A Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

Reading and Writing 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to
a. define what is idiomatic expression;
b. give the correct meaning of the idiomatic expressions used in the selection;
c. accomplish a theme diagram of the story; and;
d. read closely to get specific and implicitly stated information.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Idiomatic Expression
b. Reference: Springboard: The Blanket, Avenues in English III, pp. 34-35
c. Learning Outcome: Identify the different types of clauses.
d. Instructional Materials: video, music, Prezi presentation, laptop, speaker
e. Time Frame: 2 hours
III. Procedure
A. Pre-reading
1. Motivation
The teacher will ask the student what is an extended family and does she
have an extended family.

2. Vocabulary Development
The teacher will discuss briefly what an idiomatic expression is.
The teacher will ask the student to match the idiomatic expression with its
correct meaning.

1. Break a leg a. give away a secret
2. Pull someone’s leg b. very happy
3. Spill the beans c. go to sleep
4. On cloud nine d. good luck
5. Hit the sack e. to joke with someone

B. During reading
The teacher will give a copy of the story, The Blanket, and then the
student will read it silently afterwards.
The teacher will explain about theme and the student will accomplish the
theme diagram afterwards by answering the three questions.

Theme Diagram
Step 1: What is the subject or “big idea” of the selection?
Step 2: What do the characters do or say that is related to the subject?
Step 3: What do these details tell us about parent-child relationship?

C. Post-reading
For comprehension response the teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What is the family problem?

2. What made Dad decide to send Granddad away?
3. Did the old man really want to go away? Prove your answer.
4. How did the author establish the strong relationship between Petey
and Granddad?
5. Pick out incident that characterize the woman.
6. What do you think happened to the wedding plan? Why
7. What is the significance of the blanket in the story?
8. Could the story happen in a Filipino setting? Why or why not?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Below are set of idioms with their meanings. Fill in the blanks with the
suitable idioms.
jump through hoops- to do a lot of extra things so you can have or do something
you want
shooting my mouth- making reckless or exaggerated statements
jumped out of his skin-reacted strongly to shock or surprise
paid through the nose- paid excessively
put her best foot forward-embark on a journey or task with purpose and gusto.
jump the gun-begin something before preparations for it are complete
a long face-a sad face
scared the pants off-frightened someone very badly
catch David’s/his eye-attract his attention/interest
carrying a torch for him-secretly loving someone who does not love you
over the moon-extremely pleased and happy
nice as pie- surprisingly very kind and friendly

“I love you just the way you are”

David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her. The thing he loved about her
was that she was different from all the other girls. She didn’t talk about clothes and
shopping all the time. She was always as 1.) ________________________________to him.
But he was a bit shy and he didn’t want to 2. )__________________________ so he waited
until they got to know each other before asking her out. After several months, he said,
“Amy would you like to go to the cinema with me on Saturday night?” He was
3.) _______________________________ when she said, “I’d love to”.
On Saturday morning Amy got up early and went shopping. She wanted to
4.)_________________________ and impress David. She had also been
5.)_________________________ for a long time. All the other girls wore fancy
clothes and make-up so she decided to do the same. She went to the trendiest shop in
town and bought some tight pants and long boots. She 6.)______________________
for it but she didn’t mind. If she could 7.)__________________________ then it was
all worth it.
That evening she met David out the front of the cinema. When he saw her he
nearly 8.)__________________________. “Amy, you nearly 9.)_______________________
What have you done? You look awful!” He exclaimed. Amy started to cry.
“Oh, I’m sorry for 10.)____________________________ off. Don’t pull such
11.)______________________________ Amy. It’s just that you were so beautiful
before. I love you just the way you are,” he explained. Amy realized her mistake.
She didn’t need to 12.)__________________________or be like all the other girls. This was true

V. Assignment

Write a letter to your parents or grandparents expressing your love and care for them
using idiomatic expressions.

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