Power BI Performance Analyzer Export File Format
Power BI Performance Analyzer Export File Format
Power BI Performance Analyzer Export File Format
The Performance Analyzer captures operations that occur while a user interacts with a report. The
Performance Analyzer pane summarizes those operations so users can see basic information about each
visual that is updated. The Performance Analyzer pane also allows users to export the captured
performance data. To support more in-depth analysis, the export file contains the underlying
performance events, rather than just the summary information shown in the pane.
Background on Power BI Report Execution
The Performance Analyzer captures operations that occur in several major subsystems involved in
executing a Power BI Report:
Report Canvas provides the user interface for Power BI reports including hosting visuals and
filters, managing user interactions for consuming and authoring reports, and retrieving data for
display. The Report Canvas is written using web technologies and runs in web browsers or web
browser components. The Report Canvas retrieves data using a high-level, internal, Power BI
query language known as Semantic Query.
Data Shape Engine (DSE) evaluates Semantic Queries by generating and running one, or more
DAX queries against a data model hosted inside Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Azure Analysis
Services, or SQL Server Analysis Services.
Data Model Engine (AS) stores the data model and provides services to reports, such as DAX
queries evaluation. The model may be hosted in Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Azure Analysis
Services, or SQL Server Analysis Services. Depending on the data model host, a model may be
tabular or multidimensional. Tabular models may contain in-memory tables, Direct Query tables,
or a mix of such tables. DAX queries against tables in Direct Query mode will trigger queries to the
Direct Query data source. For example, a DAX query against a Direct Query table backed by a SQL
Server database will trigger one, or more, SQL queries.
Relating User Actions to Visuals and Queries
When using the Performance Analyzer, or looking at a performance export, it is helpful to understand
the relationship between user actions visuals and queries. The following diagram shows how each
concept is related.
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A user action is any interaction with a report, such as switching pages or changing a filter. Each user
action may require one, or more, visuals to be updated. For example, changing a page filter will update
all visuals on that page. Performing several actions very quickly may only update affected visuals once.
For example, rapidly selecting values A and B in a page filter may only update the visuals on the page
A visual is any object on the reporting canvas such as a chart, table, slicer, or textbox. For each visual
being updated, the Report Canvas may run a single Semantic Query to retrieve data. Not all visuals run
queries. For example, a shape visual can be rendered without any data. The Report Canvas has an in-
memory cache of results for Semantic Queries run in the current session. When a query matches a
cached result, the visual will be updated from the cached result rather than running a new query. Some
operations in Power BI Desktop, such as model changes, clear this cache. The cache can also be
bypassed visual and page level refresh buttons provided by the Performance Analyzer.
Semantic Query is a high-level, internal, query language Power BI uses to retrieve structured data for a
visual. The Data Shape Engine evaluates Semantic Queries by generating and running one, or more, DAX
queries against the Data Model Engine (AS). In most cases, a single Semantic Query can be evaluated
using a single DAX query. Multiple DAX queries are usually needed for tabular data models hosted in
SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 or 2014 or multidimensional cubes.
DAX queries involving tables in Direct Query mode will trigger one, or more, queries against the Direct
Query data source.
Understanding Performance Analyzer Durations
Durations in the Performance Analyzer are computed as the difference between the start timestamp
and the end timestamp of an operation, sometimes called "wall clock" durations. The reported
durations include time spent queued while other operations complete. Each Power BI subsystem has its
own patterns for executing operations based on implementation details, resource usage, and hardware.
The Reporting Canvas and visuals executes most operations sequentially on a single UI thread.
Updating a visual requires several different Reporting Canvas operations including generating a
query, submitting it to the Data Shape Engine for evaluation, reading the query result, and
displaying the visual with the new data. When multiple operations need to be performed at the
same time, some operations are queued.
Power BI backend subsystems, including the Data Shape Engine and Data Model Engine (AS)
generally execute operations in parallel using multiple threads.
For example, consider a report page containing three visuals. If each visual is updated sequentially by a
different user action, no time is spent queueing. (e.g. User action 1 updates Visual 1. Once that is
complete user action 2 updates Visual 2. Once that is complete, user action 3 updates Visual 3. The
following diagram provided a simplified illustration of the operations performed by the Report Canvas
and Backend. Operations are not shown to scale.
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Each visual is updated separately, and no operation is queued waiting for other operations to complete.
Now, consider a single user action that updates all three visuals. The Report Canvas operations to
update each visual will be interleaved because only one operation executes at a time. Queries in the
"backend" DSE and AS components generally run in parallel.
The following diagram shows one possible interleaving pattern. The exact order of operations depends
on many factors such as the content of the visuals, the kinds of operations, and the user's hardware.
Based on this interleaving, the diagram shows when each visual is queued. These queued times are
shown in the Performance Analyzer under "Other".
These diagrams show a very simplified view of how visuals update. In practice, each operation may get
sliced into many smaller tasks that are interleaved with other tasks.
Export File Format
The export file is a JSON document containing a list of events representing the operations that occurred
while the Performance Analyzer was running. Each event contains timestamps, correlation information,
and other metadata about the operation.
Logically, the events represent a forest of trees with each tree representing a user action or visual
update. Parent and child events can be correlated using the id and parentId properties on each event.
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A JSON schema is available at https://github.com/microsoft/powerbi-desktop-samples/Performance
Event Structure
Each event has the following structure.
