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Vpr-P1 Relay: Service Manual

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Table of Contents
I) Technical Specifications ....................... 1
II) VPR-P1 Versions .................................. 3
III) Front Panel ............................................ 4
IV) Display .................................................. 6
V) Intervention Relay Control ................... 7
VI) Signals ................................................... 7
VII) Programming ......................................... 9
VIII) Monitoring & Management ................ 15
IX) Setting at Work ................................... 18
X) RTU Modbus RS485 Port ................... 20
XI) Diagram of Intervention Curves ......... 21
XII) Layout ................................................. 22
XIII) Programming Manual ......................... 24

I) Technical Specifications
Description • List of measuring TA valid for NO:
Protection and monitoring panel for MV users: ¾ 40/1;
tripolar or bipolar phase protection against overloads ¾ 50/1;
and short-circuits plus maximum current homopolar ¾ 60/1;
protection. The activation logic handles both the ¾ 80/1;
Independent time functions (ENEL DK5600) and the ¾ 100/1;
Dependent time ones (CEI EN 60255-3) with the ¾ 150/1;
relative ABC standardized curves. ¾ 160/1;
¾ 200/1;
Power supply ¾ 250/1;
• 2.5mm2 removable terminals; ¾ 300/1;
• Version 230V (±VP): ¾ 320/1;
¾ AC 50Hz ±10%: 48V ÷ 230V ±20%; ¾ 300/1;
¾ Isolated ground DC: 48V ÷ 230V ±20%. ¾ 400/1;
• Version 24V (±VP): ¾ 500/1;
• Isolated ground DC: 24V ±20%. ¾ 600/1;
¾ 800/1;
Measuring inputs ¾ 1000/1;
• 4mm2 removable terminals; ¾ 1200/1;
• Phase L1, IN = 1A/5A (±L1); ¾ 1250/1;
• Phase L2, IN = 1A/5A (±L2); • Maximum measurement: 120% of the full scale;
• Phase L3, IN = 1A/5A (±L3); • Permanent overloading NO: 5×IN;
• Homopolar NO, IN = 1A (±NO); • Permanent overloading for L1, L2 and L3: 10×IN;
• List of measuring TA valid for L1, L2 and L3: • Transitory overloading for 1s: 50×IN;
¾ 40/In; • Power draw per channel: 0.07VA.
¾ 50/In; Precision
¾ 60/In; • Measuring range L1, L2 and L3: 0.1×IN ÷ 10×IN;
¾ 80/In; • Measuring range NO: 0.005×IN ÷ 0.1×IN;
¾ 100/In; • Error in measuring range minimum: < 2,5%;
¾ 150/In; • Error in measuring range maximum: < 0.5%;
¾ 160/In; • Error in activation time: < 2,5% ±10ms;
¾ 200/In; • Re-drop ratio on minimum: > 0.93;
¾ 250/In; • Re-drop ratio on full scale: > 0.99;
¾ 300/In;
• Sensor insulation level: > 2kV;
¾ 320/In;
• Sampling rate: 3.2kHz;
¾ 300/In;
¾ 400/In; • Measuring resolution: 14bit;
¾ 500/In; • Activation dynamics: 5ms;
¾ 600/In;
Relay outputs
¾ 800/In;
• 2.5mm2 removable terminals;
¾ 1000/In;
¾ 1200/In; • NO/NC configurable tripping logic;
¾ 1250/In; • Clean contacts with Tripping relay (±INT);
¾ DC UL/CSA values: 5A, 30V;

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¾DC UL/CSA values: 0.3A, 110V; ¾ 0.004×IN step for TA 150, 250, 1250;
¾AC UL/CSA values: 5A, 125V, 1/10 HP; • Times for curve A on L1, L2, L3 and NO:
¾AC UL/CSA values: 5A, 277V, 1/6 HP; ¾ Time FT ( k=0.07, a=0.02 );
¾Coil/contact insulation: > 4kV; ¾ Time NT ( k=0.14, a=0.02 );
¾Insulation between open contacts: > 1kV. ¾ Time ST ( k=0.21, a=0.02 );
¾Insulation level 4 for ENEL GLI 01; • Times for curve B on L1, L2, L3 and NO:
¾Available terminals: NO, NC, COM. ¾ Time FT ( k=6.75, a=1 );
• Non-common Signal Relay; ¾ Time NT ( k=13.5, a=1 );
¾ Power supply common pole (COM); ¾ Time ST ( k=20.25, a=1 );
¾ Protection timer starting (RAV); • Times for curve C on L1, L2, L3 and NO:
¾ Tripping on L1, memorized (RL1); ¾ Time FT ( k=40, a=2 );
¾ Tripping on L2, memorized (RL2); ¾ Time NT ( k=80, a=2 );
¾ Tripping on L3, memorized (RL3); ¾ Time ST ( k=120, a=2 );
¾ Tripping on NO, memorized (RNO); • Characteristic of ABC curves:
¾ DC UL/CSA values: 1A, 30V; ¾ From 1.10×Threshold to 20.0×Threshold;
¾ Coil/contact insulation: > 2kV; ¾ 16 threshold levels for each curve;
¾ Contact/contact insulation: > 1kV; ¾ 16 timers for each measuring channel;
¾ Insulation level 3 for ENEL GLI 01.
Real time measurements
Operator interface The device can display the current measurements on the
• 8x2 backlighted LCD with 9-button keypad; LCD in real time, with reference to the primary of the
• 3 LEDs for memorized trip signalling; TA, or the measurements of the secondary of the TA can
• Frontal RS232 serial communication port. be obtained by setting a 1:1 ratio.

Independent time thresholds Processing unit

All the current values are RMS. The device is equipped with a Microcontroller featuring
RISC technology and with 30MIPS processing capacity.
• Overload threshold “51L” on L1, L2 and L3:
The CPU has 16 bit architecture with DSP analysis
¾ Range 0.1×IN ÷ 2×IN;
functions. The processing unit also has autodiagnosis
¾ 0.05×IN step for TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, systems for detecting internal faults, such as:
200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200;
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor;
¾ 0.04×IN step for TA 150, 250, 1250;
• Watchdog Timer;
• Short-circuit threshold “50L” on L1, L2 and L3:
• Low Voltage Detection.
¾ Range 0.1×IN ÷10×IN;
¾ 0.05×IN step for TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, Frequency adaptation
200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200; The device automatically syntonizes at the real frequency
¾ 0.04×IN step for TA 150, 250, 1250; of the MV network, with a useful measuring range
• Maximum current threshold “51N” on NO: between 47.5Hz and 52.5Hz. The precisions obtained at
¾ Range 0.005×IN ÷ 0.1×IN; 50Hz are guaranteed within this range. All the
¾ 0.005×IN step for TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, measurements displayed on the LCD are adapted to the
200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200; real frequency of the MV network.
¾ 0.04×IN step for TA 150, 250, 1250;
• Overload times “51L” on L1, L2 and L3: Upgrades
The device is equipped with a Flash-E2PROM memory
¾ Range 0.05s ÷ 5s in steps of 0.05s;
and In-Circuit programming technology.
• Short circuit times “50L” on L1, L2 and L3:
¾ Range 0.05s ÷ 0.5s in steps of 0.05s; Climatic specifications
• Maximum current times “51N” on NO: • Ambient temperature from -10°C to +55°C;
¾ Range 0.05s ÷ 1s in steps of 0.05s. • Ambient humidity from 5% to 95%;
Dependent time thresholds • Storage temperature from -25°C to +70°C;
All the current values are RMS. • Limit error variation in measurements: < 3%;
• Threshold level “L>” on L1, L2 e L3: • Limit error variation in time: < 1.5%.
¾ Range 0.1×IN ÷ 2×IN; Protection degree
¾ 0.05×IN step for TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, IP30 in the entire casing, except on the terminals.
200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200;
¾ 0.04×IN step for TA 150, 250, 1250; Weight
• Threshold level “Io>” on NO: 1.2 kg.
¾ Range 0.005×IN ÷ 0.1×IN; for TA 40, 50, 60, 80,
100, 160, 200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, Power draw
1000, 1200; 4W, in maximum power draw conditions.

