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Easergy P3T32

Transformer protection relay

User Manual
P3T/en M/F006

Table of Contents Transformer protection relay

Table of Contents
1 About this manual........................................................................ 13
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................13
1.2 Related documents......................................................................................... 13
1.3 Abbreviations and terms................................................................................. 14

2 Product introduction..................................................................... 19
2.1 Warranty..........................................................................................................19
2.2 Product overview............................................................................................ 19
2.3 Product selection guide...................................................................................20
2.4 Access to device configuration....................................................................... 28
2.4.1 User accounts.......................................................................................28
2.4.2 Logging on via the front panel.............................................................. 29
2.4.3 HTTP and FTP logon details................................................................ 30
2.4.4 Password management........................................................................ 30
2.4.5 Changing passwords for administrator and configurator accounts
via PuTTY...................................................................................................... 30
2.4.6 Password restoring............................................................................... 32
2.5 Front panel......................................................................................................32
2.5.1 Push-buttons.........................................................................................33
2.5.2 LED indicators...................................................................................... 34
2.5.3 Configuring the LED names via Easergy Pro....................................... 35
2.5.4 Controlling the alarm screen.................................................................36
2.5.5 Accessing operating levels................................................................... 36
2.5.6 Adjusting the LCD contrast................................................................... 36
2.5.7 Testing the LEDs and LCD screen........................................................36
2.5.8 Controlling an object with selective control...........................................36
2.5.9 Controlling an object with direct control................................................ 37
2.5.10 Menus................................................................................................. 37 Moving in the menus ............................................................ 39 Local panel messages...........................................................39
2.6 Easergy Pro setting and configuration tool..................................................... 40

3 Mechanical structure.................................................................... 41
3.1 Modularity....................................................................................................... 41
3.2 Slot info and order code..................................................................................42

4 Measurement functions................................................................44
4.1 Primary, secondary and per unit scaling......................................................... 46
4.1.1 Frequency adaptation mode................................................................. 50
4.1.2 Current transformer ratio...................................................................... 50
4.1.3 Voltage transformer ratio...................................................................... 53
4.2 Measurements for protection functions...........................................................55
4.3 Measurements for arc flash detection function............................................... 56
4.4 RMS values.....................................................................................................58

P3T/en M/F006 3
Transformer protection relay Table of Contents

4.5 Harmonics and total harmonic distortion (THD)..............................................58

4.6 Demand values............................................................................................... 59
4.7 Minimum and maximum values...................................................................... 60
4.8 Maximum values of the last 31 days and 12 months...................................... 61
4.9 Power and current direction............................................................................ 63
4.10 Symmetrical components..............................................................................65

5 Control functions.......................................................................... 66
5.1 Digital outputs................................................................................................. 66
5.2 Digital inputs................................................................................................... 69
5.3 Virtual inputs and outputs................................................................................73
5.4 Matrix.............................................................................................................. 76
5.4.1 Output matrix........................................................................................ 77
5.4.2 Blocking matrix..................................................................................... 78
5.4.3 LED matrix............................................................................................ 79
5.4.4 Object block matrix............................................................................... 81
5.5 Releasing latches............................................................................................82
5.5.1 Releasing latches using Easergy Pro................................................... 82
5.5.2 Releasing latches using buttons and local panel display......................82
5.5.3 Releasing latches using F1 or F2 buttons............................................ 83
5.6 Controllable objects........................................................................................ 84
5.6.1 Object control with digital inputs........................................................... 85
5.6.2 Local or remote selection......................................................................85
5.6.3 Object control with Close and Trip buttons........................................... 86
5.6.4 Object control with F1 and F2...............................................................86
5.7 Logic functions................................................................................................ 87
5.8 Local panel......................................................................................................95
5.8.1 Mimic view............................................................................................ 95
5.8.2 Local panel configuration......................................................................98

6 Protection functions....................................................................102
6.1 Maximum number of protection stages in one application............................102
6.2 General features of protection stages...........................................................102
6.3 Dependent operate time................................................................................110
6.3.1 Standard dependent delays using IEC, IEEE, IEEE2 and RI curves.. 112
6.3.2 Custom curves....................................................................................126
6.3.3 Programmable dependent time curves...............................................127
6.4 Volts/hertz overexcitation protection (ANSI 24)............................................ 128
6.5 Synchronism check (ANSI 25)...................................................................... 129
6.6 Undervoltage (ANSI 27)................................................................................133
6.7 Directional power (ANSI 32) ........................................................................ 136
6.8 Negative sequence overcurrent (ANSI 46) .................................................. 137
6.9 Negative sequence overvoltage protection (ANSI 47).................................. 140
6.10 Thermal overload (ANSI 49 RMS).............................................................. 141
6.11 Breaker failure 1 (ANSI 50BF).....................................................................145
6.12 Breaker failure 2 (ANSI 50BF).................................................................... 146
6.13 Switch-on-to-fault (ANSI 50HS) ................................................................. 152

4 P3T/en M/F006
Table of Contents Transformer protection relay

6.14 Phase overcurrent (ANSI 50/51).................................................................154

6.15 Ground fault overcurrent (ANSI 50N/51N) ................................................. 157
6.15.1 Ground fault phase detection............................................................160
6.16 Capacitor bank unbalance (ANSI 51C) ......................................................161
6.17 Overvoltage (ANSI 59)................................................................................167
6.18 Neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N)................................................................. 170
6.19 Restricted ground fault (ANSI 64REF) .......................................................172
6.20 Directional phase overcurrent (ANSI 67) ................................................... 177
6.21 Directional ground fault overcurrent (ANSI 67N)........................................ 182
6.21.1 Ground fault phase detection............................................................188
6.22 Second harmonic inrush detection (ANSI 68F2).........................................188
6.23 Fifth harmonic detection (ANSI 68H5)........................................................ 189
6.24 Overfrequency and underfrequency (ANSI 81) ..........................................190
6.25 Rate of change of frequency (ANSI 81R)................................................... 192
6.26 Lockout (ANSI 86).......................................................................................197
6.27 Differential overcurrent protection (ANSI 87T) ........................................... 198
6.28 Arc flash detection (AFD)............................................................................205
6.28.1 Arc flash detection, general principle................................................205
6.28.2 Arc flash detection menus................................................................ 205
6.28.3 Configuration example of arc flash detection....................................206
6.28.4 Arc flash detection characteristics.................................................... 210
6.29 Programmable stages (ANSI 99)................................................................ 211

7 Supporting functions.................................................................. 214

7.1 Event log....................................................................................................... 214
7.2 Disturbance recording...................................................................................215
7.3 Cold load start and magnetizing inrush.........................................................221
7.4 System clock and synchronization................................................................223
7.5 Voltage sags and swells................................................................................228
7.6 Voltage interruptions..................................................................................... 231
7.7 Current transformer supervision (ANSI 60)...................................................233
7.8 Voltage transformer supervision (ANSI 60FL).............................................. 234
7.9 Circuit breaker wear......................................................................................235
7.10 Circuit breaker condition monitoring........................................................... 241
7.11 Energy pulse outputs...................................................................................244
7.12 Running hour counter................................................................................. 247
7.13 Timers......................................................................................................... 248
7.14 Combined overcurrent status......................................................................250
7.15 Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74) ...............................................................253
7.15.1 Trip circuit supervision with one digital input.....................................253
7.15.2 Trip circuit supervision with two digital inputs................................... 259

8 Communication and protocols....................................................263

8.1 Cybersecurity................................................................................................ 263
8.2 Communication ports.................................................................................... 263
8.2.1 Ethernet port....................................................................................... 265
8.2.2 Disabling the Ethernet communication............................................... 266

P3T/en M/F006 5
Transformer protection relay Table of Contents

8.3 Communication protocols............................................................................. 267

8.3.1 Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP..........................................................267
8.3.2 Profibus DP.........................................................................................268
8.3.3 SPA-bus.............................................................................................. 268
8.3.4 IEC 60870-5-103 (IEC-103)................................................................269
8.3.5 DNP 3.0.............................................................................................. 270
8.3.6 IEC 60870-5-101 (IEC-101)................................................................270
8.3.7 IEC 61850...........................................................................................270
8.3.8 HTTP server – Webset....................................................................... 271
8.4 IP filter...........................................................................................................271
8.4.1 Configuring the IP filter....................................................................... 272
8.4.2 Unexpected packets........................................................................... 273
8.4.3 Alarms.................................................................................................274

9 Applications and configuration examples...................................275

9.1 Arc flash detection........................................................................................ 275
9.2 Using CSH120 and CSH200 with core balance CTs.................................... 278

10 Installation................................................................................ 280
10.1 Safety in installation.................................................................................... 280
10.2 Checking the consignment..........................................................................281
10.3 Product identification...................................................................................282
10.4 Storage....................................................................................................... 283
10.5 Mounting..................................................................................................... 284
10.6 Connections................................................................................................ 288
10.6.1 Supply voltage cards........................................................................ 289
10.6.2 Analog measurement cards..............................................................290 Analog measurement card 1 (slot 8)................................... 291 Analog measurement card 2 (slot 8)................................... 292 Analog measurement card 1 (slot 4)................................... 294
10.6.3 I/O cards........................................................................................... 295 I/O card “B = 3BIO+2Arc”.................................................... 295 I/O card “C = F2BIO+1Arc”..................................................296 I/O card “D = 2IGBT”........................................................... 298 I/O option card “D=4Arc”..................................................... 299 I/O card “G = 6DI+4DO”...................................................... 299 I/O card “H = 6DI + 4DO (NC)”............................................301 I/O card “I = 10DI”................................................................302
10.6.4 Arc flash sensor................................................................................ 304 Mounting the sensors to the switchgear..............................305 Connecting the sensors to the device................................. 307
10.6.5 Communication cards....................................................................... 309 COM 3 – COM 4 ports.........................................................315
10.6.6 Local port.......................................................................................... 319
10.6.7 Connection data................................................................................320
10.6.8 External option modules................................................................... 328 VSE-001 fiber optic interface module..................................328

6 P3T/en M/F006
Table of Contents Transformer protection relay VSE-002 RS-485 interface module..................................... 329 VSE-009 DeviceNet interface module.................................331 VPA-3CG Profibus interface module................................... 331 VIO 12A RTD and analog input / output modules............... 332
10.6.9 Block diagrams................................................................................. 333
10.6.10 Connection examples..................................................................... 335
10.7 Arc flash detection system setup and testing..............................................336
10.7.1 Setting up the arc flash system.........................................................336
10.7.2 Commissioning and testing...............................................................337 Checking zones...................................................................338 Disconnecting trip circuits....................................................339 Sensor testingTesting.......................................................... 340 Testing the sensors.............................................341 Testing the sensor supervision........................... 341 Testing the binary I/O connectivity...................... 342
10.7.3 Test report ........................................................................................342 Filling in the test report........................................................ 342 Test report example.............................................................344
10.7.4 Troubleshooting................................................................................ 345
10.8 Voltage system configuration...................................................................... 345
10.8.1 Multiple channel voltage measurement............................................ 346
10.9 CSH120 and CSH200 Core balance CTs................................................... 355

11 Test and environmental conditions........................................... 359

11.1 Disturbance tests.........................................................................................359
11.2 Electrical safety tests...................................................................................360
11.3 Mechanical tests..........................................................................................361
11.4 Environmental tests.....................................................................................361
11.5 Environmental conditions............................................................................ 362
11.6 Casing......................................................................................................... 362

12 Maintenance.............................................................................363
12.1 Preventive maintenance............................................................................. 363
12.2 Periodic testing........................................................................................... 364
12.3 Hardware cleaning...................................................................................... 364
12.4 System status messages............................................................................ 364
12.5 Spare parts................................................................................................. 364
12.6 Self-supervision.......................................................................................... 364
12.6.1 Diagnostics....................................................................................... 366
12.7 Arc flash detection system maintenance.................................................... 368
12.7.1 Visual inspection...............................................................................369
12.7.2 Hardware cleaning............................................................................369
12.7.3 Sensor condition and positioning check........................................... 370

P3T/en M/F006 7
Transformer protection relay Table of Contents

13 Order codes and accessories.................................................. 371

13.1 Order codes................................................................................................ 371
13.2 Accessories.................................................................................................372

14 Firmware revision.....................................................................373

8 P3T/en M/F006
Legal information Transformer protection relay

Legal information
The Schneider Electric brand and any registered trademarks of Schneider Electric
Industries SAS referred to in this guide are the sole property of Schneider Electric
SA and its subsidiaries. They may not be used for any purpose without the
owner's permission, given in writing. This guide and its content are protected,
within the meaning of the French intellectual property code (Code de la propriété
intellectuelle français, referred to hereafter as "the Code"), under the laws of
copyright covering texts, drawings and models, as well as by trademark law. You
agree not to reproduce, other than for your own personal, noncommercial use as
defined in the Code, all or part of this guide on any medium whatsoever without
Schneider Electric's permission, given in writing. You also agree not to establish
any hypertext links to this guide or its content. Schneider Electric does not grant
any right or license for the personal and noncommercial use of the guide or its
content, except for a non-exclusive license to consult it on an "as is" basis, at your
own risk. All other rights are reserved.

Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced and maintained only

by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.

As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for
confirmation of the information given in this publication.

P3T/en M/F006 9
Transformer protection relay Safety information

Safety information
Important information

Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar
with the device before trying to install, operate, service or maintain it.

The following special messages may appear throughout this publication or on the
equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that
clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential

personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this
symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

The addition of either symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety

label indicates that an electrical hazard exists which will result in
personal injury if the instructions are not followed.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

Please note

Electrical equipment must only be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained

by qualified personnel. A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge
related to the construction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and
has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising

out of the use of this material.

Protective grounding

The user is responsible for compliance with all the existing international and
national electrical codes concerning protective grounding of any device.

10 P3T/en M/F006
North America regulatory compliance Transformer protection relay

North America regulatory compliance

Certificate number: 20190829-E215590

Issue date: 2019-August-29

UL certifies that the Easergy P3 products comply with the following standards:

• UL 508 Industrial Control Equipment

• CSA C22.2 No. 14-13 Industrial Control Equipment
• IEEE C37.90-2005 Guide for Power System Protection Testing
• IEEE C37.90.1-2012 Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests
for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electrical Power Apparatus
• IEEE C37.90.2-2004 Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to
Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Trancievers

P3T/en M/F006 11
Transformer protection relay EU directive compliance

EU directive compliance
EMC compliance


Compliance with the European Commission's EMC Directive. Product Specific

Standard was used to establish conformity:
• EN 60255-26 2013

Product safety


Compliance with the European Commission's Low Voltage Directive. Product

Specific Safety Standard was used to establish conformity:
• EN 60255-27 2014

12 P3T/en M/F006
1 About this manual Transformer protection relay

1 About this manual

1.1 Purpose
This document contains instructions on the installation, commissioning and
operation of Easergy P3T32.

This document is intended for persons who are experts on electrical power
engineering, and it covers the relay models as described by the order code.
Related topics
Order codes on page 371

1.2 Related documents

Table 1 - Related documents

Document Identification1

P3 Advanced Quick Start P3x3x/EN QS/xxxx

Easergy Pro Setting and Configuration Tool User Manual P3eSetup/EN M/xxxx

RTD and mA Output/Input Modules User Manual P3VIO12A/EN M/A001

Profibus Interface Module User Manual P3VPA3CG/EN M/A001

IEC 61850 configuration instructions P3APS17001EN

Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) P3APS17002EN

Parallel Redundancy Protocol for Easergy P3 relays with dual- P3APS17004EN

port 100 Mbps Ethernet interface

Communication parameter protocol mappings P3TDS17005EN

Easergy P3 protection functions' parameters and recorded P3TDS17006EN


DeviceNet data model P3APS17008EN

IEC103 Interoperability List P3TDS17009EN

DNP 3.0 Device Profile Document P3TDS17010EN

P3 Advanced Series facia label instruction P3TDS17012EN

Principles of numerical protection techniques P3INS17019EN

1 xxxx = revision number

P3T/en M/F006 13
Transformer protection relay 1 About this manual

1.3 Abbreviations and terms

AFD Arc flash detection

ANSI American National Standards Institute

A standardization organisation

bps Bits per second

CB Circuit breaker

CBFP Circuit breaker failure protection

CLPU Cold load pickup

CM Common mode

Controlling output Heavy duty output rated for the circuit breaker controlling

CPU Central processing unit

cosφ Active power divided by apparent power = P/S

(See power factor PF.)

Negative sign indicates reverse power.

CT Current transformer

CTPRI Nominal primary value of current transformer

CTSEC Nominal secondary value of current transformer

Dead band See hysteresis.

DI Digital input

Digital output Relay's output contact

DM Differential mode

DMS Distribution management system

DO Digital output

Document file Stores information about the relay settings, events and fault logs

DSR Data set ready

An RS232 signal. Input in front panel port of Easergy P3 devices

to disable rear panel local port.

DST Daylight saving time

Adjusting the official local time forward by one hour for summer

DT Definite time

14 P3T/en M/F006
1 About this manual Transformer protection relay

DTR Data terminal ready

An RS232 signal. Output and always true (+8 Vdc) in front panel
port of Easergy P3 relays.

Easergy P3 Standard P3U10, P3U20 and P3U30 relays

Easergy P3 P3F30, P3L30, P3M30/32, P3G30/32 and P3T32 relays


eSetup Easergy Pro Setting and configuration tool for Easergy P3 protection relays,
later called Easergy Pro

F2BIO 2 x optical BIO interfaces, fibre

GOOSE Generic object-oriented substation event

A specific definition of a type of generic substation event, for

peer-peer communication.

Hysteresis I.e. dead band

Used to avoid oscillation when comparing two nearby values.

IDMT Inverse definite minimum time

IMODE Nominal current of the selected mode

In feeder mode, IMODE= VTPRIMARY. In motor mode, IMODE= IMOT.

IMOT Nominal current of the protected motor

INOM Nominal current

Rating of CT primary or secondary

ISET Start setting value I> (50/51)

ITN Rated current of the transformer (protected object)

IN(nom) Nominal current of IN input in general

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

An international standardization organisation

IEC-101 Communication protocol defined in standard IEC 60870-5-101

IEC-103 Communication protocol defined in standard IEC 60870-5-103

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IRIG-B Inter-Range Instrumentation Group time code B

Standard for time transfer

IT Instrument transformer (current or voltage transformer): electrical

device used to isolate or transform voltage or current levels

P3T/en M/F006 15
Transformer protection relay 1 About this manual

LAN Local area network

Ethernet-based network for computers and devices

Latching Digital outputs and indication LEDs can be latched, which means
that they are not released when the control signal is releasing.
Releasing of latched devices is done with a separate action.

LCD Liquid crystal display

LED Light-emitting diode

NTP Network Time Protocol for LAN and WWW

OVF Indication of the event overflow

P Active power

Unit = [W]

PF Power factor

The absolute value is equal to cosφ, but the sign is 'IND' for
inductive i.e. lagging current and 'CAP' for capacitive i.e. leading

PLC Programmable logic controller

PM Nominal power of the prime mover

(Used by reverse/under power protection.)

POC signals Binary signals that are transferred in the communication channel
of two P3L30 line differential relays in both directions. POC
signals are used to transfer statuses of the DI, VI, VO and logic

pu Per unit

PU Depending of the context, the per unit refers to any nominal


For example, for overcurrent setting 1 pu = 1 x I GN .

P3T30 P3T30 transformer protection relay

Q Reactive power

Unit = [var]

RELxxxxx Short order code

RH Relative humidity

RMS Root mean square

RS232 or RS485 Standard defining the electrical characteristics of a serial

(EIA-232 or EIA-485) communication interface

RTU Remote terminal unit

16 P3T/en M/F006
1 About this manual Transformer protection relay

S Apparent power

Unit = [VA]

SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition

SF Alarm duty watchdog output is energized when the auxiliary

power supply is on and the product status is operative. This
output is referenced as "service status output" in the setting tool.

Signaling output Alarm duty output rated, not suitable for direct circuit breaker

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol for LAN and WWW

SOTF Switch on to fault

SPST Single pole single throw

SPDT Single pole double throw

TCS Trip circuit supervision

THD Total harmonic distortion

V Voltage V

VNSEC Voltage at input Vc at zero ohm ground fault. (Used in voltage

measurement mode “2LL+VN”)

VA Voltage input for VAB or VA depending on the voltage

measurement mode

VB Voltage input for VBC or VB depending on the voltage

measurement mode

VC Voltage input for VCA or VN depending on the voltage

measurement mode

VN Neutral voltage

Rating of VT primary or secondary

VNOM Nominal voltage

Rating of VT primary or secondary

UMI User-machine interface

USB Universal serial bus

UTC Coordinated Universal Time

Used to be called GMT = Greenwich Mean Time

Webset http configuration interface

VI Virtual input

P3T/en M/F006 17
Transformer protection relay 1 About this manual

VO Virtual output

VT Voltage transformer

VTPRI Nominal primary value of voltage transformer

VTSEC Nominal secondary value of voltage transformer

18 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

2 Product introduction

2.1 Warranty
This product has a standard warranty of 10 years.

2.2 Product overview

The relay has a modular design, and it can be optimized to medium and big sized

Main characteristic and options

• The relay is a transformer protection relay for medium sized transformers in

power distribution.
• The relay has optional arc flash communications and high speed outputs to
allow for simple arc flash system configuration.
• Two alternative display options
◦ 128 x 128 LCD matrix
◦ 128 x 128 LCD matrix detachable
• Power quality measurements and disturbance recorder enable capture of
• Wide range of communication protocols, for example:
◦ Modbus TCP/IP
◦ Profibus
◦ IEC61850

The following options depend on the order code:

• power supply options

• ground fault overcurrent input sensitivity
• number of digital inputs
• number of trip contacts
• integrated arc-options (point sensors)
• various possibilities with communication interfaces:
◦ high-speed outputs
◦ simple arc flash system communications (BIO)
◦ fiber loop
• front panel protection of IP54

Protection functions

• Universal, adaptive protection functions for user-configurable applications like

feeder, motor and voltage protection from basic non-directional to directional
overcurrent protection, thermal overload, and auto-recloser
• Universal, adaptive protection functions for user-configurable transformer
• Neutral overvoltage, overvoltage and frequency protection including
synchronism check for two breakers
• Single-line diagram, measurements and alarms in the user-machine interface

P3T/en M/F006 19
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

• User-configurable interlocking for primary object control

• Optional arc flash detection utilizing point sensors and a fiber loop that can
provide system wide arc flash detection.

Virtual injection

• Current and voltage injection by manipulating the database of the product by

setting tool disturbance recorder file playback through the product's database

Robust hardware

• User-selectable Ethernet, RS485 or RS232 -based communication interfaces

• Designed for demanding industrial conditions with conformal-coated printed
circuit boards
• Standard USB connection (type B) for Easergy P3 setting software

Common technology for cost efficiency

• Powerful CPU supporting IEC 61850

• Thanks to four setting groups, adaptation to various protection schemes is

User-machine interface (UMI)

• Clear LCD display for alarms and events

• Single-line diagram mimic with control, indication and live measurements
• Programmable function keys and LEDs
• Circuit breaker ON/OFF control
• Common firmware platform with other Easergy P3 range protection relays

NOTE: If the device has been powered off for more than about one week, the
UMI language after starting is IEC but after about two minutes, it is
automatically updated to ANSI.

2.3 Product selection guide

The selection guide provides information on the Easergy P3 platform to aid in the
relay selection. It suggests Easergy P3 types suitable for your protection
requirements, based on your application characteristics. The most typical
applications are presented along with the associated Easergy P3 type.

20 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Table 2 - Applications

Easergy P3 Standard Easergy P3 Advanced

4 3

Voltage – – –

Feeder P3F30

w. line diff. &
P3U30 distance
Transformer P3T32
o/c – with
P3U10 P3U20
with voltage differential
Motor P3M32
P3M30 with

Generator P3G32
P3G30 with

Measuring Phase current 1/5A CT (x3) 1/5A CT (x3) 1/5A CT (x3

inputs slot 4)

1A or 5A (x3
slot 8)

Residual current 1/5A CT or 0.2/1A CT 5/1A+1/0.2A CT 5/1A+1/0.2A

CT (slot 8)

5/1A CT (slot 4)

Voltage VT (x1) VT (x4) VT (x4) VT (x4)

Arc-flash sensor input – 0 to 4 point 0 to 4 point

sensor sensor

Digital I/O Input 2 8/10 16 6 to 36 6 to 16

Output 5 + WD 5/8 + WD 8 + WD 10 to 21 + WD 10 to 13 + WD

Analog I/O Input – 0 or 4 2 0 or 4 2

Output – 0 or 4 2 0 or 4 2

Temperature sensor input – 0 or 8 or 122 0 or 8 or 122

Front port USB USB

P3T/en M/F006 21
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Easergy P3 Standard Easergy P3 Advanced

Nominal power supply 24 V dc or 24...48 V dc or 48...230 V ac/dc3 24...48 V dc or 110...240 V ac/dc

Ambient temperature, in service -40...60°C (-40...140°F) -40...60°C (-40...140°F)

2 Using external RTD module
3 Check the available power supply range from the device's serial number label.

Table 3 - Communication & others

Easergy P3 Standard Easergy P3 Advanced

4 3


Rear ports RS-232 – ■ ■ ■

IRIG/B ■ ■ ■

RS-485 – ■ Using external Using external

I/O module I/O module

ETHERNET – ■ ■ ■

Protocols IEC 61850 Ed1 – ■ ■ ■ ■

& Ed2

IEC 60870-5-101 – ■ ■ ■ ■

IEC 60870-5-103 – ■ ■ ■ ■

DNP3 Over – ■ ■ ■ ■

Modbus serial – ■ ■ ■ ■

Modbus TCP/IP – ■ ■ ■ ■

DeviceNet – ■ ■ ■ ■

Profibus DP – ■ ■ ■ ■

SPAbus – ■ ■ ■ ■

Redundancy RSTP – ■ ■ ■ ■
PRP – ■ ■ ■ ■


Control 1 object 8 objects 8 objects

Mimic Mimic Mimic

Logic Matrix ■ ■

Logic equations ■ ■

Cyber security Password Password

Withdrawability (Pluggable ■ –

Remote UMI – ■

22 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

NOTE: The numbers in the following tables represent the amount of stages
available for each Easergy P3 type.

Table 4 - Protection functions for P3U

Protection functions ANSI Feeder Feeder P3U30 Motor P3U10/20 Motor P3U30
code P3U10/20

Fault locator 21FL – 1 – 1

Synchronism check4 25 – 2 – 2

Undervoltage 27 – 3 – 3

Directional power 32 – 2 – 2

Phase undercurrent 37 1 1 1 1

RTD temperature 38/49T 12 12 12 12


Negative sequence 46 – – 2 2
overcurrent (motor,

Incorrect phase sequence 46 – – 1 1

Cur. unbalance, broken 46BC 1 1 – –


Negative sequence 47 – 3 – 3
overvoltage protection

Excessive start time, 48/51LR – – 1 1

locked rotor

Thermal overload 49 1 1 1 1

Phase overcurrent 50/51 3 3 3 3

Ground fault overcurrent 50N/51N 5 5 5 5

Breaker failure 50BF 1 1 1 1

SOTF 50HS 1 1 1 1

Capacitor bank 51C 2 2 2 2


Voltage-dependent 51V – 1 – 1

Overvoltage 59 – 3 – 3

Capacitor overvoltage 59C 1 1 – –

Neutral overvoltage 59N 3 3 3 3

CT supervision 60 1 1 1 1

VT supervision 60FL – 1 – 1

Starts per hour 66 – – 1 1

Directional phase 67 – 4 – 4

P3T/en M/F006 23
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Protection functions ANSI Feeder Feeder P3U30 Motor P3U10/20 Motor P3U30
code P3U10/20

Directional ground fault 67N 3 3 3 3


Transient intermittent 67NI 1 1 – –

Second harmonic inrush 68F2 1 1 1 1


Fifth harmonic detection 68H5 1 1 1 1

Auto-Recloser 79 5 5 – –

Over or under frequency 81 – 2/2 – 2/2

Rate of change of 81R – 1 – 1


Under frequency 81U – 2 – 2

Lockout 86 1 1 1 1

Programmable stages 99 8 8 8 8

Cold load pickup (CLPU) – 1 1 1 1

Programmable curves – 3 3 3 3

Setting groups 7 – 4 4 4 4
4 The availability depends on the selected voltage measurement mode (in the Scaling setting view in Easergy Pro)
5 Using external RTD module
6 Capacitor bank unbalance protection is connected to the ground fault overcurrent input and shares two stages with the ground fault

overcurrent protection.
7 Not all protection functions have 4 setting groups. See details in the manual.

Table 5 - Protection functions for Px3x

Protection functions ANSI P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Distance 21 – 1 – – – – –

Under-impedance 21G – – – – 2 2 –

Fault locator 21FL 1 1 – – – – –

Overfluxing 24 – – – – 1 1 1

Synchronism check8 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Undervoltage 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Positive sequence under- 27P – – – – 2 2 –


Directional power 32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Phase undercurrent 37 – – 1 1 – – –

RTD temperature 38/49T 12 12 12 12 12 12 12


Loss of field 40 – – – – 1 1 –

Under-reactance 21/40 – – – – 2 2 –

24 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Protection functions ANSI P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Negative sequence 46 – – 2 2 2 2 2
overcurrent (motor,

Cur. unbalance, broken 46BC 1 1 – – – – –


Incorrect phase sequence 47 – – 1 1 – – –

Negative sequence 47 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
overvoltage protection

Excessive start time, 48/51LR – – 1 1 – – –

locked rotor

Thermal overload 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Phase overcurrent 50/51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ground fault overcurrent 50N/51N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Breaker failure 50BF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SOTF 50HS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Capacitor bank 51C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


Voltage-dependent 51V 1 1 – – 1 1 –

Overvoltage 59 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Capacitor overvoltage 59C 1 1 – – – – –

Neutral overvoltage 59N 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

CT supervision 60 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

VT supervision 60FL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Restricted ground fault 64REF – – – – – 1 1

(low impedance)

Stator ground fault 64S – – – – 1 1 –

Starts per hour 66 – – 1 1 – – –

Directional phase 67 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Directional ground fault 67N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Transient intermittent 67NI 1 1 – – – – –

Second harmonic inrush 68F2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Fifth harmonic detection 68H5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Pole slip 78PS – – – – 1 1 –

Auto-Recloser 79 5 5 – – – – –

P3T/en M/F006 25
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Protection functions ANSI P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Over or under frequency 81 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2

Rate of change of 81R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Under frequency 81U 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lockout 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Line differential 87L – 2 – – – – –

Machine differential 87M – – – 2 – 2 –

Transformer differential 87T – – – – – – 2

Programmable stages 99 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Arc flash detection (AFD) – 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Cold load pickup (CLPU) – 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Programmable curves – 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Setting groups 11 – 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
8 The availability depends on the selected voltage measurement mode (in the Scaling setting view in Easergy Pro)
9 Using external RTD module
10 Capacitor bank unbalance protection is connected to the ground fault overcurrent input and shares two stages with the ground fault

overcurrent protection.
11 Not all protection functions have 4 setting groups. See details in the manual.

Table 6 - Control functions

Control functions P3U10/ P3U30 P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Switchgear control and 1/2 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


Switchgear monitoring – – 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Programmable switchgear ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Local control on single- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

line diagram

Local control with O/I keys ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Local/remote function ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Function keys 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Custom logic (logic ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Control with Smart App ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

26 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Table 7 - Measurements

Measurement P3U10/ P3U30 P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

RMS current values ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■12 ■ ■12 ■12

RMS voltage values ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

RMS active, reactive and – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

apparent power

Frequency ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Fundamental frequency ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■12 ■ ■12 ■12

current values

Fundamental frequency – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
voltage values

Fundamental frequency – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
active, reactive and
apparent power values

Power factor – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Energy values active and – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Energy transmitted with – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

pulse outputs

Demand values: phase ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Demand values: active, – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

reactive, apparent power
and power factor

Min and max demand ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

values: phase currents

Min and max demand ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

values: RMS phase

Min and max demand – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

values: active, reactive,
apparent power and
power factor

Maximum demand values – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

over the last 31 days and
12 months: active,
reactive, apparent power

Minimum demand values – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

over the last 31 days and
12 months: active,
reactive power

Max and min values: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


P3T/en M/F006 27
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Measurement P3U10/ P3U30 P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Max and min values: – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Max and min values: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Max andmin values: – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

active, reactive, apparent
power and power factor

Harmonic values of phase ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■12 ■ ■12 ■12

current and THD

Harmonic values of – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
voltage and THD

Voltage sags and swells – ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

12 Function available on both sets of CT inputs

Table 8 - Logs and records

Logs and Records P3U10/ P3U30 P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Sequence of event record ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Disturbance record ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Tripping context record ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Table 9 - Monitoring functions

Monitoring functions P3U30 P3F30 P3L30 P3M30 P3M32 P3G30 P3G32 P3T32

Trip circuit supervision 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(ANSI 74)

Circuit breaker monitoring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Relay monitoring ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

2.4 Access to device configuration

You can access the device configuration via:
• the Easergy Pro setting tool
• the device’s front panel

2.4.1 User accounts

By default, the Easergy P3 device has five user accounts.

28 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Table 10 - User accounts

User account User name Default Use


User user 0 Used for reading parameter

values, measurements, and
events, for example

Operator operator 1 Used for controlling objects and

for changing the protection stages’
settings, for example

Configurator conf 2 Needed during the device

commissioning. For example, the
scaling of the voltage and current
transformers can be set only with
this user account. Also used for
logging on to the HTTP server

Administrator admin 3 Needed for changing the

passwords for other user accounts
and for creating new user

Easergy easergy 2 Used for logging on to the FTP


2.4.2 Logging on via the front panel

NOTE: To log on via the front panel, you need a password that consists of
digits only.

1. Press and on the front panel. The Enter password view opens.

Figure 1 - Enter password view


2. Enter the password for the desired access level.

Select a digit value using , and if the password is longer than one digit,
move to the next digit position using .

NOTE: There are 16 digit positions in the Enter password view. Enter the
password starting from the first digit position.

For example, if the password is 2, you can enter 2***, **2*, ***2, or 0002
to log on.

3. Press to confirm the password.

P3T/en M/F006 29
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Related topics
Password management on page 30

2.4.3 HTTP and FTP logon details

You can log on to the HTTP server and FTP using these user names and
Table 11 - HTTP and FTP logon details

Protocol User name Password

HTTP conf 2

FTP easergy 2

2.4.4 Password management


To improve cybersecurity:

• Change all passwords from their default values when taking the protection
device into use.
• Change all passwords regularly.

Failure to follow these instructions can increase the risk of unauthorized


You can change the password for the operator or configurator user accounts in
the General > Device info setting view in Easergy Pro.

The password can contain letters, digits or any other UTF-8 characters (total 1–32
characters). However, the new password cannot be any of the default passwords
(digits 0–4 or 9999).

NOTE: To log on via the front panel, you need a password that consists of
digits only.
Related topics
Logging on via the front panel on page 29

2.4.5 Changing passwords for administrator and configurator accounts via


Change the password for the administrator and configurator user accounts to
reach an optimal cybersecurity level. To log on as the administrator user, you
need to use either a serial terminal software or a Telnet client software. This
instruction describes how to change the passwords using PuTTY which is freely
available at https://www.putty.org/.

1. Download and install PuTTY.

30 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

2. Connect the Easergy P3 device to your PC via the USB port in the device's
front panel.

3. Find the COM port number for the device (for example, with Easergy Pro).

4. Connect to the device’s COM port via PuTTY.

a. Open PuTTY.
The PuTTY Configuration dialog box opens.

Figure 2 - PuTTY Configuration dialog box

b. In the Serial line field, type the COM port name.

c. In the Speed field, set the communication speed to 187500 bps.

d. Click Open.
The PuTTY command window opens.

5. Log on as the administrator by giving command login.

Figure 3 - PuTTY login

P3T/en M/F006 31
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

6. Change the password for the administrator account by giving the command

Figure 4 - Changing the administrator password in PuTTY

7. Change the password for the configurator account by giving the command
passwd conf.

Figure 5 - Changing the configurator password in PuTTY

8. Log out by giving the command logout.

2.4.6 Password restoring

If you have lost or forgotten all passwords, contact Schneider Electric to restore
the default passwords.

2.5 Front panel

Easergy P3T32 has a 128 x 128 LCD matrix display.

32 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Figure 6 - Easergy P3T32 front panel


F1 F2


A. Power LED
B. CANCEL push-button
C. Navigation push-buttons
E. INFO push-button
F. Service LED
G. Function push-buttons and LEDs showing their status
H. Local port
I. Object control buttons
J. User-configurable LEDs

2.5.1 Push-buttons

Symbol Function

HOME/CANCEL push-button for returning to the previous menu. To return to

the first menu item in the main menu, press the button for at least 3 seconds.

INFO push-button for viewing additional information, for entering the password
view and for adjusting the LCD contrast.

Programmable function push-button.13

Programmable function push-button.13

P3T/en M/F006 33
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

ENTER push-button for activating or confirming a function.

UP navigation push-button for moving up in the menu or increasing a numerical


DOWN navigation push-button for moving down in the menu or decreasing a

numerical value.

LEFT navigation push-button for moving backwards in a parallel menu or

selecting a digit in a numerical value.

RIGHT navigation push-button for moving forwards in a parallel menu or

selecting a digit in a numerical value.

Circuit breaker close push-button

Circuit breaker trip push-button

13 The default names of the function buttons are Function button 1 and 2. You can change the names
of the buttons in the Control > Names for function buttons setting view.

2.5.2 LED indicators

The relay has 18 LEDs on the front panel:

• two LEDs for function buttons (F1 and F2)

• two LEDs represent the unit's general status (power and service)
• 14 user-configurable LEDs (A-N)

When the relay is powered, the power LED is green. During normal use, the
service LED is not active, it activates only when an error occurs or the relay is not
operating correctly. Should this happen, contact your local representative for
further guidance. The service LED and watchdog contact are assigned to work
together. Hardwire the status output into the substation's automation system for
alarm purposes.

The user-configurable LEDs may be red or green. You can configure them via
Easergy Pro.

To customize the LED texts on the front panel for the user-configurable LEDs, the
text may be created using a template and then printed. The printed text may be
placed in the pockets beside the LEDs.

You can also customize the LED texts that are shown on the screen for active
LEDs via Easergy Pro.

34 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

Table 12 - LED indicators and their information

LED indicator LED color Meaning Measure /


Power LED lit Green The auxiliary power Normal operation

has been switched state

Service LED lit Red Internal fault. The relay attempts

Operates in parallel to reboot. If the
with the self- service LED remains
supervision output lit, call for

A–H LED lit Green or red Application-related Configurable in the

status indicators. Matrix setting view

F1 or F2 LED lit Green Corresponding Depending on the

function key function
pressed / activated programmed to F1 /

2.5.3 Configuring the LED names via Easergy Pro

1. Go to General > LED names.

2. To change a LED name, click the LED Description text and type a new
name. To save the new name, press Enter.

Figure 7 - LED NAMES menu in Easergy Pro for LED configuration

P3T/en M/F006 35
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

2.5.4 Controlling the alarm screen

You can enable or disable the alarm screen either via the relay's local display or
using Easergy Pro:

• On the local display, go to Events > Alarms.

• In Easergy Pro, go to General > Local panel conf.

2.5.5 Accessing operating levels

1. On the front panel, press and .

2. Enter the password, and press .

2.5.6 Adjusting the LCD contrast

Prerequisite: You have entered the correct password.

1. Press , and adjust the contrast.

◦ To increase the contrast, press .

◦ To decrease the contrast, press .

2. To return to the main menu, press .

NOTE: By nature, the LCD display changes its contrast depending on the
ambient temperature. The display may become dark or unreadable at low
temperatures. However, this condition does not affect the proper operation of
the protection or other functions.

2.5.7 Testing the LEDs and LCD screen

You can start the test sequence in any main menu window.

To start the LED and LCD test:

1. Press .

2. Press .

The relay tests the LCD screen and the functionality of all LEDs.

2.5.8 Controlling an object with selective control

Prerequisite: You have logged in with the correct password and enabled selective
control in the Objects setting view.

When selective control is enabled, the control operation needs confirmation

(select before operate).
• Press to close an object.

– Press again to confirm.

36 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay

– Press to cancel.
• Press to trip an object.

– Press again to confirm.

– Press to cancel.

2.5.9 Controlling an object with direct control

Prerequisite: You have logged in with the correct password and enabled direct
control in the Objects setting view.

When direct control is enabled, the control operation is done without confirmation.
• Press to close an object.
• Press to trip an object.

2.5.10 Menus

This section gives an overview of the menus that you can access via the device's
front panel.

The main menu

Press the right arrow to access more measurements in the main menu.
Table 13 - Main menu

Menu name Description

Active LEDs User-configurable texts for active LEDs

Measurements User-configurable measurements

Single line Single line or Single line mimic, measurements and control view. This
is a default start view. To return to this view from any location, press
the HOME/CANCELL button for at least 3 seconds.

Info Information about the relay: relay's name, order code, date, time and
firmware version

P Power: power factor and frequency values calculated by the relay.

Press the right arrow to view more measurements.

E Energy: the amount of energy that has passed through the protected
line, calculated by the relay from the currents and voltages. Press the
right arrow to view more energy measurements.

I Current: phase currents and demand values of phase currents. Press

the right arrow to view more current measurements.

V Line-to-line voltages. Press the right arrow to view other voltage


P3T/en M/F006 37
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

Menu name Description

Dema Minimum and maximum phase current and power demand values

Vmax Minimum and maximum values of voltage and frequency

Imax Minimum and maximum current values

Pmax Minimum and maximum power values

Month Monthly maximum current and power values

FL Short-circuit locator applied to incomer or feeder

Evnt Event log: event codes and time stamps

DR Disturbance recorder configuration settings

Runh Running hour counter

TIMR Timers: programmable timers that you can use to preset functions

DI Digital input statuses and settings

DO Digital output statuses and settings

Arc Arc flash detection settings

Prot Protection: settings and statuses for various protection functions

50/51-1–50/51-4 Protection stage settings and statuses. The availability of the menus
are depends on the activated protection stages.

AR Auto-reclosure settings, statuses and registers

OBJ Objects: settings related to object status data and object control (open/

Lgic Logic events and counters

CONF General device setup: CT and VT scalings, frequency adaptation,

units, device info, date, time, clock, etc.

Bus Communication port settings

Slot Slot info: card ID (CID) that is the name of the card used by the relay

Diag Diagnosis: various diagnostic information

38 P3T/en M/F006
2 Product introduction Transformer protection relay Moving in the menus

Figure 8 - Moving in menus using the front panel

Main menu Submenus

ARC Arc detection settings


I pick-up setting


• To move in the main menu, press or .

• To move in the submenus, press or .
• While in the submenu, press or to jump to the root.
• To enter a submenu, press and use or for moving down or up
in the menu.
• To edit a parameter value, press and .
• Enter the password, and press .
• To go back to the previous menu, press .
• To go back to the first menu item in the main menu, press for at least three

NOTE: To enter the parameter edit mode, enter the password. When the
value is in edit mode, its background is dark. Local panel messages

Table 14 - Local panel messages

Value is not editable: The value can not be edited or password is not given

Control disabled: Object control disabled due to wrong operating level

Change causes autoboot: Notification that if the parameter is changed the relay boots

P3T/en M/F006 39
Transformer protection relay 2 Product introduction

2.6 Easergy Pro setting and configuration tool


Only qualified personnel should operate this equipment.

Such work should be performed only after reading this
entire set of instructions and checking the technical
characteristics of the device.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or

serious injury.

Easergy Pro is a software tool for configuring Easergy P3 relays. It has a

graphical interface where the relay settings and parameters are grouped under
seven tabs:
• General
• Measurements
• Inputs/outputs
• Protection
• Matrix
• Logs
• Communication

The contents of the tabs depend on the relay type and the selected application

Easergy Pro stores the relay configuration in a setting file. The configuration of
one physical relay is saved in one setting file. The configurations can be printed
out and saved for later use.

For more information, see the Easergy Pro user manual.

NOTE: Download the latest version of the software from www.schneider-



After writing new settings or configurations to a relay, perform a test to verify that
the relay operates correctly with the new settings.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in unwanted shutdown of

the electrical installation.

40 P3T/en M/F006
3 Mechanical structure Transformer protection relay

3 Mechanical structure

3.1 Modularity
The relay has a modular structure. The relay is built from hardware modules that
are installed into 10 different slots at the back of the relay. The location of the
slots is shown in Figure 9 - Slot numbering and card options in the Easergy
P3T32 rear panel and an example of defining the pin address 1/C/1:1 on page

The type of the hardware modules is defined by the order code.

Figure 9 - Slot numbering and card options in the Easergy P3T32 rear panel and
an example of defining the pin address 1/C/1:1



I Card C 1 Supply voltage [V]

II Connector 2 2, 3 I/O card

III Pin 1 4, 5 I/O or analog measurement card

IV Protective grounding 6, 9 Communication or I/O option card

7, 8, 10 Analog measurement card (I, V)

For complete availability information on the different option cards, see 13.2
Accessories on page 372.

10.6 Connections on page 288 contains detailed information on each card.

P3T/en M/F006 41
Transformer protection relay 3 Mechanical structure


Table 15 - Example of typical model Easergy P3T32-CGATA-AAENA-B2


Application T32 = Transformer protection relay

1 Supply voltage Power C 110 – 240 V (80–265 V ac/dc, 5 x DO

heavy duty, A1, SF)

2 I/O card I G = 6DI+4DO (6 x DI, 4 x DO)

3 I/O card II A = None

4 I/O card III T = 3xI (5/1A) + Io (5/1A) for Transformer

differential, excludes I/O card in slot 5

5 I/O card IV A = None

6 Option card I A = None

7 Future option A = None

8 Analog measurement card (See E = 3L(5A)+4V+2IO (5/1A+1/0.2A)


9 Communication interface I N = 2 x RJ (Ethernet RJ 100 Mbs, RSTP, PRP)

10 Future option A = None

Display type B = 128x128 (128 x 128 LCD matrix)

DI nominal voltage 2 = 110 V dc/ac

3.2 Slot info and order code

The relay's configuration can be checked via the front panel or Easergy Pro menu
called Slot or Slot info. “Card ID” is the name of the card used by the relay

42 P3T/en M/F006
3 Mechanical structure Transformer protection relay

Figure 10 - Hardware configuration example view from Easergy Pro configuration


NOTE: See 13.1 Order codes on page 371 for the relay ordering options.

P3T/en M/F006 43
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

4 Measurement functions
Easergy P3 has various amounts of analog inputs depending on the model in use.
Table 16 - Measurement functions in Easergy P3 on page 44 introduces directly
measured and calculated quantities for the power system monitoring. Also see
2.3 Product selection guide on page 20.

The current scaling impacts the following functions:

• Protection stages
• Measurements
• Disturbance recorder
• Fault location calculation

Table 16 - Measurement functions in Easergy P3

Measurements P3U10/20 P3U30 P3x3x Measurement Inaccuracy

Specification range

RMS phase current ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15


I > 1.5 x IN: ±3 % of value

RMS ground fault ■ ■ ■ 0.003-2 x IN I ≤ 1.5 xI0N: ±0.3 % of value or ±0.2

overcurrent % of I0N

I > 1.5 xI0N: ±3 % of value

RMS line-to-line voltage — ■ ■ 0.005-1.7 x VN ±0.5 % or ±0.3 V

RMS phase-to-neutral — ■ ■ 0.005-1.7 x VN ±0.5 % or ±0.3 V


RMS active power (PF >0.5) — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x PN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN

RMS reactive power (PF — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x QN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xQN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xQN

RMS apparent power (PF — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x SN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xSN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xSN

Frequency ■ ■ ■ 16 Hz – 75 Hz ±10 mHz

Fundamental frequency ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15

current values mA

I > 1.5 x IN: ±3 % of value

Fundamental frequency — ■ ■ 0.005-1.7 x VN ±0.5 % or ±0.3 V

voltage values

Fundamental frequency — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x PN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN

active, reactive and apparent
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN
power values

44 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Measurements P3U10/20 P3U30 P3x3x Measurement Inaccuracy

Specification range

Fundamental frequency — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x QN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xQN

active power values
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xQN

Fundamental frequency — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x SN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xSN

reactive power values
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xSN

Power factor — ■ ■ 0.02-1 ±2° or ±0.02 for PF > 0.5

Active energy — ■ ■ ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xEPN

Reactive energy — ■ ■ ±1 %/1h for range 0.3-1.5xEQN

±3 %/1h for range 0.1-0.3xEQN

Energy transmitted with — ■ ■ ±1 %/1h for range 0.3-1.5xEPN

pulse outputs
±3 %/1h for range 0.1-0.3xEPN

Demand values: phase ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15

currents mA

I > 1.5 x IN ±3 % of value

Active power demand — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x PN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN

Reactive power demand — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x QN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xQN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xQN

Apparent power demand — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x SN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xSN

±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xSN

Power factor demand — ■ ■ ±2° or ±0.02 for PF > 0.5

Min and max demand ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15
values: phase currents mA

I > 1.5 x IN ±3 % of value

Min and max demand ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15
values: RMS phase currents mA

I > 1.5 x IN ±3 % of value

Min and max demand — ■ ■ ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN, QN, SN

values: active, reactive,
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN, QN, SN
apparent power and power

Maximum demand values — ■ ■ ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN, QN, SN

over the last 31 days and 12
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN, QN, SN
months: active, reactive,
apparent power

P3T/en M/F006 45
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Measurements P3U10/20 P3U30 P3x3x Measurement Inaccuracy

Specification range

Minimum demand values — ■ ■ ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN, QN, SN

over the last 31 days and 12
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN, QN, SN
months: active, reactive

Max and min values: ■ ■ ■ 0.025-50 x IN I ≤ 1.5 x IN: ±0.5 % of value or ±15
currents mA

I > 1.5 x IN ±3 % of value

Max and min values: — ■ ■ 0.005-1.7 x VN ±0.5 % or ±0.3 V


Max and min values: ■ ■ ■ 16 Hz-75 Hz ±10 mHz


Max andmin values: active, — ■ ■ ±0.1-1.5 x PN, QN, SN ±1 % for range 0.3-1.5xPN, QN, SN
reactive, apparent power
±3 % for range 0.1-0.3xPN, QN, SN
and power factor
±2° or ±0.02 for PF > 0.5

Harmonic values of phase ■ ■ ■ 2nd-15th

current and THD

Harmonic values of voltage — ■ ■ 2nd-15th

and THD

Voltage sags and swells — ■ ■ 0.005-1.7 x VN ±2° or ±0.02 for PF > 0.5

NOTE: Measurement display's refresh rate is 0.2 s.

