Exercise Academic Writing

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Puspitasari, L. P1 (A320180176), Riyadisty, A. P2 (A320180184),

Ekarisna, B. A3 (A320180192)
Department English of Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Surakarta, Indonesia

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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This research aimed at investigating whether or not playing a role as youtuber
improves Department English of Education (DEE) student’s confidence in public
speaking. This research was qualitative research and used random sampling technique to
determine the samples. There were ten learners chosen as samples in this study, and they
were divided into two groups. The first group contained six learners who had not played
a role as youtuber yet in speaking class, while the another one contained four learners
who had played a role as youtuber in speaking class. The result showed that learners
who had played a role as youtuber in speaking class gained their confidence in public
Keywords: play a role as youtuber, speaking confidence, speaking class

Nowadays, speaking skill is required for all people within the world including
students. The rapid development of computer and Internet technologies has helped the
learning especially in speaking. Improving speaking skill will help people to
speak easily to every other without misunderstanding and misapprehension. The
info from country First English Proficiency Index in 2017 shows the Ranks for Indonesia
English Proficiency Index remains in 39th position in Asia region. The
information shows from nation skill in Indonesia is occupied rock bottom rank which
implies it has to be improved. In Indonesia, people learn English as their foreign language
(EFL) and still find some problems associated with speaking skill and influence to their
English proficiency. So as to own specific way in improving speaking skill, students
significantly have strategies towards it. One strategy that will discuss during this study is
that the use of Video Blog or called Vlog through YouTube as a video sharing website by

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watch and creates it. Therefore, it's a good opportunity for the teacher to use this fact as
the way to improve their students’ speaking skills.
Speaking is sort of a complex skill because a minimum of it's concerned with
components of pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies and fluency. In keeping
with Nunan (1999), there are two main aspects of speaking skill; accuracy and fluency.
Accuracy implies that the speakers are required to use the right vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation. While fluency implies that the speakers are required to be ready to keep
going when speaking spontaneously. However, it does not imply that the speakers speak
so fast because sometimes pausing is significant. However, it doesn't mean that the
speakers speak so fast because sometimes pausing is vital. Brown (2016) shows that only
highly motivated learners could extend the skill. Rahman (2013) added that EFL students
do not have the motivation and the drive to do improvising in their speaking because they
are fear making mistake. Besides, the scholars of the speaking class still have a problem
in presenting their ideas about certain topics (Anggareni & Wulanjani, 2017). Ellis (2008)
stated that the scholars struggle to develop their speaking skill because they do not have
enough time to practice it. EFL learners commonly taught grammar a lot than other skills,
so that they are smarter in grammar than speaking skill (Silva, 2010).
Many strategies have been done by implementing various activities to support
learning like do a role play, discussion, games, drill or using information gap activities
which in keeping with Harmer (1991: 95) can make students practice speaking as in live
communication. There are a lot of media that help students to expand their performance,
one of them is IT. Information and Technology construct the students’ speaking ability.
IT means the employment of hardware, software, services and supporting framework to
manage and deliver information using voices, data and video (Khan, 2013). The data age
becomes a period of erudition providing sound and unrivalled feasibility for discovery,
exchange of information, communication and exploration to strengthen the teaching-
learning process. Another study by Falahudin (2014) states that the roles of the teacher
are to supply, show, guide, and motivate the scholars, so they will interact with various
learning resources. It’s not only about resources within the style of people, but also other
learning resources. Not only learning resources that are intentionally designed for
learning purposes but also available learning resources. All learning resources that
may be found, chosen and used as a learning resource for the scholars.
In the other hand, Muna (2011) has been making research by using YouTube as
learning media within the classroom. The use of YouTube as a learning media is effective
because students can improve their speaking skills. The utilization of YouTube as a
learning media is effective because students can improve their speaking skills. It may
be seen from vocabulary improvement, grammar, pronunciation, and concepts associated
with the content of the subject. Thus, through technology students have high
motivation to be told like it provides active engagement, collaborative teamwork, and it
helps students with wider sources (Phillips, 2014). Talking about activities, this is