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ƒ Baudrate = 19200 bps

Overall dimensions 1 bit of start, 2 bits of stop and no parity
• Front:
¾ Width 210 mm; Conformity to Standards
¾ Height 126 mm; ENEL DK5600 Ed.IV March 2004;
• Rack: CEI EN 60255-3 “Electric relays”;
¾ Width 180 mm; CEI EN 61000-6-2 "Immunity for industrial
¾ Height 110 mm; environments";
¾ Depth 70 mm. CEI EN 61000-6-4 "Emission for industrial
RS485 Port RTU Modbus ENEL RCLI01 "Climatic compatibility test” L4;
The device has a RS485 communication port with RTU ENEL GLI01 "Impulse hold tests” L4;
Modbus Protocol. ENEL GLI02 "Electric strength tests” L4;
The port has galvanic insulation of 1kVdc and is ENEL GLI03 "Insulation resistance measurement” L4;
supplied with a three-wire cabling (+485, -485, GND). DV1501A "Amperometric overloading".
The characteristics of the RS485 port are the following:

II) VPR-P1 Versions

The VPR-P1 device is produced in various versions, listed below:

Rated Tripping Homopolar Three-phase

Firmware CODE Coordination(2) 230Vac 24Vdc
Current Logic(1) Input Input
V5.51 950CPT561 1A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.51 950CPT563 1A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.53 950CPT581 1A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.53 950CPT583 1A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.91 950CPT961 5A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.91 950CPT963 5A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.93 950CPT981 5A Programmable Programmable X X
V5.93 950CPT983 5A Programmable Programmable X X

" 950CPT " "5/9" "6/8" "1/3"

Protection Relay Rated Current for the phases Measurement Inputs Power Supply
6= Three- 1=
DK5600 5 = 1A 9 = 5A Homopolar phase 230Vac 3 = 24Vdc

Note(1): the "Tripping Logic" can be set via software by the user, compatibly with the rear wiring.
Note(2): the "Coordination" can be set via software by the user, compatibly with the rear wiring.

One difference among the various versions is defined by the phase rated current, which can change from 1A to 5A. A
second difference is represented by the homopolar or three-phase models.
The Homopolar model is supplied with two phase currents L1, L3 and one homopolar current NO.
The Three-phase model is supplied with three phase channels L1, L2 and L3 and no homopolar channel. Anyway for this
version a conventional homopolar current equal to the amount of the three phases is considered.
Both for the three-phase model and the homopolar one the parameters for the configuration of the phase thresholds are the
same for all the currents.
Later on we will always refer to 3 phase currents and one homopolar current to define in a simply and homogenous way
the firmware functions.

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III) Front Panel

The front panel has a galvanically insulated membrane keypad with nine keys,. The keypad guarantees a double level of
insulation for the operator. The buttons feature plastic thermoforming and mechanical click. In succession both the
diagram of Homopolar VPR-P1 in Fig. 1 and the three-phase one in Fig. 2 are shown.

In phase currents, it allows to set which It selects the measurement channels

of the two thresholds will be adjusted If used in combination with the on the phase line 1, which can be
on the screen, choosing between other keys it allows to set the CPU used both for trigger programming
overload or short-circuit. If used in on the trigger programming mode, and to check the protection settings
combination with other keys it and allows to manage the relay during monitoring.
determines other functions, for contact of the protection in the
example the shift to the manual mode, or allows to view It selects the measurement channels
programming mode. the tripping signals memorized. on the phase line 3, which can be
used both for trigger programming
and to check the protection settings
during monitoring.
VPR - P1
It selects the measurement channel
of homopolar current, which can be
used both for trigger programming
and to check the protection settings
during monitoring.
In the “PR” status it allows to set the
SET C.L1 C.L3 C.NO cursor on the intervention time, i.e. to
L1 signal to the CPU that the waiting
which precedes the tripping on the
selected channel will be modified by
S.PR T.PR acting on the arrows. If used in
SHIFT MX combination with other keys it
determines other functions, for
example the manual intervention.
In the “OK” status it allows to view
Device : the coordination status.
In the “PR” status it allows to set the
cursor on the trigger threshold, i.e. to
It accomplishes two functions: signal to the CPU that the threshold
- Decreasing one of the level on the selected channel will be
It accomplishes two functions: adjustment parameters; modified by acting on the arrows. If
- Increasing one of the adjustment - Deactivating the monitoring used in combination with other keys it
parameters; function. determines other functions, for
- Activating the monitoring function. If used in combination with example the enabling to the tripping of
If used in combination with other keys it other keys it determines other a threshold. In the “OK” status it
determines other functions, for example functions, for example the allows to view the operation logic of
the manual opening of the switch. manual closure of the switch. the tripping relay.

Fig.1 – description of the front panel of homopolar VPR-P1

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In phase currents, it allows to set which It selects the measurement channels

of the two thresholds will be adjusted If used in combination with the on the phase line 1, which can be
on the screen, choosing between other keys it allows to set the CPU used both for trigger programming
overload or short-circuit. If used in on the trigger programming mode, and to check the protection settings
combination with other keys it and allows to manage the relay during monitoring.
determines other functions, for contact of the protection in the
example the shift to the manual mode, or allows to view It selects the measurement channels
programming mode. the tripping signals memorized. on the phase line 2, which can be
used both for trigger programming
and to check the protection settings
during monitoring.
VPR - P1
It selects the measurement channels
on the phase line 3, which can be
used both for trigger programming
and to check the protection settings
during monitoring.
In the “PR” status it allows to set the
SET C.L1 C.L2 C.L3 cursor on the intervention time, i.e. to
L1 signal to the CPU that the waiting
which precedes the tripping on the
selected channel will be modified by
S.PR T.PR acting on the arrows.
SHIFT MX If used in combination with other keys
it determines other functions, for
example the manual intervention.
In the “OK” status it allows to view
Device : the coordination status.
In the “PR” status it allows to set the
cursor on the trigger threshold, i.e. to
It accomplishes two functions: signal to the CPU that the threshold
- Decreasing one of the level on the selected channel will be
It accomplishes two functions: adjustment parameters; modified by acting on the arrows.
- Increasing one of the adjustment - Deactivating the monitoring If used in combination with other keys
parameters; function. it determines other functions, for
- Activating the monitoring function. If used in combination with example the enabling to the tripping of
If used in combination with other keys it other keys it determines other a threshold. In the “OK” status it
determines other functions, for example functions, for example the allows to view the operation logic of
the manual opening of the switch. manual closure of the switch. the tripping relay.
Fig.2 – description of the front panel of Three-phase VPR-P1

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IV) Display
Screen-prints depicting the indication that will appear are positioned on a level with the visible area associated with the
display. Fig. 3 shows the display with a description of the information that may appear.

