cause death.
1. Oral – this is the safest most convenient and economical route whenever possible.
There are however, drugs which cannot be administered this way because the
digestive juices readily destroy them or because they irritate the mucous lining of
the gastro-intestinal tract and induce vomiting.
2. Injection – this form of drug administration offers a faster response than the oral
method. It makes use of a needle or other device to deliver the drugs directly into
body tissue and blood circulation.
3. Inhalation – this route makes use of gaseous and volatile drugs, which are inhaled
and absorbed rapidly through the mucous of the respiratory tract.
4. Topical - this refers to the application of drugs directly to a body site such as the skin
and the mucous membrane.
5. Iontophoresis – the introduction of drugs into the deeper layers of the skin by the
use of special type of electric current for local effect.
Toxicology is commonly known as the science of poisons, their effects and antidotes. In
connection, drugs may cause dangerous effects because of any of the following:
1. Overdose – when too much of a drug is taken into the physiological system of the
human body, there may be an over extension of its effects.
2. Allergy – some drugs cause the release of histamine giving rise to allergic symptoms
such as dermatitis, swelling, fall in blood pressure, suffocation and death.
3. Idiosyncrasy – it refers to the individual reaction to a drug, food, etc. for unexplained
reasons. Morphine for example, sedates all men, stimulates and renders some
women maniacal behaviours.
4. Poisonous Property – drugs are chemicals and some of them have the property of
being general protoplasmic poisons.
5. Side Effects – some drugs are not receptors for one organ but receptors of other
organs as well. The effects in the other organs may constitute a side effect which are
most of the time unwanted.
Importance of Drugs
Drugs are medicines and the best use of medicine depends upon the physician, the user
or patient and the pharmacist. The agreement on the intelligent use of drugs is presented as
1. Take medicines on doctor’s advice. In prescribing medicine, the doctor considers factors
like age and weight, prevalent signs and symptoms, severity of the disease, results of
laboratory examinations, route of administration tolerated by patient and presence of
impairment in the organ or system. The Physician has always a reason for his orders.
2. When taking prescribed medicines, remember carefully the dosage, manner of
administration, frequency and time when to take it. Patient must not trust his memory
when taking medicine. The label of the medicine should be read three times-once when
medicine if remove from cabinet, again before medicine is taken and a third after it is
taken. Medicine should not be taken in the dark even if patient knows its location.
3. If patient goes to more than one doctor, each one of them must know about all the
drugs being taken.
4. Avoid self-medication. Patient should not try to guess what is wrong with him or to
select his own medicines even if his symptoms seem to be familiar to those of his
5. Report any untoward effects of medicine to the physician. After taking medicine, tell the
doctor if any symptoms develop.
6. Patient should not take additional drugs without asking his physician.
7. See whether the medicine has expired or not.
8. Be sure that the label stays on a prescription container until all is used.
9. Store medicine in a safe, cool and drug place and out of reach of children.
10. Some people just purchase and use common drugs without knowing their functions and
contradictions. Thus, instead of being relieved of some symptoms, their conditions are
aggravated. Physicians share the same opinion that the following drugs are better used
under medical supervision to avoid harmful consequences and habit formation.
1. Analgesics – are drugs that relieve pain. However, they may produce the opposite
effects on somebody who suffers from peptic ulcer or gastric irritation.
2. Antibiotics – are drugs that combat or control infections organisms. Ingesting the same
antibiotics for a long time can result in allergic reactions and cause resistance to the
3. Antipyretics – those that can lower body temperature or fever due to infection.
4. Antihistamines – those that control or combat allergic reactions. People who on
antihistamine therapy must not operate or drive vehicles since these drugs can cause
5. Contraceptives – drugs that prevent the meeting of the egg cell and sperm cell or
prevent the ovary from releasing egg cells. Pregnant women must not take birth control
pills to avoid congenital abnormalities. This advice also applies to women suffering from
heart disease, varicose veins, breast limps, goiter and anaemia. The effectiveness of oral
contraceptives may be reduced when taken with antibiotic.
6. Decongestant – those that relieve congestion of the nasal passages. Prolonged used of
these decongestant might include nasal congestion upon withdrawal.
7. Expectorants – those that can ease the expulsion of mucus and phlegm from the lungs
and the throat. They are not drugs of choice for the newborn that does not know to
cough the phlegm out.
8. Laxatives – those that stimulate defecation and encourage bowel movement. They
should not be given to pregnant women and those suffering from intestinal obstruction.
Taking purgatives (stronger than laxatives) unnecessarily might result in rupture of the
intestines or appendix if there is an obstruction. Constant use might make the intestines
9. Sedatives and Tranquilizers – are those that can calm and quiet the nerves and relieve
anxiety without causing depression and clouding of the mind. Precautions must be
taken in the use of tranquilizers since they can cause impairment of judgement and
10. Vitamin – those substances necessary for normal growth and development and proper
functioning of the body. A person who eats a balanced diet does not need supplements.
If they are found necessary, vitamin preparations should be taken with meals. Vitamins
should be treated as drugs since the body does not manufacture them. Excessive dosage
of vitamins A and D can be dangerous and harmful to health. Excess of vitamin D can
lead to nausea, diarrhea and weight loss, calcification and heart and kidney troubles.
Too much vitamin a might result in Symptoms of a disease of the liver.
Lesson 3
The Holy Bible is a very reliable source in tracing the early use and abuse of narcotics.
The Book of Judges of the Old Testament revealed that the mighty Samson was put to sleep by
Delilah by means of a drug-laced wine before cutting his hair, the source of his strength and
subsequently gouged his eyes before the feasting Philistines already “high spirited” with
narcotics mixed with intoxicants. There are also many allusions of drug abuse in the old cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah, which might have led to the widespread adultery, bestiality and incest
(Sotto, 1994)
Ancient Greek and Roman literature likewise are replete with stories alluding to drug
abuse, as in the lamentable and tragic romance of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, in desperation
over her disprized love drank a narcotic-laden wine before allowing herself to be bitten to
death by a poisonous asp from the River Nile. Even in the practice of oracles and black magic
during the Roman ancient times were believes to be accomplished by “narcotics” (Sotto, 1994).
Historians credited that marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) is the world’s oldest cultivated
plant started by the Incas of Peru. Peruvian and Mexican Incas have also the common practice
to use the Coca leaves during religious offering ceremonies. It was also known that marijuana
was a “sacred tree” in the believed of the Assyrians being used during religious rituals some
9000 years B.C. The use of marijuana is also deeply ingrained in the cultures of many countries
such as India, Jamaica, Morocco, Nepal, Mexico and Peru (Sotto, 1994). The first reference of
introduction was in Northern Iran as an intoxicant. And from there it spread throughout India
by the Hindus used for religious rituals in the belief that it is a source of happiness and
“laughter provoker”. The word “hashis” (resin) of the marijuana plant was derived from the
name Hasan or Hashasin, the Muslim cult leader who fed his disciples a preparation made from
the resin of the female hemp plant as a reward for their successful activities in assassinations.
American Indians too are believed to use not only the stimulant tobacco but also opium
in their peace pipes in order to “narcotize” an oppositionist to their common objectives (Sotto,
Knowledge on the opium poppy plant (Papaver Somniferum) goes back about 7000
years B.C cultivated and prepared by the summerians in which Dr. R. Campbell Thompson’s
translation of the medical tablets referred to by Neglian, opium is mentioned 42 times along
with a list of 115 commonly known drugs of botanical origin. Even the ancient Greek physician
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, prescribed the juice of the white poppy plant as early as
5,000 B.C in the belief that it can cure many illnesses both in the internal and external use. The
plant was first harvested in Mesopotamia and its use spread throughout the neighbouring
Mediterranean areas, then to Asia, from there, it was introduced to Persia, India and China by
the Arab camel caravans (Dungo, 1988).
The extensive modern use of opium in China stemmed from India but it did not become
widespread until the 19th century. The opium has induced China to accept British sponsored
opium trade from India, thus reinforcing a habit which was already acceptable with a new
source for a cheap and extensive supply. While opium was used and known in Europe as a
medicament, the widespread use as a drug addiction did not develop until the East India
Company imported it on a large scale. It was enthusiastically used as a remedy in the American
colonies from 18th century on, and judging from the medical literature of the 19 th century, must
have been very widely abused as a drug addiction. However, in the past, opium was taken orally
either in infusions or in combinations with other substances. Smoking opium was introduced by
the Chinese in California, U.S.A but did not become relatively popular until the last quarter of
the 19th century.
Opium use in china was stemmed out from India and become widespread in the 19 th
century. From Middle East, the plant was cultivated in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Five
centuries later, opium trade between China and Portuguese merchants become a lucrative
business. The British took over the trade from the Portuguese and established the opium trade
monopoly through the British East Indies Company.
In an attempt to stop the extremely high rate of opium addiction in China, Emperor
Yung Chen prohibited the smoking of opium and attempted to close ports for its importation.
This triggered the “Opium War” of 1840 which induced China to accept the British sponsored
opium trade and forced to sign a treaty permitting the importation of opium into china after her
It was in 1806 that a German pharmacist in the name of Friedrich W. Sertuner
discovered Morphine, the first derivative of opium. He called this new drug as “Morphium” and
later changed to Morphine after the Greek god of dream, Morpheus. This was the first attempt
to cure opium addiction. But morphine addictive properties came to prominence during the
American Civil War vast numbers of American soldiers become addicted to the drug so much
that morphine addiction become known as “Soldiers Disease”.
The second attempt of treating opium and morphine addiction started in 1896 when
Heroin (Diacetylmorphine), synthesized from the drug morphine, was discovered by a British
chemist in the name of Alder Wright. It was called the “Miracle Drug” because it is believed that
it can cure both opium and morphine addiction. It was named after the word “hero” due to its
impressive power. So physicians began to use heroin but it became a substitution of one
addiction to another. It turns out later that heroin is the most addictive of all drugs.
Meanwhile, codeine another alkaloids of opium was produced in France in 1932 while in
the process of discovering drugs that would effectively cure opium, morphine and heroin
addiction. It was derived from morphine through chemical process. This, likely of any opium
and its derivatives was used to cure opiates addicts or habit but it also ended with the same
tragic result. Today, it is widely used as an ingredient in most cough syrup.
The Hypodermic needle did not come into use until the middle of 19 th century, although
Macht points out that Sir Christopher Wren in 1656 succeeded in ejecting drugs intravenously
with a quill to which a small bladder was attached. The modern hypodermic needle, however,
dates from the work of Rynd (1845), Taylor (1839) and Wood (1853). The first needle addict
was probably Mrs. Alexander Wood; husband Dr. Wood was prominent in the development of
the modern needle some 200 years after Sir Christopher Wren’s initial experiment.
There of course other historical events that would reveal drug abuse in the history of
man, the greatest influence of the modern medical practice today. In fact, physicians all over
the world still consider narcotics as the most effective pain reliever (Sotto, 1994).
Cocaine derived from the leaves of Coca Bush, the chewing of coca bush or erythroxylon
coca was practices centuries ago by the ancient Incas of Peru, but cocaine was not discovered
until about the middle of the 19 th century. Coca bush is grown in the Andes mountain region of
South America in the East Indies, in Java, In India and Ceylon. Cocaine is more a drug of traffic in
the Far East than in it is in United States.
In spite of the commendable efforts of the government, given its limited resources in
addressing the drug menace in the country, illicit narcotics activities still remain as a principal
concern. It keeps on threatening to violate human dignity without remorse and destroying the
moral fibber of our society slowly and relentlessly.
According to the UNODC annual report on its research findings, the Philippines is a
major producer and exporter of marijuana and has been for many years. It is grown throughout
the country but the largest areas of cultivation are found primarily in the mountain areas of
northern Luzon, Central Visayas and Central, Southern and Western Mindanao; part of the
cultivated marijuana in this last region is transported to Malaysia and Taiwan. Most marijuana
is either consumed domestically or exported to Australia, Japan, United States and Europe.
In the said annual report currently marijuana is the most available and affordable drug
in the country. Seizures of heroin have dropped dramatically. In 1997, 3,000 grams were seized,
dropping to 21 grams in 1999. As a result its use is reported to be minimal. On the other hand,
the use of methamphetamine has grown substantially and it is now the favoured drug,
methamphetamine continues to smuggle by ship from China. It is reported that the domestic
production of this drug is also a growing problem.
Lesson 4
DRUG TRAFFICKING: The Illicit Drug Trade
Drug abuse has become not only a national issue or a problem of just a few countries
but it is a clear and present global danger. Trade in drugs of abuse such as cocaine, heroin and
amphetamines has long been a frustrating feature of the international scene. After attempting
for years to combat the drug trade on an individual or bilateral basis, nations have belatedly
come to realize that coordinated international action is the only effective way to restrain the
trade and, in addition, that social and other broad action is the only means to reduce incentives
to participate in it.
Today, Drug Trafficking is highly entrenched, well –organized drug syndicates are behind
this menace. They employ the most advanced and most sophisticated technology coupled with
unlimited financial resources at their command and disposal. Police agencies around the world,
pooling their command tighter are more often than not, the losers in a game of hide-and-seek
with the international drug syndicates (Sotto, 1994).
Drug Trafficking is also known as Illegal Drug Trade. It is a global black market activity
consisting of production, distribution, packaging and sale of illegal psychoactive substances. It
simply involves smuggling across borders and distribution within the demand country. This set
up applies in the local scene where local producers’ scouts demand areas for their illegal drug
The following are some techniques used by drug traders when crossing borders:
1) Avoiding border checks, such as by small ships, small aircraft and through overland
smuggling routes.
2) Submitting to border checks with the drugs hidden in a vehicle, between other
merchandise, in luggage, in or under clothes, inside the body, etc.
3) Buying off diplomats to smuggle drugs in diplomatic mail/luggage to avoid border
Distribution and adulteration may traverse a selectively chosen group of cartel
employees who purchase from a wholesaler and utilize a prominent population of mules or it
may encompass a heavy chain of users who are selling to finance their own use.
Lesson 5
Figure 1
The first important drug traffic route as illustrated above shows how illicit drugs are
distributed from its discovery, preparation up to marketing in the illicit market. It is noted that
plants such as the opium poppy as sources of dangerous drugs are cultivated and harvested
mostly in the areas of Middle East while Europe became the center for drug manufacture and
synthesis. United States became the overall center for drug marketing.
Laos Myanmar
Figure 2
In Southeast Asia – the “Golden Triangle” approximately produced 60% opium in the
world and 90% of opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is also the officially acknowledged source
of Southeast Asian Heroin. Heroin is produced in the Golden Triangle and passes through
nearby countries in relatively small quantities through air transport while in transit to the
United States and the European countries.
Figure 3
In Southwest Asia – the “Golden Crescent” is the major supplier of opium poppy, MJ and
Heroin products in the western part of Asia. It produces at least 85% to 90% of all illicit heroin
channelled in the drug underworld market.
Middle East – the Becka Valley of Lebanon is considered to be the biggest producer of
cannabis in the Middle East. Lebanon is also became the transit country for cocaine from South
American to European illicit drug markets.
Spain – is known as the major transhipment point for international drug traffickers in
Europe and became “the paradise of drug users in Europe”.
South America – Columbia, Peru, Uruguay and Panama are the principal sources all
cocaine supply in the world due the robust production of the coca in the world of the cocaine
Morocco – is known in the world shall the number one producer of marijuana (cannabis
sativa)-2006 UNDCP Report. However, Mexico stills a major producer of cannabis.
Philippines – is second to Morocco as to the production of marijuana. It also became the
major transhipment point for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs particularly shabu and
cocaine from Taiwan and South America. It is also noted that Philippines today is known as the
drug paradise of drug abusers in Asia.
India – is the center of the world’s drug map, leading to rapid addiction among its
Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand – is the most favourable sites of drug distribution
from the “Golden Triangle” and other parts of Asia.
China – is the transit route for heroin from the “Golden Triangle” to Hong Kong. It also
the country where the “Epedra” plant is cultivated – source of the drug ephedrine – the
principal chemical for producing the drug shabu.
Hong Kong – is the world’s transhipment point of all forms of heroin.
Japan – became the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from the United States and
According to the International Narco Control Strategy Report of 2006, the Philippines is
a narcotics source and transhipment country, illegal drugs enter the country through seaports,
economics zones and airports. With over 36,200 kilometres of coastline and 7,000 islands, the
Philippine coasts are virtually un-patrolled and sparsely inhabited. Traffickers use shipping
containers, fishing boats and cargo ships (which off-load to smaller boats) to transport multi-
hundred kilogram quantities of methamphetamine and precursor chemicals. AFP and law
enforcement marine interdiction efforts are hamstrung by deficits in equipment, training and
intelligence sharing. The Philippines is also a transhipment point for further export of crystal
methamphetamine to Japan, Australia, Canada, Korea and U.S (including Guam and Saipan).
Commercial air couriers and to the express mail services remain the primary means of shipment
to Guam and to the mainland U.S., with a typical shipment size of one to four kilograms. There
has been no notable increase or decrease in transhipment activities in 2005.
Opium/Heroin Market
For the first time since 2002, global opium poppy production decreased, largely
due to a significant drop in the area under opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.
Nevertheless, with Afghanistan holding the overwhelming share of global opium production (89
percent in 2005), developments in that country will continue to shape the situation on the
world opium/heroin market.
