Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes For Seed Longevity: Pallavi, M., Sandhya Kishore, N. and Praven Kumar, G
Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes For Seed Longevity: Pallavi, M., Sandhya Kishore, N. and Praven Kumar, G
Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes For Seed Longevity: Pallavi, M., Sandhya Kishore, N. and Praven Kumar, G
A total of 21 genotypes of Soybean stored in cloth bags for a period of 8 months under ambient conditions were screened
for storability to identify genotypes showing better storability for use in crop improvement programme as soybean seed
storage is a major problem in tropics. All the genotypes recorded 70% germination i.e standard germination as per
Indian Minimum Seed certification Standards even after 8 months of storage. A positive association was reported in
relation to germination percentage and test weight of seed. In general non hairy poded genotypes had higher
germination (mean 87%) compared to hairy podded genotypes in storage. The genotypes RKS 18 and NRC 2007 2-19
were found to be superior in terms of germination, SVI I & SVI II even after 8 months of storage.
Key words : Genotypes, Hairy pods, Non hairy pods, Soybean, Seed Longevity
Soybean (Glycine max L.Merill) is an important crop in the seed losses in Soybean viz., rapid loss of vigour and
world. It is considered as a miracle crop due to extensive germination percentage are the major challenging
nutritive qualities i.e 40-42% quality protein, 18-22% oil of problem for the crop scientists and which in turn creating
which 85% is unsaturated fatty acids which is highly shortage in the availability of quality Soybean seed to the
desirable for human health. In addition it also contains 5% farmers every year. However, one of the major problem of
of important amino acids, lysine, omega 3 fatty acid and is soybean cultivation in tropics and subtropics is rapid
also rich in minerals and vitamins. Many developing deterioration of seed in storage, leading to poor
countries in the tropics show interest in the production of germination and suboptimal plant stand. Bhatnagar [4]
Soybean to meet their increasing demand for protein and also reported that the major problem faced in soybean
vegetable oil. In the international world trade markets, cultivation is its poor storability under ambient storage
Soybean is ranked number one in world among the major leading to poor plant stand. According to Hinson &
oil crops such as rape seed, ground nut, cotton seed, Hartwig [6] the loss of germination potential in soybean is
sunflower, linseed, sesame and safflower [5]. Soybean is a major problem in tropical countries as compared to
being cultivated as rainfed crop during Kharif season. temperate environment .The environmental conditions of
Presently India ranks fifth in acerage and production in the
high temperature and humidity in tropical countries such
global. Area with respect to Soybean cultivation has
as India make it difficult to store the seed with good
steadily increased over the years from 300 ha in 1961 to
germinability and viability for a longer period [3]. Hence
the present area of 120.37 million ha roducing a whopping
the most urgent need is to identify genotypes with
120.345 million tones with productivity level of 1017 kg/ha.
[8]. superior storability coupled with high yield and wider
adaptability for crop improvement programmes. Keeping
Majority of soybean is cultivated in temperate region this in view the present study was undertaken to screen
and its production has expanded tremendously to tropics. and select better storer lines in Soybean.