The two characters at the top left show the status of the
microprocessor, as described below:
OK: protection activated with CPU functioning correctly;
LK: protection activated with CPU functioning correctly, LCD
not backlighted and keypad blocked;
MX: measuring function of the inputs in real time, protection
activated with CPU functioning correctly; The three characters at the top right give the status of
PR: protection out of service with CPU in tripping trigger the control relay of the switch:
programming phase; ON: control relay contact MADE
ER: protection deactivated owing to a powering fault, watchdog OFF: control relay contact BROKEN
fault or clock fault. These same characters also give the tripping threshold
The last status indicates a fault in the device that prevents it from programmed for the trigger, or the measurement in real
operating normally, while all the others are correct operating time of one of the currents acquired by the system,
statuses which can be set-up by the user with the programming depending on the channel selected.

CPU # # (*) # # # [A]
# # # # # # # [s]

The four characters at the bottom left give the memorized The three characters at the bottom right give the settings
tripping indication of the channel in current that caused the of the tripping relay:
protection to activate, the reference for the trigger settings, as MAN: MANUAL control with protection out of
listed below: service
51L1: tripping due to overloading on L1; AUT: AUTOMATIC control.
51L2: tripping due to overloading on L2; These same characters also give the programmed
51L3: tripping due to overloading on L3; tripping time for the trigger, depending on the channel
50L1: tripping due to short-circuit on L1;
50L2: tripping due to short-circuit on L2;
50L3: tripping due to short-circuit on L3;
L1>: tripping relative to curves ABC on L1; (*) The third character at the top left indicates tripping,
i.e. that the device is carrying out a protection
L2>: tripping relative to curves ABC on L2; intervention and that the fault condition has not
L3>: tripping relative to curves ABC on L3; terminated.
51N: tripping due to maximum current on NO;
Io>: tripping relative to curves ABC on NO.

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V) Intervention relay control

When powered, the device goes to the OK status, where it remains stable, displaying the status of the relay (±INT) and
the type of control, either manual or automatic. After having been powered for the first time, the device displays the menu
of Fig. 4:

M A N [s]
Fig.4 – initial status

In the initial status, the device is configured with the manual control function and with the contacts of the tripping relay
OFF. This may coincide with an open contact (if set to DK Logic ON) or a closed contact (if set to DK Logic OFF). In the
MANUAL mode, the switch is completely controlled by the user, who can make or break the contact of the control relay.
The manual setting made by the user is MEMORIZED by the device so that it can be reset if the power supply is
temporarily interrupted.
¾ To OPEN the relay contact in the manual mode, keep SHIFT depressed, press MX and release both.
¾ To CLOSE the relay contact in the manual mode, keep SHIFT depressed, press OK and release both.
¾ To CHANGE the control mode from manual to automatic, keep S.PR depressed, press T.PR and confirm with
S.PR = YES from the menu of Fig.4, or annul with T.PR = NO. If no confirmation is given within 10s after the
menu of Fig. 5 has been activated, the device will go back to the previous status, annulling the request.

N O [s]
Fig.5 – automatic control activation

In the AUTOMATIC mode, the switch is completely controlled by the protection’s activation logic, based on the trigger
programming settings. Thus, the control relay will be closed if the three currents measured and below the respective
tripping thresholds, otherwise, the relay will open and will remain in this status for at least 200ms.
¾ To CHANGE the control mode from automatic to manual, keep S.PR depressed, press T.PR and confirm with
S.PR or annul with T.PR . If the user fails to confirm the request within 10s, the system will interpret this as a
negative response and will go back to the previous status.. When it switches from automatic control to manual
control, the device preserves the status of the control relay. Thus, if the relay is closed in the automatic status, it will
also be closed in the manual status, while if the relay is open in the automatic status, it will also be open in the manual
The protection device is only ACTIVE when the control is set to the AUTOMATIC mode, otherwise the device should be
considered PASSIVE, thus controlled in the MANUAL mode by the user. When a manual opening or closing of the
protection is requested, the commands transmitted by the relay persist for a minimum time of about 400 ms, during which
the status of the command can’t be changed again.
The tripping threshold can be programmed both when the protection is controlled in the automatic mode and when a
manual type of control is required.

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VI) Signals
In the AUTOMATIC mode, the device signals the TRIPPING action if one of the trigger thresholds [S.PR] and relative
intervention time [T.PR] are exceeded, showing an asterisk on the screen in the middle of the display [INT] and
memorizing the threshold that determined the event at the bottom left. Fig. 6 gives an example of signalling with a fault in

CPU O K * O F F [A]
5 1 L 1 A U T [s]
Fig.6 - intervention with fault in progress
Fig.7 illustrates the same signal after the contact of the control relay is closed again. The example shows an intervention
due to over-current along the phase line L1 following a remote contact in the absence of a fault.

5 1 L 1 A U T [s]
Fig.7 - fault eliminated and memorized

Just press SHIFT to remove the tripping signal memorized on the screen.
The following tripping signals can be memorized:
¾ 51L1: tripping due to the overload threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L1;
¾ 51L2: tripping due to the overload threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L2;
¾ 51L3: tripping due to the overload threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L3;
¾ 50L1: tripping due to the short-circuit threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L1;
¾ 50L2: tripping due to the short-circuit threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L2;
¾ 50L3: tripping due to the short-circuit threshold and independent time having been exceeded on L3;
¾ L1>: tripping due to a threshold and the time relative to curves ABC having been exceeded on L1;
¾ L2>: tripping due to a threshold and the time relative to curves ABC having been exceeded on L2;
¾ L3>: tripping due to a threshold and the time relative to curves ABC having been exceeded on L3;
¾ 51N: tripping due to the maximum current threshold and independent time having been exceeded on NO;
¾ Io>: tripping due to a threshold and the time relative to curves ABC having been exceeded on NO;
With every tripping signal displayed on the LCD, the device associates another two memorized signals, one concerning
the Leds on the front panel and the other concerning the 24V relays in the rear terminal board. When the signal has been
removed from the display, press SHIFT to automatically remove the signals from the Leds and relays as well.
The screen-print alongside the Leds indicates the current channel involved in the intervention.
¾ Just press SHIFT to recall the last tripping signal to have been memorized (LCD, Leds, relays).
The device is able to signal a protection activation due to one of the set thresholds having been exceeded, by means of a
dedicated 24V relay.
The following relay signals are present on the rear terminals:
¾ Non-memorized, generic protection activation: (RAV);
¾ Memorized tripping action owing to an intervention on L1: (RL1);
¾ Memorized tripping action owing to an intervention on L2: (RL2);
¾ Memorized tripping action owing to an intervention on L3: (RL3)
¾ Memorized tripping action owing to an intervention on NO: (RNO).
The four signal contacts are available as clean contacts, free from voltage, but having a pole in common.
The voltage of the contact in common has to be applied to the terminal: (COM)
In relation to the hardware, all the signalling relays can be configured as both Normally Open and Normally Closed. The
contact is considered as Normally Open by default.
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VII) Programming
To configure the parameters, switch from the OK status to the PR status and then return to the OK status after having
saved the new settings.
Beginning from the basic operation status shown in Fig.8, switch to the programming mode by deactivating the automatic
protection and preserving the current status of the control relay’s contact. Fig.8 shows the device in the automatic mode,
but it is also possible to switch to the manual mode.

A U T [s]
Fig.8 – basic operation

¾ To ACCESS the programming mode, keep SET depressed, press SHIFT and confirm with S.PR = YES or annul
with T.PR = NO from the menu in Fig.9. If confirmation is not given within 15s after the menu of Fig.9 has been
activated, the device will go back to the previous status, annulling the request. After having confirmed access to the
programming mode, the device will display the mask in Fig.10, deactivating the protection.