Unfortunately, early indications are that the achievements of 2005 will not be repeated
in 2006, finding from the UNODC Afghanistan Opium Rapid Assessment Survey show that
planting of opium poppy has risen. Strong increases are foreseen for seven provinces of this
country. In 2005, a quarter of the area under opium poppy cultivation was located in Helmand
alone. If counted separately, Helmand province would be the third largest opium poppy
cultivator in the world, after Myanmar. The strong increases in the levels of cultivation in
Helmand province are said to be induced by drug traffickers who encourage villagers to grow
opium poppy. Helmand is also the most significant province in terms of heroin manufacture and
There is a clear threat that drug trafficking will continue to permeate the province and
that this could potentially endanger the stability of Afghanistan. Declines in opium production
have been achieved in the two major opium producing countries of South-East Asia: Myanmar
and Laos People’s Democratic Republic (Laos PDR). Achievements are even more impressive
when the long-term trend is examined: since 1998, the area under opium poppy cultivation in
both countries has been reduced from 157,100 hectares to 34,600 hectares, a decline of 78
percent. In 2005, both countries only accounted for seven percent of global opium production,
compared to one-third of global opium production in 1998. At the beginning of the 1990s,
Myanmar rivalled Afghanistan as leading opium producer.
Coca/Cocaine Market
The area under coca cultivation and production of cocaine remained essentially stable in
2005. The area under cultivation is 28 percent less than in 200 and 26 percent less than a
decade ago. Cocaine production, however, has failed to decline due to better yields and
improved know-how in cocaine processing. Production remained practically unchanged from
the levels a decade ago. The past years have also seen record levels of cocaine interception.
Global seizures of cocaine rose to a record high in 2004 and indications are that this trend
continued in 2005 and possibly 2006.
In 2004, 84 percent of all cocaine seizures were made in the Americas. The world’s
highest seizures were made by Colombia. Strong increase were also reported from North
America where the level of seizures increased by 41 percent from 2003 to 2004. Possibly as a
result of the interdiction cocaine purity levels have declined. A continuous rise in cocaine
seizures made in Europe over the past five years also indicates that trafficking organizations
increasingly target the European market.
In some cases, cocaine is already stopped in the Western Hemisphere, as indicated by
the fact that 42 percent of Dutch cocaine seizures are made in the waters off the cost of
Netherlands Antilles.
For some time, cocaine has transited Africa en route to Europe. In its report for 2005,
the International Narcotics Control Board notes that drug trafficking organizations is
increasingly using West Africa countries seizures in Africa increased to more than 3 tons in 2004
and far higher levels are regularly seized by European law enforcement agencies off the coasts
of Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania. In contrast to 1997 and 2001, when cocaine seizures in
Africa were at an even higher level and dropped sharply in subsequent years, the current
development is likely to become more permanent as there is some anecdotal evidence that
some cocaine trafficking organizations have shifted their operations to African countries to run
their trade from there. Cocaine trafficking in that region will therefore, in all likelihood, will
Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana)
The Cannabis market consists of two different markets: the market for cannabis herb,
which is the largest drug market in the world, and the market for cannabis resin.
The number of countries in which cannabis is cultivated continued to increase. UNODC
estimates that cannabis herb is cultivated in some 176 countries in the world. Unlike opium and
coca, for which relatively reliable production data can be obtained, estimates on cannabis
production are often based on perception and scientifically valid monitoring systems are the
exception. Nevertheless, there are indications that the level of cannabis herb production will
continue to increase.
Cultivation of cannabis is traditionally easy as the plant can grow in virtually every
inhabited region in the world. Furthermore, over the years, special strains have been cultivated
which can be grown indoors and hydroponically.
With cannabis seeds and growing paraphernalia available in grow shops in several
developed countries and also on the Internet. It has been easier to procure cannabis and there
is no indication that cannabis users have not utilized these opportunities.
Cannabis resin production on the other hand, appears to be in decline, at least for 2005.
The Government of Morocco has been carrying out cannabis cultivation survey, in cooperation
with UNODC and results from the 2005 survey show that cannabis resin production fell for the
second consecutive year in 2005, to about 1,070 metric tons. As Morocco is a major source of
cannabis resin seized in Europe, the largest cannabis resin market in the world, the lower
availability of cannabis resin is expected to be felt in the cannabis resin market in Europe.
Cannabis users in the region may increasingly turn to herbal cannabis the availability of which
has been increasing over the years.
Cannabis use has continued growing. The annual prevalence estimate published in the
2004 World Drug Report (in 2001) was 146 million of cannabis users who have used the drug at
least once during the past 12 months. This figure was raised to 162 million for 2004-2005. While
direct comparisons of these estimates must be treated with caution as they also reflect
improved data availability, the magnitude and other indicators suggest that cannabis use
continues to expand.
As treatment demand for cannabis use has risen, there are also indications that the
effects of the drug are more harmful than believed so far, possibly reflecting, inter alia, the
emergence of higher potency cannabis on the markets.
Amphetamine (Stimulants)
Lesson 6
From a report “The Hidden Epidemic”: a situation assessment in Asia, the comparisons
of year 1997 versus 2001 are hereby presented in relation to the drug abuse status of the
country. It has been found out that although injecting drugs use in the Philippines appears to be
limited, the Philippine Health Department estimate there are 10,000 Infected Drug Abusers
(IDUs) while other sources suggests the figure may be as high as 400,000 IDUs. Except for Cebu,
in the southern part of the country, sentinel surveillance has stopped monitoring IDUs as none
of the sites were able to come up with the requisite sample size of 100 per site. In 2001 HIV
prevalence among IDUs was estimated at 1% (the cumulative total was 1,503: six cases were
IDU). But the WHO, estimates the figures to be more like 28,000 people infected with HIV.
The drug of choice in the Philippine is crystal methamphetamine, called “Shabu”, which
is usually smoked or inhaled. The use of this drug has grown substantially since 1997 and
whereas in 1997 it was imported from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan it is now also bring
produced locally. The Philippines is a major producer and exporter of marijuana and it is a
popular drug. Cebu city has an identified community of IDUs and the most popular drug for
injecting is the pharmaceutical analgesic Nubian. Needles and syringes can be bought from
drugstores without a prescription but needle and syringe sharing rates are high. One study in
the early 1990s in Cebu has been making inroads against this since 1996 and continues today. It
offers a needle and syringe program, information on safer injecting, cleaning methods and
Historically, opium use was first reported in the Philippines in the 17 th century. The use
of opium increased in the latter part of the 19 th century as Chinese immigrants took to the
habit, something which was tolerated by the authorities. Opium dens were established
throughout the country and in 1903, in Manila alone, there were an estimated 190 dens selling
a total of 130 tons of opium. By 1906, after the United States banned opium use, there were no
legal opium dens, although this did not stop the smuggling operations from China. Opium
provided about 4% of colonial revenue and in the end the United States regime decided to
restrict the sales to Chinese males and registered 12,700 opium smokers. Over time drug use
declined through a mixture of prohibitions and high prices, more so than other countries in the
region. (Spencer and Navaratnam 1981; McCoy 1991).
By the 1960s, in Manila, heroin laboratories began operation producing small amounts
of heroin for the local market. During the early 1970s, production of heroin increased but local
demand remained small with consumption of heroin estimated to be only 9 to 10 kilograms per
month in Manila. However, increasing addiction was detected in the student population and
alarmed government authorities.
By the late 1970s a drop to around 12,000 and a period of extreme drug suppression
followed; heroin and opiates became scarce but the use of sedatives, tranquilizers, cough syrup
and inhalants increased substantially. In the late 1980s, methamphetamine and ephedrine
hydrochloride entered the country, mainly via Hong Kong and became known as Shabu. It is
mainly smoked although reports of injecting Shabu mixed with analgesic solutions have been
reported (Poshyachinda 1993; Aquino 1995).
Presently, Philippines is still a major producer and exporter of marijuana and has been
for many years. It is grown throughout the country but the largest areas of cultivation are found
primarily in the mountain areas of northern Luzon, Central Visayas and Central, Southern and
Western Mindanao; part of the cultivated marijuana in this last region is transported to
Malaysia and Taiwan. Most Marijuana is either consumed domestically or exported to Australia,
Japan, United States and Europe. Currently marijuana is the most available and affordable drug
in the country. Seizures of heroin have dropped dramatically.
In 1997, 3,000 grams were seized, dropping to 21 grams in 1999. As a result its use is
reported to be minimal. On the other hand, the use of methamphetamines has grown
substantially and it is now the favoured drug. While methamphetamine continues to be
smuggled by ship from China, it is reported that the domestic production of this drug is also a
growing problem. In 1998, 312 kilograms of Methamphetamine were seized and in 1999 this
had increased to 943,000 kilograms (Dangerous Drug Board 1998; DDB 2000, Narcotics 2001).
As a result of its strategic location, close to the Golden Triangle and major illegal drug
markets such as Japan, Australia , United States and Taiwan, the Philippines is still a likely place
for drug smuggling operations and a transhipment point for illicit drug trafficking (DDB 1998,
DDB 2000; Narcotics 2001). Throughout the late 1990s the Philippine continued to be a transit
point for heroin trafficked mainly from Thailand and Pakistan and destined for various
countries. In 1999, heroin cost, on average, US$ 109 per gram, with purity reported to be 90%
(UNODCCP 2001).
Cocaine, from Brazil, destined for the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia,
was also seized (Narcotics 1998; DDB 2000; Narcotics 2001). In 1999 the drugs used included
various types of narcotics/analgesic (heroin, codeine, Nubian), cannabis, hallucinogens (LSD,
Mescaline), Stimulants (cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy,) sedatives (luminal, anoral),
benzodiazapines (diazepam, midazolam, flurazepam), cough/cold preparation (corex-D, corex
plain and inhalants (rugby, solvents), (DDB 1998; DDB 2000).
The preferred way of taking methamphetamines is by inhaling the fumes. Generally it is
accepted that injecting of this drug is not widespread but it has been reported in the City of
Cebu (Aquino 1995). In 2000 a study in Cebu showed that the drug of choice for injecting was
the pharmaceutical analgesic Nubian (University of Southern Philippines Foundation 2000). In
the early 1990s a study in Cebu found that the sharing of needles and syringes was widespread
even among IDUs who understood that the practice was risky (Department of Health 1992; Tan
In 2000 a new study in Cebu showed that poly drug use still occurred but appeared less
common overall 23%. The study showed that among IDUs 35% injected 3 to 4 times a day, with
18% injecting 5 to 6 times per day. While 60% of the IDUs in the study disposed of their needles
appropriately, the rest either threw them into a garbage container or threw them elsewhere.
The study showed that a little over half of the IDUs bought their needles and syringes from
somewhere other than drug stores and tended to borrow from their IDU friends or from a for
the preferred 1 ml tuberculin “orange cap” syringe is approximately Philippine Peso 15.00 and
can be bought from a drug store without a prescription.
The prevalence and profile in 1999, 92% of all clients in treatment were suffering from
methamphetamine related problems. In the same year, the number of people officially
registered for methamphetamine misuse was 4,531 persons: a rise of 13% since 1998 and three
times higher than in 1994. It has been suggested that the increased use in methamphetamine is
related to the rising levels of unemployment but there is also an increase use in the workplace
(UNODCCP 2001).
In 1995, the estimated prevalence of methamphetamine use was 900,000, by 1997 this
had risen to 1, 530, 00 (2.1% of the population). In the late 1990s this figure had risen to 1.7
million. By 2000, the Philippine Drug Law Enforcement Community revised the figures and
estimated the total number of drug users is closer to 1 million nationwide. Determining the
number of drug users in each drug category has yet to be undertaken (Vidal 1998; Narcotics
2001; UNDCP 2000). IN 1999, a total of 5,455 clients were reported by the residential treatment
centers and out-patients centers throughout the country. Fifty nine percent of those recorded
are resident in the National Capital Region (DDB 2000).
In the late 1990s it was estimated that the rise of methamphetamine continued with a
20% increase in numbers each year. In 1999 statistics showed that up to 10% of the population
was drug dependent, mostly on methamphetamine but a breakdown of the drug category was
not supplied (UNDCP 2000; Narcotics 2001) it has been acknowledged that there is limited data
on IDUs in the Philippines and what data is available shows a wide range of figures. For example
one survey showed that 5% of males injected drugs while another survey (young Adult Fertility
Survey II) report 2% for males and slightly less than 2% for females.
Constructing a profile of drug users has mainly come from data from treatment centers.
The mean age among drug users was 26 years and 27 years in 1997 and 1999, respectively. In
1999, most drug users were aged between 20 and 34 years (66%), of those aged between 14 to
18 years 16% were drug users: these figures are similar to 1997. In 1999, many people in the
centers had started using drugs between the ages of 15 and 19 years (14%) (DDB 1998, DDB
2000). In the 15 to 19 age group in the centers, 20% were girls and 15% were boys (DDB 1999).
The ration of male to female drug user is 12:1, with the estimated 1.5 million street children
expected to increase by 64,000 every year, and vulnerability among this sector of the society
will need to be monitored (save the children 2000).
In 1999, it was reported that the Philippine lacked the resources, finances and the
training to mount large scale investigations and actions into dismantling and eradicating local
drug networks. The possession of illicit drugs remains a crime and penalties for drug trafficking
can include the death sentence. The Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 covers a broad range of drugs
including narcotics, stimulants, hallucinogens, barbiturates, hypnotics and volatile substances.
The current law on dangerous drugs provides for compulsory submission to treatment and
rehabilitation and, following discharge, possession for the criminal offense (Vidal 1998; DDB
An estimated 12.8 million Americans, about 6 percent of the household population aged
twelve and older, use illegal drugs on a current basis. This number of “past-month” drug users
has declined by almost 50 percent from the 1979 high of twenty-five million, a decrease that
represents an extraordinary change in behaviour. Despite the dramatic drop, more than a third
of all Americans twelve and older have tried an illicit drug. Ninety percent of those who have
used illegal drugs used marijuana or hashish. Approximately, a third used cocaine or took a
prescription type drug for non-medical reasons. About a fifth used LSD. Fortunately, nearly sixty
million Americans who used illicit drugs during youth, as adults reject these substances (www.
Drug abuse in Japan has to a large extent, different from that in China and countries of
South-East Asia. There had not been any significant abuse before 1945. During the years
following the Second World War, abuse of stimulants mainly amphetamines, among young
people become a serious problem, leading to crime and social disorders. It was estimated that
more than one million people were addicted to stimulants. In 1951, 17,528 persons were
arrested for offenses relating to stimulants. A study of approximately 11,000 people addicted to
stimulants showed that 28.5 percent were female and 90.2 percent of the total was under 30
years of age. The respondents indicated that they used stimulants mainly for social reasons.
Rigorous control measures were applied, including the adoption of new legislation, the
establishment of a strong national co-coordinating body, stringent law enforcement measures,
public information and participation and the expansion of treatment facilities for addicts in
mental hospitals. The problem gradually declined in magnitude and practically disappeared by
the end of the decade.
From 1955 to 1962, stimulants were effectively controlled, but the abuse of opiates,
particularly heroin, became a problem. International narcotic trafficking organizations had
become active and Japan was not exempted. From 1946 to 1954, approximately 1,000-1,500
narcotic offences were committed each year. In 1995, 1,753 narcotic addicts were arrested, of
whom 54.3 percent used heroin. The number of arrested addicts increased to 2,442 in 1961,
when the narcotic addiction wave reached its peak, there were approximately 40,000 addicts
and 60,000 habitual users. The reasons most often given for using narcotics were: social and
recreational use; avoidance of pain and anxiety; treatment of diseases; and counteraction of
the effects of stimulants. In 1963, legislation was amended to include compulsory
hospitalization; nine institutions specialized in treating narcotics addicts were established, in
addition to the facilities available for treating addicts at 900 existing mental hospitals. Criminal
groups involved in smuggling were disclosed and broken up. The Ministry of Health and Welfare
established a reporting system to register addicts. By 1963, the authorities had considered
narcotics addiction to be eradicated. No opiate addicted person has been reported since 1966,
even in delinquent quarters of large cities in Japan, except on Okinawa, where heroin abuse still
Spray inhalation and glue were, however, noticed in 1963 and these practices increased
dramatically in 1967. In 1968, approximately 20,000 young people were brought to the
attention of the police for the abuse of volatile solvents, to which 110 deaths were believed to
be related. In 1971, it was estimated that 50,000 young people were abusing inhalants and the
problem has continued among adolescents up to the present.
A second wave of stimulant abuse appeared in Japan in 1975 and since then has
gradually been increasing. In 1984, 24,372 persons were arrested for violating the stimulant
Control Law. (www.unodc.org/unodc/bulletin)
Lesson 7
C. According to Legal Categories (In accordance to R.A 6425). Pursuant to Republic Act No.
6425, the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972, the dangerous drugs are classified as:
1. Prohibited Drugs
a. Narcotics – refers to the group of the drug opium and it derivatives, morphine,
heroin, codeine, etc. Including synthetic opiates.
b. Stimulants – refers to the group of the drug cocaine, alpha and beta eucaine, etc.
c. Hallucinogens – refers to the group of drugs like marijuana, LSD (lysergic acid
diethylamide), mescaline, etc.
2. Regulated Drugs
a. Barbiturates – refers to the group of depressant drug known as “Veronal” like
Luminal, Amytal, Nembutal, Surital, Butisol, Penthntal, Seconal, etc.
b. Hypnotics – are group of drugs such as Mandrax, Quaalude, Fadormir and others.
c. Amphetamines – are group of stimulant drugs like Benzedrine, Dexedrine,
Methedrine, Preludin, etc.