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often certainly associated with the creativity and integrity of a lecturer. Vlog is one
amongst media latest technologies that opened new ways of communication through
public created media (Baran, 2007). it's clear that short segments of video blog are more
practical within the teaching learning process because the teacher can choose any part
which of certain language that may be learned and practiced by the scholars.
Previous studies have researched assorted strategies to improve L2 learners’
speaking skill, however a present strategy that may discuss in this study is the use of
Youtube video or known as a video sharing website by watching and creating it. How
Youtube video does influence students’ understanding in English, especially to improve
speaking competence will be explained further in this paper. Youtube video does offer a
wider experience than the sites with blogging in the form of text because it consists of
video, sound, pictures, and text, increase the information content, and emotions which are
shared with other internet users. YouTube is regarded by the researchists as an alternative
to improve students’ speaking skill so that after making YouTube videos, students are
expected to speak in English fluently. Students can also know the new vocabulary and the
pronunciation that can give them the improvement. Moreover, students will be more
confident when they are speaking English because they get used it. Speaking skill will be
better if it is supported by drilling the conversation. The more benefit is students can also
learn new accents and practice them when they are recording the video. Therefore,
through this paper, the researchist will learn and evaluate how students’ perspective on
the use of Youtube video and their strategies to use it because this research was done to
answer the research questions: (1) how is student’s perspective on the use Youtube video
to improve speaking skill? (2) what is student’s strategy in using video blog to improve
speaking skill?

Sari (2019) investigated the perceptions of various researchers in terms of develop
the speaking skills. Sari reported that the use of YouTube in learning practice improves
speaking skills as a learning medium. By using YouTube, students can hone the demands
of the 21st century to develop English communication in productive activities. Students
can also develop creativity and hone critical thinking skills in solving problems. In
addition, YouTube can also be used in the teaching process to increase student
independence in learning which can still be monitored by the teacher.
Lestari (2019) compared strategies between the result of pre-test and posttest
taught by using English YouTube channel in an experimental class. Lestari reported that
students score of pretest and post-test among experimental group and control group are
different. The students' speaking score in control group has showed a slight increase. The
students’ speaking score in experimental group has showed greater development. Can be
said that students’ performance in the pretest and post-test are both has shown not only
about progress but also use of the English YouTube Channel.

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Meinawati, et al. (2020) has observed the implementation of YouTube for
teaching expressive English speaking. Meinawati, et al. found that students speak more
expressively, and they don't have to worry about the phrases they use when speaking.
Students focus on the video and pay more attention to the material that delivered through
YouTube. Seems like the students imitate native speaking speakers which enables them
to speak English confidently.
Riswandi (2016) examined the process of teaching and learning activities that
help students to improve their fluency in speaking. Riswandi reported that watching
YouTube based video is able to help the students train their pronunciation, improve their
vocabulary, and learn grammar automatically. The speaking test score met the criteria for
success. In addition, students are actively involved in learning activities and have high
motivation towards the use of YouTube based video in speaking class.
Lestari N (2019) examined the students' perspectives on the use of video blog to
improve good speaking. Lestari N reported that the students very excited and feel
challenging in speaking English. The use of video blog through various strategies can
increase student motivation. Furthermore, students have good English skills by using
video blog as a learning media. Seems like video blog is effective to improve students'
speaking skill.
Gunada (2017) examined solutions to overcome student who have problems in
speaking through IT media. Gunada reported that the students have better exposure to
speaking aspects such as add vocabulary, practice their pronunciation and intonation via
YouTube as an IT based media. YouTube video allow students to have access to English
spoken by native speakers. Students feel comfortable and not bored to learning at school,
and they can improve their knowledge in speaking English with YouTube as a facilitator.
Jati, et al. (2020) examined YouTube tutorial videos with non-native English
speakers (NNES) is able to improve their speaking skill in performing procedure text. Jati
found that non-native English speakers (NNES) videos are helpful for the students
because they tend to speak slower with clearly articulation. Students can observe and
imitate the speaker's words well. The fluency of students in speaking English also
increased, and they were more confident in speaking because they knew the correct
imperative sentence patterns to enumerating steps in the procedure text.
Valimbo (2017) has examined if the video blog (vlog) can improve students'
speaking skill and has investigated how far the improvement students' speaking skill is.
The data are taken from the qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data are
obtained by observation and interview. The quantitative data are obtained by speaking
test and questionnaire. Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the
use of the video blog is more efficient and effective for teaching speaking to the seventh-
grade students of Middle School. The students can fix their lack of such as pronunciation,
vocabulary, and grammar.
Rajulain (2020) has investigated the employment of the YouTube platform in
assessing students` speaking performance. The teachers, therefore, are expected to adapt
to this new regulation in improving their students` speaking skill. Information and