N O [s]
Fig.9 – confirmation of the switch to the programming mode

5 1 L [s]
Fig.10 – overload programming menu

To allow the threshold parameters to be entered correctly, first select the coherent conversion ratio with the installed
measuring TA. This setting is executed from the menu of Fig.10.
¾ The TA are configured for L1, L2 and L3 within the programming menu by proceeding in the following way: press
C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 ,then keep SET depressed and release both. The menu shown in Fig.11 appears with the
sequence described.

CPU P R 3 0 0 [A]
T A L 1 : L 3 [s]
Fig.11 – TA set-up menu for L1 and L3

¾ To enter a lower value for the TA ratio, just press OK once (downward arrow). To enter a higher value for the TA
ratio, just press MX once (upward arrow).
¾ TA ratios for L1, L2 and L3: 1:In / 40:In / 50:In / 60:In / 80:In / 100:In / 150:In / 160:In /
200:In / 250:In / 300:In / 320:In / 400:In / 500:In / 600:In / 800:In / 1000:In / 1200:In /
¾ To quit the TA set-up menu for L1, L2 and L3, just repeat the combination used to access it, i.e.: press C.L1 or
C.L2 or C.L3 and keep it depressed while also pressing SET , then release both.
The definite settings for L1 are also repeated for L2 and L3, thus just set the TA once for any of the settings.

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The TA configuration for NO is carried out in the programming menu in the following way: press C.NO and keep it
depressed while also pressing SET , then release both. This sequence obtains the menu of Fig.12.

CPU P R 1 0 0 [A]
T A N O [s]
Fig.12 – TA set-up menu for NO

¾ To enter a lower value for the TA ratio, just press OK once (downward arrow). To enter a higher value for the TA
ratio, just press MX once (upward arrow).
¾ TA ratios for NO: 1:1 / 40:1 / 50:1 / 60:1 / 80:1 / 100:1 / 150:1 / 160:1 / 200:1 / 250:1 /
300:1 / 320:1 / 400:1 / 500:1 / 600:1 / 800:1 / 1000:1 / 1200:1 / 1250:1.
¾ To quit the TA set-up menu NO, just repeat the combination used to access it, i.e. press C.NO and keep it depressed
while also pressing SET , then release both.
After the measuring TA ratios have been appropriately configured for L1, L2, L3 and NO, the protection intervention
parameters can be entered, again beginning with the menu depicted in Fig.10.
The homopolar VPR-P1 device version acquires two phase currents L1 and L3, plus a homopolar current NO. According
to specification DK5600, the two phases have a threshold called OVERLOAD and a threshold called SHORT-CIRCUIT,
while the homopolar has a sole threshold called MAXIMUM CURRENT, again according to DK5600 specifications.
Besides the thresholds established by DK5600, the device also has the dependent time intervention thresholds defined by
CEI EN 60255-3, known as CURVES ABC. When it comes to the two phase currents L1 and L3, there is a first menu for
the OVERLOAD threshold, a second menu for the SHORT-CIRCUIT threshold and a third menu for CURVES ABC, of
the dependent time type. For homopolar current NO, there is a first menu for the MAXIMUM CURRENT threshold and a
second menu for CURVES ABC, with dependent time.
The Three-phase VPR-P1 device version acquires three phase currents L1, L2 and L3, plus the measurement of a
“conventional” homopolar current NO, given from the amount of the three phase currents. According to specification
DK5600, the three phase currents have a threshold called OVERLOAD and a threshold called SHORT-CIRCUIT, while
the homopolar has a sole threshold called MAXIMUM CURRENT, again according to DK5600 specifications. Besides
the thresholds established by DK5600, the device also has the dependent time intervention thresholds defined by CEI EN
60255-3, known as CURVES ABC. When it comes to the three phase currents L1, L2 and L3, there is a first menu for the
OVERLOAD threshold, a second menu for the SHORT-CIRCUIT threshold, a third menu for CURVES ABC, of the
dependent time type, and a fourth menu for the MAXIMUM CURRENT threshold (this last threshold represents the
amount of the three phase currents).
¾ To SELECT one of the three currents, press one of the buttons C.L1 , C.L2 , C.L3 , C.NO associated with the
relative measuring inputs to obtain the menu associated with the selected current. To switch from the basic menu,
concerning one of the thresholds, to another menu, just press the SHIFT key. In relation to L1, L2 and L3, the
device will first switch from the OVERLOAD menu to the SHORT-CIRCUIT one, then, when the key is pressed a
second time, from the SHORT-CIRCUIT menu to that of CURVES ABC. If the VPR-P1 is a three-phase model,
when the key is pressed a third time the device will first switch from CURVES ABC menu to the MAXIMUM
CURRENT menu for the “conventional” current NO (in the three-phase VPR-P1 the current NO represents the
amount of the three phase currents). Lastly, when SHIFT is pressed again, the device will go back to the
OVERLOAD menu. If C.NO is pressed the device will first switch from the MAXIMUM CURRENT menu to that
of CURVES ABC and will then go back to the MAXIMUM CURRENT menu when SHIFT is pressed again.
¾ For example, if the user wishes to set-up the short-circuit menu for the phases, he must first press C.L1 or C.L2
or C.L3 , then SHIFT to obtain the menu depicted in Fig.13, which shows the short-.circuit settings. The menu in
Fig.13 displays the OFF code at the top right, indicating that the short-circuit threshold is disabled when the trigger is
5 0 L [s]
Fig.13 – short-circuit programming menu

10 of 26

¾ Press the S.PR key to ENABLE a trigger threshold. After the threshold has been activated, the current and time
values appear on the screen along with a cursor near the parameter that needs modifying.
¾ Press the T.PR key to move the cursor near the intervention time. Press the S.PR key to move the cursor back to
the intervention threshold.
¾ Press the S.PR key again to DISABLE a trigger threshold.
¾ The three phase currents L1, L2 and L3 are set in the mirrored mode (if one is set, the same setting is obtained on the
other), while homopolar NO is independent.
¾ Each threshold, be it L1, L2, L3 or NO, is independent of the others. Thus, before being set-up it must be selected
and then enabled.
The following are three examples of menus obtained when a threshold is enabled for the first time, after a particular TA
ratio has been configured. The menus are identical for the three phase currents L1, L2 and L3 since the intervention
settings coincide.
Fig.14 shows the basic OVERLOAD menu for L1, L2 and L3 with TA ratio 300:1.
Fig.15 shows the basic menu of CURVES ABC for L1, L2 and L3 with TA ratio 250:1.
Fig.16 shows the basic MAXIMUM CURRENT menu for NO with TA ratio 100:1.

CPU P R * 6 0 0 [A]
5 1 L 0 . 0 5 [s]
Fig.14 – basic overload menu for L1 and L3

CPU P R * 5 0 0 [A]
L > A N T [s]
Fig.15 – basic menu of curves ABC for L1 and L3

CPU P R * 1 0 . 0 [A]
5 1 N 0 . 0 5 [s]
Fig.16 – basic maximum current menu for NO

Fig.14 shows that the overload threshold on L1, L2 and L3 has a 600A presetting. The intervention time is set on the
minimum value of the adjustment range, i.e. 50ms.
Fig.15 shows that the intervention threshold for curves ABC on L1. L2 and L3 has a 500A presetting. The intervention
time is set on the type A curve with intervention characteristic NT.
Fig.16 shows that the maximum current threshold on NO has a 10A presetting. The intervention time is set on the
minimum value of the adjustment range, i.e. 50ms.