4.1 Primary, secondary and per unit scaling

Many measurement values are shown as primary values although the relay is
connected to secondary signals. Some measurement values are shown as
relative values - per unit or percent. Almost all start setting values use relative
Table 17 - Phase current and ground fault overcurrent scaling parameters

Parameter Description

CT' primary Primary current value of the CT at I’L side (only

P3x32 relays)

CT' secondary Secondary current value of the CT at I’L side (only

P3x32 relays)

Nominal input (IL side) Rated value of the phase current input. The given
thermal withstand, burden and impedance are
based on this value.

See Table 147 - Measuring circuits on page 325 for


46 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Description

Nominal input (I'L side) Rated value of the phase current input at I' side.
The given thermal withstand, burden and
impedance are based on this value (only P3x32
relays). See Table 147 - Measuring circuits on page
325 for details.

CT primary Primary current value of the IL current transformer

CT secondary Secondary current value of the IL current


IN1 CT primary Primary current value of the ground fault IN1

overcurrent transformer

IN1 CT secondary Secondary current value of the ground fault IN1

overcurrent transformer

Nominal IN1 input Selectable nominal input rating for the ground fault
overcurrent input. Select either 5A or 1A depending
on which Io input is used. The given thermal
withstand, burden and impedance are based on this

See Table 147 - Measuring circuits on page 325 for


IN2 CT primary Primary current value of the ground fault IN2

overcurrent transformer

IN2 CT secondary Secondary current value of the IN2 overcurrent


Nominal IN2 input Selectable nominal input rating for the ground fault
overcurrent input. Select either 1A or 0.2A
depending on which Io input is used. The given
thermal withstand, burden and impedance are
based on this value. See Table 147 - Measuring
circuits on page 325 for details.

IN3 CT primary Primary current value of the ground fault IN3

overcurrent transformer

IN3 CT secondary Secondary current value of the ground fault IN3

overcurrent transformer

VT primary Primary voltage value of the voltage transformer

Nominal IN3 input Selectable nominal input rating for the ground fault
overcurrent input. Select either 1A or 0.2A
depending on which Io input is used. The given
thermal withstand, burden and impedance are
based on this value. See Table 147 - Measuring
circuits on page 325 for details.

VT secondary Secondary voltage value of the voltage transformer

P3T/en M/F006 47
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Parameter Description

VTo secondary Secondary voltage value of the neutral voltage

displacement voltage transformer

Voltage measurement side Indicates at which side of the protected object the
voltage transformers are located.

Voltage measurement mode The relay can be connected either to zero-

sequence voltage, line-to-line voltage or line-to-
neutral voltage. Set the voltage measurement mode
according to the type of connection used.

Frequency adaptation mode Parameter used to set the system frequency. There
are three modes available: manual, auto and fixed.
For more information, see section Frequency
adaptation mode.

Adapted frequency When the frequency adaption mode is set to

manual, you can set the frequency in the Adapted
frequency field, and it is not be updated even if the
measured frequency is different.

Angle memory duration Time setting for the directional overcurrent stage to
keep the phase angle fixed if the system voltage

I' 180 deg. angle turn A setting to turn I' currents 180 degrees (only
P3x32 relays)

Transformer nominal power Nominal power of the transformer

IL side nominal voltage Nominal power system voltage on the IL side

I’L side nominal voltage Nominal power system voltage on the I’L side

Connection group Connection group of the power transformer

Io compensation Zero-current compensation on the I’L side. If the

transformer is earthed on the IL side, this must be

I’o compensation Zero-current compensation on the I’L side. If the

transformer is earthed on the I’L side, this must be

48 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 11 - Scaling setting view in Easergy Pro

P3T/en M/F006 49
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

The scaling equations presented in 4.1.2 Current transformer ratio on page 50

and 4.1.3 Voltage transformer ratio on page 53 are useful when doing secondary

4.1.1 Frequency adaptation mode

You can set the system frequency in General > Scaling in Easergy Pro.

There are three frequency adaptation modes available:

• Manual: When the adaption mode is set to manual, you can set the frequency
in the Adapted frequency field, and it will not be updated even if the
measured frequency is different. However, the relay monitors the system
frequency internally and adapts to the new frequency even if the frequency
has been set manually.
• Auto: The network frequency is automatically updated when the relay has
measured the voltage for approximately 45 seconds. The Adapted frequency
field is updated even if it has been set previously. The frequency is measured
from the voltage signals.
Table 18 - Voltage signals

Voltage measurement mode Voltage Voltage channel


3LN, 3LN+VN, 3LN/LNy, 3LN/LLy VA, VB V1, V2

LN+VN/y/z VA V1

LL+VN/y/z VAB V1

• Fixed: The frequency is not updated based on the measured voltage and only
the set value is used. This mode is recommended to be used for the line-
differential function.

4.1.2 Current transformer ratio

NOTE: The rated value of the relay's current input, for example 5 A or 1 A,
does not have any effect on the scaling equations, but it defines the
measurement range and the maximum allowed continuous current. See Table
147 - Measuring circuits on page 325 for details.
Table 19 - Primary and secondary scaling

Current (CT)

Residual current calculated

secondary → primary

primary → secondary

50 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

For ground fault overcurrent to input IN, use the corresponding CTPRI and CTSEC
values. For ground fault stages using IN Calc signals, use the phase current CT
values for CTPRI and CTSEC.


1. Secondary to primary

CT = 500 / 5
Current to the relay's input is 4 A.
=> Primary current is IPRI = 4 x 500 / 5 = 400 A

2. Primary to secondary

CT = 500 / 5
The relay displays IPRI = 400 A
=> Injected current is ISEC = 400 x 5 / 500 = 4 A

Per unit [pu] scaling

For phase currents excluding ArcI>stage:

1 pu = 1 x IN = 100%, where IN is the rated current of the transformer.

The rated current for high-voltage side (HV) and low-voltages side (LV) are
calculated by the relay itself using Equation 1 on page 51.

Equation 1

IN =
3 ⋅V N

IN = The rated current 1 pu.

SN = Rated apparent power of the protected object

VN = Rated line-to-line voltage of the protected object

For ground fault overcurrents and ArcI> stage:

1 pu = 1 x CTSEC for secondary side and 1 pu = 1 x CTPRI for primary side.

Phase current scaling Ground fault overcurrent (3I0)

excluding ArcI> stage scaling and phase current
scaling for ArcI> stage

secondary → per unit I SEC ⋅ CTPRI I SEC

I PU = I PU =

per unit → secondary



1. Secondary to per unit for ArcI>

P3T/en M/F006 51
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

CT = 750 / 5
Current injected to the relay's inputs is 7 A.
Per unit current is IPU = 7 / 5 = 1.4 pu = 140%

2. Secondary to per unit for phase currents excluding ArcI>

CT = 750/5
IN = 525 A
Current injected to the relay's inputs is 7 A.
Per unit current is IPU = 7 x 750 / (5 x 525) = 2.00 pu = 2.00 x IN = 200%
Per unit current is IPU = 7 x 750 / (5 x 525) = 2.00 pu = 2.00 x ITN= 200%

3. Per unit to secondary for ArcI>

CT = 750 / 5
The relay setting is 2 pu = 200%.
Secondary current is ISEC = 2 x 5 = 10 A

4. Per unit to secondary for phase currents

CT = 750 / 5
IN = 525 A
The relay setting is 2 x IN = 2 pu = 200%.
The relay setting is 2 x ITN = 2 pu = 200%.
Secondary current is ISEC = 2 x 5 x 525 / 750 = 7 A

5. Secondary to per unit for earth fault overcurrent

Input is IN1.
CT0 = 50 / 1
Current injected to the relay's input is 30 mA.
Per unit current is IPU = 0.03 / 1 = 0.03 pu = 3%

6. Secondary to per unit for ground fault overcurrent

Input is IN1.
CT0 = 50 / 1
The relay setting is 0.03 pu = 3%.
Secondary current is ISEC = 0.03 x 1 = 30 mA

7. Secondary to per unit for earth fault overcurrent

Input is IN Calc.
CT = 750 / 5
Currents injected to the relay's IA input is 0.5 A.
IB = IC = 0.
Per unit current is IPU = 0.5 / 5 = 0.1 pu = 10%

8. Secondary to per unit for earth fault overcurrent

Input is IN Calc.
CT = 750 / 5
The relay setting is 0.1 pu = 10%.
If IB = IC = 0, then secondary current to IA is ISEC = 0.1 x 5 = 0.5 A

52 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

4.1.3 Voltage transformer ratio

NOTE: Voltage transformer scaling is based on the line-to-line voltages in all

voltage measurements modes.
Table 20 - Primary/secondary scaling of line-to-line voltages

Line-to-line voltage scaling

Voltage measurement mode Voltage measurement

= "2LL+VN" mode = "3LN"

secondary → VTPRI VTPRI

primary V PRI = V SEC ⋅ V PRI = 3 ⋅ V SEC ⋅


secondary V SEC = V PRI ⋅ V SEC = ⋅


1. Secondary to primary. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

VT = 12000/110
Voltage connected to the relay's input VA or VB is 100 V.
=> Primary voltage is VPRI = 100x12000/110 = 10909 V.

2. Secondary to primary. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN”.

VT = 12000/110
Three phase symmetric voltages connected to the relay's inputs VA, VB
and VC are 57.7 V.
=> Primary voltage is VPRI = √3 x58x12000/110 = 10902 V

3. Primary to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

VT = 12000/110
The relay displays VPRI = 10910 V.
=> Secondary voltage is VSEC = 10910x110/12000 = 100 V

4. Primary to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN”.

VT = 12000/110
The relay displays VAB = VBC = VCA = 10910 V.
=> Symmetric secondary voltages at VA, VB and VC are VSEC = 10910/√3
x110/12000 = 57.7 V.

Per unit [pu] scaling of line-to-line voltages

One per unit = 1 pu = 1 x VN = 100%, where VN = rated voltage of the VT.

P3T/en M/F006 53
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Line-to-line voltage scaling

Voltage measurement mode = Voltage measurement

"2LL+VN", "1LL+VN/LLy", "2LL/ mode = "3LN"
LLy", "LL/LLy/LLz"

secondary → per V SEC VTPRI V SEC VTPRI

unit V PU = ⋅ V PU = 3 ⋅ ⋅

per unit → VN V SEC = V PU ⋅


secondary V SEC = V PU ⋅ VTSEC ⋅ VTPRI


1. Secondary to per unit. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

VT = 12000/110
Voltage connected to the relay's input VA or VB is 110 V.
=> Per unit voltage is VPU = 110/110 = 1.00 pu = 1.00 x VN = 100%

2. Secondary to per unit. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN".

VT = 12000/110
Three symmetric phase-to-neutral voltages connected to the relay's inputs
VA, VB and VC are 63.5 V
=> Per unit voltage is VPU = √3 x 63.5/110 x 12000/11000 = 1.00 pu =
1.00xVN = 100%

3. Per unit to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

VT = 12000/110
The relay displays 1.00 pu = 100%.
=> Secondary voltage is VSEC = 1.00 x 110 x 11000/12000 = 100.8 V

4. Per unit to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN".

VT = 12000/110
VN = 11000 V
The relay displays 1.00 pu = 100%.
=> Three symmetric phase-to-neutral voltages connected to the relay 's
inputs VA, VB and VC are VSEC = 1.00 x 110/√3 x 11000/12000 = 58.2 V

54 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Per unit [pu] scaling of neutral overvoltage

Neutral overvoltage (VN) scaling

Voltage measurement mode Voltage measurement

= "2LL+VN", "1LL+VN/LLy" mode = "3LN"

secondary → per unit V SEC 1 V a +V b +V c

V PU = V PU = ⋅ SEC


per unit →secondary V SEC = V PU ⋅ V 0 SEC V a +V b +V c

= 3 ⋅ V PU ⋅ VTSEC


1. Secondary to per unit. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

V0SEC = 110 V (This is a configuration value corresponding to VN at full

ground fault.)
Voltage connected to the relay's input VC is 22 V.
=> Per unit voltage is VPU = 22/110 = 0.20 pu = 20%

2. Secondary to per unit. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN".

VT = 12000/110
Voltage connected to the relay's input VA is 38.1 V, while VA = VB = 0.
=> Per unit voltage is VPU = (38.1+0+0)/(√3 x110) = 0.20 pu = 20%

3. Per unit to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "2LL+VN".

V0SEC = 110 V (This is a configuration value corresponding to VN at full

ground fault.)
The relay displays VN = 20%.
=> Secondary voltage at input VC is VSEC = 0.20 x 110 = 22 V

4. Per unit to secondary. Voltage measurement mode is "3LN".

VT = 12000/110
The relay displays VN = 20%.
=> If VB = VC = 0, then secondary voltages at VA is VSEC = √3 x 0.2 x 110 =
38.1 V

4.2 Measurements for protection functions

The relay uses root mean square (RMS) measurement for the protection stages if
not stated otherwise in the protection stage description.

P3T/en M/F006 55
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Figure 12 - Example of various current values of a transformer inrush current

Current (PU)
Load = 0%

rms f2/f1 (%)

5 f1 50

Relative 2nd harmoic f2/f1 (%)

0 0


0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Time (s)

All the direct measurements are based on fundamental frequency values. The
exceptions are frequency and instantaneous current for arc flash detection. Most
protection functions are also based on the fundamental frequency values.

Figure 12 - Example of various current values of a transformer inrush current on

page 56 shows a current waveform and the corresponding fundamental frequency
component f1, second harmonic f2, and RMS value in a special case where the
current deviates significantly from a pure sine wave.

4.3 Measurements for arc flash detection function

The three-phase current measurement and ground fault current measurement for
arc flash detection are done with electronics. The electronics compares the
current levels to the start settings - THRESHOLDs - and gives a binary signals
“I>” or “IN1>” to the arc flash detection function if limit is exceeded. All the
frequency components of the currents are taken into account.

Signals “I>” or “IN>” are connected to a FPGA chip which implements the arc flash
detection function. The start settings are named “I> int” and “IN1> int” in the local
LCD panel or Easergy Pro views, these settings are used to set the THRESHOLD
levels for the electronics.

56 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 13 - Measurement logic for the arc flash detection function


Figure 14 - Measurement logic for the arc flash detection function


6xI + 3Io + 4V A/D


A Io
Io>> I>>


P3T/en M/F006 57
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

A. Threshold
B. Comp
C. Conf. memory

4.4 RMS values

RMS currents

The relay calculates the RMS value of each phase current. The minimum and
maximum RMS values are recorded and stored (see 4.7 Minimum and maximum
values on page 60).

2 2 2
I RMS = I f 1 + I f 2 + ... + I f 15

RMS voltages

The relay calculates the RMS value of each voltage input. The minimum and the
maximum of RMS values are recorded and stored (see 4.7 Minimum and
maximum values on page 60).

2 2 2
V RMS = V f1 +V f2 + ... + V f 15

4.5 Harmonics and total harmonic distortion (THD)

The relay calculates the the total harmonic distortions (THDs) as a percentage of
the currents and voltages values measured at the fundamental frequency. The
relay calculates the harmonics from the 2nd to the 15th of phase currents and
voltages. (The 17th harmonic component is also shown partly in the value of the
15th harmonic component. This is due to the nature of digital sampling.)
The harmonic distortion is calculated:

Equation 2


i =2


f1 = Fundamental value
f2– 15 = Harmonics


f1 = 100 A, f3 = 10 A, f7 = 3 A, f11 = 8 A

58 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

10 2 + 3 2 + 8 2
THD = = 13.2%
For reference, the RMS value is:

RMS = 100 2 + 10 2 + 3 2 + 8 2 = 100.9 A

Another way to calculate the THD is to use the RMS value as reference instead of
the fundamental frequency value. In the example above, the result would then be
13.0 %.

4.6 Demand values

The device calculates average values (demand values) of phase currents IA, IB, IC
and power values S, P and Q.

The demand time is configurable from 10 to 60 minutes with the parameter

"Demand time".

Figure 15 - Demand values

Table 21 - Demand value parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Set14

Time 10 – 30 min Demand time (averaging time) Set

Fundamental frequency values

IAda A Demand of phase current IA

IBda A Demand of phase current IB

ICda A Demand of phase current IC

Pda kW Demand of active power P

PFda Demand of power factor PF

Qda kvar Demand of reactive power Q

P3T/en M/F006 59
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Set14

Sda kVA Demand of apparent power S

RMS values

IARMSda A Demand of RMS phase current IA

IBRMSda A Demand of RMS phase current IB

ICRMSda A Demand of RMS phase current IC

Prmsda kW Demand of RMS active power P

Qrmsda kvar Demand of RMS reactive power Q

Srmsda kVA Demand of RMS apparent power S

14 Set = An editable parameter (password needed)

4.7 Minimum and maximum values

Minimum and maximum values are registered with time stamps since the latest
manual clearing or since the relay has been restarted. The available registered
values are listed in Table 22 - Minimum and maximum measurement values on
page 60.

Figure 16 - Minimum and maximum values

Table 22 - Minimum and maximum measurement values

Min & Max measurement Description

IA, IB, IC Phase current, fundamental frequency value

IA RMS, IB RMS, IC RMS Phase current, RMS value

IN1, IN2 Ground fault overcurrent, fundamental value

VA, VB, VC, VD Voltages, fundamental frequency values

60 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Min & Max measurement Description

VARMS, VBRMS, VCRMS, VDRMS Line-to-neutral voltages, RMS value

VN Neutral voltage displacement, fundamental value

f Frequency

P, Q, S Active, reactive, apparent power

IA da, IBda, ICda Demand values of phase currents

IAda, IBda, ICda (rms value) Demand values of phase currents, rms values

P.F. Power factor

The clearing parameter "ClrMax" is common for all these values.

Table 23 - Parameters

Parameter Value Description Set15

ClrMax -; Clear Reset all minimum and maximum values Set

15 Set = An editable parameter (password needed).

4.8 Maximum values of the last 31 days and 12 months

The maximum and minimum values of the last 31 days and the last 12 months
are stored in the relay's non-volatile memory. You can view them in the Month
max setting view in Easergy Pro.

NOTE: The saving process starts every 30 minutes and it takes a while. If the
relay's auxiliary supply power is switched off before all values have been
saved, the old values remain for the unsaved ones.

Corresponding time stamps are stored for the last 31 days. The registered values
are listed in Table 24 - Maximum registered values of the last 31 days and 12
months on page 63.

P3T/en M/F006 61
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

Figure 17 - Maximum and minimum values of the past 31 days

Figure 18 - Maximum and minimum values of the past 12 months

62 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

Table 24 - Maximum registered values of the last 31 days and 12 months

12 Max Min Descriptio 31 12

months n days months

IA, IB, IC X Phase


IN1, IN2 X Ground fault


S X Apparent X X

P X X Active power X X

Q X X Reactive X X

The timebase can be a value from one cycle to one minute. Also a demand value
can be used as the timebase and its value can be set between 10 and 60
minutes. The demand value menu is located under the Measurements view.
Table 25 - Parameters of the day and month registers

Parameter Value Description Set16

Timebase Parameter to select the type of the registered values Set

20 ms Collect min & max of one cycle values17

200 ms Collect min & max of 200 ms average values

1s Collect min & max of 1 s average values

1 min Collect min & max of 1 minute average values

demand Collect min & max of demand values (4.6 Demand values
on page 59)

ResetDays Reset the 31 day registers Set

ResetMon Reset the 12 month registers Set

16 Set = An editable parameter (password needed)
17 This is the fundamental frequency RMS value of one cycle updated every 20 ms.

4.9 Power and current direction

Figure 19 - Quadrants of voltage/current phasor plane on page 64 shows the
concept of three-phase current direction and sign of cosφ and power factor PF
(the absolute value is equal to cosφ, but the sign is 'IND' for inductive i.e. lagging

P3T/en M/F006 63
Transformer protection relay 4 Measurement functions

current and 'CAP' for capacitive i.e. leading current). Figure 20 - Quadrants of
power plane on page 64 shows the same concepts on a PQ power plane.

Figure 19 - Quadrants of voltage/current phasor plane

ind +cap

cos = cos = +
PF = + PF =
V REF 0°
cap +ind

cos = cos = +
PF = PF = +

I: Forward capacitive power, current is leading

II: Reverse inductive power, current is leading

III: Reverse capacitive power, current is lagging

IV: Forward inductive power, current is lagging

Figure 20 - Quadrants of power plane

II cap +ind I

cos = cos = +
PF = PF = +

P 0°
ind +cap

cos = cos = +
PF = + PF =

I: Forward inductive power, current is lagging

II: Reverse capacitive power, current is lagging

III: Reverse inductive power, current is leading

64 P3T/en M/F006
4 Measurement functions Transformer protection relay

IV: Forward capacitive power, current is leading

Table 26 - Power quadrants

Power quadrant Current related Power direction cosφ Power factor

to voltage PF

+ inductive Lagging Forward + +

+ capacitive Leading Forward + -

- inductive Leading Reverse - +

- capacitive Lagging Reverse - -

4.10 Symmetrical components

In a three-phase system, the voltage or current phasors may be divided into
symmetrical components.

• Positive sequence 1
• Negative sequence 2
• Zero sequence 0

Symmetrical components are calculated according to the following equations:

S 0  1 1 1   S A
 S  = 1 1 a a   S B
 1 3 2
 S 2  1 a a   S C

S 0 = zero sequence component

S 1 = positive sequence component

S 2 = negative sequence component

1 3
a = 1∠120° = − + j
2 2
, a phase rotating constant

SA = phasor of phase A (phase current or voltage)

SB = phasor of phase B
SC = phasor of phase C

P3T/en M/F006 65
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

5 Control functions

5.1 Digital outputs

The digital outputs are also called controlling outputs, signaling outputs and self-
supervision outputs. Trip contacts can be controlled by using the relay output
matrix or logic functions. Also forced control is possible. To use forced control,
you must enable it in the Relays setting view.
Any internal signal can be connected to the digital outputs in the Matrix > Arc
matrix - output setting views.

The Output matrix and Relays setting views represent the state (de-energized /
energized) of the digital output's coil. For example, a bright green vertical line in
the Output matrix and a logical "1" in the Relays view represent the energized
state of the coil. The same principle applies for both NO and NC type digital
outputs. The actual position (open / closed) of the digital outputs' contacts in coil's
de-energized and energized state depends on the type (NO / NC) of the digital
outputs. De-energized state of the coil corresponds to the normal state of the
contacts. A digital output can be configured as latched or non-latched. 5.5
Releasing latches on page 82 describes releasing latches procedure.

The difference between trip contacts and signal contacts is the DC breaking
capacity. The contacts are single pole single throw (SPST) normal open (NO)
type, except signal relay A1 which has a changeover contact single pole double
throw (SPDT).

In addition to this, the relay has so called heavy duty outputs available in the
power supply modules C and D. For more details, see Table 147 - Measuring
circuits on page 325.

Programming matrix

1. Connected (single bullet)

2. Connected and latched (single bullet rounded with another circle)

3. Not connected (line crossing is empty)

66 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 21 - Trip contacts can be connected to protection stages or other similar

purpose in the Output matrix setting view

Figure 22 - Trip contacts can be assigned directly to outputs of logical operators

NOTE: Logic outputs are assigned automatically in the output matrix as well
when logic is built.

Trip contact status can be viewed and forced to operate in the Relays setting
view. Logical "0" means that the output is not energized and logical "1" states that
the output is set active.

Figure 23 - Relays setting view

Default numbering of DI / DO

Every option card and slot has default numbering. Below is an example of model
P3x30 CGGII-AAEAA-BA showing the default numbering of digital outputs.

You can see the default digital output numbering and change the numbering of
the following option cards in the Inputs/Outputs > Relay config setting view: slot
2, 3, 4, 5: G, I.

P3T/en M/F006 67
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 24 - Default numbering of digital outputs for model P3x30-CGGII-AAEAA-


C: T1, T9–12, A1, SF

G: T13-16
G: T17-20
I: –
I: –

Power supply card outputs are not visible in the Relay config setting view.

Figure 25 - Relay config setting view

Table 27 - Parameters of digital outputs

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

T1 – Tx the available 0 Status of trip controlling output F18

parameter list
depends on the
number and type of
the I/O cards.

A1 0 Status of alarm signalling output F

68 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

WD 0 Status of the WD relay F

1 In Easergy Pro, it is called

"Service status output"

Force On Force flag for digital output Set19

forcing for test purposes

Names for output relays (editable with Easergy Pro only)

Description String of Names for DO on Easergy Pro Set

max. 32 screens. Default is
"Trip relay n", n=1 – x or
"Signal relay n", n=1
18 F = Editable when force flag is on
19 Set = An editable parameter (password needed).

5.2 Digital inputs

Digital inputs are available for control purposes. The number of available inputs
depends on the number and type of option cards.

The polarity normal open (NO) / normal closed (NC) and a delay can be
configured according to the application by using the front panel or Easergy Pro.

Digital inputs can be used in many operations. The status of the input can be
checked in the Output matrix and Digital inputs setting views. The digital inputs
make it possible to change group, block/enable/disable functions, to program
logics, indicate object status, etc.

The digital inputs require an external control voltage (ac or dc). The digital inputs
are activated after the activation voltage is exceeded. Deactivation follows when
the voltage drops below threshold limit. The activation voltage level of digital
inputs can be selected in the order code when such option cards are equipped.

P3T/en M/F006 69
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 26 - Digital inputs can be connected, latched or unlatched to trip contacts

or other similar purpose in Output matrix setting view

Figure 27 - Digital inputs can be assigned, latched or unlatched directly to inputs/

outputs of logical operators

If inputs are energized by using ac voltage, “mode” has to be selected as ac.

All essential information on digital inputs can be found in the same location in the
Digital inputs setting view. DI on/off events and alarm display (pop-up) can be
enabled and disabled in Digital inputs setting view. Individual operation counters
are located in the same view as well.

Label and description texts can be edited with Easergy Pro according to the
demand. Labels are the short parameter names used on the local panel and
descriptions are the longer names used by Easergy Pro.

The digital input activation thresholds are hardware-selectable.

Digital input delay determines the activation and de-activation delay for the input.
Figure 28 - Digital input’s behavior when delay is set to 1 second on page
71shows how the digital input behaves when the delay is set to 1 second.

70 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 28 - Digital input’s behavior when delay is set to 1 second

1 s. 1 s.


Table 28 - Parameters of digital inputs

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Mode dc, ac Used voltage of digital inputs Set20

Input DI1 – DIx Number of digital input. The available

parameter list depends on the number
and type of the I/O cards.

Slot 2–6 Card slot number where option card is


State 0, 1 Status of digital input 1 – digital input x.

Polarity NO For normal open contacts (NO). Active Set

edge is 0 > 1
For normal closed contacts (NC)

Active edge is 1 > 0

Delay 0.00 – 60.00 s Definite delay for both on and off Set

On event On Active edge event enabled Set

Off Active edge event disabled

Off event On Inactive edge event enabled Set

Off Inactive edge event disabled

Alarm display no No pop-up display Set

yes Alarm pop-up display is activated at

active DI edge

Counters 0 – 65535 Cumulative active edge counter (Set)

NAMES for DIGITAL INPUTS (editable with Easergy Pro only)

P3T/en M/F006 71
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Label String of max. 10 Short name for DIs on the local display Set
Default is "DI1 – DIx". x is the
maximum number of the digital input.

Description String of max. 32 Long name for DIs. Default is "Digital Set
characters input 1 – Digital input x".

x is the maximum number of the digital

20 Set = An editable parameter (password needed).

Every option card and slot has default numbering. After making any changes to
the numbering, read the settings from the relay after the relay has rebooted.

Below is an example of model P3x30-CGGII-AAEAA-BAAAA showing default

numbering of DI.

You can see the default digital input numbering and change the numbering of the
following option cards in the Inputs/Outputs > Digital inputs setting view: slot 2,
3, 4, 5: G, I.

Figure 29 - Default numbering of digital inputs for model P3x30-CGGII-AAEAA-


C: -
G: DI1–6
G: DI7–12
I: DI13–22
I: DI23–32

72 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 30 - Digital inputs setting view

5.3 Virtual inputs and outputs

There are virtual inputs and virtual outputs that can in many places be used like
their hardware equivalents except that they are located in the memory of the
relay. The virtual inputs act like normal digital inputs. The status of the virtual input
can be changed via the local display, communication bus and Easergy Pro. For
example setting groups can be changed using virtual inputs.

Virtual inputs can be used in many operations. The status of the input can be
checked in the Output matrix and Virtual inputs setting views. The status is also
visible on local mimic display, if so selected. Virtual inputs can be selected to be
operated with the function buttons F1 and F2, the local mimic or simply by using
the virtual input menu. Virtual inputs have similar functions as digital inputs: they
enable changing groups, block/enable/disable functions, to program logics and
other similar to digital inputs.

The activation and reset delay of the input is approximately 5 ms.

Table 29 - Virtual input and output

Number of inputs 20

Number of outputs 20

Activation time / Reset time < 5 ms

P3T/en M/F006 73
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 31 - Virtual inputs and ouputs can be used for many purpose in the Output
matrix setting view.

Figure 32 - Virtual inputs and outputs can be assigned directly to inputs/outputs of

logical operators.

Notice the difference between latched and non-latched connection.

Virtual input

The virtual inputs can be viewed, named and controlled in the Virtual inputs
setting view.

Figure 33 - Virtual inputs setting view

74 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Table 30 - Parameters of virtual inputs

Parameter Value Unit Description Set21

VI1-VI20 0 Status of virtual input

Events On Event enabling Set


NAMES for VIRTUAL INPUTS (editable with Easergy Pro only)

Label String of max. 10 Short name for VIs on the local Set
characters display

Default is "VIn", n = 1–20

Description String of max. 32 Long name for VIs. Default is Set

characters "Virtual input n", n = 1–20
21 Set = An editable parameter (password needed).

Virtual output

In Easergy Pro, the Virtual outputs setting view is located Inputs/Outputs view.

Figure 34 - Virtual outputs setting view

P3T/en M/F006 75
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Table 31 - Parameters of virtual outputs

Parameter Value Unit Description Set22

0 Status of virtual output F


Events On Event enabling Set


NAMES for VIRTUAL OUTPUTS (editable with Easergy Pro only)

Label String of Short name for VOs on the local Set

max. 10 display
rs Default is "VOn", n=1-20

Description String of Long name for VOs. Default is Set

max. 32
characte "Virtual output n", n=1-20
22 Set = An editable parameter (password needed). F = Editable when force flag is on.

5.4 Matrix
The relay has several matrices that are used for configuring the relay:

• Output matrix used to link protection stage signals, digital inputs, virtual
inputs, function buttons, object control, logic output, relay's internal alarms,
GOOSE signals and release latch signals to outputs, disturbance recorder trig
input and virtual outputs
• Block matrix used to block protection stages
• LED matrix used to control LEDs on the front panel
• Object block matrix used to inhibit object control
• Auto-recloser matrix used to control auto-recloser
• Arc matrix used to control current and light signals to arc stages and arc
stages to the high-speed outputs

76 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 35 - Blocking matrix and output matrix

Protection stages
measured Block matrix Output matrix User’s logic
I values n
V Calculate START N
S, P, Q, U
cosφ, tanφ, n TRIP T
symmetric S
components BLOCK
etc. INPUT


Digital n
n Output relays Virtual
DI delay and indicators outputs
inversion n

Output contacts

NOTE: Blocking matrix can not be used to block the arc flash detection

5.4.1 Output matrix

There are general-purpose LED indicators – "A", "B", "C" to ”N” – available for
customer-specific indications on the front panel. Their usage is define in a
separate LED matrix.

There are two LED indicators specified for keys F1 and F2. The triggering of the
disturbance recorder (DR) and virtual outputs are configurable in the output
A digital output or indicator LED can be configured as latched or non-latched. A
non-latched relay follows the controlling signal. A latched relay remains activated
although the controlling signal releases.

There is a common "release all latches" signal to release all the latched relays.
This release signal resets all the latched digital outputs and indicators. The reset
signal can be given via a digital input, via front panel or remotely through
communication. For instructions on how to release latches, see 5.5 Releasing
latches on page 82.

P3T/en M/F006 77
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 36 - Trip and alarm relays together with virtual outputs can be assigned in
output matrix. Also automatic triggering of disturbance recorder is done in output

5.4.2 Blocking matrix

By means of a blocking matrix, the operation of any protection stage (except the
arc flash detection stages) can be blocked. The blocking signal can originate from
the digital inputs or it can be a start or trip signal from a protection stage or an
output signal from the user's programmable logic. In Figure 37 - All protection
stages (except Arc stages) can be blocked in the block matrix on page 78, an
active blocking is indicated with a black dot (●) in the crossing point of a blocking
signal and the signal to be blocked.

Figure 37 - All protection stages (except Arc stages) can be blocked in the block

The Blocked status becomes visible only when the stage is about to activate.

78 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 38 - A view from the setting tool showing a DI input blocking connection

Figure 39 - Result for the I> stage when the DI is active and the stage exceeds its
current start value


• The blocking matrix is dynamically controlled by selecting and deselecting

protection stages.
• Activate the protection stages first, then store the settings in a relay. After
that, refresh the blocking matrix before configuring it.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in unwanted shutdown of

the electrical installation.

5.4.3 LED matrix

The LED matrix is used to link digital inputs, virtual inputs, function buttons,
protection stage outputs, object statuses, logic outputs, alarm signals and
GOOSE signals to various LEDs located on the front panel.

In the LED configuration setting view, each LED has three checkboxes with
which the behavior of the LED is configured.

P3T/en M/F006 79
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 40 - LED configuration

LEDs are assigned to control signals in the LED matrix setting view. It is not
possible to control LEDs directly with logics.

Figure 41 - LED matrix

Normal setting

With no checkboxes selected, the assigned LED is active when the control signal
is active. After deactivation, the LED turns off. LED activation and deactivation
delay when controlled is approximately 10 ms.

Latch setting

A latched LED activates when the control signal activates but remains active
when the control signal deactivates. Latched LEDs are released using the
procedure described in 5.5 Releasing latches on page 82.

Blink setting

When the Blink setting is selected, the LED blinks when it is active.

Store setting

In the LED configuration setting view, you can configure the latched states of
LEDs to be stored after a restart. In Figure 40 - LED configuration on page 80,
storing has been configured for LED A (green).

NOTE: To use the Store setting, Latch must also be selected.

80 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Inputs for LEDs

Inputs for LEDs can be assigned in the LED matrix. All 14 LEDs can be assigned
as green or red. The connection can be normal, latched or blink-latched. In
addition to protection stages, there are lots of functions that can be assigned to
output LEDs. See Table 32 - Inputs for LEDs A-N on page 81.

Table 32 - Inputs for LEDs A-N

Input LED mapping Latch Description Note

LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ Set

Different type of detection stages can be
Detection, Arc and program- BlinkLatch
green or red assigned to LEDs
mable stages

Digital/Virtual inputs and LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ All different type of inputs can be Set
function buttons BlinkLatch assigned to LEDs
green or red

Object open/close, object final LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ Information related to objects and object Set
trip and object failure BlinkLatch control
green or red

Local control enabled LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ While remote/local state is selected as Set
BlinkLatch local the “local control enabled” is active
green or red

Logic output 1–20 LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ All logic outputs can be assigned to Set
BlinkLatch LEDs at the LED matrix
green or red

Manual control indication LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ When the user has controlled the Set
BlinkLatch objectives
green or red

COM 1–5 comm. LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ When the communication port 1 - 5 is Set
BlinkLatch active
green or red

Setting error, seldiag alarm, pwd LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ Self diagnostic signal Set
open and setting change BlinkLatch
green or red

GOOSE NI1–64 LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ IEC 61850 goose communication signal Set
green or red

GOOSEERR1–16 LED A–N Normal/ Latched/ IEC 61850 goose communication signal Set
green or red

5.4.4 Object block matrix

The object block matrix is used to link digital inputs, virtual inputs, function
buttons, protection stage outputs, logic outputs, alarm signals and GOOSE
signals to inhibit the control of objects, that is, circuit breakers, isolators and
grounding switches.

Typical signals to inhibit controlling of the objects like circuit breaker are:

• protection stage activation

• statuses of other objects

P3T/en M/F006 81
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

• interlocking made with logic

• GOOSE signals

These and other signals are linked to objects in the object block matrix.

There are also event-type signals that do not block objects as they are on only for
a short time, for example "Object1" open and "Object1 close" signals.

5.5 Releasing latches

You can release latches using:
• Easergy Pro
• buttons and local panel display
• F1 or F2 buttons

5.5.1 Releasing latches using Easergy Pro

1. Go to General>Release latches.

2. Select Release from the release latches drop-down menu.

Figure 42 - Latched output matrix signals released by usingEasergy Pro

setting tool

5.5.2 Releasing latches using buttons and local panel display

Prerequisite: You have entered the correct password

1. Press .

2. Press .

3. Select Release, and press .

All latches are released.

82 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

5.5.3 Releasing latches using F1 or F2 buttons

You can use the function buttons F1 or F2 to release all latches after configuring
this function in Easergy Pro. You can make the configuration either under

• To configure F1 to release latches under GENERAL > RELEASE LATCHES:

a. In Easergy Pro, go to GENERAL > RELEASE LATCHES.

b. Under RELEASE LATCHES select F1 from the DI to release latches

drop-down menu.

c. Set 1 s delay for Latch release signal pulse.

Figure 43 - Release latches

After this, pressing the F1 button on the relay’s front panel releases all
• To configure F1 to release latches under Inputs/Outputs>Function buttons:

a. Under Function buttons, for F1, select PrgFncs from the Selected
control drop down menu.

b. Set 1 s delay for F1 pulse length.

c. Under Programmable functions for F1, select “On” from the Release all
latches drop-down menu.

Figure 44 - Function buttons

After this, pressing the F1 button on the relay's front panel releases all

P3T/en M/F006 83
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

NOTE: The latch release signal can be activated only if the latched
output is active.

5.6 Controllable objects

The relay allows controlling eight objects, that is, circuit breakers, disconnectors
and grounding switches by the "select before operate" or "direct control" principle.

Controlling is possible in the following ways:

• through the object control buttons

• through front panel and display using single-line diagram
• through the function keys
• through digital input
• through remote communication
• through Easergy Pro setting tool
• through Web server
• through Smart APP

The connection of an object to specific controlling outputs is done via an output

matrix (object 1–8 open output, object 1–8 close output). There is also an output
signal “Object failed” that is activated if the control of an object is not completed.

Object states

Each object has the following states:

Setting Value Description

Object state Undefined (00) Actual state of the object



Undefined (11)

Basic settings for objects

Each object has the following settings:

Setting Value Description

DI for ‘obj open’ None, any digital input, virtual Open information
input or virtual output
DI for ‘obj close’ Close information

DI for ‘obj ready’ Ready information

Max ctrl pulse length 0.02–600 s Pulse length for open and close
commands. Control pulse stops
once object changes its state

Completion timeout 0.02–600 s Timeout of ready indication

Object control Open/Close Direct object control

If changing the states takes longer than the time defined by the “Max ctrl pulse
length” setting, the object is inoperative and the “Object failure” matrix signal is

84 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

set. Also, an undefined event is generated. “Completion timeout” is only used for
the ready indication. If “DI for ‘obj ready’” is not set, the completion timeout has no

Output signals of objects

Each object has two control signals in matrix:

Output signal Description

Object x Open Open control signal for the object

Object x Close Close control signal for the object

These signals send control pulse when an object is controlled by digital input,
remote bus, auto-reclose etc.

5.6.1 Object control with digital inputs

Objects can be controlled with digital inputs, virtual inputs or virtual outputs. There
are four settings for each object:

Setting Active

DI for remote open / close control In remote state

DI for local open / close control In local state

If the relay is in local control state, the remote control inputs are ignored and vice
versa. An object is controlled when a rising edge is detected from the selected
input. The length of digital input pulse should be at least 60 ms.

5.6.2 Local or remote selection

In local mode, digital outputs can be controlled via the front panel but they cannot
be controlled via a remote serial communication interface.

In remote mode, digital outputs cannot be controlled via a front panel but they can
be controlled via a remote serial communication interface.

The local or remote mode can be selected by using the front panel or via one
selectable digital input. The digital input is normally used to change a whole
station to local or remote mode. You can select the L/R digital input in the Objects
setting view in Easergy Pro.
Table 33 - Local or remote selection

Action Control through Easergy Control through

Pro or SmartApp communication protocol

Local/Remote switch Local Remote Local Remote


CB control Yes No No Yes

Setting or configuration Yes Yes Yes Yes


P3T/en M/F006 85
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Action Control through Easergy Control through

Pro or SmartApp communication protocol

Communication Yes Yes Yes Yes


Virtual inputs 23 Yes No No Yes

23 Virtual inputs have a general parameter “Check L/R selection” for disabling the L/R check.

5.6.3 Object control with Close and Trip buttons

The relay also has dedicated control buttons for objects. Close stands for object
closing and Trip controls object open command internally. Control buttons are
configured in the Objects setting view.
Table 34 - Parameters of function keys

Parameter Value Unit Description Set

Object for control Obj1–Obj8 Set

Button closes selected object if
password is enabled

Button opens selected object if

password is enabled

Mode for control Selective Control operation needs confirmation

butons (select-execute)
Control operation is done without

5.6.4 Object control with F1 and F2

Objects can be controlled with the function buttons F1 and F2.

By default, the F1 and F2 buttons are configured to control F1 and F2 variables

that can further be assigned to control objects.

Table 35 - Parameters of F1 and F2

Parameter Value State Pulse Description

length 24

F1 F1, V1-V20, 0.1 0600 s

controls F1, V1-V20 or
ObjCtrl parameters.

F2 F2, V1-V20, 0.1 0-600 s

controls F2, V1-V20 and
ObjCtrl parameters.
24 Pulse length applies to values F1 and F2 only

You can configure the button funtions in the Inputs/outputs > Function buttons
setting view in Easergy Pro.

86 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 45 - Function buttons setting view

If ObjCtrl has been selected under Selected control, the selected object is
shown under Selected object. Otherwise, this column is empty.

When selecting ObjCtrl, link the function button to the appropriate object in the
General > Objects setting view.

Figure 46 - Ctrl object 2 setting view

5.7 Logic functions

The relay supports customer-defined programmable logic for boolean signals.
User-configurable logic can be used to create something that is not provided by
the relay as a default. You can see and modify the logic in the General > Logic
setting view in the Easergy Pro setting tool.
Table 36 - Available logic functions and their memory use

Logic No. of gates Max. no. of input gates Max. no. of

functions reserved logic

AND 1 32

OR 1 (An input gate can include any 20

number of inputs.)

P3T/en M/F006 87
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Logic No. of gates Max. no. of input gates Max. no. of

functions reserved logic



CT (count+reset) 2




RS (set+reset) 2

RS_D (set+D 4

The consumed memory is dynamically shown on the configuration view in

percentage. The first value indicates the memory consumption of inputs, the
second value the memory consumption of gates and the third value the memory
consumption of outputs.

The logic is operational as long the memory consumption of the inputs, gates or
outputs remains individually below or equal to 100%.

Figure 47 - Logic and memory consumption

88 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Truth tables

Table 37 - Truth table

Gate Symbol Truth table

A Y In Out

0 0

1 1

A Y In Out

0 1

1 0

A Y In Out
0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

0 0 0

A Y In Out

& A B Y
B 0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

0 0 1

& Y
>1 A B Y
B 0 0 0

1 1 1

1 0 1

0 1 1

P3T/en M/F006 89
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Gate Symbol Truth table

CT (count+reset) A In Out


B Cou Rese Setti New
nt t ng

1 3 0

1 3 0

1 3 1

1 3 0

¬& A B Y

B 0 0 0

1 0 1

1 1 0

0 1 0


¬>1 A B Y

B 0 0 1

1 1 1

1 0 1

0 1 0

90 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Gate Symbol Truth table

OR A Y In Out

>1 A B Y
B 0 0 0

1 1 1

1 0 1

0 1 1

A Y In Out
>1 A B Y
0 0 1

1 1 0

1 0 0

0 1 0

A In Out
B >1 A B C Y
0 0 0 1

1 1 0 1

1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1

A In Out
B >1 A B C Y
0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0

1 1 0 0

0 1 0 0

1 1 1 0

P3T/en M/F006 91
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Gate Symbol Truth table

>1 A B Y
B 0 0 0

1 1 1

1 0 0

0 1 0

RS (set+reset) A In Out


B Set Reset Y

1 0 1

1 1 0

0 0 0

0 1 0

92 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Gate Symbol Truth table

RS_D (set+D+load+reset) A B C D Y
R Set D Loa Re Sta

Reset Load D Set

B Y d set te
D D 0 0 0 0 025

1 X X 0 1

1 X X 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 026
25 Initial
26 The state remains 1 until
Reset is set active

X = Any state

If Set or D + Load are high,

the state returns to high if
Reset returns to low.

XOR In Out
B =1 A B C Y
C 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1

25 Initialstate
26 The state remains 1 until Reset is set active

Logic element properties

After you have selected the required logic gate in Easergy Pro, you can change
the function of the gate in the Element properties window by clicking the gate.

P3T/en M/F006 93
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Figure 48 - Logic element properties

Table 38 - Settings available for the logical gates depending on the selected

Property Description

Element properties

Type Change the logical function of the gate

Inverted Inverts the output state of the logical gate

ON delay Time delay to activate the output after logical conditions are met

OFF delay Time delay for how long the gate remain active even the logical condition
is reset

Count Setting for counter (CT gate only)

Reverse Use to reverse AND and OR gates (AND+OR gate only)


Normal - / + Use to increase or decrease number of inputs

Inverting - / + Use to increase or decrease number of inverted inputs. This setting is

visible for INVAND and INVOR gates only

Count Use to increase or decrease number of count inputs (CT gate only)

Reset Use to increase or decrease number of count inputs (CT gate only)

AND Use to increase or decrease number of inputs for AND gates (AND+OR
gate only)

OR Use to increase or decrease number of inputs for OR gates (AND+OR

gate only)

Set Use to increase or decrease number of Set inputs (RS_D gate only)

D Use to increase or decrease number of Data inputs (RS_D gate only)

94 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Property Description

Load Use to increase or decrease number of Load inputs (RS_D gate only)

Reset Use to increase or decrease number of Reset inputs (RS_D gate only)

5.8 Local panel

Easergy P3T32 has one LCD matrix display.

All the main menus are located on the left side of the display. To get to a
submenu, move up and down the main menus.

Figure 49 - Local panel's main menu

5.8.1 Mimic view

The mimic view is set as the local panel's main view as default. You can modify
the mimic according to the application or disable it, if it is not needed, via the
Easergy Pro setting tool.

You can modify the mimic in the General > Mimic setting view in Easergy Pro
and disable the mimic view in the General > Local panel conf setting view.

NOTE: The mimic itself or the local mimic settings cannot be modified via the
local panel.

P3T/en M/F006 95
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions



A) To clear an object or drawing, first point an empty square (A) with the mouse. Then
point the object item with the mouse. The color of the object item turns red. To clear
the whole mimic, click on the empty area.

B) Text tool

C) To move an existing drawing or object, point it with the mouse. The color turns green.
Hold down the left mouse button and move the object.

D) Different type of configurable objects. The object's number corresponds to the

number in General > Objects.

E) Some predefined drawings.

F) The remote/local selection defines whether certain actions are granted or not. In
remote state, it is not possible to locally enable or disable auto-reclosing or to control
objects. The remote/local state can be changed in General > Objects.

G) Creates auto-reclosing on/off selection to mimic.

H) Creates virtual input activation on the local mimic view.

I) Describes the relay's location. Text comes from the relay info menu.

J) Up to six configurable measurements.

96 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Table 39 - Mimic functionality

Parameter Value Unit Description Set

Sublocation Text field Up to 9 characters. Fixed Set


Object 1–8 1–8 Double-click on top of the Set

object to change the control
number between 1 and 8.
Number 1 corresponds to
object 1 in General > Objects.

Remote/Local L Local / Remote control. R Set

mode stands for remote. Remote
local state can be changed in
General > Objects as well.
Position can be changed.

Auto reclosing 0 Possible to enable/disable Set

auto-reclosure localy in local
mode (L) or remotely in remote
mode (R). Position can be

Measurement IA–IC Up to 6 freely selectable Set

display 1–6 IN measurements.


f, P, Q, S, P.F.
E+, Eq+, E-, Eq-
ARStart, ARFaill,
Starts, Trips
IN Calc
Pda, Qda, Sda

Virtual input 1–4 0 Change the status of virtual Set

inputs while the password is
enabled. Position can be
27 Requires serial communication interface and External IO protocol activated.

P3T/en M/F006 97
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Set = Settable.

NOTE: The measurement view's data selection depends on the voltage

measurement mode selected in the General > Scaling setting view.

5.8.2 Local panel configuration

You can modify the local panel configuration in the General > Local panel conf
setting view in Easergy Pro.

Figure 50 - Local panel configuration setting view

98 P3T/en M/F006
5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Table 40 - Local panel configuration parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Set28

Display 1–5 ILA-C 20 (5 x 4) freely configurable Set30

measurement values can be

f, P, Q, S, P.F.


E+, Eq+, E-, Eq-

ARStart, ARFaill,


Starts, Trips

IN Calc

Phase currents
IA–C max
IA–C min
Pda, Qda, Sda






Display contrast 50–210 Contrast can be changed in the Set

relay menu as well.

