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Smart Series
DSS-15-01, DSS-15-02
& DSS-30-02

Dual Indicating
Temperature Control Module
User’s Manual
D-M-E Company

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 1

Copyright  D-M-E Company 2000. All rights reserved.

D-M-E Company products are covered by USA and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this
publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and any changes are

Printed in the United States of America

D-M-E Company
29111 Stephenson Highway
Madison Heights, MI 48071 USA

D-M-E Company and D-M-E are registered trademarks of D-M-E Company.


D-M-E Company warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If any such product proves defective during this warranty
period, D-M-E Company, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and
labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product.

This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or
inadequate maintenance and care. D-M-E Company shall not be obligated to furnish service under this
warranty; a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than D-M-E Company
representatives to repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or
connection to incompatible equipment; or c) to service a product that has been modified or integrated with
other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty of servicing
the product.

This warranty excludes replacement of fuses (in the 15 amp models) and damage to the module from the
use of improper styles of fuses. Use only ABC type replacement fuses. The maximum allowable fuse rating
is 15 amps. Lower ratings may be used for improved protection.


D-M-E Company products have been designed to be safe and simple to operate. As with any electronic
equipment, you must observe standard safety procedures to protect both yourself and the equipment.

To Prevent Injuries:
• To avoid electrical shock or fire hazard, do not apply voltage to a terminal that exceeds the range
specified for that terminal.
• To avoid mechanical injury, electrical shock or fire hazard, do not operate this product with covers or
panels removed. All unused slots of a main frame must be covered with the appropriately sized blank
• To avoid electrical shock or fire hazard, do not operate this product when wet.
• To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in an explosive atmosphere.

To Prevent Product Damage:

• Do not operate this product from a power source that applies more than the voltages specified.

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 2

D-M-E Standard
Smart Series
Dual Indicating
Temperature Control Module
DSS-15-01, DSS-15-02
& DSS-30-02
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: average percent power required to keep the process
  temperature at set point. When the control is switched to
The DSS is a D-M-E Smart Series dual indicating manual mode, the last stored percent power becomes the
temperature control module. This microprocessor-based manual set point. The percent power is stored before the fault
control module is designed to maintain the desired set point occurs.
temperature even under the most adverse processing Power-Up: Upon power up, the unit retains the same set
variables. The unit incorporates features common to both the point and operation mode as when the unit was turned off. If
SSM and the CSS controls, such as heater bake out, input the unit is turned off while at 100% power, upon power up it
failure alarms, auto or manual operation, and solid state returns to the mode and set point retained before switching to
outputs. Other features include 100% power switch, bumpless 100% power.
transfer, and enhanced noise immunity. The DSS module is Input Fault: Thermocouple break protection, and shorted or
designed to survive the elements that degrade control reversed thermocouple all override Smart Start and normal
performance. Specialized circuitry is used to guard against modes. Output is inhibited, although bumpless transfer may be
electrical noise and static discharge. Fuzzy logic is used to used to override, automatically or manually.
prevent set point overshoot on startup and over and Manual Mode: For open thermocouple or other thermocouple
undershoots when changing set point. failure, open loop-percent power is used. In manual mode, the
microprocessor maintains a power level using an open loop
OPERATION: power control method. Open loop means the process
Automatic Mode: The microprocessor maintains temperature temperature is not used to determine whether or not
using a closed loop PID control method. Closed loop means adjustments should be made. This enables the user to
the unit continuously looks at the process temperature to continue production and override thermocouple wire breaks,
determine whether or not to adjust the power delivered to the short circuits, or lead reversal until the problem has been
heater. With PID control, it anticipates the system resolved. Manual mode overrides thermocouple break
characteristics to make accurate adjustments and correct for protection, reversed thermocouple, shorted thermocouple, and
errors. "Fuzzy logic" is used to minimize overshoots and any normal modes.
undershoots of set point. Smart Start: Smart Start is automatic on start-up in the auto
Auto-tuning: See Figure 1. Auto-tuning PID parameters are mode, and provides a linear ramp to set point for heater bake
automatically initiated after power up, or when the set point is out. Smart Start is complete when five minutes expires or
changed by greater than 100°F. Auto tuning begins when the when set point is reached.
process temperature is at 80% of set point. During auto tuning 100% Power: When 100% PWR is pressed, the output is full
the heat proportional band is set to 0, and the control goes into on until the timeout period is complete. Jumper J1 determines
the ON/OFF mode at 90% of the established set point. Once the maximum time duration for 100% power output. See
the control finishes "learning" the system, it returns to a figures 8 & 9. Jumper J1 has settings as follows: S = 15
standard PID control with the heat PID values automatically seconds, L = 30 seconds, & INH = inhibit 100% power.
set as a result of auto tuning. Pressing any key before timeout returns the unit to its previous
mode and set point.

