Course Syllabus For PA 210 (AY2019-20) - Student Ver 11jan2020

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National College of Public Administration and Governance

University of the Philippines-Diliman

P.A. 210 A (Organization Studies) Erwin A. Alampay

3 units E-mail: [email protected]
2nd Sem AY 2019-20 Saturdays 9-12 am, Rm TBA

Consultation Hours (3/f Floor Faculty Rm): 10-1130 (M-F); 830-10 (M,T,Th)

Course Syllabus for PA 210

Organization Studies

Course Description:

A survey course on theories, processes, and techniques of organization and management,

and human resource management.


• To understand the major theories, concepts, processes, and techniques of

organization and management and human resource management, with emphasis on
the operations and dynamics of public organizations;

• To develop an understanding and appreciation of the realities, issues, problems,

practices, and challenges affecting Philippine public organizations in the context of
globalization and modernization.

A combination of lectures, reading, case studies and class discussions and independent
student research will be used to help the student develop a better understanding of
organizational dynamics.

Course Objectives:


The primary purpose of the course is to equip students with an understanding of

organizational concepts and the ability to apply their managerial knowledge effectively in
various contexts. As such, the course aims to:

1. Develop a critical appreciation of the central theoretical questions, themes and

debates in the literature
2. Develop theorizing skills of abstraction, analysis and reasoning
3. Identify the environment of organizations and analyze organizational situations
which are often complex and complicated, and acquire the ability to deal with them.

Also, after participating in this course, you will be better able to:

4. Describe the functions and processes of organizations

5. Discuss human resource management and development processes
6. Discuss issues and trends in organization and management and human resource
management and development

Course Methods

The course is designed as a graduate seminar. The course will address one or two central
perspectives in organizations theory each week. Weekly readings are illustrative of the
conceptual, empirical, or applied aspects of these perspectives.

Students will be asked, on a rotating basis, to lead parts of each class session, and to
present key themes of the assigned reading (This will be assigned on the first day of
classes). Seminar participants are responsible for all required readings, and I will randomly
call any student to participate in the discussion and contribute their opinions. Class
sessions will center around discussion of the various readings and whenever possible,
practical cases will be used to illustrate the application of theoretical ideas to the reality.

For each theoretical perspective, we will address the following general questions:
1. What are the phenomena or managerial problems the theory seeks to address and
2. What is the intellectual foundation of the theory in question? What are its
assumptions and philosophy of science?
3. What are the key concepts and theoretical propositions (if relevant) in the theory?
4. What does the theory propose as the task of the manager? What are the managerial
implications of the theory?
5. What are the main problems or challenges with the theory?

Please think about these questions constantly when you are doing the readings.

Furthermore, active participation is essential for maximizing your learning. Please read
specified articles and come to class prepared to participate.

Individual Reports on Key Figures in Organizational Studies:

Each reporter will be given 15 minutes to present.

1. Fredrick W Taylor* (Scientific Management) (Jan 25)

2. Frank Gilbreth* (Jan 25)
3. Weber (The Bureaucracy) (Jan 25) –
4. Luther Gulick (The Theory of Organization) (Jan 25) –
5. H. Fayol* (Jan 25)-
6. AH Maslow (Feb 1)-
7. Elton Mayo/Herzberg (Hawthorne Experiments/Motivation-Hygiene Theory)* (Feb
8. Chester Barnard* Informal Organizations and their Relation to formal organization /
Authority and Leadership (Feb 1)-
9. McGregor (The Human Side of Enterprise) (Feb 1)
10. Henry MItzberg’s organizational types (Jan 25).
11. Hofstede (Cultural constraints in Management Theories) (Feb 8)
12. Osborne and Gaebler (Reinventing Government) (Feb 15);
13. Hammer and Champy (Reengineering the Corporation) (Feb 15)-
14. Mary Parker Follet* (On Giving Orders/The Essentials of Leadership) (Mar 21)-
15. Herbert Simon (on Rational Decision making) (Mar 14)-

*More comprehensive descriptions/articles can be found in Harwood Merrill’s Classics of

Management (1970)

Other topics (should there be more students):

1. Friedman: (Word is Flat) (Feb 22) –
2. Claudio-Pascua, Ma. Valerie (2005) ‘Are there generational differences in work
values?’ (Feb 8)
3. Markus, (Virtual Organizations) (Feb 22)-
4. Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRE) (Feb 29)
5. Work-life balance (Feb 29)
6. Work and Rights (Sen) (Feb 29)
7. Women and Equality: The capability approach (Nussbaum) (Feb 29)

Administrative Journal
Each student is expected to keep an administrative journal. The format for the
administrative journal can be found in Denhart and Catlaw’s (2015) “Theories of Public
Organization” (2015: 241-249).