Display DI1–44, Arc1–3, ArcF, Activates the backlight of the Set30

backlight control BI, VI1–4, LED1–14, display.

Panel reset Value range: 0.0– min Configurable delay for the front Set
timeout 2000.0 panel to return to the default
screen when the front panel is
Default value: 15.0
not used.

When this value is zero (0.0),

this timeout never occurs.

P3T/en M/F006 99
Transformer protection relay 5 Control functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Set28

Default screen Value range: Mimic, Default screen for the front Set
Meas disp1, Meas panel.
disp2, Meas disp3,
If the selected screen would
Meas disp4, Meas
result in a blank screen, the title
screen is used as the default
Default value: Mimic screen.

Backlight off 0.0–2000.0 min Configurable delay for backlight Set

timeout to turns off when the relay is not
used. Default value is 60
minutes. When value is zero
(0.0) backlight stays on all the

Enable alarm Selected Pop-up text box for events. pop- Set
screen up events can be checked
individually by pressing enter,
but holding the button for 2
seconds checks all the events at

AR info for Selected Auto reclosure status visible on Set

mimic display top of the local mimic view.

Sync I info for Selected Synchro-check status visible on Set

mimic display top of the local mimic view.
Operates together with auto-

Auto LED Selected Enables automatix LED release Set

release functionality.

Auto LED 0.1–600 s Default 1.5 s. When new LEDs Set

release enable are latched, the previous active
time latches are released
automatically if the set time has

Fault value PU, Pri Fault values per unit or primary Set
scaling scsaled.

100 P3T/en M/F006

5 Control functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Set28

Local MIMIC Selected Enable or disable the local Set

mimic (enabled as default).
When selected, the mimic is the
local panel's default main view.
When unselected, the
measurement view is the default
main view.

Event buffer 50–2000 Event buffer size. Default setting Set31

size is 200 events.
28 Set = Settable
29 Requires serial communication interface and External IO protocol activated.
30 Inputs vary according to the relay type.
31 The existing events are lost if the event buffer size is changed.

P3T/en M/F006 101

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

6 Protection functions
Each protection stage can independently be enabled or disabled according to the
requirements of the intended application.

NOTE: When protection stages are enabled or disabled, the disturbance

recordings are deleted from the relay's memory. Therefore, before activating
or deactivating stages, store the recordings in your PC.

6.1 Maximum number of protection stages in one application

The relay limits the maximum number of enabled protection stages to about 30.
The exact number depends on the central processing unit's load consumption and
available memory as well as the type of the stages.

The individual protection stage and total load status can be found in the
Protection > Protection stage status setting view in the Easergy Pro setting

6.2 General features of protection stages

Setting groups

Setting groups are controlled by using digital inputs, function keys or virtual
inputs, via the front panel or custom logic. When none of the assigned inputs are
active, the setting group is defined by the parameter ‘SetGrp no control state’.
When controlled input activates, the corresponding setting group is activated as
well. If the control signal of the setting group is lost, the setting “Keep last” forces
the last active group into use. If multiple inputs are active at the same time, the
active setting group is defined by ‘SetGrp priority’. By using virtual I/O, the active
setting group can be controlled using the local panel display, any communication
protocol or the built-in programmable logic functions. All protection stages have
four setting groups.

102 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay


Any digital input can be used to control setting groups but in this example, DI1,
DI2, DI3 and DI4 are chosen to control setting groups 1 to 4. This setting is done
with the parameter “Set group x DI control” where x refers to the desired setting

Figure 51 - DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4 configured to control Groups 1 to 4 respectively

Use the 'SetGrp common change' parameter to force all protection stages to
group 1, 2, 3 or 4. The control becomes active if there is no local control in the
protection stage. You can activate this parameter using Easergy Pro.

“SetGrp priority” is used to give a condition to a situation where two or more

digital inputs, controlling setting groups, are active at the same time. SetGrp
priority could have values “1 to 4” or “4 to 1”.

Figure 52 - SetGrp priority setting n tihe Valid Protection stages view

Assuming that DI2 and DI3 are active at the same time and SetGrp priority is set
to “1 to 4”, setting group 2 becomes active. If SetGrp priority is reversed, that is,
set to “4 to 1”, the setting group 3 becomes active.

Protection stage statuses

The status of a protection stage can be one of the followings:

• Ok = ‘-‘

The stage is idle and is measuring the analog quantity for the protection. No
power system fault detected.
• Blocked

P3T/en M/F006 103

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

The stage is detecting a fault but blocked for some reason.

• Start

The stage is counting the operation delay.

• Trip

The stage has tripped and the fault is still on.

The blocking reason may be an active signal via the block matrix from other
stages, the programmable logic or any digital input. Some stages also have built-
in blocking logic. For more details about the block matrix, see 5.4.2 Blocking
matrix on page 78.

Protection stage counters

Each protection stage has start and trip counters that are incremented when the
stage starts or trips. The start and trip counters are reset on relay reboot.

Forcing start or trip condition for testing purposes

There is a "Forcing flag" parameter which, when activated, allows forcing the
status of any protection stage to be "start" or "trip" for half a second. By using this
forcing feature, current or voltage injection is not necessary to check the output
matrix configuration, to check the wiring from the digital outputs to the circuit
breaker and also to check that communication protocols are correctly transferring
event information to a SCADA system.

After testing, the forcing flag is automatically reset five minutes after the last local
panel push button activity.

The force flag also enables forcing the digital outputs and the optional mA

The force flag can be found in the Relays setting view.

Figure 53 - Force flag

Start and trip signals

Every protection stage has two internal binary output signals: start and trip. The
start signal is issued when a fault has been detected. The trip signal is issued

104 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

after the configured operation delay unless the fault disappears before the end of
the delay time.

The hysteresis, as indicated in the protection stage's characteristics data, means

that the signal is regarded as a fault until the signal drops below the start setting
determined by the hysteresis value.

Figure 54 - Behavior of a greater than comparator (for example, the hysteresis

(dead band) in overvoltage stages)



Start level

> Start

Output matrix

Using the output matrix, you can connect the internal start and trip signals to the
digital outputs and indicators. For more details, see 5.4.1 Output matrix on page


Any protection function, except for arc flash detection, can be blocked with
internal and external signals using the block matrix (5.4.2 Blocking matrix on page
78). Internal signals are for example logic outputs and start and trip signals from
other stages and external signals are for example digital and virtual inputs.

Some protection stages have also built-in blocking functions. For example under-
frequency protection has built-in under-voltage blocking to avoid tripping when the
voltage is off.

When a protection stage is blocked, it does not start if a fault condition is

detected. If blocking is activated during the operation delay, the delay counting is
frozen until the blocking goes off or the start reason, that is the fault condition,
disappears. If the stage is already tripping, the blocking has no effect.

Dependent time operation

The operate time in the dependent time mode is dependent on the magnitude of
the injected signal. The bigger the signal, the faster the stage issues a trip signal
and vice versa. The tripping time calculation resets if the injected quantity drops
below the start level.

P3T/en M/F006 105

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Definite time operation

Figure 55 - Dependent time and definite time operation curves


t (s)

If (A)

The operate time in the definite time mode is fixed by the Operation delay
setting. The timer starts when the protection stage activates and counts until the
set time has elapsed. After that, the stage issues a trip command. Should the
protection stage reset before the definite time operation has elapsed, then the
stage resets.

By default, the definite time delay cannot be set to zero because the value
contains processing time of the function and operate time of the output contact.
This means that the time indicated in the Definite time setting view is the actual
operate time of the function. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view to accept the zero setting for definite time function. In this case,
the minimum operate time of the function must be tested separately.

Overshoot time

Overshoot time is the time the protection relay needs to notice that a fault has
been cleared during the operate time delay. This parameter is important when
grading the operate time delay settings between relays.

106 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 56 - Overshoot time


tRET < 50 ms



If the delay setting would be slightly shorter, an unselective trip might occur (the
dash line pulse).

For example, when there is a big fault in an outgoing feeder, it might start both the
incoming and outgoing feeder relay. However, the fault must be cleared by the
outgoing feeder relay and the incoming feeder relay must not trip. Although the
operating delay setting of the incoming feeder is more than at the outgoing feeder,
the incoming feeder might still trip if the operate time difference is not big enough.
The difference must be more than the overshoot time of the incoming feeder relay
plus the operate time of the outgoing feeder circuit breaker.

Figure 56 - Overshoot time on page 107 shows an overvoltage fault seen by the
incoming feeder when the outgoing feeder clears the fault. If the operation delay
setting would be slightly shorter or if the fault duration would be slightly longer
than in the figure, an unselective trip might happen (the dashed 40 ms pulse in
the figure). In Easergy P3 relays, the overshoot time is less than 50 ms.

Reset time

Figure 57 - Reset time on page 108 shows an example of reset time, that is,
release delay when the relay is clearing an overcurrent fault. When the relay’s trip
contacts are closed, the circuit breaker (CB) starts to open. After the CB contacts
are open, the fault current still flows through an arc between the opened contacts.
The current is finally cut off when the arc extinguishes at the next zero crossing of
the current. This is the start moment of the reset delay. After the reset delay the
trip contacts and start contact are opened unless latching is configured. The
precise reset time depends on the fault size; after a big fault, the reset time is
longer. The reset time also depends on the specific protection stage.

P3T/en M/F006 107

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

The maximum reset time for each stage is specified under the characteristics of
every protection function. For most stages, it is less than 95 ms.

Figure 57 - Reset time


Reset time is the time it takes the trip or start relay contacts to open after the fault
has been cleared.

Hysteresis or dead band

When comparing a measured value against a start value, some amount of

hysteresis is needed to avoid oscillation near equilibrium situation. With zero
hysteresis, any noise in the measured signal or any noise in the measurement
itself would cause unwanted oscillation between fault-on and fault-off situations.

Figure 58 - Example behavior of an over-protection with hysteresis


Start level

> Start

108 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 59 - Example behavior of an under-protection with hysteresis


Start level

< Start

Time grading

When a fault occurs, the protection scheme only needs to trip circuit breakers
whose operation is required to isolate the fault. This selective tripping is also
called discrimination or protection coordination and is typically achived by time
grading. Protection systems in successive zones are arranged to operate in times
that are graded through the sequence of equipment so that upon the occurrence
of a fault, although a number of protections devices respond, only those relevant
to the faulty zone complete the tripping function.

The recommended discrimination time between two Easergy P3 relays in an MV

network is 170–200 ms. This is based on the following facts:
• Tc: circuit breaker operating time, 60 ms
• Tm: upstream protection overshoot time (retardation time), 50 ms
• δt: time delay tolerance, 25 ms
• m: safety margin, 10 ms
• Δt: discrimination time, 170–200 ms

Figure 60 - Time grading

δt TC m Tm δt


Recorded values of the last eight faults

There is detailed information available on the last eight faults for each protection
stage. The recorded values are specific for the protection stages and can contain
information like time stamp, fault value, elapsed delay, fault current, fault voltage,
phase angle and setting group.

NOTE: The recorded values are lost if the relay power is switched off.

P3T/en M/F006 109

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

6.3 Dependent operate time

The dependent operate time – that is, the inverse definite minimum time (IDMT)
type of operation – is available for several protection functions. The common
principle, formula and graphic representations of the available dependent delay
types are described in this chapter.

Dependent delay means that the operate time depends on the measured real
time process values during a fault. For example, with an overcurrent stage using
dependent delay, a bigger a fault current gives faster operation. The alternative to
dependent delay is definite delay. With definite delay, a preset time is used and
the operate time does not depend on the size of a fault.

Stage-specific dependent delay

Some protection functions have their own specific type of dependent delay.
Details of these dedicated dependent delays are described with the appropriate
protection function.

Operation modes

There are three operation modes to use the dependent time characteristics:

• Standard delays

Using standard delay characteristics by selecting a curve family (IEC, IEEE,

IEEE2, RI) and a delay type (Normal inverse, Very inverse etc). See 6.3.1
Standard dependent delays using IEC, IEEE, IEEE2 and RI curves on page
• Standard delay formulae with free parameters

selecting a curve family (IEC, IEEE, IEEE2) and defining one's own
parameters for the selected delay formula. This mode is activated by setting
delay type to ‘Parameters’, and then editing the delay function parameters A –
E. See 6.3.2 Custom curves on page 126.
• Fully programmable dependent delay characteristics
Building the characteristics by setting 16 [current, time] points. The relay
interpolates the values between given points with second degree polynomials.
This mode is activated by the setting curve family to ‘PrgN’'. There is a
maximum of three different programmable curves available at the same time.
Each programmed curve can be used by any number of protection stages.
See 6.3.3 Programmable dependent time curves on page 127.

Dependent time limitation

The maximum dependent time is limited to 600 seconds.

Local panel graph

The relay shows a graph of the currently used dependent delay on the local panel
display. The up and down keys can be used for zooming. Also the delays at 20 x
ISET, 4 x ISET and 2 x ISET are shown.

Dependent time setting error signal

If there are any errors in the dependent delay configuration, the appropriate
protection stage uses the definite time delay.

110 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

There is a signal ‘Setting Error’ available in the output matrix that indicates
different situations:

1. Settings are currently changed with Easergy Pro or local panel.

2. There is temporarily an illegal combination of curve points. For example, if

previous setting was IEC/NI and then curve family is changed to IEEE, this
causes a setting error because there is no NI type available for IEEE curves.
After changing valid delay type for IEEE mode (for example MI), the ‘Setting
Error’ signal releases.

3. There are errors in formula parameters A – E, and the relay is not able to
build the delay curve.

4. There are errors in the programmable curve configuration, and the relay is not
able to interpolate values between the given points.


The maximum measured secondary phase current is 50 x IN and the maximum

directly measured ground fault current is 10 x I0N for ground fault overcurrent
input. The full scope of dependent delay curves goes up to 20 times the setting.
At a high setting, the maximum measurement capability limits the scope of
dependent curves according to Table 41 - Maximum measured secondary
currents and settings for phase and ground fault overcurrent inputs on page 111.
Table 41 - Maximum measured secondary currents and settings for phase and
ground fault overcurrent inputs

Current input Maximum measured Maximum secondary scaled

secondary current setting enabling dependent
delay times up to full 20x setting

IA, IB, IC and IN Calc 250 A 12.5 A

IN1 = 5 A 50 A 2.5 A

IN1 = 1 A 10 A 0.5 A

IN1 = 0.2 A 2A 0.1 A

Example of limitation

CT = 750 / 5

CT0 = 100 / 1 (cable CT is used for ground fault overcurrent)

The CT0 is connected to a 1 A terminals of input IN.

The CT0 is connected to a 1 A terminals of input IN1.

For overcurrent stage 50/51 - 1, Table 41 - Maximum measured secondary

currents and settings for phase and ground fault overcurrent inputs on page 111
gives 12.5 A. Thus, the maximum setting the for 50/51 - 1 stage giving full
dependent delay range is 12.5 A / 5 A = 2.5 xIN = 1875 APrimary.

For ground fault stage 50N/51N-1, Table 41 - Maximum measured secondary

currents and settings for phase and ground fault overcurrent inputs on page 111

P3T/en M/F006 111

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

gives 0.5 A. Thus, the maximum setting for the 50N/51N-1 stage giving full
dependent delay range is 0.5 A / 1 A = 0.5 xI0N = 50 APrimary.

1. Example of limitation

CT0 = 100 / 1 (cable CT is used for ground fault overcurrent)

The CT0 is connected to a 1 A terminals of input IN1.

6.3.1 Standard dependent delays using IEC, IEEE, IEEE2 and RI curves

The available standard dependent delays are divided in four categories called
dependent curve families: IEC, IEEE, IEEE2 and RI. Each category contains a set
of different delay types according to Table 42 - Available standard delay families
and the available delay types within each family on page 112.

Dependent time setting error signal

The dependent time setting error signal activates if the delay category is changed
and the old delay type does not exist in the new category. See 6.3 Dependent
operate time on page 110 for more details.


The minimum definite time delay starts when the measured value is twenty times
the setting, at the latest. However, there are limitations at high setting values due
to the measurement range. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for
more details.

Table 42 - Available standard delay families and the available delay types within
each family

Delay type Curve family


DT Definite time X

NI Normal inverse X X

VI Very inverse X X X

EI Extremely inverse X X X

LTI Long time inverse X X

LTEI Long time extremely inverse X

LTVI Long time very inverse X

MI Moderately inverse X X

STI Short time inverse X

STEI Short time extremely inverse X

112 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Delay type Curve family


RI Old ASEA type X


IEC dependent operate time

The operate time depends on the measured value and other parameters
according to Equation 3 on page 113. Actually this equation can only be used to
draw graphs or when the measured value I is constant during the fault. A modified
version is implemented in the relay for real time usage.

Equation 3

t= B
 I 
  − 1

t = Operation delay in seconds

k = User’s multiplier Inv. time coefficient k

I = Measured value

ISTART = Start setting

A, B = Constants parameters according to Table 43 - Constants for IEC

dependent delay equation on page 113.

There are three different dependent delay types according to IEC 60255-3,
Normal inverse (NI), Extremely inverse (EI), Very inverse (VI) and a VI extension.
In addition, there is a de facto standard Long time inverse (LTI).
Table 43 - Constants for IEC dependent delay equation

Delay type

NI Normal inverse 0.14 0.02

EI Extremely inverse 80 2

VI Very inverse 13.5 1

LTI Long time inverse 120 1

Example of the delay type "Normal inverse (NI)":

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu (constant current)

IPICKUP = 2 pu

P3T/en M/F006 113

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

A = 0.14

B = 0.02

Equation 4

0.50 ⋅ 0.14
t= 0.02
= 5.0
  −1

The operate time in this example is five seconds. The same result can be read
from Figure 61 - IEC normal inverse delay on page 114.

Figure 61 - IEC normal inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEC_NI

114 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 62 - IEC extremely inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEC_EI

Figure 63 - IEC very inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEC_VI

P3T/en M/F006 115

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 64 - IEC long time inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEC_LTI

IEEE/ANSI dependent operate time

There are three different delay types according to IEEE Std C37.112-1996 (MI, VI,
EI) and many de facto versions according to Table 44 - Constants for IEEE/ANSI
inverse delay equation on page 117. The IEEE standard defines dependent delay
for both trip and release operations. However, in the Easergy P3 relay only the
trip time is dependent according to the standard but the reset time is constant.

The operate delay depends on the measured value and other parameters
according to Equation 5 on page 116. Actually, this equation can only be used to
draw graphs or when the measured value I is constant during the fault. A modified
version is implemented in the relay for real-time usage.

Equation 5

 
 
 A 
t=k  C
+ B
  I  − 1 
  I START  
 

t = Operation delay in seconds

k = User’s multiplier

I = Measured value

ISTART = Start setting

116 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

A,B,C = Constant parameter according to Table 44 - Constants for IEEE/ANSI

inverse delay equation on page 117
Table 44 - Constants for IEEE/ANSI inverse delay equation

Delay type Parameter


LTI Long time inverse 0.086 0.185 0.02

LTVI Long time very inverse 28.55 0.712 2

LTEI Long time extremely inverse 64.07 0.250 2

MI Moderately inverse 0.0515 0.1140 0.02

VI Very inverse 19.61 0.491 2

EI Extremely inverse 28.2 0.1217 2

STI Short time inverse 0.16758 0.11858 0.02

STEI Short time extremely inverse 1.281 0.005 2

Example of the delay type "Moderately inverse (MI)":

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu

IPICKUP = 2 pu

A = 0.0515

B = 0.114

C = 0.02

Equation 6

 
 
 0.0515
t = 0.50 ⋅ + 0.1140 = 1.9
  4  0.02 
  −1 
  2  

The operate time in this example is 1.9 seconds. The same result can be read
from Figure 68 - ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse delay on page 119.

P3T/en M/F006 117

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 65 - ANSI/IEEE long time inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1_LTI

Figure 66 - ANSI/IEEE long time very inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1_LTVI

118 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 67 - ANSI/IEEE long time extremely inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1_LTEI

Figure 68 - ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1_MI

P3T/en M/F006 119

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 69 - ANSI/IEEE short time inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1 STI

Figure 70 - ANSI/IEEE short time extremely inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE1 STEI

IEEE2 dependent operate time

Before the year 1996 and ANSI standard C37.112 microprocessor relays were
using equations approximating the behavior of various induction disc type relays.
A quite popular approximation is Equation 7 on page 121 which in Easergy P3

120 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

relays is called IEEE2. Another name could be IAC because the old General
Electric IAC relays have been modeled using the same equation.

There are four different delay types according to Table 45 - Constants for IEEE2
inverse delay equation on page 121. The old electromechanical induction disc
relays have dependent delay for both trip and release operations. However, in
Easergy P3 relays, only the trip time is dependent and the reset time is constant.

The operate delay depends on the measured value and other parameters
according to Equation 7 on page 121. Actually, this equation can only be used to
draw graphs or when the measured value I is constant during the fault. A modified
version is implemented in the relay for real-time usage.

Equation 7

 
 
 B D E 
t = k A + + 2
+ 3
 I 
  − C   I − C   I

− C  
  I START  
   I START   I START  

t = Operation delay in seconds

k = User’s multiplier

I = Measured value

ISTART = User’s start setting

A, B, C, D = Constant parameter according to Table 45 - Constants for IEEE2

inverse delay equation on page 121.
Table 45 - Constants for IEEE2 inverse delay equation

Delay type

MI Moderately inverse 0.1735 0.6791 0.8 -0.08 0.1271

NI Normally inverse 0.0274 2.2614 0.3 -0.1899 9.1272

VI Very inverse 0.0615 0.7989 0.34 -0.284 4.0505

EI Extremely inverse 0.0399 0.2294 0.5 3.0094 0.7222

Example of the delay type "Moderately inverse (MI)":

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu

ISTART = 2 pu

A = 0.1735

B = 0.6791

C = 0.8

D = -0.08

E = 0.127

P3T/en M/F006 121

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Equation 8

 
 
0.6791 − 0.08 0.127 
t = 0.5 ⋅ 0.1735 + + + = 0.38
 4  4 2
 4 

  − 0.8   − 0.8   − 0.8  
  2   2   2  

The operate time in this example is 0.38 seconds. The same result can be read
from Figure 71 - IEEE2 moderately inverse delay on page 122.

Figure 71 - IEEE2 moderately inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE2_MI

122 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 72 - IEEE2 normal inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE2_NI

Figure 73 - IEEE2 very inverse delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE2_VI

P3T/en M/F006 123

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 74 - IEEE2 extremely inverse delay


delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayIEEE2_EI

RI and RXIDG type dependent operate time

These two dependent delay types have their origin in old ASEA (nowadays ABB)
ground fault relays.

The operate delay of types RI and RXIDG depends on the measured value and
other parameters according to Equation 9 on page 124 and Equation 10 on page
124. Actually, these equations can only be used to draw graphs or when the
measured value I is constant during the fault. Modified versions are implemented
in the relay for real-time usage.

Equation 9 Equation 10

k I
t RI = t RXIDG = 5.8 − 1.35 ln
0.236 k I START
0.339 −
 I 
 

t = Operate delay in seconds

k = User’s multiplier

I = Measured value

ISTART = Start setting

Example of the delay type RI

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu

124 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

ISTART = 2 pu

Equation 11

t RI = = 2.3
0.339 −
 

The operate time in this example is 2.3 seconds. The same result can be read
from Figure 75 - RI dependent delay on page 125.

Example of the delay type RXIDG

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu

ISTART = 2 pu

Equation 12

t RXIDG = 5.8 − 1.35 ln = 3.9
0.5 ⋅ 2

The operate time in this example is 3.9 seconds. The same result can be read
from Figure 76 - RXIDG dependent delay on page 126.

Figure 75 - RI dependent delay

delay (s)

I/Iset inverseDelayRI

P3T/en M/F006 125

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 76 - RXIDG dependent delay

6.3.2 Custom curves

This mode is activated by the setting delay type to ‘Parameters’, and then editing
the delay function constants, that is, the parameters A – E. The idea is to use the
standard equations with one’s own constants instead of the standardized
constants as in the previous chapter.

Example of the GE-IAC51 delay type:

k = 0.50

I = 4 pu

ISTART = 2 pu

A = 0.2078

B = 0.8630

C = 0.8000

D = - 0.4180

E = 0.1947

126 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Equation 13

 
 
0.8630 − 0.4180 0.1947 
t = 0.5 ⋅ 0.2078 + + + = 0.37
 4  4 2

  − 0.8   − 0.8   
 − 0.8  
  2  2  2  

The operate time in this example is 0.37 seconds.

The resulting time/current characteristic of this example matches quite well the
characteristic of the old electromechanical IAC51 induction disc relay.

Dependent time setting error signal

The dependent time setting error signal actives if interpolation with the given
parameters is not possible. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for
more details.


The minimum definite time delay starts at the latest when the measured value is
twenty times the setting. However, there are limitations at high setting values due
to the measurement range. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for
more details.

6.3.3 Programmable dependent time curves

Programming dependent time curves requires Easergy Pro setting tool and
rebooting the unit.

The [current, time] curve points are programmed using Easergy Pro PC program.
There are some rules for defining the curve points:
• the configuration must begin from the topmost line
• the line order must be as follows: the smallest current (longest operate time)
on the top and the largest current (shortest operate time) on the bottom
• all unused lines (on the bottom) should be filled with [1.00 0.00s]

Here is an example configuration of curve points:

Point Current I/ISTART Operate delay

1 1.00 10.00 s

2 2.00 6.50 s

3 5.00 4.00 s

4 10.00 3.00 s

5 20.00 2.00 s

6 40.00 1.00 s

P3T/en M/F006 127

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Point Current I/ISTART Operate delay

7 1.00 0.00 s

8 1.00 0.00 s

9 1.00 0.00 s

10 1.00 0.00 s

11 1.00 0.00 s

12 1.00 0.00 s

13 1.00 0.00 s

14 1.00 0.00 s

15 1.00 0.00 s

16 1.00 0.00 s

Dependent time setting error signal

The dependent time setting error signal activates if interpolation with the given
points fails. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for more details.


The minimum definite time delay starts at the latest when the measured value is
twenty times the setting. However, there are limitations at high setting values due
to the measurement range. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for
more details.

6.4 Volts/hertz overexcitation protection (ANSI 24)

The saturation of any inductive network components like transformers, inductors,
motors and generators depends on the voltage and frequency. The lower the
frequency, the lower is the voltage at which the saturation begins.

The volts/hertz overexcitation protection stage is sensitive to the voltage/

frequency ratio instead of voltage only. Figure 77 - Difference between volts/hertz
and normal overvoltage protection on page 129 shows the difference between
volts/hertz and a standard overvoltage function. The highest of the three line-to-
line voltages is used regardless of the voltage measurement mode (10.8 Voltage
system configuration on page 345). By using line-to-line voltages, any line-to-
neutral overvoltages during ground faults have no effect. (The ground fault
protection functions take care of ground faults.)

The used net frequency is automatically adopted according to the local network

Overexcitation protection is needed for generators that are excitated even during
startup and shutdown. If such a generator is connected to a unit transformer, also
the unit transformer needs volts/hertz overexcitation protection. Another

128 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

application is sensitive overvoltage protection of modern transformers with no flux

density margin in networks with unstable frequency.

This figure shows the difference between volts/hertz and normal overvoltage
protection. The volts/hertz characteristics on the left depend on the frequency,
while the standard overvoltage function on the right is insensitive to frequency.
The network frequency, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, is automatically adopted by the relay.

Figure 77 - Difference between volts/hertz and normal overvoltage protection

V f> setting V f> setting 0
2.0 2.0

1.8 1.8
Measured voltage (PU)

Measured voltage (PU)

1.6 0%
140 % EA
1.4 1.4 AR
1.2 1.2 TR 0%
100 %
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
ok area
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 re a
ok a
0.2 0.2

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
Frequency (Hz) OverVoltFreqChar
Frequency (Hz) VoltPerHerz

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 46 - Volts/hertz over-excitation protection 24–1

Start setting range 100–200%

Operating time 0.3–300.0 s

Start time Typically 200 ms

Reset time < 450 ms

Reset ratio 0.995


- Starting V< 0.5% unit

f < 0.05 Hz

- Operating time at definite time function ±1% or ±150 ms

6.5 Synchronism check (ANSI 25)


The relay includes a function that checks the synchronism before giving or
enabling the circuit breaker close command. The function monitors the voltage
amplitude, frequency and phase angle difference between two voltages. Since

P3T/en M/F006 129

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

there are two stages available, it is possible to monitor three voltages. The
voltages can be busbar and line or busbar and busbar (bus coupler).

Figure 78 - Synchronism check function


Side 1 V1= V2 & Sync fail

Side 2 f1 = f2
φ1= φ2 & & CB close

V1 event
V2 & ≥1 Sync OK

Timeout Settings Sync Voltage Bypass

mode mode

The synchronism check stage includes two separate synchronism criteria that can
be used separately or combined:

• voltage only
• voltage, frequency, and phase

The voltage check simply compares voltage conditions of the supervised objects.
The supervised object is considered dead (not energized) when the measured
voltage is below the Vdead setting limit. Similarly, the supervised object is
considered live (energized) when the measured voltage is above the Vlive setting
limit. Based on the measured voltage conditions and the selected voltage check
criteria, synchronism is declared.

When the network sections to be connected are part of the same network, the
frequency and phase are the same. Therefore, the voltage check criteria is safe to
use without frequency and phase check.

The frequency and phase check compares the voltages, frequency and phase of
the supervised objects. Synchronism is declared if the voltages are above the
Vlive limit and all three difference criteria are within the given limits. This
synchronism check is dynamic by nature, and the object close command is given
at a certain moment of time, depending on the selected mode of operation.

When two networks are running at slightly different frequencies, there is also a
phase difference between these two networks. Because of the different frequency,
the phase angle tends to rotate. The time for one cycle depends on the frequency
difference. The stress for electrical components is lowest when two networks are
connected at zero phase difference.

In the “Sync” mode, the circuit breaker closing is aimed at the moment of zero
phase difference. Therefore, the close command is advanced by the time defined
by the CB close time setting. In the “Async” mode, the circuit breaker closing is
aimed at the moment when the synchronism conditions are met, that is, when the
phase difference is within the given phase difference limit.

When two network sections to be connected are from different sources or

generators, the voltage criteria alone is not safe, so also frequency and phase
check must be used.

When two networks with different frequencies are to be connected, the request
timeout setting must be long enough to allow the synchronism criteria to be met.

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6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

For example, if the frequency difference is 0.1 Hz, the synchronism criteria is met
only once in ten seconds.

The synchronism check stage starts from an object close command that
generates a request to close the selected circuit breaker when the synchronism
conditions are met. The synchronism check stage provides a "request" signal that
is active from the stage start until the synchronism conditions are met or the
request timeout has elapsed. When the synchronism conditions are not met within
the request timeout, a “fail” pulse is generated. The fail pulse has a fixed length of
200 ms. When the synchronism conditions are met in a timely manner, the object
close command is initiated for the selected object. This signal is purely internal
and not available outside the synchronism check stage. When the synchronism
conditions are met, the “OK” signal is always active. The activation of the bypass
input bybasses the synchronism check and declares synchronism at all times.

The request, OK, and fail signals are available in the output matrix.

The synchronized circuit breaker close execution order is shown in Figure 79 -

Synchronism check execution order on page 131.

Figure 79 - Synchronism check execution order

1 2 3
4 5

A. Synchronism check stage

B. Object
C. Circuit breaker (physical)
1. Object close command from mimic, digital inputs or communication protocol
2. Synchronism declared
3. Circuit breaker close command
4. Sync fail signal if request timeout elapsed before synchronism conditions met
5. Object fail signal if CB failed to operate

Figure 80 - Synchronism check function principle



1. Sync request
2. Sync OK
3. Object close command

P3T/en M/F006 131

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

A. The object close command given (minic or bus) actually only makes a sync
B. The sync request ends when the synchronism conditions are met and CB
command is given or if the request timeout elapsed.
C. If the request timout elapsed before synchronism conditions are met, sync
fail pulse is generated.
D. Normal object close operation

The synchronism check function is available when one of the following analog
measurement modules and a suitable measuring mode are in use:

Connections for synchronism check

The voltage used for checking the synchronism is always line-to-line voltage VAB
even when VA is measured. The sychronism check stage 1 always compares VAB
with VABy. The compared voltages for the stage 2 can be selected (VAB/VABy,
VAB/VABz, VABy/VABz). See 10.8 Voltage system configuration on page 345.

NOTE: To perform its operation, the synchronism check stage 2 converts the
voltages LNy and LNz to line-to-line voltage VAB. As such, the measured
voltage for LNy and LNz must be VA-N.

NOTE: The wiring of the secondary circuits of voltage transformers to the

relay terminal depends on the selected voltage measuring mode.

See the synchronism check stage's connection diagrams in 10.8 Voltage system
configuration on page 345.


Table 47 - Synchronism check function (25)

Input signal V1 – V4

Synchronism check mode (SMODE) Off; Async; Sync 32 33 34

Voltage check mode (VMODE) DD; DL; LD; DD/DL; DD/LD; DL/LD; DD/DL/
LD 35 36 37 38

CB closing time 0.04–0.6 s

VDEAD limit setting 10–120% VN

VLIVE limit setting 10–120% VN

Frequency difference 0.01–1.00 Hz

Voltage difference 1–60% VN

Phase angle difference 2°–90°

Request timeout 0.1–600.0 s

Stage operation range 46.0–64.0 Hz

132 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Reset ratio (V) 0.97


- voltage ±3% VN

- frequency ±20 mHz

- phase angle ±2° (when Δf < 0.2 Hz, else ±5°)

- operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

32 Off – Frequency and phase criteria not in use
33 Async – dF, dU and d angle criteria are used. Circuit breaker close is aimed at the moment when
the phase angle is within phase angle difference limit. Slip frequency dF determines how much the
close command needs to be advanced to make the actual connection at the moment when the phase
angle is within the phase angle limit
34 Sync mode – d , d and d angle criteria are used. Circuit breaker close is aimed at the moment
when the phase angle becomes zero. Slip frequency dF determines how much the close command
needs to be advanced to make the actual connection at zero phase angle.
35 The first letter refers to the reference voltage and the second letter to the comparison voltage.
36 D means that the side must be “dead” when closing (dead = The voltage is below the dead voltage

limit setting).
37 L means that the side must be “live” when closing (live = The voltage is higher than the live voltage

limit setting).
38 Example: DL mode for stage 1: The U12 side must be “dead” and the U12y side must be “live”.

6.6 Undervoltage (ANSI 27)


Undervoltage protection is used to detect voltage dips or sense abnormally low

voltages to trip or trigger load shedding or load transfer. The function measures
the three line-to-line voltages, and whenever the smallest of them drops below the
start setting of a particular stage, this stage starts and a start signal is issued. If
the fault situation remains on longer than the operate time delay setting, a trip
signal is issued.

Blocking during voltage transformer fuse failure

As all the protection stages, the undervoltage function can be blocked with any
internal or external signal using the block matrix. For example if the secondary
voltage of one of the measuring transformers disappears because of a fuse failure
(See the voltage transformer supervision function in 7.8 Voltage transformer
supervision (ANSI 60FL) on page 234). The blocking signal can also be a signal
from the custom logic (see 5.7 Logic functions on page 87).

Low-voltage self blocking

The stages can be blocked with a separate low-limit setting. With this setting, the
particular stage is blocked when the biggest of the three line-to-line voltages
drops below the given limit. The idea is to avoid unwanted tripping when the
voltage is switched off. If the operate time is less than 0.08 s, the blocking level
setting should not be less than 15% for the blocking action to be fast enough. The
self blocking can be disabled by setting the low-voltage block limit equal to zero.

P3T/en M/F006 133

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 81 - Example of low-voltage self blocking

VLLmax = max(VAB , VBC , VCA ) UunderSelfBlocking

27 setting


block limit

27 undervoltage state

A. The maximum of the three line-to-line voltages VLLmax is below the block
limit. This is not regarded as an undervoltage situation.
B. The voltage VLLmin is above the block limit but below the start level. This is
an undervoltage situation.
C. The voltage is OK because it is above the start limit.
D. This is an undervoltage situation.
E. Voltage is OK.
F. This is an undervoltage situation.
G. The voltage ULLmin is under block limit and this is not regarded as an
undervoltage situation.
H. This is an undervoltage situation.
I. Voltage is OK.
J. Same as G
K. Voltage is OK.

Three independent stages

There are three separately adjustable stages: 27-1, 27-2 and 27-3. All these
stages can be configured for the definite time (DT) operation characteristic.

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for all stages.


Table 48 - Undervoltage (27–1)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 20–120% VN (step 1%)

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 0.0839 – 300.00 s (step 0.02)

Hysteresis (reset ratio) 1.001–1.200 (0.1–20.0%, step 0.1%)

134 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Self-blocking value of the undervoltage 0–80% VN

Start time Typically 60 ms

Release delay 0.06–300.00 s (step 0.02 s)

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio (Block limit) 0.5 V or 1.03 (3%)

Reset ratio 1.03 (depends on the hysteresis setting)


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- Blocking ±3% of set value or ±0.5 V

- Operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

39 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

Table 49 - Undervoltage (27–2)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 20–120% VN (step 1%)

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 0.0640 – 300.00 s (step 0.02)

Hysteresis (reset ratio) 1.001–1.200 (0.1–20.0%, step 0.1%)

Self-blocking value of the undervoltage 0–80% VN

Start time Typically 60 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio (Block limit) 0.5 V or 1.03 (3%)

Reset ratio 1.03 (depends on the hysteresis setting)


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- Blocking ±3% of set value or ±0.5 V

- Operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

40 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

P3T/en M/F006 135

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Table 50 - Undervoltage (27–3)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 20–120% VN (step 1%)

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 0.0441 – 300.00 s (step 0.01)

Hysteresis (reset ratio) 1.001–1.200 (0.1–20.0%, step 0.1%)

Self-blocking value of the undervoltage 0–80% VN

Start time Typically 30 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio (Block limit) 0.5 V or 1.03 (3%)

Reset ratio 1.03 (depends on the hysteresis setting)


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- Blocking ±3% of set value or ±0.5 V
- Operate time ±1% or ±25 ms
41 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.7 Directional power (ANSI 32)


The directional power function can be used, for example, to disconnect a motor if
the supply voltage is lost and thus prevent power generation by the motor. It can
also be used to detect loss of load of a motor.

The directional power function is sensitive to active power. For the directional
power function, the start value is negative. For the underpower function, a positive
start value is used. Whenever the active power goes under the start value, the
stage starts and issues a start signal. If the fault situation stays on longer than the
delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

The start setting range is from -200% to +200% of the nominal apparent power
SN. The nominal apparent power is determined by the configured voltage and
current transformer values.

Equation 14

S n = VTRated Pr imary ⋅ CTRated Pr imary ⋅ 3

There are two identical stages available with independent setting parameters.

136 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for all stages.


Table 51 - Directional power stages 32-1, 32-2

Input signal IA – IC

Start value -200.0 to +200.0% SN (step 0.5)

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.3–300.0 s (step 0.1)

Start time Typically 200 ms

Reset time < 500 ms

Reset ratio 1.05

Inaccuracy: -

- Starting ±3% of set value or ±0.5% of rated value

- Operate time at definite time function ±1% or ±150 ms

NOTE: When the start setting is +1 to +200% , an internal block is activated if

the maximum voltage of all phases drops below 5% of rated.

6.8 Negative sequence overcurrent (ANSI 46)


Negative sequence overcurrent protects against unbalanced phase currents and

single phasing. The protection is based on the negative sequence current. Both
definite time and dependent time characteristics are available. The dependent
delay is based on Equation 15 on page 138. Only the base frequency
components of the phase currents are used to calculate the negative sequence
value I2.

The negative sequence overcurrent protection is based on the negative sequence

of the base frequency phase currents. Both definite time and dependent time
characteristics are available.

Dependent time delay

The dependent time delay is based on the following equation:

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Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Equation 15

T= 2
 I2 
  − K 22
I 
 TN 

T = Operate time

K1 = Delay multiplier

I2 = Measured and calculated negative sequence phase current of fundamental


ITN = Rated current of the transformer

K2 = Start setting I2 > in pu. The maximum allowed degree of unbalance.


K1 = 15 s

I2 = 22.9 % = 0.229 x ITN

K2 = 5 % = 0.05 x ITN

t= 2
= 300.4
 0.229  2
  − 0.05
 1 

The operate time in this example is five minutes.

More stages (definite time delay only)

If more than one definite time delay stages are needed for negative sequence
overcurrent protection, the freely programmable stages can be used (6.29
Programmable stages (ANSI 99) on page 211).

138 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 82 - Dependent operation delay of negative sequence overcurrent I2 >

(ANSI 46). The longest delay is limited to 1000 seconds (=16min 40s).

500 K2 = 2 % K 2 = 40 % K 2 = 70 %


Operationtime (s)
100 K1 = 50 s


K2 = 2 % K 2 = 40 % K 2 = 70 %

K1 = 1 s
0 20 40 60 80 100
Negative sequencecurrentI 2 (%)

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available.


Table 52 - Negative sequence overcurrent I2 > 46–1

Input signal IA – IC

Start value 2–70% (step 1%)

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 1.0–600.0 s (step 0.1 s)

Dependent time characteristic:

- 1 characteristic curve Inv

- Time multiplier 1–50 s (step 1)

- Upper limit for dependent time 1000 s

Start time Typically 300 ms

Reset time < 450 ms

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±1% - unit

- Operate time ±5% or ±200 ms

P3T/en M/F006 139

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

NOTE: The stage is operational when all secondary currents are above 250

6.9 Negative sequence overvoltage protection (ANSI 47)


This protection stage can be used to detect voltage unbalance and phase
reversal situations. It calculates the fundamental frequency value of the negative
sequence component V2 based on the measured voltages (for calculation of V2,
see 4.10 Symmetrical components on page 65).
Whenever the negative sequence voltage V2 raises above the user's start setting
of a particular stage, this stage starts, and a start signal is issued. If the fault
situation remains on longer than the user's operate time delay setting, a trip signal
is issued.

Blocking during VT fuse failure

Like all the protection stages, the negative sequence overvoltage can be blocked
with any internal or external signal using the block matrix, for example, if the
secondary voltage of one of the measuring transformers disappears because of a
fuse failure (See VT supervision function in 7.8 Voltage transformer supervision
(ANSI 60FL) on page 234).

The blocking signal can also be a signal from the user's logic (see 5.7 Logic
functions on page 87).

Three independent stages

There are three separately adjustable stages: 47-1, 47-2, and 47-3. Both stages
can be configured for the definite time (DT) operation characteristic.

Setting groups

There are four settings groups available for all stages. Switching between setting
groups can be controlled by digital inputs, virtual inputs (mimic display,
communication, logic) and manually.


Table 53 - Negative sequence overvoltage protection (47)

Start value: 47-1, 47-2, 47-3 2–120%

Operate time 0.08–300 s

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±1% - unit

- Operate time ±5% or ±200 ms

140 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

6.10 Thermal overload (ANSI 49 RMS)


The thermal overload function protects the transformer against excessive


Thermal model

The temperature is calculated using RMS values of phase currents and a thermal
model according IEC60255-149. The RMS values are calculated using harmonic
components up to the 15th.

Trip time:

I 2 − IP
t = τ ⋅ ln 2
I − a2
Alarm (alarm 60% = 0.6):

a = k ⋅ kΘ ⋅ I TN ⋅ alarm

a = k ⋅ kΘ ⋅ I TN
Reset time:

t = τ ⋅ Cτ ⋅ ln 2 P 2
a −I
Trip release:

a = 0.95 × k × I TN

Start release (alarm 60% = 0.6):

a = 0.95 × k × I TN × alarm

T = Operate time

= Thermal time constant tau (setting value). Unit: minute

ln = Natural logarithm function

I =Measured RMS phase current (the max. value of three phase currents)

k = Overload factor (Maximum continuous current), i.e. service factor (setting


kΘ = Ambient temperature factor (permitted current due to tamb).

Ip = Preload current, I P = θ × k × I TN (If temperature rise is 120% -> θ = 1.2). This

parameter is the memory of the algorithm and corresponds to the actual
temperature rise.

ITN = The rated current of the transformer

P3T/en M/F006 141

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Cτ = Relay cooling time constant (setting value)

Time constant for cooling situation

If the transformer's fan is stopped, the cooling will be slower than with an active
fan. Therefore there is a coefficient Cτ for thermal constant available to be used
as cooling time constant, when current is less than 0.3 x ITN.

Heat capacitance, service factor and ambient temperature

The trip level is determined by the maximum allowed continuous current IMAX
corresponding to the 100% temperature rise ΘTRIP for example the heat
capacitance of the transformer. IMAX depends of the given service factor k and
ambient temperature ΘAMB and settings IMAX40 and IMAX70 according the following

I MAX = k ⋅ k Θ ⋅ I TN
The value of ambient temperature compensation factor kΘ depends on the
ambient temperature ΘAMB and settings IMAX40 and IMAX70. See Figure 83 -
Ambient temperature correction of the overload stage T> on page 143. Ambient
temperature is not in use when kΘ = 1. This is true when
• IMAX40 is 1.0
• Samb is “n/a” (no ambient temperature sensor)
• ΘAMB is +40 °C.

142 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 83 - Ambient temperature correction of the overload stage T>



0.8 IMAX70


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (°C)

50 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 (°F)

Example of the thermal model behavior

Figure 83 - Ambient temperature correction of the overload stage T> on page 143
shows an example of the thermal model behavior. In this example, = 30
minutes, k = 1.06 and kΘ = 1 and the current has been zero for a long time and
thus the initial temperature rise is 0%. At time = 50 minutes, the current changes
to 0.85 x ITN and the temperature rise starts to approach value (0.85/1.06)2 = 64%
according to the time constant. At time = 300 min, the temperature is nearly
stable, and the current increases to 5% over the maximum defined by the rated
current and the service factor k. The temperature rise starts to approach value
110%. At about 340 minutes, the temperature rise is 100% and a trip follows.

Initial temperature rise after restart

When the relay is switched on, an initial temperature rise of 70% is used.
Depending on the actual current, the calculated temperature rise then starts to
approach the final value.

Alarm function

The thermal overload stage is provided with a separately settable alarm function.
When the alarm limit is reached, the stage activates its start signal.

P3T/en M/F006 143

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 84 - Example of the thermal model behavior

Temperature rise

Reset ratio = 95%


τ = 30 minutes
k = 1.06
Θalarm = 90%


I/IN 1.6 min


45 min
IP = 0.85*IN

100 min 200 min 300 min 400 min 500 min

Setting groups

This stage has one setting group.


Table 54 - Thermal overload (49T)

Input signal IA – IC

Maximum continuous current 0.1–2.40 x ITN

Alarm setting range 60–99% (step 1%)

Time constant τ 2–180 min (step 1)

Cooling time coefficient 1.0–10.0 x τ (step 0.1)

Max. overload at +40°C 70–120 %ITN (step 1)

Max. overload at +70°C 50–100 %ITN (step 1)

Ambient temperature -55 – 125°C (step 1°)

144 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Reset ratio (Start & trip) 0.95

Operate time inaccuracy Relative inaccuracy ±5% or absolute inaccuracy 1 s of the

theoretical value

6.11 Breaker failure 1 (ANSI 50BF)


The circuit breaker failure protection stage (CBFP) can be used to operate any
upstream circuit breaker (CB) if the programmed output matrix signals, selected
to control the main breaker, have not disappeared within a given time after the
initial command. The supervised output contact is defined by the “Monitored Trip
Relay” setting. An alternative output contact of the relay must be used for this
backup control selected in the Output matrix setting view.

The CBFP operation is based on the supervision of the signal to the selected
output contact and the time. The following output matrix signals, when
programmed into use, start the CBFP function:
• protection functions
• control functions
• supporting functions
• GOOSE signals (through communication)

If the signal is longer than the CBFP stage’s operate time, the stage activates
another output contact defined in the Output matrix setting view. The output
contact remains activated until the signal resets. The CBFP stage supervises all
the signals assigned to the same selected output contact.

In Figure 85 - Trip and CBFP start signals in the Output matrix setting view on
page 146, both the trip and CBFP start signals activate simultaneously (left
picture). If T> trip fails to control the CB through T1, the CBFP activates T3 after
the breaker failure operate time.

P3T/en M/F006 145

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 85 - Trip and CBFP start signals in the Output matrix setting view

NOTE: For the CBFP, always select the ”Connected” crossing symbol in the
Output matrix setting view.


Table 55 - Breaker failure (50BF)

Relay to be supervised T1–T4 (depending on the order code)

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.1–10.0 s (step 0.1 s)


- Operate time ±20 ms

6.12 Breaker failure 2 (ANSI 50BF)


Power system protection should always have some sort of backup protection
available. Backup protection is intended to operate when a power system fault is
not cleared or an abnormal condition is not detected in the required time because
of a failure or the inability of the primary protection to operate or failure of the
appropriate circuit breakers to trip. Backup protection may be local or remote.

Circuit breaker failure protection (CBFP) is part of the local backup protection.
CBFP provides a backup trip signal to an upstream circuit breaker (CB) when the
CB nearest to fault fails to clear fault current. The CB may fail to operate for
several reasons, for example burnt open coil or a flashover in the CB.

146 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 86 - CBFP implementation

A. CBFP trip
B. Normal trip
C. Re-trip

Two separate stages are provided to enable re-trip and CBFP trip commands.
The first stage can be used to give re-trip command (for example to control
second/backup open coil of the main CB) while the second stage can give
dedicated CBFP trip command to an upstream circuit breaker. Select the required
outputs for re-trip and CBFP trip through the output matrix.

Block diagram

Figure 87 - Breaker failure 2 operation

IB Imax > &
& J

I0 > & ≥ t K

C & & J



P3T/en M/F006 147

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

A. Condition 1 G. Delay setting

B. Condition 2 H. Enable events setting

C. Condition 3 I. Start

D. Condition 4 J. Event register

E. Block K. Trip

F. Zero-current setting

CBFP operation

The CBFP function can be enabled and disabled with the Enable for BF2
selection. The CBFP function activates when any of the selected start signals
becomes and stays active.