Note: the passage of Republic Act 9165, Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Law declassified the
above legal classification into one whole definition of dangerous drugs to include their essential
ingredients and precursors or chemical elements.
These are drugs which suppress vital functions especially those of the brain or central
nervous system with the resulting impairment of judgement, hearing, speech and muscular
coordination. They dull the minds, slow down the body reactions to such an extent that
accidental deaths and/or suicides usually happen. They include the narcotics, barbiturates,
tranquilizers, alcohol and other volatile solvents. These drugs, when taken in, generally
decrease both the mental and the physical activities of the body. They cause depression, relieve
pain and induce sedation or sleep and suppress cough.
1. Narcotics – are drugs, which relieve pain and produce profound sleep or stupor when
introduced to the body. Medically, they are potent painkillers, cough depressants and as
an active component of anti-diarrheal preparations. Opium and it derivatives like
morphine, codeine and heroin as well as the synthetic opiates, demerol and methadone
are classified as narcotics.
2. Opium – derived from a poppy plant – Papaver Somniferum popularly known as “gum”,
“gamut”, “kalamay” or “panocha”. A plant that can grow from 3 to 6 ft in height
originally in Mesopotamia. Its active ingredient is the “meconic acid” – the analgesic
3. Morphine – most commonly used and best used opiate. Effects as a painkiller six times
potent than opium, with a high dependence. Producing potential. Morphine exerts
action characterized by analgesia, drowsiness, mood changes and mental clouding.
4. Heroin – is three to five times more powerful than morphine from which it is derived
and the most addicting opium derivative. With continued use, addiction occurs within 4
days. It may be sniffed or swallowed but is usually injected in the veins.
5. Codeine – a derivative of morphine, commonly available in cough preparations. These
cough medicines have been widely abused by the youth whenever hard narcotics are
difficult to obtain. Withdrawal symptoms are less severe than other drugs.
6. Paregoric – a tincture of opium in combination with camphor. Commonly used as a
household remedy for diarrheal and abdominal pain.
7. Demerol and Methadone – common synthetic drugs with morphine – like effects.
Demerol is widely used as a painkiller in childbirth while methadone is the drug of
choice in the withdrawal treatment of heroin dependents since it relieves the physical
craving for heroin.
8. Barbiturates – are drugs used for inducing sleep in persons plagued with anxiety, mental
stress and insomnia. They are also of value in the treatment of epilepsy and
hypertension. They are available in capsules, pills or tablets and taken orally or injected.
9. Seconal – commonly used among hospitality girls. Sudden withdrawal from these drugs
even more dangerous than opiate withdrawal. The dependent develops generalized
convulsions and delirium, which are frequently associated with heart and respiratory
10. Tranquilizers – are drugs that calm and relax and diminish anxiety. They are used in the
treatment of nervous states and some mental disorders without producing sleep.
11. Volatile Solvents – gaseous substances popularly known to abusers as “gas”,
“teardrops”. Examples are plastic glues, hair spray, finger nail polish, lighter fluid, rugby,
paint, thinner, acetone, turpentine gasoline, kerosene, varnishes and other aerosol
products. They are inhaled by the use plastic bags, handkerchief or rags soaked in these
12. Alcohol – the king of all drugs with potential for abuse. It is considered the most widely
used. Socially accepted and most extensively legalized drug throughout the world. In the
field of medicine, it is “valuable” as disinfectant, as an external remedy for reducing high
fever among children and as preservative and solvent for pharmaceutical preparations
like elixirs, spirits and tincture.
These are groups of drugs that consist of a variety of mind-altering drugs, which distort
reality, thinking and perceptions of time, sound, space and sensation. The user experience
hallucinations (false perception) which at times can be strange. His “trips” may be exhilarating
or terrifying good or bad. They may disclose his consciousness and change his mood, thinking
and concept of self.
1. Marijuana – it is the most commonly abused hallucinations in the Philippine because it
can be grown extensively in the country many users choose to smoke marijuana for
relaxation in the same way people drink beer or cocktail at the end of the day. The
effects of marijuana include a feeling of grandeur. It can also produce the opposite
effects, a dreamy sensation of time seeming to stretch out.
2. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) – this drug is the most powerful of the psychedelics
obtained from ergot, a fungus that attacks rye kernels. LSD is 1,000 times more powerful
than marijuana as supply, large enough for a trip can be taken from the glue on the flab
of an envelope, from the hidden areas inside one’s clothes. LSD causes perceptual
changes so that the user sees color, shapes or objects more intensely than normal and
may have hallucinations of things that are not real. To him real objects seem to change,
building seems to be crackling open and walls pulsating. He experiences frequent bizarre
hallucinations, loss spatial perceptions, personality diffusion and changes in values.
Usually users perceive distortion of time, “color”, sounds and depth. They experience
“scent” music and sounds in “color”.
3. Peyote – Peyote is derived from the surface part of a small gray brown cactus. Peyote
emits a nauseating odor and its user suffers from nausea. This drug causes no physical
dependence and therefore, no withdrawal symptoms. Although in some cases
psychological dependence has been noted.
4. Mescaline – it is alkaloid hallucinogen extracted from the peyote cactus and can also be
synthesized in the laboratory. It produces less nausea than peyote and shows effects
resembling those of LSD although milder in nature. One to two hours after the drug is
taken in a liquid or powder form, delusions begin to occur. Optical hallucinations follow
one upon another in rapid succession. These are accompanied by imperfect
coordination and perception with a sensation of impeded motion and a marked sense
that time is still standing. Mescaline does not cause physical dependence.
5. STP (Serenity, Tranquillity and Peace) – it is take-off on the motor oil additive. It is a
chemical derivative of mescaline claimed to produce more violent and longer effects
than mescaline dose. Its effects are similar to the nerve gas used in chemical warfare. It
is less potent than LSD although its effects are similar to those of psychedelics.
6. Psilocybin - this hallucinogens alkaloid from small Mexican mushrooms are used by
Mexicans Indians today. These mushrooms induced nausea, muscular relaxation, mood
changes with visions of bright colors and shapes and other hallucinations. These effects
may last for four to five hours and later may be followed by depressions, laziness and
complete loss of time and space perceptions.
7. Morning Glory Seeds – the black and brown seeds of the wild tropical morning glory are
used to produce hallucinations. The seeds are ground into flour, soaked in cold water,
then strained though a cloth and drunk. They are sold under the names of “heavenly
blues”, “flying dancers”, and “pearly gates”. The active ingredient in the seed is similar
to LSD although less potent. The reactions are likened to those resulting from LSD.
Prolonged psychosis is also one of its effects.
1. Sedatives – are depressant drugs, which reduce anxiety and excitement such as
barbiturates, non-barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol.
2. Stimulants – are drugs, which increase alertness and activity such as amphetamines,
cocaine and caffeine.
3. Hallucinogens/Psychedelics – drugs which effects sensation, thinking, self-awareness
and emotion. Changes in time and space perception, delusions (false beliefs and
hallucinations) may be mild or overwhelming, dispersion on dose and quality of the
drug. This includes LSD, mescaline and marijuana.
4. Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep. The opiates, which are
narcotics, include opium and drugs derived from opium such as morphine, codeine, and
5. Solvents – or the volatile substances which are found to be the most commonly abused
by children lured into the drug habit.
The opium poppy plant is scientifically known as Papaver Somniferum. The word
Papaver is a Greek term which means poppy while the word Somniferum is a Latin term
which means dream/induced sleep. The plant can grow from 3 to 6 feet in height
originally in Mesopotamia. The Summerians called it “Hul Gil” which means, “plant of
joy” due to its joyful effect when administered. Its active ingredient is the Meconic acid
– the analgesic property. The dangerous drugs that can be derived from the plant are
morphine, heroin and codeine.
The coca bush plant is scientifically known as Erythroxylon Coca common in South
America. The plant grows in mountainous and tropical climate areas, on clay like soil. A
fully-grown cultivated coca plant attains a height of 6 to 8 feet and can be harvested 3 to
4 times in a year. The dangerous drug that can be produced from its plant is the drug
Cocaine – the most powerful natural stimulant known as cocaine hydrochloride.
Known to the Chinese as “Ma Huang”, the Epedra plant (Ephedra Vulgaris) is a
psychoactive plant that contains psychotropic properties one of which is the alkaloid
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, an active ingredient of anti-asthma drugs used in over
the counter medications. It is also an essential chemical precursor in the production of
Methamphetamine or Amphetamine drugs. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
commonly known as “Shabu” is a product derived from this plant through chemical
Lesson 8
Drug Dependency
Drug Abuse may distinguish from drug dependence. Drug dependence, which is
sometimes called drug addiction, is defined by three basic characteristics. (Groiler, 1995)
1. The users continue to take a drug over an extended period of time.
2. The users find it difficult to stop using the drug. They seem powerless to quit the
drug use. Users take extraordinary and often harmful measures to continue using
the drug. They will drop out of school, steal, leave their families, go to jail and lose
their job to keep using drug.
3. The users stop taking their drug – only if their supply of the drug is cut off or if they
are forced to quit for any reason – they will undergo painful physical or mental
distress. The experience of withdrawal distress, called the withdrawal syndrome, is a
sure sign that a drug is dependency-producing and that the user is dependent on the
drug. Drug dependence may lead to drug abuse – especially the illegal drugs.
Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction is a state of mind in which a person has lost the power of self-control in
respect of a drug. He consumes the drug repeatedly leaving aside all values of life. In other
words a drug addict will resort to crime even, to satisfy his repeated craving for the drug. The
effects of addiction are mainly deteriorative personality changes. They include insomnia,
instability, and lack of self-confidence especially when not under the influence of drug. The
addict cannot concentrate on any work. He avoids social contacts. Slowly, mentally, physically
and morally he becomes from bad to worse and burden to the society.
1. Association – the tendency of a drug abuser to look for peer groups where he feels
being wanted and accepted.
2. Experimentation – the tendency of a person to try and explore the effects of drugs
due to curiosity or other reasons.
3. Inexperienced doctors – the tendency of doctors and physicians to unnecessarily
prescribe drugs.
The drug addict or abuse is generally an emotionally unstable person before he acquires
the habit. He cannot face painful situations without help. He has less will power and self
control. He has not adjusted himself to have emotional reaction. Due to his, drug addicts have
low capacities for dealing with frustrations, anxieties and stress.
Drug abuse is a multi-faced problem that exists in our locality and countryside; there is
usually more than one reason why this problem occurs. Any of the following factors may
influence people to abuse drugs.
Biological Factors
The family therefore is a strong influence to drug abuse. Common factors are:
Children of broken home easily join peer groups as substitutes to their lost family
To strike and over protectiveness of parents
To assert their independence and
To rebel from parental authority
Availability of over-the counter and prescription drugs variety drugs available for different
Influence of media advertisement message that all ailments can be cured through the use
of chemical substances toward messages and help to create the acceptance of drugs.
Impact of affluent lifestyle
Effect of increased travel and exposure to different culture and social values.
The collapse or religious values
Alienation and enemies feeling of powerless.
Lower value on academic achievement
They believe that drug can give deeper insights.
The belief that medicines can magically solve problems
The easy access to drug or various sorts in an affluent society.
The enjoyment of euphoria or excitement induced by drugs.
The beliefs that they are just taking it like alcohol.
The tendency of persons with psychological problems to seed easily solution with
The statement of proselytizers who proclaim the goodness of drugs.
Slum condition – the most critical is the slum dwellers are often deprived of emotional
The seven deadly sins could be the primary cause why people tend to abuse drugs
despite of knowledge of the dangerous effects of drugs.
1. Pride – excessive feeling of self-worth or self-esteem, sense of self-importance.
2. Anger – unexpressed, deep-seated anger against himself, his family, his friends or the
society in general.
3. Lust – burning sexual desire can distort the human mind to drug abuse.
4. Gluttony – food trip in the lingo of junkies
5. Greed – wealth, fame, recognition as exemplified by people under pressure in their work of
art, such as musicians, actors, athletes who indulge in drug abuse.
6. Envy – to get attention from someone: as a sign of protest envy is a major cause of drug
7. Laziness – “I can’t syndrome”, incapacity to achieve – the breeding ground of drug abuse.
Boredom coupled with poor self-image.
1. Situational Users – those who use drugs to keep them awake or for additional energy to
perform an important work. Such individual may or may not exhibit psychological
2. Spree Users – school age users who take drugs for “kicks”, an adventurous daring
experience or as a means of fun. There may be some degree of psychological
dependence but little physical dependence due to the mixed pattern of use.
3. Hard Core Addicts – those whose activities revolve almost entirely around the drug
experience and securing supplies. They show strong psychological dependence on the
4. Hippies – those who are addicted to drugs believing that drug is an integral part of life
and they could be considered the same as the “hardcore abusers”. The major difference
is that most hippies do not come from the slum areas, but from middle or upper-middle
income families and their educational level is far above that of the hardcore.
Drug abusers will do everything possible to conceal his habit. To be able to recognize the
outward signs and symptoms, it is equally important to realize that the drug problem is so
complex. Even expert advice not to judge abruptly an individual taking narcotics drug as it could
lead to falsely accusing an innocent person.
It should also be remembered that a person might have a legitimate reason for
possessing a tablets, syringe and needle (may be a diabetic) having capsules (they may
prescribe by doctor). Having the sniffles and running eyes may due to head cold or an allergy.
Unusual or add behaviour may not be connected in any way with drug use.
The following markers can help in identifying drug abusers:
1. Change in Interest – they lose interest in their studies and in their work. They fail in
school, shift from one course to another, transfer of school of lower standard until
eventually drop out.
2. Frequent shifting of mood – they are euphoric, elated and sometimes even ecstatic when
under the influence of drugs. They would be indifferent, irritable and even hostile when
the effect of drug is waning from the system.
3. Changes in behaviour – they usually spend a lot. They are usually in the company of
known drug users in the community. They come home late; they become disrespectful
and would sell personal or family valuables.
4. Changes in physical appearance – if they can be seen while still under the influence of
drugs the following can be noted; detecting a drug user is not an easy task. The signs and
symptoms of drug abuse, especially in the beginning stages can be identifiable to those
produced by conditions having nothing whatsoever to do with drugs.
4. Friends refusing to identify themselves or hang up when you answer the phone and
overreaction to mild conditions.
5. Smell of marijuana, sweetish odor, like a burned rope in the clothes or room, etc.
6. Knowledge on the lingo of drug abusers.
7. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrheal, tremors, muscular aches, and convulsions, etc.
8. Presence of butt from marijuana joint, holders (pipe clips) for the joint, leaves, seeds in
pocket or lining, rolling paper, pipes, cough syrup bottles, capsules, syringes, etc. Devices
for hiding drugs like trash cans, soft drinks bottles, other pills like valium form, linear scar
in the arms, forearms and abdomen.
exercise care in his observation such that the suspected drug abuser is not made aware
of being observed.
2. History Taking – classified into two:
a. Collateral Information – the best information is from the patient himself, but
collateral information is necessary. Ideally, a parent or close relative or a close friend
should be present to furnish useful details as to the different changes observed in
the patient that made them suspect the subject is abusing drugs. These changes may
be in his appearance, behaviour, mood or interest.
b. Interview with Patient – Inquire regarding the drugs being abused, onset of his drug
taking activity, reason for abusing drugs, how he supports his vice, etc.
3. Laboratory Examination – accurate laboratory examinations cannot be performed by
any ordinary chemist since detection of dangerous drugs requires sophisticated
equipment and apparatus, special chemical reagents and most of all, the specialized
technical know-how.
4. Psychological Examination – this phase of drug detection requires the expertise of
trained psychologist. Teachers therefore are not in a position to administer
psychological examinations among their students. Psychological examination finding will
correspond to the general findings of a drug prone individual; drowsy or lethargic
appearance accompanied by scratching and without alcoholic breath, tendency to giggle
excessively at things which others don’t consider funny, and over-active and over
talkative. Example of test are:
a. Intelligence Test – the test designed to cover a wide variety of mental functions
with special emphasis on adjustment comprehension and reasoning.
b. Personality Test – this type of test is used to evaluate the character and personality
traits of an individual such as his emotional adjustment, interpersonal relation,
motivation and attitude.
c. Aptitude Test – this test is to measure the readiness with which the individual
increases his knowledge and improves skills when given the necessary opportunity
and training.
d. Interest Test - this is designed to reveal the field of interest that a client will be
interested in.
5. Psychiatric Evaluation – it is a process whereby a team of professionals composed of
psychiatrists, psychologist, and psychiatric social workers conduct an examination to
determine whether or not a patient is suffering from psychiatric disorder.
1. In more than 59 percent of users, both parents hold outside jobs. For the first time since
World War II, we have “latch-key children who come home from to an empty house.
2. Parents use television to baby-sit their pre-school children who are thus subjected before
they are old enough to walk to advertisement for beer, pain killers and other over-the-
counter (OTC) medications, not to mention sex and violence written by some best minds.
3. Modern mothers have abandoned their God-given gifts and privilege to breast-feed their
4. A third spends an average of 900 hours per year in class and media influence per year
watching television, which speaks for greater media influence on the young mind
compared to either the parents or school.
5. Television commercials for alcoholic beverages and cigarettes invariably depict people
having an enjoyable time with their friends while and economic problems excessive
alcohol and cigarettes consumption can produce or other degenerative effects.