Auto Tuning: Fuzzy logic, microprocessor-based PID control.
Dual Display: Upper display shows process temperature
while lower display shows desired set point temperature.
Smart Start: Safely bakes out damaging internal heater
100% Power Option: Breaks through cavity gate freeze off.
EMI Resistant: Stable/reliable operation.
Auto/Manual: Flexibility in control modes.
Input Fault Indication: Alerts operator to a problem and takes
corrective action.
Bumpless Transfer: Minimizes set point adjustment when
switching to manual mode.
Standby Heat: Applies a low temperature set point to heaters
Figure 1 - Auto-tuning to prevent moisture build-up, and material degradation.
Temperature Alarm: Sends a signal to a D-M-E TAS-05-XX
module, which produces an audio/visual alarm and provides a
Bumpless Transfer: While in the auto mode and within 5°F of relay contact.
set point, the control periodically calculates and records the

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 3

KEYS AND DISPLAYS: an input fault is present. Upon power up, "deg" will be
See Figure 2.
1. Smart Start Illuminated: Indicates Smart Start is on. Lower Display: The lower display is a three-digit seven-
2. Process Temperature Display: Shows process segment display used to show set point. The manual, auto,
temperature and error codes. and 100% power modes are shown here. The AUTO/MAN key
3. Temperature Deviation Indicators: Displays the selects between automatic and manual operation, while the
magnitude of process temperature deviation from set point. 100% PWR key selects 100% power mode. "F" or "C" will be
4. Set Point Display: The auto and manual set points are displayed on power up.
displayed here.
5. Auto/Manual Switch: Selects automatic closed loop LED Indicators:
(temperature set point) or manual (% power) open loop control SMART START - During Smart Start the green LED is on.
modes. Deviation LED's:
6. Auto Light: Auto mode is selected. Green indicates a temperature deviation from setpoint of less
7. Manual Light: Manual mode is selected.
than +/-10°F/5°C.
8. 100% Power Switch: Initiates 100% power output. Time
Yellow indicates a temperature deviation from setpoint of
out is jumper selectable. See figure 8 & 9.
9. 100% Power Light: Indicates control is in 100% power greater than or equal to +/-10°F/5°C and less than +/-
mode. 20°F/11°C.
10. Up Arrow: Increases desired set point value. Red indicates a temperature deviation from setpoint of greater
11. Down Arrow: Decreases desired set point value. than or equal to +/-20°F/11°C and less than+/-30°F/17°C.
12. F1/F2 Lights: Illuminated when fuse has blown. (15 Amp Flashing red indicates a temperature deviation from setpoint
unit only). of greater than or equal to +/-30°F/17°C.
13. Power On/Off Switch. (Circuit breaker used on DSS-30 AUTO - The green LED adjacent to the AUTO key is on while
unit). in the automatic mode.
MAN - The yellow LED adjacent to the MAN key is on while in
the manual mode.
100% PWR - The red LED next to the 100% PWR key flashes
while in 100% power mode. All other LED's are off in this
F1 and F2 - The orange neon light turns on when its
corresponding fuse clears. (DSS-15 only).

See Figure 3.
AUTO/MAN: The Auto/Man key provides either automatic or
manual percent power control. Adjust the temperature set
point while in the Auto mode. The illuminated green LED
indicates the Auto mode. Adjust the percent power while in the
manual mode. The illuminated yellow LED indicates manual
mode. This key is also used to select bumpless transfer on
power up.
UP/DOWN ARROWS: Adjust the auto or manual set point via
the up/down arrow keys. The new set point is automatically
entered 1 second after the last key is pressed. The up arrow
key is also used to select degrees F or C operation on power
up. The down arrow key is also used to select load type (fast
or slow) on power up.

