Teaching Assistant Review Procedure
Teaching Assistant Review Procedure
Teaching Assistant Review Procedure
1. What does David do? Or
1. What is your name? 1. How are you?
What is David’s job?
2. Is Ms. Carol a teacher? 2. Are you a student? 2. What is your job?
Students and
3. Who is Paul? Is Paul a
1 teachers meet up 3. Am I a teacher? 3. Is your father a doctor?
teacher or a Headmaster?
at a school
4. What’s your teacher’s name?
5. Who are receptionists in
Speak UP?
What is your name? Could you spell What is your PT’s name? Could
1. What is Liz’s surname?
that? you spell it?
A student gets a 2. What is Liz’s/her phone
What’s your phone number? What is his/ her phone number?
2 room in the number?
residence hall 3. What is her email address? What can you do? What is your home address?
What is your email address?
Thank you so much
What nationality are people
Where’s Antonia from?
Are you from Saigon? from Germany (other
(country & city)
Two students
What is her nationality? Are your parents from America? Where are English from?
3 meet each other
Where’s Sally from? -> Where are your neighbors
for the first time Are you Vietnamese?
Nationality (country & city) from?
What are Sally and Antonia’s
room numbers?
What nationality are people
Is Antonia Spanish? What nationality are you? from Australia? (other
A student goes to Do you often sit next to Teacher
Is David a painting teacher? I am hungry. What should we do?
4 art class for the in class?
first time Where do Sally and Antonia
is your PT English? Are you Irish?
What website address do you
2 How many members are there
How old is Christopher? How old are you?
in your family?
How to hold a How many children has Daisy How many brothers and sisters have
1 Is your house big?
birthday party got? you got?
How many cups have they
Have you got any pets? Do you like helping people?
How many people are there
Is your nephew handsome? Do you like cooking?
in Erin's family?
Two people are Do you think tigers are
How old is Andrew? Are you sweet?
2 describing their dangerous?
family member Have you got any nephews or
Is Erin's Grandma serious? Am I nice?
Where do your relatives live?
When is the wedding of What have you got for your Have you got any expensive
A nephew Andrew and Maria? breakfast? gifts?
introduces his Have they got money for the Has your mother got any sisters or
3 Are you single or married?
fianceé to his honeymoon? brothers?
uncle How many children does Have you got any surprises on
When have you got a level test?
uncle Jack want to have? your birthday?
4 Two women are Are you the only child in your
Who is Andrew's fianceé? Whose pencil is it?
talking about family?
their family Where is Christopher? How many people are there in the Aca Is English easy to learn?
Where do you want to travel in
members When is the wedding? How many cousins have you got?
the future?
Is jogging Phil's favorite Do you like watching a football
Do you usually go jogging?
sport? match?
Does Angelina like cycling? What are your favorite sports? Is reading boring?
Two friends talk Is volleyball their favorite
Do you like swimming? Is city center noisy?
1 about their sport?
favorite sports Do you think walking is exciting
or relaxing?
Do you often go cycling in the
What does Sophie like to do What do you often do in your free
What makes you happy?
at the gym? time?
What does Carol do at the
Do you often go jogging or swimming? Do you like watching TV?
A group of weekend?
2 friends talk about What does Carol do in her What do you usually do at the Do you like going to museum or
3 their hobbies free time? weekend? gym?
Is your city modern?
Do you regularly meet your
Are you always late for school/work?
friends at the weekend?
How are Sarah's Pilates
Do you like playing chess? How is Vietnamese coffee?
How many people are there
How are your classes at SUV? Can you bake a cake?
in Erin's group?
Three friends are
Does Ross like doing
3 talking about Do you like studying at SUV? How do you feel today?
their hobbies
Does Sarah usually have
Does your PT usually go to cinema? Are you interested in Christmas?
lunch at work?
Will you come to SU's Christmas
What does David usually do?
How is Emily's baby? Does your PT like cooking? Is your favorite drink coca cola?
Does Emily's baby sleep well Do you often spend time
Do you go to gym at the weekend?
at night? reading books?
Two neighbors Does Karen's son often visit Does your father watch football What time do you wake up in
4 talk about their her? match at night? the morning?
children? Does Frank's girlfriend do
Do you sleep well at night? Is speaking English difficult?
Have you got any sons or
4 What time does Gracie have How often do you go to
Are you studying or working?
a meeting? shopping center?
Do you wear uniform to go to
Two women on Does Gracie work every day? What do you do?
1 the bus talk
Where do they work? Do you go to work at 8am? Do you like fruit?
about their jobs
What does Amelia often do in What do you enjoy doing at the
Does your PT finish work at 9pm?
the shop? weekend?
Does Amelia love her job? Do you stay up late? What time do you get up?
Does Emma work in the
Can you use computer? Do you work in an office?
factory now?
What time does Emma start
Can you spell your name? Do you usually work overtime?
her job?
A woman is being
2 Can she work overtime? Can you dance? Do you enjoy going skiing?
Do you often have a headache
when doing homework?
Do you have a full-time job or a
Can she work with number?
part-time job?
3 Two men talk What time is Jake's
Have you got any cars? Am I a shop assistant?
about their job interview?
while waiting for Does Finley want to be a
Does your PT have any pets? Is your mother a banker?
the job interview teacher?
Where is Finley from? How many children have you got? Would you like to be an actor/
an actress?
Does Finley like his job?
What time do you get up?
Why/ Why not?
What do you often do in your
birthday party?
What time does Alex start How often do you go out with your
Are you singling or married?
working? friends?
What do you usually spend
What is Alex's job? Do you often travel abroad?
money to buy?
Two new workers Does Ben want to go out Are you interested in creating a
How often do you cook dinner?
4 meet and have a after work? handmade gift?
chit chat How often do you go to a
Is Alex single? Do you usually play video games?
Do you sometimes write a letter
or an invitation?
Do you often go for a walk?
Where does Harry want to How far is it from Speak UP to district Do you sometimes go to gym or
go? 1? library?
Is Speak UP next to a sushi Do you enjoy visiting the
Where is the cinema?
A man is finding restaurant? museum?
way to a cinema Is the cinema next to the How can you get from your home to Could you please tell me the
police station? Speak UP? way to a shopping center?
Could you tell me the way to How many colors does the
the Lion and Bear pub? traffic light have?
What are the red round thing
Can you speak Japanese? When is your birthday?
and square blue thing?
Two friends Can Jenny pain? Can you make Western food? What is your favorite season?
discuss about When does Jenny often go to What is this square black thing? Can you draw a square and
what they can the park and paint? (computer) round at the same time?
and cannot do What can Emma do? When is a good time to go on holiday? What shape is a book?
Are December and January
Do you like eating sweets?
good times to visit Italy?
How does Lucy usually spend Do you like staying at home at
What do you often do in the morning?
her weekend? the weekend?
What does Gary do in the What are your favorite weekend
What time do you go to work?
evenings? activities?
Two friends talk Are you excited about going to
3 about their Is Lucy free on Saturday? Are you usually free at the weekend? the gallery or museum?
hobbies Why/Why not?
Is Gary free at half past three
How often do you play sport?
on Saturday?
When does Lucy's French
class start?
Do you like a forest or seaside
Where does Jack live? How do you spend your free time?
Do you usually meet up with
Two friends are What does Jack do? What is your favorite country? Why?
your friends?
4 talking about
How does Jack spend his free Where do you want to visit next year? What was your childhood
their cousins
time? Why? dream?
Does Alex visit New Zealand
What is the day today?
often? Why/Why not?
How old is Muhamad? What can you do? Are you a hard-working or lazy student?
A talk about What is his job? Can you speak English? What sports do you enjoy?
1 his likes and What does he study? Do you like swimming? Are you a hard-working person?
dislikes Do you brush your teeth twice a week?
Is English difficult or easy?
What sports does Muhammad
Two Don't you like coffee?
like? Are you interested in sports?
students What doesn't he like? What do you like doing? Can you play volleyball?
2 talk about
Does Magda like cheese? What don't you like doing? What food is delicious and healthy?
their likes
Can you cook?
and dislikes
What kind of food do you like to cook?
Do giraffes live in the sea? Is your sister a student? Do you often make a mistake?
How many pillows are there in your
1 3
play a
game called
Is the door in the classroom?
Where do doctors work?
Does she like playing sport?
what is your sister's job?
Do you go to hospital when you are sick?
Do you often have birthday wishes on
"What am Does she love cooking? birthday?
I?" It's your turn to ask me one question you
Where does she work? want.
Does Muhammad sometimes What do you often do in your free
Do you often arrive late for class?
cook dinner? time?
Does Magda never listen to Do you usually go out with your
music? friends? Can you speak foreign language?
talk about
4 how often
Does Muhammad east in
restaurants Does your PT often drink coffee? Does your mom wash dishes every day?
they do
Do you sometimes go to souvenir shop
their things
when travelling?
Do you usually go to bed at midnight?
How many people are there in your
2 1
Two friends
talk about
What are they talking about?
Who is Chris?
Where do Lisa's aunt and uncle
Is your family big or small?
4 An estate Are they renting a new flat? What furniture is there in your
agent Where? bedroom? Do you have a single or double bed?
consults on
How many rooms are there in Is there a big kitchen in your house? Do you also have an oven in your
the phone
the flat? kitchen?
with a
Is there a shower in the
bathroom? Are there nice balconies in that flat? Are there any kettles in your kitchen?
Is there a sofa in the living
How much does it cost for one Do you need a shopping list when you go
3 Two people
talks about
Is the second pineapple free?
What does it mean by "3 for
What is the currency in Britain?
4 A man in a Which animals do you like? Fish, mouse
pet shop Where is Melanie? Do you live with your family? or puppy?
wants to Does Melanie like the baby Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have a chicken farm?
buy a pet mouse?
Does Melanie's sister like big
animals? Does your mother like animals? What is your favorite fruit?
Where are rabbits? How many teeth have you got? Does fish have teeth?