Seed production technology particularly post harvest
Genotype pod Germination % Seedling length SVI I Seedling Dry weight SVI II
0M 4m 8m 0M 4m 8m 0M 4m 8m 0M 4m 8m 0M 4m 8m
AMS MB 5-19 Hairy 87 84 79 14.10 13.02 11.15 1226.70 1093.68 880.85 0.934 1.66 1.3 1461.33 139.356 102.7
BHEEM Hairy 82 86 80 15.95 13.11 11.13 1307.90 1127.46 890.4 0.665 1.22 1.261 1088.07 105.092 100.88
NRC 2009 A-4-3 Hairy 87 85 75 17.91 13.09 12.48 1558.17 1112.65 936 0.74 1.64 1.405 1537.85 139.655 105.375
AMS 243 Hairy 87 85 78 15.73 12.99 11.11 1368.51 1104.15 866.58 0.809 1.41 1.63 1221.88 119.85 127.14
BASAR Hairy 87 81 78 16.00 12.48 12.1 1392.00 1010.88 943.8 1.005 1.63 1.617 1538.39 132.03 126.126
paroundAYT NRC 2008 B-26 Hairy 87 75 70 11.25 12.09 11.55 978.75 906.75 808.5 0.934 1.61 1.635 1300.07 120.6 114.45
BRAGG Hairy 93 88 81 17.93 12.55 11.01 1667.49 1104.4 891.81 0.949 1.66 1.309 1475.95 145.64 106.029
AMS MB 5-18 Hairy 89 90 85 15.42 12.16 12.33 1372.38 1094.4 1048.1 0.84 1.02 1.725 1071.11 91.98 146.625
DS 2614 Hairy 90 82 81 17.39 12.96 10.62 1565.10 1062.72 860.22 1.101 0.93 1.338 799.14 76.178 108.378
AYT II NRC 2007 A-3-1 Hairy 94 78 75 12.08 12.39 12.62 1135.52 966.42 946.5 0.975 1.82 1.685 1722.63 141.96 126.375
Pallavi et al.,
AYT III NRC 2007 A-2-3 Hairy 95 91 75 16.94 13.28 11.67 1609.30 1208.48 875.25 1.071 1.93 1.28 1692.73 175.994 96
Mean 89 84 78 15.52 12.7 11.6 1380.17 1072.0 904.4 0.91 1.503 1.471 1355.38 126.212 114.553
KDS 344 Non hairy 80 83 80 13.38 13.08 10.82 1070.40 1085.64 865.6 1.166 1.4 1.43 1211.84 116.2 114.4
GP 13 Non hairy 85 88 91 13.42 13.57 10.62 1140.70 1194.16 966.42 0.818 1.13 1.725 1089.16 99.176 156.975
KS 103 Non hairy 89 91 91 11.63 13.13 10.79 1035.07 1194.83 981.89 0.697 1.13 1.375 1109.54 102.83 125.125
JS 335 Non hairy 82 90 89 14.53 13.44 12.43 1191.46 1209.6 1106.3 0.974 1.35 1.289 1490.15 121.23 114.721
RKS 18 Non hairy 85 90 91 13.67 13.93 12.28 1161.95 1253.7 1117.5 0.894 1 1.771 1118.60 90.09 161.161
AYT II NRC 2007 2-19 Non hairy 84 88 89 15.14 13.16 11.88 1271.76 1158.08 1057.3 1.018 1.44 2.031 1524.66 126.896 180.759
NRC 2011 F-1-15 Non hairy 80 85 80 15.17 12.16 12.98 1213.60 1033.6 1038.4 0.85 2.17 1.699 2255.40 184.62 135.92
DSB 20 Non hairy 80 85 82 16.20 12.97 11.76 1296.00 1102.45 964.32 0.955 1.58 1.327 1525.55 134.47 108.814
GP 18 Non hairy 85 92 86 18.36 13.14 11.25 1560.60 1208.88 967.5 1.067 1.3 1.758 1261.62 119.968 151.188
JS 93-05 Non hairy 87 90 89 18.45 13.22 10.1 1605.15 1189.8 898.9 1.174 1.98 1.683 1782.52 178.47 149.787
Mean 84 88 87 15.00 13.2 11.5 1254.67 1163.1 996.4 0.96 1.449 1.609 1436.90 127.395 139.885
Grand Mean 87 86 82 15.28 12.9 11.6 1323.12 1113.4 946.2 0.93 1.478 1.534 1392.43 126.750 126.067
Pallavi et al., 3215
Genotype Pod Test weight Germination Total Seedling Dry Seedling Seedling
character (g) % Seedling weight (g) Vigour index Vigour Index
length I II
AMS MB 5-19 Hairy 11.4 87 14.10 0.934 1226.7 81.26
BHEEM Hairy 10.73 82 15.95 0.665 1307.9 54.53
NRC 2009 A-4-3 Hairy 11.65 87 17.91 0.74 1558.17 64.38
AMS 243 Hairy 10.15 87 15.73 0.809 1368.51 70.38
BASAR Hairy 11.85 87 16.00 1.005 1392 87.44
AYT NRC 2008 B-26 Hairy 10.88 87 11.25 0.934 978.75 81.26
BRAGG Hairy 11.48 93 17.93 0.949 1667.49 88.26
AMS MB 5-18 Hairy 11.61 89 15.42 0.84 1372.38 74.76
DS 2614 Hairy 11.64 90 17.39 1.101 1565.1 99.09
AYT II NRC 2007 A-3-1 Hairy 11.97 94 12.08 0.975 1135.52 91.65
AYT III NRC 2007 A-2-3 Hairy 11.73 95 16.94 1.071 1609.3 101.75
Mean 11.37 88.91 15.52 0.91 1380.17 81.34
KDS 344 Non hairy 11.25 80 13.38 1.166 1070.4 93.28
GP 13 Non hairy 9.96 85 13.42 0.818 1140.7 69.53
KS 103 Non hairy 11.17 89 11.63 0.697 1035.07 62.03