Every student is expected to have at least 3 entries (but can have more), and must
present 1 experience/reflection at any time during the semester. You will be given 5-10
minutes to present your experience and reflection at the end of the course or any time
before that should you prefer. The entries will be made in a blog the student creates on (choose a free domain), and provide the link to me. Make sure to anonymize
names of organizations and people in your posts.

Course Requirements

Session Articles Preparation, Presentation, and Participation in Discussions 30%

Administrative Journal 30%
Final Examination 40%


Daft, Richard (2010) Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: South-Western

Cengage Publishing.
Pollitt, Christopher (2016). Advanced Introduction to Public Management and
Administration, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Denhardt, Robert B. and Catlaw, Thomas (2015) Theories of Public Organization
(Seventh Edition). Cengage Learning.
Cunliffe, Ann (2008) Organizational Theory. Sage Publications
Hechanova, Ma. Regina and Franco, Edna (Eds.) (2008) Leading Philippine
Organizations in a Changing World: Research and Best Practices. Ateneo de
Manila University Press.
Pugh, Derek S. (Ed.) (1997). Organization Theory. Selected Readings (Fourth
Edition). Penguin Books.
Shafritz and Hyde (Eds) (2007) Classics of Public Administration (6th Ed) Boston:


Topic 1: Introduction to Organization Theories

Astley, G & Van deVen, A. (1983) Central perspectives and debates in organization
theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28:245-273.

Barnard, C. (1938) “Formal Organizations.” in Pilar and Rodriguez (1981), Readings
in Human Behavior in Organizations. JMC Press, Quezon City. pp 12-23

Cunliffe, Ann (2008) Organizational Theory. Sage Publications, pp 1-27.

Daft, Richard (2010) Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: South-Western
Cengage Publishing. Chapter 1, pp 1-54.
Pollitt, C. (2016) Chapter 1 and 2 of pp. 1-25 and pp. 26-59.

Selznick, P. (1948). Foundations of the Theory of Organization. American

Sociological Review 13: 25-35. In Shafritz, J.M., Ott, J.S., & Jang, Y.S. (Eds).
Classics of Organization Theory, 6th Ed., London: Thomson.

Topic 2: Classical Organization Theory

Weber, M. (1922) Bureaucracy. in Classics of Public Administration (6th Ed) Shafritz

and Hyde (Eds) (2007) Boston: Thomson, pp43-48.

Weber, Max (1924), “Legitimate Authority and Bureaucracy” in Pugh (1997)

Organization Theory. Selected Readings (1997) pp. 3-15.

Merton, Robert (1957) Bureaucratic Structure and Personality, in Classics of Public

Administration (6th Ed) Shafritz and Hyde (Eds) (2007) pp. 97-105.

Taylor, F.W. (1912). “Scientific Management.” in Pugh (1997) Organization Theory.

Selected Readings (1997) pp. 275-295.

Fayol, H.(1916), “General Principles of Management” in Pugh (1997) Organization

Theory. Selected Readings (1997) pp. 253-274.

Luther Gulick (1937), Notes on the Theory of Organization in Classics of Public

Administration (6th Ed) Shafritz and Hyde (Eds) (2007) pp. 79-87

Topic 3: Neoclassical Theory

Barnard, C.I. (1938). Informal Organizations and their Relation to formal

organizations, Organization in Classics of Public Administration (6th Ed) Shafritz and
Hyde (Eds) (2007) pp 93-97.

Maslow, A.H. (1943) A Theory of Human Motivation, in Shafritz, and Hyde (2007)
(Eds). Classics of Public Administration, 6th Ed., London: Thomson, pp 111-119.

McGregor, D.M. (1957). The Human Side of Enterprise, In Shafritz, and Hyde
(2007) (Eds). Classics of Public Administration, 6th Ed., London: Thomson, pp 158-

*Mayo, E. (1949) ”Hawthorne and the Western Electric Company” in Pugh (1997)
Organization Theory. Selected Readings (1997) pp. 355-368.

Simon, H.A. (1947). The Proverbs of Administration. In Shafritz, and Hyde (2007)
(Eds). Classics of Public Administration, 6th Ed., London: Thomson, pp 124-138.