Do you like eating cakes?
What kind of book are they
How do you call a book for cooking?
reading? How many eggs do eat every week?
How much water do you drink every What are the ingredients for making an
Two friends Why do they want to read it? day? omelet?
1 talk about What are the ingredients for Do you drink too much soft drink every
Can you drink wine?
cooking Tortilla Espanola? week?
Is Amy's birthday on Are there too many books at your
November 2nd? house? Can you make a pancake?
Do you often prepare food for lunch?
Describe how to make fried eggs, using
You describe by action, the ss will guess
Where are Amy and Elisabeth? these words (bowl, break the eggs, add,
the word
oil, pan, salt)
Two friends Are they going to make a You see your child holding a knife, what Is there an oven or a microwave in your
2 bake a cake chocolate cake? will you say? kitchen?
Do you really like learning English? =>
Yes, I really do like learning English
Do you know how to chop a chicken or
Tell me something that you can cut into
small pieces?
What does Elisabeth want to when you are hungry, what would you Which one do you prefer, do the
make? like to eat? => I would like to ... shopping or go shopping?
Is there some money in your pocket? Have you ever bought something on the
A plan to Why does Elisabeth want to => Yes, there is a lot of/ some/ much/ a Internet?
make make cookies? plenty of money in my pocket.
cookies and Do you buy some food every morning?
3 sandwiches Does Amy like Elisabeth's idea? => No, I don't buy any food every
Do you make a shopping list when you go
and sell shopping?
them What do they need and how
What seafood do you like?
much does it cost?
Do you have good imagination? => Yes,
really, show me/ No, uhm, I don't think
What are they doing? When is your birthday? Are you interested in discount?
How much do they sell for the Do you often eat heathy food? Give me
Two friends
cookies? How much is your outfit? some examples please
How much are the ham How many books are there on the
their profits
4 after selling
sandwiches? table? Are you an easy-going customer?
Does Elisabeth have enough
cookies and
money to buy a new guitar? Is there a fridge in your kitchen?
Can you count backward from 20 very
What will you prepare for your birthday
Planning a What is Sarah's grandma Where is Speak UP? party? (birthday cake, balloons,
1 birthday planning to do? guests, ....)
party Who will they invite? Is it next to the post office? How many people will you invite?
What do they need to buy? You live near hear, don't you? Is your house opposite the supermarket?
When was the last time Sarah When was your wedding and your
Two people met Leo? Where were you born ? graduation ?
are talking When and where was the baby Who attended your
2 about their of Leo's brother born ? Were you at home last night ? graduation/wedding?
5 lives
What is the party on Saturday
night about?
What is the date today?
When was the last time you went to a
How is Veronica's English Could you swim when you were six
now ? years old? Are you good at singing English songs ?
Two friends
What can Matt do now? What
3 talk about
couldn't he do when he was Do you usually forget to do English
what they
can/can't do younger? Can you drive a car? exercises?
Do you often make a mistake when you
Can Matt sing and dance ? Can you play the piano ? work ?
What is Oscar's dream job ? Where did you study in high school ? Did you graduate ?
An interview
What did he do when he was Did you write a diary when you were
with a travel When was your first interview?
4 writer about
17 ? young ?
his job How did he start becoming a Were you excited when you travelled
Did you do the homework yesterday?
writer? abroad?
1. How long has the couple been 1. Would you like to change your
1. What do you spend money on?
A girl gave dating? job?
reasons for 2. Does Jim have a job now? 2. Do you like to lose some weight? 2. Do you think saving money is difficult?
1 breaking up 3. Do you still live with your 3. Do you think eating junk food is
3. Does Jim like to eat sweets?
with her parents? unhealthy?
boyfriend 4. Are your friends sociable?
5. Do you like eating sweets?
1. Did Jim have a good day? Why/ 1. What are you going to do this
1. How are your colleagues?
Why not? weekend?
Two brothers 2. Are you going to do homework
2. Who did Jim break up with? 2. What is your plan in the near future?
talked about tonight?
2 making 3. Is she reading a book? (pointing
3. Does Jim want popcorn? 3. Do you usually think positive?
changes after at a student)
breaking up 4. What is he/ she doing? (pointing 4. What are you going to do in your next
at another student) birthday party?
5. Do you often sunbathe when going out?
1 1. Does Jim look good?
1. What do you want to eat when
you are hungry?
1. Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
2. Are you going to go shopping
The couple 2. What is Jim's job? 2. What are your bad habits?
3 met after the
3. How many kilograms did Jim 3. Do you want to quit doing 3. Which do you prefer: the country or the
break up
lose? something? seaside?
4. Have you ever got drunk?
5. What should I do when I am sick?
1. When did Jessica meet Jim at 1. What am I looking at? (trying to
1. Have you ever asked somebody out?
the supermarket? look at a thing near you)
The ex- 2. Does Jessica still love Jim? 2. Do you often look for your keys? 2. Do you have your personal stylist?
girlfriend 3. Does that man/woman look 3. Are you usually excited when having a
3. Is Stephanie a sumpermodel?
4 wanted to get beautiful/handsome? conversation with your PT?
back with her 4. Do you feel bored, relaxed or tired when
old boyfriend
reading a book?
5. Do you often feel angry when you argue
with someone else?
A girl at work 1. Who does Olivia talk to at 1. Do you often make an appointment with
1 1. Are you watching TV?
talking on the first? someone else?
2. What are Olivia and her friend 2. Have you ever left a message on the
2 talking about?
2. Are they studying?
3 Roleplay: TA is the customer,
Do you wear uniform to go
Who did the man say he was? Can you cook Vietnamese food?
to school/ work?
Are you medium/average
A woman Why did Mrs Brand let the man in? Could you speak English 1 year ago?
describes a
1 Can you tell me what your PT looks Are you wearing any
robbery to a What did the man uniform look like?
like? jewelry?
Do you dream of being
What did the other man look like?
a ..........?
Do you wear high-heels to
Is it Gemma first date? Can you describe this (object)?
Two friends work/school? (women)
talk on the Do you wear a hat when
Where's Gemma going for her date? Are there any books on the table?
phone trying you're outside?
to decide What does Gemma think about the Do you like to wear baggy
Are there any computers in the room?
what to wear first/second/third dress? clothes or tight clothes?
on a date
What does James do?
Is this your book?
Do you like to eat at
Two people
Do you think Vietnamese
talk about What is Gemma's job? Whose pencil is this?
food is tasty?
3 themselves
Do you go to the
on a blind What does Gemma study at university? Who is your PT?
restaurants on your own?
Do you often go to the
Are you happy when you
What does Gemma's date look like? How often do you speak English?
A girl pass a test?
describes to Do you get scared when
Where is Gemma going on her next date? Do you often watch movies?
her friend you watch a horror movie?
what Are you studying or working at the Do you like to tell jokes/
happened on moment? Or both? make people laugh?
the blind date Are you usually satisfied
when you eat out?
Do you have a healthy
What have they got for breakfast? How often do you exercise ?
A married lifestyle?
couple Do you get enough sleep at
1 What will they do the next day? Are you usually late for class?
discuss their night?
lifestyle Do you have to get up early in the Do you like to eat junk
What does Erin do today?
morning? food?
What should we avoid
Would Erin like to pay her membership
How often do you get drunk? doing when going to the
monthly or weekly?
Joining the Have you got a healthy diet
2 How often do they do exercise? Did you get married?
gym plan?
How often do you eat
How often does Daniel smoke? Do you want to get fit?
Where is the changing room?
What sport does Erin play at the weekend?
Do you usually get impatient?
Do you like going to work by cycling?
Are you a positive or
negative person?
Are you and your old
Running in
3 What does Daniel think about kayaking? How often do you go swimming? friends keeping in touch
the park
with each other?
Would you like to learn one more
Does Daniel like camping? Do you like hiking?
Have you got any training
What is the personal trainer's name? Is that bag yours?
What are your career
4 trainer What exercise does Daniel enjoy? Whose book is this?
What do you enjoy doing at the
What kind of exercise does Erin enjoy? Do you usually stay up late?
1 A girl talks Do you live in a flat or a
What does Bethany want? Is Vietnam bigger than the USA?
3 with an
estate agent
about flats
Where is Bethany living now? Is this pencil as heavy as this book?
Is your neighborhood
chaotic or peaceful?
Is the country side as noisy as the city How many floors are there
Where does Bethany prefer to live in?
centre? in your house?
Are you living in the city or
and houses What kind of place is Bethany looking for?
in the country side?
How many bedrooms does Bethany need?
Where is Louie's old housemate? What do you do?
Do you make yourself at home when
Do you work full time or
What does Louie do? you visit your friend's house?
part time?
An estate
How to request someone not to sit on
2 agent shows Why did Louie repaint the walls? Is your house tidy?
that chair?
a house
Do you want to repaint
Does Bethany like cats? How to ask someone to have a seat?
your house?
How much does it cost to
Are cars more expensive than
Why is Tobias working late? buy a motorbike in
Is the country side more peaceful How to balance your work
workmates What's Bethany's house like?
than the city centre? and your studying?
talk about
3 Do you like getting
money and
Is Bethany's new place nearer from work? Is your house bigger than Speak Up? promotion when you
purchase something?
Do you usually work
Why does Bethany prefer the train? Is your friend taller than you?
Have you met your old friends
How does Tobias know Beth? Do you like being a boss?
A woman recently?
with new flat Do you want to own a
What is Raj’s job? When was the last book you read?
4 is talking to business?
her When was the last time Beth met Raj? When will you have a vacation? Is studying your priority?
workmates How old is Raj's daughter? Do you usually go shopping?
Is today a sunny or rainy day?
Do you have any foreign
Where are they planning to go to? Where did you travel 2 years ago?
4 Two friends
talk on the
When are they going?
What do you do before you go to
Have you ever been on a
guided tour?
