The Role of Family Social Support in Decision Making Using Long-Term Contraceptive Methods
The Role of Family Social Support in Decision Making Using Long-Term Contraceptive Methods
The Role of Family Social Support in Decision Making Using Long-Term Contraceptive Methods
Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education 163
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020) 163-171 doi: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.163-171
Background: One of the efforts made by the government to reduce the rate of population
growth is through the Family Planning program. Many contraceptive methods are used by
Fertile Age Couples (FAC), including the Long-Term Contraception Method or Metode
Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang (MKJP) and the non-Long-Term Contraception Method (non-
MKJP). Low interest in fertile-couples for long-term use of contraception cannot be
separated from family support to use these contraceptives. There is a need for an
understanding of MKJP for FAC. Family support was defined as the attitude, actions, and
acceptance of the family of its members. Family members see that those who are
supportive are always ready to provide help and assistance. With family support, FAC can
easily decide which contraception will be used. Objective: The purpose of this study was
to analyze the relationship of family social support to the interest of FAC in using the
long-term contraception method in RW 5, Sidotopo Village. Methods: This research was
an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional research design. The sample of this
research consists of 48 participants, taken randomly using multistage random sampling.
The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. Then, the data were
analyzed using the Chi-square test. Results: The characteristics of family planning
acceptors in RW 5 of the Sidotopo sub-district starting from the dominating age are 21-35
years old with high school as the highest level of education. The income level in the area
is middle to the upper level from 2 million to 5 million rupiahs per month. Based on the
results of statistical tests, there is a correlation between family instrumental social
support with the interest of Fertile Age Couples to use MKJP. Conclusion: Based on the
results of the bivariate test using Chi-Square, it was found that between the four support
variables, only one of them has a relationship that is instrumental support. The results of
this study can be used as a rationale for policymaking in order to increase the number of
long-term family planning acceptors.
Keywords: Contraception, Fertile Age Couple, Long Term Contraception, Social Support
©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
164 Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Vol. 8 No. 2, September 2020, 163-171, doi: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.163-171
shows a rise in the use of long-acting in 2018 was 2,348 residents, consisting of
reversible methods, these are still 11 Neighborhood Associations (RT). The
underutilized despite having number of fertile age couples (EFAs) in
contraceptive as well as non- RW 5 of Sidotopo is 1,011 couples
contraceptive benefits. Lack of knowledge consisting of age groups of more than 15
among women, dependence on the years to less than 65 years (Surabaya City
provider for information, and provider Health Office, 2018). The number of
bias for permanent contraception are active MKJP Family Planning participants
cited as reasons for this reduced uptake in 2018 in RW 5 Sidotopo were 56
(Joshi, Khadilkar and Patel, 2015). participants, while for non-MKJP
In 2017, the number of active participants were 216 participants and
MKJP participants was 22.8%, while for dominated by injection contraceptive
non-MKJP contraception was 77.2% methods.
(Health Profile of East Java, 2015, 2016, Various indicators are used as
2017). One of the National Population and reference for the success of the family
Family Agency efforts to reduce the planning program. The indicators include
maternal mortality rate is to increase the the increasing number of family planning
use of MKJP contraceptives. MKJP is participants, a shift in the use of family
certainly more effective compared to planning from ineffective to effective
other contraceptive methods. If there are contraception, and low birth rates.
more couples in childbearing age choosing From the background above, it is
to use MKJP contraceptive method, the apparent that family planning acceptors
programs to address population problem in RW 5 Sidotopo sub-district are more
will succeed or at least will be slightly tend to choose non-MKJP methods instead
overcome (Surantini, 2018). However, of MKJP methods. The choice of
until now not many married couples are contraception for family planning
interested in using this method. They are acceptors is inseparable from the social
more interested in using non-MKJP support that comes from family members
contraceptive methods. This can be seen to family planning acceptors in order to
from the new Family Planning (KB) choose the effective contraception.
participants who tend to prefer injections Social support can be achieved in
over other contraceptives. The method of the form of emotional, instrumental,
injection contraception has increased, informative, and appreciation support
whereas the use of MKJP tends to (Baron, Branscombe and Byrne, 2008).
decrease over time (Hariyani et al., Based on the explanation of background
2014; Aryati, Widyastuti and Sukamdi, above, it is necessary to conduct further
2019). research on "The Role Of Family Social
Low interest in Fertile Age Support In Decision Making Using Long-
Couples (FAC) for long-term use of Term Contraceptive Methods”.
contraception cannot be separated from
family support. It shows the need for a METHOD
proper understanding of MKJP for FAC.
