Assignment and Portfolio Consent Form
Assignment and Portfolio Consent Form
Assignment and Portfolio Consent Form
You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this survey. Are you 18 years of
age or older?
YES ____X NO_____
Dear Beth,
My freshman year of college I was very nervous about nearly everything. For
example I did not know if I was going to be able to make new friends, do well in school
and how I was going to be able to handle the large workload. If it was not for you helping
through high school I do not know how I would have been ready for college. Everything
you had told me came true. Especially in my English class but, I luckily had you as my
neighbor to help me prepare for the college life. I only benefited from you being my
neighbor and everything you told me and taught me about English and writing papers I
took with me to college. Now whenever I write my papers they flow much better and I
am better at putting in quotations ever since you taught me how to do better lead ins.
Since you have been such a major impact on my college career I feel I should fill
you in on how it is going more specifically how my English 105 class is going since you
helped me the most with writing papers. This year we have written multiple papers all
variety of different sources and writing a paper on them and, when writing my grammar
and punctuation has also improved immensely. I also got better at locating and evaluating
articles for their credibility through what evidence they use in their articles and what kind
of bias the article has. The last paper we have to write for this semester is a final
portfolio. For this paper we have to revise to articles we have previously written this year
now that we have somewhat mastered these skills. I wanted to write you a letter to show
you how I have mastered some of these skills in my writing and how I have grown as a
writer in general. The two papers I have chosen to revise are my rhetorical analysis and
different biases about NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. The I-
Search paper I wrote is about Alzheimer’s disease which I did extensive research on. For
my revisions on these papers I plan to use the skills I have learned over this semester to
make changes to make these two papers better than they were before.
The first paper I will revise will be the Rhetorical analysis. We were told to
choose three different sources all in which with a different bias. I choose CNN, Fox news
and The Atlantic. I feel the need to revise this paper because I think I can do better with
my transition sentences and my lead ins with the quotations I used. I chose to do it on a
topic I am interested in which is the NFL and if the players should be allowed to take a
knee during the National Anthem. The Rhetorical Analysis really makes you look at the
different news sources and how they portray the players taking a knee based on their bias.
For example CNN glorifies the players for doing the right thing and doing what they
believe in, where as Fox would say how they are disrespecting or nation and the troops
who fight for them to have the right to take a knee. What I did when writing this paper
was look for the best quotes in their articles that demonstrate best their different types of
biases. I also tried my best to not put in my own personal opinion on the matter and just
write about how the articles are bias. For example when they talk about Collin Kapernick
being the Pioneer of taking a knee because of there being a racial injustice; I said “This
bias serves the common interests of the left since they depict Colin as a leader and a hero
for taking a knee during the national anthem as well as encouraging several other
professional athletes to follow in his foot steps.” By saying this I kept out my own views
on this statement and only commented on the article and how they are portraying Collin.
This helps because the Point of the Rhetorical Analysis is to show the different biases of
The second paper I chose to revise was the I-Search. The topic I chose for this
paper was Alzheimer’s disease, the treatments for it and the way it can affect the families
of the individuals who have the disease. In order to show my audience more about
Alzheimer’s I used scholarly sources, which have done research on the topic. For
example I used Medline plus who has a team of editors for their articles who all have an
MD and are experts in the field of Alzheimer’s. In my conclusion of the I-Search I used
poor word choice in order to properly conclude the paper. For example, “What there is
though are new studies that will help with treating the disease but not curing it.” This
sentence does not flow very well and needs to be re worded and there are other examples
of poor word choice such as this, which need to be revised. I also need to do a better job
in my conclusion with connecting everything back together with my original search. I did
do well at researching Alzheimer’s and different types of cures they are working on. One