1 Do you have any
organising a How will they go? How long have you studied at SU?
preparations for New Year?
trip to
When did you graduate from high
London Where shall they go in London?
What is your favorite
Is the hotel busy in the winter? Is Saigon sunny today?
A customer How long does it take from the airport to Is the weather getting hotter and
Is England a foggy country?
calls a hotel the hotel? hotter?
to make some Do you like warm or
What time is the room available? How was the weather yesterday?
enquiries freezing weather?
What facilities will the hotel provide?
Where are you going to this Tet Do you know anyone who
When will her parents come to visit her?
holiday? migrated to other country?
Did you travel to
A woman Will you travel to the Europe
Is every season cold there? somewhere this year?
talks to her someday?
How did you get there?
3 mother about Are you going to go back to your Have you ever fallen asleep
her moving What is Zara's phone number?
hometown? while studying?
Do you have enough money to pay for
a new phone?
4 Returning Will you get back to your hometown What English skills do you
Is Lottie excited to go back home?
home after a this Tet holiday? want to improve?
gap year Did you get back to your high school What was your first intern
What time is Lottie's flight?
this Teacher's day? job?
What is the weather like when they get What are the suitable
back? clothes for
How long does it take to get to your
What is Lottie's surname?
high school?
Is Noah free that night? Do you like Asian or Western food? Do you usually skip meal?
5 What did Summer eat last week? Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? Are you a vegetarian?
A group of
Have you tried Indian or Japanese Do you like chips or
friends Does Annabelle like Chinese food?
food? chocolate?
1 talking about
I want to go for lunch, can you Have you got any fussy
restaurants Is Summer still a vegetarian?
recommend me a restaurant? experience?
What does Miriam make for her husband Do you do your homework on your Is herbal tea good for your
on Sunday? own? health?
What does Annabelle want to drink? What would you like for dessert? Is pineapple spicy?
Would you mind lending me your What is your favorite
3 inexperienced What do they want to eat?
phone? vegetable?
Have you met any
Do you often complain
because of bad service?
1.What are the places that mentioned in 1. What can you do? 1. Do you like to travel abroad ?
the conversation? 2. Do you think the guide book is
useful when you plan for holidays?
2. Why doesn't Jennifer want to visit Asia? 3.Which one do you prefer: travel
A couple are
2. How many languages can you independently or travel
discussing the 3. What is their decision at the end of the speak? arrangements? Why?
advantages conversation? / - What are places they 4. What is your favorite holiday
1 and decide to visit after discussing? 3. Do you like swimming? destination?
disadvantage 5. What would you do if you were in
s of an exotic island?
destinations --> To Yes/No question, TA can
encourage students to explain their
1.Do they have any bags to check in? 1. What must we do to protect the 1. Have you ever been delayed at
environment? the airport?
2. What are they going to do when they 2. What is the oxygen mask used
get to the hotel? 2. What must we do to be healthy? for?
The couple
3. Do you like to become a pilot?
4 are checking
3.What time do they have to be at the 3. Make a sentence with MUST when 4. Why do hotels require people to
at the airport gate? you want to say something is certain. - check-in?
Ex: She must be at home. The lights 5. What is the departure time?
are on.
1.What are Paul and Josh talking about? 1.Where did you go on the last 1. What was the atmosphere in your
holiday? What did you do? last holiday destination?
A man tells 2.What did Paul do in Borneo? And how 2. What was your unforgettable
his friend did he feel? 2. Where did you go yesterday? moment about your holiday?
about his 3. Do you think you are brave?
holiday 3. What did they do on the island? 3.Did you do anything last summer? 4. Do you like scary movies?
5. When do you often feel scared?
2 A woman is
1. Where was Angel born?
The same 1. Why does Jude come to the coffee 1. Can you swim? Do you think we can 1.What can you do to improve your
man talks to shop? learn how to swim in a week? English?
the waiter
about the 2. Why did the waiter laugh when he 2.Do you like the crowd?
rescued 2.What should we do when we are
incident and
4 the dog? late the school/work? 3. Who is your hero?
discovers that
the dog the 3. Why was the mother angry? 3.How can you spell your name? 4.How often do you go camping?
rescued was 5. When did/ will you graduate?
in fact a toy
1.What are Paul and Josh are doing? 1. How many shoes have you got? 1. Do you like wearing boots?
2.How thin is your shirt?
Two friends 2.What did Paul do in Borneo? And how 2. How much are they? 3. When do you wear scarf?
shop for did he feel? 4. Do you prefer using cash or credit
warm clothes 3. What color are those? card?
to go skiing 3. What did they do on the island? 5. Do you try on clothes when you
are going shopping?
3 A couple
1. How many chairs do Connor and Poppy
2. Do they need anything for the kitchen?
1. When and where shall we go out
2. What about going to the cinema?
1. Is this product out of date?
2. How can you focus on your
shops for 3. How do they decorate their bedroom? 3. Do you work in the city or in the 3. Can you describe some pieces of
2 suburbs? furniture in your house?
furniture on
4. How often do you redecorate
the Internet your house?
5. Is your house spacious?
1.What do Eve and Zak think about Nina's 1.How many shoes have you got? 1. Have you ever bought something
Some friends glasses? 2. Do you think I should buy these on sale?
shop for shoes? 2. Do you wear any jewelry?
3. How many shoes have you got 3. How is your ideal wedding?
2.What color of the bag does Nina want? recently? 4. What features of your phone do
3 and bags in
you like most?
order to look 3. How much is the second pair of glasses?
stylish for a 5. How often do you go shopping?
1.What is Hanna looking for in the shop? 1. How much is your phone? 1. Do you remember your first
2. How much time do you spend on teacher?
A woman studying English a week? 2. What is your favorite season?
wants to buy 2.What is her final choice? 3. How many times have you visited 3.What do you think about the
fabric to Ha Noi? traffic in Vietnam?
make her 3. Does Hanna want the good price in the 4.How do you prepare for your
wedding end? adventure?
dress 5. How often do you attend classes
at Speak UP?
1. What were you doing at 5.pm 1. What will you do in next 5 years?
yesterday? 2. Have you ever been to an antique
1. Where did Michael work before? shop?
2. Were you enjoying your holiday last 3. Do you have a pet?
summer? Was it such an interesting 4. Do you want to live in a crowded
An art curator trip? place?
from a small 2. Does Michael like London? Why?
4 1 town starts
his new job in
3. Were you eating with your family
last night?
5. Have you ever lost your wallet
1. Where is the King junction youth hostel? 1. What were you doing at 7p.m 1. Do you know where is the post
yesterday? office?
2. Where can Corner get some souvenirs or 2. What happened when you were 2. What is the traffic light for?
A tourist lost in postcards? studying yesterday? 3. Do you usually buy souvenirs
3 London asks while you travel?
for directions 3. Where do they eat out? What do they 3. Do you get the tickets when you go 4. How is your neighborhood?
eat? to the cinema? 5. How many backpacks have you
1. Did Bill get Erin a present after he came 1. Do you like to eat out? 1.What do you think about a
back from his holiday? charming person?
2. Which dictionary do you use to look
2.What did Bill get up to? up the new words? 2. What time will you go back
In a cafe, a home?
man talks to a 3. What does Bill think about London? 3. Do you have such a smart pet?
4 friend about Does he like it? 3. Hold on a second, what did you
his recent say?
4. Do you like to stay in a resort?
A guy starts 1. Where are Lily and Freddie? 1. If your company closes, what will 1.How do you keep fit?
1.What activities has Mia taken up? 1. You work at a NGO, don't you? 1.What can you do to get promoted
at work?
2.What activity has Millie involved in 2. What happens if you freeze water? 2. You want to study abroad, don't
Two friends recently? you?
talk in a 3.What will you do if you come home 3. When is the last time you wear
3 coffee shop 3. Did Imogen go swimming last night? early today? school uniform?
about their 4.Do you have any experiences in
busy life hiking in the jungle?
5. Have you taken up any board
games lately?
1.What does Olivia want to do to invest 1. Do you take part in any 1.Have you ever got a stamina?
her money? environmental clubs at your 2. How should we redecorate our
workplace? entrance for Christmas?
2.What is Madison ‘plan for this year? 3. What is the aim of learning
Three people 2. Can you please tell me at what time English?
are talking at 3. What does Orla do in her free time? you start your work? Do you think it is 4. Do you invest in stocks?
4 suitable to you? 5. What are your suggestions for
the end of a
charity event crafting workshops?
What is identity according to
A radio show
Mandy? What defines your identity?
1 about
Does Ahmed agree with Mandy? How do you feel when you think
"Identity" What's your inspiration about your job?
Why? Why not? about someone you love?
Could you tell me the person that What's your memorable experience when
you adore a lot? being a teenager?
What do you think about the Please tell me some achievements that
importance of family in our lives? you're proud of.
What happened when Amanda was Was it nice of him/her when Are you a thoughtful person?
in a supermarket? she/he gave you a gift?
Have you ever spent the whole
A radio show Should we be selfish in a relationship?
How did it make her feel? day surfing Facebook?
2 about people's
Have you ever spent all of your
expressions How could we know someone's kindness?
What happened with Jim? money to buy something?
In your family, who is the most helpful to
Why did he feel sad? you?
Do you have any friends that you think you
Does Freya still love Dylan? Do you believe in destiny? Why?
have a lot in common?
1 3
A break-up of a
couple online
What did Freya think about her
Why did Dylan want to break up
with Freya?
How did you spend your time on
your holiday last year?
How many hours do you spend
on Facebook per day?
Are you a sensitive person?
Could you tell me some
Why does Alfie need an online advantages when making an What are the roles of social media these
Two people profile? online profile? days?
talks about Could you tell me some
4 how to have a Why doesn't he stay with the same disadvantages when making an What information is inappropriate in an
professional company forever? online profile? online profile?
profile. What are the risks when you
What did he do to make the upload too much online personal Which social network is the most effective to
company find his profile easily? information? connect with other people?