Topic 4: Systems Theory, Globalization and Organizational Culture

Systems Theory
Anseil, C. and Gash, A. (2008) Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice in
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) 18: 543-571, Oxford
University Press.

Katz, D and Kahn, R. (1966) Organizations and the Systems Concept In Shafritz,
and Hyde (2007) (Eds). Classics of Public Administration, 6th Ed., London:
Thomson, pp 189-198.

Scott, Richard W. (2003) Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. Fifth
Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Chapter 3.
Sharma, C. L. (1990) Systems Theory and Organizational Management. Philippine
Journal of Public Administration. 34:1 (January)

Organizational Culture
Cunliffe, Ann (2008) Organizational Theory. Sage Publications, pp 55-74.
Hofstede, G. (1993). “Cultural Constraints in Management Theories?” in Academic
of Management Executive (accessible from google scholar)

Varela, Amelia (2003) The Cultural Perspective in Organization Theory: Relevance to

Philippine Public Administration. In Bautista, Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler, Danilo R.
Reyes, and Proserpina D. Tapales, editors. Introduction to Public Administration: A
Reader. pp. 438-472.
Presbitero, Alfredo A. Jr, (2008) ‘Building Organizational Culture: The Unilab
Experience?’ in Hechanova, M.R. & Franco, E. (2008) (Eds.) Leading Philippine
Organizations in a Changing World: Research and Best Practices. Ateneo de Manila
University Press, pp. 127-138.
Claudio-Pascua, Ma. Valerie (2005) ‘Are there generational differences in work
values?’ in Hechanova, Ma. Regina & Franco, Edna (2005) (Eds.) The Way We
Work: Research and Best Practices in Philippine Organizations. Ateneo de Manila
University Press. Pp. 18-28.

Topic 6: Reinventing and Reengineering/ Differences in Public, Private and Volunteer


Reinventing/Reengineering and Change Management

Alampay, E. A. J.C. Olpoc and R.M. Hechanova (2016) ‘Competing Values

Regarding Internet Use in “Free” Philippine Society Institutions’ republished in
Introduction to Pubic Administration in the Philippines: A Reader (Third Edition)

Carino, LV; Briones, LM; Florano, ER and Follosco, KC (2005) Reinventing Philippine
Governance for Globalization. PJPA, 49 (2005/1-2) 150-204. Also included in
Introduction to PA in the Philippines: A Reader, Third Edition (2015), Vol. 1 pp 183-

Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler (1992) Reinventing Government: How the
Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. New York: Penguin.

Moe, Ronald C. (1994) The “Reinventing Government” Exercise: Misinterpreting the
Problem, Misjudging the Consequences. Public Administration Review. 55 (2)

Hammer, Michael and James Champy. (1994) Reengineering the Corporation: A

Manifesto for Business Revolution. London: Nicholas Beazley Publishing.
Reyes, Danilo R. (1998) Public Sector Reengineering: Practice, Prospects and
Problems. Philippine Journal of Public Administration. 42 (3 & 4) (July-October):

Heeks, Richard (Ed) (1999). Reinventing Government in the Information Age.

International practice in IT-enabled public sector reform. Routledge Research in
Information Technology and Society. Chapters 1-4

Comparisons between Public, Private and Volunteer Management

Allison, Graham T. (1980) ‘Public and Private Management: Are they Fundamentally
Alike in All Unimportant Respects? In Shafritz, and Hyde (2007) (Eds). Classics of
Public Administration, 6th Ed., London: Thomson, pp387-403.

Cariño, L. V. (1997). “Volunteer Sector Management (VSM) and its place in the
College of Public Administration.” Pahinungod Annual. University of the Philippines

Topic 7: New Organizational Forms and Organizational Partnerships

Brinkerhoff, D.W. and Brinkerhoff, J.M. (2011) ‘Public-Private Partnerships:

Perspectives on Purposes, Publicness and Good Governance.’ Public
Administration and Development 31, 2-14, Wiley online library.

Heckscher, C. (1994) Defining the post-bureaucratic type, from The post-

bureauctratic organization: new perspectives on organizational change. Hecksher
and Donnalson Eds. Newberry Park, CA. Sage.