example of this would be “26-week test on 38 patients – some given a 1.8mg daily dose
of the drug and others a placebo – provided “proof in principle” that liraglutide halts the
progression of Alzheimer’s All of the patients in this study had already been showing the
first signs of Alzheimer's or dementia”(Giles Sheldrick, 2017). I did not have many other
In Conclusion I have learned the four learning outcomes from English 105. I
composing has improved also in the Rhetorical Analysis by looking at a wide range of
articles and analyzing them to determine what kind of bias they have. I mastered
processes because when writing my I-Search it took me many drafts before I could get
one I was happy with and had minimal errors. My knowledge of conventions also
increased while writing my Rhetorical Analysis. The reason being is I had to site several
different sources which was difficult since I was not used to the APA formatting. As I am
concluding this letter I would just like to thank you for all the advice you have given me
I first learned about Alzheimer's first hand when I was in elementary school and
middle school. They way I experienced this was with my great grandmother (Nana). She
lived to 102 and up until she turned 100 she was still very active. For example she loved
going fishing and spending most of her time outdoors. When she turned 100 is when she
first got Alzheimer's and it changed everything. She went from someone who was very
active and independent to someone who could not really do anything on her own. Now
she was unable to fishing or even go for a walk on her own for that matter. What we
ended up having to do was put her into a nursing home which was hard for my mom and
grandma to do since they knew that she would hate to be in there. The reason we knew
she would hate is she already did not enjoy being inside too much when she was health
and that is where she would be most of the time. They ended up not really have any other
choice since someone had to take care of her and they did not have the time nor the
experience with the disease to do it. What we also started to notice as the years went on
was how here memory started to fade. For example she could not remember my mom or
my grandmother bt she could remember me and my little brother. This was extremely
tough on my mom and grandma since they both loved her deeply and most of the time
she did not recognize them. When it was getting towards the end of her life it hard for us
to go and visit her since we could see she was miserable living the way she was and we
knew her time was soon to come. Watching a loved one deteriorate before your eyes is
could do to help someone with Alzheimer's whether that be a cure, therapy or medicine to
drugs to help cope with it. I know this since that's all they could do for my great grandma.
I also know that they are continuing to search for a cure by doing studies on experimental
drugs on patients that have Alzheimer's. They also tried a new experimental drug on my
Nana at the time. One more thing I know is when someone gets Alzheimer's it usually
results in death. Alzheimer's also usually only affects elderly people and does not affect
younger people. Other than that I do not know much more about the disease since all I
know is what I was able to experience first hand and what I can remember from those
When I first started looking for my sources I was not quite sure where I should
begin. So I decided to go on wikipedia and look at their sources so I could get a look at
some potential sources I might want to use. All I typed in was Alzheimer's disease
wikipedia from there I saw they had (Medlineplus, 2016) as one of their sources. When I
went to the website I found it was a good source since it is a government website. What I
found out was Alzheimer's is a form of dementia. When it starts it begins slowly it starts
with the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. It is common for
people with Alzheimer's to forget things that happened recently or the names of people
they know in the beginning stages. As it progresses the symptoms only get worse they
may forget who family members are and have trouble with speaking, reading and writing.
Then in the final stages of alzheimers they may forget how to do simple everyday tasks
such as brushing their teeth or combing their hair. At this stage they may even start to
become anxious and aggressive people suffering from the disease may also wander from
I knew this was a useful source since I have used it in the past for previous
writing assignments I have done. They have a team of editors that write their articles for
this article in particular it was written by Jonathan Graff-Radford, M.D. in 2017. Dr.
I learned from this article is when you start getting the the first signs of Alzheimer's it is
important to work very closely with your doctor. The reason being is your doctor can try
to figure out a treatment plan in order to prolong your independence. I also learned from
this website is there are two drugs that help treat Alzheimer's that the FDA has approved.