11 of 26

The methods for regulating the parameters and adjustment ranges are described below.
¾ To enter the current LEVEL at a lower value, just press OK (downward arrow) or, to quickly move to a lower level,
keep OK depressed. To enter the current level at a higher value, just press MX (upward arrow) or, to quickly move
to a higher level, keep MX depressed. The adjustment range is as follows:
• Range for the Overload threshold on phases L1, L2 and L3: 0.1×IN ÷ 2×IN;
• 0.05×IN step (TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, 200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200) or
0.04×IN (TA 150, 250, 1250) - Overload;
• Range for the Short-circuit threshold on phases L1, L2 and L3: 0.1×IN ÷ 10×IN;
• 0.05×IN step (TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, 200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200) or
0.04×IN (TA 150, 250, 1250) – Short-circuit;
• Range for the Maximum current threshold on homopolar NO: 0.005×IN ÷ 0.1×IN;
• 0.05×1A step (TA 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 160, 200, 300, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200) or
0.04×1A (TA 150, 250, 1250) – Maximum Current.
¾ To enter the TIME, first move the cursor by pressing T.PR , then press MX once (upward arrow) to enter a higher
time parameter value or keep MX depressed to quickly move to a higher level. To enter a lower time value, just
press OK once (downward arrow) or keep OK depressed to quickly move to a lower level. The time adjustment
step for L1, L2, L3 and NO is 50ms.
• Times for Overloading on phases L1, L2 and L3: 0.05s ÷ 5s in 0.05s steps;
• Times for Short-circuits on phases L1, L2 and L3: 0.05s ÷ 0.5s in 0.05s steps;
• Times for Maximum Current on NO: 0.05s ÷ 1s in 0.05s steps.
¾ If the device is in the CURVES ABC menu and the LEVEL must be entered, proceed as described for setting the
independent time thresholds.
¾ If the device is in the menu for CURVES ABC and the user wishes to enter the TIME, he must press T.PR a first
time to move the cursor to the left of A and then press T.PR a second time to move the cursor to the left of NT.
When T.PR is pressed again, the cursor will go back to the left of A. When the cursor is near A, press OK or MX
to obtain curves B or C. When the cursor is near NT, press OK or MX to obtain times FT or ST.

12 of 26

Standardized curves ABC have 16 time levels associated with an equal number of threshold levels in relation to the
intervention threshold set in the relative menu. Fig.17 below gives the tables with the intervention times.


1.10×PR 36.69 s 73.37 s 110.1 s 67.50 s 135.0 s 202.5 s 190.5 s 381.0 s 571.4 s
1.20×PR 19.16 s 38.32 s 57.49 s 33.75 s 67.50 s 101.3 s 90.91 s 181.8 s 272.7 s
1.35×PR 11.63 s 23.26 s 34.88 s 19.29 s 38.57 s 57.86 s 48.63 s 97.26 s 145.9 s
1.50×PR 8.597 s 17.19 s 25.79 s 13.50 s 27.00 s 40.50 s 32.00 s 64.00 s 96.00 s
1.75×PR 6.219 s 12.44 s 18.66 s 9.000 s 18.00 s 27.00 s 19.39 s 38.79 s 58.18 s
2.00×PR 5.015 s 10.03 s 15.04 s 6.750 s 13.50 s 20.25 s 13.33 s 26.67 s 40.00 s
2.40×PR 3.963 s 7.926 s 11.89 s 4.821 s 9.643 s 14.46 s 8.403 s 16.81 s 25.21 s
2.80×PR 3.364 s 6.729 s 10.09 s 3.750 s 7.500 s 11.25 s 5.848 s 11.70 s 17.54 s
3.40×PR 2.825 s 5.650 s 8.475 s 2.813 s 5.625 s 8.438 s 3.788 s 7.576 s 11.36 s
4.00×PR 2.490 s 4.980 s 7.470 s 2.250 s 4.500 s 6.750 s 2.667 s 5.333 s 8.000 s
5.00×PR 2.140 s 4.280 s 6.420 s 1.688 s 3.375 s 5.063 s 1.667 s 3.333 s 5.000 s
6.50×PR 1.835 s 3.670 s 5.505 s 1.227 s 2.455 s 3.682 s 0.970 s 1.939 s 2.909 s
8.00×PR 1.648 s 3.297 s 4.945 s 0.964 s 1.929 s 2.893 s 0.635 s 1.270 s 1.905 s
10.0×PR 1.485 s 2.971 s 4.456 s 0.750 s 1.500 s 2.250 s 0.404 s 0.808 s 1.212 s
15.0×PR 1.258 s 2.516 s 3.773 s 0.482 s 0.964 s 1.446 s 0.179 s 0.357 s 0.536 s
20.0×PR 1.134 s 2.267 s 3.401 s 0.355 s 0.711 s 1.066 s 0.100 s 0.201 s 0.301 s
Fig.17 – time table of curves ABC

¾ To manage the LOGIK DK, with which the operation status of the tripping relay can be inverted, keep SET
depressed and press MX . From the menu in Fig.18 press MX or OK to enable or disable the function. The status
“ON” indicates that the tripping relay has a closed contact on NO in the absence of a fault, while during the fault and
in the absence of power the tripping relay is on NC. The status “OFF” indicates that the tripping relay has a closed
contact on NC in the absence of a fault and in the absence of power, while during the fault it is on NO. After having
set a LOGIC DK the device must be switched off and then restarted.

O N [s]
Fig.18 – saving the settings

¾ To manage the COORDINATION with which a signal of “alarm” can be given to a remote device and to extend the
intervention times, keep SET depressed, then press OK . From the menu in Fig.19 press MX or OK to
enable/disable the function. The status “ON” indicates the enabling of the coordination status, the status “OFF”
disables the function.

O F F [s]
Fig.19 – saving the settings
¾ The protection devices can be COORDINATED with each other when it comes to hardware by means of two
optoinsulated terminals:
13 of 26

1. 24V coordination input, for receiving the block signal from a lower hierarchical level: (EIC);
2. 24V coordination output, for transmitting the block signal to a higher hierarchical level: (EOC).

¾ The COORDINATION LOGIC works as follows:

1. The EIC signal is an input with denied logic: high level → signal not active, low level → signal active;
2. The EOC signal is an output with denied logic: high level → signal not active, low level → signal active;
3. Coordination allows each device to delay the intervention of a protection at a higher level, or to be delayed from
the activation of a protection positioned at a lower level;
4. A coordination output EOC is generated in concomitance with the generic activation of the protection;
5. A coordination input EIC determines the maximum delay setting in the intervention time of all the thresholds;
6. By means of the relative terminals EOC, each device can receive EIC by one of more devices;
7. Each device can directly transmit EOC to one or more devices that will receive it on the relative terminals EIC.