Family support is the attitude, actions, This research was an
and acceptance of the family of its observational analytic that explained the
members. Family members see that relationship between variables through
people who are supportive are always hypothesis testing without providing
ready to provide help and assistance if treatment because the data was obtained
needed. With family support, FAC can through observation and measurement of
easily decide which contraception that research subjects. This study used cross
they are going use (Oftikasari and Yanti, sectional method which was a study used
2017). to the dynamics between the phenomena
The population of Surabaya of both factors and effects.
reached 874 millions with male population Population of this study was taken
of 1,420 million, female population of from active family planning participants
1,454 million, and the number of FAC is who live in RT 11, RW 5, Sidotopo sub-
488,699 couples with a range of active district with a total of 273 active family
family planning participants in 2017 is planning participants. The sample of
77%. The number of residents of Citizen research was taken from active family
Association (RW) 5 in Sidotopo sub-district planning program participants who were
©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
Sindi Eka Putri and Sri Widati. The Role of Family … 165
registered by the cadres and were willing pregnancy due to underage marriage.
to filled out the questionnaire. The While the age group of 20-35 years old is
inclusion criterias consisted of active a phase of adjusting the pregnancy gap
family planning participants, having two between 2-4 years, and for age over 35
or more children, and using non-MKJP or years are a phase to end pregnancy which
MKJP contraceptive method. The sample is the phase of not wanting to get
was calculated using purposive sampling pregnant again and/or not wanting to
technique, so that all of the population have more children.
members had the same opportunity to Table 1. Distribution of Respondents
became respondents. The sample size was Characteristics in the Area of
48 which was calculated using the Sidotopo RW 5
Lemeshow formula. The location of the Variables n %
study was conducted in RW 5, Sidotopo Age (Years Old)
sub-district from February to December 21–35 33 68.8
2019. 36–55 12 25
The research instrument of this ≥55 3 6.2
study was a questionnaire which consisted
None 1 2.1
of individual characteristics (age, Elementary 13 27.1
occupational status, monthly income, Junior High 12 25.0
educational status, and number of High School 20 41.7
children) and the type of social support College 2 4.1
which the respondents got from their Income
family. As many as ten people were ≤500.000 2 4.2
tested before to found out the level of >500.000 - 2000.000 11 22.9
validity and reliability. The variables in >2000.000 – 5000.000 35 72.9
this study were divided into two, namely Occupational Status
dependent and independent variables. Unemployed 1 13.5
Housewife 42 55.3
The independent variable in this study
Employees 5 31.2
was social support, which includes
Number of Children
appreciation support, instrumental 1 10 23.2
support, emotional support, and 2 24 52.4
information. The dependent variable was >2 14 24.4
the use of long-term contraception and Total 48 100
short-term contraception
The data that had been collected A previous research showed a
would be processed with editing, coding, significant correlation between age and
scoring, and tabulating. In data the use of contraception methods. As
processing, social support variables were many as 13 respondents under 30 years
divided into two categories namely low old used MKJP contraception methods,
and high categories. The category is low if while 60 respondents over 30 years old
the score ≤ 50 and the high category if ≥ tended to use IUD. The study also
51. This study had ethical clearance suggested that age can affect the organ
certificate with serial number system, organ function, biochemical
518/HRECC.FODM/VII/2019. composition, and hormonal system, so
there are differences in the use of
RESULTS AND DISCUSION contraceptives based on the age period
(Triyanto and Indriani, 2018).