One is Cholinesterase inhibitors and the other is Memantine. These drugs are approved
only for specific Alzheimer's stages which are mild, moderate, and severe. An alternative
method of treatment other than drugs that I learned about is listening to music. It can
relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and reduce agitation. How this can help
with Alzheimer's is since music is often times related to memories. So when playing
music for a loved one play music they like in order to calm them down and hopefully
After I then searched online for a cure for Alzheimer's. Where I then found a
news article written by the Express which is a newspaper in the UK, the article was
written by Giles Sheldrick in 2016. She is a journalist for the the Express who often times
writes about medical diseases. This news article tells about how in a “26-week test on 38
patients – some given a 1.8mg daily dose of the drug and others a placebo – provided
“proof in principle” that liraglutide halts the progression of Alzheimer’s All of the
patients in this study had already been showing the first signs of Alzheimer's or
dementia”(Giles Sheldrick, 2017). What the drug does is it keeps the brain's metabolism
going and it decreases inflammation. whereas the patients who did not receive the drug
their brain’s metabolism decreased and the inflammation of their brain increased. Now
they are doing a larger study with 208 patients in the UK and if the results come out
positive within the next five years there may be a new safe and better treatment for
Alzheimer's than ever before. After searching for another article I found one by Medline
The conclusions I have come to are there is no cure, and there are no breaking
through studies that are close to a cure. What there are new studies that will help with
treating the disease but not curing it. This means there has to be new studies in order to
find a cure one day. What else I concluded are the treatments with just the drugs are not
enough since all they can do is prolong the inevitable. Which is Alzheimer's taking over
and growing until it has fully taken over. But when you do physical therapy at times it
can help teach the patient with Alzheimer's how to cope with it and help them start to
remember things where otherwise they would have never been able to. One example of
this is listening to music which can help jog their memory into remembering something
My findings are important because they are doing more to hopefully find a cure
one day. Also Alzheimer's is also a slow and devastating disease that destroys families
and several relationships. Likewise we should also be raising awareness and support to
those affected by the disease both families and the people who tragically do have the
disease This is important to others in case one of their loved ones gets the disease.
Unfortunately there is no cure yet, but they would need to know about it and be
somewhat knowledgeable about it in order to help their loved ones. To take them to a
hospital in order to receive a treatment so hopefully they will be able to be functional for
a longer period of time. If they already know someone who has had it in their family it is
hereditary so this information could be useful so they would know what to do once they
started to get the first signs of it. Such as go to the hospital to get treatment or take the
proper precautions so hopefully they will never have to suffer with the disease. This is
very important to me since my great grandmother had it and it ended up affecting all of
our lives greatly. And now that I know it is hereditary I need to know about it incase I get
it or anyone else in my family gets it so I can try to help them somehow. Whether that be
taking them to the doctors since they can not drive anymore or just playing some of their
favorite music.
breakthrough study in UK where they may one day find the cure once they are done with
their study. What I was able to learn is that music can help people with Alzheimer's since
it can help jog their memory and calm them down if they are starting to get anxiety or
aggressive. I also learned it is a disease that slowly eats away at your brain as it
progresses and it may take years before it has reached the final stages of it. I also learned
there is not a whole lot you can do for someone who has Alzheimer's since there is no
cure for it so basically all you are able to do is help them try to cope with it.
Works Cited
“Alzheimer's: Drugs Help Manage Symptoms.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for
Sheldrick, Giles. “Alzheimer's Cure at Last: First Drug to Stop Disease in Its Tracks.”
style/health/665115/Alzheimer-dementia-cure-drug-stop-disease .
Rhetorical Analysis
Fake news gets published consistently in the world we live in today. It is hard to
distinguish real news from fake news since most major credible news sources are bias
concerning their stand on the political spectrum. Not to mention, nowadays most credible
news sources maximize value by being the first to report on a situation while lacking in
providing true and factual information since it requires additional time and resources.
Likewise, the topic I will be discussing is taking a knee during the national anthem. The
news sources I will be examining are CNN, Fox News, and the Atlantic.