Property Type Required Description
name string Yes Together with 'component', 'name' identifies the kind
of event that occurred.
component string Yes The subsystem that performed the operation
represented by this event.
id string Yes The unique identifier for this event.
parentId string No The id of this event's parent event. This must match
the id of some other event in this document. Omitted
for root events.
start string (date-time) Yes The start time of the event as a UTC date time value in
RFC3339 format.
end string (date-time) No The end time of the event as a UTC date time value in
RFC3339 format. Omitted for instantaneous events
that do not have a duration.
metrics No A property bag of additional information about this
event. The content varies for each kind of event.
The possible metrics for each kind of event are
described below.
The following shows an example export containing four events:
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"version": "1.0.0",
"events": [{
"name": "User Action",
"component": "Report Canvas",
"start": "2019-04-26T19:42:01.991Z",
"id": "ea168828b4c0175aa697",
"metrics": {
"sourceLabel": "UserAction_Refresh"
}, {
"name": "Visual Container Lifecycle",
"component": "Report Canvas",
"start": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.000Z",
"end": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.343Z",
"id": "c2d2e0b2cf6a46628b68",
"metrics": {
"status": "finished",
"visualTitle": "Count of ProductKey by EnglishCountryRegionName"
}, {
"name": "Query",
"component": "Report Canvas",
"start": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.001Z",
"end": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.325Z",
"id": "a8d101ca1ff7de189598",
"parentId": "c2d2e0b2cf6a46628b68"
}, {
"name": "Render",
"component": "Report Canvas",
"start": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.325Z",
"end": "2019-04-26T19:42:02.343Z",
"id": "ccc0f88232a87649e78d",
"parentId": "c2d2e0b2cf6a46628b68"
Event Sequencing and Overlap
The following diagrams show the relationship between performance events included in export. Time
flows from left to right, and events are sequenced from left to right. Events that overlap with other
events are stacked vertically in the diagram. Events expected to occur multiple times are shown as
overlapping boxes.
User Actions and Visual Updates
The following diagram shows the relationship between performance events related to user actions and
visual updates.
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Change Detection
The following diagram shows the relationship between performance events related to change detection
for automatic page refresh. More information on automatic page refresh can be found here.
Event Cardinality
The general relationship between user actions, visuals, and queries is described above. However, the
actual number and type of events logged for a visual update is dependent on the state of the system,
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user action, user permissions, data model host, and report configuration. Here are some notable
No Data Shape Engine (DSE) or Data Model Engine (AS) events are logged if a visual is rendered
from the Report Canvas in-memory Semantic Query result cache.
Data Model Engine (AS) will not appear for models hosted in SQL Server Analysis Services, Power
BI, or Azure Analysis Services.
Direct Query events, such as Execute Direct Query, will only appear for Direct Query or
Composite models.
Timestamp Alignment
As the diagram above shows, rendering a Power BI report involves multiple processes that may be
running on different machines. Event start and end timestamps may not be perfectly aligned across
process or machine boundaries due to differences in the system clock. In most cases these differences
are small, but they can be significant when crossing machine boundaries.
Event Details
The following table describes each kind of event and that event's possible metrics. All metrics are
Event Component Description Has Metrics
Name End
User Action Report Marks a point No Name Type Description
Canvas where the
user sourceLabel String The name of the action.
with the
Visual Report Tracks an Yes Name Type Description
Container Canvas update to a
Lifecycle visual. status String The name of the action.
(enum) Value Description
started The update is in
finished The update
abandoned The update was
not completed.
This could
happen if
another update
started before
this update
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Power BI Performance Analyzer Export Documentation
by a visual.
This includes
the data,
Geocoding Report Tracks Yes
Canvas geocoding
points for
display on a
map visual.
Only present
if a visual
Execute DSE Tracks Yes
Semantic evaluating a
Query single
Open DSE Tracks Yes
Connection opening a
connection to
the data
model hosted
in Power BI
Power BI,
Services, or
SQL Server
Services. The
Data Shape
Engine may
reuse the
© Microsoft Corporation 9
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for many
queries over
time. This
event is not
present when
reusing an
Added in
Power BI
2019 release.
Execute DSE Tracks Yes Name Type Description
DAX Query running a
single DAX QueryText String The text of the DAX query.
query against RowCount Number The number of rows read from
a data model the DAX query.
hosted in Error Boolean True when the DAX query
Power BI failed.
Power BI, Canceled Boolean True when the DAX query was
Azure canceled before it could
Analysis complete.
Services, or
SQL Server
Services. The
event ends
when the first
row of the
result is
Metrics DSE Indicates that No
Truncated events were
omitted from
trace because
too many
events were
Power BI
allows up to
300 events
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per Semantic
and 200
events per
DAX query
Execute AS Tracks Yes
Query evaluating a
single query
in the data
Serialize AS Tracks writing Yes
Rowset the query
Get Source AS Tracks Yes
Connection acquiring a
connection to
the direct
query data
Only present
if the query
accessed a
Direct Query
Execute AS Tracks Yes Name Type Description
Direct executing a
QueryText String The text of
Query query against
the direct the query.
query data
source. QueryText is
only present
Only present if the user
owns the
if the query
accessed a data model
and the data
Direct Query
table. source is
ActualQueryDuration Number The time, in
spent waiting
for the query
to execute.
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