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English 5 Learning Activity Sheet Name: Date: Grade & Section: Score

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Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score:

A. MELC: Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration, and
time order.
B. Objective: Examine text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration, and
time order.
Text types show the structure, content, and purpose of a spoken or written text. They also help us identify which texts
have the same or oppositecharacteristics and features. Through knowing text types, we will be able to write
appropriate compositions in any given situation.
In the previous Learning Activity Sheet, you have enumerated and described the common text types.
This time we will differentiate and distinguish each text type according to purpose and features.
Text Types Purpose Features
Informative to give information and increase reader's Written in the present tense, third person,
knowledge of a subject,to help readers better sometimes written in the past tense (e.g. on an
understand a procedure or process, or to historical event), passive voice is used,
provide readers with a greater focused on general subjects, may include tables,
comprehension of a concept. diagrams, orimages
Expository to explain a topic in a logical and May include cause and effect, compare and
straightforward manner using reliable sources. contrast, description, problem and solution,
and sequence texts.
Persuasive to change the reader's point of view, to bring Written in the simple present tense, moves from a
about some action on the reader's part, or to ask general point to specific points, uses logical
the reader to accept the connectives (e.g. therefore, because of this, this
writer's explanation or evaluation of a concept, proves that), uses facts and evidences to support
issue, or problem. arguments, speaks to
specific reader directly.
Narrative to entertain, to gain and Written in the past or present tense, uses the
hold a reader's interest third- or firstperson perspective, characters 2 are
often human in their
motivations and actions, language is used
creatively to paint a picture in the reader’s mind,
uses images
Descriptive to describe and reveal a Includes many clear sensory details that paint a
particular person, place, picture and appeals to all the reader's senses of
or thing sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. May also
paint pictures of
the feelings of the person, place or thing
mentioned by the writer

Below are sample text types. You may observe if the mentioned purposes and features are present or not.
Informative Text:
Turtles are reptiles. They are cold-blooded, so they need sunlight to keep them warm and active.
Turtles have a hard shell on their back. This protects them from the enemies. Some turtles can even hide their heads
inside their shells if they are being attacked.
Expository Text
Work and school are very much alike in at least four ways. First, both require an early start. Going to work
requires getting up early to avoid the traffic rush. Second, promptness is important in both places. Being at work on
time pleases the employer; being in class on time pleases the teacher. Third, both work and school deadlines must be
met. On the job, the boxes would have to be filled and the telephone calls made by a certain time; in a class, the
essays would have to be submitted and the books read by a certain date. Finally, both work and school benefit
society. Workers produce useful and entertaining items for people to use, such as refrigerators and televisions.
Similarly, students prepare themselves to enter fields like medicine and law, fields which serve society. It is not
surprising that work and school share these similarities, since one of the purposes of school is to prepare a student for
the job of his choice.
Persuasive Text
Massage Foam Mattress is the most comfortable bed you’ll eversleep on. Take a 30-day trial and see for yourself. If
you’re not satisfied,3we’ll come to your home, remove the mattress, and refund you in full.You’ve got nothing to lose.
Give it a try today!
Narrative Text
Once there lived a cat who heard that the birds living in a nearby cage had fallen ill. The cat decided that this would be
the ideal opportunity for him to catch them, so he disguised himself as a doctor and set off to the house where the
birds were
Descriptive Text
We arrive at the seashore at sunrise. Bright yellow rays of the sun greet us. Their golden presence reflects on the
surface of the water. The sun has not risen yet, but the beach is well lit already. The blue cloudless sky is yellow
towards the east, which signals that the sun will be ruling the day beginning soon. A breeze blows by, filled with a
refreshing smell of the salty sea water. It gets me thinking about my childhood.

Practice Task 2
Distinguishing between Narrative and Descriptive Texts. Read the texts below and be able to check each purpose and
function. Afterwards, identify which is the Narrative Text and which is the Descriptive text
Text A Text B
My favorite teacher is Ms. Dela Cruz, who teaches Science. It was a Tuesday morning when I was about to open my
She has a loud voice and is very strict, but she is phone for our online class when suddenly, the power went
patient, considerate and helpful to her students. I like her way off. I cannot attend our class without the WiFi on. I started to
of teaching. She explains all the topics with real-life worry and asked my mother to call Ms. Dela Cruz
examples so that we can understandclearly. She is also an to inform her of my situation. Mother talked to her and
encouraging coach and a friend to many explained. I wasgrateful when Ms. Dela Cruz said that she
will just send a video of herdiscussion so I would not miss the
1. What does text A talk about? How about text B?
2. Which text tells a story, and which one describes an object?
3. Which is more likely to be the Descriptive Text? How about the Narrative
Text? _______________________________________________________

Practice Task 3
Distinguishing among Informative, Expository, and Persuasive Texts. Read the texts below and be able to check each
purpose and function. Afterwards, identify which is the Informative, Expository, and Persuasive texts

Text A Text B Text C

Why should we take care of the ocean? Have you ever wondered how the Whales and dolphins have large brains;
The ocean world provides so many trainers train dolphins? Professional while sperm whales have the largest
benefits. Here are ten things the marine trainers can teach dolphins brain, dolphins have a brain to body ratio
ocean does for humans and the planet: many behaviors. They do this second only to humans. Large-brained
from the air we breathe, climate control, through a system called positive creatures generally have a few things in
to transportation and recreation and strengthening. They start by common: they live long lives; they are
most importantly, food and medicine. breaking down the trick into many sociable; their behavior is complicated;
Don’t wait for tomorrow! We can take steps. They then teach the animal females give birth to only a few offspring
care of our ocean starting today! one step at a time. When the animal throughout their lives and take
does a step right, the trainer rewards extraordinary care of each baby while
them. This teaches the animal teaching them life skills; the youngsters
to keep up that behavior take their time to grow up, independent of
their mothers.