Figure 2 - DSS-15-02 Module


Upper Display: The upper display is a three digit, seven Figure 3 - Keys
segment display showing process temperature and error
With a thermocouple in manual mode, the display reads 100% PWR: When the 100% PWR key is pressed, 100%
process temperature. While in the manual mode, without a power is applied to the load for a time period determined by
thermocouple, the display reads oPi (open input). The display the J1 jumper. See figures 8 & 9. Press any key to disable,
range is from ambient to 999°F/537°C. Also see diagnostic and the control returns to the previous set mode. When in
section for information on diagnostics that are displayed when 100% power, it is indicated by the red LED flashing next to the
100% PWR key, and "100" flashing in the lower display.

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 4

CONTROLS AND INDICATORS: the module is in Standby Heat Mode and the T/C fails, the unit
will switch to Manual mode and will continue controlling power
Auto/Manual Selection: Push-button switch with LED at a learned by temporary percent power, or 0% if a value has
indicators adjacent to switch. not been properly learned while in Standby Heat. Upon
Set Point Adjustment: Push-button up & down arrow keys.
release from Standby Heat Mode, the unit will use the last
100% Power Selection: Push-button switch with LED valid percent power it learned prior to entering the Standby
indicator adjacent. Note: See J1 jumper settings. (See figures Heat Mode and it will continue to control power in the Manual
8 & 9) percent power mode.
Power On/Off: 16 Amp rocker switch. On the DSS-30, a 30
Amp circuit breaker is used. Both are UL, CSA, & VDE
Set Point Display: Three 0.4", seven-segment digit display. To set the temperature mode in degrees F or C, press the up
Also displays alarm codes and flashing "100" for 100% power arrow key, (increment key), while simultaneously turning the
operation. power on to the unit. The word "dEg" will appear in the upper
Process Display: Three 0.56", seven-segment digit display.. display, and either " F " or " C " will appear in the lower
100% Power Indication: Red LED adjacent to 100% power display. To change the mode, turn the power off for 5 seconds
key flashes. Setpoint display flashes "100." and then turn power back on while pressing the increment key.
Auto Indication: Illuminates green LED adjacent to Auto/Man The display will then indicate which mode the unit is in.
Manual Indication: Illuminates yellow LED adjacent to
Auto/Man key.
Smart Start Indication: Illuminates green LED above the
process display.
Shorted T/C Indication: Flashes "Shi" in process display.
Open T/C Indication: Flashes "oPi" in process display.
Reversed T/C Indication: Flashes "bci" in process display.
Temperature Deviation Indicators: Five separate LED's - +/-
20°F/11°C = Red, +/-10°F/5°C = Yellow, 0°= Green
Blown Fuse Indicators: Two orange indicators for Fuse 1
(F1) and Fuse 2 (F2). (Used in 15 Amp unit only).

BUMPLESS TRANSFER: Figure 4 - Temperature Mode

"Bumpless transfer" is defined as a thermocouple failure
causing the module to automatically switch into manual LOAD TYPE SELECTION:
percent power mode, if the module has learned the percent The type of the load is selected by depressing the down arrow
power. To force the module into this mode, press the key simultaneously while powering the unit on. This will select
"AUTO/MAN" key simultaneously while turning the power on. a fast or a slow load. A fast load is described as a mold
The upper display will show "AUt" and the lower display will temperature rise of no less than 3 degrees F in 60 seconds. A
show "bPL" for 3 seconds indicating that automatic bumpless slow load is a change of no less than 3 degrees F in 250
transfer mode has been selected. This mode will now be seconds. This feature is provided so that a fast or slow load
stored in the modules permanent memory. To deactivate the can be selected allowing the easy detection of shorted
bumpless transfer mode - repeat the power on procedure thermocouple inputs. For proper protection of heaters and the
while pressing the "AUTO/MAN" key. This will cause the molding system, a fast response should be selected unless
module to display, "inh" in the upper display, and "Out" in the slow temperature rise is expected, as is the case with manifold
lower display, indicating that the output power will be inhibited or barrel heaters.
upon thermocouple failure. The user will have to then place
the unit in the manual mode to gain control of the output

Once the Auto mode set point is reached, and the controller is
placed in the Standby Heat mode, if a T/C failure occurs, the
DSS will switch to manual percent power mode and continue
controlling power. When the DSS is released from the
Standby Heat mode, the unit will use the last valid percent
power it learned prior to entering the Standby Heat mode and
it will continue to control power in the Manual percent power

If the module has reached set point in the Auto mode, and the
T/C fails, the unit will switch to Manual percent power mode
Figure 5 - Fast Load Selected
and continue controlling power. If the module is then
instructed to switch to the Standby Heat mode, the unit will set
power level to 0%, (no output.)