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Technology rapid advancement has allowed the teachers to apply it in teaching and
learning process. In applying YouTube in speaking assessment, there are three stages of
activities, namely pre-activity, main activity, and post=activity. The benefits which are
provided by the current technologies should be exploited wisely in enhancing teaching
and learning process. The application of this method, therefore, are required to transform
them from being passive receivers to active creators of visual media messages.
Maulidah (2017) has examined the concept of vlog and practical view to
implement it in the class. To collect data, she uses an assessment rubric. The rubric
describes the levels of proficiency criteria; excellent, good, average, poor. The result is
Vlog significantly improves students’ speaking ability. It can boost students’
encouragement by providing fun and accessible learning process. In addition, it promotes
good presentation in students’ speaking performance. They are able to interact in
authentic environment to get a lot of exposure in speaking. In addition, students get a
chance to build up their autonomous learning.
Meilinda (2018) has investigated the difference in speaking achievement between
using Youtube video with snowball throwing technique and who are not. To collect the
data, speaking test is administered twice as the pretest and posttest for both groups. The
result reveals that there is a significant difference in speaking skill between students
taught by using Youtube video with snowball throwing technique and those who are not.
Last, there is a significant difference among good, average, and poor speaking categories
among the sample. The data show that the snowball throwing technique has successfully
encouraged students to have better speaking ability than those who are not taught by
using this strategy.
Muhsin (2019) has examined the study to improve the students’ speaking skills
through video blogging as media. This study answers two questions;how is the
implementationof video blogging as media in improving the students’ speaking skills and
whether any improvement after implementing video blogging as media in the students’
speaking skills. The research design of this study is Classroom Action Research. It is
included two cycles. Each cycle consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
From the study, the researcher can conclude that the implementation of the study
improves gradually from cycle 1 and cycle 2. The improvement of the study is showed
from each cycle. The result of the post-test from cycle 1 and cycle 2 are 56.75% and
86.75% from students. The students pass the passing grade in cycle 2. The passing grade
of cycle 2 is over the target, so the researcher stop the study. Thus, video blogging as
media proved that it can improve the students’ speaking skills.
Anggraeni, Rachmijati, Apriliyanti (2020) have investigated a vlog to see the
improvement of students’ speaking skill. The method of this research is mixed methods.
The research subjects are 13 vlogs made by students on the topic of spot tourism. The 13
vlogs are by assessed using the rubric developed by Dan Rooney (1998). The result is
that using vlog deems to be improving students’ speaking skill especially in the area of

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vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation and intonation. However the most common mistakes
found are the way they deliver the introduction, how to form conclusions and the last is
the grammatical structure.
Wulandari (2017) has examined whether Instagram Vlog contribute to the
improvement of EFL’s speaking ability. It also has examined learners’ perceptions on the
integration of Instagram Vlog in a speaking class. To collect the data, there are 28
participants involved in this research. To determine the impact of the Instagram Vlog on
EFL learners’ speaking ability, pre- and post-tests are administered to measure the
improvement. The results indicates that the implementation of Instagram Vlog into a
basic-level speaking class improves the learners’ speaking proficiency in terms of
pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, syntax, and general use of the target language.
Ilyas and Putri (2020) have observed whether Youtube channel as an alternative
social media to improve EFL student’s speaking skill. Ilyas and Putri found that the
researched students in the class were motivated by Youtube. Ilyas and Putri has reported
that through Youtube, the students were confident to speak without worrying their
limitation. Furthermore, they also interacted actively with the lecturer and researcher
during learning process. In the post-test, the students were braver to speak in answering
although they still make mistakes, but the mistakes are less than in pre-test. It seems
Youtube strengthens students’ positive learning attitude through incorporating classroom
teaching to supplement language learning especially speaking.
Rachmijati, Anggraeni, and Apriliyanti (2019) have observed the implementation
of blended learning through Youtube media for improving students’ speaking skill.
Rachmijati, Anggraeni, and Apriliyanti have reported that the vlogging application for
speaking learning through the blended learning method has improved in the vocabulary,
fluency, pronunciation, and intonation aspects. In here, the researchers have used 13
vlogs made by students for examining. The researchers have wanted focusing on
analyzing the students’ self-confident when applying the blended learning
implementation through vlogging. Rachmijati, Anggraeni, and Apriliyanti have founded
that the highest vlog value was 84 and the lowest was 74. It generally has increased
students’ creativity. Moreover, it can be seen that there is a ratio of 2.8 points for
vocabulary, 7.9 points for fluency, 10.9 points for pronunciation and 2.1 points for
intonation. It seems that blended learning through Youtube Vlogging application is
related to students’ speaking abilities.
Albahlal (2019) has observed the impact of Youtube on improving students’
speaking skill through English language teachers’ perspectives. Albahlal has revealed that
teachers have positive perspective of using Youtube in developing speaking skill. They
said that Youtube videos help students in guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words,
improving their speaking skill, and preventing students from going astray while speaking
and listening to the videos. Albahlal also has founded that the English language teachers