Sidotopo was a sub-district The research above is in
located in Semampir District, Surabaya. It accordance with research conducted in
has a rather dense population compared 2019. It is mentioned that most
to other sub-district in the nearby area. respondents aged 20-30 years used non-
Table 1 shows that the distribution of the MKJP and respondents who were older
age group of family planning acceptors than 30 years used MKJP. Women over 30
are dominated by the first age group (21- years should end their pregnancy after
35 years) (68.8%). giving birth to two or more children
The age variable can be used to (Sumartini and Indriani, 2016). This
determine the ideal phase of research is also in line with the research
contraceptive use. The age group below in 2019. It is mentioned that there is
20 years old is a phase of delayed correlation between age and the choice of
©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
166 Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Vol. 8 No. 2, September 2020, 163-171, doi: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.163-171
when they have related to family planning means that the appreciation support given
and contraceptive method. is at high level.
Table 2 illustrates that the A research conducted about spouses’
information support in the use of MKJP is support for the use of MKJP mentioned
lower at 52.1% by 25 people. One of the that one of the respondents refused to
influential factors is the presence or give their wives’ consent to conduct
absence of information. The information Female Surgery. In accordance with
including advice, guidance, and feedback. Indonesian culture that the highest
This result is in line with the results of decision lies with the head of the family,
research conducted in 2014 about this causes the wife to follow orders from
husband's support for Female Surgery their spouses (Muniroh, Luthviatin and
Method states. Husband did not provide Istiaji, 2014).
information support to his wife to use Table 2 illustrates that FAC in RW 5,
female surgery contraceptive method, so Sidotopo Sub-District are more likely to
that the wife does not clearly know the provide instrumental support regarding
benefits from it (Muniroh, Luthviatin and the use of MKJP (52.1%). This value shows
Istiaji, 2014). that the instrumental support is included
in the high category. The instrumental
Table 2. Distribution Frequency Based on support given by the family to the FAC is
Social Support in the form of direct assistance needed by
Social Support n % the acceptor. In terms of family planning,
Informative support instrumental support can be provided
Low 25 52.1 such as providing the cost for the use of
High 23 47.9 the MKJP and willing to take the wife
Total 48 100 primary healthcare for consultation with
Appreciation support medical staff. Spouses take role as
Low 23 47.9
facilitator to their wives in providing their
High 25 52.1
Total 48 100
needs to check reproductive health such
Instrumental support as visiting health workers (midwives or
Low 23 47.9 doctors) and primary healthcare. The
High 25 52.1 instrumental support provided by the
Total 48 100 husband to his wife would be very helpful
Emotional support for FAC (Muniroh, Luthviatin and Istiaji,
Low 24 50 2014). In addition, from Table 1 it can be
High 24 50 illustrated that the FACs in RW 5,
Total 48 100 Sidotopo Sub-District provide emotional
support in the use of MKJP. Table 1
Family can also provide assistance in shows the same percentage (50%)
the form of information. Information can between those who provide emotional
help individuals find the right alternative support and those who do not provide
for solving problems that might be faced emotional support.
by them. The information support can be Emotional support that families can
in the form of experience, convey the provide to FAC can be in the form of good
knowledge gained, or provide information communication between husband and
sources such as reading material about wife in terms of family planning
family planning. Health workers need to participation. Table 2 shows that
promote family planning information to emotional support has a balance value
FAC and their families. between low and high categories.
Appreciation support is an expression Communication between FAC is
of respect, encouragement to move interpersonal communication, which can
forward, and help individuals to be able build, maintain, and establish
to see the positive side. It can cause the relationships with new people, old
increase of self-esteem and approval of friends, or family members. Such
other ideas or feelings. Support that can communication can be related to the
be given by spouses (husbands) to wives is number of children desired by the FAC.