The CBFP operation can be temporarily blocked by the stage block signal from
the block matrix. When the stage is blocked by the block signal, the stage timer
stops but it does not reset. The stage timer continues its operation when the block
signal is disabled. When the block signal is active, the stage output signals are

The CBFP stage provides the following events:

• start on
• start off
• trip on
• trip off

Events can be activated via the Enable events setting view.

Condition selectors

The CBFP function has four condition selectors that can be used separately or all
together to activate and reset the CBFP function.

The four condition selectors are almost identical. The only difference is that
condition selectors 1 and 2 are for all protection functions that benefit from zero-
current detection for resetting the CBFP as described in section Zero-current
detector on page 150, and selectors 3 and 4 are for all the protection functions
that do not benefit from zero-current detection for CBFP.

Condition selector 4 can be used to support selectors 1, 2 and 3. For example, if

there are too many stages to be monitored in condition set 1, condition selector 4
can be used to monitor the output contacts. Monitoring digital inputs is also
possible if the backup protection is based on external current relay, for example.
The only CBFP reset criteria for condition set 4 are the monitored input and
output signals.

148 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 88 - Start signal and reset condition setting view for Condition 1

Separate zero-current detection with dedicated start settings exists for phase
overcurrent and ground fault overcurrent signals. Zero-current detection is
independent of the protection stages.

The condition criteria, available signals and reset conditions are listed in Table 56
- CBFP condition selectors on page 149.

NOTE: The start signal can be selected for each condition in advance from
the pull-down menu even if the concerned stage is not enabled. For the CBFP
activation, the concerned stage must be enabled from the protection stage
menu and the stage has to start to activate the CBFP start signal.
Table 56 - CBFP condition selectors

Criteria Start signal Reset condition

Condition 1 50/51-1, 50/51-2, 50/51-3, 37, 46, Reset by CB status: DI1 – DIx (1, F1,
87M-1, 87M-2, 67-1, 67-2, 67-3, F2, VI1-20, VO1–20, GOOSE_NI1–64,
67-4, 49RMS, 68F2, 21/40-1, POC1–16, Obj1-8Op
21/40-2, 68F5, SOTF
Monitored stage: On/Off

Condition 2 50N/51N-1, 50N/51N-2, 50N/ Zero-current detection: On/Off

51N-3, 50N/51N-4, 50N/51N-5,
67N-1, 67N-2, 67N-3

P3T/en M/F006 149

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Criteria Start signal Reset condition

Condition 3 64S, 59-1, 59-2, 59-3, 27-1, 27-2, Reset by CB status: DI1 – DIx (1, F1,
27-3, 27P-1, 27P-2, 59N-1, F2, VI1-20, VO1–20, GOOSE_NI1–64,
59N-2, 32-1, 32-2, 40, 21G-1, POC1–16, Obj1-8Op
21G-2,Pgr1-8, 81U-1, 81U-2,
Monitored stage: On/Off
81-1,81-2, 81R, 24, Pslip

Condition 4 Outputs: A1, T1-Tx (1

Inputs: DI1 – DIx (1, F1, F2,

VI1-20, VO1 – 20, GOOSE_NI1 –
64, POC1 – 16

Arc sensor 3- 10, ArcStg1-8,

I>int, Io>int

In addition to the selection of the start signal, the CBFP reset condition needs to
be selected.

If no reset conditions are selected, the stage uses Reset by monitored stage as
the reset condition. This prevents a situation where the stage never releases.

The reset condition Reset by CB status is useful if the current is already zero
when the CB is opened (for example unloaded CB).

When more than one selection criteria are selected, AND condition is used, for
example “zero current detection” AND “object open”. See Figure 87 - Breaker
failure 2 operation on page 147 for details.

Stage timer

The operate delay timer is started by a signal activated by the monitored stages
(condition selectors). The operate time delay is a settable parameter. When the
given time delay has elapsed, the stage provides a trip signal through the output
matrix and the event codes.

The timer delay can be set between 40 and 200 ms.

Zero-current detector

The zero-current detector is an undercurrent condition to reset the CBFP function

when all phase currents are below the start (pick-up) setting value. This separate
undercurrent condition is needed to properly detect successful CB operation. For
example, in a CB failure condition where one or more CB poles are partly
conducting when the CB is open, the fault current can be small enough to reset
the primary protection stage (for example overcurrent stage), in which case the
CBFP does not operate. When a separate undercurrent limit is used, CBFP reset
can be performed only when the fault current really is zero or near zero instead of
relying on the protection stage reset.

150 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 89 - Zero-current detector setting view

The setting range of the zero-current detector is always associated with the CT
nominal value, even in case of motor and transformer protection. The setting
range minimum depends on the relay accuracy. Instead of zero, a small minimum
value can be accepted. See Table 57 - Breaker failure 2 (ANSI 50BF) on page

CBFP coordination

The CBFP delay setting has to be coordinated according to the CB operation time
and the reset time of protection stages monitored by the CBFP function as
described in Figure 90 - CBFP coordination on page 151.

Figure 90 - CBFP coordination



P3T/en M/F006 151

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

A. Fault occurrence

B. Normal fault clearing time

C. Protection delay

D. CBFP stage start

E. CB operate time

F. Protection stage reset time + safety margin

G. CBFP trip

H. CBFP stage operate delay (CB operate time + protection stage reset time + safety

I. CB operate time

J. Total fault clearing time in case of failed CB operation but successful CBFP operation


Table 57 - Breaker failure 2 (ANSI 50BF)

Zero-current detection:

- Phase overcurrent 0.05–0.2 x In

- Ground fault overcurrent 0.005–20 x p.u.

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.04–0.2 s


- Operate time ±20 ms

6.13 Switch-on-to-fault (ANSI 50HS)


The switch-on-to-fault (SOTF) protection function offers fast protection when the
circuit breaker (CB) is closed manually against a faulty line. Overcurrent-based
protection does not clear the fault until the intended time delay has elapsed.
SOTF gives a trip signal without additional time delay if the CB is closed and a
fault is detected after closing the CB.

152 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 91 - Switch-on-to-fault function operates when the CB has detected open

and the fault current reaches start setting value

Start setting

Max. of IA, IB, IC 3

Low limit 0.02 x IN


SOTF trip

1. Switch-on-to-fault does not activate if the CB has not been in open position
before the fault. Open CB detection is noticed from the highest phase current
value which has to be under a fixed low-limit threshold (0.02 x IN). Opening of
the CB can be detected also with digital inputs (Dead line detection input =
DI1 – DIx, VI1 – VIx). The default detection input is based on the current
threshold, so the dead line detection input parameter has value “–“.

2. Dead line detection delay defines how long the CB has to be open so that the
SOTF function is active. If the set time delay is not fulfilled and the highest
phase current value (maximum of IA, IB, IC) rises over the start setting, the
SOTF does not operate.

3. If the highest phase current value of IA, IB, IC goes successfully under the low
limit and rises to a value between the low limit and the start value, then if the
highest phase current value rises over the start setting value before the set
SOTF active after CB closure time delay has elapsed, the SOTF trips. If this
time delay is exceeded, the SOTF does not trip even if the start setting value
is exceeded.

Setting groups

This stage has one setting group.


Table 58 - Switch-on-to-fault SOTF (50HS)

Start value 1.00–3.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Dead line detection delay 0.00–60.00 s (step 0.01)

SOTF active after CB closure 0.10–60.00 s (step 0.01)

Operate time < 30 ms (When IM/ISET ratio > 1.5)

Reset time < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.97

Inaccuracy ±3% of the set value or 5 mA secondary

P3T/en M/F006 153

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

6.14 Phase overcurrent (ANSI 50/51)


Phase overcurrent protection is used against short-circuit faults and heavy


The overcurrent function measures the fundamental frequency component of the

phase currents. The protection is sensitive to the highest of the three phase
currents. Whenever this value exceeds the user's start setting of a particular
stage, this stage starts and a start signal is issued. If the fault situation remains on
longer than the operation delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

Block diagram

Figure 92 - Block diagram of the three-phase overcurrent stage 50/51-1


Im2 MAX & Start

Im3 ts tr
& Register
Block t


& Register

Setting I>s Delay Defininte / Dependent time Multiplier Enable events

dependent time characteristics

Figure 93 - Block diagram of the three-phase overcurrent stage 50/51-2 and


Im2 MAX & Start

Im3 ts tr

& Register


& Register

Setting I>>s Delay Enable events

Three independent stages

There are three separately adjustable overcurrent stages: 50/51-1, 50/51-2 and
50/51-3. The first stage 50/51-1 can be configured for definite time (DT) or
dependent operate time (IDMT) characteristic. The stages 50/51-2 and 50/51-3
have definite time operation characteristic. By using the definite delay type and

154 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

setting the delay to its minimum, an instantaneous (ANSI 50) operation is


Figure 92 - Block diagram of the three-phase overcurrent stage 50/51-1 on page

154 shows a functional block diagram of the 50/51-1 overcurrent stage with
definite time and dependent time operate time. Figure 93 - Block diagram of the
three-phase overcurrent stage 50/51-2 and 50/51-3 on page 154 shows a
functional block diagram of the 50/51-2 and 50/51-3 overcurrent stages with
definite time operation delay.

Dependent operate time

Dependent operate time means that the operate time depends on the amount the
measured current exceeds the start setting. The bigger the fault current is, the
faster is the operation. The dependent time delay types are described in 6.3
Dependent operate time on page 110. The relay shows the currently used
dependent operate time curve graph on the local panel display.

Dependent time limitation

The maximum measured secondary current is 50 x IN. This limits the scope of
dependent curves with high start settings. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on
page 110 for more information.

Include harmonics setting

The 50/51-1 and 50/51-2 (50/51) overcurrent protection stages have a setting
parameter to include harmonics. When this setting is activated, the overcurrent
stage calculates the sum of the base frequency and all measured harmonics. This
feature is used to determine the signal's true root mean square value to detect the
signal's real heating factor. The operate time is 5 ms more when harmonics are
included in the measurement. Activate the "Include harmonics" setting if the
overcurrent protection is used for thermal protection and the content of the
harmonics is known to exist in the power system.

Cold load and inrush current handling

See 7.3 Cold load start and magnetizing inrush on page 221.

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 59 - Phase overcurrent stage 50/51-1 (50/51)

Input signal IA – IC

Start value 0.05–5.00 x ITN (step 0.01)

Definite time function: DT42

- Operate time 0.04–300.00 s (step 0.01 s)

P3T/en M/F006 155

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

IDMT function:

- Delay curve family (DT), IEC, IEEE, RI Prg

- Curve type EI, VI, NI, LTI, MI…, depends on the family43

- Inv. time coefficient k 0.025–20.0

- RI curve 0.025–20.0

Start time Typically 35 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio 0.97

Transient overreach, any τ < 10%


- Starting ±3% of the set value or 5 mA secondary

- Operate time at definite time function ±1% or ±25 ms

- Operate time at IDMT function ±5% or at least ±25 ms**

42 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.
43 EI = Extremely Inverse, NI = Normal Inverse, VI = Very Inverse, LTI = Long Time Inverse, MI=

Moderately Inverse

Table 60 - Phase overcurrent stage 50/51-2 (50/51)

Input signal IA – IC

Start value 0.10 – 20.00 x ITN (step 0.01)

Definite time function: DT44

- Operate time 0.04 – 1800.00 s (step 0.01 s)

Start time Typically 35 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio 0.97

Transient overreach, any τ < 10%

±3% of the set value or 5 mA secondary
- Starting
±1% or ±25 ms
- operate time
44 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

156 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Table 61 - Phase overcurrent stage 50/51-3 (50/51)

Input signal IA – IC

Start value 0.10–40.00 x ITN (step 0.01)

Definite time function: DT45

- Operate time 0.03–300.00 s (step 0.01 s)

Instant operate time:

IM / ISET ratio > 1.5 <30 ms

IM / ISET ratio 1.03 – 1.5 < 50 ms

Start time Typically 20 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio 0.97


- Starting ±3% of the set value or 5 mA secondary

- Operate time DT (IM/ISET ratio > 1.5) ±1% or ±15 ms

- Operate time DT (IM/ISET ratio 1.03 – 1.5) ±1% or ±25 ms

45 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.15 Ground fault overcurrent (ANSI 50N/51N)


The purpose of the nondirectional ground fault overcurrent protection is to detect

ground faults in low-impedance grounded networks. In high-impedance grounded
networks, compensated networks and isolated networks, nondirectional ground
fault overcurrent can be used as backup protection.

The nondirectional ground fault overcurrent function is sensitive to the

fundamental frequency component of the ground fault overcurrent 3IN. The
attenuation of the third harmonic is more than 60 dB. Whenever this fundamental
value exceeds the start setting of a particular stage, this stage starts and a start
signal is issued. If the fault situation remains on longer than the operate time
delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

P3T/en M/F006 157

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Block diagram

Figure 94 - Block diagram of the ground fault stage overcurrent 50N/51N-1



Figure 95 - Block diagram of the ground fault stages overcurrent 50N/51N-2, 50N/
51N-3, 50N/51N-4



Input signal selection

Each stage can be connected to supervise any of the following inputs and signals:
• Input IN1 for all networks other than solidly grounded.
• Input IN2 for all networks other than solidly grounded.
• Calculated signal IN Calc for solidly and low-impedance grounded networks. IN
Calc = IA + IB + IC.

Four or six independent nondirectional ground fault overcurrent stages

There are four separately adjustable ground fault overcurrent stages: 50N/51N-1,
50N/51N-2, 50N/51N-3, and 50N/51N-4. The first stage 50N/51N-1 can be
configured for definite time (DT) or dependent time operation characteristic
(IDMT). The other stages have definite time operation characteristic. By using the
definite delay type and setting the delay to its minimum, an instantaneous (ANSI
50N) operation is obtained.

158 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Five or eight independent nondirectional ground fault overcurrent stages

There are five separately adjustable ground fault overcurrent stages: 50N/51N-1,
50N/51N-2, 50N/51N-3,50N/51N-4 and 50N/51N-5. The first stage50N/51N-1 can
be configured for definite time (DT) or dependent time operation characteristic
(IDMT). The other stages have definite time operation characteristic. By using the
definite delay type and setting the delay to its minimum, an instantaneous (ANSI
50N) operation is obtained.

Using the directional ground fault overcurrent stages (6.21 Directional ground
fault overcurrent (ANSI 67N) on page 182) in nondirectional mode, three more
stages with dependent operate time delay are available for nondirectional ground
fault overcurrent protection.

Dependent time limitation

The maximum measured secondary ground fault overcurrent is 10 x I0N and the
maximum measured phase current is 50 x IN. This limits the scope of dependent
curves with high start settings.

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 62 - Ground fault overcurrent 50N/51N-1 (50N/51N)

Input signal IN1, IN2

IN Calc = (IA + IB + IC)

Start value 0.005–8.00 pu (when IN1 or I N2 ) (step 0.001)

0.005–20.0 pu (when IN Calc)

Definite time function: DT46

- Operate time 0.0446 –300.00 s (step 0.01 s)

IDMT function:

- Delay curve family (DT), IEC, IEEE, RI Prg

- Curve type EI, VI, NI, LTI, MI..., depends on the family47

- Inv. time coefficient k 0.025–20.0, except

0.50–20.0 for RXIDG, IEEE and IEEE2

Start time Typically 30 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

P3T/en M/F006 159

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±2% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting (Peak mode) ±5% of the set value or ±2% of the rated value (Sine
wave <65 Hz)

±1% or ±25 ms
- Operate time at definite time
function ±5% or at least ±25 ms 46

- Operate time at IDMT function

46 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.
47 EI = Extremely Inverse, NI = Normal Inverse, VI = Very Inverse, LTI = Long Time Inverse, MI=

Moderately Inverse

Table 63 - Ground fault overcurrent 50N/51N-2, 50N/51N-3, 50N/51N-4 (50N/

Input signal IN1, IN2

IN Calc = (IA + IB + IC)

Start value 0.01–8.00 pu (When IN1 or IN2) (step 0.01)

0.005–20.0 pu (When IN Calc) (step 0.01)

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.04 48 – 300.00 s (step 0.01 s)

Start time Typically 30 ms

Reset time <95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±2% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting (Peak mode) ±5% of the set value or ±2% of the rated value (Sine wave <65

±1% or ±25 ms
- Operate time
48 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.15.1 Ground fault phase detection

The ground fault overcurrent stage (ANSI 50N/51N) and directional ground fault
overcurrent stage (ANSI 67N) have an inbuilt detection algorithm to detect a faulty
phase. This algorithm is meant to be used in radial-operated distribution
networks. The faulty phase detection can be used in solidly-grounded,
impedance-grounded or resonant-grounded networks.

160 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay


The faulty phase detection starts from the ground fault stage trip. At the moment
of stage start, the phase currents measured prior to start are registered and
stored as prior-to-fault currents. At the moment of trip, phase currents are
registered again. Finally, faulty phase detection algorithm is performed by
comparing prior-to-fault currents to fault currents. The algorithm also uses positive
sequence current and negative sequence current to detect faulty phase.

The detection algorithm can be enabled and disabled by selecting or unselecting

a checkbox in the protection stage settings. Correct network grounding
configuration must be selected in the stage settings, too. In the ground fault
overcurrent stage settings, you can select between RES and CAP network
grounding configuration. This selection has no effect on the protection itself, only
on the faulty phase detection. In the directional ground fault overcurrent stage
settings, the detection algorithm uses the same network grounding type as
selected for protection. RES is used for solidly-grounded, impedance-grounded
and resonant-grounded networks. CAP is only used for isolated networks.

The detected faulty phase is registered in the protection stage fault log (and also
in the event list and alarm screen). Faulty phase is also indicated by a line alarm
and line fault signals in the output matrix.

Possible detections of faulty phases are A-N, B-N, C-N, AB-N, AC-N, BC-N, ABC-
N, and REV. If the relay protection coordination is incorrect, REV indication is
given in case of a relay sympathetic trip to a reverse fault.

6.16 Capacitor bank unbalance (ANSI 51C)

NOTE: Configure the capacitor bank unbalance protection through the ground
fault overcurrent stages 50N/51N-3 and 50N/51N-4.


The relay enables capacitor, filter and reactor bank protection with its five current
measurement inputs. The fifth input is typically useful for unbalance current
measurement of a double-wye connected ungrounded bank.

The unbalance protection is highly sensitive to internal faults of a bank because of

the sophisticated natural unbalance compensation. The location method enables
easy maintenance monitoring for a bank.

This protection scheme is specially used in double-wye-connected capacitor

banks. The unbalance current is measured with a dedicated current transformer
(like 5A/5A) between two starpoints of the bank.

As the capacitor elements are not identical and have acceptable tolerances, there
is a natural unbalance current between the starpoints of the capacitor banks. This
natural unbalance current can be compensated to tune the protection sensitive
against real faults inside the capacitor banks.

P3T/en M/F006 161

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 96 - Typical capacitor bank protection application with Easergy P3 relays

8/E/1:7 I01 5A
I01 1A
8/E/1:10 I02 1A
I02 0,2A

Compensation method

The method of unbalance protection is to compensate for the natural unbalance

current. The compensation is triggered manually when commissioning. The
phasors of the unbalance current and one phase current are then recorded. This
is because one polarizing measurement is needed. When the phasor of the
unbalance current is always related to IA, the frequency changes or deviations
have no effect on the protection. After the recording, the measured unbalance
current corresponds to the zero-level and therefore, the setting of the stage can
be very sensitive.

Compensation and location

The most sophisticated method is to use the compensation method described

above with an add-on feature that locates the branch of each faulty element (the
broken fuse).

This feature is implemented to the stage 50N/51N-4, while the other stage 50N/
51N-3 can still function as normal unbalance protection stage with the
compensation method. Normally, the 50N/51N-4 could be set as an alarming
stage while stage 50N/51N-3 trips the circuit breaker.

The stage 50N/51N-4 should be set based on the calculated unbalance current
change of one faulty element. You can calculate this using the following formula:

Equation 16

V L− N V L− N

(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅ C1 ) −1 (2 ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅ C2 ) −1
3I 0 =

C1 = Capacitor unit capacitance (μF)

C2 = Capacitor unit capacitance, after one element fails (μF)

162 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

However, the setting must be 10% smaller than the calculated value, since there
are some tolerances in the primary equipment as well as in the relay
measurement circuit. Then, the time setting of 50N/51N-4 is not used for tripping
purposes. The time setting specifies, how long the relay must wait until it is
certain that there is a faulty element in the bank. After this time has elapsed, the
stage 50N/51N-4 makes a new compensation automatically, and the measured
unbalance current for this stage is now zero. Note, the automatic compensation
does not affect the measured unbalance current of stage 50N/51N-3.

Figure 97 - Natural unbalance compensation and a single capacitor fault


180 0


A. The natural unbalance is compensated for.

B. When the IN current increases above the set start value (normally 90% of a
single capacitor unit) according to the angle ratio between IN and IA, it is
decided in which branch and phase the fault occurred. The fault is memorised
and compensation is completed automatically. After the set amount of faults,
the stage trips.

If there is an element failure in the bank, the algorithm checks the phase angle of
the unbalance current related to the phase angle of the phase current IA. Based
on this angle, the algorithm can increase the corresponding faulty elements
counter (there are six counters).

Figure 98 - How a failure in different branches of the bank affects the IN


Easergy P3 H I


P3T/en M/F006 163

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

A. Branch 1

B. Branch 2

C. IA as reference

D. Phase 1 fault in branch 1

E. Phase 3 fault in branch 2

F. Phase 2 fault in branch 1

G. Phase 1 fault in branch 2

H. Phase 3 fault in branch 1

I. Phase 2 fault in branch 2

You can set for the stage 50N/51N-4 the allowed number of faulty elements. For
example, if set to three elements, the fourth fault element will issue the trip signal.

The fault location is used with internal fused capacitor and filter banks. There is
no need to use it with fuseless or external fused capacitor and filter banks, nor
with the reactor banks.

Application example

An application example is presented below. Each capacitor unit has 12 elements

in parallel and four elements in series.

Figure 99 - 131.43 μF Y-Y connected capacitor bank with internal fuses

12kV A



A. 12 in parallel

B. Four in series

Taking unbalance protection into use

1. Enable the capacitor bank protection:

◦ in Easergy Pro, in the Protection > 50N/51N-4 Unbalance setting view,

select Location for Compensation mode.

164 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 100 - Enabling unbalance protection

◦ via the relay's front panel: go to the 50N/51N-4 menu, scroll right to 1 SET
50N/51N, and select Location for CMode.

2. Save the natural unbalance:

◦ in Easergy Pro, in the Protection > 50N/51N-4 Unbalance setting view,

select Get for Save unbalance current.

Figure 101 - Saving the unbalance current

◦ via the relay's front panel: go to the 50N/51N-4 menu, scroll right to SET2
50N/51N, and select Get for SaveBal.

NOTE: CMode has to be selected as Location before proceeding to

this step.

3. Set the start value for both branches.

Total capacitance of the bank is 131.43 μF. In each phase, there are three
capacitor units (1+2), so the capacitance of one unit is 43.81 μF. Failure of
one element inside the capacitor unit makes the total capacitance decrease to
41.92 μF (Ohm’s law). This value is important when calculating the start

Equation 17
V L− N V L− N

(2 ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅ C1 ) −1 (2 ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅ C 2 ) −1
3I 0 =
6928 6928

(2 ⋅ π ⋅ 50 ⋅ 43.81 ⋅ 10 )
−6 −1
(2 ⋅ π ⋅ 50 ⋅ 43.81 ⋅ 10 −6 ) −1
3I 0 =

3I 0 = 1.37 A
Failure of one element inside the bank on the left branch causes
approximately 1.37 ampere unbalance current at the star point. On the right
branch, there are two capacitor units in parallel, and therefore, a failure of one
element causes only 0.69 ampere unbalance. A different start value for each
branch is necessary. Set the start value to 80% of the calculated value.

4. Test the operation of the unbalance protection.

P3T/en M/F006 165

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 102 - Testing the operation of the unbalance protection






A. Phase 2 fault in branch 2

B. IA as reference
C. Set operation delay
Conduct testing by injecting current to channels IA and IN1 of the relay. In the
example above, 0.69 A primary current is injected to the IN1 channel. IN1 is
leading the phase current IA by 60 degrees. This means the fault has to be on
the right branch and in phase 2. Compensation happens automatically after
the set operate time until the allowed total amount of failed units is exceeded
(Max. allowed faults). In this application, the fourth failed element would cause
the stage to trip.

NOTE: If branch 1 faults occur in branch 2, change the polarity of the IN

input. Clear the location counters when the commissioning of the relay
has been completed.

166 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 103 - Clearing location counters


Table 64 - Capacitor bank unbalance50N/51N-3 and 50N/51N-4 (51C)

Start value 0.01‑20.0 pu (step 0.01)

Operate time 0.04‑300 s (step 0.01)

Start time Typically 30 ms

Reset time <95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±2% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Operate time ±1% or ±25 ms

6.17 Overvoltage (ANSI 59)


Overvoltage protection is used to detect too high system voltages or to check that
there is sufficient voltage to authorize a source transfer.

The overvoltage function measures the fundamental frequency component of the

line-to-line voltages regardless of the voltage measurement mode (10.8 Voltage
system configuration on page 345). By using line-to-line voltages any line-to-
neutral over-voltages during ground faults have no effect. (The ground fault
protection functions take care of ground faults.) Whenever any of these three line-
to-line voltages exceeds the start setting of a particular stage, this stage starts
and a start signal is issued. If the fault situation remains on longer than the
operate time delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

In solidly grounded, four-wire networks with loads between phase and neutral
voltages, overvoltage protection may be needed for line-to-neutral voltages, too.
In such applications, the programmable stages can be used. 6.29 Programmable
stages (ANSI 99) on page 211.

P3T/en M/F006 167

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Three independent stages

There are three separately adjustable stages: 59-1, 59-2, and 59-3. All the stages
can be configured for the definite time (DT) operation characteristic.

Configurable release delay

The 59–1 stage has a settable reset delay that enables detecting intermittent
faults. This means that the time counter of the protection function does not reset
immediately after the fault is cleared, but resets after the release delay has
elapsed. If the fault appears again before the release delay time has elapsed, the
delay counter continues from the previous value. This means that the function
eventually trips if faults are occurring often enough.

Configurable hysteresis

The dead band is 3% by default. This means that an overvoltage fault is regarded
as a fault until the voltage drops below 97% of the start setting. In a sensitive
alarm application, a smaller hysteresis is needed. For example, if the start setting
is about only 2% above the normal voltage level, the hysteresis must be less than
2%. Otherwise, the stage does not release after fault.

Block diagram

Figure 104 - Block diagram of the three-phase overvoltage stages 59-1, 59-2, and


Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 65 - Overvoltage stage 59–1 (59)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 50–150% VN (step 1%)

Definite time characteristic:

- operate time 0.0849– 300.00 s (step 0.02)

168 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Hysteresis 0.99–0.800 (0.1 – 20.0%, step 0.1%)

Start time Typically 60 ms

Release delay 0.06–300.00 s (step 0.02)

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

49 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

Table 66 - Overvoltage stage 59–2 (59)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 50–150% VN (step 1%)

The measurement range is up to 160 V. This limit is the

maximum usable setting when rated VT secondary is more
than 100 V.

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 0.0650 – 300.00 s (step 0.02)

Hysteresis 0.99–0.800 (0.1–20.0%, step 0.1%)

Start time Typically 60 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- Operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

50 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

Table 67 - Overvoltage stage 59–3 (59)

Input signal VA – VC

Start value 50–160% VN (step 1%)

The measurement range is up to 160 V. This limit is the

maximum usable setting when rated VT secondary is more
than 100 V.

P3T/en M/F006 169

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Definite time characteristic:

- Operate time 0.0451 – 300.00 s (step 0.01)

Hysteresis 0.99–0.800 (0.1–20.0%, step 0.1%)

Start time Typically 50 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms


- Starting ±3% of the set value

- Operate time ±1% or ±25 ms

51 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.18 Neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N)


The neutral overvoltage protection is used as unselective backup for ground faults
and also for selective ground fault protections for motors having a unit transformer
between the motor and the busbar.

This function is sensitive to the fundamental frequency component of the neutral

overvoltage. The attenuation of the third harmonic is more than 60 dB. This is
essential because third harmonics exist between the neutral point and ground
also when there is no ground fault.

Whenever the measured value exceeds the start setting of a particular stage, this
stage starts and a start signal is issued. If the fault situation remains on longer
than the operate time delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

Measuring the neutral overvoltage

The neutral overvoltage is either measured with three voltage transformers (for
example broken delta connection), one voltage transformer between the motor's
neutral point and ground or calculated from the measured phase-to-neutral
voltages according to the selected voltage measurement mode (see 10.8 Voltage
system configuration on page 345):

• When the voltage measurement mode is 3LN: the neutral displacement

voltage is calculated from the line-to-line voltages and therefore a separate
neutral displacement voltage transformer is not needed. The setting values
are relative to the configured voltage transformer (VT) voltage/√3
• When the voltage measurement mode contains "+VN": The neutral
displacement voltage is measured with voltage transformer(s) for example
using a broken delta connection. The setting values are relative to the VTN
secondary voltage defined in configuration.
• Connect the VN signal according to the connection diagram to achieve correct

170 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Two independent stages

There are two separately adjustable stages: 59N-1 and 59N-2. Both stages can
be configured for the definite time (DT) operation characteristic.

The neutral overvoltage function comprises two separately adjustable neutral

voltage displacement stages (stage 59N-1 and 59N-2).

Block diagram

Figure 105 - Block diagram of the neutral overvoltage stages 59N-1, 59N-2


ts tr
Blocking register



Setting Release Delay Enable

Uo>s delay events

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for both stages.


Table 68 - Neutral overvoltage stage 59N-1 (59N)

Input signal VN

VN Calc = (VA + VB + VC)

Start value 1–60% V0N (step 1%)

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.3–300.0 s (step 0.1 s)

Start time Typically 200 ms

Reset time < 450 ms

Reset ratio 0.97


- Starting ±2% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting VN Calc (3LN mode) ±1 V

- Operate time ±1% or ±150 ms

P3T/en M/F006 171

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Table 69 - Neutral overvoltage stage 59N-2 (59N)

Input signal VN

VN Calc = (VA + VB + VC)

Start value 1–60% V0N (step 1%)

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.08–300.0 s (step 0.02 s)

Start time Typically 60 ms

Reset time <95 ms

Reset ratio 0.97


- Starting ±2% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting VN Calc (3LN mode) ±1 V

- Operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

6.19 Restricted ground fault (ANSI 64REF)


The restricted ground fault (REF) protection function is used to detect ground
faults in solidly-grounded or impedance-grounded power transformers, grounding
transformers and shunt reactors. REF protection can also be used to protect
rotating machines if the machine’s neutral point is grounded.

A traditional REF protection scheme is based on a high-impedance REF

protection principle. Modern REF protection operation is based on a low-
impedance principle that overcomes some drawbacks of the high-impedance REF
principle. Figure 106 - Restricted ground fault protection of a solidly-grounded
transformer on page 172 to Figure 109 - Restricted ground fault protection of a
rotating machine on page 173 describe the basic low-impedance REF protection

Figure 106 - Restricted ground fault protection of a solidly-grounded transformer


A (S2) C (S1) B (S1) A (S1)

B (S2)
C (S2)

IN3 (S2) 64REF

IN3 (S1)

172 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 107 - Restricted ground fault protection of a transformer and neutral point


A (S2) C (S1) B (S1) A (S1)

B (S2)
C (S2)

I 3 (S2)
I 3 (S1)

Figure 108 - Restricted ground fault protection of a shunt reactor


A (S2) C (S1) B (S1) A (S1)

B (S2)
C (S2)

IN3 (S2) 64REF

IN3 (S1)

Figure 109 - Restricted ground fault protection of a rotating machine


A (S2) C (S1) B (S1) A (S1)

B (S2)
C (S2)

IN3 (S2) 64REF

IN3 (S1)

The REF protection principle has several advantages. It is very selective because
the protection zone is limited between the current transformers that are used for

P3T/en M/F006 173

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

the REF protection. Because of its selectivity, the REF protection requires no
additional time delay for protection coordination. Therefore, REF protection is
especially suitable for the protection of transformers and rotating machines
against internal ground faults. Because of the differential protection principle, it is
also very sensitive which makes it suitable for detecting faults located near the
neutral point of transformers and rotating machines.

Restricted ground fault protection principle

The REF protection function is based on the differential protection principle and is
sensitive to the fundamental frequency component of the measured currents.
Figure 106 - Restricted ground fault protection of a solidly-grounded transformer
on page 172 depicts the differential protection principle applied to REF protection.

The protection zone is determined by the location of current transformers. The

direction of currents in REF protection are defined so that currents entering the
protection zone have positive direction and currents leaving the zone have
negative direction.

Figure 110 - Differential protection principle applied to REF protection

Protection zone
Positive direction
Protected Positive direction


IN Meas IN Calc = IA + IB + IC

The function is based on the difference of the current measured at the neutral
point (IN Meas) and the calculated residual current (IN Calc). The function calculates
the differential current ID according to Equation 18 on page 174. So the function is
based on the absolute value of ID that is a sum of the current vectors IN Meas and
IN Calc.

NOTE: Nominal current of the IN Meas and IN Calc are current transformer

Equation 18

ID = |IN Meas+ IN Calc|

During healthy conditions, the neutral point current (IN Meas) is near or equal to
zero and the same is true for the residual current or the calculated sum of the
phase currents IN Calc = 3I0 = IA+IB +IC. During healthy conditions, the differential
current ID is also close to zero and the REF protection stage does not start.

Figure 106 - Restricted ground fault protection of a solidly-grounded transformer

on page 172 depicts through-fault conditions and a fault in the protected zone.

174 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

During a through-fault condition, a ground fault current flowing from the faulty
phase to earth returns to the system’s neutral point. Because of the convention of
current directions, the resulting neutral point current (IN Meas) and calculated
residual current (IN Calc) are flowing in opposite directions resulting in zero or very
small differential current ID according to Equation 19 on page 175.

When a fault occurs inside the protection zone, the neutral point current flowing
into the protection zone has a positive current direction according to the current
direction convention. Depending on the network conditions, an additional fault
current may or may not flow into the zone along the line. This additional fault
current manifests itself as a residual current. Additional fault currents flowing into
the protection zone have a positive current direction, too. In other words, the
neutral point current and residual current are in a phase which results in a high
differential current ID according to Equation 19 on page 175.

Figure 111 - Through-fault condition (left) and ground fault in protected zone

INCalc = IA + IB + IC INCalc = IA + IB + IC

IN Meas IN Meas
Id ≈ 0 Id > 0

During a through-fault or short-circuit fault outside the protection zone, the current
transformers may be exposed to very high currents. These high fault currents
may lead to different saturation of the phase current transformers resulting in an
erroneous residual current. To ensure correct operation of the protection stage, a
stabilization method is provided. Protection stage stabilisation is based on the
calculated bias current IB and programmable operating characteristics. The bias
current is calculated according to Equation 19 on page 175.

Equation 19


This bias current stabilization method is used in the dI0> stage. The dI0>> stage
does not consider the stabilization current IB and is purely based on the
differential current ID. Both the differential current ID and stabilization current IB
are current transformer ratings.

P3T/en M/F006 175

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 112 - Restricted ground fault protection operating characteristics


2 x IN


ed li




IN Sing

l op
50% IN

5% IN

IN 3 x IN IB / IN

Additional stabilization can be activated by selecting the directional blocking

feature. When directional blocking is used, the trip command is issued only when
the measured neutral current and calculated residual current are less than ±88°
apart. Normal second harmonic blocking and cold-load blocking can be used to
block the stage via the blocking matrix.

Figure 113 - Block diagram of REF protection stage

Bloc k

Diff &
INCalc Bias Trip
I’NCalc calc

> & Register


Reverse INCalc / I’NCalc Δ I> Ena ble

blocking sele ction setting events

176 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay


Table 70 - Restricted ground fault overcurrent (64REF)

64-1 64-2

Input signals - -

- Measured ground fault IN3 IN3

overcurrent input
- -
- Calculated ground fault
IN Calc or I’N Calc IN Calc or I’N Calc
overcurrent source

Start value - -

- dIo> 5–50 % of IN 5–50 % of In

Ibias for start of slope 1 0.5 x IN -

Slope 1 5–100 % -

Ibias for start of slope 2 1–3 x IN -

Slope 2 100–200 % -

Directional blocking On/off -

Operate time (ID > 1.2 x ISET) < 60 ms -

Operate time (ID > 3.5 x ISET) < 50 ms < 50 ms

Reset time < 95 ms < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95 0.95

Inaccuracy of starting ±3% of set value or 0.02 x In ±3 % of the set value

when currents are < 200 mA or ±0.5 % of the rated

6.20 Directional phase overcurrent (ANSI 67)


Directional overcurrent protection can be used for directional short circuit

protection. Typical applications are:
• Short-circuit protection of two parallel cables or overhead lines in a radial
• Short-circuit protection of a looped network with single feeding point.
• Short-circuit protection of a two-way feeder, which usually supplies loads but
is used in special cases as an incoming feeder.
• Directional overcurrent protection in low impedance grounded networks. In
this case, the relay has to connected to line-to-neutral voltages instead of line-
to-line voltages. In other words, the voltage measurement mode has to be
"3LN" (See chapter 10.8 Voltage system configuration on page 345).

The stages are sensitive to the amplitude of the highest fundamental frequency
current of the three measured phase currents.

P3T/en M/F006 177

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

In line-to-line and in three-phase faults, the fault angle is determined by using

angles between positive sequence of currents and voltages. In line-to-neutral
faults, the fault angle is determined by using fault-phase current and the healthy
line to line voltage. For details of power direction, see 4.9 Power and current
direction on page 63.

A typical characteristic is shown in Figure 114 - Example of the directional

overcurrent function's protection area on page 178. The base angle setting is
-30°. The stage starts if the tip of the three phase current phasor gets into the
grey area.

NOTE: If the maximum possible ground fault current is greater than the used
most sensitive directional overcurrent setting, connect the relay to the line-to-
neutral voltages instead of line-to-line voltages to get the right direction for
ground faults, too. For networks having the maximum possible ground fault
current less than the over current setting, use 67N, the directional ground fault

Voltage memory

An adjustable 0.2–3.2 second cyclic buffer storing the phase-to-ground voltages is

used as the voltage memory. The stored phase angle information is used as
direction reference if all the line-to-line voltages drop below 1% during a fault. To
adjust the voltage memory, set the Angele memory duration parameter in the
Scalings setting view in Easergy Pro.

Figure 114 - Example of the directional overcurrent function's protection area

Im +90°

-ind. +cap.

0° +res.
-res. ILOAD Re




-cap. +ind.

-90° ldir_angle2

Three modes are available: dirctional, non-direct, and directional+back-up (Figure

115 - Difference between directional mode and non-directional mode. The grey
area is the trip region. on page 179). In the non-directional mode, the stage is
acting just like an ordinary overcurrent 50/51 stage.

Directional+back-up mode works the same way as the directional mode, but it has
undirectional backup protection in case a close-up fault forces all voltages to
about zero. After the angle memory hold time, the direction would be lost.
Basically the directional+backup mode is required when operate time is set longer
than voltage memory setting and no other undirectional back-up protection is in

178 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 115 - Difference between directional mode and non-directional mode. The
grey area is the trip region.

+90° +90°
-ind. +cap. -ind. +cap.


-res. +res. -res. +res.


-cap. +ind. -cap. +ind.

-90° -90°

An example of the bi-directional operation characteristic is shown in Figure 116 -

Bi-directional application with two stages 67-1 and 67-2 on page 179. The right
side stage in this example is the stage 67-1 and the left side is 67-2. The base
angle setting of the 67-1 is 0° and the base angle of 67-2 is set to -180°.

Figure 116 - Bi-directional application with two stages 67-1 and 67-2

ind. +cap.


res. +res.



cap. +ind.

90° ldir_modeBiDir 15%

When any of the three phase currents exceeds the setting value and, in
directional mode, the phase angle including the base angle is within the active
±88° wide sector, the stage starts and issues a start signal. If this fault situation
remains on longer than the delay setting, a trip signal is issued.

P3T/en M/F006 179

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Four independent stages

There are four separately adjustable stages available:67-1, 67-2, 67-3, and 67-4.

Dependent operate time

Stages 67-1 and 67-2 an be configured for definite time or dependent time
characteristic. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on page 110 for details of the
available dependent delays.

Stages 67-3 and 67-4 have definite time (DT) operation delay. The relay shows a
scaleable graph of the configured delay on the local panel display.

Dependent time limitation

The maximum measured secondary current is 50 x IN. This limits the scope of
dependent curves with high start settings. See 6.3 Dependent operate time on
page 110 for more information.

Cold load and inrush current handling

See 7.3 Cold load start and magnetizing inrush on page 221.

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 71 - Directional phase overcurrent 67-1, 67-2 (67)

Input signal IA – IC


Start value 0.10–4.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Mode Directional/Directional+BackUp

Minimum voltage for the direction 2 VSECONDARY


Base angle setting range -180° – +179°

Operate angle ±88°

Definite time function: DT52

- Operate time 0.04–300.00 s (step 0.01)

IDMT function:

- Delay curve family (DT), IEC, IEEE, RI Prg

- Curve type EI, VI, NI, LTI, MI…depends on the family53

- Inv. time coefficient k 0.025–20.0, except

0.50–20.0 for RXIDG, IEEE and IEEE2

Start time Typically 30 ms

180 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio 0.95

Reset ratio (angle) 2°

Transient overreach, any τ < 10%

Angle memory duration 0.2–3.2 s


- Starting (rated value IN= 1–5A) ±3% of the set value or ±0.5% of the rated
- Angle
±2° V>5 V

±30° V= 0.1–5.0 V
- Operate time at definite time function
±1% or ±25 ms
- Operate time at IDMT function
±5% or at least ±30 ms52
52 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.
53 EI = Extremely Inverse, NI = Normal Inverse, VI = Very Inverse, LTI = Long Time Inverse, MI=

Moderately Inverse

Table 72 - Directional phase overcurrent 67–3, 67–4 (67)

Input signal IA – IC

Va – VC

Start value 0.10–20.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Mode Directional/Directional+BackUp

Minimum voltage for the direction 2 VSECONDARY


Base angle setting range -180° – +179°

Operate angle ±88°

Definite time function: DT54

- Operate time 0.04–300.00 s (step 0.01)

Start time Typically 30 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Overshoot time < 50 ms

Reset ratio 0.95

Reset ratio (angle) 2°

Transient overreach, any τ < 10%

P3T/en M/F006 181

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Angle memory duration 0.2–3.2 s


- Starting (rated value IN= 1 – 5A) ±3% of the set value or ±0.5% of the rated
- Angle
±2° V> 5 V

±30° V = 0.1–5.0 V
- Operate time at definite time function
±1% or ±25 ms
54 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.21 Directional ground fault overcurrent (ANSI 67N)


The directional ground fault overcurrent is used in networks or motors where a

selective and sensitive ground fault protection is needed and in applications with
varying network structure and length.

The ground fault protection is adapted for various network ground systems.

The function is sensitive to the fundamental frequency component of the ground

fault overcurrent and neutral voltage displacement voltage and the phase angle
between them. The attenuation of the third harmonic is more than 60 dB.
Whenever the size of IN and VN and the phase angle between IN and VN fulfils the
start criteria, the stage starts and a start signal is issued. If the fault situation
remains on longer than the operate time delay setting, a trip signal is issued.


The neutral overvoltage, used for polarization, is measured by energizing input

VN, that is, the angle reference for IN. Connect the VN signal according to the
connection diagram. Alternatively, the VN can be calculated from the line-to-line
voltages internally depending on the selected voltage measurement mode (see
10.8 Voltage system configuration on page 345):

• 3LN/LLY, 3LN/LNY and 3LN/VN: the zero sequence voltage is calculated from
the line-to-line voltages and therefore any separate zero sequence voltage
transformers are not needed. The setting values are relative to the configured
voltage transformer (VT) voltage/√3.
• 3LN+VN, 2LL+VN, 2LL+VN+LLy, 2LL+VN+LNy, LL+VN+LLy+LLz, and LN+VN
+LNy+LNz: the neutral overvoltage is measured with voltage transformer(s)
for example using a broken delta connection. The setting values are relative
to the VTN secondary voltage defined in the configuration.
• 3LN: the zero sequence voltage is calculated from the line-to-line voltages
and therefore any separate zero sequence voltage transformers are not
needed. The setting values are relative to the configured voltage transformer
(VT) voltage/√3.
• 3LN+VN and 2LL+VN: the zero sequence voltage is measured with voltage
transformer(s) for example using a broken delta connection. The setting
values are relative to the VTN secondary voltage defined in configuration.

182 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Modes for different network types

The available modes are:

• ResCap

This mode consists of two sub modes, Res and Cap. A digital signal can be
used to dynamically switch between these two submodes. When the digital
input is active (DI = 1), Cap mode is in use and when the digital input is
inactive (DI = 0), Res mode is in use. This feature can be used with
compensated networks when the Petersen coil is temporarily switched off.
◦ Res

The stage is sensitive to the resistive component of the selected IN signal.

This mode is used with compensated networks (resonant grounding) and
networks grounded with a high resistance. Compensation is usually
done with a Petersen coil between the neutral point of the main
transformer and ground. In this context, high resistance means that the
fault current is limited to be less than the rated phase current. The trip
area is a half plane as drawn in Figure 118 - Operation characteristics of
the directional ground fault protection in Res and Cap mode on page 185.
The base angle is usually set to zero degrees.
◦ Cap

The stage is sensitive to the capacitive component of the selected IN

signal. This mode is used with ungrounded networks. The trip area is a
half plane as drawn in Figure 118 - Operation characteristics of the
directional ground fault protection in Res and Cap mode on page 185. The
base angle is usually set to zero degrees.
• Sector

This mode is used with networks grounded with a small resistance. In this
context, "small" means that a fault current may be more than the rated phase
currents. The trip area has a shape of a sector as drawn in Figure 119 -
Operation characteristics examples of the directional ground fault stages in
the sector mode on page 185. The base angle is usually set to zero degrees
or slightly on the lagging inductive side (negative angle).
• Undir

This mode makes the stage equal to the non directional stage 50N/51N-1.
The phase angle and VN amplitude setting are discarded. Only the amplitude
of the selected IN input is supervised.

Input signal selection

Each stage can be connected to supervise any of the following inputs and signals:

• Input IN1 for all networks other than solidly grounded.

• Input IN2 for all networks other than solidly grounded.
• Calculated signal IN Calc for solidly and low-impedance grounded networks. IN
Calc = IA + IB + IC = 3IN.

Intermittent ground fault detection

Short ground faults make the protection start but does not cause a trip. A short
fault means one cycle or more. For shorter than 1 ms transient type of intermittent
ground faults in compensated networks, there is a dedicated stage I0INT> 67NI.

P3T/en M/F006 183

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

When starting happens often enough, such intermittent faults can be cleared
using the intermittent time setting.

When a new start happens within the set intermittent time, the operation delay
counter is not cleared between adjacent faults and finally the stage trips.

Two independent stages

There are two separately adjustable stages: 67N-1 and 67N-2. Both stages can
be configured for definite time delay (DT) or dependent time delay operate time.

Dependent operate time

Accomplished dependent delays are available for all stages 67N-1 and 67N-2.

The relay shows a scalable graph of the configured delay on the local panel

Dependent time limitation

The maximum measured secondary ground fault overcurrent is 10 x I0N and the
maximum measured phase current is 50 x IN. This limits the scope of dependent
curves with high start settings.

Block diagram

Figure 117 - Block diagram of the directional ground fault overcurrent stages
67N-1, 67N-2

Io Isinφ
Block event

Uo Trip


Choice Setting Setting Delay Enable events

Icosφ(Res) / Iφ > s Io > s
Isinφ (Cap)

184 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 118 - Operation characteristics of the directional ground fault protection in

Res and Cap mode


Res mode can be used with compensated networks.
Cap mode is used with ungrounded networks.

Figure 119 - Operation characteristics examples of the directional ground fault

stages in the sector mode


The drawn IN phasor is inside the trip area.

The angle offset and half sector size are user’s parameters.

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.