+Vaux +Vaux


-Vaux -Vaux

+Vaux +Vaux


-Vaux -Vaux



+Vaux +Vaux +Vaux +Vaux


-Vaux -Vaux -Vaux -Vaux

+Vaux +Vaux +Vaux +Vaux


-Vaux -Vaux -Vaux -Vaux


Fig.20 – example of coordination

¾ To SAVE the parameters, keep SET depressed, press SHIFT and confirm with S.PR = YES from the menu of
Fig.21 or annul with T.PR = NO. Unless confirmation is given within 10s after the menu in Fig.21 has been
activated, the device will go back to the activated protection status, considering all the modifications as having been

N O [s]
Fig.21 – saving the settings

The device also allows the parameters to be programmed via the remote control, using the RS232 serial communication
port on the front panel. The parameters can be READ or new parameters WRITTEN by using the supplied software, a PC
and a crossed serial lead for a DIN 9-PIN connector. The serial programming interface in the PC reproduces all the masks
in the programming menu with LCD interface in the device. The adjustment ranges are the same as those described
previously. The remote software interface comes with the necessary instructions for installation and correct use.
N.B. The RS232 port is only used for programming the device. Thus it must not be linked to PC in normal operating.
For programming via PC see the Programming Manual at the page 24.

14 of 26

VIII) Monitoring and Management

The device allows the selected parameters to be CHECKED during the normal operation of the protection and to monitor
the analog magnitudes acquired, in real time. Fig.22 shows the main menu.

A U T [s]
Fig.22 – main menu

Verification of the parameters selected for L1, L2 and L3 is as follows:

¾ Overload 51L: press C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 ;
¾ Short-circuit 50L: press C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 and then the SHIFT key ONCE;
¾ Curves ABC L>: press C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 and then the SHIFT key TWICE;
¾ Maximum Current 51N (Only Three-phase): press C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 and then the SHIFT key THREE
¾ TA ratio: press C.L1 or C.L2 or C.L3 and then
• the SHIFT key THREE times for Homopolar VPR-P1
• the SHIFT key FOUR times for Three-phase VPR-P1

Verification of the parameters selected for NO is as follows:

¾ Maximum current 51N: press C.NO ;
¾ Curves ABC Io>: press C.NO and then the SHIFT key ONCE;
¾ TA ratio: press C.NO and then the SHIFT key TWICE.
Supposing that the user needs to check the NO parameters entered, for example, with a threshold at 5A, curve ABC of the
B type and time FT. Just press C.NO and then the SHIFT key to obtain Fig.23.

CPU O K 5 . 0 [A]
I o > B F T [s]
Fig.23 – checking the NO parameters on curves ABC

Supposing that the user needs to check the L1, L2 and L3 parameters entered, for example, with a 450A overload
threshold and 0.1s intervention time. Just press C.L3 to obtain Fig.24.

CPU O K 4 5 0 [A]
5 1 L 0 . 1 0 [s]
Fig.24 – checking the L3 overload parameters

Supposing that the user needs to check the L1. L2 and L3 parameters entered, for example, with TA ratio 1250:1 on the
Homopolar VPR-P1. Just press C.L1 , then press the SHIFT key three times to obtain Fig.25.

CPU O K 1 2 5 0 [A]
T A L 1 : L 3 [s]
Fig.25 – checking the L1 parameters in relation to TA

15 of 26

Just press the SET key to go back to the menu shown in Fig.22.
During a verification, the homopolar current may rise above the set threshold for a time exceeding the set point. In such
cases, the protection activates as shown in Fig.26.

CPU O K * O F F [A]
5 1 N A U T [s]
Fig.26 – example of the protection tripping on NO due to maximum current

The tripping command lasts for at least 200ms. Once this time elapses, the relay contact is made again if the homopolar
current has dropped below the threshold value. In this case, the display will go back to the main menu and will show the
memorized tripping indication associated with the homopolar current on the screen, as in Fig.27.

5 1 N A U T [s]
Fig.27 – resetting due to tripping on NO with memorized event

The memorized tripping information is also available via the leds on the front panel and the signalling relays in the rear
terminal board. If a new tripping action occurs on a different threshold, the screen indication is overwritten by the newly
memorized indication, as occurs for the leds and signalling relays. The user can reset the memorized indications from the
menu of Fig.27 by simply pressing SHIFT and returning the LCD mask to the menu of Fig.22. To set the parameters
correctly, it is necessary to know the current that is circulating around the measuring TA so as to establish the threshold
values for the intervention in the appropriate way. The device allows the current measurements relative to the primary of
the TA or the secondary, if a 1:1 ratio has been selected, to be monitored in real time. To check the current measurements,
go to the MX mode where the device remains in a stable way until the OK mode is restored. During MX monitoring, the
protection continues to function correctly and the user can check the magnitudes acquired by using the device like a digital
amperometer with three channels.
For the verification of the status of the tripping relay press the S.PR key to obtain Fig.28. On the table the user can see if
the tripping relay complies with DK5600 standard when the status is “ON” or has an inverse operation logic when the
status is “OFF”. The table shows the logic DK enabled.

O N [s]
Fig.28 – status of the logic DK

To check if the protection has enabled the coordination, press the T.PR key to obtain Fig.29. The table shows the
coordination disabled.

O F F [s]
Fig.29 – status of Coordination
¾ Press the MX key to ACTIVATE the MX function.
¾ Press C.L1 , C.L2 , C.L3 or C.NO to SELECT the measuring channel required.
The measurements are rounded off on the display depending on the number of characters available on the screen (four).
However, this does not worsen the accuracy performances of the device in relation to the tripping thresholds. The

16 of 26

frequency with which the values are updated on the screen is lower than the frequency with which the device monitors the
tripping thresholds. Screen updating occurs every 400ms approximately. If the protection activates, the monitoring mode
is automatically deactivated. Fig.30 gives an example of monitoring for phase current L1. The figure shows that 215ARMS
current is circulating around phase L1.

CPU M X 2 1 5 [A]
L 1 [s]
Fig.30 – active monitoring on L1

To monitor NO for example, just press C.NO to obtain the mask shown in Fig.31. The figure shows that the homopolar
current measured is 1.8ARMS.

CPU M X 1 . 8 [A]
N O [s]
Fig.31 – active monitoring on NO

¾ Press OK to DEACTIVATE the MONITORING function.

The monitoring function adapts the measurements to the secondary of the TA according to the selected conversion ratio,
so as to display the equivalent current value that is running through the TA. The precisions declared for the protection
device of the VPR-P1 series concern the magnitudes detected on the secondary of the measuring TA.
¾ The user can block the keypad and switch off the LCD backlighting, restoring the system from the OK status to the
LK status. Once the device has been programmed and possibly after the measurements have been monitored, it is
always advisable to return the CPU from the OK status to the LK status.
¾ To switch from OK to LK, keep the OK key depressed and press MX to obtain the menu of Fig.32.
¾ To return from LK to OK, keep the OK key depressed and press MX .
Remember that in the LK mode, the device reproduces the same signals on the LCD as are normally generated by the
protection activities in the OK mode. If the power supplied to the device, preset in the LK mode, is interrupted, the CPU
will automatically set to the OK when restarted again, providing an indirect indication of the fact that the device had been
restarted owing to lack of power.

A U T [s]
Fig.32 – active protection with backlight off and keypad off

The device continuously monitors its main functions and is able to diagnose a fault in the system, automatically
deactivating the protection to prevent inopportune interventions or no interventions at all. A timer watchdog checks to
make sure that the CPU operates correctly, a detector with a low powering voltage monitors the analog references, a clock
controller and an auxiliary clock circuit prevent errors involving the intervention times, deactivating the protection and
signalling the fault with the ER status. If faults occur, as shown in Fig.33, the tripping relay is opened automatically to
make the system safer.

Fig.33 –faulty device signal

17 of 26

In the event of a low powering voltage, the device re-enables automatically when the correct voltage is restored.

NOTE: to check the version of the FIRMWARE in the device, just activate the MX monitoring mode and move as
• On the Homopolar VPR-P1, press C.NO , then keep the SHIFT key depressed;
• On the Three-phase VPR-P1, press C.L3 , then keep the SHIFT key depressed.