JS 335 Non hairy 13.42 82 14.53 0.974 1191.46 79.87
RKS 18 Non hairy 12.27 85 13.67 0.894 1161.95 75.99
AYT II NRC 2007 2-19 Non hairy 13.69 84 15.14 1.018 1271.76 85.51
NRC 2011 F-1-15 Non hairy 15.41 80 15.17 0.85 1213.6 68.00
DSB 20 Non hairy 10.13 80 16.20 0.955 1296 76.40
GP 18 Non hairy 13.11 85 18.36 1.067 1560.6 90.70
JS 93-05 Non hairy 13.44 87 18.45 1.174 1605.15 102.14
Mean 12.39 83.70 15.00 0.96 1254.67 80.34
Grand Mean 11.83 86.54 15.28 0.93 1323.12 80.89
Pod No. of Germination % Test weight (g) Seedling Length Seedling Dry Seedling Vigour Seedling Vigour
Character Genotypes (cm) Weight (g) index I Index II
Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range
Hairy 11 88.9 82 to 95 11.37 10.15 to 15.52 11.25 to 0.91 0.74 to 1380.17 978.7 to 81.34 54.53 to
11.97 17.93 1.101 1667.5 101.75
Non Hairy 10 83.7 80 to 89 12.39 9.96 to 15 11.63 to 0.96 0.85 to 1254.67 1035.07 to 80.34 62.03 to
15.41 18.45 1.174 1605.15 102.14
Total 21 86.54 80 to 95 11.83 9.96 to 15.28 11.25 to 0.93 0.74 to 1323.12 978.7 to 80.89 54.53 to
15.41 18.45 1.174 1667.5 102.14
Table-5 : Frequency Distribution of Soybean genotypes for SVI on length basis (SVI I) = Average seedling
various seed quality parameters.
length X Germination Percentage
Class No. of Genotypes
SVI on dry weight basis (SVI II) = Average seedling
Hairy Non Hairy Total
dry weight X Germination Percentage
Germination %
80-85 1(9.09) 8(80) 9(42.8) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
85-90 7(63.6) 2(20) 9(42.8) The germination percentage and other seedling quality
90-95 3(27.3) - 3(14.3) parameters during the period of storage is presented in
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100)
Table: 2. The initial germination percentage ranged from
100 Seed Weight
80 to 95 percent and 70 to 91 percent 8 months after
9.1-10 - 1(10) 1(4.8) storage. Out of the 21 genotypes screened 11 genotypes
10.1-11 3(27.3) 1(10) 4(19.1) (52.4%) showed more than 80 % germination and 10
11.1-12 8(72.7) 2(20) 10(47.6)
genotypes (47.6%) showed less than 80% germination
12.1-13 - 1(10) 1(4.8)
however all the genotypes recorded standard germination
13.1-14 - 5(50) 5(23.8)
i.e 70% as per Indian Minimum Seed certification
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100)
Standards. Ashok Kumar et al [2] reported that 15% of
Seedling Length
Soybean genotypes recorded >90% germination 2 yrs
10-15 3(27.3) 5(50) 8(38.1)
after storage.
15-20 8(72.7) 5(50) 13(61.9)
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100) Out of the 21 genotypes studied pubescence was
tx180SVI I observed on pods in 52.4% genotypes and 47.6%
500-1000 1(9.1) - 1(4.8) genotypes recorded non hairy pods. Highest mean
1001-1500 6(54.5) 8(80) 14(66.7) germination was recorded in hairy pods (88.9 %) followed
1501-2000 4(36.4) 2(20) 6(28.6) by non hairy pods (83.7%). However some variation was
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100) observed with reference to seed vigour parameters. Hairy
Seedling Dry weight pods recorded higher initial seedling length, SVI I and SVI
0.5-0.75 2(18.2) 1(10) 3(14.3) II, while non hairy pods recorded higher seedling dry
0.76-1.00 6(54.5) 5(50) 11(52.4) weight.
1.01-1.25 3(27.3) 4(40) 7(33.3)
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100) Germination percentage in hairy poded genotypes
SVI II ranged from 82-95% at 0 months of storage and 70-85%
50-75 4(36.4) 3(30) 7(31.8) at 8 months of storage. Among non hairy poded
76-100 6(54.5) 6(60) 12(57.1) genotypes the germination percentage ranged from 80-
to101-125 1(9.1) 1(10) 2(9.5) 89% at 0 months of storage and 80-91% at 8 months of
Total 11(100) 10(100) 21(100) storage.
