Analisis Penerapan Materi Modul 4
Analisis Penerapan Materi Modul 4
Analisis Penerapan Materi Modul 4
modul 4
Analysis of the student learning
• Location Maps
Analysis of the • classroom
• library
students learning • canteen
environment • Teacher room
• Computer Laboratory
• 1. School Environment • Science laboratory, etc.
The analysis of the students learning environment
Karena kondisi lingkungan tempat tinggal
siswa yang jauh dari kota dan susahnya
akses ke kota, bahkan kurang fasilitas
perpustakaan yang menyajikan buku-buku
cerita rakyat atau legenda, sehingga
menyebabkan minim nya pengetahuan
siswa-siswa dengan cerita-cerita yang ada.
Oleh sebab itu Guru menyajikan contoh
legenda yang memang sudah sering
didengar oleh para siswa.
Based on the analysis of the students learning environment • students have difficulty
• The learning process of narrative text makes students feel finding or remembering
bored, busy, chatting by themselves, not paying attention to the main text or it may be
the material taught by the teacher, and not being excited. because they do not have
This happens because the learning environment don't make
students excited about learning. At the time of the the technique to easily
assignment, students are not enthusiastic, and are slow in analyze the elements of a
doing assignments because they feel bored, tired and narrative text. Each
nothing can change the mood of the students, nor is there student has a different
anything that can help them to find ideas for making level of creativity and
personal letters. This can result in unsatisfactory learning interpretation. So, they
outcomes obtained by students.
need guidance to write
down their understanding
Learning Activity
Materi Konseptual
Pengertian dan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk narrative dan
recount text.
Materi Faktual
Contoh dan pembahasan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk narrative dan
recount text..
Materi Prosedural
Langkah-langkah teks khusus dalam bentuk narrative dan
recount text. terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, lisan
dan tulis.
Materi Meta Kognisi
Pemahaman, penguasaan dan penerapan secara komunikatif
dan integrative berlandaskan nilai-nilai agama yang dianut teks
khusus dalam bentuk narrative dan recount text..
Learning Activity