Super Select 4wd - Mitsubishi Pajero

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Mitsubishi Super Select 4WD offers 4 driving options. SuperSelect II is basically the same. These are:

2H – Two wheel drive, high range. In this mode, the front wheels are completely disengaged from the drive train. All
engine power is directed towards the rear wheels. This mode is said to be the most fuel efficient and causes the least
wear and tear on the vehicle’s drive-train. It is recommended for use on dry, good quality, sealed roads

4H – 4 wheel drive, high range. 4H connects the front wheels to the drive train through a viscous coupling unit. This
means that there is no physical connection between the engine and the front wheels, but power is delivered to the
front wheels to assist with traction on wet or slippery roads. This mode is recommended for use in slippery conditions
on sealed roads, or on good quality tracks. It can be used on dry, sealed roads with no adverse impact to the drive
train. It is possible to change from 2H to 4H and back again while the vehicle is in motion. When changing from 2H to
4H, the engine must not be powering the wheels i.e. the vehicle must be coasting (your foot off the accelerator pedal).

4HLc – 4 wheel drive, high range, locked centre. Locking the centre differential forces even power to be delivered to
both the front and rear wheels. The advantage of this is that it provides significantly greater traction in more serious
off-road situations. However it’s very important not to drive on sealed roads in this mode. Locking the centre also will
prevent the front and rear wheel from spinning at different speeds. When a vehicle is turning, the rear wheels will
travel less distance than the front and will therefore need to spin more slowly. If the centre is locked and forcing the
front and back to turn at the same speed, then the drive train can ‘wind up’. Rotational tension is placed on
components and over time will rapidly cause damage. So it is critical to never use 4HLc on terrain where the tyres are
unable to slip (such as roads). It is possible to change from 4H to 4HLc while the vehicle is in motion.

4LLc – 4 wheel drive, low range, locked centre. This mode is the same as 4HLc except will provide greater torque for
situations that require it. This mode can be used for steep climbing and decending or for slow driving where precision
and power are required. As with 4HLc, it is important not to use this mode on good quality road surfaces. The vehicle
must be stopped to move between 4HLc and 4LLc.

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