Table-6 : Relationship of Pod Hairiness with storability in Test weight in Soybean genotypes ranged from 9.96
soybean Genotypes. g to 13.41 g and mean of test weight for 21 genotypes of
Class No. of Genotypes Soybean was 11.83 g. In general non hairy genotypes
Hairy Non Hairy Total had bold seeds (12.39 g) when compared to hairy poded
>80% Germination 4(19.05) 10(47.62) 14(66.7) genotypes (11.37 g).Frequency distribution of Soybean
< 80% Germination 7(33.33) - 7 (33.3) genotypes for 100 seed weight (Table:5) showed that
majority of genotypes had test weight in the range of
Table-7 : Relationship of 100 seed weight with storability in 11.1-12 g. There was only one genotype with < 10 g of
soybean Genotypes. test weight and 5 genotypes recorded > 13 g of test
Class 100 seed weight (g) weight. Relationship of test weight with storability
> 11 < 11 Total revealed that (Table:7) 14 genotypes recorded > 80%
>80% Germination 11 3 14 germination, of which 11 genotypes had test weight > 11 g
< 80% Germination 5 2 7 while remaining possessed < 11 g of test weight. However
on contrary Ashok Kumar et al [2] reported storability had
a negative and significant correlation with test weight in
(g). Seedling vigour index (SVI I) was calculated using the
Soybean. Kanaka Durga & Keshavulu [7] recorded a
formula of Abdul Baki & Anderson [1].
positive association between storability and test weight in
Horse gram.
Pallavi et al., 3217
Seedling length (Table-4) ranged from 11.25 to tawny pubescence and purple flowers. Variation in
18.45 cm with an average of 15.28 cm. Hairy poded storability of soybean genotypes could be attributed to
genotypes were more vigorous in terms of Seedling differences in seed size and testa thickness among the
length i.e 15.52 cm compared to non hairy poded soybean genotypes [9,10].
genotypes (15 cm). Frequency distribution of soybean Based on this study it can be concluded that non hairy
genotypes for seedling length is given in Table:5. This poded genotypes though had lower initial mean
reveals that 13 genotypes had seedling length in the germination recorded > 80% germination in all the
range of 15-20 cm and 8 genotypes in the range of 10-15 genotypes 8 months after storage. They also recorded
cm. Among hairy genotypes 72.7% genotypes had higher seedling dry weight, SVI I and SVI II compared to
seedling length of 15-20 cm and 27.3% genotypes in the non hairy poded genotypes. Based on the study AMS MB
range of 10-15 cm. Among non hairy poded genotypes 5-18 from hairy poded genotypesn recorded good
50% of genotypes had seedling length of 10-15 cm and germination, SVI I and SVI II 8 months after storage.
50% with seedling length of 15-20 cm. Similarly from non hairy poded genotypes category
genotypes GP 13, KS 103 and RKS 18 recorded higher
Seedling dry weight among soybean genotypes SVI I and AYT II NRC 2007 2-19 recorded higher SVI II.
ranged from 0.74 to 1.174 g (Table-4) with an average of Among all the genotypes studied RKS 18 and AYT II NRC
0.93g. Non hairy poded genotypes had higher seedling 2007 2-19 were found superior in terms of germination,
dry weight of 0.96g compared to non hairy poded SVI I and SVI II even 8 months after storage.
genotypes (0.91g). Frequency distribution of soybean
genotypes for seedling dry weight (Table-5) showed that REFERENCES
majority of genotypes had seedling dry weight in the 1. Abdul Baki, A. A. and Anderson J. D (1973). Vigour
range of 0.76 to 1.00 g i.e 52.4%, while 33.3% recorded determination in Soybean seed by multiple criteria. Crop
Science. 13: 630-633.
higher seedling dry weight of > 1.01g while 14.3%
2. Ashok Kumar Kant K.; Dadlani, M.; Lal S.K. and Vinod
recorded dry weight of <0.76 g. 54.5% of hairy poded
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4. Bhatnagar, P. S. (1990). Soybean seed production in :
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Technology for increasing soybean production in India.
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and 28.6% of genotypes had high SVI I of 1501-2000. 5. Chung, G. and Singh, R.J. (2008). Broadening the genetic
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All the genotypes studied showed more than 70% Horsegram genotypes for seed longevity. Legume
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storers were non hairy poded genotypes (Table-6). 9. Tiwari, S.P. and Bhatia, V.S.(1996). Association of seed
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moisture permeable containers is a common practice by
10. Tiwari, S.P. and Joshi, H.J. (1989) Correlation and path
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