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appear to be curious towards the idea of Youtube videos, and they have shown their
interest to their experience in using Youtube videos in the classroom as a teaching
material. In implication, there are different ways to use Youtube in the class, and the best
way is asking students to mention some details they see in the video.
Harianja and Fibriasari (2019) have examined Youtube as the learning media to
improve the speaking skill in expression oral course. They have revealed that the students
were bored in learning earlier because they used book only. After applying Youtube in
learning process, the students are enthusiastic in the learning process, and their speaking
ability is improving. It seems that Youtube supports the learning process very well.
Youtube has helped with the local cultural situation.
Taqwa and Sandi (2019) have examined the students’ experiences of using vlogs
in English learning. They have revealed that the student has felt challenging even made a
guideline. The guideline has been important and would help him a lot to deliver the
content that wanted to convey. The guideline also must be detail and clear. Taqwa and
Sandi also have founded that through Youtube Vlogging, the vocabulary and editing skill
can be gained. Youtube Vlogging has made the student has a new challenging experience.
Rahayu and Putri (2018) has examined the uploading speaking assignment to
Youtube channel as an effort in increasing student’s pronunciation skill. They have
revealed that Youtube us able to improve student’s effort in learning pronunciation since
they had bigger motivation to have better English performance. Rahayu and Putri also
have founded that the students also are motivated because they think people might watch
their video in Youtube channel. However, some students have not prepared anything to
make videos since they have admitted that they had no time to do so. The results also
have shown that some students did not have any effort to perform well English in their
videos. They have argued that they have not had some time to prepare because of a lot of
assignments. From that, they also have founded the way of each students’ problems.

1. Research Design
This research applies qualitative method that explains a phenomenon by
collecting data by questionnaire and semi-structured interview.
2. Participant
The research was conducted at Department English of Education, Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta. The participants were selected from 10 students of 5 th
semester in a small class of speaking. They were also classified into two groups based
on the use of YouTube in speaking learning. The first group consists of 6 students
who ever played a role as youtuber in speaking class. The second group consisted of 4
students who have not ever play a role as youtuber in speaking class. The selected

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participants will be asked to fill questionnaire and answer the semi-interview
3. Research Instrument and Procedure
A questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were applied to this research
data. The questionnaire was conducted by Google form, and the semi-structured
interview was conducted by WhatsApp call.
a. Questionnaire
The questionnaire has the specific questions about the students’ speaking
score, the intensity of streaming Youtube video, what kind of Youtube video
they liked, and whether they ever try to make a Youtube video by themselves
or play a role as youtuber.
b. Semi-Structured Interview
It is done after the questionnaire was fulfilled. It was conducting for
validating the students’ data taken by questionnaire. The participants of this
procedure are the students who ever or often play a role as youtuber.
4. Data Analysis
The data analysis techniques that used are data reduction, data selection activities,
and simplification of data. The data presentation consists of bundles of information in
a narrative text that arranged and summarized so that it can be understood. Those
things were done gradually then we did a summarizing through a discussion with
collaboration associate. For ensuring the data validity, we used triangulation.
Triangulation is a collection data technique that combines various data collection
techniques that existed.


Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that playing a role as
youtuber can gain the DEE students’ confidence in public speaking, but some students
stated that their confidence will be gained depends on the content of Youtube video. They
also argue that when they are confidence, they also make the video fluently. Their mind
will be focus, brave, and the words that the words that tumbled out of their mouths are
ample and appropriate. So, it means that the speaking skill is also improved. Most of
them also want to be a youtuber with various theme such as entertainment.
Reflecting on the implementation and the result of the study, there are some
suggestions proposed by the researcher. Playing a role as youtuber is good enough and
recommended in teaching speaking for gaining DEE students’ confidence in speaking
even in their speaking skill. It is expected to be used as another choice of giving students’
experience in learning English speaking. It is also expected to help students to make
progress and share information when they are not in the classroom.

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(Maulidiyah, 2020; Meinawati et al., 2020; Sari, 2018; Situmorang, 2020; Taqwa & Sandi,
2019)Maulidiyah, F. (2020). Are you ready to vlog? A newly sophisticated way to improve
students’ speaking ability. Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-
REaLL), 1(1), 37. https://doi.org/10.33474/j-reall.v1i1.5116
Meinawati, E., Harmoko, D. D., Rahmah, N. A., & Dewi, N.-. (2020). Increasing English
Speaking Skills Using Youtube. Polyglot: Jurnal Ilmiah, 16(1), 1.
Sari, P. (2018). Using Vlog in the Youtube Channel as a Means To Improve Students’
Motivation And Confidence to Speak English in Intermediate 1 Level of LB-LIA Jambi.
Situmorang, R. (2020). Vlog dalam pembelajaran ips dan kepercayaan diri siswa sekolah dasar.
Taqwa, A. , & Sandi, V. N. (2019). Students’ Experiences of Using Vlog to Learn English.
Journal of Foreign Languange Teaching and Learning, 4(1), 1–13.

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