If the module has not reached set point in the Auto mode, and
the T/C fails, the unit will switch to Manual percent power
mode and continue with the last valid Manual percent power
stored before the T/C failure occurred, or the factory setting of
0%. If the unit is now instructed to switch to the Standby Heat
mode, the unit will set the power level to 0%, (no output.) If

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 5

W9 - Jumper installed
W8 - Jumper not installed

Figure 6 - Slow Load Selected

When the D-M-E TAS-05-XX module initiates a Standby Heat
signal, any DSS module in the auto mode will immediately
set the set-point temperature to 200°F/93°C. This function is
useful for the continuous application of low power to heaters to
prevent moisture build-up and initiate quick start-ups. *

* A communications style main frame is required to support Figure 7 - Voltage Jumper Settings
this feature.
100% PWR Timer Settings (J1)
ALARM OUTPUT: Install the jumper as shown. The module is shipped with a
When the D-M-E TAS-05-XX module is installed in the D-M- jumper in the "S" JUMPERS position. See figures 8 & 9.
E mainframe, this DSS output feature will activate the alarm S = 100% power will be applied for 15 seconds
output feature on the TAS-05-XX module. The TAS module L = 100% power will be applied for 30 seconds
will produce an audio alarm and provide a relay contact INH = Inhibits 100% power feature
closure when a temperature alarm occurs. This feature is S & L = Both installed will cause unit to enter calibration mode.
disabled upon power-up until the process temperature is within
10°F of set-point temperature, or until an error occurs. It is
also disabled when changing to or from the Standby heat
mode. * Once the set-point temperature is reached, a
deviation of +/-30°F will activate the alarm. The process must
get within +/-25°F to turn the alarm off (alarm hysteresis =

When standby heat is engaged, the alarm is inactive until the

process falls to 210°F. When leaving standby heat, the alarm Figure 8 – 100% Power Jumper (J1) Settings
is also inactive until the process is within 10°F of set point.
This prevents alarms during ramping.

In the manual mode, the alarm is inactive except for errors.

Errors always cause an alarm. If the unit is in output inhibit
mode, the alarm occurs during an error and is cleared by
placing the unit in the manual mode. If the DSS is in auto-
bumpless mode, the alarm will stay on even though the unit
goes to the manual mode. The user can silence the alarm by
pressing and holding the auto/manual key for one second.
When errors are corrected and the unit is back in auto mode
the alarm is inactive until the process reaches +/-10°F of set

JUMPER SETTINGS: Figure 9 - 100% Power Jumper (J1) Location

CAUTION: The following description refers to the voltage
setting of the module. If not properly set damage to the unit DIAGNOSTICS:
will result and personal injury may result. See figure 7 for a The DSS diagnostics automatically alert the user to a fault
component layout.
To convert from 240VAC to 120VAC Shi: Shorted thermocouple displays flashing Shi alternating
W10 - Jumper installed
with the process temperature every 7 seconds.
W9 - Jumper not installed
Troubleshooting - Check for damage to the thermocouple lead
W8 - Jumper installed wire. Also check for bare, twisted or pinched leads, open load
fuse (F1, F2) or excessive distance between the heater and
To convert from 120VAC to 240VAC
thermocouple or low watt density may also trigger this
W10 - Jumper not installed diagnostic. Slow loads such as externally heated manifolds

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 6

may trigger this diagnostic when a fast load is selected. See 30°F or more. The red deviation LED on the right flashes when
Load Type Selection section on page 5 to select a slow load the process is above set point by 30°F or more.
response. The Shi diagnostic latches upon fault. It is Troubleshooting -
necessary to turn the module off and back on to reset the Under temperature:
module. If automatic bumpless transfer is invoked, the module Check for heater failure, open wiring, low voltage, t/c problem,
will lock into manual until the module is turned off and back on. or open load fuse (F1, F2) conditions.
Over temperature:
Check for output failure, shorted triac, heater shorted to
ground, shorts to other heater leads, or interaction with other
zones of heat.