1. What does text A talk about? How about texts B and C?
2. Which text convinces readers to do a certain action?
3. Which text gives information and facts about a subject and helps a reader
understand how something works?
4. Which text shares explanation and evidences about an object?
5. What is the text type of each paragraph?

B. Practice Task 2
1. Text A is about the favorite teacher.
Text B is a story of a pupil who cannot participate in the online class.
2. Text B tells a story while Text A describes a person.
3. Text A is a Descriptive Text and Text B is a Narrative Text.
C. Practice Task 3
1. Text A is about the reasons why the ocean must be taken care of.
Text B is about what dolphin trainers do.
Text C is about the proof that large-brained mammals have things in common.
2. Text A
3. Text B
4. Text C
5. Text A- Persuasive; Text B- Informative; Text C- Expository

Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score
A. Most Essential Learning Competency:
Summarize various text types based on elements.

B. Objectives:
1. Examine the summary of a given text.
2. Critique a summarized text.
3. Summarize a given text based on its elements.


Summarizing, or writing a summary, could be a bit challenging for some learners.

However, with some tips and guidance, together with practice, you can also be able to write
a summary of various text types.

Always have in mind these steps and reminders:

1. Read and understand the whole text.
2. Identify its basic elements such as the characters, setting, theme, and plot.
(or cause and effect, general subject and types, similarities and differences, etc. —
depending on the type of text. You may also use a graphic organizer for this.)
3. Use your own words.
(but don’t include your opinion on the story or topic.)
4. Keep your summary short or brief.

Read and understand the original text below. Examine the given summary by answering the following
questions. Write your answers on your paper.

Mario stood calmly by the door of the principal’s office while waiting for his teacher. He looked
farther to check on his adviser if she would be coming because she was nowhere. After a few minutes, a
spectacled man was in sight; it was the school principal. Mario told the principal about the purpose of his
visit. He made his statement clear why he brought his cell phone to school. He told the principal that his
classmates shouted at him in their classroom, telling him that cell phones are not allowed. He felt weak
explaining his reason for doing it. He told the principal that it hurt him to have violated a school policy but
doing this made him feel secure to text or call up his sick mother at home. He told the principal that
he was sorry for doing it but it hurt him because his purpose was his concern for his sick mother.
The principal patted the apologetic pupil on the shoulder and then spoke kindly to him.

While waiting for his adviser to come, Mario visited the principal’s office. His purpose was to explain
why he had brought his cell phone to class. Earlier, his classmates noisily reminded him that bringing of cell
phones in school was not allowed. Nevertheless, Mario told the principal that it hurt him to violate the
school policy, but he had to do it. He said that he felt secure to text or call his sick mother. The principal just
patted Mario and spoke to him kindly.

1. Are all the basic elements of the original text found in the summary?
2. Were the events in the summary written in the correct order?
3. Did the writer of the summary use his/her own words to retell the events? or did the
writer simply copied word for word?
4. Is the summary short?
5. Is it a good or a bad summary? Explain your answer.
Summarize the given text below. Be guided by the rubric for scoring. Write your summary on your answer

The Boy Who Became a Stone

A Tinguian Folk Tale
One day, a little boy named Eloden sat out in the yard making a bird snare. As he worked, a little
bird called to him. Tik-tik-lo-den (come and catch me). “I am making a snare for you,” said the boy, but the
bird continued to call until the snare was finished. Then Eloden ran and threw the snare over the bird and
caught it. He put it in a jar in his house while he went with the other boys to swim. While he was away, his
grandmother grew hungry, so she ate the bird, and when Eloden returned and found that his bird was gone,
he was so sad that he wished he might go away and never come back. He went out into the forest and
walked along a distance until finally, he came to a big stone and said, “Stone, open your mouth and eat
me.” And the stone opened its mouth and swallowed the boy. When his grandmother missed the boy, she
went out and looked everywhere, hoping to find him. Finally, she passed near the stone and it cried out,
“Here he is.” Then the old woman tried to open the stone but she could not, so she called the horses to
come and help her. They came and kicked it, but it would not break. Then she called the carabaos and they
hooked it, but they only broke their horns. She called the chickens which pecked it, and the thunder which
shook it, but nothing could open it, and she had to go home without the boy


3 points 2 points 1 point

Content All of the basic Only 2 elements of the Only 1 element of the
elements of the text text are included text is included
are included
Organization The summary is The summary is short The summary is short
short, and events are and clear but events but events are not
organized and clear. are not organized. organized and

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