What is the relationship between What time did you go to bed last Have you ever done something very
Jen and Debbie? night? childish ?
A story about What were you doing while your Do you think interrupting someone's lecture
the haircut Why did Jen's hair become shorter? Teacher was teaching? is impolite?
1 from mother Why did Debbie run into the Did your phone ring while you
and daughter have you ever cheated in an exam?
kitchen? were studying?
Did you come to school
what will you do when you are overheard?
what was Adam like when he was a What had you eaten before you Were you a naughty child when you were
little boy ? came here? young?
A man is telling
Did Adam get lost when he was Have you ever feel disappointed about
2 a story in the
young? Where had you eaten it? yourself?
what did Adam do after riding the Had you met someone before have you ever talked behind someone's back
giant monkey ? you met me? ?
How long had you been living in
When did they get Pepper? HCM city? are you an untidy person ?
A mother tells How long had you been eating do you love living in a bustling city or in a
3 her kid about did Jen's forget the key at home ? before you came here? rural area ?
the lost dog Could you describe your
neighborhood using some
Did Pepper belong to a rich man ? adjectives you've learnt? what do you do to have self-confident ?
Mother tells Were Craig and Debbie both Have you ever done two tasks
her kid how heartbroken? simultaneously ? what should we do in a dead end situation ?
4 she met her How long had they been out on the Could you share about your life
husband blind date? after you graduated? what are some natural disaters ?
is Debbie fall in love with Craig
from the first sight ? have you ever bought the lottery ticket ?
Have you ever asked your child a thought-
What are they planning to do for You don’t like reading books, do provoking question such as “ Do you think it
Melanie? you ? ( on the contrary……) was ok when men hit women ?”
Two boys Do you still keep in touch with
1 choose a book What are all of the options they your best friend in high school ? Are you extremely fond of history ? ( I
for a friend have ? ( Even though…..) completely……..)
Finish this sentence: “In spite of
What kind of book did they decide the difficulties in learning English, Tell me some novels that you find it’s
in the end ? I……..” gripping.
Did you enjoy reading books
A grandmother Has Leyla got any plans for this when you were in secondary
and weekend? school ? What is a good role model for you ? why ?
3 2 granddaughter Have you had your driving license Have you ever quickly come up with a
talk about Did Grandma enjoy the book? yet ? conclusion about something or someone ?
literature Why does she want to finish her Have you ever experienced something
report as soon as possible? Have you ever done yoga ? marvelous in your daily life ?
Should we judge a book by its cover ?
What are they discussing about? Where were you yesterday?
Two friends Were you late for the date
dicuss what because of the heavy rain ? Is your girlfrend/boyfriend a closed/open
3 they did the What did Michelle do last ( Answer using Despite or book to you ?
last weekend weekend? However)
Did Michelle do something Will you come to school despite Have you ever experienced betrayal from
interesting at the weekend? your sickness? someone ? How did you handle it ?
Do you prefer to read books in translated
What is Ian’s plan for the holiday ? Did you go to SU yesterday ? version ? English to Vietnamese vice verse?
Where was your accommondation in your
Two men talk
4 about books
What books is he planning to read last vacation ? A beach resort, a hotel, or a
on his holiday? What did you do last weekend ? home-stay ?
Did Andy want to lend Ian the book How was your last job ? ( answer
“ The breakfast”? includes intensifiers) Is your current job contemporary or firm ?
A girl tells her Are they talking about their What will you eat for dinner Will you go to somewhere off the beaten
4 1
friend about a
job interview
in New York for
a teaching post
boyfriend ?
Where is the Lauren's job
Is the weather going to be nice What do you predict if you see a Is there any snowstorm in Vietnam ? Do
in Japan there ? girl having a big belly? foreigners enjoy the weather in Vn ?
What news is Lauren going to tell
How often do go to Speak Up? Is it hard to find a down-to-earth person ?
The girl talks her parents?
about her job
2 interview to
How did they respond to the How long does it take from your Do you think most people thesedays are so
news ? house to SU ? pragmatic ?
her parents
Is the way to NY city easy ? Do her What do you think about the
Is hitch-hike popular in Vn ?
parents agree to let her go ? Traffic in HCM city?
3 The
What will you do after this review
breakdown on Where are Lauren and Lucy?
section? Name some kinds of transports that you
the way to the
girl's interview know in this lesson. Which do you prefer?
Would you like to go shopping
What's wrong with her bus ?
this evening?
What kind of transport does she Do you have any plans for this What situations do we have to issue a
need to take after arriving at NY Christmas holiday? license ?
Penn Station ?
Did Lauren come to the interview How long does it take for you to Did you use to have a lot of deadlines when
on time ? finish one mm lesson? you studied at University?
The girl made it How do you feel when someone
Do you consider part-time job is time
4 on time to the How did she manage to do that ? keeps telling you the same thing
interview time and time again ?
Is the place she is going to stay Do you usually have time on your Does your job require to have a well-
convinient to her school ? hands? organized skill ?
What kind of technology are
Two women Lauren and Aunt Christine talking If it rains tonight, what will you
are talking about? do? Have you ever made a distance phone call ?
about using E-
1 mail for long How long will Lauren stay in When you feel not good, what do What do you often put on the desktop
Japan ? you often do? computer?
communication Can Aunt Christine text messages What will you do if you have a
on her current cell phone? day off? How often do you surf the internet ?
Where are Lauren and Aunt
Two women Christine and What are they doing what should you do if you cannot
are buying and there? sleep ? Does your cell phone have touch creen?
5 2 learning how
to use a cell
What's wrong with aunt Christine's
fingers when she tried to text ?
Is Aunt Christine interested in
What should you do if you want
to get up early ?
What can you do if you can speak
what do you usually do to kill time ?
Do you often listen to music by headphones
technology? How do you know it? English better? or speakers?
Supposing that your PT doesn't
What is Lauren teaching Aunt come to your class on time, what What do often you bear in mind before
Two women Christine to do? will you do then? working ?
are using the How does Aunt Christine react
3 Internet and when she sees Linda on the Could you share me your daily What are the hardwares and softwares of a
video-chat computer? routine, using Sequencing? computer ?
What will Aunt Christine feel about In case you forget your flight
Japan when she can talk to Linda ticket when travelling, what will Are you a technophobe ?
through Webcam? you do?
Are Christine and Brian playing Before you take the Level test,
Aunt Christine
games? what will you do? Is portable device covenient ?
showed what
After getting up, what do you do
4 she learnt
How is Christine describing herself? first? Have you ever invigilated an exam ?
technology Does Christine want to introduce What do you usually do as soon Have you ever conducted a sophisticated
Lauren to Brian ? as you go home from work ? essay in university ?
1. Is Sophie happy with her job as a 1. What might happen if you arrive 1. What will you do if you see your
1. Where do they see the film? 1. What couldn't you do when you 1.Who is your favourite film star?
were in high school that you still 2. Have you ever attended an
Three friends 2. Why does Mason have respect for regret now? interview? What was the result?
Christian Dane? 3. Do you see the trailer of a film
queing for
2. What time do you go to bed before going to see it in the
cinema tickets
2 talk about the
3. Why do they just make one or two everyday? cinema?
movies each year? 4. Does the advertising affect your
movie and about 3.What might happen unless you decision in choosing the film you'd
the leading actor turn off the air conditioner? like to see?
5.What is the TV show that you
often watch? Why?
3 Three friends 1. Which teams will play in the match? 1. What do you have to do if you 1. Do you have anything in
watching a want to be healthier? common with your mom?
football match 2.What was the situation of the 2. Have you ever felt lost? When?
on TV at home Spain's best player according to the 2.What will you do after reviewing 3. What is the news that surprised
news report? with me? you recently?
talk about the
4. What will you do if you meet a
players: which
3.Why does Mason say that Bersoli is 3.What will you do in case of the cruel person?
one is the best, the best goalkeeper in the world? rain? 5. What is the role of a goalkeeper?
which one was
injured, what
was said on the
news about it
1. What is the information of the 1.Where did you spend your last 1. Have you ever had a cruise trip?
A couple in a cruise trip? holiday? 2.Do you like snorkelling?
travel agency 3. When will you be available for a
2.What kind of activities are there at 2.Where did/will you go for your long vacation this year?
have seen a
the resort? holiday after you graduate? 4. Do you like to have a package
commercial tour?
4 about some trvel 3.What is the date that the couple 3.When will you be at your 5. Which one do you prefer: A trip
deals and want choose for their holiday? hometown this year? with a luxury resort but you can not
more visit many places or a trip in the
information homestay but you can experience a
before booking lot beautiful sightseeing?
1. How long do David and Sally wait 1. What should you do when the 1.What is your favorite dessert?
A very rude, for the waiter? waiter leave you in waiting? 2.Would you prefer salmon or
incompetent 2. Can you run for 2 kilometres? tuna?
2.What does David want to start with? 3. Could you please tell me what did 3. Do you reheat your food before
waiter prompts a
you study today? you eat them?
1 couple to
3.What do they want for the main 4. Could you tell me how to make
complain about course? an order politely?
the service in a 4. Why don't they want to come back 5. Should we raise your voice in
restaurant to this restaurant again? public place when we are lost?
1.What is the address of 1. How do you order a taxi? 1. Do you prefer texting to calling?
A woman tries to Mrs.Braintree? 2. When will the next album of your
book a taxi, but 2. What do you often ask the taxi idol be available ?
2 2. What are phone number and driver? 3. How do you feel when your
the incompetent
2 friend hang up suddenly?
receptionist gets postcode of Mrs.Braintree?
3. When someone does not 4. How will you feel when a
everything wrong understand, name 2 phrases to clarify stranger calls you?
and makes a fuss 3. What time does the taxi arrive? the information. 5. What is your country's
1. How is Carole's neighborhood? 1. How often do you have your hair 1. Do you know how big is the expat
cut? community in Vietnam?