Figure 10 - Shi Diagnostic

oPi: Open thermocouple Indicated by oPi flashing while in the

auto mode (if output is inhibited), or on steady in the manual
oPi mode.
Figure 13 - Side Panel
Equipment needed:
1. Type J thermocouple simulator

Test Procedure:
1. Connect the thermocouple simulator to the thermocouple
input on the DSS.
2. Insert jumpers in positions S & L on jumper J1. See
figures 8 & 9. The inhibit position does not require a jumper.
3. Power the unit on and wait 5 minutes for warm up. The
displays will indicate "CAL 0".
4. Set the thermocouple simulator to 32°F and wait five
Figure 11 - oPi Diagnostic seconds.
5. Press the down arrow key one time. After approximately
Troubleshooting - Check the thermocouple connections and 10 seconds the displays will indicate "CAL 999".
wires for broken leads, check for damage to the sensor, or 6. Set the thermocouple simulator to 1000°F and wait five
check for open fusible link resistor, R42. See figure 14. seconds.
7. Press the "AUTO/MAN" key one time. After approximately
bci: Reversed thermocouple. Displays flashing bci while in the 10 seconds the displays will indicate "CAL End".
auto mode (if output is inhibited), or on steady in the manual 8. Press the 100% Power key one time. The upper display
bci mode. will indicate "999" and the lower display will indicate " 75".
9. Turn power off. Remove the L jumper on J1. The unit is
now calibrated.

The D-M-E DSS modules are warranted for 1-year parts
and labor, excluding fuses.

Contact D-M-E Customer Service for return authorization for

repairs or warranties. Replacement parts are also available
through the Customer Service Department.

D-M-E Customer Service

West Coast, U.S. (323) 263-9261
Figure 12 - bci Diagnostic Elsewhere in U.S. (800) 626-6653
Canada (905) 677-6370
Troubleshooting - Check thermocouple wiring for reversed
Over / Under temperature: The red deviation LED on the left, MADISON HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN 48071
flashes when the process temperature is below set point by TELEX: (248) 398-6174

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 7

The modules power output can now be inhibited until the
REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST: module is fully seated into a mainframe zone connector, if an
operator mistakenly inserts the module into the zone slot while
To meet warranty requirements, use only D-M-E parts. under live power.
Replacement Part Number NOTE: This feature is meant as a safeguard to reduce the
Reference Designator, Description possibility, not prevent, damage to the copper fingers on
RPM0091 T1, Transformer 240/120 VAC the module. CAUTION: Never remove or insert modules
DSS0002 U6 Microprocessor (Contains D-M-E when mainframe circuit breaker is on.
proprietary software)
RPM0022 Q1 Triac Driver, TLP3052 In order for this feature to operate correctly, the zone power
RPM0023 Triac - 40 amp, 600 volt, Q6040P (Note: connector in the mainframe must have an unterminated pin
must apply a thin coat of heatsink installed in the third position of the connector. If this pin is
compound) missing, it can be ordered through D-M-E using replacement
RPM0024 SW1, Power Rocker Switch, 16 Amp, part RPM0046.
250 VAC (used on DSS-15) This feature can be enabled on the module by removing
RPM0027 Handle (used on DSS-15) jumper J11, Gate Cutoff, located near the modules power
RPM0050 R42, Flameproof Fusible link resistor connector. See figure 16.
ABC15 F1, F2, Fuse, 15 Amp, 250 VAC (used NOTE: If J11 is removed, and the mainframe power
on DSS-15) connector pin is missing from position 3, the module will
RPM0089 F3, Fuse, 200mA, 250V, Sub-miniature be unable to output any power until J11 is replaced.

NOTE: If you are using a non D-M-E mainframe, or an

older D-M-E mainframe that does not have pin 3
installed, install jumper J11. This will however defeat the
anti-arc feature.

Figure 14 - R42 Fusible Link Resistor (use

Figure 16 - Gate Cutoff Jumper, J11
only DME part number RPM0050)
This module is shipped with a 3MM x 10MM screw that is used
COMPATIBILITY: to secure the module to a mainframe for the purpose of
The Communication Connector strip in your mainframe satisfying CE requirements. See figure 17.
communicates to all the other modules in the rack. If the When the module is screwed down securely, this module is
communications connector in your mainframe has pins 3 & 4 considered to be CE compliant.
missing, you must order a new communication strip from D-M-
E allowing the alarm feature in this module to function
properly with the TAS-05-XX module. It will not work without
these pins installed.