P3T/en M/F006 185

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions


Table 73 - Directional ground fault overcurrent 67N-1, 67N-2 (67N)

Input signal IN, VN

IN Calc = ( IA + IB + IC)

Start value 67N-1 0.001–20.00 x I0N (up to 8.00 for inputs other than
IN Calc)

Start value 67N-2 0.01–20.00 x I0N (up to 8.00 for inputs other than IN

Start voltage 1–100% V0N (step 1%)

Mode Non-directional/Sector/ResCap

Base angle setting range -180°–179°

Operate angle ±88°

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.1055 – 300.00 s (step 0.02 s)

IDMT function:

- Delay curve family (DT), IEC, IEEE, RI Prg

- Curve type EI, VI, NI, LTI, MI…, depends on the family56

- Inv. time coefficient k 0.025–20.0, except

0.50–20.0 for RI, IEEE and IEEE2

Start time Typically 60 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95

Reset ratio (angle) 2°


- Starting VN & IN (rated value IN= ±3% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting VN & IN (Peak Mode ±5% of the set value or ±2% of the rated value
when, rated value I0n= 1–10A) (Sine wave <65 Hz)

- Starting VN & IN (IN Calc) ±3% of the set value or ±0.5% of the rated value

- Angle ±2° when V> 1V and IN> 5% of I0N or > 50 mA

else ±20°

186 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

- Operate time at definite time ±1% or ±30 ms


- Operate time at IDMT function ±5% or at least ±30 ms55

55 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.
56 EI = Extremely Inverse, NI = Normal Inverse, VI = Very Inverse, LTI = Long Time Inverse, MI=

Moderately Inverse

Table 74 - Directional ground fault overcurrent 67N-3 (67N)

Input signal IN, VN

IN Calc = ( IA + IB + IC)

Start value 0.005–20.00 x I0N (up to 8.00 for inputs other than
IN Calc)

Start voltage 1–100% V0N (step 1%)

Mode Non-directional/Sector/ResCap

Base angle setting range -180° – 179°

Operation angle ±88°

Definite time function:

- Operate time 0.1057– 300.00 s (step 0.02 s)

IDMT function:

- Delay curve family (DT), IEC, IEEE, RI Prg

- Curve type EI, VI, NI, LTI, MI…, depends on the family58

- Inv. time coefficient k 0.05–20.0, except

0.50–20.0 for RI, IEEE and IEEE2

Start time Typically 60 ms

Reset time < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95

Reset ratio (angle) 2°


- Starting VN & IN (rated value In= 1 – ±3% of the set value or ±0.3% of the rated value

- Starting VN & IN (Peak Mode when, ±5% of the set value or ±2% of the rated value
rated value I0n= 1 – 10A) (Sine wave <65 Hz)

- Starting VN & IN (IN Calc) ±3% of the set value or ±0.5% of the rated value

P3T/en M/F006 187

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

- Angle ±2° when V> 1V and IN> 5% of I0N or > 50 mA

else ±20°

- Operate time at definite time ±1% or ±30 ms


- Operate time at IDMT function ±5% or at least ±30 ms57

57 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection
time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.
58 EI = Extremely Inverse, NI = Normal Inverse, VI = Very Inverse, LTI = Long Time Inverse, MI=

Moderately Inverse

6.21.1 Ground fault phase detection

The ground fault overcurrent stage (ANSI 50N/51N) and directional ground fault
overcurrent stage (ANSI 67N) have an inbuilt detection algorithm to detect a faulty
phase. This algorithm is meant to be used in radial-operated distribution
networks. The faulty phase detection can be used in solidly-grounded,
impedance-grounded or resonant-grounded networks.


The faulty phase detection starts from the ground fault stage trip. At the moment
of stage start, the phase currents measured prior to start are registered and
stored as prior-to-fault currents. At the moment of trip, phase currents are
registered again. Finally, faulty phase detection algorithm is performed by
comparing prior-to-fault currents to fault currents. The algorithm also uses positive
sequence current and negative sequence current to detect faulty phase.

The detection algorithm can be enabled and disabled by selecting or unselecting

a checkbox in the protection stage settings. Correct network grounding
configuration must be selected in the stage settings, too. In the ground fault
overcurrent stage settings, you can select between RES and CAP network
grounding configuration. This selection has no effect on the protection itself, only
on the faulty phase detection. In the directional ground fault overcurrent stage
settings, the detection algorithm uses the same network grounding type as
selected for protection. RES is used for solidly-grounded, impedance-grounded
and resonant-grounded networks. CAP is only used for isolated networks.

The detected faulty phase is registered in the protection stage fault log (and also
in the event list and alarm screen). Faulty phase is also indicated by a line alarm
and line fault signals in the output matrix.

Possible detections of faulty phases are A-N, B-N, C-N, AB-N, AC-N, BC-N, ABC-
N, and REV. If the relay protection coordination is incorrect, REV indication is
given in case of a relay sympathetic trip to a reverse fault.

6.22 Second harmonic inrush detection (ANSI 68F2)


This stage is mainly used to block other stages. The ratio between the second
harmonic component and the fundamental frequency component is measured on

188 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

all the phase currents. When the ratio in any phase exceeds the setting value, the
stage gives a start signal. After a settable delay, the stage gives a trip signal.

The start and trip signals can be used for blocking the other stages.

The trip delay is irrelevant if only the start signal is used for blocking.

The trip delay of the stages to be blocked must be more than 60 ms to ensure a
proper blocking.

Block diagram

Figure 120 - Block diagram of the second harmonic inrush detection stage

MAX > ts tr

& Register


& Register

Setting Delay Enable events



Table 75 - Second harmonic inrush detection (68F2)

Input signal IA – IC


- Start value 10–100 % (step 1%)

- Operate time 0.03–300.00 s (step 0.01 s)


- Starting ±1% - unit

NOTE: The amplitude of second harmonic content has to be at least 2% of

the nominal of CT. If the nominal current is 5 A, the 100 Hz component needs
to exceed 100 mA.

6.23 Fifth harmonic detection (ANSI 68H5)


Overexcitation of a transformer creates odd harmonics. The fifth harmonic

detection stage can be used detect overexcitation. This stage can also be used to
block some other stages.

P3T/en M/F006 189

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

The ratio between the fifth harmonic component and the fundamental frequency
component is measured on all the phase currents. When the ratio in any phase
exceeds the setting value, the stage activates a start signal. After a settable delay,
the stage operates and activates a trip signal.

The trip delay of the stages to be blocked must be more than 60 ms to ensure a
proper blocking.


Table 76 - Fifth harmonic detection (68H5)

Input signal IA – IC


- Setting range over exicitation 10–100% (step 1%)

- Operate time 0.03–300.00 s (step 0.01 s)


- Starting ±2%- unit

6.24 Overfrequency and underfrequency (ANSI 81)


Frequency protection is used for load sharing and shedding, loss of power system
detection and as a backup protection for overspeeding.

The frequency function measures the frequency from the two first voltage inputs.
At least one of these two inputs must have a voltage connected to be able to
measure the frequency. Whenever the frequency crosses the start setting of a
particular stage, this stage starts, and a start signal is issued. If the fault remains
on longer than the operating delay setting, a trip signal is issued. For situations
where no voltage is present, an adapted frequency is used.

Protection mode for 81–1 and 81–2 stages

These two stages can be configured either for overfrequency or for


Undervoltage self-blocking of underfrequency stages

The underfrequency stages are blocked when the biggest of the three line-to-line
voltages is below the low-voltage block limit setting. With this common setting,
LVBlk, all stages in underfrequency mode are blocked when the voltage drops
below the given limit. The idea is to avoid purposeless alarms when the voltage is

Initial self-blocking of underfrequency stages

When the biggest of the three line-to-line voltages has been below the block limit,
the underfrequency stages are blocked until the start setting has been reached.

190 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Four independent frequency stages

There are four separately adjustable frequency stages: 81–1, 81–2, 81U–1,
81U-2. The two first stages can be configured for either overfrequency or
underfrequency usage. So totally four underfrequency stages can be in use
simultaneously. Using the programmable stages even more can be implemented
(chapter 6.29 Programmable stages (ANSI 99) on page 211). All the stages have
definite operate time delay (DT).

Setting groups

There are four setting groups available for each stage.


Table 77 - Overfrequency and underfrequency 81–1, 81–2 (81H/81L)

Input signal VA – VC

Frequency measuring area 16.0–75.0 Hz

Current and voltage meas. range 45.0–65.0 Hz

Frequency stage setting range 40.0–70.0 Hz (step 0.01)

Low-voltage blocking 10–100% Vn

Definite time function:

-Operate time 0.1059 – 300.0 s (step 0.02 s)

Start time < 100 ms

Reset time <120 ms

Reset ratio (LV block) Instant (no hysteresis)


- Starting ±20 mHz

- Starting (LV block) 3% of the set value or ±0.5 V

- operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

59 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

NOTE: If the relay restarts for some reason, there is no trip even if the
frequency is below the set limit during the start-up (Start and trip is blocked).
To cancel this block, frequency has to rise above the set limit.
Table 78 - Underfrequency 81U–1, 81U–2 (81L)

Input signal VA – Vc

Frequency measuring area 16.0–75.0 Hz

Current and voltage meas. range 45.0–65.0 Hz

Frequency stage setting range 40.0–64.0 Hz

P3T/en M/F006 191

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Low-voltage blocking 10–100% Vn

Definite time function:

- operate time 0.1060 – 300.0 s (step 0.02 s)

Undervoltage blocking 2–100 %

Start time < 100 ms

Reset time < 120 ms

Reset ratio 1.002

Reset ratio (LV block) Instant (no hysteresis)


- Starting ±20 mHz

- starting (LV block) 3% of the set value or ±0.5 V

- operate time ±1% or ±30 ms

60 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

6.25 Rate of change of frequency (ANSI 81R)


The rate of change of frequency (ROCOF or df/dt) function is used for fast load
shedding, to speed up operate time in overfrequency and underfrequency
situations and to detect loss of grid. For example, a centralized dedicated load
shedding relay can be omitted and replaced with distributed load shedding, if all
outgoing feeders are equipped with Easergy P3 relays.

A special application for ROCOF is to detect loss of grid (loss of mains, islanding).
The more the remaining load differs from the load before the loss of grid, the
better the ROCOF function detects the situation.

Frequency behavior during load switching

Load switching and fault situations may generate change in frequency. A load
drop may increase the frequency and increasing load may decrease the
frequency, at least for a while. The frequency may also oscillate after the initial
change. After a while, the control system of any local generator may drive the
frequency back to the original value. However, in case of a heavy short-circuit
fault or if the new load exceeds the generating capacity, the average frequency
keeps on decreasing.

192 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 121 - An example of definite time df/dt operate time. At 0.6 s, which is the
delay setting, the average slope exceeds the setting 0.5 Hz/s and a trip signal is



df/dt = 0.5 Hz/s
1. t = 0.60 s
Hz 0.5
/s Hz tMin = 0.60 s





ROCOF implementation

The ROCOF function is sensitive to the absolute average value of the time
derivate of the measured frequency |df/dt|. Whenever the measured frequency
slope |df/dt| exceeds the setting value for 80 ms time, the ROCOF stage starts
and issues a start signal after an additional 60 ms delay. If the average |df/dt|,
since the start moment, still exceeds the setting, when the operation delay has
elapsed, a trip signal is issued. In this definite time mode the second delay
parameter "minimum delay, tMIN" must be equal to the operation delay parameter

If the frequency is stable for about 80 ms and the time t has already elapsed
without a trip, the stage resets.

ROCOF and overfrequency and underfrequency stages

One difference between the overfrequency and underfrequency and the df/dt
function is the speed. Often a df/dt function can predict an overfrequency or
underfrequency situation and is thus faster than a simple overfrequency or
underfrequency function. However, in most cases, standard overfrequency and
underfrequency stages must be used together with ROCOF to ensure tripping
also if the frequency drift is slower than the slope setting of ROCOF.

Definite operate time characteristics

Figure 121 - An example of definite time df/dt operate time. At 0.6 s, which is the
delay setting, the average slope exceeds the setting 0.5 Hz/s and a trip signal is
generated. on page 193 shows an example where the df/dt start value is 0.5 Hz/s
and the delay settings are t = 0.60 s and tMIN = 0.60 s. Equal times t = tMIN gives a
definite time delay characteristic. Although the frequency slope fluctuates, the
stage does not release but continues to calculate the average slope since the
initial start. At the defined operate time, t = 0.6 s, the average slope is 0.75 Hz/s.
This exceeds the setting, and the stage trips.

P3T/en M/F006 193

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

At slope settings less than 0.7 Hz/s, the fastest possible operate time is limited
according to the Figure 122 - At very sensitive slope settings the fastest possible
operate time is limited. on page 194.

Figure 122 - At very sensitive slope settings the fastest possible operate time is


Fastest possible operation time setting (s)

Slope setting df/dt (Hz/s)

Dependent operate time characteristics

By setting the second delay parameter tMIN smaller than the operate time delay t,
a dependent type of operate time characteristic is achieved.
Figure 124 - An example of dependent df/dt operate time. The time to trip will be
0.3 s, although the setting is 0.6 s, because the average slope 1 Hz/s is steeper
than the setting value 0.5 Hz/s. on page 196 shows one example, where the
frequency behavior is the same as in the first figure, but the tMIN setting is 0.15 s
instead of being equal to t. The operate time depends on the measured average
slope according to the following equation:

Equation 20

s SET ⋅ t SET
t TRIP =

tTRIP = Resulting operate time (seconds).

sSET = df/dt i.e. slope setting (hertz/seconds).

tSET = Operate time setting t (seconds).

s = Measured average frequency slope (hertz/seconds).

194 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

The minimum operate time is always limited by the setting parameter tMIN. In the
example, the fastest operate time, 0.15 s, is achieved when the slope is 2 Hz/s or
more. The leftmost curve in Figure 123 - Three examples of possible dependent
df/dt operate time characteristics. The slope and operation delay settings define
the knee points on the left. A common setting for tMin has been used in these
three examples. This minimum delay parameter defines the knee point positions
on the right. on page 195 shows the dependent characteristics with the same
settings as in Figure 124 - An example of dependent df/dt operate time. The time
to trip will be 0.3 s, although the setting is 0.6 s, because the average slope 1
Hz/s is steeper than the setting value 0.5 Hz/s. on page 196.

Figure 123 - Three examples of possible dependent df/dt operate time

characteristics. The slope and operation delay settings define the knee points on
the left. A common setting for tMin has been used in these three examples. This
minimum delay parameter defines the knee point positions on the right.
Slope and delay settings
0.5 Hz/s 1 Hz/s 1.5 Hz/s
Operation time (s)

Setting for minimum delay

tMin= 0.15 s

Measured slope |df/dt| (Hz/s)

P3T/en M/F006 195

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 124 - An example of dependent df/dt operate time. The time to trip will be
0.3 s, although the setting is 0.6 s, because the average slope 1 Hz/s is steeper
than the setting value 0.5 Hz/s.



50.0 Settings:
df/dt = 0.5 Hz/s
t = 0.60 s

0.5 tMin = 0.15 s





49.7 (s)

0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60


Settings groups

There are four setting groups available.


Table 79 - Rate of change of frequency 81R (81R)

Start setting df/dt 0.2–10.0 Hz/s (step 0.1 Hz/s)

Definite time delay (t> and tMin> are equal):

- Operate time t> 0.1461 – 10.00 s (step 0.02 s)

Dependent time delay (t> is more than tMin>):

- Minimum operate time tMin> 0.1461 – 10.00 s (step 0.02 s)

Start time Typically 140 ms

Reset time 150 ms

Overshoot time < 90 ms

Reset ratio 1


- Starting 10% of set value or ±0.1 Hz/s

- Operate time(overshoot ≥ 0.2 Hz/s) ±35 ms, when area is 0.2 – 1.0 Hz/s
61 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

NOTE: ROCOF stage is using the same low voltage blocking limit as the
frequency stages.

196 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

6.26 Lockout (ANSI 86)


The lockout feature, also called latching, can be programmed for outputs in the
Output matrix setting view. Any protection stage start or trip, digital input, logic
output, alarm and GOOSE signal connected to the following outputs can be
latched when required:

• output contacts T1 – T7, A1

• LEDs on the front panel
• virtual outputs VO1- VO20

Figure 125 - The lockout programmed for LED A and 50/51-2 trip signals

In Figure 125 - The lockout programmed for LED A and 50/51-2 trip signals on
page 197, the latched signal is identified with a dot and circle in the matrix signal
line crossing.

The lockout can be released through the display or via the Easergy Pro. See
Chapter 4 Control functions.

Storing latch states

In the General > Release latches setting view, select the Store latch state
setting to configure latched states of relay outputs, virtual outputs, binary outputs
(BO) and high-speed outputs (HSO) to be stored. If some of these outputs are
latched and in “on” state, and the device is restarted, their status is set back to
“on” after restart.

Figure 126 - Store latch setting view

P3T/en M/F006 197

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

In the LED configuration setting view, you can configure the latched states of
LEDs to be stored after a restart. In this example, storing has been configured for
LED A (green).

Figure 127 - LED configuration example

NOTE: To use the Store setting, Latch must also be selected.

6.27 Differential overcurrent protection (ANSI 87T)


The differential overcurrent protection comprises of two separately adjustable

stages: 87-1 and 87-2.

The differential protection is based on the winding currents' difference between I-1
and I-2 side. In transformer applications, the current calculation depends on
transformer connection group. For example, in a Yy0 connection, the measured
currents are also winding currents, see Figure 128 - Winding currents in
connection group Yy0 on page 198.

Figure 128 - Winding currents in connection group Yy0





In the second example, if the transformer IL side is connected to open delta for
example Dy11, then the winding currents are calculated on the delta side (IL
side), see Figure 129 - Winding currents in connection group Dy11 on page 199.

198 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 129 - Winding currents in connection group Dy11





Equation 21 - Winding current calculation in delta side, Dy11 connection

IAW = IA − IB )

IBW = IB − IC )

ICW = IC − IA )

Equation 22 - Winding currents in star side, Dy11 connection

I ' AW = I ' A
I' BW = I' B
I ' CW = I ' C

Equation 23 - Bias current

IW + I ' W
Ib =

Equation 24 - Differential current

I d = IW + I ' W

Bias current calculation is only used in protection stage 87–1>. Bias current
describes the average current flow in the transformer. Bias and differential
currents are calculated individually for each phase.

P3T/en M/F006 199

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

If the transformer is grounded, for example having the connection group Dyn11,
then zero current must be compensated before differential and bias current
calculation. Zero current compensation can be selected individually for the IL and
I’L side.

Table 80 - Zero-current compensation in transformer applications on page 200

describes the connection group and zero current compensation for different
connection groups. If the protection area is only generator, then the connection
group setting is always Yy0, see Table 80 - Zero-current compensation in
transformer applications on page 200. Also the settings of Vn and V’n are set to
be the same, for example generator nominal voltage.
Table 80 - Zero-current compensation in transformer applications

Transformator Relay setting

Connection group ConnGrp Io cmps I'o cmps


YNyn0 Yy0 ON ON


Yyn0 Yy0 OFF ON


YNyn6 Yy6 ON ON


Yyn6 Yy6 OFF ON







Yd11 Yd11 OFF OFF

YNd11 Yd11 ON OFF


Dyn1 Dy1 OFF ON


Dyn5 Dy5 OFF ON


200 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

Transformator Relay setting

Connection group ConnGrp Io cmps I'o cmps

Dyn7 Dy7 OFF ON

Dy11 Dy11 OFF OFF

Dyn11 Dy11 OFF ON

NOTE: Connect the high-voltage side currents to IL terminals.

Table 81 - Zero-current compensation in generator applications

Genarator only Relay setting

ConnGrp Io cmps I'o cmps

No grounding Yy0 OFF OFF

Figure 130 - Block diagram of the differential overcurrent stage ΔI>



The stage ΔI> can be configured to operate as shown in Figure 131 - Example of
differential overcurrent characteristics on page 202. This dual slope characteristic
allows more differential current at higher currents before tripping.

P3T/en M/F006 201

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 131 - Example of differential overcurrent characteristics


The stage also includes second harmonic blocking. The second harmonic is
calculated from winding currents. Harmonic ratio is:

100 x If2_Winding / If1_Winding [%].

The fast differential overcurrent stage 87–1 does not include slope characteristics
or second harmonics blocking.

Current transformer supervision

The current transformer supervision (CTS) feature is used to detect a failure of

one or more of the phase current inputs to the relay. Failure of a phase current
transformer (CT) or an open circuit of the interconnecting wiring can result in
incorrect operation of any current-operated element. Additionally, interruption in
the current circuit generates dangerous CT secondary voltages.

Figure 132 - Current transformer supervision settings

The differential CTS method uses the ratio between positive and negative
sequence currents at both sides of the protected transformer to determine a CT

202 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

failure. This algorithm is inbuilt in the dI> stage. When this ratio is small (zero),
one of the following four conditions is present:

• The system is unloaded – both I2 and I1 are zero.

• The system is loaded but balanced – I2 is zero.
• The system has a three-phase fault – I2 is zero.
• There is a three-phase CT failure – unlikely to happen.

When the ratio is non-zero, one of the following two conditions is present:

• The system has an asymmetric fault – both I2 and I1 are non-zero.

• There is a 1 or 2 phase CT fault – both I2 and I1 are non-zero.

The I2 to I1 ratio is calculated at both sides of the protected transformer. With this
information, we can assume that:

• If the ratio is non-zero at both sides, there is a real fault in the network and the
CTS should not operate.
• If the ratio is non-zero only at one side, there is a change of CT failure and the
CTS should operate.

Another criterion for CTS is to check whether the differential system is loaded or
not. For this purpose, the positive sequence current I1 is checked at both sides of
the protected transformer.

If load current is detected only at one side, it is assumed that there is an internal
fault condition and CTS is prevented from operating, but if load current is detected
at both line ends, CTS operation is permitted.

Another criterion for CTS is to check whether the differential system is loaded or
not. For this purpose, the positive sequence current I1 is checked at both ends. If
load current is detected only at one end, it is assumed that there is an internal
fault condition and CTS is prevented from operating, but if load current is detected
at both line ends, CTS operation is permitted.

There are three modes of operation:

• indication mode: CTS alarm is raised but there is no effect on tripping

• restrain mode: an alarm is raised and the differential current percentage
setting value increased by 100 (for example 30 % + 100 % = 130 %). The new
value is theoretically the maximum amount of differential current that a CT
failure can produce in a normal full-load condition.
• block mode: an alarm is raised and differential protection is prevented from

The differential CTS block mode is not recommended for two reasons:

• If there is a real fault during a CT failure, the differential protection would not
protect the line at all.
• Blocking the protection could slow down the operate time of the differential
protection because of transients in the beginning of the fault on the protected

Setting groups

This stage has one setting group.

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Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions


Table 82 - Differential overcurrent stage 87T-1

Start value 5–50 % IN

Bias current for start of slope 1 0.50 x IN

Slope 1 5–100 %

Bias current for start of slope 2 1.00–3.00 x IN

Slope 2 100–200 %

Second harmonic blocking 5–30 %, or disable

Fifth harmonic blocking 20–50 %, or disable

Reset time < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95


- Second harmonic blocking ±2% - unit

- Fifth harmonic blocking ±3% - unit

- Starting ±3% of set value or 0.02 x IN when currents are < 200

- Operate time (ID > 1.2 x ISET) < 60 ms

- Operate time (ID > 3.5 x ISET) < 50 ms

Table 83 - Differential overcurrent stage 87T-2

Start value 5.0 – 40.0 x IN

Reset time < 95 ms

Reset ratio 0.95


- Starting ±3% of set value or ±0.5% of rated value

- Operate time (ID > 3.5 x ISET) < 40 ms

204 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

6.28 Arc flash detection (AFD)


Information on this product is offered as a tool for conducting arc flash

hazard analysis. It is intended for use only by qualified persons who are
knowledgeable about power system studies, power distribution equipment,
and equipment installation practices. It is not intended as a substitute for the
engineering judgement and adequate review necessary for such activities.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

6.28.1 Arc flash detection, general principle

The arc flash detection contains 8 arc stages that can be used to trip for example
the circuit breakers. Arc stages are activated with overcurrent and light signals (or
light signals alone). The allocation of different current and light signals to arc
stages is defined in arc flash detection matrices: current, light and output matrix.
The matrices are programmed via the arc flash detection menus. Available matrix
signals depend on the order code (see 13.1 Order codes on page 371).

The available signal inputs and outputs for arc flash detection depend on the
relay's hardware configuration.

6.28.2 Arc flash detection menus

The arc flash detection menus are located in the main menu under ARC. The
ARC menu can be viewed either on the front panel or by using Easergy Pro.

Arc protection

Table 84 - Arc protection parameter group

Item Default Range Description

I>int. start setting 1.00 xln 0.50–8.00 x ln Phase A, B, C overcurrent start


Io>int. start setting 1.00 xln 0.10–5.00 x ln Residual overcurrent start level

Install arc sensors - -, Install Installs all connected sensors

Installation state Ready Installing, Ready Installation state

Link Arc selfdiag to SF On On, Off Links Arc protection selfsupervision

relay signal to SF relay

Stage Enabled On or Off On, Off Enables the arc protection stage

P3T/en M/F006 205

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Item Default Range Description

Trip delay [ms] 0 0–255 Trip delay for the arc protection

Min. hold time [10ms] 2 2–255 Minimum trip pulse length for the
arc protection stage

(Overshoot time <35ms)


Do not use the arc stage delay for primary trip. This delay is intended, with
the separate arc stage, for the circuit breaker failure scheme only

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury,

or equipment damage.

6.28.3 Configuration example of arc flash detection

Installing the arc flash sensors and I/O units

1. Go to Protection > Arc protection.

2. Under Settings, click the Install arc sensors drop-down list and select

3. Wait until the Installation state shows Ready. The communication between
the system components is created.

4. The installed sensors and units can be viewed at the bottom of the Arc
protection group view.

Figure 133 - Installed arc sensors

On the Easergy Pro group list, select Arc protection.

5. Click the Arc Stages 1, 2, and select Stage 1 and 2 'On'.

6. Click the Trip delay[ms] value, set it to for example '0' and press Enter.

7. Click the DI block value, set it to for example '-' and press Enter.

Configuring the current start values

The General > Scaling setting view contains the primary and secondary values
of the CT. However, the Arc protection menu calculates the primary value only
after the I start setting value is given.

For example:

206 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

1. Go to General > Scaling.

2. Click the CT primary value, set it to for example 1200 A, and press Enter.

3. Click the CT secondary value, set it to for example 5 A, and press Enter.

4. On the Easergy Pro group list, select Protection > Arc protection.
5. Define the I start setting value for the relay.

6. Define the Io start setting in a similar manner.

Figure 134 - Example of setting the current transformer scaling values

Figure 135 - Example of defining the I start setting value

Configuring the current matrix

Define the current signals that are received in the arc flash detection system’s
relay. Connect currents to Arc stages in the matrix.

For example:

The arc flash fault current is measured from the incoming feeder, and the current
signal is linked to Arc stage 1 in the current matrix.

1. Go to Matrix > Arc matrix - Current

2. In the matrix, select the connection point of Arc stage 1 and I>int.

3. On the Communication menu, select Write Changed Settings To Device.

P3T/en M/F006 207

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 136 - Configuring the current matrix – an example

Configuring the light matrix

Define what light sensor signals are received in the detection system. Connect
the light signals to the arc stages in the matrix.

For example:

1. Go to Matrix > Arc matrix - Light.

2. In the matrix, select the connection point of Arc sensor 1 and Arc stage 2.

3. Select the connection point of Arc sensor 2 and Arc stage 2.

4. On the Communication menu, select Write Changed Settings To Device.

Figure 137 - Configuring the light arc matrix

Configuring the output matrix

Define the trip relays that the current and light signals affect.

For example:

208 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

1. Go to Matrix > Arc matrix - Output.

2. In the matrix, select the connection point of Arc stage 1 and T1.

3. Select the connection points of Latched and T1 and T9.

4. Select the connection point of Arc stage 2 and T9.

5. On the Communication menu, select Write Changed Settings To Device.

NOTE: It is recommended to use latched outputs for the trip outputs.

Arc output matrix includes only outputs which are directly controlled by FPGA.

Figure 138 - Configuring the output matrix - an example

Configuring the arc events

Define which arc events are written to the event list in this application.

For example:

1. Go to Logs > Event enabling - Arc.

2. In the matrix, enable both ‘Act On’ event and ‘Act Off’’ event for Arc sensor
1, Arc stage 1, and Arc stage 2.

3. On the Communication menu, select Write Changed Settings To Device.

P3T/en M/F006 209

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

Figure 139 - Configuring the arc events – an example

6.28.4 Arc flash detection characteristics

The operation of the arc detection depends on the setting value of the I> int and
I01> int current limits.

The arc current limits cannot be set, unless the relay is provided with the optional
arc protection card.
Table 85 - Arc flash detection characteristics

Start current:

Phase currents 0.50–8.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Residual current 0.10–5.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Operate time

High break trip relays (T1, T9–T12)

- Light only ≤9 ms

- 4 x Iset and light ≤9 ms

Trip relays (T2, T3 and T4)

- Light only ≤7 ms

- 4 x Iset and light ≤7 ms

Semiconductor outputs (HSO1 – HSO2)

- Light only ≤2 ms

- 4 x Iset and light ≤2 ms

- Arc stage delay 0 – 255 ms


Current ±5% of the set value

Delayed operation time +≤10 ms of the set value

210 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

6.29 Programmable stages (ANSI 99)


For special applications the user can built own detection stages by selecting the
supervised signal and the comparison mode.

The following parameters are available:

• Priority

If operate times less than 80 milliseconds are needed, select 10 ms. For
operate times under one second, 20 ms is recommended. For longer
operation times and THD signals, 100 ms is recommended.
• Coupling A

The selected supervised signal in “>” and “<” mode. The available signals are
shown in the table below.
• Coupling B

The selected supervised signal in "Diff" and "AbsDiff" mode. This selection
becomes available once "Diff" or "AbsDiff" is chosen for Coupling A.
• Compare condition

Compare mode. ‘>’ for over or ‘<’ for under comparison, “Diff” and “AbsDiff”
for comparing Coupling A and Coupling B.
• AbsDiff | d |

Coupling A – coupling B. The stage activates if the difference is greater than

the start setting.
• Diff d

Coupling A – coupling B. The stage activates if the sign is positive and the
difference greater than the start setting.
• Start

Limit of the stage. The available setting range and the unit depend on the
selected signal.
• Operation delay

Definite time operation delay

• Hysteresis

Dead band (hysteresis). For more information, see 6.2 General features of
protection stages on page 102.
• No Compare limit for mode <

Only used with compare mode under (‘<’). This is the limit to start the
comparison. Signal values under NoCmp are not regarded as fault.

Table 86 - Available signals to be supervised by the programmable stages

IA, IB, IC Phase currents (RMS values)

VAB, VBC, VCA Line-to-line voltages

IN Ground fault overcurrent

VA, VB, VC Line-to-neutral voltages

P3T/en M/F006 211

Transformer protection relay 6 Protection functions

VN Neutral displacement voltage

f Frequency

P Active power

Q Reactive power

S Apparent power

Cos Phi Cosine φ

IN Calc Phasor sum IA + IB + IC

I1 Positive sequence current

I2 Negative sequence current

I2/I1 Relative negative sequence current

I2/In Negative sequence current in pu

V1 Positive sequence overvoltage

V2 Negative sequence overvoltage

V2/V1 Relative negative sequence voltage

IAVG Average (IA + IB + IC) / 3

Tan Phi Tangent φ [= tan(arccosφ)]

PRMS Active power RMS value

QRMS Reactive power RMS value

SRMS Apparent power RMS value

THDILA Total harmonic distortion of IA

THDILB Total harmonic distortion of IB

THDILC Total harmonic distortion of IC

THDUA Total harmonic distortion of input VA

THDUB Total harmonic distortion of input VB

THDUC Total harmonic distortion of input VC

fy Frequency behind circuit breaker

fz Frequency behind 2nd circuit breaker

IA RMS IA RMS for average sampling

IB RMS IB RMS for average sampling

212 P3T/en M/F006

6 Protection functions Transformer protection relay

IC RMS IC RMS for average sampling

ILmin, ILmax Minimum and maximum of phase currents

VLNmin, VLNmax Minimum and maximum of line-to-neutral voltages

VAI1, VAI2, VAI3, VAI4, VAI5 Virtual analog inputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (GOOSE)

Signals available depending on slot 8 options.

Eight independent stages

The relay has eight independent programmable stages. Each programmable

stage can be enabled or disabled to fit the intended application.

Setting groups

There are four settings groups available.

See 6.2 General features of protection stages on page 102 for more details.

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Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

7 Supporting functions

7.1 Event log

The event log is a buffer of event codes and time stamps including date and time.
For example, each start-on, start-off, trip-on or trip-off of any detection stage has
a unique event number code. Such a code and the corresponding time stamp is
called an event.
As an example, a typical event of programmable stage trip event is shown in
Table 87 - Example of Pgr1 stage trip on event and its visibility in local panel and
communication protocols on page 214.
Table 87 - Example of Pgr1 stage trip on event and its visibility in local panel and
communication protocols

EVENT Description Local panel Communication protocols

Code: 01E02 Channel 1, event 2 Yes Yes

Prg1 trip on Event text Yes No

2.7 x In Fault value Yes No

2007-01-31 Date Yes Yes

08:35:13.413 Time Yes Yes

Events are the major data for a SCADA system. SCADA systems are reading
events using any of the available communication protocols. The Event log can
also be scanned using the front panel or Easergy Pro. With Easergy Pro, the
events can be stored to a file especially if the relay is not connected to any
SCADA system.

Only the latest event can be read when using communication protocols or
Easergy Pro. Every reading increments the internal read pointer to the event
buffer. (In case of communication interruptions, the latest event can be reread any
number of times using another parameter.) On the local panel, scanning the event
buffer back and forth is possible.

Event enabling/masking

An uninteresting event can be masked, which prevents it to be written in the event

buffer. By default, there is room for 200 latest events in the buffer. The event
buffer size can be modified from 50 to 2000. The existing events are lost if the
event buffer size is changed.

You can make this modification in the Local panel conf setting view.

An indication screen (popup screen) can also be enabled in this same menu in
Easergy Pro. The oldest event is overwritten when a new event occurs. The
shown resolution of a time stamp is one millisecond, but the actual resolution
depends on the particular function creating the event. For example, most
detection stages create events with 5 ms, 10 ms or 20 ms resolution. The
absolute accuracy of all time stamps depends on the relay's time synchronization.

214 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

See 7.4 System clock and synchronization on page 223 for system clock

Event buffer overflow

The normal procedure is to poll events from the relay all the time. If this is not
done, the event buffer could reach its limits. In that case, the oldest event is
deleted and the newest displayed with OVF (overflow) code on the front panel.

Table 88 - Setting parameters for events

Parameter Value Description Note

Count Number of events

ClrEv - Clear event buffer Set


Order Old-New Order of the event buffer for local display Set


FVScal Scaling of event fault value Set

PU Per unit scaling

Pri Primary scaling

Display On Indication dispaly is enabled Set

Alarms Off No indication display

Sync Controls event time format

On Event time shown normally if relay is

Event time is shown in brakets if relay is not


Code: CHENN CH = event channel, NN=event code (channel number is not

shown in case channel is zero)

Event description Event channel and code in plain text

yyyy-mm-dd Date

(for available date formats, see 7.4 System clock and

synchronization on page 223)

hh:mm:ss.nnn Time

7.2 Disturbance recording

The disturbance recorder (DR) can be used to record all the measured signals,
that is, currents, voltage and the status information of digital inputs (DI) and digital

P3T/en M/F006 215

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

outputs (DO). If the sample rate is slower than 1/10 ms, also the calculated
signals like active power, power factor, negative sequence overcurrent and so on
can be recorded. For a complete list of signals, see Table 89 - Disturbance
recording parameters on page 217.

The available recording channels depend on the voltage measurement mode, too.
If a channel is added for recording and the added signal is not available because
of the used settings, the signal is automatically rejected from the recording
channel list.

NOTE: When protection stages are enabled or disabled or the recorder

signals or recording time changed, the disturbance recordings are deleted
from the relay's memory. Therefore, before activating or deactivating stages,
store the recordings on your PC.

Triggering the recording

The recording can be triggered by any start or trip signal from any protection
stage, by a digital input, logic output or GOOSE signals. The triggering signal is
selected in the output matrix (vertical signal DR). The recording can also be
triggered manually. All recordings are time-stamped.

Reading recordings

The recordings can be uploaded with Easergy Pro program. The recording is in
COMTRADE format. This also means that other programs can be used to view
and analyse the recordings made by the relay.

Number of channels

A maximum of 24 records can be stored. Up to 12 channels per record can be

stored. Both the digital inputs and the digital outputs (including all inputs and
outputs) use one channel out of the total of 12.

216 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 140 - Recorder channels


Table 89 - Disturbance recording parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Mode Behavior in memory full situation: Set62

Saturated No more recordings are accepted

Overflow The oldest recording is overwritten

SR Sample rate Set

32/cycle Waveform

16/cycle Waveform

8/cycle Waveform

1/10ms One cycle value63

1/20ms One cycle value 64

P3T/en M/F006 217

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

1/200ms Average

1/1s Average

1/5s Average

1/10s Average

1/15s Average

1/30s Average

1/1min Average

Time s Recording length Set

PreTrig % Amount of recording data before the trig moment Set

MaxLen s Maximum time setting.

This value depends on the sample rate, number and type

of the selected channels and the configured recording

ReadyRec Readable recordings

Status Status of recording

- Not active

Run Waiting a triggering

Trig Recording

FULL Memory is full in saturated mode

ManTrig -, Trig Manual triggering Set

ReadyRec n/m n = Available recordings / m = maximum number of


The value of 'm' depends on the sample rate, number and

type of the selected channels and the configured
recording length.
62 Set = An editable parameter (password needed).
63 This is the fundamental frequency rms value of one cycle updated every 10 ms.
64 This is the fundamental frequency rms value of one cycle updated every 20 ms.

Table 90 - Disturbance recording parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Average Wave-


ClrCh -, Clear Remove all channels

AddCh Add one channel. The maximum number of

channels used simultaneously is 12.

218 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Average Wave-


IA, IB, IC Phase current X X

I’A, I’B, I’C Phase current (lV side) X X

VAB, VBC, Line-to-line voltage X X


VA, VB, VC Phase-to-neutral voltage X X

VN Neutral displacement voltage X X

f Frequency X

P, Q, S Active, reactive, apparent power X

P.F. Power factor X

CosPhi cosφ X

IN Calc Phasor sum Io = (IA+IB+IC)/3 X

I1 Positive sequence current X

I2 Negative sequence current X

I2/I1 Relative current unbalance X

I2/IN Negative sequence overcurrent [x IN] X

IAVG Average (IA + IB + IC) / 3 X

DI Digital inputs: DI1–20, F1, F2, BIOin, VI1-4, Arc1, X X


DI_2 Digital inputs: DI21–40 X X

DI_3 Virtual inputs: VI5–20, A1–A5, VO1–VO6 X X

DO Digital outputs: T1–15 X X

DO_2 Rest of the outputs X X

DO_3 Virtual outputs, VO7–VO20 X X

TanPhi tanφ X

THDIA, Total harmonic distortion of IA, IB or IC X


P3T/en M/F006 219

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Average Wave-


Prms Active power rms value X

Qrms Reactive power rms value X

Srms Apparent power rms value X

fy Frequency behind circuit breaker X

fz Frequency behind 2nd circuit breaker X

IARMS, IA, IB or IC RMS for average sampling X


Arc 65 Arc detection signals X

Starts Protection stage start signals X X

Trips Protection stage trip signals X X

65 Arc events are polled in every 5 ms.

Signal available depending on the slot 8 options.

NOTE: The selection of signals depends on the relay type, the used voltage
connection and the scaling mode.


Table 91 - Disturbance recording

Mode of recording Saturated / Overflow

Sample rate: -

- Waveform recording 32/cycle, 16/cycle, 8/cycle

- Trend curve recording 10, 20, 200 ms

1, 5, 10, 15, 30 s

1 min

Recording time (one record) 0.1 s–12 000 min (According recorder setting)

Pre-trigger rate 0–100%

Number of selected channels 0–12

File format IEEE Std C37.111-1999

The recording time and the number of records depend on the time setting and the
number of selected channels.

220 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Configuring the disturbance recorder

NOTE: The DR configuration can only be edited when connected to the

device via Easergy Pro

To select the channels and sample rate for the disturbance recorder:
1. In Easergy Pro, go to General > Disturbance recorder.

2. Click the Add recorder channel drop-down list and select the channel you
want to add.

3. Click the Sample rate drop-down list, and select the desireed rate.

To download the disturbance recorder file, select Tools > Download disturbance

NOTE: The default (pre-configured) settings for DR are:

• all analog inputs supported by the relay
• DI, DO
• Sampling rate: 32 s/c
• Recording length: 1 s'
• Output matrix: connection in every trip line to DR

Figure 141 - Configuring the disturbance recorder for the application example

Writing the setting to the relay

1. On the Easergy Pro toolbar, select Write settings > Write all settings to
save the configuration in the relay.

NOTE: To save the relay's configuration information for later use, also save
the Easergy Pro setting file on the PC. Use WaweWin or another customer
preferred tool to analyze disturbance recorder file.

Saving the setting file on your PC

1. On the Easergy Pro toolbar, click the Save icon. The Save a file window

2. Browse to the folder where you want to save the file. Type a descriptive file
name, and click Save.

NOTE: By default, the setting file *.epz is saved in the Easergy Pro folder.

7.3 Cold load start and magnetizing inrush

Cold load start

A situation is regarded as cold load when all the three phase currents have been
below a given idle value and then at least one of the currents exceeds a given
start level within 80 ms. In such a case, the cold load detection signal is activated
for the time set as Maximum time or until the measured signal returns below the
value set as Pickup current. This signal is available for the output matrix and
blocking matrix. Using virtual outputs of the output matrix setting group control is

P3T/en M/F006 221

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Application for cold load detection

Right after closing a circuit breaker, a given amount of overload can be allowed
for a given limited time to take care of concurrent thermostat-controlled loads. The
cold load start function does this, for example, by selecting a more coarse setting
group for overcurrent stages. It is also possible to use the cold load detection
signal to block any set of protection stages for a given time.

Magnetizing inrush detection

Magnetizing inrush detection is quite similar to the cold load detection but it also
includes a condition for second harmonic content of the currents. When all phase
currents have been below a given idle value and then at least one of them
exceeds a given start level within 80 ms and the second harmonic ratio to
fundamental frequency, If2/If1, of at least one phase exceeds the given setting, the
inrush detection signal is activated. This signal is available for the output matrix
and blocking matrix. Using virtual outputs of the output matrix setting group
control is possible.
By setting the second harmonic start parameter for If2/If1 to zero, the inrush signal
will behave equally with the cold load start signal.

Application for inrush current detection

The inrush current of transformers usually exceeds the start setting of sensitive
overcurrent stages and contains a lot of even harmonics. Right after closing a
circuit breaker, the start and tripping of sensitive overcurrent stages can be
avoided by selecting a more coarse setting group for the appropriate overcurrent
stage with an inrush detect signal. It is also possible to use the detection signal to
block any set of protection stages for a given time.

NOTE: Inrush detection is based on the fundamental component calculation

which requires a full cycle of data for analyzing the harmonic content.
Therefore, when using the inrush blocking function, the cold load start starting
conditions are used for activating the inrush blocking when the current rise is
noticed. If a significant ratio of second harmonic components is found in the
signal after the first cycle, the blocking is continued. Otherwise, the second-
harmonic-based blocking signal is released. Inrush blocking is recommended
to be used on time-delayed overcurrent stages while the non-blocked instant
overcurrent stage is set to 20 % higher than the expected inrush current. By
this scheme, a fast reaction time in short circuit faults during the energization
can be achieved while time-delayed stages are blocked by the inrush function.

Figure 142 - Functionality of cold load / inrush current feature.

1 3 4



222 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

1. No activation because the current has not been under the set IDLE current.

2. Current dropped under the IDLE current level but now it stays between the IDLE
current and the start current for over 80ms.

3. No activation because the phase two lasted longer than 80ms.

4. Now we have a cold load activation which lasts as long as the operate time
was set or as long as the current stays above the start setting.


Table 92 - Magnetizing inrush detection

Cold load settings:

- Idle current 0.01 – 0.50 x IN

- Start current 0.30 – 10.00 x IN

- Maximum time 0.0166 – 300.00 s (step 0.01 s)

Inrush settings:

- Start for 2nd harmonic 0 – 99 %

66 This is the instantaneous time, that is, the minimum total operate time including the fault detection

time and the operate time of the trip contacts. Use the Accept zero delay setting in the protection
stage setting view in Easergy Pro to accept the zero operate time setting for the DT function.

7.4 System clock and synchronization


The relay's internal clock is used to time-stamp events and disturbance


The system clock should be externally synchronised to get comparable event time
stamps for all the relays in the system.

The synchronizing is based on the difference of the internal time and the
synchronizing message or pulse. This deviation is filtered and the internal time is
corrected softly towards a zero deviation.

Time zone offsets

Time zone offset (or bias) can be provided to adjust the relay's local time. The
offset can be set as a Positive (+) or Negative (-) value within a range of -15.00 to
+15.00 hours and a resolution of 0.01/h. Basically, resolution by a quarter of an
hour is enough.

Daylight saving time (DST)

The relay provides automatic daylight saving adjustments when configured. A

daylight saving time (summer time) adjustment can be configured separately and
in addition to a time zone offset.

P3T/en M/F006 223

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Daylight time standards vary widely throughout the world. Traditional daylight/
summer time is configured as one (1) hour positive bias. The new US/Canada
DST standard, adopted in the spring of 2007 is one (1) hour positive bias, starting
at 2:00am on the second Sunday in March, and ending at 2:00am on the first
Sunday in November. In the European Union, daylight change times are defined
relative to the UTC time of day instead of local time of day (as in U.S.) European
customers, carefully check the local country rules for DST.

The daylight saving rules for Finland are the relay defaults (24-hour clock):
• Daylight saving time start: Last Sunday of March at 03.00
• Daylight saving time end: Last Sunday of October at 04.00

To ensure proper hands-free year-around operation, automatic daylight time

adjustments must be configured using the “Enable DST” and not with the time
zone offset option.

224 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Adapting the auto-adjust function

During tens of hours of synchronizing, the relay learns its average deviation and
starts to make small corrections by itself. The target is that when the next
synchronizing message is received, the deviation is already near zero.
Parameters "AAIntv" and "AvDrft" show the adapted correction time interval of this
±1 ms auto-adjust function.

Time drift correction without external sync

If any external synchronizing source is not available and the system clock has a
known steady drift, it is possible to roughly correct the clock deviation by editing
the parameters "AAIntv" and "AvDrft". The following equation can be used if the
previous "AAIntv" value has been zero.

AAIntv =

If the auto-adjust interval "AAIntv" has not been zero, but further trimming is still
needed, the following equation can be used to calculate a new auto-adjust

1 DriftInOneWeek

The term DriftInOneWeek/604.8 may be replaced with the relative drift multiplied
by 1000 if some other period than one week has been used. For example, if the
drift has been 37 seconds in 14 days, the relative drift is 37*1000/(14*24*3600) =
0.0306 ms/s.

Example 1

If there has been no external sync and the relay's clock is leading sixty-one
seconds a week and the parameter AAIntv has been zero, the parameters are set

AvDrft = Lead
AAIntv = = 9.9 s
With these parameter values, the system clock corrects itself with –1 ms every
9.9 seconds which equals –61.091 s/week.

Example 2

If there is no external sync and the relay's clock has been lagging five seconds in
nine days and the AAIntv has been 9.9 s, leading, then the parameters are set as

AAIntv NEW = = 10.6
1 5000

9.9 9 ⋅ 24 ⋅ 3600

AvDrft = Lead

When the internal time is roughly correct – the deviation is less than four seconds
– no synchronizing or auto-adjust turns the clock backwards. Instead, if the clock
is leading, it is softly slowed down to maintain causality.

P3T/en M/F006 225

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Table 93 - System clock parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Date Current date Set

Time Current time Set

Style Date format Set

y-d-m Year-Month-Day

d.m.y Day.Month.Year

m/d/y Month/Day/Year

SyncDI Possible values The digital input used for clock
depends on the types synchronization.
of I/O cards

- DI not used for synchronizing

Minute pulse input

TZone -15.00 – +15.00 68 UTC time zone for SNTP Set


Note: This is a decimal number. For

example for state of Nepal the time
zone 5:45 is given as 5.75

DST No; Yes Daylight saving time for SNTP Set

SySrc Clock synchronization source

Internal No sync recognized since 200s

DI Digital input

SNTP Protocol sync

SpaBus Protocol sync

ModBus Protocol sync

ModBus TCP Protocol sync

ProfibusDP Protocol sync

IEC101 Protocol sync

IEC103 Protocol sync

DNP3 Protocol sync

IRIG-B003 IRIG timecode B00369

226 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

MsgCnt 0 – 65535, The number of received

synchronization messages or pulses
0 – etc.

Dev ±32767 ms Latest time deviation between the

system clock and the received

SyOS ±10000.000 s synchronization correction for any Set

constant deviation in the
synchronizing source

AAIntv ±1000 s Adapted auto-adjust interval for 1 ms Set70


AvDrft Lead; Lag Adapted average clock drift sign Set 70

FilDev ±125 ms Filtered synchronization deviation

67 Set the DI delay to its minimum and the polarity such that the leading edge is the synchronizing

68 A range of -11 h – +12 h would cover the whole ground but because the International Date Line

does not follow the 180° meridian, a more wide range is needed.
69 Relay needs to be equipped with suitable hardware option module to receive IRIG-B clock

synchronization signal. (13.2 Accessories on page 372).

70 If external synchronization is used, this parameter is set automatically.

Set = An editable parameter (password needed).

Synchronization with DI

The clock can be synchronized by reading minute pulses from digital inputs,
virtual inputs or virtual outputs. The sync source is selected with the SyncDI
setting. When a rising edge is detected from the selected input, the system clock
is adjusted to the nearest minute. The length of the digital input pulse should be at
least 50 ms. The delay of the selected digital input should be set to zero.

Synchronization correction

If the sync source has a known offset delay, it can be compensated with the
SyOS setting. This is useful for compensating hardware delays or transfer delays
of communication protocols. A positive value compensates a lagging external
sync and communication delays. A negative value compensates any leading
offset of the external synch source.

Sync source

When the relay receives new sync message, the sync source display is updated.
If no new sync messages are received within the next 1.5 minutes, the relay
switches over to internal sync mode.

Sync source: IRIG-B003

IRIG-B003 synchronization is supported with a dedicated communication (See

13.2 Accessories on page 372).

P3T/en M/F006 227

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

IRIG-B003 input clock signal voltage level is TLLThe input clock signal originated
in the GPS receiver must be taken to multiple relays trough an IRIG-B distribution
module. This module acts as a centralized unit for a point-to-multiple point

NOTE: Daisy chain connection of IRIG-B signal inputs in multiple relays must
be avoided.

Figure 143 - Easergy P3 relays with IRIG-B synchronization capability


IRIG-B signal
from clock

IRIG-B Distribution Module

P3U P3x3x

Easergy P3 relay series with IRIG-B synchronization capability

Recommended wiring: shielded cable of twisted-pair or coaxial type with a maximum length of 10 meters.

The recommended cable must be shielded and either of coaxial or twisted pair
type. Its length must not exceed 10 meters.