6. Tobacco companies circumvent the ban on television advertising their products by
sponsoring athletic events that are viewed by both children and adults who attend
sporting events where large pictures and logos of cigarette brands are always
prominently displayed.
7. Alcohol and tobacco are “gateway” drugs. No child and or adolescent ever smoke
marijuana without learning how to inhale tobacco smoke first. Ask the drug abuser
whether or not they started with alcohol or cigarette; the answer is always “Yes”.
8. It is discovered that 70 percent of elementary school students abused legal drugs such as
tobacco, alcohol, and over-the-counter (OTC) diet pills. Sleep aids and other they
obtained from older friends of their parents. They began as early as age 12 to 13.
9. Medical science is believed to hold a cure for every condition, a “pills for every ill”, so to
Lesson 9
As to the Physical Effects
a. Malnutrition – The life of an addict revolves around drug use. He misses even his regular meals. He
losses appetite and eventually develops malnutrition. Likewise, the drug dependent who has tried on
his own to withdraw may suffer from severe gastrointestinal disturbance that result to severe
b. Skin Infections and Skin Rashes – Oftentimes the drug abuser neglects his personal hygiene, uses
unsterilized needles and syringes that result in skin infections or even ulceration at the sites of the
needle puncture. Skin rashes may even occur as a side effect or sensitivity reaction to certain drugs of
abuse. The infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and viral hepatitis
sequel of drug abuse. Marijuana smoking can produce physical conditions like chronic bronchitis and
asthma. Physically ill persons, like a tuberculosis individual who has suffered so much from his illness
may resort to drug taking as a temporary measure for relief. A drug abuser, because of his use of
unsterilized paraphernalia, tends to develop lowered resistance and becomes susceptible to various
infections; among them are viral hepatitis and HIV infections/AIDS.
The drug abuser can experience adverse effect on the central nervous system. Regular use or
injection of large doses of a substance reduces the activity of the brain and depresses the central
nervous system. The drug dependent then manifests changes in his mind and behaviour that are
undesirable by people in his environment. Another mental effect would be deterioration of the mind.
The dependent is a “mental invalid” in the sense that drugs can manipulate him, make him lose his
power and prod him behave contrary to what he usually think is right. These drugs are essentially
reality modifiers, which create a masked sense of well being by either dulling or distorting sensory
perceptions and providing a temporary means of escape from personal difficulties, either real or
imaginary. They can reduce or accelerate activity to create indifference, depressive mood or
As a result, the abusers mind deteriorates gradually. In other instances, he abruptly loses
interest and motivation in the pursuit of achievement and constructive goals. Instead of providing him
relaxation and escape from discomfort, drug, alcohol and tranquilizers may blur his attempts to come
to terms with reality. His character becomes weak and inadequate in coping with his problems.
a. Inability to hold stable job – it is impossible for a drug abuser hold a steady job since he spends all
his time and money on drugs. If he does not have a regular job, he and his friends steal to raise
money. If he has one, he would be unable to concentrate since he would be either over-
stimulated or lazy and drowsy.
b. Dependence on family resources – instead of contributing to the economic stability of the family,
a dependent becomes an economic burden. Besides depending on the family for his basic
necessities, he also has to rely on the family resources to provide him money for the support of
his expensive habit.
c. Accidents in Industry – in a state agitation or dullness of the mind as a result of the drug he has
taken, the dependent becomes careless and loses concentration on his job. Consequently, an
accident may occur which may adversely affect both drug abuser and his co-workers.
On the Depressants
Narcotics – narcotics drugs produces lethargy and drowsiness pupils are constricted and fail to
respond to light. Inhaling heroin in powder form leaves traces of white powder around nostrils causing
redness and irritations. Injecting heroin leaves scars, usually on the inner surface of the arms and
elbows although user may inject drug in the body where needle marks will not be seen readily. The
user often leaves syringes, bent spoons, bottle caps, eyedroppers, cotton and needles in lockers at
school or hidden at home. The user scratches self frequently, loss of appetite, sniffles, running nose,
red watery eyes and coughing which disappears when user gets a “fix”.
Volatile Solvents – there is unusual odor of substance on breath and clothes of the user.
Excessive nasal secretions, watering of eyes and poor muscular control are also experienced. There is
also an increased preference for being with a group rather than being alone. Plastic or paper bags or
rags, containing dry plastic cement or other solvent, found at home or in locker at school or at work.
Obvious slurred speech.
On the Stimulants
Shabu – use of the drug methamphetamine hydrochloride can give the following symptoms of abuse:
On the Hallucinogens
Marijuana – smoking of this kind of drug the user can experience the following symptoms:
1. May appear animated with rapid, loud talking and bursts of laughter.
2. Sleepy or stuporous
3. Pupils are dilated
4. Odor (similar to burnt rope) on clothing or breath
5. Remnants of marijuana, either loose or in partially smokes “joints” in clothing or possessions
1. User usually sits or reclines quietly in a dream or trance – like state
2. User may become fearful and experience a degree of terror which makes him attempt to
escape from his group.
3. Sense of sight, hearing, touch, body image and time are distorted
4. Mood and behaviour are affected, the manner depending upon emotional and environmental
condition of the user.
a. Overdose leads to chest pains, hypertension, acute psychotic reaction, convulsions and
death due to cardiac arrest.
b. Due to the appetite suppressing effects of shabu, pregnant mother may become
malnourished. This may affect the nutritional needs of the baby.
c. Babies born to shabu-using women show sever emotional disturbances.
1. Can lead to serious mental changes (psychoses) like insanity, suicidal and/or homicidal
2. Poor impulse control
3. Damage to chromosomes, hence, affecting potentially the offspring.
4. Death due to paralysis of the respiratory system.
Lesson 10
Drug Education is schools may be defined as the educational programs, policies, procedures
and other experiences that contribute to the achievement of broader health goals of preventing drug
use and the adverse consequences of drug use to individuals and society. Drug education should be
related to both the formal and informal curricula in health, the creation of a safe and healthy school
environment, the provision of appropriate health services and the involvement of the family and the
wider community in the planning and delivery of programs.
This part discusses the role school-based drug education programs may play in preventing or
reducing drug use and the adverse consequences of drug use to individuals and society. It provides
guidelines for selecting content and teaching methods for school drug education programs, and
suggests knowledge, attitude and skill objectives for drug prevention education at the lower, middle
and upper class levels.
The information in this tool was adapted by UNESCO from the following publication: United
Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODC), 2003. School-based Drug Education: A
guide for practitioners and the wider community. Vienna: UNODC.
This manual aims to provide a conceptual basis upon which teachers, policy makers and school
administrators can make decisions about the design and delivery of effective school-based drug
prevention programmes. In addition to providing guidance on the principle behind effective drug
education and practical information about planning, content, teaching methods and evaluation for
school drug education programmes, the manual includes sections on managing drug related incidents,
counselling and referral for students and strategies for involving families and the community in drug
prevention efforts.
Drug prevention efforts are commonly considered under three main headings:
1. Demand Reduction Strategies – aim to reduce the desire and preparedness to obtain and use
drugs. These strategies, aimed at preventing, reducing and/or delaying the uptake of harmful
drug use, may include abstinence-oriented strategies.
2. Supply Reduction Strategies – aim to disrupt the production and supply of illicit drugs as well
as limit the access and availability of licit drugs in certain contexts. In the school setting, this
includes measures taken to limit the use, possession and sale of illicit drugs on school
premises, and may also include measures taken to discourage.
3. Strategies for the Reduction of the Adverse Consequences of Drug Use – aim to reduce the
impact of drug use and drug-related activities on individuals and communities.
It is both possible and desirable for schools to undertaken efforts in all three of these areas;
however, the major focus should be on demand reduction. Education authorities’ should not accept
sole responsibility for changing student health behaviours, including drug use behaviour, as such
behaviour may be determined by factors beyond the influence of the school. This means that schools
should not make change in drug use behaviour the only measure of success or effectiveness of their
drug prevention education programmes.
The primary role of the school is to impart knowledge, skills and a sound values base in relation
to health and drug use. Therefore, the content of school drug education curricula should be selected to
achieve specific education outcomes that have been identified as contributing to the achievement of
the broader health goals of preventing drug use and reducing adverse consequences to individuals and
Drug education in the classroom is thus defined as the set of lessons, programs, activities and
practices that lead to the achievement of the specific education outcomes agreed upon. The school
drug education program can be described as the collection of these educational activities sequenced
over the years of compulsory schooling.
Knowledge about drugs and drug use is important for informing decisions and shaping or
reinforcing values and attitudes about both personal and social drug use. The nature of the
information, how it is presented and when can have a significant influence on its impact.
Information introduced in the course of learning experience that are relevant to the student’s
lives and experience and based on two-way communication that respects their feelings and attitudes
will contribute to the success of the program more than information presented in isolation, out of
context or in a lecturing or “preaching” way.
The guidelines below are offered to help curriculum planners and teachers select appropriate
content and perhaps more importantly, recognize that some information may be useless and some
counterproductive. Appropriateness of content should be determined with due consideration of the
needs of the students, the agreed drug-related learning outcomes.
1. Information about drugs and drug use should be selected for and evaluated on its capacity to
contribute to drug-related learning outcomes that lead to reducing drug use and adverse
individual and social consequences of drug use. In relation to achieving learning outcomes,
selection and presentation of information should be considered in terms of:
What students already know and what they need to know about drugs;
The values, attitudes and perceptions held by students;
Skills students already have mastered and skills that need developing:
Ensuring a balance of knowledge, values/attitudes and skill development
Opportunities to link knowledge, attitudes/values and skills.
2. Decisions about what drugs and drug use information to include in a program should be based on
knowledge of the drugs that cause most harm to individuals and/or society, and the drugs that
students are likely to encounter at some time in their lives. In relation to drugs used, selection of
information should be considered in terms of:
The prevalence of drugs in the community indicated by:
- Surveys at local and broader levels
- Information from police, drug counsellors and/or health workers
- Community consultation
- Student input
The personal and social context of the use of particular drugs
The age when students start using particular substances
The level of use of particular drugs and the level of harm associated with such use by
particular age groups
Laws, policies and school rules pertaining to the use/misuse of different drugs.
3. Information about selected drugs should be presented only after consideration of both the social
context in which a particular drug is used by the students and the learning context which is most
appropriate. In relation to the social context(the way the drug is used) information should be
presented that:
Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned and how it can be applied to their
social situations and their lives generally.
Does not increase either use of or harm caused by the drug being addressed.
Contributes to the development of an environment that is non-threatening and non-
judgement of students ideas, opinions and discussions and
Is respectful of student’s gender, ethnicity/culture, language, development level, ability level,
religion and sexual orientation/lifestyle.
With regard to the way information is presented, it is particularly important to choose content
and learning methods that do not support, encourage or normalize drug use or experimentation with
dangerous substances. Examples of approaches that may be counterproductive include:
Glamorising – presenting drug use/users as sophisticated (cool).
Strategies that exaggerate and misrepresent the dangers of drug use reduce that achievement of
drug related learning outcomes – especially for students who know, or believe, based on their
experience, that the message may not reflect the whole truth.
Sensationalising – using graphic images can portray drug use as dangerous and exciting.
Frightening case studies that are too far removes from the reality of young people.
Emotionally loaded videos and personal anecdotes.
Romanticizing – using slang or “street” names (instead of the pharmacological name) which
highlight a drugs supposed positive effects while concealing the potential harms associated with
its use.
Informing students how to obtain, make or use potentially harmful substances, including
detailing the chemical composition of substances.
Using pictures and images of drug use or the drug user that are appealing or attractive and
Using ‘one-off’ or ‘stand-alone’ activities rather than those that contributes to an ongoing,
comprehensive developmentally appropriate program.
A first step in choosing content is definition of the specific learning objectives that will help the
a particular group of students develop the knowledge, attitudes and values and skills they need to
make and carry out safe and health-promoting decisions related to drug use. Suggested learning
objectives are provided below for students at the lower, intermediate and upper school levels.
Students will articulate (Attitudes and Values)
Valuing one’s body and recognizing their individuality.
Responsible attitudes towards medicines and health professionals.
Positive attitudes towards the non-use of tobacco.
A responsible attitude towards the social use of alcohol.
Critical responses to advertising presentations of medicines.
Their feeling with confidence.
Drug abuse prevention education is concern with bringing about changes in the people
knowledge, attitude and practice towards drug abuse. It utilizes a variety of approaches and methods
whereby people go through teaching learning process, and which maybe planed, implemented and
evaluated through the barangay organized groups and other organization and agencies in the
There are several known strategies in drug abuse prevention, which are the following:
1. Drug Education – learning situations during seminars workshop, symposium and lecture forums,
which take up the value clarification, leadership training, coping skills and decision making. It is a
movement, which utilizes humanistic techniques in both school-based and community oriented
drug abuse prevention programs.
2. Drug Information – it is an activity, which focused on the dissemination of basics facts of the
causes and effects of drug abuse with the objective of creating awareness and vigilance of the
people in the community.
Drug information includes the following activities:
a. Youth Adult Communication as in Parent-youth dialogues and Family encounters.
b. Info-oriented Classroom/community activities such as contest in the school/community –
essay, slogans, posters, cartoons, play writing.
c. Broadcast media: TV/Radio or Printed, plugs, films, slides, spot announcement, music
programming news, letter, comics leaflets/brochures, magazines other publications.
3. Alternatives – this includes a number of ideas for stimulating meaningful involvement for the
youth that can complete successfully with the demands of drugs and alcohol. Primarily the
emphasis should be on service or constructive and productive pursuits and recreational activities
that are usually community based such as:
a. Voluntary service work
b. Income producing activities
c. Sports, Arts development: theatre –choral/dance groups
d. Community fair/contest
e. Other recreational activities: development of physical, emotional interpersonal, mental-
intellectual, social spiritual and all aspects of behavioural development.
4. Interventions – this strategy is applied to experimenters and potential drug abusers. Activities like
peer or group counselling should be encountered in every community. It is applied to
individual/group which needs specific assistance and support. The techniques or activities
recommended interventions are:
a. Peer counselling
b. Hotlines
c. Cross-age tutoring
d. New peer group creation
Peer and cross-age tutoring and counselling enable the person/student to assume adult and
mature roles, to become actively involved in their own learning and in others learning and to take on a
“real world” responsibility.
It can provide a meaningful “work” in the school setting to the students who might otherwise
suffer from low-esteem and a general lack of involvement with school or cross-age tutoring and
counselling programs:
The program is focused on:
a. Life Career Planning – the preparation towards a comprehensive career education helps
young people to make the right choices.
b. Parenting and Family communication – these are activities that can fosters better
understanding and wholesome family relationship.
1. Values Formation or Development – the articulation of personal values. Its process includes
choosing from alternatives and repeatedly and consistently acted upon.
2. Role Playing – a technique used to help students identify more closely with historical figures or
characters in literature, which will help them at sensing problems and testing solutions without
taking any great risk.
3. Decision Making and Problem Solving – Techniques using conflict resolution focused on group
problems, which help the students in identifying possible alternatives to solve the problem.
4. Individual Contact – the basic principles in working an individual with emphasis of making him
feel at ease, involving him by asking questions, supplying with the necessary information and
arriving at a decision that will end to action. It is carried out by:
a. Person-to-person relationship or individual counselling
b. House/office visits
c. Telephone calls or by letters
d. Information conversation or dialogue
5. Small Group Approach – involves contact with a number of people assemble in isolated group or
in one of a series of related groups. This techniques can be carried out by:
a. Lecture – one way discussion
b. Small group discussion – mutual interchange of ideas or opinion between the small groups.
c. Symposium – group of talks, speeches or lectures presented by several individuals on
various phases of a single subject.
d. Panel discussion – discussion before an audience by a selected group of persons expressing
a variety of viewpoints under a moderator.
e. The Buzz Session – the count off procedure
f. Seminars, simulation, games, debate, field trips
6. Community Approach – this involves working together about their common problems, identify
these and implement the kind of action patterns for the solution of the problems. This technique
can be carried out by:
a. Community assemble and barangay fairs
b. Sport festivals or on test in the community
c. Church related activities
Lesson 11
When R.A 6425, also known as the Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 was promulgated in March 30,
1972, estimated 20,000 Filipino drug users were recorded. The execution of LIM SENG in 1972 dried up
the supply of heroin in the streets and from then on, this drug never recovered its marketability. On
November 9, 1972, Presidential Decree No. 44 procedurally amended section 4 of R.A 6425. By the
year 1980, the number of drug users increased to 250,000 in the country. The government started
feeling the alarming increase of drug use.
Presidential Decree No. 1675 as supplemented by General Order No. 65, Presidential Decree
No. 1683, and Presidential Decree No. 1708 which were all procedural in nature were promulgated to
supposedly give more teeth to out drug laws.
In 1981, despite intensive Drug Law Enforcement efforts and the passage of laws, the rise of
drug use continued. It was in this year, that foreign drug syndicates used our shores as a transit point
of heroin and cocaine traffic. Metro Manila still remained as the centre of drug activity accounting 42%
of the total number of arrests made in 1981. A host of government agencies started seriously
implementing the demand reduction strategy in various schools and communities. Foreign
counterparts started to pour in aids to government agencies in order to combat drugs. With the
growing number of drug users, the government implemented treatment and rehabilitation programs
by putting-up more dormitories. But despite all these efforts the drug population increases by 10%. By
this time there were 312,000 drug users.
