Synthesis Paper Math-AMT 1-7 DELGADO

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Philippine State College of Aeronautics

Institute of Engineering and Technology

Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City



Mathematics has numerous applications in the

world making it indispensable


AAMT 1 - 7
02 November 2020
I. Introduction

Mathematics has always been a useful tool in a person’s life throughout the years. This

is a stepping stone on someone’s career. Math has evolved throughout the years. Math can

help in analyzing, organizing, determining, and applying the patterns in everything in the

surroundings. It is a basic science of logical reasoning. This can make a person become

systematic. This is sort of an exercise for the brain, to gain more knowledge.

Math helps a person in finances, research, chemistry, physics, engineering, geometry,

statistics and probability, and anything. It can also used in understanding and

communicating with the world. In school, mathematics is like a challenge for students and

teachers alike in learning or gaining knowledge. The knowledge of mathematics can be

shared through teaching another. A person starts to learn mathematics at a young age with

just numbers and symbols.

The concepts used for everyone’s every day lifestyle were angle, asymptote, cartesian

coordinates, circles, complex numbers, conic sections, counting, equations, Fibonacci

sequence, golden ratio, logarithms, perimeter, plane, probability, and many more. The

concept of angles is used in street intersections, parking lots, kicking the ball, airplane

pilots, military operations and ships. Asymptotes are used in graphs for wind speed in

skydiving, cost in fuel, speed and velocity. For cartesian coordinates, it is used in

animation, programing, and world maps. The concept of circles is being used in circular

wheels, manhole covers, and rotations.

II. Review of literature

There a lot of applications for mathematics. This has become an issue on where to apply

mathematics in the modern time.

(Lavor, C., Gomes, & F. A. M. 2018) In Brazil, their skills in mathematics formulates

a problem and implementing solutions. Talented students give an opportunity outside the

country to solve the problems of the world. They only focus on methods and tools in their

academic programs. Mathematics links the problem formulation and solution

implementation in application of technology.

(2018) Math has been considered a cradle of creation itself. Many jobs like cook,

farmer, engineer, mechanics, doctors, and everyone applies mathematics in their lives.

Even animals and insects use this too. This broadens a person’s mind for new knowledge

they learn every day. This makes all lives easier if learned well.

Roman, A. G. and Villanueva, R. (2019) For the first-year college students receiving

competencies, they develop the country with innovative practices and solutions guided by

standards for ethics and aesthetic contribution. The knowledge is received with high extent

on competencies gaining achievement of discipline to improve knowledge, good values

and useful skills.

Hansson (2019), The technology has connected with mathematics in many ways. With

the use of proportions, weaving, geometrical knowledge, ruler and compass construction,

medieval crafts, structural mechanics and schools, they will have the knowledge for

improving the previous models for better use. This aids people in doing everyday task and

create something new with these applications.

III. Conclusion

The numerous applications of mathematics are indispensable because it is very

important to those who uses it. It assists them in solving problems, their career, finances,

and other everyday tasks. It communicates and understands the world’s pattern, relation,

structure, and order. It can also be applied in forensics, medical field, fluid dynamics,

information technology, cryptography, archeology, social sciences, economics, political

sciences, aviation, music and arts. People give meaning to math when they understand it

even further. It also gives them experience in order to exercise them in the future.

Without mathematics, there is nothing to analyze, compute, and determine the world’s

patterns. It can cause misinterpretation of information or lead to misunderstanding in


IV. References

Lavor, C., Gomes, F.A.M. January 2018 "Advances in Mathematics and

Applications: Celebrating 50 years of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and

Scientific Computing, University of Campinas”

August 3, 2015,



Roman, A. G. and Villanueva, R., December 2019, Competency Acquisition,

Difficulty and Performance of First Year College Students in Mathematics in The

Modern World (MITMW)

Hansson, S. O. (April 26, 2019). “Technology and Mathematics”,

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