Fundamentals of Research

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Blue Hora University

College of educational and

Behavioral Sciences
Post graduate program

Educational planning and management department

Curse code: 6126


Fundamentals of research

A human beings have curiosity to know about our selves institutions

environment and the universe is inherent. In this questions are arising in
our mind like why does the educational system of the countries vary?
Why does the performance of similar organization vary? Etc so a
systematic search for an answer to a question or a solution to a problem
is called research.

Research has it’s own characteristics that distinguish research from

other sources of knowledge accordingly our paper deals with meaning
and detonation of research, characteristics of educational research and
scope of educational research.
Fundamentals of research
The term Research is perceived, defined, and classified differently among
producers and consumers. Research helps to make sound decisions. It is
a better source of knowledge than one’s own experience, beliefs, or
initiations alone sincitit systematically describes or measures reality.

Meaning of research
The term research was derived from the French word “re+search”
meaning to “travel through” or “survey” its equivalent English meaning is
“careful, systematic, patient study and investigations in some field of
knowledge, conducted to find facts or principles.”

Research is a deliberate human effort to extend his understanding about

the world in which he lives. It is a quest for knowledge. Research helps
us to find what is really happening, the costs and benefits, of certain
program so as to make judgment and make best decisions about the
program and able to justify these decisions to any one seeking

Research as systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing

information (data) for some purpose (James H. Me. Millan pg.9)

Research is concerned with finding answers for questions. It is a

systematic and scientific way of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting
data to reach sound, reliable, and valid conclusions. (Yalew Endawoke

Research is generally considered as a systematic inquiry involving a

series of interdependent and systematic steps. In other words a research
process consists of a series of actions or steps. These steps in research
are not separate and distinct. These series of steps are:-


Taking review
Action of

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on and
ses or
basic or

Summar the
izing the research
finding methodo

analysis and Validating the
interoperation of data gathering
data techniques

Steps in research process

The characteristics of educational research
The following characteristic are common to many types of research
conducted in education: include
Objective praise, verifiable explanatory, empirical, logical and

This seven characteristic taken together describe the nature of research.

1. Objectivity: it is both a procedure and characteristic.
Objectivity means unbiased a pen-minded, Not subjective. As a
procedure objectivity refers to data collection and analysis procedures
from which only one meaning and interpretation can be made.
Objectivity in qualitative (non-statistical) research means explicitness in
the wail the data were collocated. Categorized, Reconstructed, and
interpreted objectivity thus refers to the quality of the data produced by
the procedures for collecting and analyzing data and not to the
researcher’s personal characteristics.

The importance of objectivity is broader and pervades the entire research

process. Educational research is seldom conducted in a laboratory, and
it in values the study of human beings. Although objectivity is more
important in all research. It is more difficult in research on humans.

2. Precision: research uses a technical language. Technical research

language is employed not to confuse the reader but to convey exact
meanings. The concept of class room atmosphere, leader ship,
creativity and students engagement have precise meanings in
research that may differ from conventional meanings. Expression
such as validity and reliability in measurement, and research
design, random sample, and statistical significance convey
technical procedures. The most precise expression in qualitative
research is achieved through words rather than numbers.
Precision is expressed by extensive and detailed description in
order to convey subtle connofations and meanings.
Precision in research also refers to precise measurement. In studies that
use instruments such as tests, rating scales, observation schedules, or
closed response questionnaires and interviews, precise measurement is
crucial. Precise measurement in these studies refers to score validity and

3. Verification: to develop knowledge, a single study attempts to be

designed and presented in such a manner to allow verification the
result can be confirmed or revised in subsequent research. Results
can be verified in different ways depending on the purpose of the
original study. If the research tests a theory, then further testing
with other groups or in other settings could confirm or revise the
theory. If the researcher is qualitative exploratory study to propose
a theory, then the proposed theory could be verified with designs
using quantitative approaches. Some qualitative studies, however
provide descriptive understanding about relatively unique
situations. And these insights or understandings are extended. But
not replicated, in subsequent research of others situations or
historical eras for revision or confirmation. Qualitative researcher
is not verified in the same manners as quantitative research.

