Econ 1010 E-Portfolio Assignment 1

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e-Portfolio Assignment

Economic inequality can be found everywhere in the United States, this is due to the ideal

distribution of wealth not being implemented into our economy. An ideal distribution of wealth

would consist of employees being paid equally depending on their skills and experience,

however this is not the case in our society. The actual distribution of wealth is not equal across

all demographics, an example of economic inequality in terms of income distribution is that

many employers do not pay women the same wages as they would a man for doing the same job.

Even if a woman is better at a job than their male coworker, they are usually still unequally

compensated for their work.

Inequality can also be seen when looking at endowments and other forms of donations,

this is because those who invest the donations get to choose where they send these funds. As a

result, companies are able to invest into charities and other organizations that will benefit them.

This can cause other charities that may not comply with the goals of these companies to not

receive any endowments, or at least lesser amounts of them.

One can clearly see economic inequality when looking into socioeconomic status, our

country has split these into three main groups: lower class, middle class, and upper class. The

middle class is an ideal place for the majority of United States citizens since it allows them to

live a comfortable life while still being able to afford the necessities. Lower class citizens on the

other hand experience a harder life in the sense that they are working solely for what they need to

survive. Upper class citizens are the wealthiest people in the country, they live very comfortable

lives and rarely worry about cervical necessities since they have such an excess of wealth at their

disposal, they live privileged lives that the majority of the population will never experience.

Many people are born into their socioeconomic status, especially upper class and lower class
citizens. This is known as intergenerational mobility. Once someone is born into a poor family, it

is difficult to escape poverty and reach success. When someone is born into a wealthy household,

they become accustomed to the privileged lifestyle which usually leads to them staying an upper

class citizen. I believe the middle class is for lower class citizens who finally make it out of

poverty as well for upper class citizens who do not desire absolute wealth in their lives.

Certain policies that governments use to try and diminish these inequalities are social

security and disability compensation for those unable to work, benefits such as unemployment

and food stamps for struggling households, and higher taxes on the rich. Intergenerational

inequality is an economic issue we are experiencing in the United States, however northern

European countries have much lower intergenerational inequality due how their economies are

set up. The United States is a capitalist country which means all individual efforts are directed

towards becoming financially successful, Northern European countries however are slightly

more socialist in the sense that they strive to distribute wealth as equally as possible. By doing so

they are able to eliminate much of the poverty in their country while still allowing upper class

citizens to keep their wealth, this contrasts the United States because we only strive for financial

success and leave behind those living in poverty.

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