IX) Setting at work

The rear panel of the device has a removable screw terminal board with 6 PINS used for wiring current measurements
±L1, ±L2, ±L3 or ±L1, ±L3 and ±NO. The terminals are suitable for wiring a cable with a section of up to 4mm2.
There is also a removable screw terminal board with 14 PINS on the rear panel of the device, used for wiring the ±Vaux
power supply, the INT NO, INT NC, INT COM, RLAV, RL1, RL3/RL2, RNO/RL3, RLCOM relay
contacts, the logic of Coordination ±VC, EIC, EOC. The terminals are suitable for wiring a cable with a section of up to
Before wiring up the screw terminal board, it is advisable to wire the ground reference and the mass reference, using the
appropriate rear bolt. The section of the grounding cable and the yellow-green mass cable must not be less than 4mm2.
The length of the mass connection of the device must be not more than 20cm.
Main power supply ±VAUX is required to allow the device to function correctly according to DK5600 specifications, i.e.
deal with the analog measurements and withstand the tripping action.
24V power supply ±VC in direct current is required to ensure the function of the Coordination logic. If there is the 24V
coordination power supply, but no signal on the EIC input is connected, the intervention times will be delayed; this
inconvenience can be prevented by connecting the +VC terminal and the EIC terminal together, thus forcing the
coordination status to a high level as EOC would do in normal conditions.

18 of 26

— VPR-P1 wiring diagram



(*) The VDC Voltage must
be ground insulated

+24Vdc 0V

TA-L1 - L1
S1 +L3 *
TA-L3 - L3
S2 RL1
P2 *
S1 RL3
+NO *


230Vac / 24Vdc -Vdc





L1 L2 L3

TA-L1 - L1
S1 +L3 *
TA-L3 - L3
S2 RL1
P2 *
S1 RL3
+NO *


230Vac / 24Vdc -Vdc





L1 L2 L3

TA-L1 - L1
S1 +L2
TA-L2 - L2
S2 RL1
P1 RL2
S1 +L3
TA-L3 - L3
S2 RL3


230Vac / 24Vdc -Vdc





19 of 26

X) RTU Modbus RS485 Port

To manage the Modbus address with which the device can be identified, proceed as follows:
1. enter the programming menu of the device PR;
2. keep SET depressed and press S.PR to access the Modbus setup menu;
3. from the menu MODBUS press MX or OK to increase/decrease the network address;
4. exit from programming and save the modifications made;
5. press the OK key from the main menu to verify the Modbus address.
The cabling of the RS485 port has three appropriate rear terminals called +485, -485, GND.
The communication hardware settings are of 19200bps, 1 bit of start, two bits of stop and no parity.
Table of Interoperability of RTU ModBus on RS485 port
Parameter Values Record Access Note
ON = 1 ON = status of rest
Tripping 40001 Reading
OFF = 0 OFF = tripping in course
ON = 1 ON = start active
Start 40002 Reading
OFF = 0 OFF = status of rest
No signal = 0,
Tripping Signal Phase L1 = 1, Phase L2 = 2, Phase L3 = 3
40003 Reading
Memorized Homopolar NO = 4,
Homopolar L1+L2+L3 = 5

1A = 1 Rated Phase Current at

IN of Phase 40004 Reading
5A = 5 the secondary of the TA

1:IN = 1, 40:IN = 40, 50:IN = 50,

60:IN = 60, 80:IN = 80, 100:IN = 100,
150:IN = 150, 160:IN = 160, 200:IN = 200,
TA Ratio for
250:IN = 250, 300:IN = 300, 320:IN = 320, 40005 Reading
phases L1, L2, L3
400:IN = 400, 500:IN = 500, 600:IN = 600,
800:IN = 800, 1000:IN = 1000,
1200:IN = 1200, 1250:IN =
1:1A = 1, 40:1A = 40, 50:1A = 50,
60:1A = 60, 80:1A = 80, 100:1A = 100,
150:1A = 150, 160:1A = 160, 200:1A = 200,
TA Ratio for
250:1A = 250, 300:1A = 300, 320:1A = 320, 40006 Reading
Homopolar NO
400:1A = 400, 500:1A = 500, 600:1A = 600,
800:1A = 800, 1000:1A = 1000,
1200:1A = 1200, 1250:1A =
Measurement L1on the The measurement
IN = 100 40007 Reading
secondary of the TA fullscale is 10 x IN
Measurement L2 on the The measurement
IN = 100 40008 Reading
secondary of the TA fullscale is 10 x IN
Measurement L3 on the The measurement
IN = 100 40009 Reading
secondary of the TA fullscale is 10 x IN
Homopolar measurement
NO at the secondary of 0.1A = 1000 40010 Reading
the TA

Homopolar measurement The measurement

IN = 100 40011 Reading
L1+L2+L3 fullscale is 5 x IN
With reference to the
ON = 1 Tripping relay:
Logic DK 40012 Reading
OFF = 0 ON = rest on NO
OFF = rest on NC

20 of 26

XI) Diagram of Intervention Curves

— Characteristic VPR-P1 Threshold / Time for phase lines L1:L2:L3
t (s )

7 .5
E x a m p le c u r v e
6 .5
5 .5
O v e r lo a d p r o t e c ti o n r e la y ’s
a d ju s tm e n t z o n e
4 .5 (S .P R = 0 .5 ; T .P R = 3 )
S h o r t - c ir c u it p r o te c tio n
4 r e la y ’s a d ju s tm e n t z o n e
3 .5
2 .5
1 .5
( * ) T h e c u r r e n t v a lu e s
(S .P R = 3 ; re fe r to th e s e c o n d a r y o f th e T A
0 .5
0 .1
0 .0 5

0 .1 0 .5 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4 4 .5 5 5 .5 6 6 .5 7 7 .5 8 8 .5 9 9 .5 1 0 11 12 I (A )

— Characteristic VPR-P1 Threshold / Time for the homopolar NO lines

( ) E x a m p le c u r v e

1, H o m o p o la r M a x im u m
1, C u r r e n t p r o t e c t io n r e la y ’s
a d ju s t m e n t z o n e
( S .P R = 1 5 ; T .P R = 0 . 7 ) ( * ) T h e c u r r e n t v a lu e s r e fe r
1, to th e s e c o n d a ry o f th e T A
0 ,0

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 I (m A )

21 of 26

XII) Layout
— Rear Panel



22 of 26

— Panel dimensions

23 of 26

XIII) Programming Manual

The VPR-P1 device is fitted with a RS232C serial interface for programming via PC. The software, supplied on CD-
ROM, is the interface available to the user to program the VPR-P1. The instructions for installing the program
Programming VPR-P1 on PC are reported below.