In 1982, Batasang Pambansa Bilang 179 effected another procedural amendment to R.A 6425.
The law itemized prohibited drugs and its derivatives. Narcotics preparations such as opiates, opium
poppy straw, leaves or wrapping, whether prepared for use or not were classified as dangerous drugs.
In 1983, there were already 343,750 drug users and more non-government organizations started to
assist the government’s demand reduction programs. Similarly, law enforcement capabilities were
further strengthened. Strategies for program implementation were made known to the public. The
government , sensing that the drug problem was transcending international boundaries, established
linkages and mutual cooperation with regional organizations to complement its two-pronged strategy
of supply reduction and demand reduction. The smuggling of drugs continued in varying frequencies,
types and quantities with drugs originating from source countries such as Pakistan, Thailand and
Hongkong. The Philippines was slowly emerging as a source in 1984.
In 1986, drugs users commonly practice poly-drug abuse, majority of them belong to the 15-24
age group. For a period of two years, the number of drug population increased to 450,000. Arrests and
seizure were double due to an intensified supply reduction effort by the drug law enforcement
agencies in the Philippines. The year 1987 saw the emergence of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or
Shabu as a popular drug abuse. It was also during this time that Hongkong base syndicates engage in
trafficking of Methamphetamine initially established tie-ups with Filipino-Chinese drug syndicates. The
Philippine Constitution of 1987 abolished death as a penalty under R.A 6425. Coincidentally, the
removal of death penalty in 1987 started the rise of the Chinese syndicate using Shabu as their main
trade. Another illicit drug law material in the form 2,700 fully grown coca plants were also uprooted by
the narcotics raiding teams in Agho Island, San Rafael, Iloilo. Cocaine production was discovered where
according to intelligence report, the laboratory capability equipped to process 120 pounds of cocaine
per month. The immediate neutralization aborted cocaine production in the country.
In 1988, statistics showed that there were 480,000 drug users in the Philippines, 70% of which
were in Metro Manila. In 1989, Shabu emerge as the second most popular drug of an abuse next to MJ.
Cough syrup preparations continued to be drug of abuse. From 1982 to 1989 all demand reduction
efforts were conferred on preventive education and rehabilitation/health programs because of the
liberal perception that drug users were social health victims and not potential criminals.
In 1990, Shabu abuse continues to rise. There were 500,000 drug users recorded in 1990. The
profile of drug abuse drastically changed. Shabu’s popularly was at far with M.J, wherein there were
600,000 drug users recorded.
In 1992, the government continued to pursue vigorous programs of actions against the drug
problem. Intensified law enforcement, preventive education campaigns and treatment programs were
implemented. Shabu emerge as the number one drug abuse among the users. In 1993, there were
800,000 drug users recorded dubbing that year. R.A 6425 was further amended certain activities under
illicit drug trafficking. The death penalty was restored on December 13, 1993. The new law did not
really strengthen R.A 6425 but rather made drug law enforcement more difficult, because what is
being punished now is the quantity of drugs seized and no longer the act or intention of drug pushing.
In 1994, the drug problem became more pressing despite sustained implementation of the
National Drug Control and Prevention Strategy of Supply reduction and demand reduction. The drug
encountered were the same as in previous years except that of Shabu, which became more prevalent.
In 1995, shabu and cannabis abuse were persisted in the illicit drug market. The well-finance and
sophisticated foreign-based syndicates controlled the over all—importation of shabu. The average of
age of drug user became much wider for the female sex 9:1. There was a sudden increase of drug users
to 2 million. Law enforcement interdiction was intensified and shabu traffickers face more risk than
before in plying their drug trade. For the year 1995, abuse of shabu increased by 75.09%. More buy-
bust operation was launched against merchants of death majority of whom were Chinese Triad
members. The PNP narcotics group alone seized several Billion pesos worth of illicit drug.
In 1996, more high level Shabu interdictions were launched, various drugs enforces were
agitated to work against the drug pipelines and the people behind them. At the treatment and
rehabilitation centers, the number of new and re-admitted cases increased in 1996 by 19% and 20%
respectively. Despite the surrounding accomplishments in supply and demand reduction with the PNP
Narcotics Group seeing multi-billion pesos worth of illicit drug, not to mention the billions of pesos
more seized by the other PNP units including PARAC of DILG, the drug user population increased to 1.7
million in 1997.
The national drug strategy is built on the principles of supply and demand reduction. One key
response to drug use and trafficking is aggressive and coordinated law enforcement. This is the
centrepiece of the Supply Reduction Program. On the other hand, drug treatment and prevention
programs are the other important components of the national strategy. These are the main
components of demand reduction. But from all indication and despite the government strategy, the
rise of drug abuse is always threatening. New counter measure must be develop and implemented.
Despite this effort more people got involved in drug syndicate members who criss-cross our
boundaries and continue to deprive us of our sense of security, emphasizing the ineffectively of our
weak laws against them. In spite of an aggressive international cooperation and coordination adopted,
the drug problem seems to move at an even faster pace.
Today there are many measures undertaken by both the private and the government sector in
the fight against drug abuse disease of society. This includes the major approaches as the Law
Enforcement Approach, Treatment and Rehabilitation Approach, Educational Approach, International
efforts against drug abuse.
Importantly, the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 or Republic Act No. 9165 was
enacted to add more teeth on the government response to the ongoing problem on drug abuse in the
Includes those listed in the schedules annexed to the 1961 single convention on Narcotics
Drugs, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and the schedules annexed to the 1971 single Convention on
Psychotropic Substances (Art 1, Sec.3).
Ex. MMDA – Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy), Tetrahydrocannabinol (MJ); Mescaline
Includes those listed in Tables I and II of the 1988 UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in
Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Art 1, Sec. 3)
Under R.A 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972), Dangerous drugs refers to the Prohibited drugs,
Regulated drugs and Volatile substances.
a. Prohibited Drugs – ex. Opium and its derivatives, cocaine and its derivatives, hallucinogen drugs
like MJ, LSD and Mescaline.
b. Regulated Drugs – ex. Barbiturates, Amphetamines, Tranquilizers
c. Volatile Substances – ex. Rugby, paints, thinner, glue and gasoline.
Chemicals on the part of Practitioners, Manufacturers, P50, 000 plus revocation of
Wholesalers, Importers, Distributors, Dealers or license to practice profession
Retailers (sec. 17)
Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous Drugs (sec. 18) - Imprisonment ranging from 12 yrs
and 1 day to 20 yrs and a fine
ranging from P100,000 to P500,000
plus revocation of license to practice
Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs (sec. 19) - Life imprisonment to Death and a
fine ranging from P500, 000 to P10
Million pesos
Section 15 shall not be applicable where the person tested is also found to have in his/her
possession such quantity of any dangerous drug provided in sec. 11, in which case the penalty provided
in sec. 11 shall apply.
Other Penalties
The possession of Dangerous drugs in the following quantities, regardless of degree of purity:
10 grams or more of opium; morphine; heroin; cocaine; MJ resin; 10 grams or more of MMDA, LSD and
similar dangerous drugs; 50 grams or more of “shabu”/ methamphetamine hydrochloride; 500 grams
or more of marijuana. If the quantity involved is less than the foregoing, the penalties shall be
graduated as follows:
a. Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from P400,000 to P500,000 if “shabu” is 10 grams or more
but less than 50 grams.
b. Imprisonment of 20 yrs and 1 day to life imprisonment and a fine ranging from P400,000 to
P500,000 if the quantities of dangerous drugs are 5 grams or more but less than 10 grams of
opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, MJ resin, shabu, MMDA and 300 grams or more but less
than 500 grams of marijuana.
c. Imprisonment of 12 yrs and 1 day to 20 yrs and a fine ranging from P300,000 to P400,000 if the
quantities of dangerous drugs are less than 5 grams of opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, MJ
resin, shabu, MMDA and less than 300 grams of marijuana.
4. Importation of bringing into the Philippines of dangerous drugs using diplomatic passport or
facilities or any means involving his/her official status to facilitate unlawful entry of the same
(sec. 4, Art II).
5. Upon any person who organizers, managers or acts as “financiers” of any of the activities
involving dangerous drugs (sec. 4, 5, 6, 8 Art II).
6. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and Transportation of
Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals within 100 meters
from the school (sec. 5, Art II).
7. Drugs pushers who use minors or mentally incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers and
messengers or in any other capacity directly connected to the dangerous drug trade (sec. 5,
Art II).
8. If the victim of the offense is a minor or mentally incapacitated individual or should a
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursors and essential chemical involved in the offense
be the proximate cause of death of the victim (sec. 5, Art II).
9. When dangerous drug is administered, delivered or sold to a minor who is allowed to use the
same in such a place (sec. 6, Art II).
10. Upon any person who uses a minor or mentally incapacitated individual to deliver equipment,
instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia for dangerous drugs (sec. 10, Art II).
11. Possession of dangerous drugs during parties, social gatherings or meetings (sec. 13), and
possession of equipment, instrument apparatus and other paraphernalia for dangerous drugs
during parties, social gathering or meetings (sec. 14, Art II).
The DDB is the policy-making body and strategy-making body in the planning and formulation
of policies and programs on drug prevention and control (sec. 77, Art IX).
Composition: 17 members (3 as permanent, 12 as ex-officio, 2 regular members), (sec. 78, Art
3 permanent members: to be appointed by the President, one to be the Chairman.
12 ex-officio members: Secretary of DOJ, DOH, DND, DOF, DOLE, DILG, DSWD, DFA, and DepEd,
Chairman of CHED, NYC and the Director General of PDEA.
2 regular members: President of the IBP and the President/Chairman of an NGO Involved in a
dangerous drug campaign to be appointed by the President.
The NBI Director the Chief of the PNP – permanent consultant of the Board
It is the implementing arm of the DDB and responsible for the efficient and effective law
enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drugs and/or precursors and essential chemicals.
1. Cause the effective and efficient implementation of the national drug control strategy.
2. Enforcement of the provisions of Art II of this Act.
3. Undertake investigation; make arrest and apprehension of violators and seizure and confiscation
of dangerous drugs.
4. Establish forensic laboratories
5. Filing of appropriate drug cases
6. Conduct eradication programs
7. Maintain a national drug intelligence system.
8. Close coordination with local and international drug agencies.
1. In the revised law, importation of any illegal drug, regardless of quantity and purity or any part
therefrom even for floral, decorative and culinary purposes is punishable with life
imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from P500,000 to P10 million.
2. The trading, Administration, dispensation, delivery, distribution, and transportation of
dangerous drugs is also punishable by life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from
P500,000 to P10 million.
3. Any person who sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to another or distribute,
dispatch in transit or transport any dangerous drugs regardless of quantity and purity shall be
punished with life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from P500,000 to P10 Million.
But if the sale, administration, delivery, distribution or transportation of any of these illegal
drugs transpires within 100 meters from any school, the maximum penalty shall be imposed.
Pushers who use minors or mentally incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers and
messengers or in dangerous drug transactions shall also be meted with the maximum
A penalty of 12 yrs to 20 yrs imprisonment shall be imposed on financiers, coddlers and
managers of the illegal activity.
4. The law also penalizes anybody found in possession of any item or paraphernalia used to
administer, produce, cultivate, propagate, harvest, compound, concert, process, pack, store,
contain or conceal illegal drugs with an imprisonment of 12 yrs to 20 yrs and a fine of P100, 000
to P500, 000.
5. Owners of resorts, dives, establishments and other places where illegal drugs are administered
is deemed liable under this new law, the same shall be confiscated and escheated in favour of
the government.
6. Any person who shall be convicted of violation of this new law, regardless of the quantity of the
drugs and the penalty imposed by the court shall not be allowed to avail the privilege provisions
of the Probation Law (P.D. 968).
Filing of charges against a drug dependent for confinement and rehabilitation under voluntary
program can be made(sec. 58, Art VIII).
1. Second commitment to the center
2. Upon recommendation of the DDB
3. May be charge for violation of sec. 15
4. In convicted – confinement and rehabilitation
Parents, spouse or guardian who refuses to cooperate with the Board or any concerned agency
in the treatment and rehabilitation of a drug dependent may be cited for Contempt of Court (Sec. 73,
Art VIII).
In the conduct of anti-drug operations, the following must be strictly considered:
1. Knowledge on circumstances on when to use necessary force (Art. 11, Chapter 3, RPC).
2. Knowledge on the statutory provisions on arrest (Rule 113, Rules on Criminal Procedures)
3. Knowledge on the administrative guidelines on arrest, search and seizure.
4. The Miranda Doctrine (384 U.S 346)
5. Warrantless Search and Search Incidental to lawful arrest (Rule 126, Rules on Criminal
a. Only specially trained and completed drug enforcement personnel shall conduct drug
enforcement and prevention operations.
b. All drug enforcement and prevention operations shall be covered by a Pre-operational report.
c. All steps taken before, during and after the conduct of the operation must be documented and
properly authenticated.
d. Operating units shall promptly submit written a report after the operation.
e. No apprehender or seized item shall be released without authorization from the duly designated
f. All pieces of evidence confiscated will be deposited with proper evidence custodian for
safekeeping and proper handling.
g. Each participating element must be given clear and do-able task.
The rules governing narcotics operations cover the following anti-narcotics operations.
1. Buy-bust Operations
Concept: it is form of entrapment employed by peace officers as an effective way of
apprehending criminal in the act of commission of the offense. Entrapment has received judicial
sanction as long as it is carried with due regard to constitutional and legal safeguards.
Planning and Preparation: the operation must be preceded by an intensive surveillance, casing
or other intelligence operations and gathering, evaluation and timely dissemination.
Intelligence must be evidence-based and shall be supported by documents such as summaries
of info, maps, sketches, affidavits and sworn statements.
Planning and Preparation: Prior to the procurement of search warrant, intensive intelligence
data gathering must be undertaken, evidence-based and supported by credible documents;
Conduct of surveillance, casing, and other intelligence operations; identification, movement,
activities and locations of suspects should be established; search warrant shall be applied with
competent court; conduct of operation; submission of reports.
3. Marijuana Eradication
Concept: Marijuana eradication involves the location and destruction of marijuana plantations,
including the identification, arrest and prosecution of the planter, owner or cultivator and the
escheating of the land where the plantation is located.
Planning and Preparation: the planning and operations shall be preceded by intelligence
gathering to verify the existence of marijuana plantation and the existence to be supported by
documentary evidence such as summary of information, maps, sketches, photographs and
others. A pre-operation order and after casing report must be appropriately documented –the
intelligence gathering.
Conduct of Operation: Briefing, rehearsals and proper formation; exact location of the
plantation must be established; Identity owner of the Land or the Cultivators; Coordination with
the other operating units in the area; Barangay SOP’s under rules of operations.
Conduct of Operations: it shall be in consonance with the existing SOP’s on checkpoint
Conduct of Operations: coordination with airport and seaport authorities shall be made.
Operations shall be in consonance with the existing SOP’s on airport and seaport
6. Controlled Delivery
Concept: this is the technique of allowing elicit or suspect consignment of narcotics drugs,
psychotropic substances or substances substituted for them to pass out of, through or into the
territory of one or more countries, with the knowledge and under the supervision of their
competent authorities with a view of identifying persons involved in the commission of drug
related offenses.
Planning and Preparation: Intensive intelligence gathering and evaluation to determine the
applicability of controlled delivery operations. It must be supported by credible documents,
with proper pre-operations orders and after surveillance or after casing reports. A committee or
board shall be constituted to study the project proposal for the suitable employment of
controlled delivery operation.
Conduct of Operations: proper formation for accounting of personnel coordination with airport,
seaport and other travelling agency authorities, and operations shall be in consonant with the
existing SOP’s on controlled delivery operations.
7. Undercover Operations
Concept: Undercover operation is an investigative technique in which the personnel involve
assumes different identities in order to obtain necessary information. This technique may also
be considered as method of surveillance.
Planning and Preparation: proper operations shall be reported to only under circumstance
where evidence can be hardly obtained in an open investigation or when an open investigation
is unsuccessful.
Conduct of Operations: proper briefing and rehearsal, identification of effective cover and
undercover, buy-bust or search with warrant operations and operations shall be in consonance
with the existing SOP’s on undercover operations.
8. Narcotics Investigation
Narcotics Investigation is one aspect in special crime investigation which deals on the
activities concerning the identification and detection of dangerous drugs in drug trafficking and
related criminal conducts. The focus mainly in narcotic investigation is the laboratory processes
of individual narcotics involved in crimes and as they will be presented in court processing as
Stage of Operations
Planning and Preparations which include surveillance, casing, reconnaissance and other
preliminary activities.
Conduct the Operation
Lesson 12
Treatment – the medical service rendered to a client for the effective management of physical
and mental conditions related to drug abuse.
Aims of Treatment:
a. To prevent death from overdose
b. To treat complication following drug dependent.
c. To make them comfortable during the withdrawal period.
d. To encourage confirmed drug dependents clients to undergo rehabilitation and other
specialized services.