2. How do her children think about 2. What do you like about your
A woman gossips 2. How often did you have your neighborhood?
their school?
with her neigbour maison constructed? 3. Is your hometown peaceful?
about her re- 4. Do you buy meat in the
3. How old will Mathew be next 3. Do you enjoy get your nails done supermarket or at the butcher?
decorative house week? in a spa? 5. Will you redecorate your house
on Tet holiday?
4 A man attending a 1. Why does Mr.Andrew want to 1. What do you have to do to 1. Do you attend class at Speak UP
change his class? decorate your house? frequently?
2. Have you ever seen Speak
course wants to 2. What class is he interested in ? UP’attendance list?
change his class. 3. Have you taken up any art
2. What must you do before traveling courses lately?
The receptionist 3. Why can't he join the dance
abroad? 4. Have you ever suffer from
helps him find a class? asthma?
class that's better 4. When is flower arranging class? 5. Are you allergic to seafood?
for him
3. What can you do to improve your
speaking skill?
1. Who is the scientist that Rachel
1. What is the adjective of the word
Three friends work choose to write in her research
"attract"? 1. What is the abbreviation for
on a science assignment?
‘Speak up Viet Nam’?
2. Are you interested in reading 2. What is the range of ages that
together. They talk 2.What are the six prizes of The Nobel
book?/ Are reading book interesting people are illiterate?
1 about famous Prize awards?
to you? What benefits can it bring to 3. Can you disclose who is the most
scientists and their
you? poweful in your family?
achievements and 3. What is the name of a woman that
4. Have you ever been forbidden to
about Nobel Prize has won the Nobel prize in science?
3. Tell me about a recent book you do something?
winners When did she win?
1. What does Jacob do? Where does 1. The more you read, what more 1. Can you tell me your job
he work ? you can gain? description?
2. When will you return to your
2. How long has Jacob been with the 2. What will you get if you study home town?
company? English well? ( Use Correlative 3. When is your available time in a
Two professionals
3 comparative) week?
network at a party
3.What is the salary for the Budget 4. What was your dream job when
Analyst position? 3. What more can you get if you you were a kid?
work harder? 5. Which department are you in
1. What are the characters in the 1. Do you spend more than you 1. When did the last time that you
conversation doing? earn? think you had bad luck?
2. Do you like brand new clothes in
2. How much did Rachel win in the 2. What will you do to save money the Black Friday Sale?
lottery? then? 3. What would you do if you won a
Three students lottery?
gossip about a 3. What would Kim buy if she won the 3. Do you think that you spend too 4. How often do you gossip with
classmate who has lottery? much? your friends?Do you think gossiping
won the lottery can affect people’s relationship?
1 1
A sick girl calls
her work
What does Jayden think she's
coming down with?
your body?
How can you get over a flu?
When did you last have a
Have you ever passed out
colleague What did the doctor say? Can you list some nutritious food?
because you are too exhausted?
Do you suffer from the cold when
winter is coming?
Why did Simon decide to join the Do you usually work out? If yes,
Do you want to be on a diet?
gym? where?
Have you ever felt that you've
List 2 reasons why a lot of people Do you find studying English
A guy talks with have fallen behind your friends/
seem to give up too easily hard? Why?
the receptionist colleague?
about joining a How much excerices does Simon (If yes) How did you catch up with Can you tell me how to lose
gym normally do? them? weight?
Have you ever thought of giving
up eating meat and becoming a
What happened at number 72 on How often do you have your What is your favorite foreign
Thursday? mortobike washed? cuisine?
Why did Martha say Gracie's
Two friends meet Describe your bag using more Have you ever watched any
house had been
3 at the than 1 adjective cooking tutorials on Youtube?
turned upside down?
Will you have your hair styled for
How was Gracie? Do you have any leather jackets?
this new year?
Have they caught the burglars yet? Do you usually do the laundry?
4 A boy in his first What is your destination for this
Tell me about Martin's housemates What is your city like?
year at university upcoming holiday?
talks to his mum What's the city like? What makes you pay attention to Have you ever felt embarrassed
on the phone when you are riding on street? when you fall in front of people?
Do you tend to make yourself at What makes you take into
Is Martin enjoying his course?
home when you visit someone? consideration while shopping?
What do you do when you're Did you use to live in a dorm
When is Martin coming home?
stressed? when you were at university?
Can you list some natural Do you think Ha Long Bay is Have you ever suffered an
2 A student gives
Did Tina ever think that she could What time does your next class Which one do you prefer reality
win? Why? start? show or quiz show? Why?
A reality TV show Are you doing anything special Which are the appropriate
Has she ever been in the bottom?
winner talks tonight? attitudes at a public place?
about her plans Have you ever been over the
Was this journey easier for her? What is HCM city famous for?
for the future moon?
Have you ever taken a risk to get
What is Tina planning to do next?
Is the map too confusing for Tracey What do you usually do to pass Will you stay in 1 company
A women and her to read? the time? permanently or temporarily ?
mother are Why do Tracey and Sarah have to What is the most profitable
4 When was your toughest time?
talking on the plan their journey carefully? business deal?
phone What were the obstacles in your
Where can they catch the bus? What are our global issues?
In Rebecca's opinion, what is China Have you gotten along well with What was your embarrassing
A girl who has
like? someone recently? experience?
moved to Beijing
How can you get across the busy
and told her How did Rebecca get there? Do you like to make new friends?
1 friend about
How can you get out of your What do you think about
How are her chopsticks skills? stress? arranged marriage?
differences she
Are there any differences from
has found
China to her country?
What is the definition of a social Who is the one that will stand by What is the average salary for an
Two friends meet group? you in a tough time? officer in Viet Nam?
and discuss what What is the most important thing Have you ever fallen out with How is Ho Chi Minh City different
define a social in a social group? anyone recently? from Hanoi?
group What are the meanings of the How can we achieve equality
clothes that they are wearing? What does the USA stand for? between man and woman?
3 An argument What are the most unusual
about the Where has Sarah been? What does a Chef do? customs you have experienced?
definition of What does Nina disagree with? What does he make? Have you ever made a mess in
social group your house?
What is the conclusion of the Do you believe in the FLAT EARTH
argument between them? Do you do housework everyday? theory?
What do you do to keep your Have you ever taken care of
What happened to Doris? room always clean? anyone?
Why and where did Emily lose her Have you ever been kept in the Did you make any mistake? Did
A girl volunteers
false teeth? hospital for a long time? you thought over it?
4 at a residental
What was the problem between Do you stay up late? What often What should we do to get a good
Sarah and her flatmate? keeps you up? night's sleep?
Why was Seth always tired? What Do you want to keep on studying Have your neighbor ever caused a
should he do? English at Speak Up? fuss?
What is the difference between a
What would you do if you were
Where can Blake go to see seals? physical map and a thematic
an American?
A man on holiday map?
in Greece tries to What can Blake buy at the
decide what to do What would Vietnam be if there
1 weekend market? What's a Can you describe any famous
and ask for was no motorbike?
Komboloi? man-made landscape?
information at a
What's the temple that the tourist Can you describe Ho Chi Minh What are pros and cons of always
tourist office.
officer recommended to Blake like? city? using a map when traveling?
1. What's your favorite movie? Why 1. What type of movie do you like the
1. Why didn't Rory go out with Jason?
do you like it so much? most? Why?
2. Which actor do you like the most?
Why? (guide them to 2. Do you like watching movie at the
2. Who was Mika Chika?
use "such a handsome/hard cinema or at home?
Two flat mates
working/amazing/etc actor")
1 dicussed what
3. Which movie that was so
to watch on TV 3. Is the storyline of The Street 3. Do you change the channel during
amazing/shocking that you
realistic? commercial break?
couldn't forget until now?
4. Why do you think people like watching
4. Why was there a power cut? sitcom/tearjerker
so much?
1. What movies did Patrick Jenkins 1. What is your favourite movie? 1. Do you often watch a trailer before
direct? Who was it directed by? watching a movie?
2. Where did the movie Back to Space 2. What kind of movie genre do you like?
2. When was it filmed?
take place? Why?
A film director
3. Do you read reviews? What do
shared how a
2 3. Do they try to take over the world people think about your 3. Do you often watch movies with
1 film was made
in an interview
in the plot? favorite movie? (guide to answer English subtitles or Vietnamese ones?
with "It was considered...")
4. What makes a movie successful?
4. What are prosthetics? (costume, scene,
soundtrack, etc)?
1. What's your favorite type of
1. What was Love Burglar about? movie? Why do you believe it is the 1. Are you a fan of any actor/actress?
best type of movie?
2. Titanic is said to be the best movie
A film critic 2. On the other hand, is there a genre
2. Who starred in it? in the 20th century. Do
reviewed that you dislike?
3 you agree?
cinema releases
3. Can you tell me one movie that
on a TV show
3. What were the special effects in people liked but you 3. Do you often write a review after you
Toy Soldiers like? didn't? What did they say about it? watch a movie?
("It is claimed...")
4. Did Gracie like Back to Space?
A celebrity 1. If you are a movie director, what 1. Do you like to gossip? What piece of
4 1. Where was Submerged set?
sitcom actor type of movive will be made? celebrity news did you read recently?
2. Do you know any celebrity that became
2. Who wrote the script? Why didn't
2. Where is it located? famous overnight?
they make the movie then?
Why did he/she become famous?
explained in an
3. When you say "household name", who
interview how
3. How was an episode made? 3. When will you have it made? do you think about?
the show was
What is he/she famous for?
4. Do you know any "short-lived
4. How did Lewis feel to be a movie
celebrity"? Do you know
where he/she is now?
1. What health problems did the men 1. When was the last time you got
2 have? sick?
1. Do you have any ache at the moment?
2. What did the doctor say about
Two older males 2. Did they have toothaches as well? 2. Are you allergic to anything?
your ailment?
competed for
1 3. When was the last time someone
who was in 3. How many prescriptions did each
3. What did the doctor advise you? around you have any
worse shape of them have?