The time deviation means how much the system clock time differs from the sync
source time. The time deviation is calculated after receiving a new sync message.
The filtered deviation means how much the system clock was really adjusted.
Filtering takes care of small deviation in sync messages.


The relay synchronizes to the sync source, meaning that it starts automatically
leading or lagging to stay in perfect sync with the master. The learning process
takes a few days.

7.5 Voltage sags and swells


The power quality of electrical networks has become increasingly important.

Sophisticated loads (for example computers) require an uninterruptible supply of

228 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

“clean” electricity. The Easergy P3T32 protection platform provides many power
quality functions that can be used to evaluate and monitor the quality and alarm
on the basis of the quality. One of the most important power quality functions is
voltage sag and swell monitoring.

Easergy P3T32 provides separate monitoring logs for sags and swells. The
voltage log is triggered if any voltage input either goes under the sag limit (V<) or
exceeds the swell limit (V>). There are four registers for both sags and swells in
the fault log. Each register contains start time, phase information, duration and
the minimum, average and maximum voltage values of each sag and swell event.
Furthermore, it contains the total number of sags and swells counters as well as
the total number of timers for sags and swells.

The voltage power quality functions are located under the submenu “V”.

Table 94 - Setting parameters of sags and swells monitoring

Parameter Value Unit Default Description

V> 20 – 150 % 110 Setting value of swell limit

V< 10 – 120 % 90 Setting value of sag limit

Delay 0.04 – 1.00 s 0.06 Delay for sag and swell detection

SagOn On; Off - On Sag on event

SagOff On; Off - On Sag off event

SwelOn On; Off - On Swell on event

SwelOf On; Off - On Swell off event

Table 95 - Recorded values of sags and swells monitoring

Parameter Value Unit Description

Recorded values Count - Cumulative sag counter

Total - Cumulative sag time counter

Count - Cumulative swell counter

Total - Cumulative swell time counter

Sag / swell logs 1 – 4 Date - Date of the sag/swell

Time - Time stamp of the sag/swell

Type - Voltage inputs that had the sag/swell

Time s Duration of the sag/swell

Min1 % VN Minimum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 1

Min2 % VN Minimum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 2

P3T/en M/F006 229

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Unit Description

Min3 % VN Minimum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 3

Ave1 % VN Average voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 1

Ave2 % VN Average voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 2

Ave3 % VN Average voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 3

Max1 % VN Maximum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 1

Max2 % VN Maximum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 2

Max3 % VN Maximum voltage value during the

sag/swell in the input 3


Table 96 - Voltage sag & swell

Voltage sag limit 10 –120% VN (step 1%)

Voltage swell limit 20 –150% VN (step 1%)

Definite time function: DT

- Operate time 0.08–1.00 s (step 0.02 s)

Low voltage blocking 0–50%

Reset time < 60 ms

Reset ration:

- Sag 1.03

- Swell 0.97

Block limit 0.5 V or 1.03 (3%)


- Activation ±0.5 V or 3% of the set value

- Activation (block limit) ±5% of the set value

- Operate time at definite time function ±1% or ±30 ms

If one of the line-to-line voltages is below sag limit and above block limit but
another line-to-line voltage drops below block limit, blocking is disabled.

230 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

7.6 Voltage interruptions


The relay includes a simple function to detect voltage interruptions. The function
calculates the number of voltage interruptions and the total time of the voltage-off
time within a given calendar period. The period is based on the relay's real-time
clock. The available periods are:
• 8 hours, 00:00–08:00, 08:00–16:00, 16:00–24:00
• one day, 00:00–24:00
• one week, Monday 00:00 – Sunday 24:00
• one month, the first day 00:00 – the last day 24:00
• one year, 1st January 00:00 – 31st December 24:00

After each period, the number of interruptions and the total interruption time are
stored as previous values. The interruption counter and the total time are cleared
for a new period. Previous values are overwritten.

Voltage interruption is based on the value of the positive sequence voltage V1 and
a limit value you can define. Whenever the measured V1 goes below the limit, the
interruption counter is increased, and the total time counter starts increasing.

The shortest recognized interruption time is 40 ms. If the voltage-off time is

shorter, it may be recognized depending on the relative depth of the voltage dip.

If the voltage has been significantly over the limit V1< and then there is a small
and short under-swing, it is not recognized (Figure 144 - A short voltage
interruption which is probably not recognized on page 231).

Figure 144 - A short voltage interruption which is probably not recognized

On the other hand, if the limit V1< is high and the voltage has been near this limit,
and then there is a short but very deep dip, it is not recognized (Figure 145 - A
short voltage interrupt that will be recognized on page 232).

P3T/en M/F006 231

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 145 - A short voltage interrupt that will be recognized

Table 97 - Setting parameters of the voltage sag measurement function

Parameter Value Unit Default Description

V1< 10.0 – 120.0 % 64 Setting value

Period 8h - Month Length of the observation period




Date - - Date

Time - - Time

Table 98 - Measured and recorded values of voltage sag measurement function

Parameter Value Unit Description

Measured value Voltage LOW; - Current voltage status


V1 % Measured positive sequence voltage

Recorded values Count - Number of voltage sags during the

current observation period

Prev - Number of voltage sags during the

previous observation period

Total s Total (summed) time of voltage sags

during the current observation period

Prev s Total (summed) time of voltage sags

during the previous observation period

232 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay


Table 99 - Voltage interruptions

Voltage low limit (V1) 10–120% VN (step 1%)

Definite time function: DT

- Operate time < 60 ms (Fixed)

Reset time < 60 ms

Reset ratio 1.03


- Activation 3% of the set value

7.7 Current transformer supervision (ANSI 60)


The relay supervises the current transformers (CTs) and the external wiring
between the relay terminals and the CTs. This is a safety function as well, since
an open secondary of a CT causes dangerous voltages.

The CT supervision function measures phase currents. If one of the three phase
currents drops below the IMIN< setting while another phase current exceeds the
IMAX> setting, the function issues an alarm after the operation delay has elapsed.

Table 100 - Setting parameters of CT supervision

Parameter Value Unit Default Description

Imax> 0.0 – 10.0 xIn 2.0 Upper setting for CT supervision current
scaled to primary value, calculated by relay

Imin< 0.0 – 10.0 xIn 0.2 Lower setting for CT supervision current
scaled to primary value, calculated by relay

t> 0.02 – 600.0 s 0.10 Operation delay

CT on On; Off - On CT supervision on event

CT off On; Off - On CT supervision off event

Table 101 - Measured and recorded values of CT

Parameter Value Unit Description

Measured value Φmax A Maximum of phase currents

Φmin A Minimum of phase currents

Display Imax>, Imin< A Setting values as primary values

P3T/en M/F006 233

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Unit Description

Recorded values Date - Date of CT supervision alarm

Time - Time of CT supervision alarm

Imax A Maximum phase current

Imin A Minimum phase current

Table 102 - Current transformer supervision

IMAX> setting 0.00 – 10.00 x IN (step 0.01)

IMIN< setting 0.00 – 10.00 x IN (step 0.01)

Definite time function: DT

- Operate time 0.04 – 600.00 s (step 0.02 s)

Reset time < 60 ms

Reset ratio IMAX> 0.97

Reset ratio IMIN< 1.03

Inaccuracy: -

- Activation ±3% of the set value

- Operate time at definite time function ±1% or ±30 ms

7.8 Voltage transformer supervision (ANSI 60FL)


The relay supervises the voltage transformers (VTs) and VT wiring between the
relay terminals and the VTs. If there is a fuse in the voltage transformer circuitry,
the blown fuse prevents or distorts the voltage measurement. Therefore, an alarm
should be issued. Furthermore, in some applications, protection functions using
voltage signals should be blocked to avoid false tripping.

The VT supervision function measures three line-to-line voltages and currents.

The negative sequence voltage V2 and the negative sequence current I2 are
calculated. If V2 exceed the V2> setting and at the same time, I2 is less than the
I2< setting, the function issues an alarm after the operation delay has elapsed.

Table 103 - Setting parameters of VT supervision

Parameter Value Unit Default Description

V2> 0.0 – 200.0 % Vn 34.6 Upper setting for VT supervision

I2< 0.0 – 200.0 % In 100.0 Lower setting for VT supervision

t> 0.02 – 600.0 s 0.10 Operation delay

234 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Default Description

VT on On; Off - On VT supervision on event

VT off On; Off - On VT supervision off event

Table 104 - Measured and recorded values of VT supervision

Parameter Value Unit Description

Measured value V2 %VN Measured negative sequence voltage

I2 %IN Measured negative sequence current

Recorded Values Date - Date of VT supervision alarm

Time - Time of VT supervision alarm

V2 %VN Recorded negative sequence voltage

I2 %IN Recorded negative sequence current


Table 105 - Voltage transformer supervision

V2> setting 0.0 – 200.0% (step 0.1%)

I2< setting 0.0 – 200.0% (step 0.1%)

Definite time function: DT

- Operate time 0.04 – 600.00 (step 0.02s)

Reset time < 60 ms

Reset ratio 3% of the start value

Inaccuracy: -

- Activation V2> ±1%-unit

- Activation I2< ±1%-unit

- Operate time at definite time function ±1% or ±30 ms

7.9 Circuit breaker wear


Circuit breaker (CB) wear is a function that monitors CB wear by calculating how
much wear the CB can sustain. It raises an alarm about the need for CB
maintenance before the condition of the CB becomes critical.

This function records the peak symmetrical current71 from each phase72, and
uses that magnitude as the breaking current for that phase to estimate the

P3T/en M/F006 235

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

amount of wear on the CB. The function then calculates the estimated number of
cycles or trips remaining before the CB needs to be replaced or serviced.

Permissible cycle diagram

The permissible cycle diagram is usually available in the documentation of the CB

manufacturer. This diagram specifies the permissible number of cycles as a
function of the breaking current, that is, how much wear occurs in the CB when it
trips with a given breaking current. So the maximum number of cycles a CB can
trip with this breaking current is used as the measure of wear.

The condition monitoring function must be configured according to this diagram.

In the configuration, this diagram is called Breaker curve.

Figure 146 - Example permissible cycle diagram



A 1000


100 200 500 1000 10000 100000

A. Number of permitted operations

B. Breaking current (A)

Up to eight points can be selected from the diagram and entered to the device.
Each point specifies a breaking current and the associated maximum number of
permitted operations. The device assumes there is a straight line between each
two consecutive points in the log-log diagram (that is, uses logarithmic
interpolation between the points), and thus forms an approximation of the
permissible cycle diagram. It should be possible to accurately describe most
permissible cycle diagrams in this way.

The values in the example match the diagram in Figure 146 - Example
permissible cycle diagram on page 236.
Table 106 - An example of circuit breaker wear characteristics

Point Interrupted current (kA) Number of permitted


1 0 (mechanical age) 10000

2 1.25 (rated current) 10000

71 The used peak current is the magnitude of the fundamental frequency component. This
magnitude does not include a possible DC component.
72 The current is sampled every 10 milliseconds, starting from the moment the monitored trip relay
is asserted and ending when the current of every phase has decreased below one quarter of
the phase’s breaking current or after 500 milliseconds have elapsed, whichever happens first.

236 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Point Interrupted current (kA) Number of permitted


3 31.0 (maximum breaking 80


4 100 1

5 100 1

6 100 1

7 100 1

8 100 1

Alarm points

Two alarm points can be configured to notify about the approaching need for CB

The number of permissible CB cycles depends on the breaking current that is

interrupted by the CB. Larger currents lead to greater wear on the CB and thus to
fewer operating cycles.73
An alarm point specifies a breaking current and an associated number of
permissible cycles. An alarm is raised if the remaining number of permissible
cycles at the given breaking current falls below this limit.

The table in the Operations left setting view shows the number of operation
cycles left before the alarm points are reached. The number of remaining cycles
is tracked for each phase separately, and the alarm is raised when any phase
runs out of cycles.

Figure 147 - Operations left

The first alarm point can be set, for example, to the CB’s nominal current and the
second alarm point to a typical fault current.

When an alarm is raised, a signal is asserted in the output matrix. Also, an event
is created depending on the settings given in the Event enabling setting view.

73 Each cycle causes mechanical wear on the CB. In addition, large enough currents create arcs
inside the CB, which causes erosion of the electrical contacts for each phase. The larger the
current, the greater the erosion, and thus the greater the wear on the CB. A worn CB has fewer
cycles left at any breaking current.

P3T/en M/F006 237

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Logarithmic interpolation

The permitted number of operations for the currents between the defined points is
logarithmically interpolated:

Equation 25


C = permitted operations

I = interrupted current

a = constant according to Equation 26 on page 238

n = constant according to Equation 27 on page 238

Equation 26

a = C k I k2

Equation 27

C k +1
ln k +1

ln = natural logarithm function

Ck, Ck+1 = permitted operations

k = rows 2–7 in Table 106 - An example of circuit breaker wear characteristics on

page 236

Ik, Ik+1 = corresponding current

k = rows 2–7 in Table 106 - An example of circuit breaker wear characteristics on

page 236

Example of the logarithmic interpolation

Alarm 2 current is set to 6 kA. The maximum number of operations is calculated

as follows.

The current 6 kA lies between points 2 and 3 in the table. That gives value for the
index k. Using


Ck = 10000

Ck+1 = 80

Ik+1 = 31 kA

238 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Ik = 1.25 kA

and Equation 27 on page 238 and Equation 26 on page 238, the device

Equation 28

n= 80 = 1.5038

Equation 29

a = 10000 ⋅ 12501.5038 = 454 ⋅ 10 6

Using Equation 25 on page 238, the device gets the number of permitted
operations for current 6 kA.

Equation 30

454 ⋅ 10 6
C= = 945

Thus, the maximum number of current-breaking operations at 6 kA is 945. This

can be verified with the original CB curve in Figure 146 - Example permissible
cycle diagram on page 236. The figure shows that at 6 kA, the operation count is
between 900 and 1000. In this case, a useful alarm level for the operations left is
50, for example, which is about 5 percent of the maximum.

Example of operation counter decrementing when the CB breaks a current

Alarm 2 is set to 6 kA. The CB failure protection supervises trip relay T1, and a
trip signal of an overcurrent stage detecting a two-phase fault is connected to this
trip relay T1. The interrupted phase currents are 12.5 kA, 12.5 kA and 1.5 kA. By
what number are Alarm2 counters decremented?

Using Equation 25 on page 238 and values n and a from the previous example,
the device gets the number of permitted operations at 10 kA.

Equation 31

454 ⋅ 10 6
C10 kA = = 313

At alarm level 2, 6 kA, the corresponding number of operations is calculated

according to:

P3T/en M/F006 239

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Equation 32

C AlarmMax
∆A = ∆B = =3

Thus, Alarm2 counters for phases A and B are decremented by 3. In phase A, the
current is less than the alarm limit current 6 kA. For such currents, the decrement
is 1.

ΔC= 1

Table 107 - Local panel parameters of the CBWEAR function

Parameter Value Unit Description Set74


Operations left for

Al1A - Alarm 1, phase A

Al1B - Alarm 1, phase B

Al1C - Alarm 1, phase C

Al2A - Alarm 2, phase A

Al2B - Alarm 2, phase B

Al2C - Alarm 2, phase C

Latest trip

Date Time stamp of the latest trip operation


IA A Broken current of phase A

IB A Broken current of phase B

IC A Broken current of phase C



Current 0.00–100.00 kA Alarm1 current level Set

Cycles 100000–1 Alarm1 limit for operations left Set


Current 0.00–100.00 kA Alarm2 current level Set

Cycles 100000–1 Alarm2 limit for operations left Set


240 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Set74

Al1On On; Off 'Alarm1 on' event enabling Set

Al1Off On; Off 'Alarm1 off' event enabling Set

Al2On On; Off 'Alarm2 on' event enabling Set

Al2Off On; Off 'Alarm2 off' event enabling Set

Clear -; Clear Clearing of cycle counters Set

74 Set = An editable parameter (password needed)

7.10 Circuit breaker condition monitoring


Circuit breaker (CB) condition monitoring monitors the CB wear with the help of
the cumulative breaking current. It raises an alarm about the need for CB
maintenance before the CB’s condition becomes critical. This function has two

The approach to calculating the CB condition is different from the approach used
by the CB wear function described in 7.9 Circuit breaker wear on page 235. CB
condition monitoring also provides some additional features for integrating the
device with other Schneider Electric products. These functions are based on data
analytics for integration into EcoStruxure Asset Advisor cloud-based offers.

Cumulative breaking current

CB monitoring is activated when the monitored CB opens, and the breaking

current is added to the cumulative breaking current. This sum is calculated for
each phase separately. This way of estimating the wear on the CB is opposite to
the permissible cycles diagram used by the CB wear function. The permissible
cycles diagram describes how much more wear the CB can sustain, and this
approach describes how much wear the CB has accumulated.

To approximate the shape of the permissible cycles diagram, the cumulative

breaking current is also calculated for 5 different bins, so that each bin tracks
breaking currents within a given range (see Figure 148 - Cumulative breaking
current on page 242). If a phase's breaking current is within the range of a given
bin, this current is added to the phase’s cumulative breaking current on that bin.

Each bin also has three counters (one for each phase). Each counter tracks the
number of times the CB has opened and something was added to the
corresponding sum on that bin (see Figure 148 - Cumulative breaking current on
page 242).

P3T/en M/F006 241

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 148 - Cumulative breaking current

If all cumulative breaking currents for the bins are zero when the value of the CT
primary parameter is changed in the Scaling setting view, the breaking current
ranges for the bins are automatically set to their default values relative to the new
CT primary value. The lower limit for the first bin is set to zero and the upper limit
to two times the CT primary value. There is no upper limit for the fifth bin.
The cumulative breaking currents are tracked with greater precision than what is
visible on the setting tool, that is, there are hidden decimals stored for each sum.
A non-zero sum that is too small to be visible in the setting tool may prevent the
bin ranges from getting their default values when the CT primary value is

Each breaking current can be added to one bin.

The cumulative breaking currents can be read over the Modbus protocol as
floating-point values (IEEE 754, binary32). These values are represented in two
consecutive holding registers, so that the register in the lower address contains
the MSB 16 bits. To change the sum by writing a floating-point value, the MSB 16
bits must be written first.

The cumulative breaking currents can be cleared by writing value zero to them.

Counters for mechanical operations

This function includes a counter that tracks the number of times the monitored CB
is opened, and a second counter that tracks how many of those operations were
caused by a protection stage trip. This requires that one of the controllable
objects (see 5.6 Controllable objects on page 84) has been configured to
represent the CB and this object has been selected in the Monitored object

Internally, each object has its own open counter and the counter for the monitored
object is shown under Opening counts, Trip counts and Rack-out counter (see
Figure 149 - Counters for mechanical operations on page 243). These open
counters are incremented even when this function has been disabled. In contrast,
the trip counter is incremented when the monitored object is opened by a
protection stage trip and this function is enabled. Thus, if you change the
monitored object, the open counter value switches to the counter of the new
object, but the trip counter continues from its current value. Both counters' values
can be changed.

242 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 149 - Counters for mechanical operations

The number of times the monitored CB is racked out from the bay is tracked by its
own counter. This requires that a digital input is set up to indicate when the CB is
racked out75. This digital input is selected under Rack-out counter. Each digital
input has its own counter. The same counter is also found in the Digital inputs
setting view.

Operate times logs

This function records the completion times for the eight previous open, close, and
charge operations of the monitored CB. Each operate time is recorded with a
timestamp indicating when the operation was completed. This function also keeps
a cumulative moving average of 20 previous operate times for each of the three

The completion times are recorded even if this function has been disabled,
provided that the monitored object has been selected.

All three logs of completion times can be cleared by the Clear logs command.

Figure 150 - CB opening times

The charging times are recorded in seconds whereas the opening and closing
times are recorded in milliseconds.

The operate times can be read over the Modbus protocol as floating-point values
(IEEE 754, binary32), so that a range of holding registers is used to represent all
operate times of a given category, from the newest to oldest. Each operate time is

75 When the CB r is in the bay, this digital input has logical value false, and when the CB is racked
out, this input has logical value true.

P3T/en M/F006 243

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

represented in two consecutive holding registers, so that the register in the lower
address contains the MSB 16 bits.

Empty or unused cells in the log give value zero.

If an opening time or a closing time is greater than 300 milliseconds, this value is
given as NaN (not-a-number) when it is read as a floating-point value. Similarly,
charging times greater than 60 seconds are given as NaN.

7.11 Energy pulse outputs


The relay can be configured to send a pulse whenever a certain amount of energy
has been imported or exported. The principle is presented in Figure 151 -
Principle of energy pulses on page 244. Each time the energy level reaches the
pulse size, a digital output is activated and the relay is active as long as defined
by a pulse duration setting.

Figure 151 - Principle of energy pulses

100 ms − 5 000 ms

10 – 10 000 kWh

The relay has four energy pulse outputs. The output channels are:

• active exported energy

• reactive exported energy
• active imported energy
• reactive imported energy

Each channel can be connected to any combination of the digital outputs using
the output matrix. The parameters for the energy pulses can be found in the
ENERGY menu "E" under the submenus E-PULSE SIZES and E-PULSE

244 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Table 108 - Energy pulse output parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description

E-PULSE SIZES E+ 10 – 10 000 kWh Pulse size of active exported


Eq+ 10 – 10 000 kvarh Pulse size of reactive exported


E- 10 – 10 000 kWh Pulse size of active imported


Eq- 10 – 10 000 kvarh Pulse size of reactive imported


E-PULSE E+ 100 – 5000 ms Pulse length of active exported


Eq+ 100 – 5000 ms Pulse length of reactive

exported energy

E- 100 – 5000 ms Pulse length of active imported


Eq- 100 – 5000 ms Pulse length of reactive

imported energy

Scaling examples

1. The average active exported power is 250 MW.

The peak active exported power is 400 MW.

The pulse size is 250 kWh.

The average pulse frequency is 250/0.250 = 1000 pulses/h.

The peak pulse frequency is 400/0.250 = 1600 pulses/h.

Set pulse length to 3600/1600 - 0.2 = 2.0 s or less.

The lifetime of the mechanical digital output is 50x106/1000 h = 6 a.

This is not a practical scaling example unless a digital output lifetime of about
six years is accepted.

2. The average active exported power is 100 MW.

The peak active exported power is 800 MW.

The pulse size is 400 kWh.

The average pulse frequency is 100/0.400 = 250 pulses/h.

The peak pulse frequency is 800/0.400 = 2000 pulses/h.

Set pulse length to 3600/2000 - 0.2 = 1.6 s or less.

The lifetime of the mechanical digital output is 50x106/250 h = 23 a.

3. Average active exported power is 20 MW.

Peak active exported power is 70 MW.

P3T/en M/F006 245

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Pulse size is 60 kWh.

The average pulse frequency is 25/0.060 = 416.7 pulses/h.

The peak pulse frequency is 70/0.060 = 1166.7 pulses/h.

Set pulse length to 3600/1167 - 0.2 = 2.8 s or less.

The lifetime of the mechanical digital output is 50x106/417 h = 14 a.

4. Average active exported power is 1900 kW.

Peak active exported power is 50 MW.

Pulse size is 10 kWh.

The average pulse frequency is 1900/10 = 190 pulses/h.

The peak pulse frequency is 50000/10 = 5000 pulses/h.

Set pulse length to 3600/5000 - 0.2 = 0.5 s or less.

The lifetime of the mechanical digital output is 50x106/190 h = 30 a.

Figure 152 - Application example of wiring the energy pulse outputs to a PLC
having common plus and using an external wetting voltage

Easergy P3 PLC

Active exported Pulse counter input 1

energy pulses +E

Reactive exported Pulse counter input 2

energy pulses +Eq

Active imported Pulse counter input 3

energy pulses -E

Reactive imported Pulse counter input 4

energy pulses -Eq

246 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 153 - Application example of wiring the energy pulse outputs to a PLC
having common minus and using an external wetting voltage

Easergy P3 +
Active exported
energy pulses +E
Pulse counter input 1

Reactive exported
energy pulses +Eq
Pulse counter input 2

Active imported
energy pulses -E
Pulse counter input 3

Reactive imported
energy pulses -Eq
Pulse counter input 4

Figure 154 - Application example of wiring the energy pulse outputs to a PLC
having common minus and an internal wetting voltage.

Easergy P3 PLC

Active exported Pulse counter input 1

energy pulses +E

Reactive exported
energy pulses +Eq Pulse counter input 2

Active imported
Pulse counter input 3
energy pulses -E

Reactive imported
energy pulses -Eq Pulse counter input 4

7.12 Running hour counter


The running hour counter is typically used to monitor the service time of the motor
or appropriate feeder. This function calculates the total active time of the selected
digital input, virtual I/O function button, GOOSE signal, POC signal or output
matrix output signal. The resolution is ten seconds and the data is stored in the
non-volatile memory.

P3T/en M/F006 247

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions


Table 109 - Running hour counter parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Runh 0...876000 h Total active time, hours (Set)76

Note: The label text "Runh" can be edited with

Easergy Pro.

Runs 0...3599 s Total active time, seconds (Set)

Starts 0...65535 Activation counter (Set)

Status Stop Current status of the selected digital signal


Started at Date and time of the last activation

Stopped at Date and time of the last inactivation

76 (Set) = An informative value which can be edited as well.

7.13 Timers

The Easergy P3 protection platform includes four settable timers that can be used
together with the user's programmable logic or to control setting groups and other
applications that require actions based on calendar time. Each timer has its own
settings. The selected on-time and off-time is set, after which the activation of the
timer can be set to be as daily or according to the day of the week (See the
setting parameters for details). The timer outputs are available for logic functions
and for the block and output matrix.

248 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 155 - Timer output sequence in different modes

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

(not in use)












You can force any timer, which is in use, on or off. The forcing is done by writing a
new status value. No forcing flag is needed as in forcing for example the digital

The forced time is valid until the next forcing or until the next reversing timed act
from the timer itself.

The status of each timer is stored in the non-volatile memory when the auxiliary
power is switched off. At startup, the status of each timer is recovered.
Table 110 - Setting parameters of timers

Parameter Value Description

TimerN - Timer status

- Not in use

0 Output is inactive

1 Output is active

On hh:mm:ss Activation time of the timer

Off hh:mm:ss De-activation time of the timer

Mode For each four timers there are 12 different modes available:

- The timer is off and not running. The output is off i.e. 0 all the

Daily The timer switches on and off once every day.

Monday The timer switches on and off every Monday.

Tuesday The timer switches on and off every Tuesday.

P3T/en M/F006 249

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Description

Wednesday The timer switches on and off every Wednesday.

Thursday The timer switches on and off every Thursday.

Friday The timer switches on and off every Friday.

Saturday The timer switches on and off every Saturday.

Sunday The timer switches on and off every Sunday.

MTWTF The timer switches on and off every day except Saturdays
and Sundays

MTWTFS The timer switches on and off every day except Sundays.

SatSun The timer switches on and off every Saturday and Sunday.

7.14 Combined overcurrent status


This function collects faults, fault types and registered fault currents of all enabled
overcurrent stages and shows them in the event log.

The combined overcurrent status can be used as an indication of faults.

Combined o/c indicates the amplitude of the last occurred fault. Also, a separate
indication of the fault type is informed during the start and the trip. Active phases
during the start and the trip are activated in the output matrix. After the fault is
switched off, the active signals release after the set delay “clearing delay“ has
passed. The combined o/c status referes to the following over current stages:
50/51-1, 50/51-2, 50/51-3, 67-1, 67-2, 67-3, 67-4.

Table 111 - Line fault parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

IFltLas Current of the latest overcurrent fault (Set)


AlrA - Start (=alarm) status for each phase.

AlrB 0 0 = No start since alarm ClrDly

AlrC 1 1 = Start is on

OCs - Combined overcurrent start status.

0 AlrL1 = AlrL2 = AlrL3 = 0

1 AlrL1 = 1 or AlrL2 = 1 or AlrL3 = 1

250 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

LxAlarm - 'On' Event enabling for AlrL1 – 3 Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

LxAlarmOff - 'Off' Event enabling for AlrL1...3 Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

OCAlarm - 'On' Event enabling for combined o/c starts Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

OCAlarmOff - 'Off' Event enabling for combined o/c starts Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

IncFltEvnt - Disabling several start and trip events of the Set

same fault

Off Several events are enabled 77

Several events of an increasing fault is

disabled 78

ClrDly 0 – 65535 s Duration for active alarm status AlrL1, Alr2, AlrL3 Set
and OCs
77 Used with IEC 60870-105-103 communication protocol. The alarm screen shows the latest fault
current if it is the biggest registered fault current, too. Not used with Spabus because Spabus masters
usually do not like to have unpaired On/Off events.
78 Used with SPA-bus protocol because most SPA-bus masters need an off-event for each

corresponding on-event.

Parameter Value Unit Description Note


FltL1 - Fault (=trip) status for each phase.

FltL2 0 0 = No fault since fault ClrDly

FltL3 1 1 = Fault is on

OCt - Combined overcurrent trip status.

0 FltL1 = FltL2 = FltL3 = 0

1 FltL1 = 1 or FltL2 = 1 or FltL3 = 1

LxTrip - 'On' Event enabling for FltL1 – 3 Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

P3T/en M/F006 251

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

LxTripOff - 'Off' Event enabling for FltL1...3 Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

OCTrip - 'On' Event enabling for combined o/c trips Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

OCTripOff - 'Off' Event enabling for combined o/c starts Set

On Events are enabled

Off Events are disabled

IncFltEvnt - Disabling several events of the same fault Set

On Several events are enabled 79

Off Several events of an increasing fault is

disabled 80

ClrDly 0 – 65535 Duration for active alarm status FltL1, Flt2, FltL3 Set
and OCt
79 Used with IEC 60870-105-103 communication protocol. The alarm screen shows the latest fault
current if it is the biggest registered fault current, too. Not used with Spabus because Spabus masters
usually do not like to have unpaired On/Off events.
80 Used with SPA-bus protocol because most SPA-bus masters need an off-event for each

corresponding on-event.

Figure 156 - Combined o/c status

The fault that can be seen in the Figure 156 - Combined o/c status on page 252
was 3.18 times to nominal and it increased in to a two phase short circuit L1-L2.

252 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

All signals those are stated as “1” are also activated in the output matrix. After the
fault disappears, the activated signals release.

The combined overcurrent status can be found from Easergy Pro through
Protection > Protection stage status 2.

7.15 Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74)


Trip circuit supervision is used to ensure that the wiring from the protective relay
to a circuit breaker (CB) is in order. Even though the trip circuit is unused most of
the time, keeping it in order is important so that the CB can be tripped whenever
the relay detects a fault in the network.

The digital inputs of the relay can be used for trip circuit monitoring.

Also the closing circuit can be supervised using the same principle.

NOTE: Apply trip circuit supervision using a digital input and its programmable
time delay.

7.15.1 Trip circuit supervision with one digital input

The benefits of this scheme are that only one digital inputs is needed and no extra
wiring from the relay to the circuit breaker (CB) is needed. Also, supervising a 24
Vdc trip circuit is possible.

The drawback is that an external resistor is needed to supervise the trip circuit on
both CB positions. If supervising during the closed position only is enough, the
resistor is not needed.

• The digital input is connected parallel to the trip contacts (see Figure 157 -
Trip circuit supervision using a single digital input and an external resistor R
on page 254).
• The digital input is configured as normal closed (NC).
• The digital input delay is configured to be longer than the maximum fault time
to inhibit any superfluous trip circuit fault alarm when the trip contact is closed.
• The digital input is connected to a relay in the output matrix giving out any trip
circuit alarm.
• The trip relay must be configured as non-latched. Otherwise, a superfluous
trip circuit fault alarm follows after the trip contact operates, and the relay
remains closed because of latching.
• By utilizing an auxiliary contact of the CB for the external resistor, also the
auxiliary contact in the trip circuit can be supervised.

P3T/en M/F006 253

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 157 - Trip circuit supervision using a single digital input and an external
resistor R

+VAUX = 24 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control

52b 52a


The circuit-breaker is in the closed position. The supervised circuitry in this CB

position is double-lined. The digital input is in active state when the trip circuit is

This is applicable to any digital inputs.

NOTE: The need for the external resistor R depends on the application and
circuit breaker manufacturer's specifications.

254 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 158 - Alternative connection without using circuit breaker 52b auxiliary

+VAUX = 24 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control



Trip circuit supervision using a single digital input and an external resistor R. The
circuit breaker is in the closed position. The supervised circuitry in this CB
position is double-lined. The digital input is in active state when the trip circuit is

Alternative connection without using circuit breaker 52b auxiliary contacts. This is
applicable for any digital inputs.

P3T/en M/F006 255

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 159 - Trip circuit supervision using a single digital input when the circuit
breaker is in open position

+VAUX = 24 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control

52b 52a


256 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 160 - Alternative connection without using circuit breaker 52b auxiliary
contacts. Trip circuit supervision using a single digital input, when the circuit
breaker is in open position

+VAUX = 24 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control



Figure 161 - Example of digital input DI7 configuration for trip circuit supervision
with one digital input

P3T/en M/F006 257

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 162 - Example of output matrix configuration for trip circuit supervision with
one digital input

Example of dimensioning the external resistor R

VAUX = 110 Vdc - 20 % + 10%, Auxiliary voltage with tolerance

VDI = 18 Vdc, Threshold voltage of the digital input

IDI = 3 mA, Typical current needed to activate the digital input including a 1 mA
safety margin.

PCOIL = 50 W, Rated power of the open coil of the circuit breaker. If this value is
not known, 0 Ω can be used for the RCOIL.

VMIN = VAUX - 20 % = 88 V

VMAX = VAUX + 10 % = 121 V


The external resistance value is calculated using Equation 33 on page 258:

Equation 33

V MIN − V DI − I DI ⋅ RCoil

R = (88 – 18 – 0.003 x 242)/0.003 = 23.1 kΩ

In practice, the coil resistance has no effect.

By selecting the next smaller standard size, we get 22 kΩ.

The power rating for the external resistor is estimated using Equation 34 on page
258 and Equation 35 on page 259.

The Equation 34 on page 258 is for the CB open situation including a 100 %
safety margin to limit the maximum temperature of the resistor:

Equation 34

P = 2 ⋅ I DI ⋅R

P = 2 x 0.0032 x 22000 = 0.40 W

Select the next bigger standard size, for example 0.5 W.

258 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

When the trip contacts are still closed and the CB is already open, the resistor
has to withstand much higher power (Equation 35 on page 259) for this short

Equation 35


P = 1212 / 22000 = 0.67 W

A 0.5 W resistor is enough for this short time peak power, too. However, if the trip
relay is closed for longer than a few seconds, a 1 W resistor should be used.

7.15.2 Trip circuit supervision with two digital inputs

The benefit of this scheme is that no external resistor is needed.

The drawbacks are that two digital inputs (DIs) and two extra wires from the relay
to the CB compartment are needed. Additionally, the minimum allowed auxiliary
voltage is 48 V dc which is more than twice the threshold voltage of the digital
input because when the CB is in open position, the two digital inputs are in series.

When two DIs are connected in a series, the switching threshold value used with
one DI is too high. Therefore, a lower value must be selected: 24 V if the nominal
operation voltage for DI inputs is 110 V or 110 V if the nominal operation voltage
is 220 V.

• The first digital input is connected parallel to the auxiliary contact of the circuit
breaker's open coil.
• Another auxiliary contact is connected in series with the circuitry of the first
digital input. This makes it possible to supervise also the auxiliary contact in
the trip circuit.
• The second digital input is connected in parallel with the trip contacts.
• Both inputs are configured as normal closed (NC).
• The user’s programmable logic is used to combine the digital input signals
with an AND port. The delay is configured to be longer than the maximum
fault time to inhibit any superfluous trip circuit fault alarm when the trip contact
is closed.
• The output from the logic is connected to a relay in the output matrix giving
out any trip circuit alarm.

P3T/en M/F006 259

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 163 - Trip circuit supervision with two digital inputs. The CB is closed. The
supervised circuitry in this CB position is double-lined. The digital input is in active
state when the trip circuit is complete. This is applicable for all digital inputs.

+VAUX = 48 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control

52b 52a


260 P3T/en M/F006

7 Supporting functions Transformer protection relay

Figure 164 - Trip circuit supervision with two digital inputs. The CB is in the open
position. The two digital inputs are now in series.

+VAUX = 48 Vdc ... 240 Vdc

Digital input

Trip relay

Alarm relay
for trip
circuit failure trip circuit
failure alarm
0.5 s

relay compartment

circuit breaker compartment

close control

52b 52a


Figure 165 - An example of digital input configuration for trip circuit supervision
with two digital inputs DI1 and DI2.

P3T/en M/F006 261

Transformer protection relay 7 Supporting functions

Figure 166 - An example of logic configuration for trip circuit supervision with two
digital inputs DI1 and DI2.

Figure 167 - An example of output matrix configuration for trip circuit supervision
with two digital inputs.

262 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

8 Communication and protocols

8.1 Cybersecurity
According to a classic model of information security, the three security goals are:

• confidentiality (prevention of unauthorized disclosure of information)

• integrity (prevention of unauthorized modification of information)
• availability (ensuring that information is always available to authorized users)
These goals may be used as a starting point in designing security solutions for
electric power distribution.

We recommend that computer systems used to design or operate electric power

distribution systems are designed with the principle of least privilege, in other
words, that users only have those access rights that they needs to perform their
duties. All workstations and servers should also have an effective antimalware
solution in place, such as a virus scanner. Finally, these computer systems need
to be protected with adequate physical security measures to prevent physical
tampering of the devices or networks.


To improve cybersecurity:

• Change all passwords from their default values when taking the protection
device into use.
• Change all passwords regularly.

Failure to follow these instructions can increase the risk of unauthorized


Related topics
Access to device configuration on page 28

8.2 Communication ports

The relay has one fixed communication port: a USB port on the front panel for
connection to Easergy Pro setting and configuration tool.

Optionally, the relay may have up to to two serial ports, COM 3 and COM 4, for
serial protocols (for example IEC 103) and one Ethernet port for Ethernet-based
communication protocols (for example IEC 61850).

The number of available serial ports depends on the type of the communication
option cards.

Each communication port can be individually enabled or disabled with the

Configurator access level via:
• the front panel of the Easergy P3 protection device
• Easergy Pro
• the web HMI

P3T/en M/F006 263

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

Figure 168 - Ethernet, COM 1 and COM 2 ports

NOTE: It is possible to have up to 2 serial communication protocols

simultaneously in the same D9 and Ethernet connector but restriction is that
same protocol can be used only once.

The Protocol configuration setting view contains selection for the protocol, port
settings and message/error/timeout counters. Only serial communication
protocols are valid with RS-232 interface.

Figure 169 - Protocol configuration setting view

264 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

Table 112 - Parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Protocol Protocol selection for COM port Set

None -

SPA-bus SPA-bus (slave)

ProfibusDP Interface to Profibus DB module VPA 3CG


ModbusSlv Modbus RTU slave

IEC-103 IEC-60870-5-103 (slave)

ExternalIO Modbus RTU master for external I/O-modules

IEC 101 IEC-608670-5-101

DNP3 DNP 3.0

DeviceNet Interface to DeviceNet module VSE 009

GetSet Communicationi protocola for Easergy Pro


Msg# 0 – 232 - 1 Message counter since the relay has restarted Clr
or since last clearing

Errors 0 – 216 - 1 Protocol interruption since the relay has Clr

restarted or since last clearing

Tout 0 – 216 - 1 Timeout interruption since the relay has Clr

restarted or since last clearing

Display of current communication parameters. 1.

speed = bit/s

D = number of data bits

P = parity: none, even, odd

S = number of stop bits

Set = An editable parameter (password needed)

Clr = Clearing to zero is possible

1. The communication parameters are set in the protocol specific menus. For the local
port command line interface the parameters are set in configuration menu.

8.2.1 Ethernet port

The Ethernet port is used for Ethernet protocols like IEC61850 and Modbus TCP.

The physical interface is described in 10.6 Connections on page 288.

P3T/en M/F006 265

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

The parameters for the port can be set via the device's front panel or using
Easergy Pro. Two different protocols can be used simultaneously – both protocols
use the same IP address and MAC address (but different port number).

8.2.2 Disabling the Ethernet communication


To improve cybersecurity, disable the Ethernet communication in environments

where effective antimalware solutions have not been taken into use.

Failure to follow these instructions can increase the risk of unauthorized


1. To disable all Ethernet-based protocols:

a. In Easergy Pro, go to Communication > Protocol configuration.

b. Under Ethernet port, disable the Ethernet port by unselecting the Enable
communication port checkbox.

Figure 170 - Disabling the Ethernet port

This disables all the Ethernet-based protocols (FTP, HTTP, Telnet, and
Ethernet protocols).

2. To disable FTP, HTTP, Telnet, or Ethernet protocols separately:

a. Under Ethernet port, select the Enable communication port checkbox.

b. Unselect the Enable... checkbox for the servers or protocols you want to

266 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

Figure 171 - Disabling individual Ethernet-based protocols

8.3 Communication protocols

The protocols enable the transfer of the following type of data:

• events
• status information
• measurements
• control commands
• clock synchronization
• some settings through SPA bus, IEC-103, Modbus and IEC-61850 protocols
• disturbance recordings through IEC-103, Modbus and IEC-61850 protocols

8.3.1 Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP

Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP protocols are often used in power plants and
industrial applications. The difference between these two protocols is the media.
Modbus TCP uses Ethernet and Modbus RTU uses RS-485, optic fibre, or

Easergy Pro shows a list of all available data items for Modbus. They are also
available as a zip file ("Communication parameter protocol mappings.zip").

The information available via Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP includes:

• status values
• control commands
• measurement values
• events
• protection settings
• disturbance recordings

The Modbus communication is activated via a menu selection with the parameter
"Protocol". See 8.2 Communication ports on page 263.

P3T/en M/F006 267

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

For more information on Modbus configuration, see the document

P3APS18025EN Modbus configuration instructions.

For the Ethernet interface configuration, see 8.2.1 Ethernet port on page 265.

8.3.2 Profibus DP

The Profibus DP protocol is widely used in the industry. An external VPA 3CG and
VX072 cables are required.

Device profile "continuous mode"

In this mode, the relay is sending a configured set of data parameters

continuously to the Profibus DP master. The benefit of this mode is the speed and
easy access to the data in the Profibus master. The drawback is the maximum
buffer size of 128 bytes, which limits the number of data items transferred to the
master. Some PLCs have their own limitation for the Profibus buffer size, which
may further limit the number of transferred data items.

Device profile "Request mode"

Using the request mode, it is possible to read all the available data from the
Easergy P3 relay and still use only a very short buffer for Profibus data transfer.
The drawback is the slower overall speed of the data transfer and the need of
increased data processing at the Profibus master as every data item must be
separately requested by the master.

NOTE: In the request mode, it is not possible to read continuously only one
single data item. At least two different data items must be read in turn to get
updated data from the relay.

There is a separate manual for VPA 3CG for the continuous mode and request
mode. The manual is available for downloading on our website.

Available data

Easergy Pro shows the list of all available data items for both modes. A separate
document "Communication parameter protocol mappings.zip" is also available.

The Profibus DP communication is activated usually for remote port via a menu
selection with parameter "Protocol". See 8.2 Communication ports on page 263.

8.3.3 SPA-bus

The relay has full support for the SPA-bus protocol including reading and writing
the setting values. Also, reading multiple consecutive status data bits,
measurement values or setting values with one message is supported.

Several simultaneous instances of this protocol, using different physical ports, are
possible, but the events can be read by one single instance only.

There is a separate document "Communication parameter protocol mappings.zip"

of SPA-bus data items available.

268 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

8.3.4 IEC 60870-5-103 (IEC-103)

The IEC standard 60870-5-103 "Companion standard for the informative interface
of protection equipment" provides a standardized communication interface to a
primary system (master system).

The unbalanced transmission mode of the protocol is used, and the relay
functions as a secondary station (slave) in the communication. Data is transferred
to the primary system using the "data acquisition by polling" principle.

The IEC functionality includes application functions:

• station initialization
• general interrogation
• clock synchronization
• command transmission.

It is also possible to transfer parameter data and disturbance recordings via the
IEC 103 protocol interface.

The following application service data unit (ASDU) types can be used:
• ASDU 1: Time-tagged message
• ASDU 3: Measurands I
• ASDU 5: Identification message
• ASDU 6: Time synchronization
• ASDU 8: Termination of general interrogation
• ASDU 10: Generic data

The relay accepts:

• ASDU 6: Time synchronization
• ASDU 7: Initiation of general interrogation
• ASDU 10: Generic data
• ASDU 20: General command
• ASDU 21: Generic command
• ASDU 23: Disturbance recorder file transfer

The data in a message frame is identified by:

• type identification
• function type
• information number.
These are fixed for data items in the compatible range of the protocol, for
example, the trip of I> function is identified by:
• type identification = 1
• function type = 160
• information number = 90

"Private range" function types are used for such data items that are not defined by
the standard (for example, the status of the digital inputs and the control of the

The function type and information number used in private range messages is
configurable. This enables flexible interfacing to different master systems.

For more information on IEC 60870-5-103 in Easergy P3 relays, see the "IEC 103
Interoperability List.pdf" and "Communication parameter protocol mappings.zip"

P3T/en M/F006 269

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

8.3.5 DNP 3.0

The relay supports communication using the DNP 3.0 protocol. The following
DNP 3.0 data types are supported:
• binary input
• binary input change
• double-bit input
• binary output
• analog input
• counters

8.3.6 IEC 60870-5-101 (IEC-101)

The IEC 60870-5-101 standard is derived from the IEC 60870-5 protocol standard
definition. In Easergy P3 relays, the IEC 60870-5-101 communication protocol is
available via menu selection. The relay works as a controlled outstation (slave)
unit in unbalanced mode.

The supported application functions include process data transmission, event

transmission, command transmission, general interrogation, clock
synchronization, transmission of integrated totals, and acquisition of transmission

For more information on IEC 60870-5-101 in Easergy P3 relays, see the

"Communication parameter protocol mappings.zip" document.

8.3.7 IEC 61850

The IEC 61850 protocol is available with the optional communication module. It
can be used to read or write static data from the relay or to receive events and to
receive or send GOOSE messages from or to other relays.

The IEC 61850 server interface includes the following features:

• configurable data model: selection of logical nodes corresponding to active

application functions
• configurable pre-defined data sets
• supported dynamic data sets created by clients
• supported reporting function with buffered and unbuffered Report Control
• sending analog values over GOOSE
• supported control modes:
◦ direct with normal security
◦ direct with enhanced security
◦ select before operation with normal security
◦ select before operation with enhanced security
• supported horizontal communication with GOOSE: configurable GOOSE
publisher data sets, configurable filters for GOOSE subscriber inputs, GOOSE
inputs available in the application logic matrix
• 32 data points can be published with GOOSE (two goose control blocks with
maximum 16 data points).
• 64 binary data points and five analog data points can be subscribed in
GOOSE (maximum five different MAC addresses).

270 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

• The maximum number of clients is eight (the maximum number of BRCBs is

eight and the maximum number or URCBs is eight).
• Both Ed1 and Ed2 are supported and can be selected with a parameter.

For additional information, see separate documents:

• IEC 61850 Edition 2 Certificate for Easergy P3
• Easergy P3 communication protocol parameter mapping
• IEC 61850 configuration instructions

8.3.8 HTTP server – Webset

The Webset HTTPS configuration interface provides the option to configure the
relay with a standard web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or
Google Chrome. The feature is available when the communication option C, D, N
or R is in use.

A subset of the relays's features is available in the Webset interface. The group
list and group view from the relay are provided, and most groups, except the
LOGIC and the MIMIC groups are configurable.

8.4 IP filter
Easergy P3 devices contain a simple IP filter (IP firewall), which can be used to
filter incoming TCP/IP connections. This filtering applies only to Modbus TCP,
DNP3, and Ethernet/IP, and can be configured via Easergy Pro.

Figure 172 - IP firewall setting view

The IP filter works based on configured rules. Incoming IP packets are compared
against the rules, and when a matching rule is found, the packet is handled using
the action specified for the rule. If none of the rules matches the packet, the
default action is taken on the packet. The IP filter records how many times a
packet has matched a rule. The number is shown in the Counter column.

On TCP connections, the rules are mostly applied only when a connection is

P3T/en M/F006 271

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

8.4.1 Configuring the IP filter

You can configure up to 10 rules for the IP filter via Easergy Pro and enable each
rule individually.

1. In Easergy Pro, go to Communication > Protocol configuration.

2. In the IP firewall setting view, select the Enable IP firewall checkbox to

enable the firewall.

Figure 173 - IP firewall setting view

3. In the IP firewall setting view, create a rule.

a. In the Name column, give the rule a name (maximum 32 characters) that
describes its purpose .

b. In the IP address column, specify an IP address.

The IP address is used to filter the incoming IP packets based on the
(apparent) IP address of the source device. There are four options.
Table 113 - IP address for the IP filter

IP address Description

Any By writing a dash or value zero in this column, the rule is set to
match any source IP address. The column shows a dash.

Single IP If a single IP address (such as is written here, the

address packets (or connections) must originate from this IP address to
match the rule.

IP subnet If all IP addresses in a subnet should match this rule, write the
subnet here using the CIDR notation. For example, notation matches all IP addresses in the range–

IP address If a range of IP addresses (for example,–

range is written here, packets from these addresses
match the rule. Both end points of this range are inclusive.

NOTE: If the matching range of IP addresses can be expressed using

the CIDR notation, the range is expressed in this format, regardless of
how the range was entered into the configuration. As a result, the

272 P3T/en M/F006

8 Communication and protocols Transformer protection relay

presentation format of the configuration as it is read from the device

might not match the format in which it was entered. This may cause
problems with Easergy Pro because this tool expects the presentation
format to match exactly. To work around this issue, select the Reset
and read current view command in Easergy Pro after writing the
configuration. This is required to handle the large number of different
input formats supported.

c. In the Action column, specify an action for the rule.

There are four options.