Applegate, Lynda M. (1999) In Search of a new Organizational Model: Lessons from

the Field. in Shaping Organization Form. Communication, Connection and
Community. Gerardine Desanctis and Janet Fulk (Editors). Institute for Operations
research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Friedman, T. (2005) The World is Flat: a Brief History of the 21st Century Chapters
1-3 (or you could see his lecture at

Homburg, V. (2008) Understanding E-government: Information systems in public

administration. Routledge, London and New York, Ch. 4 Bureaucracy and Virtual
Organizations, pp. 57-72

Rubery, J. and D. Grimshaw (2001) “ICTs and employment: The problem of job
quality” The Digital Divide: Employment and Development Implications.
International Labour Review. Vol. 140 No.2 2001/2 International Labour

Markus ML, Manville and Agres (2014) “What makes as virtual organization work?
Lessons from the opensource world”

Topic 8: An Overview of Managerial Functions and Processes

Bateman, Thomas S. and Scott A. Snell (2005) Management: The New Competitive
Landscape. New York: McGraw-Hill and Irwin. Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Stoner, James A. F., R. Edward Freeman, and Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr. (1995)
Management. 6th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International,
Inc. Chapters 10, 12, 16, 20.
Cunliffe, Ann (2008) Ch 1: organization structure and design, in Organizational
Theory. Sage Publications, pp 25-53.

A. Human Resources Management

Berman, E., Bowman, J. and J. West (2010) The Public Service Heritage: Context,
Continuity and Change, Chapter 1 in Human Resource Management in Public
Service: Paradoxes, Processes and Problems 3rd Edition, Los Angeles, Sage

McGregor, D.M. (1957) The Human Side of Enterprise, In Shafritz, and Hyde
(2007) (Eds). Classics of Public Administration, 6th Ed., London: Thomson, pp 158-

Herzberg, F (1966) “The Motivation-Hygiene Theory” in Pugh (1997) Organization

Theory. Selected Readings (1997) pp. 369-386.

Franco, E. (2008) ‘Framing the Meanings of Work for Filipinos?’ in Hechanova,

M.R. & Franco, E. (2008) (Eds.) Leading Philippine Organizations in a Changing
World: Research and Best Practices. Ateneo de Manila University Press, pp. 3-15

B. The Development of Public Personnel Administration

Domingo, M.O. and Reyes, D.R. (2011) Performance Management Reforms in the
Philippines in Reyes, Tapales, Domingo and Mendoza (Eds) (2015) Introduction to
Public Administration in the Philippines, A Reader (Third Edition) Volume I.NCPAG-
UP Diliman, pp. 215-238.

Riccucci, Norma M. and Katherine C. Naff (2008) Personnel Management in

Government: Politics and Process. Sixth Edition. Florida: CRC Press.

Riccucci, Norma M. (editor) (2006) Public Personnel Management: Current

Concerns, Future Challenges. 4th edition. New York: Longman

Riley, Dennis (2002) Public Personnel Administration. 2nd Edition. New York:
Addison-Wesley. Chapter 1.

C. Organizational Purpose and Managerial Decision Making

Anseil, C. and Gash, A. (2008) Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice in
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) 18: 543-571, Oxford
University Press.

Bateman, T.S., and Snell, S. (2005) Management: The New Competitive

Landscape, McGraw-Hill Irwin. Chapter 3- Managerial Decision-Making, pp64-104.
Cunliffe, Ann (2008) Organizational Theory. Sage Publications, review pp 17-19.
Daft, Richard (2010) Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: South-Western
Cengage Publishing. Chapter 2, pp 55-87.
Evidence Based Planning (suggested readings to follow).

D. Leadership, Control and Managing Change

By, T.R. (2005). “Organizational Change Management: A Critical Review” Journal
of Change Management Vol. 5, No. 4, 360-380.

Daft (2010) Ch. 11. Innovation and Change

Follet, M. P. (1949) “The Essentials of Leadership” in The Classics of Management

(Merill, H. (Ed). (1970), American Management Association.

Mayoralgo-Nolasco, Jocelyn (2008) ‘East Meets West: Differences in Leadership’ in’

in Hechanova, M.R. & Franco, E. (2008) (Eds.) Leading Philippine Organizations in
a Changing World: Research and Best Practices. Ateneo de Manila University
Press, pp. 90-101.
Mendiola Teng-Calleja, Ma. Regina M. Hechanova, Ramon Benedicto Alampay,
Nico A. Canoy, Edna P. Franco & Erwin A. Alampay (2016): Transformation in
Philippine Local Government, Local Government Studies

TOPIC 9: Issues and Concerns in Organization and Management in a Globalized


Daft, Richard (2010) Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: South-Western