by giving consent to use MKJP. Table 2 Family support in family planning
shows that the community of RW 5, program can be in the form of
Sidotopo sub-district gave more support encouragement or motivation that can
to family in the use of MKJP (52.1%). It lead to the belief that individuals feel
©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
168 Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education
Vol. 8 No. 2, September 2020, 163-171, doi: 10.20473/jpk.V8.I2.2020.163-171
loved and cared. Family support means The results of the previous research
giving and receiving affection as an ideal showed that the type of husband support
lifestyle towards a prosperous small that gets the highest score is emotional
family. Bivariate analysis is used to support, while the lowest support is
determine social relations with families information support. The research also
using Long-Term Contraception in RW 5, mentioned that respondents who received
Sidotopo sub-district using the Chi-Square low husband support were as many as 12
test is shown in Table 3. respondents (92.3%) (Pradanie, Armini and
Prastika, 2019). Husband or family
Table 3. The Relationship of Family Social support will help to improve the family
Support to the Interest of Fertile planning acceptors’ quality of life of. The
Age Couple in the Use of MKJP. majority of the MKJP used by FAC is IUD
Social MKJP Non MKJP P Value contraceptive method. This method is
Support n % n % (0.05) quite effective and durable, which has
Information Support protection level up to 10 years. In
High 2 25 23 57.5 addition, IUD is also fairly inexpensive
Low 6 75 17 42.5 with sufficient levels of efficiency and
Instrumental Support comfort (Triyanto and Indriani, 2018). The
High 1 12.5 23 57.5 failure rate in the first year was fairly low
Low 7 87.5 17 42.5 (0.8%). Another advantage of the MKJP is
Appreciation Support that it does not affect the menstrual
High 3 37.5 20 50 cycle and must not have to take pills
Low 5 62.5 20 50
regularly or continue to visit medical
Emotional Support
services such as doctors or midwives.
High 3 37.5 21 52.5
0.701 In addition, long term contraceptives
Low 5 62.5 19 47.5
Total 8 100 40 100 such as IUD absolutely has no effect on
the sexual environment. The use of IUD
Based on the Table 3, out of the four does not affect on hormones, which if the
support variables, only one variable which contraception acceptor is still in the
has a significant correlation, namely breastfeeding phase it would not interfere
instrumental support. Based on Chi- with breast milk production even though
Square test, P Value= 0.04 was obtained the IUD is installed immediately after
for instrumental support. It can be giving birth. IUD method is a good long-
concluded that there is correlation term contraception method because it
between instrumental support for the does not affect fertility even after
family with the interest of FAC to use releasing it. It is flexible, so it can be
MKJP. As a result, three variables such as placed in the uterus and removed easily
emotional support, appreciation support and safely.
and information support do not have Instrumental support is a type of
significant correlation with the interest of social support provided by individuals
FAC to use MKJP. which can be in the form of direct
Support from husband is not a major assistance. It can be in the form of
factor in the quality of life for IUD provide services of goods. Instrumental
contraception acceptors. It shows that the support can be done by provide financial
majority of IUD acceptors receive high support for reproductive check, or
support of 83.55% of 66 respondents. The provide transportation facilities to visit
meaning of the support itself is health services. Based on the results of
information that can come from others research conducted in 2017, it was stated
such as verbal and non-verbal that as many as 33.3% of respondents who
information, tangible advice or behavior had vasectomy received instrumental
provided by people close to people such support from the family. Support provided
as family or husband in the form of by the family to respondents can be
presence in things that can provide financial or non-financial (Cahyani, 2017).
emotional benefits and can affect the Spouses’ support includes helping to
recipient's behavior ((Caruso, Agnello, choose the appropriate contraception, use
Romano, Cianci, Presti, Malandrino, et al, it correctly, seeking help if complication
2011 in Pradanie, Armini and Prastika, occur, take their wives to health care
2019)). facilities for periodical check, and help to
find an alternative method if the
©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
Sindi Eka Putri and Sri Widati. The Role of Family … 169
encourage their partners to use correlation with the use of MKJP, namely
contraception that is rational, effective, instrumental support. Instrumental
and efficient in accordance with family support has significant relationship to the
planning. interest of the FAC in the use of MKJP.
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positive sides, including the use of used as a basis for policy making related
contraception that has advantages and to increase the number of MKJP acceptors
disadvantages. Faintness that occurs from through the development of supporting
the use of contraception is a side effect instruments. In addition, it can also be
that is often experienced by the used as a baseline for similar research,
respondents. These side effects such as particularly in relation to the model and
blood spotting between menstrual cycles type of instrumental support development
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©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020
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©2020. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health
Education. Open Access under CC BY-NC-SA License.
Received: 30-01-2020, Accepted: 29-08-2020, Published Online: 28-09-2020