Detoxification – it is a medically supervise elimination of drug from the system of any addicted
Methods of Rehabilitation
1. Psychotherapeutic Methods
a. Individual Therapy – this involves a one to one relationship whose aim is to help patient
reduce his drug abusing behaviour and develop insight into his condition.
b. Group Therapy – this is a form of therapy where the individual is helped through group
process. Each member of the group receives immediate feedback from the other members
regarding his verbal and other forms of behaviour. Group support and encountered are given
to the subject on the premise that these are effective devices, which can produce positives
results toward behavioural modification.
c. Uninstructed Group Therapy – the role of therapist can be assumed by the entire group or
group members. In the therapeutic community used, among others, through (a) group
encounter, (b) verbal haircut (tongue lashing reprimand), (c) group games and (d) family
d. The Family Therapy – this form of intervention is based on recognition that while the family as
a primary social unit can be a source of problem leading to drug abuse, can also be a powerful
factor in improving the behaviour of the drug dependent. Family therapy may include
restructuring of the family, environment manipulation, strengthening family communication
and discovering potentials family members to help facilitate the rehabilitation of the drug
2. The Spiritual and Religious Means – this is the development of moral and spiritual values of drug
3. The Follow-up and after-care – the process of rehabilitation does end upon the release or
discharge of client from the center. After his discharge, he has to undergo follow-up and after-care
services for a period of not more 18 months by the appropriate center personnel. The offices of
the DSWD and the NBI are deputized agents of the board to handle this.
A transfer summary of the case from the rehabilitation facility is necessary and should be
forwarded to the entity undertaking the follow-up and after-care services. The social Worker of the
receiving entity assign to them the case shall maintain a close contact with the client, family, and the
accredited physician attending to the case, and the police, for the purpose of assisting the client
maintain his progress towards adjusting to his new environment. He shall also see to it that a regular
laboratory examination of the client’s body fluids is made to ensure that the client remains drug free.
If the patient is found to be an opiate abuser, the treatment prescribed shall be for a period of
not less than six (6) months.
Criteria of Rehabilitation
Diagnostic Guidelines
A define diagnosis of the dependence should only be made if three or more of the following
have been experience or exhibited at some time during previous year.
1. A strong desire or sense of compulsion to take the substance.
2. As impaired capacity to control substance taking behaviour in terms of its onset, termination
or levels of use.
3. Substance use with the intention of relieving withdrawal symptoms and with awareness that
this strategy is effective.
4. A psychological withdrawal state.
5. Evidence of tolerance such that increased doses of the substance are required in order to
achieve effects originally produced by lower doses. (Clear examples of this are found in
alcohol and opiate dependent individuals who may take daily doses of the substance
sufficient to incapacitate or kill non-tolerant users).
6. A narrowing of the personal repertoire of patterns of substance use (example, tendency to
drink alcoholic drinks in the same way on the weekdays and weekends and whatever the
social constraints regarding appropriate drinking behaviour.
7. Progressive neglect of alternative pressures or interests in favour of substance use.
8. Persisting with substance use despite clear evidence of overtly harmful consequences.
(Adverse consequences may be medical as with harm to the liver through excessive drinking,
social as in the case of loss of a job through drug-related impairment of performance or
psychological as in the case of depressive mood states consequent to periods of heavy
substance use).
Lesson 13
United Nations Office on drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a United Nations agency which was
founded in 1997 as the office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention with the intent to fight drugs and
crime on an International level. This intent is fulfilled through three primary functions: research,
lobbying state government to adopt various crime and drug based laws and treaties and assistance of
said governments on the ground level.
The United Nations International Drug Control Program (UNDCP) and the United Nations Centre
for International Crime Prevention (CICP) are part of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC). It is mandated by UN General Assembly with the executive responsibility leadership for all
the United Nation Drug Control activities in order to ensure coherence of action, coordination and non-
duplication of such activities in the United Nation System.
The UNDCP assist government in fulfilling their obligation under the existing regulatory
structures so that they can become parties to these conventions.
The UNDCP Resources for Operations – the financial resources come from the regular budget of
the United Nation and Voluntary contributions of the U.N members.
In Asia, UNDCP is created in different field offices in Laos and Burma (Myanmar) which handle
national programs while Thailand handles Regional Programs.
At the UN, the Commission on Narcotics Drugs (CND) is the central policy-making body within
the United Nations System dealing with drug-related matters. It analyses the world drug situation and
develops proposals to strengthen the international drug control system to combat the world drug
problem. In 1991, the UN General Assembly established the Fund of the United Nations International
Dug Control Program function as the governing body of UNDCP. UNDCP is administered as part of the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
This involves encouraging and assisting governments in undertaking a thorough analysis of drug
problems within a country or region, the identification and assessment of all anti-narcotics intervention
undertaken and planned. It also involves the identification of needs for new projects and activities.
Other Developments
On demand reduction, the UN demand reduction strategies seek to prevent the onset of drug
use, help drug users break the habit and provide treatment through rehabilitation and social
reintegration. At the 1998 UN General Assembly special session on the world drug problem, Member
States recognized that reducing the demand for drugs was an essential pillar in the stepped-up global
effort to fight drug abuse and trafficking. They committed themselves to reduce significantly both the
supply of and demand for drugs by 2008, as expressed in the Political Declaration on the Guiding
Principles of Drug Demand Reduction.
On Supply Reduction, the UN moves for supply reduction projects which also seeks to broaden
regional cooperation between governments in response to cross-border trafficking, strengthen border
controls by providing modern equipment and develop training in “best practice “law enforcement
1. The Individual - the primary role of the individual is to improve personality and develop traits and
characteristics that would help him build-up his self concept, thereby making himself confident.
He should develop strong spiritual and moral values, sharpen his skills in making decisions and
strengthen his will power. He should improve his physical qualities as well as his mental faculties.
The persons should:
a. Maintain good physical and mental health.
b. Use drugs properly. Most drugs are beneficial when use under medical advice.
c. Understand himself, accept and respect for what he is.
d. Develop potentials. Engage in wholesome, productive and satisfying activities.
e. Learn to relate effectively with others. Talk to others regarding problems
f. Learn to cope with problems and other stresses without the use of drugs. Seek professional
help regarding problems that are hard to cope with.
g. Develop strong moral and spiritual values.
2. The Family role of Parents – parents are looked upon by their children as models.
a. Create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the home.
b. Develop effective means of communication with their children.
c. Understand and accept the children for what they are and for what they want then to be.
d. Listen to their children, respect for their opinions and guide them in making decisions.
e. Praise their children for whatever positive achievement they have accomplished no matter
how trivial this may seem.
f. Take time to be with their children no matter how busy they are.
g. Strengthen moral and spiritual values.
3. The Role of the School – Next to the home, the school is the child’s next impressive world. Here,
the child moves about in a bigger social environment predominantly made up of his peers and
teachers. As part of a broader social process for behaviour influence, it is said that the school is
an extension of the home having the strategic position to control crime and delinquency. It
exercises authority over every child as a consistent.
The teachers are considered second parents having the responsibility to mold the child
to become productive member of the community by devoting energies to study the child
behaviour using all available scientific means and devices in an attempt to provide each child the
kind and amount of education they need.
The school takes the responsibility of preventing the feeling of insecurity and rejection
of the child which can contribute directly to maladjustment and to criminality by setting up
objectives of developing the child into a well integrated and useful, law abiding citizens.
The school has also the role of working closely with the parents and neighbourhood and
other community agencies and organizations to direct the child in the most effective and
constructive way.
The Teacher can do to prevent Drug Abuse;
Know their students and be sensitive to their needs and problems.
Establish rapport with their students for better communication.
Accept their student for what they are help them develop their potentials.
Academic achievement and personality development should be given equal importance
Encourage student participation in co-curricular activities that would further enhance and
strengthen moral and spiritual values.
4. The Role of the Church – the church is also committed to fight against drug abuse. Religion is a
positive force for humanitarian task of moral guidance of the youth. It is the social institution with
the primary role to strengthen faith and goodness in the community, an influence against crime
and delinquency.
The church influences people’s behaviour with the emphasis on morals and life highest
spiritual values, the worth and dignity of the individual, and respect for person’s lives and
properties and generate the full power to oppose crime and delinquency. Just like the family and
the school, the church is also responsible to cooperate with institutions in the community in
dealing with problems of children, delinquents and criminals as regards to the treatment and
correction of criminal behaviours.
5. The Role of the Police – the police is one of the most powerful occupation groups in the modern
society. The prime mover of the criminal justice system and the number one institution in the
community with the broad goals of maintaining peace and order, the protection of life and
property and the enforcement of the laws. The police are the authority having a better position
to draw up special programs against drug abuse and crime in general because it is the reason why
the police exist. That is to protect the society against lawless elements since they are the best
equipped to detect and identify criminals. The police are the agency most interested about crime
and criminals and having the most clearly defined legal power authority to take action against
The government and other components of the Justice System (CJS) being recognized
authority that enforces the laws of the land and the most powerful in the control of people.
Respect for the government is influenced by the respect of the people running the government.
When the people see that public officers and employees are the first ones to violate the laws,
people will refuse to obey them, they set a bad example for others to follow and create an
atmosphere conducive to crime and disrespect for the law. In this regards, the government itself
indirectly abets the commission of crimes.
6. The Role of Non-Government Organization (NGO’s) – the group of concerned individuals
responsible for helping the governments in the pursuit of community development being
partners in providing the common good and welfare of the people through public service. When
the government is inefficient and unable to provide the necessary goods and services to the
people, these non-government organizations are good helpers in providing the required services
on preventing drug abuse.
7. The Role of Mass Media – being the best institution for information dissemination thereby giving
the public the necessary need to know and do help shape everyday views about drug abuse, its
control and prevention.
Lesson 14
The rising both in drug addiction and crime rates are of major public concern in any country
today. It has been considered that illicit drug use is one among the reasons of criminal activities.
There is general belief that drugs provide the criminal with courage to commit crime. This does
not appear to be so in most cases. The physiological action of narcotics is mostly not conducive for the
commission of crimes. But drug addiction does provide a strong motive for crime like the drug addict
needs the drug which he can get mostly from illegal sources, the drug addict needs money for the
purchase, which in most of the cases, is obtained by illegal means: theft, bribery, embezzlement,
robbery, forgery, cheating, etc.
Certain narcotic does inhibit the power to discriminate and judgement, thus the tendency of a
person to promote the commission of crime. For example, alcohol and cannabis makes a man
desperate and commit crime which he would not commit if he were not under the influence of the said
The following are some reasons why it has to be investigated in a specialized manner:
The Violation
a. Republic Act No. 9165 (The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002)- under this law, the
following are punishable:
1. Importation of Dangerous Drug and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
2. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and Transportation of
Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
3. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort where dangerous drugs are used or sold in any form.
4. Being an employee or visitor of a den, dive or resort.
5. Manufacture of dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
6. Illegal chemical diversion of controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
7. Manufacture of delivery of equipment, instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia for
dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
8. Possession of Dangerous Drugs
9. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and other Paraphernalia for Dangerous
Drugs: Possession of Dangerous Drugs during Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings.
10. Use of Dangerous Drugs; Cultivation of Plants classified as dangerous drugs or are sources
11. Failure to comply with the maintenance and keeping of the original records of transaction on
any dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals on the part of
practitioners, manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, distributors, dealers or retailers.
12. Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous Drugs
13. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs.
a. The Addict or User – A “user” is one who injects, intravenously or intramuscularly or consumes,
either by chewing, smoking, sniffing, eating, swallowing, drinking or otherwise introducing into
the physiological system of the body, any of the dangerous drugs. An ‘addict” is one who
habitually uses dangerous drugs.
1. Determine his History
2. Has he just used or administered the drug? Get urine and, if possible, blood samples for
analysis within 24 hours after administration.
3. Is he in possession of the drug?
4. Determine the reason for possession. Is it for sale or for own consumption?
5. If possession is for reason other than personal use, he must be accordingly charged under RA
6. Is he suffering from the signs and symptoms of drug abuse? This will guide the investigator to
determine whether the violator is an addict or not.
b. The Pusher – “Pusher” refers to any person who sells, administers, delivers or gives away to
another, on any terms whatsoever or distributes or dispatches in transit or transport any
dangerous drug or who acts as a broker in any such transaction.
1. Ordinarily, he is an addict himself.
2. If not an addict, determine the reason for his possession of the drug. Is it for sale, for giving
away, etc.?
3. If he is selling, determine his clientele. Get their names and other personal circumstance.
4. Determine, if possible, his source of supply, their names, addresses, etc.
5. Determine the number of times that he had been arrested and charged for the same offense.
6. If he is a recidivist, state so in the complaint or information to be filed.
Field Test – Burn a small quantity of the suspected substance. The odour or smell is similar to burnt
banana leaves or has sweetish odour.
Powder – white, odourless granulated powder with a very bitter taste. Sometimes however,
illicit traffickers add colour to deceive investigators.
Block – with embossed marks like “999” “555” “AAA” “1A”, etc. With “Lion”, “Elephant”,
“Tiger/Dragon” brands.
Licit morphine used for medical purposes invariably comes in powder form, tablets, capsules
with the brand name of the manufacturer.
Note: Both heroin and morphine may be sold by pushers in bundle containing about .03 gram of
powder. The price will depend on supply and demand.
Cocaine (C12 H 21n 04) is a alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca and the other
species of Erthroxlon Linne, or by synthesis from ecgonine and its derivatives.
Preparations – it may be made by moisturizing ground coca leaves with a sodium carbonate
solution, percolating with benzene or other solvents such as petroleum benzene, shaking the liquid
with diluted sulphuric acid, and adding to the separated acid solution and excess of sodium carbonate.
The participated alkaloids are removes with ether, and after drying with sodium carbonate, the
solution is filtered and the ether distilled off. The residue is dissolved in methyl alcohol and the solution
heated with sulphuric acids from the ecgonine and esterifies the carbozyl group.
After dilution with water, the organic that have been liberated are removed with chloroform.
The aqueous solution is then concentrated, neutralized and cooled with ice, whereupon methyl
ecgonine sulphate crystallizes. Upon adding water and solution hydroxide, methyl benzoyl ecgonine or
cocaine is precipitated.
The cocaine is extracted with ether and the solution concentrated to crystallization. For the
purification of cocaine, re-crystallization from a mixture of acetone and benzene is generally
Solubility – 1 gm dissolves in about 600 ml of water, 7 ml of alcohol, 1 ml of chloroform, 3.5 ml
of ether and is very soluble in warm alcohol.
Uses – cocaine was the first local anaesthetic to be discovered. At present, it is considered too
toxic for any anaesthetic procedure requiring injection, but is still extensively employed for
anaesthesia of the nose and throat. For this purpose, a 10% solution of the hydro-chloride is used.
Cocaine is a central stimulant, but is never employed clinically for this purpose. Addiction and a
certain amount of tolerance result from its use. Because of its properties, the sale of cocaine is
prohibited in the Philippines.
Cocaine also comes in the form of salt crystals, known as “crack” and usually sold in packets.
This is the American counterpart of the local “shabu” or methamphetamine hydrochloride.
Marijuana is a seasonal plant grown from seed, depending on soil and weather condition. It
grows approximately 20 feet. The leaves come in clusters of 3,5,7,9 to 13 leaflets. The leaflets are
elongated with the tip pointed and the sides serrated.
Manicured or grounded leaves and flowering tops – although dried and grounded, they will
retain their greenish color.
Reefers or cigarettes known as “joints” and other names – these are hand-rolled in cigarette
paper, irregular and slim with both ends tucked in or twisted.
Hallucinogen Drugs
These are the drugs that are capable of creating hallucinations in the mind of the taker such as
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide commonly known as LSD and other drugs falling under this category are
DMT, STP, and peyote and morning glory seeds.
Synthetic Drugs
Those having the same physiological action as a narcotic drug, such as methadone and
These include self-inducing sedatives, such as seconbarbital, Phenobarbital, pentobarbital,
amobarbital, salt or a derivative of a salt of barbituric acid: and salt, isomer or salt of an isomer of
amphetamine, such as Benzedrine or Dexedrine or any drug which produces a physiological acting
similar to amphetamine; and hypnotic drugs, such as methaqualone, nitrzepam or any other
compound producing similar physiological effects.
It’s manufactured synthetically as salts of barbituric acid. All names of these drugs are such as
pentobarbital, secobarbital (seconal), amobarbital, Phenobarbital, barbital, etc.
Categories according to Effects:
a. Long acting barbiturates – take effect within 30 to 60 minutes and last up to 8 hours,
e.i. Phenobarbital
b. Intermediate acting barbiturates – take effect within 15 to 30 minutes and last up to
6 hours, e.i. amobarbital and butabarbital.
c. Short acting barbiturates – take effect within 10 to 20 minutes and last up to 6
hours, e.i. Pentobarbital and secobarbital.
d. Ultra short barbiturates – take effect within 45 seconds and last up to 30 minutes,
e.i. thiopental sodium
Note: under FDA law, it is illegal to sell these drugs without prescription. There is no illegal possession
charge under the FDA law, but under R.A 6425 these is such a violation.
Stimulate the central nervous system and have the ability to combat fatigue and sleepiness.
These are also known as “uppers”.
Chemicals Names:
a. Amphetamine Sulfate
b. Dextroamphetamine Sulfate
c. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
Amphetamines come in varied forms, colors and shapes. Examples of amphetamines are
Benzedrine or the “bennies”, Dexedrine or the “dexies” and the methedrine known as the “meatballs”.
“SHABU” is the most widely known amphetamine in the country today. The compound
(methamphetamine hydrochloride) is also known as “poor man’s cocaine”. The latter term, however is
misleading because although cheaper than that cocaine, “shabu” is nonetheless expensive as
compared to other drugs such as marijuana or solvents.