4. Why didn't Les tell the doctor 4. What did the doctor tell you when
about his chest pain? you smoke?
1. Do you talk to strangers at waiting
1. Why were the women at the 1. Have you ever had a repeat
rooms? Even to
doctor's waiting room? prescription?
Two women
2. Why did Sarah hate the doctor's 2. Do you know anyone that has a heart
talked about 2. You can speak English, can't you?
waiting room? condition?
their illnesses
2 3. Are you usually sleep-derived? Has it
and gossip in 3. What did they talk about at the 3. Have you ever had a sore throat
led to any severe
the waiting end? and couldn't speak?
4. How was your blood pressure the last
4. What happened to Rosie's 4. You have been to the doctor's
time you were at the
appointment? then, haven't you?
3 Two friends 1. When did you last have a doctor
1. Where were the women heading 1. Do you have an allergic reaction to
were going to checkup? How were the
to? anything?
the hospital and results?
they talked 2. What did the doctor say about the 2. Have you seen any case of memory
2. What happened to Maya in Crete?
about their results? loss?
illnesses 3. What advice did the doctor in 3. What were the precautions he
3. When was your last vaccination?
Greece give her? advised you to do?
4. Did they feel better after taking the 4. Do you feel itchy when a mosquito
medicine? bites?
1. Could I ask about your experience 1. If you don't mind me asking, have you
1. What seems to be the problem
the last time you went to had a serious medical problem that
with Mrs Webb?
the doctor's? needed surgery?
A patient 2. How did she feel when she woke 2. Could you suggest for me some 2. What were the symptoms that you
explained her up? ways to prevent illness? felt?
health problem 3. (Ask students to make one
3. How was her vision after the
to the doctor question for you using 3. How did you feel after the medical aid?
4. According to the doctor, what was
4. How is your health now?
her problem?
1. What was the number of words
3 that Luca focus on at
a time?
1. What did you do to kill time last
1. Are you a visual learner or an auditory
Two students 2. Was Maria a visual learner? What 2. How did you study vocabulary in
2. How do you usually memorize words?
talked about the did she do? high school?
1 best ways to 3. Do you need a lot of revision before
3. How did Luca use the cards to 3. Last spring, did you travel
learn you can remember
study in school? anywhere for a holiday?
vocabulary something?
4. Do you have a habit of recording words
4. What did he listen to when he was
4. Did you have a good time then? to listen to later
1. What did you study in
1. Why didn't Maria like school? 1. Have you ever taken a gap year?
Two students 2. Have you experienced any educational
2. Did you enjoy your time at
discussed an 2. What did they study in college? system outside of
assignment and Vietnam?
talk about their 3. How different were their studies of 3. Are you interested in any course at the
educational sports education in 3. When did your study end? moment?/Do you
experiences college? want to take any course at the moment?
4. Did you keep in touch with your
4. How much did their course cost?
3 Comparing 1. Do you know any tendency at 1. Did you take up any coursework or
schools in the 1. Were math classes different
school/university these apprenticeship during your time at
past and between then and now?
days? school/university?
2. What are the tendencies at 2. How are they different from your 2. Did you like tutorial groups or did you
universities/colleges experience at school/ enjoy studying
according to Hannah? university? independently?
3. What did they do for fun back in 3. How about any tendency in the 3. Were the peer pressure at your
the days? workplace? school/university high?
4. Did you tend to skip classes when you
were young?
1. Did you have any bad habits when
1. What title were they competing 1. What kind of degree did you receive for
you were in school/
for? your education?
Two friends 2. Do you remember how well you
working in the 2. Where did Zara train to be a 2. What were your favorite
performed in tests at
4 media sector teacher? courses/subjects?
talked about 3. What did Toby mean by saying "It's 3. Who taught you those 3. Have you ever cheated during an
their jobs in my blood"? courses/subjects? exam?
4. Why do the audience voted for 4. Were you pressured to study by your
Zara as "Teacher 4. What was he/she like? parents/teachers/
of the Year"? peers/etc?
1. Why was Luke at the pub on 1. What games do you usually play
1. What sports do you enjoy nowadays?
Amber's birthday? when you were young?
2. Did the games that you played get
Two women
talked about 2. What was Daniel like when he did 2. Do you think that you are a competitve
Guide them to use the structure "It's
how over not play football? person? Why do you think so?
1 amazing/scary/etc how
their husbands
3. Did Chloe lose to Daniel on 3. Have you ever cheated to win in a
are 3. Can it be hot in winter?
purpose? game/competition?
4. When they played chess together,
what did they do?
4 1. What sport did they play? 1. Can you speak another language?
1. Have you ever joined a tournament
2. Who do you think is the most
2. What did Toby's opponent do 2. Did you watch the news last
competitive opponent of you
A paddle coach during the breaks? night?
right now?
2 trained for the
3. How can you deal with sudden changes
match 3. What is the advice that Theo gave
3. Have you seen 'Titanic'? in mood and erratic behavior when you
to Toby when coaching Toby?
are feeling annoyed?
4. What are they going to watch at
4. What does your mother look like?
the end of the video?
Watching the 1.What is the name of the mentioned 1. Do you have any goals for the next 3
3 1. Can't you live without water?
boat race and activity in the video? months?
2. Did Lexie watch a lot of sport when 2. Is it impossible to master a
2. Are you a risk-taker?
talking about she was younger? Why? language in 3 months only?
sports 3. Can there be a lot of people on a
3. Who won the race? 3. Do you want to play shuttlecock?
1. How was the game in the 1. Did you watch the game this
Two friends 1. Have you won any awards?
afternoon? afternoon?
watching a
2. How was Robert's holiday with 2. Is it too dark outside to see
4 football match 2. Do you want to be a referee?
Mary last week? clearly?
talked about
3. Why did they think the referee was 3. Can't you be available this 3. When traveling, do you need to make a
their game
biased? weekend? booking in advance?
1. What university did David graduate 1. What kind of job do you usually find in
5 A candidate from?
1. You are a keen reader, aren't you?
talked about his 2. Do you have any formal qualifications
2. Does David have any experience 2. You didn't go to school yesterday,
1 training and related to education
with virtual technology? did you?
experience in an field?
interview 3. What kind of things does David 3. You have gone abroad for 3. Are you a good team player in your
want to read? travelling, haven't you? workplace?
1. By 2020, will scientists have
1. What does 'virtual workers' mean? 1. Are you a freelancer?
created virtual offices?
Two coworkers
2. According to Mason, how will we
talked about 2. How will we communicate if 2. Do you think virtual offices are a good
communicate in the
2 changes in the mobile phones disappear? idea?
imagine world?
workplace by
3. According to Mason, how will we
technology 3. We might have to work more in 3. How can you improve your language
do shopping if there is
the future, mightn't we? skills?
no shops at all?
1. If you want to be an engineer, 1. Do you have any advice for yourself on
1. What is Lewis' father's job?
what will you need? how to improve your English skills?
A career advisor
talked about the 2. According to Susan, how does 2. By the end of this month, how
3 future of some Lewis need to do if he many lessons will you have 2. Do you have any appointment later?
professions to a wants to become a pilot? finished?
student 3. We will have to study for many
years to become a doctor, 3. Do you like computer science?
won't we?
4 A new worker's 1. How did David feel when having 1. Do you have a lot of stationery in your
1. What's the printer used for?
first day at work the first day at work? workplace?
2. Is David a fast learner? 2. What do you use a paper clip to 2. What channel do we use when it comes
do? to external
3. When having an interview, are you
3. Why does David need a calendar? 3. What do I use the alarm for?
1. Why does Tom call to Customer 1. Have you ever been so excited that
Service? you can not sleep? 1. In what situation you think you
deserve to have compensation?
A customer 2.How long have Tom had the printer? 2. Do you like sweets? What does it 2. What is your favorite clothing
has problems taste to you? brand?
with a new 3.Did Tom get any useful advice from 3. Should companies have a strict
1 printer and Colleen? 3. How do feel when you have to wait policy?
he calls such a long time for someone? 4. Have you ever recycled something
customer to protect the environment?
service 5. Can you list some home appliances
that you have?
1. What does Vanessa think about the 1. What do you think about a strict 1. How often do you clear up your
new director ? boss? computer?
2. Do you know what is the
Two co-
2. What happened when Vanessa 2. How do you feel when someone procedure of manufacturing a car?
message to the director? disturbs your speech? 3. Have you ever feel desperate?
2 discuss an
4. Do you like meeting celebrities in
3.What did Vanessa do when the 3. What will you do after finishing person?
director misunderstood her? studying in Speak UP? 5. Do you have a big indulgence in
raising pets?
1.Why does Mr. Adams meet Daniel? 1. What will do you do when you have 1. What is the most crucial part of
so much works to do? your life?
2.What is the cost of the rented 2. Would you be able to die for your
A young man apartment? 2. Do you feel so much happier than ideal?
wants to find 3. Does he allow dogs in the apartment? before? 3. Have you ever broken any rules?
a house to 4. When was the last time that you
rent 4. Is it Daniel's first apartment? 3. Do you think Christmas is such a big caught a cold?
holiday in Vietnam? 5. Is the privacy important to you?
1. Why does Ellen buy the cake? 1.Do you change your decision mind 1. Do you often get good graces in
often? your job?
A couple 2. How many guests that were 2. Do you like to use the sample
wants to confirmed to come to Ellen's wedding? 2. Do you like to take photos with your product ?
4 order a friend? 3. Does giving someone applaud is
wedding 3. What did the baker recommend to the way to show your interest?
cake. Ellen's wedding cake about the flavor, 3.How long have you been living in Ho 4. Do you confirm the guests when
size, decorating? Chi Minh city? you have party?
1.What is the name of the show that 1.Have you ever participated in any 1.How long does it take to develop
Rachel and Valerie are participating in? speed dating before? feelings in a relationship?