PINS 3 & 4

Figure 15 - Connector In Mainframe


ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 8

Input Impedance: 5.6 Megohms.
Never remove or insert modules when mainframe circuit Input Amplifier Stability: Greater than 0.02°F/°F (0.01°C/°C).
breaker is on. Common Mode Rejection Ratio: Greater than 120 dB.
Power Supply Rejection Ratio: Greater than 110 dB.
Smart Series, Smart Start, DSS, Selective Cycle, D-M-E
and D-M-E Company are all registered trademarks of D-M-E OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS:
Voltage / Power Capability: 240VAC nominal, single phase,
(120VAC available).
PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS: 15 AMP: 3600 watts @240VAC (1800 watts @ 120VAC).
Auto and Manual Control Modes: High-speed time 30 AMP: 7200 watts @240VAC (3600 watts @ 120VAC).
proportioning Selective Cycle. Output Drive: Internal solid state triac, triggered by zero AC
crossing pulses.
Temperature Range: Ambient to 999°F/537°C.
Overload Protection:
Control Accuracy: +/-1°F/0.5°C dependent on the total
15 AMP: Fuses are provided on both sides of AC line.
thermal system.
30 AMP: Fast acting circuit breaker.
Temperature Stability: +/-0.5% of full scale over the ambient
Transient Protection: dv/dt and transient pulse suppression
range of 32° to 120°F / 0° to 50°C. included.
Calibration Accuracy: Better than 0.2% of full scale. Power Line Protection: Optically and transformer isolated
Power response time: 0.538 seconds. from AC lines. Isolation voltage is greater than 2500 volts.
Manual Control: Adjustable from 0 - 100%, maintains output
power within 1% of set point.
Smart Start: Linear voltage ramping. ELECTRICAL POWER SPECIFICATIONS:
Maximum Smart Start Duration: 5 minutes. Input Voltage: 240/120 +10%/-15%.
Smart Start Override Temperature: 256°F/124°C. Frequency: 50/60 Hz.
100% Power: Applies 100% power to the output. Jumper DC Power Supply's: Internally generated, regulated, and
selectable INHibit, or S = 15 seconds, or L = 30 seconds. compensated. Transformer isolated from AC lines.
Operational Priority - Module Power Usage: Less than 12 watts, excluding load.
Smart Start precedes auto mode.
Thermocouple (T/C) break, reversed or shorted T/C overrides Dimensions:
Smart Start and auto modes. 15 AMP: Width 2.0" (5.08 cm), Height 7.0" (17.78 cm), and
Manual control overrides the auto mode, T/C breaks, reversed Depth 7.5" (19.05 cm).
or shorted thermocouples. 30 AMP: Width 4.0" (10.16 cm), Height 7.0" (17.78 cm), and
Output is inhibited during all fault conditions, unless bumpless Depth 7.5" (19.05 cm).
transfer is selected. NOTE: Standard (240 VAC) modules are compatible with
main frames wired for either 240 VAC three phase (standard)
or 240 VAC single phase. Use DSS-15-01 (15 amp) or DSS-
INPUT SPECIFICATIONS: 30-01 (30 amp) for 120 VAC operation.
Thermocouple Sensor: Type J, grounded or ungrounded. Fuse Requirements: (2) ABC-15 fuses, F1 & F2, Applies to
External T/C Resistance: Less than 0.1°F/ohm. DSS-15-01 and DSS-15-02 only.
T/C Isolation: Isolated by control circuit power supply. (Note: (2) spare fuses included with module)
Cold Junction Compensation: Automatic, better than (1) 200-mA sub-miniature fuse. (F3). See figure 18.
0.03°F/°F (0.015°C/°C).
T/C Break, Reversed & Shorted Protection: Automatically
inhibits power to heater, or invokes bumpless transfer

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 9

Figure 18 - Main Board Component Layout

ED-0042-OT-050-D D-M-E Company - DSS User’s Manual Page 10

ECN-0543 March 29, 2000 Make additions too numerous to list, reorganize, and convert to Microsoft Word

ECN-0570 May 4, 2001 Page 10, change green reference to red on W6

ECN-0589 October 29, 2001 Page 8, change Transformer T1, RPM0020 to RPM0091
Page 8, change Fuse F3, 315mA to 200mA
Page 8, change Fuse F3, replacement number from RPM0086 to RPM0089
Page 9, change Fuse F3, 315mA to 200mA
Page 10, change Fuse F3, 315mA to 200mA
Page 10, remove MOV1

_______________________________________ SENIOR PRODUCT ENGINEER ____________________ DATE

_______________________________________ MANAGER OF ENGINEERING ____________________ DATE

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