The characteristics of verification or extension also refers to sharing the

results of the study. Research is a social enterprise, and its information
is presented to the professional community for public security. Through
this process researchers develop a body of knowledge and identify new
research questions.
4. Parsimonious explanation: research attempts to explain relation
ships among phenomena and to reduce the explanation to simple
statements. The theory “frustration leads to aggression” is an
explanation that predicts, and it can be tested for verification. The
generalization “the cumulative effect of complex events, rather than
a single leader, causes wars” is an explanations that an
explanation that can be investigated further. The ultimate aim of
research is those to reduce complex realities to simple explanation.
5. Empiricism: research is characterized by a strong empirical
attitude and approach.
To the researcher empirical means guided by evidence obtained from
systematic research methods rather than by opinions or from
authorities. Empiricism and an empirical attitude require a temporary
suspension of personal experience and believes. Critical elements in
research are evidence and logical interpretation based on the evidence.

To a research, evidence is gathered in the form of data in a general sense

the terms data, sources and evidence are used synonymously, meaning
information obtained by research methods.
6. Logical reasoning: All researcher requires logical reasoning.
Reasoning is a thinning process, using prescribed rules of logic. In
which one proceeds from a general statement to the specific
conclusion (deduction) or the reverse from specific statements to a
generalization (induction).
In deductive reasoning: it the premises are correct then the conclusion
is automatically correct. The conclusion at a deductive logical syllogism
can never extend beyond the content of the premises totally “new”
conclusions do not occur because the premises are not with in existing
In indicative reasoning a researcher reaches a conclusion by observing
particular cases and generalizing from the cases to the whole class of
similar cases.
Deductive and inductive reasoning also characterize research approach.
Deductions from theory identify hypotheses which when tested specific
data provide results to confirm. Reject or modify the theory. This
approach from top down is called the hypothetic deductive approach and
is typically of quantitative experimental studies that investigate
hypotheses deduced from theories.

The empirico- indicative approach builds “abstraction as the particulars

that have been gathered are grouped together” (Bogdan and Bikeln 1992
p31) theory develop this way emerges from the “Bottom up” and is called
grounded theory. The researcher re constructs a picture that takes shape
as the parts are collected and examined. The process of data analysis like
a funnel: things are open at the beginning. And becomes more directed
and specific at the end as limited generalization are slowly induced.

7. Probabilistic thinking one misconception of research is that the

result is absolute, and that conclusions are true beyond a shadow of a
doubt. However this is not the case. As noted by a leading educational

Probabilistic thinking is central to research. All scientific and applied

disciplines are probabilistic. The behavioral and social sciences have
more uncertainty than the physical sciences. Both quantitative and
qualitative research statements have an implicit or explicit probabilistic
meaning. Researchers thus often write that their results “tend to
indicate” or are “suggestive”.

Those characteristics describe above operationalized differently for

qualitative and quantitative studies.
N Characteristics Quantitative Qualitative
1 Objectivity Explicit description of Explicit description of
data collection and data collection and
analysis procedures analysis procedures
2 Precision Measurement and Detailed description of
statistics phenomenon
3 Verification Results replicated by Extension of
others understandings by
4 Parsimonious Least complicated Summary
explanation explanation preferred generalization
5 Empiricism Numerical data Sources, evidence
6 Logical reasoning Primarily deductive Primarily inductive
7 Probabilistic thinking Statements of statistics Tentative synthesized
Probability interpretations

1.4 Areal scope of educational research

1. Psychology of education
Teachers know in class room student’s psychology such as interests,
attitude, creativity, intelligences aptitude
2. Philosophy of education
3. Sociology of education (it is directly related with society)
4. Economic of education
5. Comparative education
6. Educational planning and management
7. Educational measurement and evaluation
8. Curriculum method and text book
9. Teacher education
 Teaching behavior
 Teaching skill
 Teaching methodology
10. Guidance and counseling
11. Educational Technology
The shortest and most straight for ward definition of research is given by
(Mouly): research is simply the process of arriving at dependable solution
to problems through the planned and systematic collection analysis and
interpretation of data.

Every attempt to search for answer to question is not a research. To be

considered research it should be scientific. Research has its own
characteristics these are objectivity, precise, verifiable, explanatory,
empirical, logical and probabilistic. There are common to many types of
research conducted in education.

These characteristics are operationalized differently for qualitative and

alliterative studies.
1. Yalew Endawoke (ph.D) (2005)- Educational Research (epsy-233)
course module for year II educational students
2. JamesH. Mc Millam ( ) 4th edition research in education.
Table content

Content Page
Introduction ......................................................................... 1
Fundamental of research ...................................................... 2
Meaning and definition of research........................................ 2
Characteristics of educational research ............................... 4
Scope of educational research .............................................. 8
Summary ............................................................................ 10
Reference ............................................................................

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