SS Guided Notes 1.4.1.L1

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Note Taking Guide

Saving Money Guided Notes

Total Points Earned Name Jackson Warner

Total Points Possible
Percentage Date 11/16/20
Class 2nd

What is
Helps become more
Why is it important to financially secure Where can money be saved?
So if something big comes up you
can plan ahead In a separate savings account

How much money is a person How can the recommended

recommended to have in amount of savings be
Around 2000savings? reached?
Putting away 10 to 20%

Money insured from loss

Your insured Accounts earn


Holds money Pays a higher Pays interest on

not spent on interest rate a lump sum of
current than a savings money
expenses account

Summer 2017 FC11 Principles of Family and Human Services

What is the time value of

money paid in future is not equal to

money paid today

How does interest rate How does time affect How does amount of money
affect the affect the time value of
the time value of money? time value of money? money?

Save as much as possible,

Save for as long as Save at the highest
as often as possible!
possible! interest rate possible!

What is the pay

first strategy?

End result of something a person intends

to accomplish

What is a What is a financial What is a trade-

goal? goal? off?

Specific objectives to be Helps identify and focus on Giving up one thing for
accomplished through another
items that are most
financial planning important

© Take Charge Today – December 2010 – The Secrets of Saving

Funded by a grant from Take Charge America, Inc. to the Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences Take Charge America Institute at The University of

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