2. What do you think about
A single man
2.What are Valerie's hopes and plans for 2.What have you done so far to change interracical relationship?
interviews 2
the future? your appearance? 3. Do you see yourself as an imature
women in
1 or mature person?
order to
3.What are Rachel's hopes and plans for 3.What had you done before you went 4. How important is honesty in a
discard one
the future? to bed last night? relationship?
of them
5. Do you often pay compliments to
your partner?
1.What is Mrs Barbara's current 1. What is the phrase to describe an 1.Should Vietnamese women be a
occupation? unfair behaviour which is acceptable if forever stay-at-home mother or
you love somebody? should they work independently?
2.What is her opinion about long 2.What is the phrase to describe if you 2. Does wealthy play an important
In the final distance relationship? love someone, you can't see his or her role in relationship?
episode, the 3.What are her final decision in fault? 3.Have you ever experienced love at
4 single man's choosing a girlfriend for her son? first sight?
mom chooses 3.How long does it take to form stable 4. How generous a man should be
the winner emotion in a long distance while taking his girlfriend to eat out?
relationship? 5.Have you ever loved at first sight?
1 Two 1.Does Tom's son enjoy the story? 1.Would you go to the supermarket 1.Have you ever made up lies?
3 friends,both
fathers of
children, talk
2.What is Owen's story about?
3.What happened after Tom came back
to his Granddad's house?
every Sunday?
2. What did you use to do when you
were young?
3. Did you use to live in another city?
2.What would you do when someone
unintentionally ruin your work?
3.How do you seethe the rage in
about the 4.Have you ever thrown a slumber
bedtime party at your own home?
stories their
1. What is the main characters' name? 1. What tenses do we use when we tell 1.How do you prepare for the lunch
a story? break at your Office/School?
2. How many characters in the story? 2.When was the last time you
In a school 3.Can you retell the spot if this story? 2.What was your hobby when you were received sarcasm from other people?
library. A 3. What is the meaning of the story? a kid?
narrator is 3.What is your opinion of being
2 3. What was your roomate/ family called a nerd?
reading a tale
to the members doing when you arrived 4.What would you do if someone
children home yesterday? swallow food and they get choked on
1.Can Patrick use the coffee machine? 1. Are you getting used to with the 1. Are you a optimism person?
2. What does Libby think about this studying in SU? 2. Do you agree that all the kids are
A young girl company? innocent?
shows a new 2. How long have you known your best 3. Have you ever crushed on
worker 3. What does Libby talk about her boss? friend? someone?
3 around the 4. What can you do to cope with the
office. They 3. When will you meet your friends this stressful work?
talk about his week? 5.What would you do if your
tasks. teammate is irresponsible?
A courier 1. Why does Michael need to find 1. Can you tell me which way that we 1. Are there any drawbacks of having
delivery Mr.Price and where does she can find can come to the Pearl Plaza? a lift in home?
person asks him? 2. Do you think escaltor is dangerous
for direction 2. What is the recipe of making the for kids to use?
at a shopping 2. How does Michael get to Zone F? fried eggs? 3. What can we do to avoid
mall confrontation in a debate?
information 3.Why didn't Eloise just give Michael a 3. How can I make a cup of tea? 4. Do you believe in justice in society
desk to find map in the first place then? nowaday?
the recipent 5. Do you like to eat jelly fish?
of a package.
1. What is the " Makeover Show" 1. Will you be using the laptop tonight? 1. Can staying up late make our skin
4 A contestant
wants to
change her
1.Why is Danielle not allowed to see a 1.It is an interesting lesson...don't you 1.Do you want everything that you
mirrow? agree? do have to be elaborate?
2. What is your plan/ thought about
On 'The 2. Why is Danielle nervous? 2. Can I borrow your book? making significant self-
makeover" improvement?
TV reality 3. What does Danielle think about 3. Could you lend me a hand with this 3. What can we use to wrap things
show the sharing lipstick? exercise? instead of plastic bags to protect
contestant environment?
gets her hair 4. What is your attitude to the global
and make up warming nowaday?
done. 5. Have you ever dissuaded anyone
to give up something?
3 In this 1. What does Danielle recieved from the 1.What are you going to do after 1. Were you mischievous when you
episode of show when they take her to the clothing reviewing? were a kid?
"The store? 2. What can we do to be anti-aging?
makeover" 2. When will you take the level test of 3. Why many stores give clients
the host and 2. What colors of clothes does Fecilia this level? voucher?
the want Danielle to buy? 4. How can you define a fabulous
contestant go 3. Is this time to take up a new habbit? woman?
shopping for 3. What does Danielle do after buying 5. In what season that our skin can
a new new clothes? be chapped?
1. How does Danielle feel? 1. Have you ever borrowed anyone 1. Do you check your to-do list
some money? everyday?
2. What does Danielle think when she 2. What can we do to avoid being
The final see hesrelf in the mirror? 2. Have you owe anyone in a sick?
episode, the relationship? 3. If you are in Danielle's shoes,
contestant 3. What did Robert do with Danielle's would you dare to let someone cut
4 very hair? 3. What do you think about lending your hair?
uncertain someone money with interest? 4. What are some factors that make
about her you discourage in studying English?
look. 5. Do you want to have a youthful
1. How long didn't the ghost appear? 1. On what exact date did the ghost of 1. Have you ever read any novels of
2. In the 2nd night, what did the ghost Castle make his 3rd attempt? Conan Doyle?
do? 2. If yes, what is the main theme of
2. At what time were the kids of his novels?
A man reads 3. What was Mrs Grey's reaction when Castlefor still playing? 3. Have you ever watched any play of
a story about she saw the ghost? Shakespear?
1 3. Were they scared by the ghost? 4. If yes, what is the most mysterious
the ghost to a
child play to you?
5. Do you prefer reading his poetry
work or play work?
1. What is the genre of the book 1. What did you use to eat when you 1.Have you ever casted for a play?
Julie,Maria and Mel are discussing were a toddler? 2. Beside Harry Potter, what
Book Club
about? 2. How often did you use to hang out masterpiece you recommend for
2. What are the characteristics of the with your classmates? young readers to read?
characters? 3.Would it be terrible when we keep 3.How dramatic exaggeration in a
4 different
3.Could these female readers relate destroying the environment? literature work should be?
books and
themselves to the readers? 4.Which movie is the box office hit
give their
1. Why didn't they book the Grand Rose
1. Is this room so big? 1. Do you have any savings account?
A couple is
2. Why doesn't Nina like using the credit 2. Have you ever watched such a 2. What expenses do you usually put
picking a
card? fabulous movie? your money into?
1 hotel to stay
3. Why didn't they use the money from 3. In your opinion, how is such a 3. Have you ever made any kind of
for the trip to
Nina's grandma? beautiful girl? loan? What was it for?
4. How did Felix know about the savings 4. Will you invest in an expensive
account? holiday? Why/why not?
1. Do you have anything that you
1. Why did Nina think that the hotel was 1. Have you ever asked around for
wish you hadn't done in
terrible? directions when traveling?
the past?
2. Do you wish to change anything 2. What was your most disastrous
The couple's 2. Was the swimming pool okay?
about yourself now? vacation experience?
2 about the 3. What was Felix's reason for not sharing
3. Where did you live when you 3. How did you feel after getting
hotel and the money in
were young? back from the trip?
money his savings account?
4. What is your favorite place abroad
A babysitter 1. Do you like sushi? Why/Why not? 1. Do you like playing with a toddler?
the baby crying?
2. What is the dark side of modern
3 instructions 2. When will the mom be back home? 2. Where do you live?
on handling
the baby 3. What color is the toy pleasing the 3. Do you understand the grammar 3. How many sick leaves do you
baby? point of this lesson? have?
1. Where would be charming for
1. Do you think making surprises is a
1. What's Suzie's secret? newlyweds to have their
good way to please other people?
Two girls honeymoon?
4 discuss a 2. What time will Suzie take the man out 2. What if that person finds out 2. Is spilling the beans of others
surprise party of the house? about the surprise? really bad?
3. What did your teacher tell you the 3. Is tuxedo a traditional kind of
3. Does the man know about the surprise?
day before? clothing for a Vietnamese wedding?
What kinds of creteria does Ruth think Do you think HCM city need to cut Do you have any friend who can't eat
people often choose a restaurant? down the amount of vehicles ? gluten-intolerant ?
Could you tell me the name of the
Do you think you yourself have some
restaurant that they made the Have you ever tried out Indian food ?
expensive taste?
Two girls reservation ?
plan a night How many people are there in that Have you ever eaten up a big Do you often eat savory sticky rice on
1 out for a restaurant? hamburger ? Tet holiday?
group Have you ever had something which
What flavour can't Sarah eat ?
was not your cup of tea ?
Could you tell me an experience that
What flavour can't Dave eat ? you had an egg on your face be yourself
Have you ever bought something which
A group of Is every alright with Ruth? Do you love setting out by car ?
was hard on the pocket ?
friends have
How do you sort out when somebody Do you think that making the air fresh
2 arranged to What happened with Martin?
annoys you ? again iss a viable mission ?
meet in a
2 restaurant What was Ruth suggestion when Dave Have you ever run into a trouble at Have you ever gone to someplace
wanted to call Sarah? work ? where is off the beaten track?
What will you do if the waiter takes
What are the today's specials on the Could you list out some machines in
wrong order and you have to wait 5
board of the restaurant? your kitchen?
minutes longer ?
A girl is
Do you think a glass of milk in the early
waiting for
Are the prawns included in their order? morning will be good for your Do you often eat breadcrumb ?
3 her friends
stomach ?
in a
Do you believe that eating a bar of
restaurant Is Sarah a fussy customer? Why/ Why
chocolate is really has a good effecive Do you know how to drain pasta ?
on your sleeping ?
How often do you clean bits and bobs ? Will a cheeseboard attract you ?
Why does Fiona think she had a Deja what is your favourite movie? What Have you ever had that déjà vu
vu ? is it about? (use Past tenses) feeling ?