Table 114 - Actions for IP filter

Action Description

Allow The packet is allowed to continue normally. This means that the
specified source devices can use the specified services on the P3

Reject81 The packet is blocked and the remote peer is informed about this

Drop The packet is blocked without informing the remote peer.

Cont. The processing of the other rules continues on this packet normally.
81 Because of the implementation details in the Easergy P3 TCP/IP stack, rules that are

given the Reject action sometimes behave as if their action was Drop.

8.4.2 Unexpected packets

The IP filter also can also detect unexpected packets. For example, if a client
attempts to close a connection that does not exist, this is considered an
unexpected packet.

Certain techniques used by hackers produce unexpected packets, but such

packets may also appear on the network if some packets are lost or dropped
because of a malfunctioning network device. Some devices may also have
programming errors or bugs produce unexpected packets in their TCP/IP stack.

The unexpected packets feature attempts to distinguish between these two

sources based on the number of unexpected packets detected within a
configurable “recent period”. If the number of these packets is greater than the
configured limit, the selected alarm signal is triggered.

Figure 174 - Unexpected packets setting view

P3T/en M/F006 273

Transformer protection relay 8 Communication and protocols

Table 115 - Parameters for unexpected packages

Parameter Description

Counter Counts the number of unexpected packets

detected within the configured recent

Limit The limit after which an alarm is given

Recent period The number of unexpected packets

counted within this period is compared to
the configured limit value
• Default value: 1 minute
• Maximum value: 65535 minutes (45

Alarm Select which CS alarm signal (CS Alarm

1/CS Alarm 2) is activated when the set
limit is exceeded. The alarms can be
assigned to other signals in the output

8.4.3 Alarms

Active cybersecurity (CS) alarms can be viewed in the Alarms view. When an
alarm signal has been asserted, it remains active until it is cleared with the Clear
alarms command.

Figure 175 - Alarms

274 P3T/en M/F006

9 Applications and configuration examples Transformer protection relay

9 Applications and configuration examples

This chapter describes the protection functions in different protection applications.

The relay can be used for line/feeder protection of medium voltage networks with
a grounded, low-resistance grounded, isolated or a compensated neutral point.
The relays have all the required functions to be applied as a backup relay in high-
voltage networks or to a transformer differential relay. In addition, the relay
includes all the required functions to be applied as a motor protection relay for
rotating machines in industrial protection applications.

The relays provide a circuit breaker control function. Additional primary switching
relays (grounding switches and disconnector switches) can also be controlled
from the front panel or the control or SCADA/automation system. A
programmable logic function is also implemented in the relay for various
applications, for example interlockings schemes.

9.1 Arc flash detection

Figure 176 - Typical arc flash detection scheme with integrated arc flash option


A 6

B S2

C S1 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1

D T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
S2 S2 S2 S2 S2

1 S3
2 S3
3 S3
4 S3

A. Incomer cable zone

B. Incomer circuit breaker zone
C. Busbar zone
D. Feeder circuit breaker zone
E. Feeder cable zone
F. Light information via BIO L> (feeder cable and circuit breaker)
G. Light information via BIO L> (incomer busbar and circuit breaker)

In this application example, the arc flash sensor for zone E is connected to device
1. If the sensor detects a fault and simultaneously, device 1 detects an
overcurrent signal, zone E is isolated by the outgoing feeder breaker.

The arc flash sensor for the second feeder zone E is connected to device 2, and it
operates the same way. The arc flash sensors for zones C and D are connected
to device 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. If a sensor detects a fault in zone C or D, the light-only

P3T/en M/F006 275

Transformer protection relay 9 Applications and configuration examples

signal is transferred to device 6 which also detects the overcurrent and then trips
the main circuit breaker.

An arc flash fault in zone A or B does not necessarily activate the current
detection in device 6. However, arc flash detection can be achieved by using the
light-only principle. If an arc flash occurs in the cable termination or incomer
circuit breaker in zone A or B, the fault is cleared by an overcurrent signal.

Figure 177 - Arc flash detection application example – fiber


A 6

C T1 T1 T1 T1 T1

1 S1
2 S1
3 S1
4 S1

A. Incomer cable zone

B. Busbar zone
C. Feeder circuit breaker zone
D. Feeder cable zone
E. Light information via BIO L> (incomer busbar and circuit breaker)
F. Light information via BIO L> (feeder cable and circuit breaker)

The fiber-loop arc flash sensor for zone D is connected to device 1. If the sensor
detects a fault and simultaneously, device 1 detects an overcurrent signal, zone D
is isolated by the outgoing feeder breaker.

For the other feeders, the fiber-loop arc flash sensors monitoring zone D are
connected to the appropriate feeder relays and they operate the same way as
feeder 1.

The fiber loop arc flash sensors for zones C, B and A are connected to device 6.
If a sensor detects a fault in zone C, B or A and simultaneously, device 6 detects
an overcurrent signal, the fault is cleared by the incoming breaker operation.

Device 7 measures the overcurrent and receives light detection signals from
zones A, B, and C. It trips the substation if device 6 is unable to measure the

276 P3T/en M/F006

9 Applications and configuration examples Transformer protection relay

Figure 178 - Arc flash detection application example – fiber connections



A. L > (BB & CB) via fibre-optic link

B. Feeder
C. Incomer

Figure 179 - Arc matrix – light

Figure 180 - Arc matrix – output

P3T/en M/F006 277

Transformer protection relay 9 Applications and configuration examples

9.2 Using CSH120 and CSH200 with core balance CTs


The CSH120 and CSH200 core balance CTs are for direct ground fault
overcurrent measurement. The only difference between them is the diameter.
Because of their low-voltage insulation, they can only be used on cables.

These core balance CTs can be connected to the Easergy P3 protection relay
range when 0.2 A IN input is used. This needs to be determined when ordering
the protection relay (select 0.2 A for the ground fault current input in the order

Settings in the Easergy P3 protection relay

When CSH120 or CSH200 is connected to an Easergy P3 protection relay, to

secure correct operation of the protection functions and measurement values, use
the following values in the Scaling setting view:

• INX CT primary: 470 A

• INX CT secondary: 1 A
• Nominal INX input: 0.2 A

NOTE: X refers to the IN input channel number (1 or 2).

Figure 181 - Scalings view for IN2 input

Measuring specifications

When CSH120 or CSH200 is used with Easergy P3 protection relays the

measuring range is 0.2 A–300 A of primary current. The minimum setting for
primary current is 0.005xIN which in this case means 0.005 x 470 A = 2.35 A of
primary current.

278 P3T/en M/F006

9 Applications and configuration examples Transformer protection relay

Figure 182 - Ground fault overcurrent setting view

P3T/en M/F006 279

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

10 Installation

10.1 Safety in installation

This page contains important safety instructions that must be followed precisely
before attempting to install, repair, service or maintain electrical equipment.
Carefully read and follow the safety instructions described below. Only qualified
personnel, equipped with appropriate individual protection equipment, may work
on or operate the equipment. Qualified personnel are individuals who:
• are familiar with the installation, commissioning, and operation of the
equipment and of the system to which it is being connected.
• are able to safely perform switching operations in accordance with accepted
safety engineering practices and are authorised to energize and de-energize
equipment and to isolate, ground, and label it.
• are trained in the care and use of safety apparatus in accordance with safety
engineering practices.
• are trained in emergency procedures (first aid).


• Turn off all power supplying the protection relay and the equipment in
which it is installed before working on it.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that power
is off.
• Replace all devices, doors, and covers before turning on power to this
• Apply appropriate personal protective equipment and follow safe electrical
work practices. See local regulation.
• Do not install this product in ATEX class 0, 1 and 2 areas.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Insufficient tightening causes high contact resistance and overheat with

current, in extreme cases, even loose and ineffective connections and fire
hazard. Tighten all the electric connections with specified torque.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious


280 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay


Do not energize the primary circuit before this protection relay is properly

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury,

or equipment damage.


If you are authorized to withdraw the relay:

• Disconnect the power supply before removing or replacing a module or
the withdrawable part of the protection relay.
• Never touch electronic parts (electrostatic discharge).
• Before replacing the withdrawable part, visually check the cleanliness and
if there are any foreign objects in the case, the withdrawable part and the

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment


Protection Class I equipment

Before energizing the equipment it must be grounded using the protective

conductor terminal, if provided, or the appropriate termination of the supply plug in
the case of plug connected equipment.

The protective conductor (ground) connection must not be removed since the
protection against electric shock provided by the equipment would be lost.

When the protective (ground) conductor terminal (PCT) is also used to terminate
cable screens, etc., it is essential that the integrity of the protective (ground)
conductor is checked after the addition or removal of such functional ground
connections. For M4 stud PCTs the integrity of the protective (ground)
connections should be ensured by use of a locknut or similar.

The recommended minimum protective conductor (ground) wire size is 2.5 mm²
(AWG 14) (3.3 mm² (AWG 12) for North America) unless otherwise stated in the
technical data section of the equipment documentation, or otherwise required by
local or country wiring regulations.

The protective conductor (ground) connection must be low-inductance and as

short as possible. All connections to the equipment must have a defined potential.
Connections that are pre-wired, but not used, should preferably be grounded
when binary inputs and output relays are isolated. When binary inputs and output
relays are connected to common potential, the pre-wired but unused connections
should be connected to the common potential of the grouped connections.

10.2 Checking the consignment

• Check that the unit packaging and the seal are intact at the receipt of the
delivery. Our products leave the factory in closed, sealed packaging. If the

P3T/en M/F006 281

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

transport packaging is open or the seal is broken, the confidentiality and

authenticity of the information contained in the products cannot be ensured.

10.3 Product identification

Each Easergy P3 relay is delivered in a separate package containing:

• Easergy P3 protection relay with the necessary terminal connectors

• Production testing certificate
• Quick Start manual

Optional accessories are delivered in separate packages.

To identify an Easergy P3 protection relay, see the labels on the package and on
the side of the relay.

Serial number label

Figure 183 - Serial number label

1 Vn: 100/110V Made in Finland

2 fn: 50/60Hz 12 Mfg Date: 27.7.2017
3 In: 1/5A 5 I n:
1/5A 13 MAC: 001AD3011FF1
4 Io1n: 5/1A 6 Io2n: 1/0.2A
8 P: 50W 7 Io3n: 1/5A
9 Vaux: 110 - 240 Vac/dc
S/N: 11 EB173020002 14 VID: P3G32-001017

1. Rated voltage Vn
2. Rated frequency fn
3. Rated phase current In
4. Rated ground fault current I01n
5. Rated phase current I´n *)
6. Rated ground fault current I02n

7. Rated ground fault current I03n82*)

8. Power consumption
9. Power supply operating range VAUX
10. Order code
11. Serial number
12. Manufacturing date
13. MAC address for TCP/IP communication
14. Production identification

82 *)Available in P3M32, P3T32 and P3G32 models only

282 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Unit package label

Figure 184 - P3x3x Unit package label

REL52101 1

Made in Finland
Protection relay
Relais de protection 2 EB172730012
3 REL522101
4 135732
Easergy - P3


3 606481 357 3 28


1. Short order code

2. Serial number
3. Short order code
4. Internal product code
5. Order code
6. EAN13 bar code

10.4 Storage
Store the relay in its original packaging in a closed, sheltered location with the
following ambient conditions:

• ambient temperature: -40 °C to +70 °C (or -40 °F to +158 °F)

• humidity < 90 %.
Check the ambient conditions and the packaging yearly.

P3T/en M/F006 283

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

10.5 Mounting


• Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) and comply with the safe
electrical work practices. For clothing refer applicable local standards.
• Only qualified personnel should install this equipment. Such work should
be performed only after reading this entire set of instructions and checking
the technical characteristics of the relay.
• NEVER work alone.
• Turn off all power supplying this equipment before working on or inside it.
Consider all sources of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing relay to ensure that all power
is off.
• Do not open the secondary circuit of a live current transformer.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Trim the edges of the cut-out plates to remove any jagged edges.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury.

284 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Panel mounting

Figure 185 - Panel mounting

1 225
in 2

erg y
Eas erg y

Eas erg y

.3 6

T max. 1.2 N•m T max. 0.5-0.6 N•m

3b 3c 10.6 lb-in 4.4-5.3 lb-in

2.5 N•m 3 N•m

22 lb-in 27 lb-in

3 4
erg yerg y

min. 2.5mm2
Ø 5-8mm

Nut M5
1.5Nm, 13.3 Ib in

mm 208 253.40
in 264 9.97 24.60
8.18 0.97
10.37 223.33
183 9.17
Easergy 7.20

177 150
6.97 5.91 183

The conventional mounting technique has always been installing the relay on the
secondary compartment's door. A limitation of this approach could be that the
door construction is not strong enough for the relay's weight and wiring a large
amount of secondary and communication cabling could be challenging.

P3T/en M/F006 285

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Panel mounting with detachable display

Figure 186 - Panel mounting with detachable display

mm 247
in 9.72
180 199
7.09 7.81

Ease rgy
7.83 150
180 5.91

29 264
1.12 10.37

1 210

Ø5 177
0.2 6.97

mm Torx T-20
in 1.5Nm

20 34
0.79 1.34 Eas erg y

T max. 1.2Nm T max. 0.5...0.6Nm

10.6 lb.in 4.4...5.3 lb.in



min. 2.5mm2
Ø 5-8mm

Nut M5
1.5 Nm, 13.3 Ib in

This mounting technique allows the door to be lighter as the relay's frame is
installed on the back of the secondary compartment. Normally, the relay is
mounted by the terminal blocks, hence the secondary wiring is short.
Communication cabling is easier, too, as the door movement does not need to be
considered. In this case, only the communication between relay base and display
have to be wired.

286 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Projection mounting

Figure 187 - Projection mounting

1 2 8.86

Eas erg y

Easerg y



T max. 1.2Nm T max. 0.5...0.6Nm

3b 3c 10.6 lb.in 4.4...5.3 lb.in

2.5Nm 3Nm
22 lb.in 27 lb.in

3 4

3a y y

3a min. 2.5mm2 Vamp 300

Ø 5-8mm ON





Nut M5
1.5Nm, 13.3 Ib in

mm 269
in 264 208 10.59
10.37 8.18 45
183 1.77
Easergy 7.20
Vamp 300

177 150 177
6.97 5.91
OK 7.0
I O F1

If the depth dimension behind the compartment door is limited, the relay can be
equipped with a frame around the collar. This arrangement reduces the depth
inside the compartment by 45 mm. For more details, see 11.5 Environmental
conditions on page 362.

P3T/en M/F006 287

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Example of the P3 alarm facial label insertion

F1 F2 K L

C D F1 F2

F1 F2

1 2 3

See "P3 Advanced Series facial label instruction" document for more information.

Protective film


The protective film on the relay's display is plastic and can melt if exposed to
high temperatures intensive sunlight. Remove the protective film after mounting
the relay.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

10.6 Connections
The Easergy P3T32 has a fixed combination of analog interface, power supply,
digital input and output, communication and arc flash detection cards as per the
chosen order code. Do not remove cards from the relay's card slots in any


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


288 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

10.6.1 Supply voltage cards

Auxiliary voltage


Before connecting the devices, disconnect the supply voltage to the unit.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

The external auxiliary voltage VAUX (110–240 V ac/dc, or optionally 24–48 V dc) of
the relay is connected to the pins 1/C/1:1–2 or 1/D/1:1–2.


• If the relay is no longer supplied with power or is in permanent fault state,

the protection functions are no longer active and all the Easergy P3 digital
outputs are dropped out.
• Check that the operating mode and SF relay wiring are compatible with the

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage and

unwanted shutdown of the electrical installation.

Figure 188 - Example of supply voltage card Power C 110-240

Table 116 - Supply voltage card Power C 110-240 & Power D 24-48

Pin No. Symbol Description

20 T12 Heavy duty trip relay 12 for arc protection

19 T12 Heavy duty trip relay 12 for arc protection

P3T/en M/F006 289

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Pin No. Symbol Description

18 T11 Heavy duty trip relay 11 for arc protection

17 T11 Heavy duty trip relay 11 for arc protection

16 T10 Heavy duty trip relay 10 for arc protection

15 T10 Heavy duty trip relay 10 for arc protection

14 T9 Heavy duty trip relay 9 for arc protection

13 T9 Heavy duty trip relay 9 for arc protection

12 T1 Heavy duty trip relay 1 for arc protection

11 T1 Heavy duty trip relay 1 for arc protection

10 A1 NO Signal relay 1, normal open connector

9 A1 NC Signal relay 1, normal closed connector

8 A1 Signal relay 1, common connector


7 SF NC Service status output, normal closed

6 SF NO Service status output, normal open

5 SF Service status output, common


4 No connection

3 No connection

2 L/+/~ Auxiliary voltage

1 N/-/~ Auxiliary voltage


Connect the device's protective ground to functional ground according to the

connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

10.6.2 Analog measurement cards


Do not open the secondary circuit of a live current transformer.

Disconnecting the secondary circuit of a live current transformer may cause

dangerous overvoltages.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

290 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay Analog measurement card 1 (slot 8)

This card contains connections for current transformers for measuring of the
phase currents A–C and two ground fault overcurrents IN, and four voltage
transformers for measuring the VN, VLL or VLN.

The relay is able to measure three phase currents, and two ground fault
overcurrents. It also measures up to four voltage signals: line-to-line, line-to-
neutral, neutral displacement voltage and voltage from another side
(synchrocheck). See the voltage modes selection below:

Figure 189 - Analog measurement card “1 = 3L(5A) + 2Io (5/1A+1/0,2A) ring lug +

Table 117 - Terminal pins 8/1/1:1–12

Pin No. Symbol Description

1 IA (S1) Phase current A 5 A (S1)

2 IA (S2) Phase current A 5 A (S2)

3 IB (S1) Phase current B 5 A (S1)

4 IB (S2) Phase current B 5 A (S2)

5 IC (S1) Phase current C 5 A (S1)

6 IC (S2) Phase current C 5 A (S2)

7 IN1 (S1) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 (S1) common

for 5 A and 1 A

8 IN1 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 5 A (S2)

9 IN1 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 1 A (S2)

10 IN2 (S1) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 (S1) common

for 1 A and 0.2 A

P3T/en M/F006 291

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Pin No. Symbol Description

11 IN2 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 1 A (S2)

12 IN2 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 0.2 A (S2)

Table 118 - Terminal pins 8/1/2:1–8

Pin No. Symbol Description

1 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (a) /VLN (a)

2 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (b) /VLN (n)

3 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (a) /VLN (a)

4 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (b) /VLN (n)

5 VN/VLL/VLN VoltageVN(a) / VLL (a) /VLN (a)

6 VN/VLL/VLN Voltage VN(b) /VLL (b) /VLN (n)

7 VN/VLN/VLL Voltage VN (da) / VLL (a) / VLN (n)

8 VN/VLN/VLL Voltage VN (dn) / VLL (b) / VLN (n) Analog measurement card 2 (slot 8)

This card contains connections for current transformers for measuring the phase
currents IA–IC and two ground fault overcurrents IN and four voltage transformers
for measuring the VN, VLL or VLN.

The relay is able to measure three phase currents, and two ground fault
overcurrents. It also measures up to four voltage signals: line-to-line, line-to-
neutral, zero-sequence voltage and voltage from another side (synchro-check).
See the voltage modes selection below:

292 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 190 - Analog measurement card “2 = 3L(1A) + 2Io (5/1A+1/0.2A) ring lug +

Table 119 - Terminal pins 8/2/1:1–12

Pin No. Symbol Description

1 IA (S1) Phase current A1 1 A (S1)

2 IA (S2) Phase current A1 1 A (S2)

3 IB (S1) Phase current B1 1 A (S1)

4 IB (S2) Phase current B1 1 A (S2)

5 IC (S1) Phase current C1 1 A (S1)

6 IC (S2) Phase current C1 1 A (S2)

7 IN1 (S1) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 (S1) common for

5 A and 1 A

8 IN1 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 5 A (S2)

9 IN1 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN1 1 A (S2)

10 IN2 (S1) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 (S1) common for

1 A and 0.2 A

11 IN2 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 1 A (S2)

12 IN2 (S2) Ground fault overcurrent IN2 0.2 A (S2)

Table 120 - Terminal pins 8/2/2:1–8

Pin No. Symbol Description

1 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (a) /VLN (a)

2 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (b) /VLN (n)

3 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (a) /VLN (a)

4 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (b) /VLN (n)

5 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (a) /VLN (a)

P3T/en M/F006 293

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Pin No. Symbol Description

6 VLL/VLN Voltage VLL (b) /VLN (n)

7 VN/VLL/VLN VN (da)/ VLL (a)/ VLN (a)

8 VN/VLL/VLN VN (dn)/ VLL (b)/ VLN (n) Analog measurement card 1 (slot 4)

NOTE: L1, L2, and L3 are IEC phase names. For NEMA, the phases are as
follows: L1=A, L2=B, and L3=C.

This card contains connections for current measurement transformers for

measuring the phase currents L1, L2 and L3 and ground fault overcurrent IN.

Totally, the relay is able to measure six phase currents, three ground fault
overcurrents and additionally four voltages.

Figure 191 - Analog measurement card "1 = 3xI (5/1A) ring lug + Io (5/1A)”

Table 121 - Pins 4/1/1:1–12

Pin No. Symbol Description

1 IA-2 Phase current IA-2 (S1), common for 1 A and 5 A

2 IA-2 / 5A Phase current IA-2 (S2)

3 IA-2 / 1A Phase current IA-2 (S2)

4 IB-2 Phase current IB-2 (S1), common for 1 A and 5 A

5 IB-2 / 5A Phase current IB-2 (S2)

6 IB-2 / 1A Phase current ICB2 (S2)

7 IC-2 Phase current IC-2 (S1), common for 1 A and 5 A

8 IC-2 / 5A Phase current IC-2 (S2)

9 IC-2 / 1A Phase current IC-2 (S2)

294 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Pin No. Symbol Description

10 IN3 Ground fault overcurrent IN3 (S1), common for 1 A and


11 IN3 / 5A Ground fault overcurrent IN3 (S2)

12 IN3 / 1A Ground fault overcurrent IN3 (S2)

10.6.3 I/O cards I/O card “B = 3BIO+2Arc”

This card contains connections to two arc light sensors (for example, VA 1 DA),
three binary inputs and three binary outputs.

The option card also has three normal open trip contacts that can be controlled
either with the relay’s normal trip functions or using the fast arc matrix.

Figure 192 - I/O card “B = 3BIO+2Arc”

Table 122 - Slots 2/B/1:1–20

Pin no. Symbol Description

20 T4 Trip relay 4 for arc detection (normal open)

19 T4 Trip relay 4 for arc detection (normal open)

18 T3 Trip relay 3 for arc detection (normal open)

P3T/en M/F006 295

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Pin no. Symbol Description

17 T3 Trip relay 3 for arc detection (normal open)

16 T2 Trip relay 2 for arc detection (normal open)

15 T2 Trip relay 2 for arc detection (normal open)

14 BI3 Binary input 3

13 BI3 Binary input 3

12 BI2 Binary input 2

11 BI2 Binary input 2

10 BI1 Binary input 1

9 BI1 Binary input 1

8 BO COMMON Binary output 1–3 common GND

7 BO3 Binary output 3, +30 V dc

6 BO2 Binary output 2, +30 V dc

5 BO1 Binary output 1, +30 V dc

4 Sen 2 - Arc sensor channel 2 negative terminal

3 Sen 2 + Arc sensor channel 2 positive terminal

2 Sen 1 - Arc sensor channel 1 negative terminal

1 Sen 1 - Arc sensor channel 1 positive terminal I/O card “C = F2BIO+1Arc”

This card contains connections to one arc fiber sensor, two fiber binary inputs,
two fiber binary outputs and three fast trip relays.
Arc loop sensor input is used with Arc-SLm sensor. The sensor’s sensitivity can
be set in the Arc protection setting view in Easergy Pro.

Binary inputs and outputs are designed to be used with 50/125 μm, 62.5/125 μm,
100/140 μm, and 200 μm fiber sizes (Connector type: ST).

The option card also has three normal open trip contacts that can be controlled
either with the relay’s normal trip functions or using the fast arc matrix.

296 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 193 - I/O card “C = F2BIO+1Arc”

Table 123 - Fiber 2 x BI/BO, 1 x Arc loop sensor, T2, T3, T4 I/O card pins (slot 2)

Connector / Symbol Description

Pin no.

1:6 T4 Trip relay 4 for arc detection (normal open)

1:5 T4 Trip relay 4 for arc detection (normal open)

1:4 T3 Trip relay 3 for arc detection (normal open)

1:3 T3 Trip relay 3 for arc detection (normal open)

1:2 T2 Trip relay 2 for arc detection (normal open)

1:1 T2 Trip relay 2 for arc detection (normal open)

2 BI2 Fiber binary input 2

3 BI1 Fiber binary input 1

4 BO2 Fiber binary output 2

5 BO1 Fiber binary output 1

6 Arc sensor 1 Arc sensor 1 Rx

7 Arc sensor 1 Arc sensor 1 Tx

P3T/en M/F006 297

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation I/O card “D = 2IGBT”

This card contains two semiconductor outputs.

Figure 194 - I/O card “D = 2IGBT”

Table 124 - Slots 4/D/1:1–20

Pin no. Symbol Description

19–20 NC No connection

1883 HSO2 HSO output 2 terminal 2 5/D/1:18


1783 5/D/1:15

1683 HSO output 2 terminal 1


8–14 NC No connection

7 HSO1 HSO output 1 terminal 2 5/D/1:7


6 5/D/1:5

5 HSO output 1 terminal 1

1–3 NC No connection
83 Terminals18-17 and 16-15 are interconnected, so it is sufficient to connect the wiring to terminals
15 and 17 or 16 and 18 only.

298 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay I/O option card “D=4Arc”

This card contains four arc point connections to four arc light sensors (for
example. VA 1 DA). The card provides sensors 3 to 6.

Figure 195 - I/O option card “D= 4Arc”

Table 125 - Pins 6/D/1:1–8 (slot 6)

Pin no. Symbol Description

8 Sen 6 - Arc sensor 6 negative terminal

7 Sen 6 + Arc sensor 6 positive terminal

6 Sen 5 - Arc sensor 5 negative terminal

5 Sen 5 + Arc sensor 5 positive terminal

4 Sen 4 - Arc sensor 4 negative terminal

3 Sen 4 + Arc sensor 4 positive terminal

2 Sen 3 - Arc sensor 3 negative terminal

1 Sen 3 + Arc sensor 3 positive terminal I/O card “G = 6DI+4DO”

This card provides six digital inputs and four relay outputs. The threshold level is
selectable in the order code.

The card is equipped with six dry digital inputs with hardware-selectable
activation/threshold voltage and four trip contacts. Input and output contacts are
normally open.

P3T/en M/F006 299

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 196 - I/O card “G = 6DI+4DO”

Table 126 - Channel numbering for "C" or "D" power module and four “G” cards in
slots 2–5/G-G-G-G

Pin no. Trip “T” output numbering

Power supply Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5

Card type C or D G G G G

19, 20 12 16 20 24 28

17, 18 11 15 19 23 27

15, 16 10 14 18 22 26

13, 14 9 13 17 21 25

11, 12 1

DI channel numbering

11, 12 6 12 18 24

9, 10 5 11 17 23

7, 8 4 10 16 22

5, 6 3 9 15 21

3, 4 2 8 14 20

1, 2 1 7 13 19

NOTE: Digital inputs are polarity-free, which means that you can freely
choose "-" and "+" terminals for each digital input.

300 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Table 127 - Channel numbering for “C” or “D” power module, "B" or "C" arc sensor
interface card and three “G” cards in slots 3–5/G-G-G

Pin no. Trip “T” output numbering

Power supply Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5

Card type C or D B C G G G

19, 20 12 4

17, 18 11 3

15, 16 10 2

13, 14 9

11, 12 1

5, 6 4

3, 4 3

1, 2 2

19, 20 16 20 24

17, 18 15 19 23

15, 16 14 18 22

13, 14 13 17 21

DI channel numbering

11, 12 6 12 18

9, 10 5 11 17

7, 8 4 10 16

5, 6 3 9 15

3, 4 2 8 14

1, 2 1 7 13

NOTE: Digital inputs are polarity-free, which means that you can freely
choose "-" and "+" terminals for each digital input. I/O card “H = 6DI + 4DO (NC)”

This card provides six digital inputs and four relays outputs that are normally
closed (NC). The threshold level is selectable in the order code.

The 6xDI+4xDO option card is equipped with six dry digital inputs with hardware-
selectable activation/threshold voltage and four normally closed (NC) trip

P3T/en M/F006 301

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation I/O card “I = 10DI”

This card provides 10 digital inputs. The threshold level is selectable in the order

302 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 197 - I/O card “I = 10DI”

Table 128 - Channel numbering for slots 2–5/G-I-I-I/1:1–20 when one "G" and
three "I" cards are used

Pin no. DI numbering

Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5

Card type G I I I

19, 20 16 26 36

17, 18 15 25 35

15, 16 14 24 34

13, 14 13 23 33

11, 12 6 12 22 32

9, 10 5 11 21 31

7, 8 4 10 20 30

5, 6 3 9 19 29

P3T/en M/F006 303

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Pin no. DI numbering

3, 4 2 8 18 28

1, 2 1 7 17 27

NOTE: Digital inputs are polarity-free, which means that you can freely
choose "-" and "+" terminals for each digital input.

10.6.4 Arc flash sensor


Clean the arc sensor periodically as instructed in this user manual and after
an arc flash fault.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious


VA 1 DA is a point-type arc flash sensor. The sensor activated by strong light. It

transforms the light information into the current signal that is used by the device to
detect arc flash light.

Figure 198 - Sensor dimensions

The sensor features include:

• standard 8000–10000 lux visible light sensitivity

• wide area arc flash detection
• maximum 2 ms detection time
• standard cable length 6 m (236.22 in) or 20 m (787.40 in) (cut to length on
• easy to install (two-wired non-polarity sensitive connection)

304 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay


Never attempt to extend the length of arc flash sensor cables.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury. Mounting the sensors to the switchgear

• Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe
electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, NOM-029-STPS-2011, or CSA
• The arc fault detection system is not a substitute for proper PPE when
working on or near equipment being monitored by the system.
• Information on this product is offered as a tool for conducting arc flash
hazard analysis. It is intended for use only by qualified persons who are
knowledgeable about power system studies, power distribution equipment,
and equipment installation practices. It is not intended as a substitute for
the engineering judgement and adequate review necessary for such
• Only qualified personnel should install and service this equipment. Read
this entire set of instructions and check the technical characteristics of the
device before performing such work.
• Perform wiring according to national standards (NEC) and any
requirements specified by the customer.
• Observe any separately marked notes and warnings.
• NEVER work alone.
• Before performing visual inspections, tests, or maintenance on this
equipment, disconnect all sources of electric power. Assume all circuits are
live until they are completely de-energized, tested, and tagged. Pay
particular attention to the design of the power system. Consider all sources
of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing relay to ensure that all power
is off.
• The equipment must be grounded.
• Connect the device's protective ground to functional earth according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Do not open the device. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
• Install all devices, doors and covers before turning on the power to this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Install arc flash sensors inside the switchgear. There are two options for mounting
the sensors:
• in customer-drilled holes on the switchgear
• on VYX001 Z-shape or VYX002 L-shape mounting plates available from
Schneider Electric or locally fabricated from supplied drawings

P3T/en M/F006 305

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 199 - VYX 001 mounting plate for sensor

mm 50 51
in 1.97 25 2.0
0.59 0.98

2.32 2.5
42 0.1
50 0.59

Figure 200 - VYX 002 mounting plate for sensor

in 10

15 59 15
0.59 2.32 0.59




306 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 201 - Mounting the sensor

A. Active part of the sensor

B. Cable clamp
C. Fastening screw 4 x 15 mm
D. Sensor cable

1. Press the active part of the sensor through the 10 mm hole in the panel

2. Fix it using a 4 mm screw. Connecting the sensors to the device

The sensors are delivered with 6 or 20 m cables.


Never attempt to extend the length of arc flash sensor cables.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

After mounting the sensors, connect them to the device.

1. Route the wire to the nearest device using the shortest route possible.
Cut the wire to a suitable length.
Take into account the wiring methods inside the equipment. This should be
compliant with local regulations.

2. Connect the arc sensors to the screw terminals.

The polarity of the arc sensor cables is not critical.

P3T/en M/F006 307

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 202 - Point sensor connections

2/B/1 1 +
Sensor 1
2/B/1 2 -
2/B/1 3 +
Sensor 2
2/B/1 4 -
6/D/1 5 +
Sensor 3
6/D/1 6 -
6/D/1 7 +
Sensor 4
6/D/1 8 -
6/D/1 9 +
Sensor 5
6/D/1 10 -
6/D/1 11 +
Sensor 6
6/D/1 12 -

Table 129 - Point sensor connections

Card Pin no. Symbol Description

B 4 Sen 2 - Arc sensor channel 2 negative terminal

3 Sen 2 + Arc sensor channel 2 positive terminal

2 Sen 1 - Arc sensor channel 1 negative terminal

1 Sen 1 + Arc sensor channel 1 positive terminal

D 8 Sen 6 - Arc sensor 6 negative terminal

7 Sen 6 + Arc sensor 6 positive terminal

6 Sen 5 - Arc sensor 5 negative terminal

5 Sen 5 + Arc sensor 5 positive terminal

4 Sen 4 - Arc sensor 4 negative terminal

3 Sen 4 + Arc sensor 4 positive terminal

2 Sen 3 - Arc sensor 3 negative terminal

1 Sen 3 + Arc sensor 3 positive terminal

Table 130 - Fiber sensor connections

Card Pin no. Sensor Description

C 6 Arc sensor 1 Arc sensor 1 Rx

7 Arc sensor 1 Arc sensor 1 Tx

3. Connect the cable shield to the corresponding connector on X2 terminal when

using shielded cable on the sensors.

308 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

10.6.5 Communication cards

Table 131 - Communication card types and their pin numbering

Type Communication Signal Connectors Pin usage

ports levels

P = Fibre PP (slot Plastic fibre interface Versatile Link

9) fiber
COM 3 port (if slot 9

R = Fibre GG Glass fibre interface ST

(slot 9) (62.5/125 μm)

COM 3 port (if slot 9


P3T/en M/F006 309

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Type Communication Signal Connectors Pin usage

ports levels

K = RS-232 COM 1 / COM 2 RS-232 D-connector 1 = TX COM 2

(slot 6) 2 = TX COM 1

3 = RX COM 1

4 = IRIG-B


7 = GND

8 = RX COM 2

9 = +12V

B = RS-232 COM 3 / COM 4 RS-232 D-connector 1 = TX COM 4

(slot 9) 2 = TX COM 3

3 = RX COM 3

4 = IRIG-B



7 = GND

8 = RX COM 4

9 = +12V

C = RS-232+Eth COM 3 / COM 4 RS-232 D-connector 1 = TX COM 4

2 = TX COM 3
(slot 9)
3 = RX COM 3

4 = IRIG-B



7 = GND

8 = RX COM 4

9 = +12V

ETHERNET ETHERNET RJ-45 1 = Transmit +

100 Mbps 2 = Transmit -

3 = Receive +



6 = Receive -



310 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Type Communication Signal Connectors Pin usage

ports levels

D = RS-232+Eth COM 3 / COM 4 RS-232 D-connector 1 = TX COM 4

2 = TX COM 3
(slot 9)
3 = RX COM 3

4 = IRIG-B



7 = GND

8 = RX COM 4

9 = +12V

ETHERNET Light LC fiber 1 = Receive

100 Mbps 2 = Transmit

E = 2 x RS-485 COM 3 (RS-485 RS-485 S2 DIP switch for termination resistors

(slot 9) interface 1) of the RS-485 interface 2

COM 4 (RS-485 8 = RS-485 interface 2 cable shield

interface 2) connection

7 = RS-485 interface 2 “-“ connection

6 = RS-485 interface 2 “+“ connection

5 = RS-485 interface 2 ground terminal

4 = RS-485 interface 1 “-“ connection

3 = RS-485 interface 1 “+“ connection

2 = RS-485 interface 1 ground terminal

1 = RS-485 interface 1 cable shield


S1 DIP switch for termination resistors

of the RS-485 interface 1

* RS-485 interfaces 1 and 2 galvanically

isolated from each other

P3T/en M/F006 311

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Type Communication Signal Connectors Pin usage

ports levels

F = RS-485+RJ ETHERNET ETHERNET RJ45 connector from top:

(slot 9)
COM 3 (RS-485 100 Mbps 1 = Transmit+
interface 1)
RS-485 2 =Transmit-

3 =Receive+



6 = Receive-



DIP switch for termination resistors of

the RS-485 interface 1

4 = RS-485 interface 1 “-“ connection

3 = RS-485 interface 1 “+“ connection

2 = RS-485 interface 1 ground terminal

1 = RS-485 interface 1 cable shield


G = RS-485+LC ETHERNET Light LC connector from top:

(slot 9)
COM 3 (RS-485 100 Mbps 1 = Receive
interface 1)
RS-485 2 = Transmit

DIP switch for termination resistors of

the RS-485 interface 1

4 = RS-485 interface 1 “-“ connection

3 = RS-485 interface 1 “+“ connection

2 = RS-485 interface 1 ground terminal

1= RS-485 interface 1 cable shield


312 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Type Communication Signal Connectors Pin usage

ports levels

N = 2EthRJ 100 Mbps Ethernet ETHERNET 2 x RJ-45 1=Transmit+

interface with IEC 61850
(slot 9) 100 Mbps 2=Transmit-







O = 2EthLC 100 Mbps Ethernet fibre Light 2 x LC LC-connector from top:

interface with IEC 61850
(slot 9) 100 Mbps -Port 2 Rx

-Port 2 Tx

-Port 1 Rx

-Port 1 Tx

NOTE: When a communication option module of type B, C, D, E, F or G are

used in slot 9, serial ports COM 3 / COM 4 are available.

P3T/en M/F006 313

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

RS-485 connections

Figure 203 - All shields connected through and grounded at one end

DIP switches

Figure 204 - DIP switches in optic fibre options

Table 132 - DIP switches in optic fibre options

DIP switch Switch Function

number position
Fibre optics

1 Left Echo off

1 Right Echo on

2 Left Light on in idle state

2 Right Light off in idle state

3 Left Not applicable

3 Right Not applicable

4 Left Not applicable

4 Right Not applicable

314 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay COM 3 – COM 4 ports

COM 3 and COM 4 are ports for serial communication protocols. The type of the
physical interface on these ports depends on the type of the selected
communication option module. The use of some protocols may require a certain
type of option module. The parameters for these ports are set via the front panel
or with Easergy Pro in the COM 3 PORT – COM 4 PORT setting views.

Communication information is normally sent to the control system (SCADA), but it

is also possible to use certain communication-related notifications internally, for
example alarms. This is can be done for example via the logic and different

Figure 205 - Communication-related notifications can be connected to trip

contacts in the Output matrix setting view

Table 133 - COM 3 port

Type External Order code Cable / Typically used

module order protocols

232+00 None None None - None

or - IEC-101

232+Eth RJ - IRIG-B

or - GetSet

232+Eth LC
VSE-009 VSE009 None - None
(Slot 9)
- DeviceNet

VIO12-AB VIO 12 AB None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

VIO12-AC VIO 12 AC None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

P3T/en M/F006 315

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Type External Order code Cable / Typically used

module order protocols

VIO12-AD VIO 12 AD None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

VSE-001 VSE001 None - None

- IEC-103

- ModbusSlv

- SpaBus

VSE-002 VSE002 None - None

- IEC-103

- ModbusSlv

- SpaBus

- DNP3

VPA-3CG VPA3CG VX072 - None

- ProfibusDP

Table 134 - COM 4 port

Type External Order code Cable / Typically used

module order protocols

232+00 None None None - None

or - IEC-101

232+Eth RJ - IRIG-B

or - GetSet

232+Eth LC
VSE-009 VSE-009 None - None
+VX067 (Split cable)
- DeviceNet
(Slot 9)
VIO12-AB VIO 12 AB None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

VIO12-AC VIO 12 AC None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

VIO12-AD VIO 12 AD None - None

and - - ExternalIO

VSE-002 VSE002

316 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Type External Order code Cable / Typically used

module order protocols

VSE-001 VSE001 None - None

- IEC-103

- ModbusSlv

- SpaBus

VSE-002 VSE002 None - None

- IEC-103

- ModbusSlv

- SpaBus

- DNP3

VPA-3CG VPA3CG VX068 - None

- ProfibusDP

To be able to use COM 3 and COM 4 ports, the RS-232 communication interface
(option B, C or D) has to be split in two by using a VX067 cable.

Figure 206 - VX067 cable on the D-connector of slot 9 option card

1 2 3 4 5 6 8

COM 3 port

COM 4 port

NOTE: It is possible to use two serial communication protocols

simultaneously, but the restriction is that the same protocol can be used only

Use a VX086 cable to interface simultaneously with two protocols and IRIG-B.

The Communication > Protocol configuration setting view contains the

selection for the protocol, port settings and message/error/timeout counters. Only
serial communication protocols are valid with the RS-232 interface.

P3T/en M/F006 317

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 207 - Protocol configuration setting view

Table 135 - Parameters

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Protocol Protocol selection for COM port Set

None -

SPA-bus SPA-bus (slave)

ProfibusDP Interface to Profibus DB module VPA 3CG


ModbusSlv Modbus RTU slave

IEC-103 IEC-60870-5-103 (slave)

ExternalIO Modbus RTU master for external I/O-modules

IEC 101 IEC-608670-5-101

DNP3 DNP 3.0

DeviceNet Interface to DeviceNet module VSE 009

GetSet Communicationi protocola for interface

Msg# 0–232 - 1 Message counter since the relay has restarted Clr
or since last clearing

Errors 0–216 - 1 Protocol interruption since the relay has Clr

restarted or since last clearing

318 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Parameter Value Unit Description Note

Tout 0–216 - 1 Timeout interruption since the relay has Clr

restarted or since last clearing

Display of current communication parameters. 1.

speed = bit/s

D = number of data bits

P = parity: none, even, odd

S = number of stop bits

Set = An editable parameter (password needed). Clr = Clearing to zero is possible.

1. The communication parameters are set in the protocol-specific menus. For the local
port command line interface, the parameters are set in the configuration menu.

10.6.6 Local port

The relay has a USB port in the front panel.

Protocol for the USB port

The front panel USB type B port is always using the command line protocol for
Easergy Pro.

The speed of the interface is defined in the CONF/DEVICE SETUP menu via the
front panel. The default settings for the relay are 38400/8N1.

It is possible to change the front USB port's bit rate. This setting is visible only on
the relay's local display. The bit rate can be set between 1200 and 187500. This
changes the bit rate of the relay, and the Easergy Pro bit rate has to be set
separately. If the bit rate in the setting tool is incorrect, it takes a longer time to
establish the communication.

NOTE: Use the same bit rate in the relay and the Easergy Pro setting tool.

P3T/en M/F006 319

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

10.6.7 Connection data

Table 136 - Auxiliary power supply

VAUX 110 (-20%) – 240 (+10%) V ac/dc

110/120/220/240 V ac

110/125/220 V dc


24–48 ±20% V dc

24/48 V dc

Power consumption —

- Normal state < 20 W

- Maximum state (all < 28 W

outputs activated)

Terminal block: Wire cross section:

- MSTB2.5–5.08 Maximum 2.5 mm2 (13–14 AWG)

Minimum 1.5 mm2 (15–16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with insulated crimp


Table 137 - Digital inputs technical data

Number of inputs As per the order code

Voltage withstand 255 V ac/dc

(as per the order code letters) A: 24–230 V ac/dc (max. 255 V ac/dc)

Nominal operation voltage for DI inputs B: 110–230 V ac/dc (max. 255 V ac/dc)

C: 220–230 V ac/dc (max. 255 V ac/dc)

Typical switching threshold (as per order A: 12 V dc

code letters)
B: 75 V dc

C: 155 V dc

NOTE: For trip circuit supervision with

two digital inputs, select a lower
switching threshold (24 V or 110 V).

Current drain < 4 mA (typical approx. 3mA)

Cycle time 10 ms

Activation time dc/ac < 11 ms / < 15 ms

320 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Reset time dc/ac < 11 ms / < 15 ms

Terminal block: Wire cross section:

- MSTB2.5–5.08 Maximum 2.5 mm2 (13–14 AWG)

Minimum 1.5 mm2 (15–16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with

insulated crimp terminal

NOTE: Set the dc/ac mode according to the used voltage in Easergy Pro.

Table 138 - Trip contact, high break

Number of contacts 5 normal open contacts

Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc

Continuous carry 5A

Minimum making current 100 mA @ 24 Vdc

Make and carry, 0.5 s at duty cycle 10% 30 A

Make and carry, 3 s at duty cycle 10% 15 A

Breaking capacity, AC 2 000 VA

Breaking capacity, DC (L/R=40ms) -

at 48 V dc: 5A

at 110 V dc: 3A

at 220 V dc 1A

Contact material AgNi 90/10

Terminal block: Wire cross section:

- MSTB2.5–5.08 Maximum 2.5 mm2 (13–14 AWG)

Minimum 1.5 mm2 (15–16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with

insulated crimp terminal

NOTE: High-break trip contacts exist in power module C and D only.

Table 139 - Trip contact, Tx

Number of contacts As per the order code

Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc

Continuous carry 5A

Minimum making current 100 mA at 24 Vdc

P3T/en M/F006 321

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Make and carry, 0.5 s 30 A

Make and carry, 3 s 15 A

Breaking capacity, ac 2 000 VA

Breaking capacity, dc (L/R = 40ms)

at 48 V dc: 1.15 A

at 110 V dc: 0.5 A

at 220 V dc: 0.25 A

Contact material AgNi 90/10

Terminal block: Wire cross section:

- MSTB2.5 - 5.08 Maximum Φ0.06 in. (2.5 mm2) (14 AWG)

Minimum Φ0.05 in. (1.5 mm2 ) (16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with insulated crimp


Table 140 - Signal contact, A1

Number of contacts: 1

Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc

Continuous carry 5A

Minimum making current 100 mA at 24 V ac/dc

Make and carry, 0.5 s 30 A

Make and carry, 3 s 15 A

Breaking capacity, ac 2 000 VA

Breaking capacity, dc (L/R = 40ms)

at 48 V dc: 1A

at 110 V dc: 0.3 A

at 220 V dc: 0.15 A

322 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Contact material AgNi 0.15

Terminal block Wire cross section

- MSTB2.5 - 5.08
Maximum Φ0.06 in. (2.5 mm 2 ) (14 AWG)

Minimum Φ0.05 in. (1.5 mm 2 ) (16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with insulated crimp


Table 141 - Signal contact, SF

Number of contacts: 1

Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc

Continuous carry 5A

Minimum making current 100 mA @ 24 V ac/dc

Breaking capacity, DC (L/R = 40ms)

at 48 V dc: 1A

at 110 V dc: 0.3 A

at 220 V dc 0.15 A

Terminal block Wire cross section

- MSTB2.5 - 5.08 Maximum Φ0.06 in. (2.5 mm 2 ) (14 AWG)

Minimum Φ0.05 in. (1.5 mm2) (16 AWG)

Wire type: single strand or stranded with insulated crimp


Contact material AgNi 0.15

Table 142 - Local serial communication port

Number of ports 1 on front

Electrical connection USB

Data transfer rate 200 – 187 500 b/s

Protocols GetSet

P3T/en M/F006 323

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Table 143 - COM 3-4 serial communication port

Number of physical ports 0–1 on rear panel (option)

Electrical connection RS-232 (option, IRIG-B included)

RS-485 (option)

Profibus (option, external module)

Glass fibre connection (option, external module)

Protocols Modbus RTU, master

Modbus RTU, slave

Spabus, slave

IEC 60870-5-103

IEC 61870-5-101

Profibus DP

DNP 3.0


Table 144 - Ethernet communication port

Number of ports 0–2 on rear panel (option)

Electrical connection RJ-45 100 Mbps (option)

LC 100Mbps (option)

Protocols IEC 61850

Modbus TCP

DNP 3.0

IEC 61870-5-101

Table 145 - Fiber Ethernet communication port

Number of ports 0 or 2 on rear panel (option)

Connection type LC 100 Mbps

Optical characteristics Operates with 62.5/125 μm and 50/125 μm multimode fiber

Center Wavelength: 1300 nm typical

Output Optical Power:

• Fiber: 62.5/125 μm, NA = 0.275 23.0 dBm

• Fiber: 50/125 μm, NA = 0.20 26.0 dBm

Input Optical Power: -31 dBm

Protocols IEC 61850

Modbus TCP

DNP 3.0

IEC 61870-5-101

324 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Table 146 - Arc sensor inputs

Number of inputs As per the order code

Supply to sensor Isolated 12 V dc

Table 147 - Measuring circuits

Phase current inputs I' (5/1 A) Slot 4:

T = 3 x I (5/1A) + IN (5/1A)

Rated phase current 5A 1A

- Current measuring range 0.05–250 A 0.02–50 A

- Thermal withstand -

● continuously 20 A 4A

● 10 s 100 A 20 A

●1s 500 A 100 A

● 10 ms 1250 A 250 A

- Burden 0.075 VA 0.02 VA

- Impedance 0.003 Ohm 0.02 Ohm

IN input (5A and 1A)

Rated ground fault overcurrent 5A 1A

- Current measuring range 0.05–250 A 0.02–50 A

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 20 A 4A

● 10 s 100 A 20 A

●1s 500 A 100 A

- Burden 0.075 VA 0.02 VA

- Impedance 0.003 Ohm 0.02 Ohm

Phase current inputs I (1 A, 5 A) Slot 8:

E = 3L (5A) + 4V + 2IN (5/1A+1/0.2A) F = 3L (1 A) + 4V + 2IN (5/1A+1/0.2A)

Rated phase current 5A 1A

- Current measuring range 0.05–250 A 0.02–50 A

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 20 A 4A

● 10 s 100 A 20 A

●1s 500 A 100 A

● 10 ms 1250 A 250 A

- Burden 0.075 VA 0.02 VA

- Impedance 0.003 Ohm 0.02 Ohm

P3T/en M/F006 325

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

IN input (5 A) Slot 8:

E = 3L (5/1A) + 4V + 2IN (5/1A+1/0.2A)

Rated ground fault overcurrent 5A

- Current measuring range 0.015–50 A

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 20 A

● 10 s 100 A

●1s 500 A

- Burden 0.075 VA

- Impedance 0.003 Ohm

IN input (1 A) Slot 8:

E = 3L (5/1A) + 4V + 2IN (5/1A+1/0.2A)

Rated ground fault overcurrent 1 A (configurable for CT secondaries 0.1–10.0 A)

- Current measuring range 0.003–10 A

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 4A

● 10 s 20 A

●1s 100 A

- Burden 0.02 VA

- Impedance 0.02 Ohm

IN input (0.2 A) Slot 8:

E = 3L (5/1A) + 4V+ 2IN (5/1A+1/0.2A)

Rated ground fault overcurrent 0.2 A (configurable for CT secondaries 0.1 – 10.0 A)

- Current measuring range 0.0006–2 A

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 0.8 A

● 10 s 4A

●1s 20 A

- Burden 0.02 VA

- Impedance 0.02 Ohm

Voltage inputs

326 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Rated voltage VN 100 V (configurable for VT secondaries 50–250 V)

- Voltage measuring range 0.5–190 V

- Thermal withstand

● continuously 250 V

● 10 s 600 V

- Burden < 0.5 VA


Rated frequency fN 45–65 Hz (protection operates accurately)

Measuring range 16–95 Hz

< 44Hz / > 66Hz (other protection is not steady except frequency protection)

Analog interface cross section and tightening torque

Table 148 - Analog interface cross-section and tightening torque

Terminal characteristics

Current inputs Voltage inputs

Screw clamp Ring lug

Maximum wire cross-section, 4 (10-12) (12–22) 2.5 (13-14)

mm2 (AWG)

Maximum wiring screw tightening 1.2 (10.6) 0.79 (7) 0.5-0.6 (4.4-5.3)
torque Nm (Ib-in)

Maximum connector retention - 0.3-0.4 (2.7-3.5)

tightening torgue Nm (Ib-in)

Wire type Single strand or

stranded with insulated
crimp terminal

Ring lug width (mm) and screw - 8.0, M3.5


P3T/en M/F006 327

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

10.6.8 External option modules VSE-001 fiber optic interface module


• This equipment must only be installed or serviced by qualified electrical

• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on the device or equipment.
• Connect protective ground before turning on any power supplying this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

An external fiber optic module VSE-001 is used to connect the relay to a fiber
optic loop or a fiber optic star. There are four different types of serial fiber optic

• VSE001PP (Plastic - plastic)

• VSE001GG (Glass - glass)

The modules provide a serial communication link up to 1 km (0.62 miles) with

VSE 001 GG. With a serial fibre interface module it is possible to have the
following serial protocols in use:

• None
• IEC-103
• Modbus slave
• SpaBus

The power for the module is taken from pin 9 of the D-connector or from an
external power supply interface.