It also called the Inhalants, Solvents or Deliriants. This are chemicals when sniffed can produce
intoxication effects such as gasoline, kerosene, thinner, paint, etc. The most popular among them is the
solvent “rugby”. These chemical substances are significant in narcotics investigation because of their
intoxicating symptoms that do not produce alcoholic breath.
Physical evidence of various types can do must to augment the inevitable oral evidence in a
prosecution involving drugs. The investigator should be constantly on alert to obtain physical evidence
during an inquiry for presentation in court.
Drug Seizures – one officer, preferably the officer who made the seizure, should be detailed to
take charge of the drug found. The following procedure should guide him:
1. Identify the seizure in some permanent way using markings or non-removable labels or wax-
sealed tie on tag.
2. The identification should give detail of the time, date and place of seizure and the name of the
owner or suspect where an arrest had been made.
3. The officer should complete the identification of the seizure by placing his initial or signature on
the identifying label.
4. Where a suspect charged demands a sample of the seized drug for independent analysis the
desired sample should be place in a suitable container. It should then be sealed in such as way
as to prevent tampering preferably with the signature of the suspect and the officer appearing
on the seal.
5. Where another officer later takes the seizure –as in during questioning - that drug is shown to
suspect during questioning – that officer should continue the chain of identification by placing
his initials on the label.
6. Few parties as possible should hold the seized drug. A permanent written record of the
movement of the seizure, noting time, dates and signatures or receiving parties should be
7. As soon as after seizure, the drug should be sealed in a container such as way as to prevent loss
or tampering with. The seal should be affixed in such a way that it will be impossible to open
the container without breaking the seal. The seal should bear the same identification as the
seizer itself.
8. The officer in the area designed by his command should retain the seizure, the security of which
will satisfy the scrutiny of the court.
9. Where the nature of the seizure requires special storage conditions or facilities, this should be
arranged and the security of the seizures maintained.
10. At the first opportunity, the officer should himself deliver the seized drugs to the laboratory for
11. If the commitments of the officer holding the seized drugs are such that he cannot travel to the
laboratory, he should hand the same to another officer who should make the delivery
12. If personal delivery is not possible, the seized drugs should be carefully packed in a parcel,
which is then sealed. This should be adequately addressed and shipped by certified delivery
Photographs – a permanent written record should be kept relating to photographs taken in the
course of an investigation, noting the time, date and place of the photograph, its subject the weather
condition at the time it was taken. The technician might also note details of film and camera
operations. Several prints of each photograph should be obtained and on one copy, these details
should be recorded together with the name of the officers who can “prove” the photograph. The other
print copies be retained unmarked for possible submission to court. Photographs of, for instance, a
meeting between two offenders can adduce valuable corroborative evidence.
Lesson 15
Drug investigation in the Philippines is under the concern of the Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency (PDEA) being newly created and organized. The agency has one among its powers and
functions the initiation of all investigation proceedings concerning drug cases, absorbing all drug
enforcement units of the other governmental agencies like the National Bureau of Investigation, the
Philippine National Police, the Bureau of Customs and other agencies and bureaus with drug
investigation divisions.
As mandated by law, the PDEA shall “create and maintain an efficient special enforcement unit
to conduct an investigation and file charges and transmit evidence to the proper court”.
Proper handling of drug evidence is necessary to obtain the maximum possible information
upon which scientific examination shall be based, and to prevent exclusion as evidence in court. Drug
specimens which truly represent the material found at the scene, unaltered, unspoiled or otherwise
unchanged in handling will provide more and better information upon examination. Legal
requirements make it necessary to account for all physical pieces of evidence from the time it is
collected until it is presented in court. With these, the following principles should be observed in
handling all types of evidence in narcotics investigation:
1. The evidence should reach the laboratory as much as possible in same condition as when it
is found.
2. The quantity of specimen should be adequate. Even with the best equipment available,
good results cannot be obtained from insufficient specimens.
3. Submit a known or standard specimen for comparison purpose.
4. Keep each specimen separate from others so there will be no intermingling or mixing of
known and unknown material. Wrap and seal in individual packages when necessary.
5. Mark or label each piece of evidence must be maintained. Account for evidence from the
time it is collected until it is produced in court. Any break in this chain of custody may make
the material inadmissible as evidence in court.
Receipt/Report Complaint
First Responder
Preliminary Survey
The illustration shows a general process in the crime scene investigation involving any crime
which is narcotics investigators can fundamentally base on a scientific crime scene processing.
In the flow of the investigation, it shows that upon receipt or report of a crime, the desk officer
shall record the date and time the report/complaint was made, identify persons who made the report,
place of incident and a synopsis of the incident then inform his superior or duty officer regarding the
The first responders will properly preserve the crime scene. The security and protection of the
crime scene to get maximum scientific information that will help successful prosecution of
preparations. Then the formal investigation maybe conducted.
a. Record time/date of Arrival at the crime scene, location of the scene, condition of the
weather, condition and type of lighting, direction of wind and visibility.
b. Secure the crime scene by installing the crime scene tape or rope (police line)
c. Before touching or moving any object at the crime scene determine first the status of the
victim, whether he is still alive or already dead. If the victim is alive the investigator should
exert effort to gather information from the victim himself regarding the circumstances of
the crime, while a member of the team or someone must call an ambulance from the
nearest hospital. After the victim is remove and brought to the hospital for medical
attention, measure, sketch and photograph.
d. Designate a member of the team or summon other policemen or responsible persons to
stand watch and secure the scene and permit only those authorized person to enter the
e. Identify and retain for questioning the person who first notified the police and other
possible witnesses.
The investigator begins the process of recording pertinent facts and details of the investigation
the moment he arrives at the crime scene. (He should record the time when he was initially notified
prior to his arrival). He also writes down the identification of person involved and what he initially saw.
He also draws a basic sketch of the crime scene and takes the initial photographs. This is to ensure that
an image of the crime scene is recorded before any occurrence that disturbs the scene. As a rule, do
not touch, alter or remove anything at the crime scene until the evidence has been processed through
notes, sketches and photographs with proper measurements.
a. Each crime scene is different, according to the physical nature of the scene and the crime or
offense involved. Consequently, the scene is processed in accordance with the prevailing physical
characteristics of the scene and with the need to develop essential evidentiary facts peculiar to
the offense. A general survey of the scene is always made, however, not the location of obvious
traces of action, the probable entry and exit points used by the offender(s) and the size and
shape of the area involved.
b. In rooms, building and small outdoor areas, a systematic search of evidence is initiated, (in the
interest of uniformity, it is recommended that the clockwise movement be used). The investigator
examines each item encountered on the floor, walls, and ceiling to locate anything that may be of
evidentiary value. He should:
Give particular attention to fragile evidence that may be destroyed or contaminated if it is
not collected when discovered.
If any doubt exists as to the value of an item, treat it as evidence until proven otherwise.
Carefully protect any impression of evidentiary value in surfaces conducive to making casts
or molds.
Note stains, spots and pools of liquid within the scene and treat them as evidence.
Proceed systematically and uninterruptedly to the conclusion of the processing of the scene.
The search for evidence is initially completed when, after a thorough examination of the
scene, the rough sketch, necessary photograph and investigative note have been completed
and the investigator has returned to the point from which the search began.
c. In large outdoor areas, it is advisable to divide the area into strips about four (4) feet wide. The
policeman may first search the strip on his left he faces the scene then the adjoining strips.
d. If may be advisable to make a search beyond the area considered to be immediate scene of the
incident or crime. For example, evidence may indicate that a weapon or tool used in the crime
was discarded or hidden by the offender somewhere within a square-mile area near the scene.
e. After completing the search of the scene, the investigator examined the objects or persons
Collecting Evidence
This is accomplished after the search is completed, the rough sketch finished and photographs
taken. Fragile evidence should be collected as they are found.
Removal of Evidence
a. The investigator places his initials, the date and the time of discovery on each item of evidence
and the time discovery on each item of evidence for proper identification.
b. Items that could not be marked should be placed in a suitable container and sealed.
Tagging of Evidence
Any physical evidence obtained must tagged before its submission to the evidence custodian.
Evaluation of Evidence
Each item of evidence must be evaluated in relation to all the evidence, individually and
Preservation of Evidence
The scene is not released until all processing has been completed. The release should be
effected at the earliest practicable time, particularly when an activity has been closed or its operations
a. To establish admissibility, the investigator must have had personal observation of the data in
question. In other words, the sketch must be sponsored or verified.
b. Sketches are not a substitute for notes or photos; they are but a supplement to them.
c. Write down all measurements.
d. Fill in all detail on your rough sketch at the scene. Final sketch may be prepared at the office.
e. Keep the rough sketch even when you have completed the final sketch.
f. Indicate the North direction with an arrow.
g. Draw the final sketch to scale.
h. Indicate the place in the sketch as well as the person who drew it. Use the KEY – capital letters of
the alphabet for listing down more or less normal parts of accessories of the place, and numbers
for items of evidence.
i. Indicate the position, location and relationship of objects.
j. Methods or systems of locating points (objects) on sketch.
k. Critical measurements, such as skid marks, should be checked by two (2) investigators.
l. Measurements should be harmony; or in centimetres, inches, yards, meters, mixed in one sketch.
m. Use standard symbols in the sketch.
n. Show which way doors swing
o. Show with arrow the direction of stairways.
p. Recheck the sketch for clarity, accuracy, scale and title key.
A number of crime incident committed in the country are unsolved and/or dismissed by trial
courts because of insufficiency of evidence. In cases of narcotic investigation, it is important that pieces
of drug evidence that will provide clue on the suspects/offenders identities can be found in the crime
scene. However, those vital evidence in the crime scene are either left in the crime scene are critical in
the prosecution on the case in court with the advent of new technologies, they could be analyzed
scientifically for these purpose.
The recovery of physical evidence during investigation of crime scene is the most important
task of current law enforcement. In most cases, the material items of evidence and descriptive
information collected from the scene of the crime make a big difference in the success and failure of
cases in court.
The capability of the Crime Laboratory to provide scientific interpretation and information
depends on the recognition, recovery and documentation of the evidence in the crime scene. Field
investigators work as part of the forensic team as the laboratory technician. If evidence collected in the
crime scene is not properly accomplished, the work of the crime laboratory is impeded and even
neggated. The recovery of physical evidence during investigation of crime scene is the most important
task of current law enforcement. In most cases, the material items of evidence and descriptive
information collected from the scene of the crime make a big difference in the success and failure of
cases in court.
Past experience shows that a well-trained team, coordinated and properly equipped can be of
great advantage in effectively and efficiently recovering evidences. Personal knowledge and instinctive
actions or institutions are of great help in the solution of the criminal and drug related cases. However
there is no substitute for the adoption and practice of scientific investigation.
The idea of enhancing SOCO in narcotic investigation is to assist drug investigators in terms of
scientific approach in investigating criminal cases, especially heinous ones.
Lesson 16
1. Field Test - the test describes in the following pages are designed to give investigators emergency
means of making on-the-spot tentative identification of samples seized or purchased during the course
of investigations. Results obtained should not be regarded as final identification since a number of such
drugs are marketed in combination with other chemicals from which they must be separated (by
laboratory methods) before true results can be attained.
2. Care of Apparatus and Reagents – reagents should be protected from excessive heat and light. Acid
reagent should be stored in glass bottles. Reagent stability should be tested from time to time with
drugs of known identify. All apparatus used in making test should be thoroughly cleaned before
reusing. Marquis test is used for morphine, codeine, heroin and other opium derivatives.
When brought into contact with morphine, heroin or other opium derivatives, the reagent
develops brilliant colors ranging from blue to reddish purple. These are some other substances, which
also produce colors with this reagent. No confusion, however, should arise once the operator is
familiar with the specific colors given by the opium alkaloids. It is therefore essential that the test be
observed with known samples before any unknown is tested.
The value of this test lies in the fact that a positive reaction indicates the presence of an opium
derivative. A negative result does not rule out the possibility of the sample being a prohibited drug
since cocaine, methadone, demerol, dromoran, etc. Do not give positive results with this reagent. A
suspected sample that gives a negative result should be submitted to the laboratory for examination.
Field test for Methadone – this narcotic drug, known also as Amidone, Dolophine and Di-6,
dimethylamide-4, 4-diphenyl-3-heptanone hydrochloride, can be detected in the presence of some
other drugs by employing the reagent and technique as set forth below. After solution is effected,
filtration of the sample is desirable but not essential to the success of the method, since insoluble
substance such as starch, talc, etc. are not blue in color.
Reagent: Dissolve 1 gm of cobalt acetate, nitrate or chloride and 1/5 gm of potassium thiocyanate in
90 ml of water and 10 ml of glacial acetic acid.
Test: Dissolve the sample in a minimum amount of water, filter, and add 2 or 3 drops of the reagent
to the filtrate. Shake for about 1 minute. A blue precipitate indicates the presence of methadone.
This field test for cocaine, Demerol and methadone was developed by the U.S. Customs
Laboratory, in Baltimore, Maryland in 1961 and has been successful use since then.
The field test is based on a modification of the well-known cobalt thiocyanate color test that
produces a blue color in the presence of cocaine. The customs field is a stable single-solution version of
the thiocyanate test and is the most specific cocaine color test available at this time.
The test is simple to perform. The ampul should be broken at the point where the glass is
scored and the powdered sample introduced into the open end of the half of the ampul should NOT BE
SHAKEN. A blue color is indicative of cocaine, demerol or methadone give stronger blues than that
demerol. For each of the three narcotics, the strength of their blue in the ampul is proportionate to
their active content.
The ampul contains a dilute acid and should be discarded in a place where water can be used to
dilute the acid.
Microscopic – using a magnification of approximately 30 diameters, the leaves, small twigs, seed
hulls and flowering tops exhibit a characteristics warty appearance due to the presence of non-
glandular hairs which contain at their base called spheriodal cystollith of calcium carbonate. Adding a
drop of diluted hydrochloric acid to the slide and noting the effervescence may show the presence of
carbonate. Many of the cystolithic hairs appear in the shape of bear claws. The seed or fruit, deprived
of its hull, under the same magnification, presents a mottled effect and gives the viewer the impression
he is looking at a hulled coconut or nutmeg. A comparison with an authentic sample is most desirable.
Chemical – The Duquenois – Levine Test has been found to be the only satisfactory chemical test for
the identification of marijuana. The chloroform soluble colour developed in this test is due to the
presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the active principal of the marijuana plants.
Seeds – when a sample consist entirely of seeds, their identity alone is not sufficient to bring them
the seeds should be placed in a suitable container with moist paper pulp or wet vermiculite and place
in a warm dark place until germination takes place. When reporting a sample containing marijuana
alone, their fertility should always be stated.
Note: Do not rely on chemical tests alone. Always examine the material with a microscope or
hand lens. Cannabis Sativa or marijuana can be quickly and positively identified by subjecting the
sample by means microscopic test, seeds test.
This field test for identifying amphetamines is useful in screening out caffeine, vitamins or other
substitutes proffered as amphetamines.
Test Material - The test material consists of 2 or 3 drops of Marquis Reagent (2 drops of 37%
formaldehyde in 3 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid) in a small glass ampul.
Test Procedure – Break the ampul at the scored center and place 1 or 2 drops of the reagent on the
sample. This should be done on a glass ashtray, inverted tumbler, etc. Amphetamines react with the
reagent to give a red-orange colour, turning to reddish and then dark brown within 1 to 2 minutes. The
reagent gives this characteristic colour reaction when applied to white, pink, yellow, peach or green
amphetamine tablets.
The speed within which the colour is formed appears to depend upon the hardness of the
tablet. The red-orange colour forms immediately of some tablets while with others it appears in 10 to
20 second. Therefore, the critical period of colour differentiation for amphetamines is within the first
20 seconds. The peach-colour caffeine tablet gives a colour, which might cause some confusion. The
difference between the colours formed by thus tablet and that formed by a peach-colour
amphetamine tablet are crushed before the reagent is applied. Once the difference is seen, there
should be no trouble in distinguishing one from the other.
Amphetamine powder and tablets – Red-orange onset to reddish brown to dark brown within a
couple of minutes, caffeine powder and tablets – no colour reaction, methamphetamine and tablets –
red-orange onset to reddish brown to dark brown as amphetamines, wyramine sulphate – same colour
change as amphetamines.
For the tentative identification of the barbiturates, the zwikker test is used. Zwikker Test -
anhydrous methanol solution of the barbiturate upon several drops of cobalt chloride in methanol
solution gives a bluish colour, which changes to dark blue upon being alkalized with a 5%
isopropylamine in methanol. The atkinson Laboratory, 33031 Fierro Street, Los Angeles, California,
manufactures a compact kit that utilized the Zwikker Test.
Test Material – The Zwikker Test Kit consists of a small plastic bag containing three solutions in
plastics dropping bottles and small porcelain spot plate. Solution # 1 – Anhydours methanol, Solution #
2 – Cobalt Chloride dissolved in methanol, Solution # 3 – 5% isopropylamine in methanol. CAUTION:
The above solutions are volatile and inflammable. They should be kept sealed.
A common occurrence in the drug culture is the death of a user, investigation of a narcotic
death is divided into three (3) phases: The Scene Investigation, The Medical Investigation and The
Toxicological investigation. An officer involved in such a case should determine the manner of death,
that is, whether homicide, suicide or accidental. All of the factors and elements of the scene must be
accurately and completely recorded. This will assist the medical examiner in determining the cause of
The ingestion of narcotics or dangerous drugs poisons the body. This is poisoning effect will
leads to a paralysis of the respiratory centre or cause heart failure. This will deny the body a sufficient
amount of oxygen.