A girl talks Do you think women have the same
benefits with men? Why/ Why not? Do you think that it’s normal or
2 'deja vu' Does Rebecca really believe in that ?
(Using some Persuasive languages to bonkers ?
with a
friend support your ideas)
Does Rebecca think she had a deja That feeling is usually blurry or
vu too ? why ? crystal clear ?
What does GET mean by saying “ it
What seems to be the problem with Do you get along well with people
gets very hot there” or “ I don’t get
Robert? around you ?
A man tells it “
his Do you know bodyboarding ? Which
Does Walt feel annoyed or he’s Did you get used to your phone
3 colleague
trying to help Robert ? when you just bought it?
one do you think is more difficult ,
about his bodyboarding or surfing ?
last trip Is skinny-dipping appropriate in
Do you think they enjoy their
Vn ? Do you want to try it in foreign
conversation ?
countries ?
4 A scientist What is the topic they are talking Do you often get used to new What does it mean when we say
gives his about? environment at new company? “serve you right”? Is it formal or
informal ?
Do they agree with the other's idea ? TA will read some sentences for
Do you think that donating all
opinion What are their own reasons to Students to figure out the stress.
money to charity is pop your clogs?
about defend their own opinion ? then change.
future of How do you think about young
learning generation nowadays mostly feel
Who is the winner finally ?
insecure about everything ? How
come ?
4 1
workers are
offered a
Where is the new office which Lauren
will work ?
How much is that the relocation
Have you ever bought something kind
of newish ?
Do you love living in the place sort of
Have you ever worked at the
headquarter of your company ?
3 An office Why don't more more people move to Are you considerbly the tallest in your Have you ever worked at the
worker calls Goattown? family? outskirts ?
the tourist What do people at Rebecca's age do at Do you think houses will be more and Would you like to become a
information weekends? more expensive? international resident?
office to What kind of club are there in Where is one of the most crowded cites Could you tell me one of the significant
find out Goattown? in VN? experience of your adolescent ?
What did it say about men in
Goattown ?
more about
How much has a billionare decided to
the new
invest in that town?
Why doesn't Rebecca want to tallk to What thingamabob do you use to clean
A young Lauren ? the windows ? What do you use to polish something ?
worker has what thingamajig do you use to do the Could you list out some favourite
4 just moved How was Rebecca's flat like ? cooking? household items in your house?
and called What was Rebecca going to do for the what thingy do you need to do the
his mother dinner that night ? dishes ? Do you usually clean up your house ?
Has she made any friends yet?
Have you found someone that has
A girl is Are Nathan and Ella dating with each How could you say these in a more
much in common with you ? Was
talking other ? polite way
this good or bad to you ?
about her Is he interested in listening to you
likes and
1 dislikes
Did Riley care about Ella ? Wow why do you look so fat ? or was he just outspoken about his
things ?
about her
How did Ella think about Riley in the Did he put pressure on you or it’s
date to her You’re such an useless child.
end ? the other way around ?
Why are you being so lazy ?
Two young What is the training for? Could you tell me about yourself? When will you retire?
How many hours a day do
May you study any classes Is the after-sales service
they have to work? What
girls start their tomorrow? important?
time is the break?
1 training on
What happened to Kate? Do you agree that the Are there any vacancies in
their first day
How did she solve it? environment is very important? your company?
of work.
Was Lawrence going to
steal those shoes?
Do you think that being a
What is the bad news abput What happens if you heat water to
financial analysis is a hard
their company? 100 degrees Celsius?
Three workers Who is going to get fired? What would you do if you were Are you a multi-tasking
2 in the factory Why? younger? person?
are gossiping. Where would have you gone if
Did Sam steal the pens? What does CEO stand for?
you had been rich?
What is the good news with
assess an
Why did Mr. Harvey ask
Brian to come there?
What does Mr. Harvey think
Have you ever heard a hearsay
about you?
Have you ever slept on
What do you think about Viet
Nam currency inflation?
Do you like using domestic
employee’s about Brian’s talent? something? products?
progress in What will Brian do when he
Will you get on with your job? Do you have insurance?
the company. promotes?
What do they think about
Do you often feel chilly when you
where the money comes What does MBA stand for?
are in the air conditioner room?
from the build that place?
Three workers If they could change their job,
attending the What would happen if you had What will you do for the next
what George and Ruth they
4 new factory worked harder? time you negotiate?
What’s George’s involvement What would have been happened Is leaflet useful for
with that factory? if you studied hard? advertisement?
How might you have decided to
Have you ever had a career
What is Alisha’s ambition?
study English? appointment?
What does Phil think about Did you need to take the interview In your opinion, what is the
A teenage girl
girls nowadays? to have a job? most cutting-edge research?
has a meeting
1 Is Phil supposed to be a
with a career Could you have seen the II World
Careers Adviser or a Careers Do you work thoroughly?
adviser. War?
Why does Alisha what to be
a civil engineer?
Two friends Why is Beth sick of the smell Was it Sunday when you didn’t go
Can stress lead to insomnia?
discuss the of the new moisturizer? to work?
way cosmetic What does the advertisement Is it Speak up where you study Can you tell me one of your
companies show? English? dilemmas?
sell more What does Carolina think Was it you who went to Speak up Do you use moisturizer in
2 products
about the advertisement?
What is John’s problem?
Who was the teacher taught you
Have you ever had a sore
A yesterday? throat?
hypochondriac What was the last thing you saw
3 When and how did it start? When do we get numbness?
patient goes before you came here?
to the doctor How does the doctor explain Will your teacher set a PF with
When do you often sweat?
it to him? you this week?
Must it be a serious mistake if you
Three How’s the project going? use the wrong tense when Should we be upbeat?
scientists speaking English?
4 discuss the Why does Elizabeth want to Can a woman be tired if she gets Have you ever implemented
progress of a change the subject? pregnant? a big project?
project. What’s Eli’s new project all What should we do to improve
Are you a sedentary person?
about? English listening skill?
Why does Adam apply Was your last class taught by a Do you like aisle seats when
Students and repellent every day? native teacher? being on the plane?
teachers meet Where will they go after What are equipped to protect
1 Is smoking allowed here?
up in the finishing seeing Sicily? you on the plane?
hallway. What does Adam do to avoid How do you book a hotel
Is your homework done by you?
mosquitos? reservation when you travel?
What kind of holiday do they Do you know any avenue in
Is there to be a test next week?
A couple is want? Ho Chi Minh city?
trying to Where does Sarah consult Are you allowed to go outside
Are you a careful motorist?
2 decide where them? when working?
to go on When and where do they What happened if you are to be a Are there any subway
holiday. decide? winner in a contest? stations in Ho Chi Minh city?
How is their hotel?
Why is Rachel’s signal
Do you have a little free time at
How much baggage do you
carry when travelling?
A young girl
accompanies Has Rachel got plenty to do? Do you use a guidebook
3 Do you have many friends?
her father on a What are they? when travelling?
business trip. Can you compare your free time Do you stay at the inn or
Where will they go tonight?
with your friend’s free time? hotel when travelling?
Which dictionary do you use to Do you know how to set up
A young man What is new in Paris?
look up a new word? an event?
When will you take up a new
4 around the How is the food there? Have you ever put off a meeting?
world calls his
When will Jonny head backWho brought you up when you What target did you set out
home? were a child? this year?
Do you agree with the traffic law What do you think about
What is Sasha’s problem?
A mother of Viet Nam? shoplifting?
helps her What is Louise’s opinion Have you ever tried to stop eating
1 Have you ever been stolen?
daughter with about criminals? junk food?
an assignment What does Sasha think about Do you need to start to work
Have you ever seen a thief?
law? harder?
2 A woman What happened to Louise? Do you remember to book classes Have you ever heard
this week? hearsay about you?
report a case Have you ever regret doing
When did it happen? Did you pass any probation?
of thief to anything?
police. Did you try your best to study Have you ever witness any
Then what is the result?
English? case of thief?
What were they doing at the Are you exhausted with working Have you ever seen
office? every day? handcuffs?
What happened when they Are you interested in learning to Do you know any famous
3 suspect there
are talking? drive a car? fuzz?
is a burglar in
What did they do next? Did Are you worried about your Do you have a car driving
their office.
they call the police? future? license?
Can you summarize the Have you ever seen such a What do you think about
Two friends news? wonderful natural beauty? kidnapping?
talk about the Do you worry about your Can you tell me about your
4 How dumb are those guys?
news report of studying? next year's scheme?
a crime. What will you get through
What happened to Louise? Are you scared of homicide?
studying hard?
Do you feel like talking to a brick
Why does the police consider Is kidnapping very
wall when you speak to your
Two police Brent as a murder? outrageous?
1 Where was Brent at the time Is there anyone who get the Are you a fast-asleep
interview a
they found the body? blame for you? person?
Who is his twin brother? What do you think about making a Are you suspicious of the
Where does he live? fuss? other’s answers?
What are their opinions about
Do you have a best friend? Do you like banter?
A young girl painting nails and dying hair?
has good How many levels can you study at
2 What do they order? Are you a vegan?
news to tell the same time?
her friends. How much is a kilo of apple in the Do you often dress up at the
What is Sarah’s big news?
supermarket? weekend?
3 Three workers Why must they stand outside If you had 3 wishes, what would What do you think about
have been the rain? you wish? envy?
What will happen if they What would you do if you had a
Do you know any prodigy?
caught smoke in the factory? better job?
misbehaving. How is Henry’s unhealthy What would you do if you had Are you uptight before a
life? won the lottery? presentation?
What does Hana think about
A young man When do you often have dinner? Are you easily gullible?
the countryside house?
invites friends
What did Taylor hear about Which high school did you study? Have you ever in a weird
4 over to his
this town? Where was it? circumstance?
Does Hanna want to go Where do you often go in What is the role of the torch
home? Why/Why not? summer? at Olympic?