Initial setup
The program “Programming VPR-P1” has been conceived to work on operating systems Microsoft® Windows® and is
compatible with the following versions:
¾ Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT 4.0, XP.
The minimum requirements of the PC where the program will be installed are the following:
¾ Processor Pentium®II 300MHz - RAM 128Mb - Hard Disk 4Gb – VGA with 1024x768 pixel
For a correct vision of the graphic panels developed and for an easy use of the available instruments of analysis, the
graphic resolution of the PC must be set to 1024x768 pixel.
For an optimal functioning of the software it is advisable to have the configuration indicated below or a better one:
¾ Processor Pentium®III 800MHz - RAM 256Mb - Hard Disk 20Gb - VGA with 32Mb and 1024x768 pixel.
“Programming VPR-P1” has been designed to communicate via the RS232 serial port. Moreover a CD-ROM drive is
requested for the installation.
The installation procedure is the following:
1. Insert the cd-rom VPR-P1 in the CD-ROM drive of the PC;
2. Open the folder VPR-P1, inside which the subfolder Installation Kit and the present manual (Programming
VPR-P1.pdf) are located;
3. Enter the subfolder Installation Kit, where the installation files are placed;
4. Run the file setup.exe and follow the program instructions; this way the installation automatic process starts. At
the end of the process, within the menu Program Files in Windows, the program Programming VPR-P1 can be

Program Running
The installation introduces an entry in the menu Program Files and a link on the Desktop; by using one of these icons
the program can be run. At the program start the main panel reported below will be opened.

24 of 26

The panel is divided in 8 sections:

1) VPR-P1 Communication
2) Firmware Selection
3) Modbus address
4) VPR-P1 Functions
5) Programming of Phase Currents L1,L2,L3;
6) Programming of Homopolar Current NO;
7) Management of panel and RS232 communication;
8) Monitor VPR-P1

1) VPR-P1 Communication
After having connected VPR-P1 to the PC via an inverted serial cable, the PC “COM” port to be used for the serial
communication must be selected by the entry “Port”.

2) Firmware Selection
The programming software “Programming VPR-P1” can program more firmware versions of the VPR-P1. Therefore,
for each firmware version the proper one must be selected with “Select your Firmware” before programming. In case
of errors in the Firmware selection the program “Programming VPR-P1” will give an error message revealing the
Firmware version on board VPR-P1.

3) Modbus Address
The Modbus protocol address can be set by selecting, among the possible addresses, the value to attribute to the VPR-
P1. The settings for the communication with the Modbus protocol are the following:
Mode: RTU
Baud rate: 19200bps
Port settings: No parity, 2 bits of stop

4) VPR-P1 functions
The operation logic of the tripping relay can be inverted by setting “OFF” at the entry “Logic DK5600”. If the
tripping relay logic is changed, it is important to cut off power from VPR-P1 to make effective the modification after
the device programming. A second function of VPR-P1 is represented by the enabling of the coordination via the
“Coordination” parameter.

5) Programming of Phase Currents L1,L2,L3

With regard to Phase Currents, the Measuring TA, the Overload Currents 51L, the Short-circuit current 50L, and the
Dependent Time Curve L can be programmed. For further information about parameters refer to Instruction Manual
VPR-P1 V5, chapter VII.
Measuring TA: by means of this selector the measuring TA connected to the phase currents of the device can be set
choosing among the following TA: 1:1, 40:In, 50:In, 60:In, 80:In, 100:In, 150:In, 160:In, 200:In, 250:In, 300:In,
320:In, 400:In, 500:In, 600:In, 800:In, 1000:In, 1200:In, 1250:In, where “In” represents the rated current which can
be 1A or 5A. The modifications to the “Measuring TA” lead to the resetting of the default parameters for the phase
currents L1, L2, L3.
Overload Current 51L: the user can enable/disable the protection for “Threshold” via the selector “Enable”. If the
protection is enabled the “Trigger Threshold” and the “Intervention Time” must be set. If the Short-circuit Current is
also enabled, the “Trigger Threshold” of the Overload must be smaller than the “Trigger Threshold” of the Short-
Short-circuit Current 50L: the user can enable/disable the protection for “Short-circuit” via the selector “Enable”. If
the protection is enabled the “Trigger Threshold” and the “Intervention Time” must be set. If the Overload Current is
also enabled, the “Trigger Threshold” of the Short-circuit must be bigger than the “Trigger Threshold” of the
Dependent Time Curve L>: the user can enable/disable the protection for the Dependent Time Curve via the
selector “Enable”. If the protection is enabled the “Trigger Threshold”, the “Curve Type” and the “Intervention Time”
must be set. By pressing the “Table” key a panel will open, returning the intervention times associate with 16
intervention levels, according to the threshold set.

6) Programming of Homopolar Current NO

With regard to the Homopolar Current, the Measuring TA, the Maximum Current 51N and the Dependent Time
Curve Io can be programmed. For further information about the calibration parameters refer to Instruction Manual
VPR-P1 V5, chapter VII.

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Measuring TA: by means of this selector the measuring TA connected to the homopolar current of the device can be
set choosing among the following TA: 1:1, 40:1, 50:1, 60:1, 80:1, 100:1, 150:1, 160:1, 200:1, 250:1, 300:1, 320:1,
400:1, 500:1, 600:1, 800:1, 1000:1, 1200:1, 1250:1. The modifications to the “Measuring TA” lead to the resetting of
the default parameters for the homopolar current NO.
Maximum Current 51N: the user can enable/disable the protection for Maximum Current via the selector “Enable”.
If the protection is enabled the “Trigger Threshold”, the “Curve Type” and the “Intervention Time” must be set. By
pressing the “Table” key a panel will open, returning the intervention times associate with 16 intervention levels,
according to the threshold set.
Dependent Time Curve Io> the user can enable/disable the protection for the Dependent Time Curve via the selector
“Enable”. If the protection is enabled the “Trigger Threshold” and the “Intervention Time” must be set.

7) Management of panel and RS232 communication

The “Write Disk” key allows to save on the hard disk the configuration obtained with the programming.
The “Read Disk” key allows to recall a previously saved programming on the hard disk.
These two operations of programming data management don’t need the connection to the device.
The “Default Parameters” key is used to upload again the default parameters of the protections on the panel.
The “Info” key allows to check the software versions and reviews.
For the Writing of the programming data on the device, the PC must be connected to the device by means of a serial
crossed cable, the COM port of the PC must be selected by means of the “Port” selector and lastly the “VPR-P1
Writing” must be pressed. After a few seconds all the data will be memorized on the device. At the end of the
communication a Yellow led, next to the “Write VPR-P1” key, lights up indicating the correct writing.
When the RS232 communication is active in writing, the LCD display of VPR-P1 shows the indication RPR.
In case of error on the communication channel, the software signals the problem to the user by a pop-up message that
urges upon repeating or annulling the function.
For the Reading of the programming data from the device, the PC must be connected to the device by means of a
serial crossed cable, the COM port of the PC must be selected by means of the “Port” selector and lastly the “Read
VPR-P1” must be pressed. After a few seconds all the data will be displayed on the PC. At the end of the
communication a Yellow led, next to the “Read VPR-P1” key, lights up indicating the correct reading.
In case of error on the communication channel, the software signals the problem to the user by a pop-up message that
urges upon repeating or annulling the function.
At the end of the management operations via the RS232 port, the LCD display of VPR-P1 must not show the
indication RPR any longer. Otherwise or in case that the RS232 communication repeatedly shows problems, it may
happen that the VPR-P1 remains blocked even after having removed the serial cable connected.
To reset the normal functioning of VPR-P1 the user must act on the keyboard placed on the front panel with the
following combination: keep the OK key depressed, press MX, release MX, release OK.

8) Monitor VPR-P1
The status of VPR-P1 can be monitored by pressing the “Monitor VPR-P1” key: therefore the panel shown below will
be opened.

Using the “Monitor VPR-P1” key the Manual/Automatic “VPR-P1” status, the tripping Relay status ON/OFF, the
signalling of the last fault happened and the CPU status can be read. From the panel the user can also execute some
settings by pressing the “SET” key with which the protection status can be changed from Manual to Automatic and
vice versa. In the status of Manual switch the user can also set the tripping relay.

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