Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan is a Ghanaian who was born in Kumasi on 8 April 1938. In the year 1957, he
graduated from Mfantsipim. He was married to Nane, a Swedish lawyer, and had three
children and five grandchildren. On 18 August 2018, he died at the age of 80 in the hospital
in Bern, Switzerland. After a brief illness. Kofi Annan was highly active and passionate about
his foundation work right up to his unexpected end. He got his first job at the United Nations
as a budget officer for the World Health Organization after attending the Graduate institute in
Genera in 1962. In 1972 Kofi A. Annan graduated in Management from the MIT sloam
school of Management in the United States. He returns to Ghana, and he was appointed as the
Director of Tourism in Ghana from 1974 to 1976. He was also selected as the head of
Personnel in the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in
the year 1980. In 1987 he became the Assistant Secretary-General in Human Resources
He was also appointed as the Head Of peacekeeping Operation for the UN. He was a highly
revered Ghanaian diplomat in 1997. Kofi Annan was able to fight the AIDS pandemic in
Africa and was an active worker to erase social issues globally. Kofi Annan and the UN as a
team were awarded a Noble Peace Prize for their arduous work. Kofi Annan, who was the
United Nations Secretary-General, first proposed the Global compact in addressing the world.
Economic Forum on 31 January 1999. On 26 July 2000, in New York, the Global compact
operation phase was launched at the UN headquarters. During the launch, most of the
business leaders were challenged by the Secretary-General to join the international initiative,
which is the Global compact that could help bring companies together with UN agencies,
civil and labor to support the nine principles in the areas of human right, labor, and the
According to the four poles of a good society: liberty, equality, efficiency, and community.
The main priorities of Kofi Annan as the Secretary-General were comprehensive programs
that were to improve aimed at revitalizing the United Nations and making the international
system more effective. His work was more drawn towards libertarianism because became a
very constant advocate for the rule of law, the Millennium Development Goals, human right
and sought to bring the global public forging ties with civil society, the private sector, and
other partners. During Mr. Annan's leadership as the UN peacekeeping, he was able to
strengthen the team in a way that enables the United Nations to cope with a rapid rise in the
number of operations and Personnel. Kofi Annan fought for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis
m by ensuring that they were able to have the liberty to own resources and act on their free
will. The adoption of the UN's first-ever counter-terrorism strategy and being welcome by the
Member States of the "responsibility to protect" war crimes, ethnic cleansing, people from
In Kofi Annan's book, which was published in 1998, that's "The Quiet Revolution," .he talks
about how the past ten years have been tumultuous for the United Nations, with difficult
challenges and occasionally, painful setbacks. But was also a year of promise to the UN,
"years in which a quiet revolution---a revolution of good governance and corporation, within
the UN, among citizens from different countries, and between citizens organization and the
prospects for achieving many of the world's shared goals." He wanted to use this opportunity
to reason on the changes and, when he is done reasoning, he must suggest further ways in
which the international academic community and the UN may cooperate to achieve the goals
they share.
According to Kofi Annan, upon all his setbacks of the last decades, it became apparent that
the United nation remains as much in demand as in need of change. It was a very influential
challenge but also a great promise. He put all his efforts to fulfill that promise; he said we are
learning new ways to do what would be better also finding a way to suit a changing
which will cover all the aspect of the work, that includes peace and security. His idea was to
international institutions. Together with his team, they were seeking to bring the trust,
stability, legitimacy, and accountability of good governance to all parts of the world. Kofi
Annan notices that without good governance or without the rule of law, predictable
funding, no amount of charity will set the developing world on the path to prosperity. The
member states have been increasing, recognizing that good governance is indispensable for
Furthermore, as a peacekeeping leader for the United Nations, he said good governance is a
component of peace; all this has a significant and robust preventive aspect. It helps the
societies sound structure for economic and social development and good governance are to
promote reconciliation and offers a path for consolidating peace. Globalization envelops the
world even as fragmentation and the assertion of differences are on the rise. In the new
Global Era, peace expands while outbursts of horrific violence intensify and unprecedented
wealth is
being created, large pockets of poverty remain endemic. Reforming a good society is not a
changing world. It ensures that those mandates are given to perform effectively and
efficiently within the appropriate resources for those ends. Kofi Annan authored another book
about "Democracy as an International issue." He gave more details about the domestic peace
that has broken the international community and assists in the restoration. As the
peacekeeping operations for the United nation (UN), he explained how democratic
Democratic rules cannot mobilize many countries for war without convincing most citizens
that war is both and necessary, which means convincing them that vital national interests are
principles and that there is no peaceful way to achieve the same objective. It makes it easier
when the government, on the other hand, can be portrayed as aggressive, evil, and not open to
rational persuasion. But on the other note, it very much difficult to convince people in a
democracy that war is necessary against another county with an open and transparent political
system. As a leader, he advised many countries on how they should rule their nations and was
helping on how democracy can take root. Kofi Annan, who was the peacekeeping operations,
was a man of peace and made sure that people can engage, not just through war but
In Kofi Annan's economic leadership, he once said we were all children once and now; we
are parents, uncles, grandparents, and aunts of children. He said children's needs and wishes
are not that much difficult to understand. Children expect to have good things in life and the
right to the best start in life. In the next generation of children to come, they must receive a
a promise to upload the far-reaching rules that children had first call on all the recourses that
they would always put the best interest oof children first in bad times or a good time, war or
peace in economics distress or prosperity they will do his, the leader declared, but not only
for this generation but for all the generation to come. The world has seen more again against
poverty and more progress for children in the past 50 years than the previous.
Annan Kofi, The Global Compact. Corporate Leadership in the World Economy,
Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management (symphonya.unimib.it), n. 2, 2002,
pp. 7-10
Kofi, A.A (1999). We the Children: Meeting the Promises of the World Summit
for Children.
Annan, K., & Dryden, S. (2015). Food and the Transformation of Africa: Getting
Smallholders Connected. Foreign Affairs, 94(6), 124-129. Retrieved May 1, 2021,
from http://www.jstor.org/stable/43946549