Cengage Publishing. Part 3, Open System and Design Elements. Pp 137-168

A. Total Quality Management

Bowman, James S. (1995) At Last An Alternative to Performance Appraisal: Total

Quality Management. Public Administration Review. 54 (2) (March/April): 129-136.
Mariano, Vicente D. (2003) Total Quality Management and Philippine Local
Government Units. In Bautista, et al (eds). Introduction to Public Administration in the
Philippines: A Reader. 2nd Edition. Quezon City: University of the Philippines National
College of Public Administration and Governance. pp. 540-553

Hackman, J. Richard. and Ruth Wageman. (1995) Total Quality Management:

Empirical, Conceptual, and Practical Issues. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40
(91): 309-342

Mangahas, Joel V. and Ma. Daryl Leyesa (2003) Improving Government
Administration Through TQM. In Bautista, et al (editors), pp. 507-539. Introduction
to Philippine Public Administration: A Reader. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance. 2nd Edition.
(Also in the Philippine Journal of Public Administration. 42 (3 & 4) (July-October):

B. Organizations in a Globalization, Networks and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) (2019) Transformation of work in the
Asia-Pacific. Downloadable at

Domingo, Ma. Oliva Z. (1996) Globalization, Organizations, and Public

Administration. Philippine Journal of Public Administration. 42 (3 & 4) (July-October).
pp. 157-183.

Daft, Richard L. (1997) Essentials of Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: South-
Western College Publishing. Chapters 7, 8, and 14
Friedman, T. (2005) “The World is Flat: a Brief History of the 21st Century” Chapters
1-3 (or you could see his lecture at

C. Gender equality

Loutfi, M.F. (Ed) (2001) Women, gender and work: What is equality and how do we
get there? (Part II: Concepts and Values, pp. 22-69)


Read Republic Act 11165 or The Telecommuting Act or “Work from Home Law.”
EO 366
RA 6656

Tentative Course Session Schedule

Wk Date Topic/Activity
1 Jan 11 Course Introduction and Expectation Setting

Assignment of Readings (theorists) ; Read Ch. 1 of Daft (2010)

Library Research (on classical theorists)

2 Jan 18 Introduction to Organizational Theory/ Differences in Public and Private


Read Chapter 1 and 2 of Pollitt, pp. 1-25 and pp. 26-59.; Chapter 1 of
Daft 2010

3 Jan 25 Classical Organizational Theory

4 Feb 1 Neo-Classical
Elton Mayo
Barnard (on the Informal Organization)
Mary Parker Follet

Reading : Denhart and Catlaw (2015) Ch. 5 “Organizational Humanism

and the New Public Administration” pp. 89-101
5 Feb 8 Systems Theory, Contingency Theory / Organizational Culture
6 Feb Re-engineering and Reinventing Government/
15 Osborne & Gaebler
— Heeks, R. (1999) “Reinventing Government in the Information

7 Feb New Organizational Forms:

22 -Virtual Organizations
-Networked Organizations
Read: R.A. on Work from Home

Homburg, V. (2008) Understanding E-government: Information

systems in public administration. Routledge, London and New
York, Ch. 4 Bureaucracy and Virtual Organizations, pp. 57-72
Daft (2010) see Ch. 8- Using IT for Coordination and Control

8 Feb Current and Future Issues (Read Pollit Ch. 6-7, pp. 125-151)
29 - Artifical Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Gender and the workplace (see Loutfi 2001) Ch. 2-4

Synthesis and Review

9 Mar 7 Overview on Organizational Functions and Processes/

Organizing, Human Resource Management and Public Personnel
10 Mar Managerial Decision-Making and Planning
• Anseil, C. and Gash, A. (2008) Collaborative Governance in
Theory and Practice in Journal of Public Administration Research
and Theory (JPART) 18: 543-571, Oxford University Press.
• Denhart and Catlaw (2015) Ch. 4 “The Rational Model of
Organization” pp. 89-101
• Daft (2010) Chapter 12: Decision making processes.

11 Mar Leadership and Control

• Types of Leaders/Mary Parker Follet
• Control and Total Quality Management (TQM)/ Globalization and
Organizational Challenges
• Daft (2010) CH. 11 Innovation and Change

12 Mar Strategic Management; Positioning the Organization

Readings: Daft (2010) Ch. 4-6
Mangahas (TQM); Domingo (Globalization)
14 Apr 11 Holy Week (Black Saturday)/No Classes
15 Apr 18 Administrative Journal Presentations 1
16 Apr 25 BREAK (Dr. Alampay will be out of town)
17 May 2 Administrative Journal Presentations 2
18 May 9 Administrative Journal Presentations 3


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