Evident or visible signs, which remain after death, often accompany the effects of a particular
drug on the human body for the trained observe. These signs are result of symptoms experienced by
the victim prior to death. Following is a partial listing of the more dangerous drugs, the minimum lethal
dose, symptoms and cause of death.
During Investigation of the scene, you should recognize and relate seemingly insignificant
items or material, which would justify a conclusion of narcotic involvement. The following are
some of such items:
1. Paraphernalia (or “works”) – Tools or implements used in administering narcotics. These may
include the obvious syringe and needle, tourniquet, spoon top “cookies” and tinfoil packet. Also
included are small balls of cotton, capsules and envelopes and a book of matches.
2. Narcotics Medication – Laudanum, paregoric, codeine cough syrup, all utilized as “carry over’s”
until the next fix.
3. Maalox – milk of Magnesia – Medication used to relieve nausea, vomiting, constipation, cramps
or diarrheal.
4. Absence of Nutritional Food – loss of appetite is a symptom of poisoning. Presence of candy or
soft drinks indicates low insulin count.
5. Body Fluids –presence of urine, feces, mucus or vomitus on the scene may be evidence of the
body attempting to rid itself of poisoned substance.
6. Clothing or Bed Lines – which may be sweat-stained or soaking wet from the victim having hot
and cold flashes, should be collected and analyzed.
7. Lack of Ordinary Cleanliness – Dependent user is not concerned in most cases with the
environment or health and this is shown by a neglect of both.
8. Wet Body – evidence of body being immersed in tub or shower or having ice cubes placed in
underclothes or in private parts. It is a common mistake uses make in thinking this helps in
overdose cases. Salt water may also be injected into the victim. Hospitals use Narcan as antidote.
9. Nylon Stoking – stretched over a hanger used as sieve.
10. Playing Card – with the power, may have been used to “smack” heroin. The card is usually on top
of record album or similar.
11. Merchandise – small items which are easily carried and disposed of after, being stolen-radios,
watches, portable TVs, radios, etc.
a. Cyanosis – bluish discoloration of the face and/or fingernails due to insufficient oxygenation of
the blood caused by increase in carbon dioxide in the body.
b. Petechial or Froth – Pinpoint spots of discoloration resulting from capability ruptures due to
pressure and generally observed in the eyes, eyelids, behind the ears and internally.
c. Form or Froth – observed in mouth and nose, may be white or pinkish and caused by fluids
entering the air passages.
d. Hematoma – a localized swelling on any part to the body caused by bleeding beneath the surface
of the skin. This is caused by “skin popping” rather that vein injections.
e. Needle Marks/Tracks – visual evidence of repeated intravenous injections. The tracks will follow a
vein (exception “skin popping”) and result in a dark discoloration and eventual collapse of the
f. Scar – skin imperfection caused by the victim in removing needle mark scabs, added to
uncleanness of the victim.
g. Rash/scratched Skin – external body signs of morphine or heroin poisoning.
h. Asphyxia – when it is the cause the death it is often accompanied by external body changes.
These changes, visible to the naked eye, are not restricted to narcotic-related deaths and may be
found in other asphyxia deaths, such as heart attack, drowning, hanging, etc. They must be noted,
photographed and reported to the pathologist during the pre-autopsy interview.
Victim’s History
Historical date on the victim would include his criminal record (local, national and
international); medical record (of a private doctor, hospitals, clinics, etc. and any mental treatment or
attempts at suicide); social (relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers); marital (past or present); and
financial records.
When interviewing users or person possibly involved in narcotics traffic, you should use straight
language rather than attempt street talk because slang constantly changes. You must determined the
extent of decedent’s addiction, his familiarity with other drugs, whether he had a steady source of the
drugs or continuously shopped around and other matters relative to his personal history.
Medical Phase
This is the most important stage of the narcotics death investigation. Since the pathologist will
rarely be able to examine the body at the death scene, you should note every detail, which may be of
medico-legal importance and make a complete report on this.
You should attend the autopsy yourself. Make sure that the following specimens are submitted
for narcotics, alcohol or other foreign matter. Heroin is quickly changes to morphine after entering the
body, and clears the blood in approximately ½ hour remains in the urine about 24 hours and in the bile
for ¾ days.
Lesson 17
Alcohol is one of the oldest intoxicants known to man. Ever since there has been a continuous
effort, everywhere, to control its consumption because of its devastating effects on human life. Many
countries all over the world have tried prohibition ban with little success.
In the Philippines, it has been observed that most persons involved in cases of physical assault are
under the influence of alcohol. Likewise, victims of assault too are under the influence of liquor.
Furthermore, alcohol as adversely influenced the rate of road accidents. Drunk drivers cause
majority of these accidents. The chances of an intoxicated driver causing an accident are about fifty
times more than that of a sober driver. The crime involving alcohol, directly or indirectly is increasing at
a terrific rate. The police and the judiciary should, therefore, understand the mechanics of alcohol, its
nature, effects, detection and estimation, to deal effectively with crimes involving
Nature of Alcohol
Alcohol is a colourless, tasteless clear liquid. It boils at 78.4 degrees Celsius. It has a pleasant odour
and gives a burning sensation to the mouth, oesophagus and stomach. Like many drugs, alcohol is
toxic. It can poison the human body if taken in large amounts or in combination with other drugs.
Alcohol is a depressant not a stimulant.
There are two kinds of alcohol – methyl and ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is very poisonous and is
not put in drinks but is use in some industries. Ethyl alcohol is used in alcoholic drinks, which are made
by breweries. The fermentation occurs when germs called yeast act on sugars in food to produce
alcohol and carbon dioxide. Fermented brews and spirits contain different amount of alcohol. The
amount in beer is less than in other drinks. It varies from 2.5% to 8% in different countries.
1. Occasional Drinker – drinks on special occasions or uses alcohol as a home remedy, takes only a
few drinks per year.
2. Frequent Drinker – drinks at parties and social affairs. Intake of alcohol per week uses beverage
to release inhibitions and tensions.
3. Regular Drinker – may drink daily or consistently on weekends. Usually comes from cultural
background where wine or beer is used with meals to enhance the flavour of the food.
4. Alcohol Dependent – drinks to have good time, excessive drinking occurs occasionally but drinker
may not become alcoholic.
5. Alcoholic – has lost control of his use of alcohol. Alcohol assumes primary goal in his life, even to
the exclusion of physical health and interests of family and society in general.
Alcohol is a narcotic. That is, it has a depressant effect on the system. Likewise, the following
are the general effects of alcohol as to proper order.
1. Euphoria – feeling of well being increased confidence, temporary relief from fatigue, pain or
2. Muscular in Coordination – depression of motor function and causes greater dulling of the
brain that controls inhibitions. The person may become hilarious, morose, irritable or
excitable without proper cause. He may suffer from slurred speech and staggering gait.
3. Respiratory Paralysis – if more liquor is consumed the paralysis of the respiratory centres
sets in. The person may suffer from complete in coordination of muscles, stertorous
breathing, sleep, coma, and death.
However, these effects vary from person to person and depending on the factors of absorption,
tolerance, concentration of alcohol, and the number of hours of drinking. Other general effects
a. Fatal Dose –the fatal dose of liquor of an ordinary person is about 200 to 500 ml of absolute
alcohol for adults and about 50 ml onward for children.
b. Fatal Period – the fatal effects of alcohol may appear with in 10 to 24 hours. But in some cases,
death may take place even after a number of days.
c. Alcoholic Allergy – some persons are allergic to alcoholic drinks. The drinks may cause them to be
mad and they behave like maniacs under the influence of liquor.
The nerves are like telephone wires coming out of the control system in the brain and spinal
cord. They send and receive messages from all parts of the body. Alcohol slows down the work of the
brain cells and stops proper messages being sent to the rest of the body. Alcohol stops people
behaving correctly to other people. They may do whatever comes first into their minds. They may say
things that do not make sense or behave rudely to others. They may also have feelings of increased
personal or social power. After heavy drinking and when the pain killing effects of the alcohol are
removed, the person may suffer from a hangover. Hangover is the word used to describe the terrible
pain and horrible effects, which follow a period of heavy drinking.
Alcohol damages the stomach and intestines and makes them sore. This can cause a burning
sensation, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes there is bleeding.
The first thing the liver does is to turn part of the alcohol into fat. Some of this goes into the blood,
but a lot builds up in the liver cells. After drinking six (6) medium-sized glasses of beer everyday for a
few days fat is formed in the liver, the liver becomes larger. As the liver enlarges, it changes the way
other drugs and medicines work in the body. So it can be dangerous to take medicines with alcohol.
Alcohol affects the heart and other muscles so that they become weaker and less effective. This
makes people tire and breathless.
The activity of the liver trying to get rid of the alcohol results in many changes to the blood – for
example – blood sugar is lowered and blood fats are increased.
Alcohol decreased the ability of the kidneys to get rid of some waste products.
Effects on Sexual Functions
Malnutrition: The illness that occurs when a person doesn’t have enough food to eat or eats the
wrong kind of food. The person who drinks alcohol may suffer from malnutrition because he spends his
time, money and energy in drinking. He may not eat the proper foods. Drinking alcohol decreases a
person desire to eat. Alcohol burns the stomach and bowel so that food eaten is not used well by the
body. If the liver is damaged, some important vitamins are not produced.
Because drinking affects people behaviour, it has effects on the community as a whole.
a. Home – heavy drinkers take money needed for food, clothes and furniture. This causes debts.
Husbands and wife fight and accuse each other of being unfaithful. There will be often sexual
problems. Children are badly treated and badly fed. And drinking makes people lazy and they
may not go to work. Women may have to steal food to feed their families.
b. Work – the heavy drinker often does not go to work because he feels sick. He sometimes works
badly and hurts himself or others.
c. Play – Heavy drinkers have a bad effect on sportsmen. Because alcohol affects the brain, the
drinker cannot control his arms and legs well. A sportsman who has been drinking cannot play
well, as he should.
d. Roads – excessive drinking is the biggest cause of crime. People become aggressive, fight, break
into houses and steal.
e. Economy and the Nation – The economy is badly affected when people do not go to work and
production falls. Heavy demands are made on health services, the police force and correctional
institutions. Alcoholism is burden to the government.
The use of alcohol has created major social, economic and health problem nationwide – ironic
consequences of ineffective government controls Filipinos have developed alcohol dependence or
abuse, a pattern of continuous drinking that may lead to addiction and almost always causes severe
Alcohol abuse or dependent is commonly referred to as Alcoholism – it is also called problem
drinking. The stage when a person has the difficulty of quitting from the habit of alcohol drinking. This
means he cannot live without it. If he tries to stop drinking, he will have the shivers and shakes and
feels very bad symptoms. He may also experience acute anxiety or fear, delirium and hallucinations.
With the aforementioned devastating effects of alcohol, therefore, it must be controlled. Solely
treating people with medications cannot control problem drinking and alcoholism. Treatment should
be coupled with proper education but hint the schools and in the adult community to develop the
nation habits of moderation in the use of alcoholic beverages. It requires investigation and testing of
social policies on the control of the distribution of alcohol as well as the effective implementation of
these prevention policies.
1. Legal Control
Liquor as a Volatile Substance: Under P.D. 1619, sale and offer to sell to minors of liquors or
beverages with alcoholic content of 30% or above is punishable by 6 months and one day to 4 years
imprisonment and fine of P600.00 pesos to P400.00 pesos.
2. Social Control
Social control of alcoholism comes in varied means like education and awareness, community
activities and individual or group therapies. Today, one of the numerous programs for alcoholics is the
religious means of Alcoholics Anonymous or the Double A.
Alcoholics Anonymous: it is a practical approach to the problem of alcoholism which has met a
consideration success. It is an organization that operates in a nonprofessional counselling program in
which both person-to-person and group relationships are emphasized. It accepts both teenagers and
adults with drinking problem, has no fees or dues, does not keep records or case histories, does not
participate in political causes and is not affiliated with any religious sect, although spiritual
development is the key aspect of its treatment approach. To ensure the anonymity of the alcoholic,
only first names are used. Meeting are devoted partly to social activities, but consist mainly on
discussion of the participant’s problems with alcohol, often with testimonials from those who have
recovered from alcoholism and how did they face it.
3. Medical Control
Alcoholism can be treated through biological measures ranging from detoxification procedures
to brain surgery. However, it is more practical for alcoholics to undergo medical measures of
Detoxification: it is the elimination of alcoholic substances from the individual’s body;
treatment of the withdrawal symptoms; and on medical regimen for physical rehabilitation. These can
be handled in a hospital or clinic, where drugs such as Chlordiazepoxide, have largely revolutionized
the treatment withdrawal symptoms. Likewise, the drug Disulfiram (Antabuse) can create
uncomfortable effects when followed by alcohol and may be administered to prevent an immediate
return to drinking (Coleman, 1980).
a. Illicit Liquors: Through search of the premises especially cattle sheds, unfrequented places,
ravines and jungles is necessary to locate unauthorized stills and storages. Collection of evidences
includes the collection of the paraphernalia, fingerprints and tool marks.
b. Evidence of Intoxication: Intoxication may have to be established in cases of deaths, in offenses
against person, in motor vehicle accidents and in cases where diminish responsibility is claimed as
a defense. Evidences of intoxication require the collection of samples of bloods, urine, saliva or
breath each whenever possible and other body fluids for laboratory examinations.
c. Examination for Intoxication: intoxication is identified through various means like physical test,
alcohol analysis and medical examination. In medical examination, the investigator should
consider smell of breath, state of clothing, general demeanour, speech, eyes, walk, memory,
breathing and tremors of the extremities.
The effects of tobacco smoking consist primarily of ill health and of human suffering. These
include the productivity of the work force, the need for medical care and other variables. Thus smoking
impairs society’s total well-being and posse’s substantial economic loss to the nation.
a. Effects on the Cardiovascular System – increases in heart attack risk with amount smoke;
Increases heart rates 15-25 beats with one to two cigarette; Constrict small arteries causing
higher blood pressure; Increases chance of developing peripheral, vascular diseases; causes
carbon monoxide from smoke to rob oxygen carrying potential of blood; Causes increase of free
fatty acids in blood which may be related to heart attack.
b. Effects on the Respiratory System – increase risks of developing lung cancer ten-fold for the
average of one pack a day smoker; Increases lung cancer risk with amount, with length of time
smoked and early age starting; Major factor identified in the development of lung cancer; only
one in twenty lung cancer victims is saved from death per year; lung cancer deaths slightly exceed
traffic deaths per year; A major cause of chronic bronchitis; Increases risk of dying of chronic
bronchitis and emphysema about six fold; Tends to paralyze bronchial cilia and stimulate
production of mucus; eventually infections; Increase in abnormal cell growth in bronchial tube
walls with increase in basal cell layers and thickening; Causes closing of the bronchi, reducing
effective breathing space.
c. Effects on the Reproductive System – women who smoke during pregnancy increase the risk of
still birth and prenatal mortality and the child physical and intellectual is delayed; women who
smoke causes menopause in early age than in normal; Male smokers, penile arteries become
constricted bringing about slower erection time, impotence in 1 in 4 heavy smokers versus 1 in 12
non-smokers. Smoking fathers may beget children who may suffer from brain tumour, leukaemia
and other abnormalities due to decreased number of spermatozoa. Women who smoke during
pregnancy increase the risk of still birth and prenatal mortality and the child physical and
intellectual is delayed; woman who smokes causes menopause in early age than in normal; Male
smokers, penile arteries become constricted bringing about slower erections time, impotence in 1
in 4 heavy smokers versus 1 in 12 non-smokers.
d. Effects to Mortality and Morbidity – due to the increase cancer of the larynx, the mouth, bladder
and the oesophagus; Increase in ulcer death, death from cirrhosis; increase in kidney problems;
Greater incident of infant pre-maturity and mortality; like expectancy is expected to reduce by
about 14 minutes per cigarette smoked.
Signs/Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal
Withdrawal symptoms begin as soon as 4 hours once decides to quit smoking or after the last
cigarette, generally peak in intensity at three to five days, and disappear within two weeks. Symptoms
start with headache, anxiety, irritability, tremors, poor concentration and hunger pains. Other signs
and symptoms include insomnia and depression, sweating, constipation and diarrheal.
Gambling Controls
At all cost, gambling must be controlled in order to minimize the number of the group of people
tended to be rebellious and unconventional who do not seem to fully understand the ethical norms of
the society.
Legal Control
The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines punishes gambling Article 195 of this law penalize
any person who, in any manner shall directly or indirectly take part of any game of scheme, the result
of which depend wholly or chiefly upon chance with money or articles of monetary value at stake.
Likewise, the law also punishes any person who knowingly permitting any form of gambling to be
carried out in any place, building or vessel or other means of transportation owned or controlled by
the accused. Furthermore, the law punishes maintainers, conductors or bankers in the game of jueteng
or any similar game.
Psychotherapy in gambling is an approach based on some finding that pathological gamblers
marital relationship is generally chaotic and turbulent with the spouse frequently showing seriously
maladaptive patterns also.
Pathological gamblers who want to change may find help through membership in Gamblers
Anonymous, which is modelled through the Alcoholic Anonymous.
1. Prof. Rommel Manwung, Drug Education and Vice Control
2. Dean Artemio Panganiban, Drug Education and Vice Control