about players taking a knee during the national anthem. “Still, plenty opted to kneel
during "The Star-Spangled Banner," with the Baltimore Ravens' Terrell Suggs and
Tampa Bay Buccaneers' Mike Evans among the stars following the lead of former pro
quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who pioneered the anthem protests last year over what he
was said was social and racial injustice” (Eliott C. McLaughlin, Mon September 25,
2017). This bias serves the common interests of the left since they depict Colin as a
leader and a hero for taking a knee during the national anthem as well as encouraging
several other professional athletes to follow in his footsteps. “He also referenced the
shootings of black men by police as one of reasons for his stance. "To me, this is bigger
than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way," he told NFL
Media. "There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away
with murder"” (Eliott C. McLaughlin, Mon September 25, 2017). This quotation presents
the reasoning behind Colin’s motive to take a knee regarding police brutality. However, it
does not show the police officer’s point of view and why they had to take such drastic
actions in the first place. “In Sunday morning tweets, Trump renewed his criticism of the
protests, slamming the league's ratings and saying players should be fired or suspended
for such protests. On Saturday, he called for NFL owners to fire any "son of a bitch" who
"disrespects our flag"”(Eliott C. McLaughlin, Mon September 25, 2017). What they are
trying to do here is scrutinize Trump for calling the people who are not standing for the
flag a “son of a bitch” and saying they disrespect our nations flag. This is bias since is
clearly a republican and CNN does not like him and often times try to make him look bad
any chance they get. These are a few examples of how CNN are bias and most of their
viewers are liberals so when they read this article they are only seeing one side of the
Furthermore, an additional bias news source includes Fox News that appeals to
the ideologies of those committed on the right side of the political spectrum. ““Comments
like we heard last night from the president are inappropriate, offensive and divisive,”
Giants owners John Mara and Steve Tisch said in a joint statement Saturday, the New
York Post reported. “We are proud of our players, the vast majority of whom use their
NFL platform to make a positive difference in our society”” (Fox News, September 24
2017). In articles like these they make it seem like it is a bad thing to be proud of players
who sit or kneel during the national anthem. They also make it seem like they are
creating a divide in our country rather than creating unity like Steve Tisch says it is
creating. Trump said, “We’re proud of our country. We respect our flag. Wouldn’t you
love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that
son of a bitch off the field, right now, out? He’s fired” (Fox News, September 24 2017).
They also often times in Fox News articles they glorify Trump in his statements
regardless if they are correct or incorrect. Which demonstrates how they have more of a
conservative bias. “Kaepernick and the 49ers parted ways after last season, and the
quarterback has remained unsigned by any NFL team ever since – prompting many
commentators and fans to charge that Kaepernick is being blackballed by the league”
(Fox News, September 24 2017). The reason they say this is because they want to show
what the consequences are when you do not stand up and honor the American flag
regardless of your cause. They also put this to try and show that it was a dumb decision
of Colin to take a knee during the national anthem since he is now currently unemployed.
All of these quotations show how Fox News is a credible news source but the way they
display their news could have it considered as fake news since it is all leaning towards a
conservative bias.
When it comes to looking for a neutrally bias news source it is often times hard to
find one but The Atlantic is one of the few who are neutrally bias. “They were replicating
the gesture of Colin Kaepernick, the former 49ers quarterback who, starting in 2016, had
been kneeling during the pre-game singing of the national anthem” (MEGAN
Alabama, as one U.S. territory reeled from a humanitarian crisis and another lay under
threat of a nuclear attack, Trump spoke of NFL franchise owners, encouraging them to
fire players who kneeled in protest during the singing of the national anthem” (MEGAN
down on his Friday-night slights. “If a player wants the privilege of making millions of
dollars in the NFL, or other leagues,” he wrote, “he or she should not be allowed to
disrespect … our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National
Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!”” (MEGAN GARBER,
TAKING A KNEE. These are a few of the many examples of how The Atlantic is a
To compare new sources such as these are not a hard thing to do in order to figure
out what is fake news and what is real. For example when Fox has a conservative bias
most of their viewers are all also conservatives. The reason is since people who are
conservatives only want to see things from their point of view or how they feel about the
topic. With CNN it is the same thing except for they have more of a liberal bias. Whereas
news sources such as The Atlantic are a neutrally bias news source where all they do is
say the facts and not state their opinions on the matter. Personally I think this is the best
way to get your news from since it is one of the only ways you can get the facts without
In this day in age it is often times to a challenge to figure out what the news is
without getting it from a bias stand point. The reason being is it is hard to tell what is real
news and what is fake, since most major credible news sources are bias to weather they
are left or the right. In most cases if you want to figure out what is real and what is fake
you would need to go and look at several different news sources. In my opinion the only
type of news that should be out there should be non-bias news sources since you can get
the strait facts without the political agendas of others being put into it.
Work Cited
McLaughlin, E. C. (2017, September 25). These are the NFL players protesting today
Garber, M. (2017, September 24). They Took a Knee. Retrieved October 16, 2017, from