Figure 208 - The VSE-001 module brings a serial-fiber interface to the relay. The
Module is connected to the RS-232 serial port.

VSE 001

Communication bus

328 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Module interface to the relay

The physical interface of the VSE-001 is a 9-pin D-connector. The signal level is

NOTE: The product manual for VSE-001 can be found on our website. VSE-002 RS-485 interface module


• This equipment must only be installed or serviced by qualified electrical

• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on the device or equipment.
• Connect protective ground before turning on any power supplying this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

An external RS-485 module VSE-002 (VSE002) is used to connect Easergy P3

protection relays to RS-485 bus. With the RS-485 serial interface module, the
following serial protocols can be used:

• None
• IEC-103
• ModbusSlv
• SpaBus

The power for the module is taken from pin 9 of the D-connector or from an
external power supply interface.

Figure 209 - The VSE-002 module brings a serial RS-485 interface to the relay.
The module is connected to the RS-232 serial port.


Communication bus

P3T/en M/F006 329

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Module interface to the relay

The physical interface of the VSE-002 is a 9-pin D-connector. The signal level is
RS-232 and therefore, the interface type for the module has to be selected as

It is possible to connect multible relays in daisychain. “Termination” has to be

selected as on for the last unit in the chain. The same applies when only one unit
is used.

VSE-002 operates with the relay in RS-232 mode. Therefore the “interface type”
has to be selected as RS-232.

Figure 210 - RS-232 and TTL interface

73 mm

Interface type

TLL RS-232

20 mm

Table 149 - RS-232 and TTL interface

Pin number TTL mode RS-232 mode

1 - -

2 RXD (in) RXD (in)

3 TXD (out) TXD (out)

4 RTS (in) RTS (in)


9 +8V (in) +8V (in)

330 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay VSE-009 DeviceNet interface module


• This equipment must only be installed or serviced by qualified electrical

• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on the device or equipment.
• Connect protective ground before turning on any power supplying this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

VSE-009 (VSE009) is a DeviceNet interface module for the Easergy P3T32

relays. The relay can be connected to the network using DeviceNet as the
protocol. VSE-009 is attached to the RS-232 D-connector at the back of the relay.
With the DeviceNet interface module, the following protocols can be used:
• None
• DeviceNet

An external +24VDC power supply interface is required.

Figure 211 - The VSE-009 module


Communication bus VPA-3CG Profibus interface module


• This equipment must only be installed or serviced by qualified electrical

• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on the device or equipment.
• Connect protective ground before turning on any power supplying this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

P3T/en M/F006 331

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Easergy P3T32 can be connected to Profibus DP by using an external Profibus

interface module VPA-3CG (VPA3CG). The relay can then be monitored from the
host system. VPA-3CG is attached to the RS-232 D-connector at the back of the
relay with a VX-072 (VX072) cable. With the Profibus interface module, the
following protocols can be used:
• None
• ProfibusDP

The power for the module is taken from an external power supply interface.

Figure 212 - VPA-3CG module brings a Profibus interface to the relay. The
module is connected to the RS-232 serial port with a VX-072 cable.


Communication bus

Module interface to the relay

The physical interface of the VPA-3CG Profibus interface module is a 9-pin D-


Profibus devices are connected in a bus structure. Up to 32 stations (master or

slave) can be connected in one segment. The bus is terminated by an active bus
terminator at the beginning and end of each segments. When more than 32
stations are used, repeaters (line amplifiers) must be used to connect the
individual bus segments.

The maximum cable length depends on the transmission speed and cable type.
The specified cable length can be increased by the use of repeaters. The use of
more than 3 repeaters in a series is not recommended.

A separate product manual for VPA-3CG can be found on our website. VIO 12A RTD and analog input / output modules

VIO 12A I/O modules can be connected to Easergy P3T32 using VSE 001 or VSE
002 interface modules.

VIO 12A I/O modules can be connected to Easergy P3U20 and P3U30 using
RS-485 connection in interface modules. Alternatively VIO 12A I/O modules can
be connected to Easergy P3U20 and P3U30 using RS-232 connection. If RS-232
connection is used a separate VX082 or VX083 connection cable and VSE001 or
VSE002 option module are needed.

332 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

A separate product manual for VIO 12A is available.

10.6.9 Block diagrams

The status of the output contacts is shown when the relay is energized but none
of the protection, controlling or self-supervision elements are activated.

P3T/en M/F006 333

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 213 - Typical block diagram for P3M32, P3T32 and P3G32 relays

N -/~ 1/C/1:1 ~ 1/C/1:20 T12

1/C/1:19 T12
L +/~ 1/C/1:2 = 1/C/1:18 T11
1/C/1:17 T11

1/C/1:16 T10

DI1 2/G/1:1 1/C/1:15 T10
DI1 2/G/1:2 1/C/1:14 T9
DI2 2/G/1:3 1/C/1:13 T9
DI2 2/G/1:4 1/C/1:12 T1
DI3 2/G/1:5
1/C/1:11 T1
DI3 2/G/1:6
1/C/1:10 A1 NO
DI4 2/G/1:7 1/C/1:9 A1 NC
DI4 2/G/1:8 1/C/1:8 A1 COM
DI5 2/G/1:9 1/C/1:7 SF NC
DI5 2/G/1:10 1/C/1:6 SF NO
DI6 2/G/1:11 1/C/1:5 SF COM
DI6 2/G/1:12

DI7 3/I/1:1 DI 2/G/1:13 T13

DI7 3/I/1:2 2/G/1:14 T13
DI8 3/I/1:3 2/G/1:15 T14
DI8 3/I/1:4
2/G/1:16 T14
DI9 3/I/1:5
3/I/1:6 2/G/1:17 T15
DI10 3/I/1:7 2/G/1:18 T15
DI10 3/I/1:8 3/G/1:19 T16
DI11 3/I/1:9 3/G/1:20 T16
DI11 3/I/1:10
DI12 3/I/1:11
DI12 3/I/1:12
DI13 3/I/1:13
DI13 3/I/1:14
DI14 3/I/1:15
DI14 3/I/1:16
DI15 3/I/1:17
DI15 3/I/1:18
DI16 3/I/1:19
DI16 3/I/1:20

IA (S1) 8/E/1:1
IA (S2) 8/E/1:2
IB (S1) 8/E/1:3
IB (S2) 8/E/1:4
IC (S1) 8/E/1:5
IC (S2) 8/E/1:6
IN1 (S2) 8/E/1:7
IN1/5A (S1) 8/E/1:8
IN1/1A (S2) 8/E/1:9
IN2 (S2) 8/E/1:10 IN 1A
IN2 (S1) 8/E/1:11
IN 0.2A
IN2 (S1) 8/E/2:12
VLL/VLN 8/E/2:1
VLL/VLN 8/E/2:2
VLL/VLN 8/E/2:3
VLL/VLN 8/E/2:4
VN/VLL/VLN 8/E/2:5
VN/VLN/VLL 8/E/2:6
VN/VLN/VLL 8/E/2:7
VN/VLN/VLL 8/E/2:8

4/T/1:1 5A
IꞌA 4/T/1:2 1A
IꞌB 4/T/1:5
4/T/1:6 9/N/1 Eth1
5A 9/N/2 Eth2
IꞌC 4/T/1:8


Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to the

connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

334 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

10.6.10 Connection examples

Figure 214 - Connection example of P3T32 applied to a power transformer

3 IB
E = 5A
4 F = 1A

8/E/1 : 1...12
8/F/1 : 1...12

Slot 8
7 IN1
8 5A
9 1A
1) 11 1A
12 0.2A


2 I’A
3 1A

4/T/1 : 1 ... 12
5 I’B
6 1A

Slot 4
8 I’C
9 1A
11 5A
12 1A

8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
Slot 8

5 V3
7 VN


1) Power direction


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

P3T/en M/F006 335

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

10.7 Arc flash detection system setup and testing

10.7.1 Setting up the arc flash system


• Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe

electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, NOM-029-STPS-2011, or CSA
• The arc fault detection system is not a substitute for proper PPE when
working on or near equipment being monitored by the system.
• Information on this product is offered as a tool for conducting arc flash
hazard analysis. It is intended for use only by qualified persons who are
knowledgeable about power system studies, power distribution equipment,
and equipment installation practices. It is not intended as a substitute for
the engineering judgement and adequate review necessary for such
• Only qualified personnel should install and service this equipment. Read
this entire set of instructions and check the technical characteristics of the
device before performing such work.
• Perform wiring according to national standards (NEC) and any
requirements specified by the customer.
• Observe any separately marked notes and warnings.
• NEVER work alone.
• Before performing visual inspections, tests, or maintenance on this
equipment, disconnect all sources of electric power. Assume all circuits are
live until they are completely de-energized, tested, and tagged. Pay
particular attention to the design of the power system. Consider all sources
of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing relay to ensure that all power
is off.
• The equipment must be grounded.
• Connect the device's protective ground to functional earth according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Do not open the device. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
• Install all devices, doors and covers before turning on the power to this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Before setting up the arc flash system:

• Mount and connect all components and sensors.
• Make sure that you understand the customer application.

1. Identify the wiring connection of sensors to the device’s connectors.

2. Identify the wiring connection to breaking devices.

3. Identify binary I/O wiring connections.

4. Proceed with configuration in Easergy Pro with consideration of the customer


5. Power up the device.

336 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

6. Reset the device by pushing the reset button.

7. Verify LED indication as described with consideration of the customer


8. If connecting two devices through MT in and MT out:


The MT in and MT out connections are not monitored. You must to

determine if external monitoring is required to detect broken or
disconnected wires.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious


a. Verify the MT in MT out connections.

b. Set the related dip switch configuration.

c. Verify the LED indications.

10.7.2 Commissioning and testing

This section contains the commissioning testing instructions. The figure below
shows the testing sequence.

P3T/en M/F006 337

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 215 - Testing sequence

Arc system commissioning

Verifying the installation against

drawings and customer specifications

Checking zones

Testing arc flash sensors

Testing alarm contacts

Cross-checking between zones

Testing the circuit breaker failure


Trip circuits Filling in test results

Restoring the current measuring and

trip circuits

Gathering of test equipment

Finalizing the test report

End Checking zones

1. Check the protected zones where sensors have been installed and compare
them against the drawings.

2. Consult the customer if the configuration does not match with the drawings.

338 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay Disconnecting trip circuits


Removing trip wires may cause loss of protection. Review system drawings
and diagrams before disconnecting trip circuits.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

• Disconnect the trip signals to the circuit breakers that may disturb other parts
of the system during the test.
• Also disconnect trip signals routed to other parts of the system, such as the
breaker failure (ANSI 50BF) backup trip to upstream breakers and the transfer
trip signals.
• Test the disconnected trip signals with a multimeter.

P3T/en M/F006 339

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation Sensor testingTesting


• Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe

electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, NOM-029-STPS-2011, or CSA
• The arc fault detection system is not a substitute for proper PPE when
working on or near equipment being monitored by the system.
• Information on this product is offered as a tool for conducting arc flash
hazard analysis. It is intended for use only by qualified persons who are
knowledgeable about power system studies, power distribution equipment,
and equipment installation practices. It is not intended as a substitute for
the engineering judgement and adequate review necessary for such
• Only qualified personnel should install and service this equipment. Read
this entire set of instructions and check the technical characteristics of the
device before performing such work.
• Perform wiring according to national standards (NEC) and any
requirements specified by the customer.
• Observe any separately marked notes and warnings.
• NEVER work alone.
• Before performing visual inspections, tests, or maintenance on this
equipment, disconnect all sources of electric power. Assume all circuits are
live until they are completely de-energized, tested, and tagged. Pay
particular attention to the design of the power system. Consider all sources
of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing relay to ensure that all power
is off.
• The equipment must be grounded.
• Connect the device's protective ground to functional earth according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Do not open the device. It contains no user-serviceable parts.
• Install all devices, doors and covers before turning on the power to this

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Testing the arc flash sensors with the light-only criteria operates the trip outputs of
the device or the I/O units for the protected zone.

Testing the arc flash sensors with the light and current criteria, without an injected
current, only generates an indication on the unit that protects the zone. The
indication of the arc fault is registered by the possible main unit and I/O unit.

NOTE: Testing the arc flash sensors using a light source can trip the
neighboring zones.

NOTE: For more information on viewing and resetting indications, see the
corresponding sensor user manual or www.schneider-electric.com.

NOTE: Because of their placement, some sensors cannot be tested without

dismantling parts of the system. After completing the testing, reassemble the

340 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

parts and validate the compliance with original mounting. Consult the
equipment manufacturer before dismantling any parts. Testing the sensors

Test the sensors with the main device. See VAMP 125 Arc Flash Protection
Device User Manual.

Reset the main device before the test.

NOTE: Because of their placement, some sensors cannot be tested without

dismantling parts of the system. After completing the testing, reassemble the
parts and validate the compliance with original mounting. Consult the
equipment manufacturer before dismantling any parts.

Figure 216 - Testing point sensors

1. Point light to each arc flash sensor, one at a time, with a powerful light source
such as camera flash unit or flashlight.

2. Check the light sensor indication from the device.

3. Check the light sensor address from the device.

4. Compare the light sensor address information from the device with the sensor
location map.

5. Fill in the test result in the test report.

See VAMP Arc Flash Protection Testing Manual.

6. Reset the device.

7. Repeat the procedure with the next sensor. Testing the sensor supervision

Test the sensors with the main device.

P3T/en M/F006 341

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 217 - Testing the sensor’s self-supervision 8 7

10 9
12 11
14 13

16 15






O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
L>ex tch
Zone TS
Addr. SENS
4 20
3 17
2 15
1 14
T3 12
R3 9 10
T2 7 8
R2 5 6
T1 3 4
1 2

1. Disconnect one wire from one point sensor, one for each unit, to see that the
self-supervision system recognizes the fault in the sensor.

2. Wait until the arc fault indication appears.

Depending on the device, this can take several minutes. See HMI functions
and indications in the device user manual.

3. Check that the service status output operates.

4. Fill in the test results in the test report.

See the test report template in VAMP Arc Flash Protection Testing Manual.

5. Reconnect the wire and reset the system.

6. Repeat the procedure with the other units. Testing the binary I/O connectivity

BI/O signals such as light and overcurrent information are transmitted between
devices through dedicated inputs/output.

1. Activate the signal outputs in the binary I/O by generating arc fault light signal,
overcurrent pickup or both.

2. Check the configuration modes used for the customer application.

3. Fill in the test result in the test report.

4. Reset the main unit.

5. Repeat the procedure with all connected I/O’s.

10.7.3 Test report Filling in the test report

1. Download the test report template from the Schneider Electric Web site.

342 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

2. Fill in all the required information about the system, the tested arc flash units
and the test results.

P3T/en M/F006 343

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation Test report example

Figure 218 - Test report example

Easergy P3x3x Arc stage commissioning and testing report

Customer Customer name Substation
Customer address Bay

Unit Device name: Device location:

Serial number: Order code:
Program version: IP Address:
NetMask: Gateway:
MAC address: NTP Server:
Scaling CT primary current input: A Pick-up setting: xln
CT secondary current input: A Pick-up value: A
CT residual current primary input: A Pick-up setting: xln
CT residual current secondary input: A Pick-up value: A
Arc sensors Sensor Arc sensor status Tested Remarks

Arc stages Stage number Activation criteria Tested Remarks

1 Light I>int Io1>int
2 Light I>int Io1>int
3 Light I>int Io1>int
4 Light I>int Io1>int
5 Light I>int Io1>int
6 Light I>int Io1>int
7 Light I>int Io1>int
8 Light I>int Io1>int

CBFP Stage number Delay setting / ms Tested Remarks


Trip relays Trip relay Tested CBFP Remarks


Led indications Led name Tested Led name Tested

A Yes NA B Yes NA
C Yes NA D Yes NA
E Yes NA F Yes NA
G Yes NA H Yes NA
I Yes NA J Yes NA
K Yes NA L Yes NA
M Yes NA N Yes NA

Testing device Device Calibration date

Signatures Commissioner(s)



344 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

10.7.4 Troubleshooting

This table describes some common problems in the arc flash system and how
they can be solved.

Table 150 - Troubleshooting

Problem Possible cause Solution

The trip signal does Faulty trip circuit Check that the wiring of the trip circuit is not
not reach the circuit wiring faulty.

The protection does The protection Check the dip switch configuration. The
not trip even when a needs both light protection may be configured to require both
sufficient light signal and current the light and current condition to trip.
is provided. information to trip.

Faulty sensor wiring Loose sensor wire Check the sensor wiring. The sensor wire
detected by the self- may have loosened in the terminal blocks.

Error message Light pulse to the Check that the light pulse to the arc flash
indicating blocked arc flash sensor is sensor is not too long.
sensor channel too long.
If light is supplied to the arc flash sensor for
more than three seconds, the self-
supervision function activates and switches
the light sensor channel to daylight blocking
mode, and the sensor channel is blocked.
The sensor channel indication activates an
error message indication on the LED.

Remove the light source to reset the blocked


10.8 Voltage system configuration

Depending on the application and available voltage transformers, the relay can be
connected either to zero-sequence voltage, line-to-line voltage or line-to-neutral
voltage. The configuration parameter "Voltage measurement mode" must be set
according to the type of connection used.

Voltage measuring modes correlation for E and F analog measurement


V1, V2, V3 and V4 are voltage channels for the relay.

The physical voltage transformer connection in the Easergy P3T32 depends on

the used voltage transformer connection mode. This setting is defined in the
scalings setting view. See Table 151 - Correlation between voltage measuring
mode and physical voltage input in Terminals 8/E/1 and 8/F/2 on page 346.

P3T/en M/F006 345

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 219 - Example of Terminal 8/E/1 and 8/E/2

Table 151 - Correlation between voltage measuring mode and physical voltage
input in Terminals 8/E/1 and 8/F/2

Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Voltage channel V1 V2 V3 V4

Mode / Used voltage

3LN Not in use



2LL+VN Not in use





10.8.1 Multiple channel voltage measurement

Slot 8 can accommodate four different analog measurement cards. Each of them
have four voltage measurement channels.

This section introduces various voltage connections and the required voltage
measuring modes for the connections. The settings are defined in the Scalings

346 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay


• Voltages measured by VTs: VA, VB, VC

• Values calculated: VAB, VBC, VCA, V1, V2, V2/V1, f, VN
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 25

Figure 220 - 3LN


P3x3x 3LN

8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


This connection is typically used for feeder and motor protection schemes.

• Voltages measured by VTs: VA, VB, VC, VN

• Values calculated: VAB, VBC, VCA, V1, V2, V2/V1, f
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 25

P3T/en M/F006 347

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 221 - 3LN+VN


P3x3x 3LN + Vo

8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Connection of voltage transformers for synchrocheck application. The other side

of the CB has line-to-line connection for reference voltage.

• Voltages measured by VTs: VA, VB, VC, VABy

• Values calculated: VAB, VBC, VCA, V1, V2, V2/V1, f, VN
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: -

348 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 222 - 3LN+LLy


P3x3x 3LN + LLy


8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


This connection is typically used for feeder protection scheme where line-to-
neutral voltage is required for synchrocheck application.

• Voltages measured by VTs: VA, VB, VC, VAy

• Values calculated: VAB, VBC, VCA, V1, V2, V2/V1, f, VN
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 25

P3T/en M/F006 349

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 223 - 3LN+LNy


P3x3x 3LN + LNy


8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Connection of two line-to-line and neutral displacement voltage measurement


• Voltages measured by VTs: VAB, VBC, VN

• Values calculated: VCA, VA, VB, VC, V1, V2, V2/V1, f
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 25

350 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 224 - 2LL+VN


P3x3x 2LL + Vo

8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Connection of two line-to-line and neutral displacement voltage schemes. Line-to-

line reference voltage is taken from the other side of the CB for synchrocheck

• Voltages measured by VTs: VAB, VBC, VN, VABy

• Values calculated: VCA, VA, VB, VC, V1, V2, V2/V1, f
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: -

P3T/en M/F006 351

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 225 - 2LL+VN+LLy


P3x3x 2LL + Vo + LLy


8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


Connection of two line-to-line and neutral displacement voltage schemes. The

other side of the CB has phase-to-neutral connection for synchrocheck.

• Voltages measured by VTs: VAB, VBC, VN, VAy

• Values calculated: VCA, VA, VB, VC, V1, V2, V2/V1, f
• Measurements available: All
• Protection functions not available: -

352 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 226 - 2LL+VN+LNy


P3x3x 2LL + Vo + LNy


8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


This scheme has two CBs to be synchronized. The left side of the bus bar has
line-to-line and the right side line-to-line connection for synchrocheck's reference
voltages. In the middle, the system voltages are measured by phase-to-neutral
and open delta connection.

• Voltages measured by VTs: VAB, VN, VABy, VABz

• Values calculated: VA, VB, VC, f
• Measurements available: -
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 67

P3T/en M/F006 353

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 227 - LL+VN+LLy+LLz


P3x3x LL + Vo + LLy + LLz

VB 8/C/1 : 11...12
VC 8/D/1 : 11...12

8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.


This scheme has two CBs to be synchronized. The left and right sides of the bus
bar have line-to-neutral connections for synchrocheck's reference voltages. In the
middle, system voltages are measured by phase-to-neutral and broken delta

• Voltages measured by VTs: VL, VN, VLy, VLz

• Values calculated: VAB, VBC, VCA, f
• Measurements available: -
• Protection functions not available: ANSI 67

354 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Figure 228 - LN+VN+LNy+LNz


P3x3x LN + Vo + LNy + LNz


8/E/2 : 1...8
8/F/2 : 1...8
1 V1
3 V2
5 V3
7 V4


• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the
voltage transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to
the connection diagrams presented in this document.

Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

10.9 CSH120 and CSH200 Core balance CTs


The specifically designed CSH120 and CSH200 core balance CTs are for direct
ground fault overcurrent measurement. The difference between CSH120 and
CSH200 is the inner diameter.

Because of their low-voltage insulation, they can only be used on cables.

P3T/en M/F006 355

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Figure 229 - CSH120 and CSH200 core balance CTs


CSH120 CSH200

Inner diameter 120 mm (4.7 in) 200 mm (7.9 in)

Weight 0.6 kg (1.32 lb) 1.4 kg (3.09 lb)

Accuracy ±5% at 20°C (68°F)

±6% max. from -25°C to 70°C

(-13°F to +158°F)

Transformation ratio 1/470

Maximum permissible current 20 kA - 1 s

Operating temperature -25°C to +70°C (-13°F to +158°F)

Storage temperature -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)


Figure 230 - Dimensions

1 2

(1): 4 horizontal mounting holes Ø 6

(2): 4 vertical mounting holes Ø 6

356 P3T/en M/F006

10 Installation Transformer protection relay

Dimensions A B D E F H J K L

CSH120 120 164 44 190 80 40 166 65 35

(in) (4.75) (6.46) (1.73) (7.48) (3.14) (1.57) (6.54) (2.56) (1.38)

CSH200 196 256 46 274 120 60 254 104 37

(in) (7.72) (10.1) (1.81) (10.8) (4.72) (2.36) (10) (4.09) (1.46)

• Only qualified personnel should install this equipment. Such work should
be performed only after reading this entire set of instructions and checking
the technical characteristics of the device.
• NEVER work alone.
• Turn off all power supplying this equipment before working on or inside it.
Consider all sources of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all
power is off.
• Only CSH120 and CSH200 core balance CTs can be used for direct
ground fault overcurrent measurement.
• Install the core balance CTs on insulated cables.
• Cables with a rated voltage of more than 1000 V must also have an
grounded shielding.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.


Group the MV cable (or cables) in the middle of the core balance CT.

Use non-conductive binding to hold the cables.

Remember to insert the three medium-voltage cable shielding groundng cables

through the core balance CT.

Figure 231 - Assembly on MV cables

P3T/en M/F006 357

Transformer protection relay 10 Installation

Connect the secondary circuit and the cable shielding of the CSH core
balance CTs to ground in the shortest possible manner according to the
connection diagram presented in this document.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.


Connection to Easergy P3T32

To ground fault current IN input, on connector X1, terminals 9 and 10 (shielding).

Recommended cable

• Sheathed cable, shielded by tinned copper braid

• Minimum cable cross-section 0.93 mm² (AWG 18)
• Resistance per unit length < 100 mΩ/m (30.5 mΩ/ft)
• Minimum dielectric strength: 1000 V (700 Vrms)
• Connect the cable shielding in the shortest manner possible to Easergy
• Flatten the connection cable against the metal frames of the cubicle.

The connection cable shielding is grounded in Easergy P3T32.

The maximum resistance of the Easergy P3T32 connection wiring must not
exceed 4 Ω (i.e. 20 m maximum for 100 mΩ/m or 66 ft maximum for 30.5 mΩ/ft).

358 P3T/en M/F006

11 Test and environmental conditions Transformer protection relay

11 Test and environmental conditions

11.1 Disturbance tests

Table 152 - Disturbance tests

Test Standard & Test class / Test value


Emission IEC/EN 60255-26 (ed3)

Conducted Class A / CISPR 22 0.15–30 MHz

Emitted Class A / CISPR 11 30–1000 MHz

Immunity IEC/EN 60255-26 (ed3)

Slow damped oscillatory IEC/EN 61000-4-18 ±2.5kVp CM

IEEE C37.90.1 ±2.5kVp DM
1 MHz

Fast damped oscillatory IEC/EN 61000-4-18 ±2.5kVp CM


3 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz

Static discharge (ESD) IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Level 4 ±8 kV contact

±15 kV air

Emitted HF field IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Level 3 80–2700 MHz, 10 V/m

IEEE C37.90.2 80–1000 MHz, 20 V/m

Fast transients (EFT) IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Level 4 ±4 kV, 5/50 ns, 5 kHz

IEEE C37.90.1

Surge IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Level 4 ±4 kV, 1.2/50 μs, CM

±2 kV, 1.2/50 μs, DM

Conducted HF field IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Level 3 0.15–80 MHz, 10 Vrms

Power-frequency magnetic IEC/EN 61000-4-8 300 A/m (continuous)

1000 A/m 1–3 s

Pulse magnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-9 Level 5 1000 A/m, 1.2/50 μs

P3T/en M/F006 359

Transformer protection relay 11 Test and environmental conditions

Test Standard & Test class / Test value


ac and dc voltage dips IEC/EN 61000-4-29, 0% of rated voltage - Criteria

IEC/EN 61000-4-11 A
• ac: ≥ 0.5 cycle
• dc: ≥ 10 ms

40% of rated voltage -

Criteria C
• ac: 10 cycles
• dc: 200 ms

70% of rated voltage -

Criteria C
• ac: 25 cycles
• dc: 500 ms

ac and dc voltage IEC/EN 61000-4-29, 100% interruption - Criteria

interruptions IEC/EN 61000-4-11 C
• ac: 250 cycles
• dc: 5 s

Voltage alternative IEC/EN 61000-4-17 15% of operating voltage

component (dc) / 10 min

11.2 Electrical safety tests

Table 153 - Electrical safety tests

Test Standard & Test class / Test value


Impulse voltage IEC/EN 60255-27, Class III 5 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J
1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J

Dielectric test IEC/EN 60255-27, Class III 2 kV, 50 Hz

0.5 kV, 50 Hz Communication

Insulation resistance IEC/EN 60255-27 > 100 MΩ at 500 Vdc using only
electronic/brushless insulation

Protective bonding IEC/EN 60255-27 shall not exceed 0,1 Ω


Clearance and Design criteria for distances

creepage distance as per IEC 60255-27 Annex
C (pollution degree 2,
overvoltage category 3)

Burden IEC 60255-1

Contact performance IEC 60255-1

360 P3T/en M/F006

11 Test and environmental conditions Transformer protection relay

11.3 Mechanical tests

Table 154 - Mechanical tests

Test Standard & Test class / level Test value

Device in operation

Vibrations IEC 60255-21-1, Class II / IEC 1 Gn, 10 Hz – 150 Hz

60068-2-6, Fc

Shocks IEC 60255-21-2, Class II / IEC 10 Gn / 11 ms

60068-2-27, Ea

Seismic IEC 60255-21-3 Method A, Class II 2 G horizontal / 1 G vertical , 1–35


Device de-energized

Vibrations IEC 60255-21-1, Class II / IEC 2 Gn, 10 Hz – 150 Hz

60068-2-6, Fc

Shocks IEC 60255-21-2, Class II / IEC 30 Gn / 11 ms

60068-2-27, Ea

Bump IEC 60255-21-2, Class II / IEC 20 Gn / 16 ms

60068-2-27, Ea

11.4 Environmental tests

Table 155 - Environmental tests

Test Standard & Test Test value

class / level

Device in operation

Dry heat EN / IEC 60068-2-2, Bd 70°C (158°F)

Cold EN / IEC 60068-2-1, Ad -40°C (-40°F)

Damp heat, cyclic EN / IEC 60068-2-30, Db From 25°C (77°F) to 55°C (131°F)

From 93% RH to 98% RH

Testing duration: 6 days

Damp heat, static EN / IEC 60068-2-78, Cab 40°C (104°F)

93% RH

Testing duration: 10 days

Change of temperature IEC / EN 60068-2-14, Nb Lower temp -40°C

Upper temp 70°C

5 cycles

Flowing mixed gas IEC 60068-2-60, Ke 25° C (77° F), 75 % RH

corrosion test, method
21 days 100 ppb H2S, 500 ppb

P3T/en M/F006 361

Transformer protection relay 11 Test and environmental conditions

Test Standard & Test Test value

class / level

Flowing mixed gas IEC 60068-2-60, Ke 25° C (77° F), 75 % RH

corrosion test, method
21 days 10 ppb H2S, 200 ppb
NO2, 10 ppb CL2, 200 ppb SO2

Device in storage

Dry heat EN / IEC 60068-2-2, Bb 70°C (158°F)

Cold EN / IEC 60068-2-1, Ab -40°C (-40°F)

11.5 Environmental conditions

Table 156 - Environmental conditions

Condition Value

Ambient temperature, in- -40 – 60°C (-40 –140°F)87

service84 85 86

Ambient temperature, storage -40 – 70°C (-40 –158°F)

Relative air humidity < 95%, no condensation allowed

Maximum operating altitude 2000 m (6561.68 ft)

84 The display contrast is affected by ambient temperatures below -25°C (-13°F).
85 Aftera cold start, in temperatures below -30°C (-22°F), allow the relay to stabilize for a few minutes
to achieve the specified accuracy.
86 55°C Max ambient temperature according to UL 508
87 Recommended values with VYX 695 projection mounting frame:

• device with 1 x raising frame → maximum ambient temperature 55°C

• device with 2 x raising frame → maximum ambient temperature 50°C

11.6 Casing
Table 157 - Casing

Parameter Value

Degree of protection (IEC 60529) IP54 Front panel, IP20 rear side

Dimensions (W x H x D) 270 x 176 x 230 mm / 10.63 x 6.93 x 9.06 in

Weight 4.2 kg (9.272 lb) or higher (depends of options)

362 P3T/en M/F006

12 Maintenance Transformer protection relay

12 Maintenance

• Wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) and comply with the safe
electrical work practices. For clothing, see applicable local standards.
• Only qualified personnel should install this equipment. Such work should
be performed only after reading this entire set of instructions and checking
the technical characteristics of the device.
• NEVER work alone.
• Turn off all power supplying this equipment before working on or inside it.
Consider all sources of power, including the possibility of backfeeding.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to ensure that all
power is off.
• Do not open the secondary circuit of a live current transformer.
• Always connect the polarity of the current transformer (CT) and the voltage
transformer (VT) and their secondary ground wiring according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.
• Connect the relay's protective ground to functional ground according to the
connection diagrams presented in this document.
Failure to follow this instruction will result in death or serious injury.

The Easergy P3 protection relays and arc flash detection products together with
their extension units, communication accessories, arc flash detection sensors and
cabling, later called “device”, require maintenance in work according to their
specification. Keep a record of the maintenance actions. The maintenance can
include, but is not limited to:
• preventive maintenance
• periodic testing
• hardware cleaning
• system status messages
• spare parts
• self-supervision

12.1 Preventive maintenance

Check the device visually when the switch gear is de-energized. During the
inspection, pay attention to:

• dirty components
• loose wire connections
• damaged wiring
• indicator lights
• other mechanical connections

Perform visual inspection every three (3) years minimum.

Related topics
Testing the LEDs and LCD screen on page 36

P3T/en M/F006 363

Transformer protection relay 12 Maintenance

12.2 Periodic testing

Test the device periodically according to the end user's safety instructions and
national safety instructions or law. Carry out functional testing every five (5) years

Conduct the testing with a secondary injection principle for the protection stages
used in the device and its extension units.

In corrosive or offshore environments, carry out functional testing every three (3)
years. For the testing procedures, see separate testing manuals.

12.3 Hardware cleaning

Special attention must be paid that the device do not become dirty. If cleaning is
required, wipe out dirt from the units.

12.4 System status messages

If the device’s self checking detects an unindented system status, it will in most
cases provide an alarm by activating the service LED and indication status
notification on the LCD screen. If this happens, store the possible message and
contact your local representative for further guidance.

12.5 Spare parts

Use an entire unit as a spare part for the device to be replaced. Always store
spare parts in storage areas that meet the requirements stated in the user

12.6 Self-supervision


• If the relay is no longer supplied with power or is in permanent fault state,

the protection functions are no longer active and all the Easergy P3 digital
outputs are dropped out.
• Check that the operating mode and SF relay wiring are compatible with the

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage and

unwanted shutdown of the electrical installation.


The electronic parts and the associated circuitry as well as the program execution
are supervised by means of a separate watchdog circuit. Besides supervising the
device, the watchdog circuit attempts to restart the microcontroller in an

364 P3T/en M/F006

12 Maintenance Transformer protection relay

inoperable situation. If the microcontroller does not restart, the watchdog issues a
self-supervision signal indicating a permanent internal condition.

When the watchdog circuit detects a permanent fault, it always blocks any control
of other digital outputs (except for the self-supervision SF output). In addition, the
internal supply voltages are supervised. Should the auxiliary supply of the device
disappear, an indication is automatically given because the device status
inoperative (SF) output functions on a working current principle. This means that
the SF relay is energized, the 1/C/1:5–7 (or 1/D/1:5-7) contact closed, when the
auxiliary supply is on and the Easergy P3T32 device is fully operational.

In addition to the dedicated self-supervision function, the protection relay has

several alarm signals that can be connected to outputs through the output matrix.
The alarms include:

• remote communication inactive

• extension I/O communication inactive
• communication Port 1 down
• communication Port 2 down
• selfdiag 1, 2 or 3 alarm
• password open

NOTE: SF output is referenced as "service status output" in the setting tool.

To get self-supervision alarms to SF output contact, they must be linked in the

Required alarms are first linked to a Selfdiag1, Selfdiag2 or Selfdiag3 group
(Figure 232 - Selfdiag alarm signal configuration on page 365).

Figure 232 - Selfdiag alarm signal configuration

P3T/en M/F006 365

Transformer protection relay 12 Maintenance

Having the Seldiag alarm grouping made, the appropriate alarms can be assigned
to SF relay. By default, selfdiag alarm 2 is linked to SF relay (Figure 233 - Linking
Selfdiag alarm 1-3 to SF relay on page 366). The function of this default setup is
the same as in the older systems where this configuration was not possible.

Figure 233 - Linking Selfdiag alarm 1-3 to SF relay

It is possible to choose what selfdiag alarms 1-3 do when activated. This option
can be done through the output matrix (Figure 234 - Selecting selfdiag 1-3
actions. The number of outputs varies depending on the device and order code
on page 366). This allows you to categorize and prioritize actions for each
selfdiag alarms individually. For example, in this configuration, selfdiag alarm 2
activates T9.

Figure 234 - Selecting selfdiag 1-3 actions. The number of outputs varies
depending on the device and order code

12.6.1 Diagnostics

The device runs self-diagnostic tests for hardware and software in boot sequence
and also performs runtime checking.

Permanent inoperative state

If a permanent inoperative state has been detected, the device releases an SF

relay contact and the service LED is set on. The local panel also displays a
detected fault message. The permanent inoperative state is entered when the
device is not able to handle main functions.

Temporal inoperative state

When the self-diagnostic function detects a temporal inoperative state, a Selfdiag

matrix signal is set and an event (E56) is generated. If the inoperative state was
only temporary, an off event is generated (E57). The self-diagnostic state can be
reset via the front panel.

Diagnostic registers

There are four 16-bit diagnostic registers which are readable through remote

366 P3T/en M/F006

12 Maintenance Transformer protection relay

Table 158 - Readable registers through remote communication protocols

Register Bit Code Description

SelfDiag1 0 (LSB) (Reserved) (Reserved)

1 (Reserved) (Reserved)

2 T1 Detected digital output fault

3 T2

4 T3

5 T4

6 T5

7 T6

8 T7

9 T8

10 A1

11 A2

12 A3

13 A4

14 A5

15 T9

SelfDiag2 0 (LSB) T10 Detected digital output fault

1 T11

2 T12

3 T13

4 T14

5 T15

6 T16

7 T17

8 T18

9 T19

10 T20

11 T21

P3T/en M/F006 367

Transformer protection relay 12 Maintenance

Register Bit Code Description

12 T22

13 T23

14 T24

SelfDiag4 0 (LSB) +12V Detected internal voltage fault

1 ComBuff BUS: detected buffer error

2 Order Code Detected order code error

3 Slot card Detected option card error

4 FPGA conf. Detected FPGA configuration error

5 I/O unit Detected ARC I/O unit error

6 Arc sensor Detected faulty arc sensor

7 QD-card error Detected QD-card error

8 BI Detected ARC BI error

9 LowAux Low auxiliary supply voltage

The code is displayed in self-diagnostic events and on the diagnostic menu on the
local panel and Easergy Pro.

NOTE: All signals are not necessarily available in every Easergy P3 product.

12.7 Arc flash detection system maintenance

The device requires maintenance to ensure that it works according to the


Carry out periodic system testing as per the testing recommendation in this
manual or if the protection system scheme has been changed.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

368 P3T/en M/F006

12 Maintenance Transformer protection relay


• If the arc flash detection unit is no longer supplied with power or is in

permanent non-operational state, the protection functions are no longer
active and all the output contacts are dropped out.
• To detect a power-off or a permanent fault state, connect the watchdog
(SF) output contact to a monitoring device such as SCADA or DCS.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Keep record of the maintenance actions performed for the system.

The maintenance can include but is not limited to:

• visual inspection
• periodic testing
• hardware cleaning
• sensor condition and positioning check
• checking the obstruction of sensors

12.7.1 Visual inspection

Do visual inspection once every three (3) years minimum.

1. De-energize the switchgear.

2. Inspect the device, sensors and cabling.

Pay attention to:
◦ possible dirty arc sensors
◦ loose wire connections
◦ damaged wiring
◦ indicator lights (device start-up)
◦ other mechanical connections

12.7.2 Hardware cleaning

Pay special attention to ensure that the device, its extension units and sensors do
not become dirty.


• Do not use any type of solvents or gasoline to clean the device, sensors
or cables.
• When cleaning the sensor, make sure that the cleaning solution does not
contact anything other than the sensor.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

• If cleaning is required, wipe out dirt from the device.

• Use a dry cleaning cloth or equivalent together with mild soapy water to clean
any residues from the light sensor.

P3T/en M/F006 369

Transformer protection relay 12 Maintenance

12.7.3 Sensor condition and positioning check

Always check that the sensor positioning remains as it was originally designed
• commissioning
• sensor replacement
• modification procedure
• cleaning
• arc flash fault
• periodic testing

Check for obstruction of the sensors.

370 P3T/en M/F006

13 Order codes and accessories Transformer protection relay

13 Order codes and accessories

13.1 Order codes

When ordering, state:
• Order code of the relay
• Quantity
• Accessories (see the order codes in section Accessories)

Figure 235 - P3T32 order code

Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P3T32 - A - A A -

T32 = Transformer protection relay with differential protection

Nominal Supply voltage [V]

C = Power C 110-230 V (80 .. 265 Vac/dc, 5 x DO heavy duty, A1, SF)
D = Power D 24-48 V (18 .. 60 Vdc, 5 x DO heavy duty, A1, SF)

I/O Card I
G = 6DI+4DO (6 x DI, 4 x DO)
B = 3BIO+2Arc (3 x BI/BO, 2 x Arc point sensor, T2, T3, T4)
C = F2BIO+1Arc (Fibre 2 x BI/BO, 1 x Arc loop sensor, T2, T3, T4)

I/O Card II
A = None
G = 6DI+4DO (6 x DI, 4 x DO)
H = 6DI+4DO (6 x DI, 4 x DO(NC))
I = 10DI (10 x DI)
I/O Card III
1 = 3xI (5/1A) ringlug + Io (5/1A) for transformer differential protection

I/O Card IV
A = None

Option card I
A = None
D = 4Arc (4 x Arc sensor)
K = RS232 (RS232)

Future option
A = None

Analog measurement card (See application)

1 = 3L(5A) + 2Io (5/1A+1/0,2A) ringlug + 4U
2 = 3L(1A) + 2Io (5/1A+1/0.2A) ringlug + 4U
Communication interface I
A = None
B = RS232 (RS232, IRIG-B)
C = RS232+RJ (RS232, IRIG-B + Ethernet RJ-45 100 Mbs)
D = RS232+LC (RS232, IRIG-B + Ethernet LC 100 Mbs)
N 2xRJ (Ethernet RJ 100 Mbs, RSTP)
O = 2xLC (Ethernet LC 100 Mbs, RSTP)
P = PP (Plastic / Plastic serial fibre)
R = GG (Glass / Glass serial fibre)

A = Reserved

Display type
B = 128x128 (128 x 128 LCD matrix)
C = 128x128Ext (128 x 128 LCD matrix, detachable)

Nominal DI voltage (voltage withstand)

A = 24 Vdc/ac (255 Vdc/ac)
B = 110 Vdc/ac (255 Vdc/ac)
C = 220 Vdc/ac (255 Vdc/ac)

Product version
A = Version 2.1

Future option
A = None

A = English, IEC
B = English, ANSI

1) 1) If slot 8 = 1 or 2, then slot 4 = 1

2) By default, the cable length is 2 m (6.56 ft). You can order cables of other
length separately: VX001-1 (1 m/3.28 ft), Vx001-3 (3 m/9.84 ft) or VX001-5 (5 m/
16.40 ft).
NOTE: All PCBA cards are conformally coated.

P3T/en M/F006 371

Transformer protection relay 13 Order codes and accessories

13.2 Accessories
Table 159 - Easergy P3T32 accessories

Order code Product Description


REL52801 VA1DA-20 Arc sensor, 20 m (66 ft)

REL52803 VA1DA-20S Arc sensor, 20 m (66 ft), shielded

REL52804 VA1DA-6 Arc sensor, 6 m (20 ft) connect cable

REL52806 VA1DA-6S Arc sensor, 6 m (20 ft), shielded

REL52807 VA1EH-20 Arc sensor, 20 m (66 ft) pipe sensor

REL52809 VA1EH-6 Arc sensor, 6 m (20 ft) pipe sensor

REL52812 VIO12ABSE RTD module, 12pcs RTD inputs, RS485

REL52813 VIO12ACSE RTD module, 12pcs RTD inputs, mA in/out

REL52814 VIO12ADSE RTD module, 12pcs RTD inputs, mA in/out

REL52815 VPA3CGSE Profibus interface module

REL52816 VSE001-GGSE Fiber optic module (Glass - Glass)

REL52819 VSE001-PPSE Fiber optic module (Plastic - Plastic)

REL52820 VSE002 RS485 module

REL52821 VSE009 DeviceNet module

REL52822 VX052-3 USB programming cable (eSetup Easergy Pro)

REL52823 VX067 P3x split cable for COM1-2&COM3-4 ports

REL52824 VX072 P3x Profibus cable

REL52832 VYX695 Raising frame, P3x, 45 mm (1.8 in)

372 P3T/en M/F006

14 Firmware revision Transformer protection relay

14 Firmware revision
Table 160 - Firmware revisions

FW revision Changes

Version: 30.201 Cybersecurity improvements:

• passwords are stored as salted hash
Release date:
• password resetting procedure changed
January 2020
• new user account Administrator added

Version: 30.111 • Improved menu titles for COM ports and Ethernet ports in the
Protocol Configuration menu
Release date:
• IEC-61850 speed optimizations
October 2019
• Added IRIG-B support for option 'K' in slot 6
• Support for eight (8) controllable objects and protocol
parameters for Modbus, IEC 61850, IEC 103, IEC 101, Device
Net, Profibus, DNP 3, and SPAbus
• Modbus:
◦ registers to include protection function status
◦ added LED status information

Version: 30.110 • ANSI terminology

• Digital inputs 33–36 added to DNP and IEC 101 protocol
Release date:
• Phase-wise cumulative breaking current over IEC 61850
August 2019
• Temperature LN to IEC 61850
• Add VI5-20 and VO7-20 added to IEC 103 protocol mapping
• EtherNet/IP protocol removed

Version: 30.109 • Arc protection I>int. start setting changed to be relative to CT

primary instead of application nominal current.
Release date:
• Unit for start setting of I0>int. arc protection changed to "pu".
March 2019
• Negative sequence voltage 47-1, 47-2, and 47-3(ANSI 47)
stages added.
• Maximum number of disturbance records increased from 12 to
• IEC 61850 logical nodes added for digital inputs 32....36.
• Digital inputs 33...36 added to IEC 103 protocol.
• BIO and IGBT support added to P3x3x models.

P3T/en M/F006 373

Transformer protection relay 14 Firmware revision

FW revision Changes

Version: 30.108 • Intermittent ground fault (ANSI 67NI) changed:

◦ New start setting "Sensitive/Normal" and VN check for trip
Release date:
December 2018
• CB condition monitoring upgraded with opening counts and
opening, closing and charging times
• Fault locator enhanced to allow multiple line segments.
• LED matrix in P3x3x enhanced:
◦ LEDs can now be configured more flexibly.
◦ It is now possible to select for each individual LED whether
it should be blinking, latched, or non-volatile (keep its state
over reboot).
◦ Each LED also has a configurable description, one for
green colour and another for red.
• COMTRADE files can be read over Modbus.
• Product and vendor data changed to Schneider Electric in EDS
file. This change affects CIP protocols: DeviceNet and
• Pole slip protection (ANSI 78) added for P30G and P3G32.
• New CBFP functions added: "CBFP1" and "CBFP2".
• Restricted ground fault protection (ANSI 64REF) for P3T32 and
• Faulty phase detection added for ANSI 67N (I0Dir) stage.
• Ethernet's redundancy protocols are now in separate menus.

Version: 30.106 • The setting "Inv. time coefficient k" in stages 50/51-1, 67N-1,
67N-2, 50N/51N-1, 67N-1, 67N-2, 67N-3 has three decimals
Release date:
instead of two and the minimum value for the ground fault
overcurrent was changed from 0.05 to 0.025.
• Communication protocol updates

Version: 30.104 First release

Release date:

374 P3T/en M/F006

Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison - France
Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

© 2020 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved.

P3T/en M/F006 — 02/2020

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