Book Exercise: Class-6 Computer L-5 Microsoft Excel 2016

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A. Tick () the correct options.
1. A worksheet consists of:
a. Rows and columns ()
b. Cells and rows ()
c. Columns only ()
2. A cell with a dark green border is called:
a. Selected cell ()
b. Active cell ()
c. Bordered cell ()
3. In Excel, you can create and maintain the data in:
a. Column format ()
b. Tabular format ()
c. Rows format ()
4. Spreadsheet is also known as:
a. Document ()
b. Worksheet ()
c. Cells sheets ()
5. The shortcut key to save a file is:
a. Ctrl + S ()
b. Alt +S ()
c. Shift + A ()

B. Fill in the blanks.

single Maximize groups Quick access Toolbar Title bar

1. The title bar displays the name of the current workbook.

2. By default, Excel workbook contains a single worksheet.
3. The Quick Access Toolbar contains common commands, such a new, open, save, etc.,
that you can access by pressing single click.
4. The maximize button enlarges the Excel window up to its standard size.
5. In Excel, various commands are arranged in groups.

C. State ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. A5 is an example of cell reference. True
2. The Name box shows the data that you enter in an active cell. False
3. You can enter data and formula in the Formula bar. True
4. On pressing the Ctrl key, you can select multiple range of cells. True
5. On clicking row header, you can select a complete row. True

D. Match the following columns:


1. F2 a. To close a workbook in Excel (5)

2. Ctrl + S b. To select complete worksheet (4)

3. Arrow keys c. To save a workbook (2)

4. Ctrl + A d. To open a cell in edit mode (1)

5. File  Close e. To move around the worksheet (3)

E. The following are the steps to open an existing workbook in Excel. Order them by putting
numbers 1 to 5.
 Click File. (1)
 Select the Open option. (5)
 Click Browse. (3)
 Select the desired location and file name. (4)
 Click the Open button to open the file. (2)


F. Short answer questions.

1. Shashank has entered data in a worksheet. Now, he wants to edit some cell entries.
Which key should he press to open a cell in edit mode?
Ans. He should press F2 key to open a cell in edit mode.

2. Distinguish between cell and an active cell.

Intersection of a row and a column in a A cell that has a dark green border around
worksheet is called a cell. Each cell has a it, is called an active cell. An active cell
unique address which is made up of indicated the insertion point to enter data
combination of a column letter and row in a cell.
number, e.g. A1, B3, C4, etc. You enter the
data in cells.

3. What is Formula bar?

Ans. Formula bar is located next to the Name box. It shows the data or formula of the
active cells and allows you to enter and manipulate the active cell data and formula.

4. Which option will you use to save an existing file with a new name?
Ans. We will use ‘Save as’ option to save an existing file with a new name.

5. Define the Name box.

Ans. Name box displays the cell reference (address) of the active cell. For example, A1.

6. What do you mean by a ‘range of cells’?

Ans. A group of adjacent cells is referred to as range of cells. To select a range of cells, we
can click on a cell and drag the mouse over the remaining cells. Or click on the cell where
selection is to be started, then, press and hold down the Shift key and click on the cell
where the selection is to be finished.

G. Long answer questions.

1. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?

Excel file is known as workbook. By A large sheet that contains a grid of
default, a workbook holds one rows and columns in which data is
worksheet. We can add or delete the entered is called worksheet.
worksheets in a workbook as per the

2. Write the steps to start Excel.

Ans. To start Microsoft Excel 2016, we have to follow some steps which are:
I. Click Start button.
II. Click the All apps.
III. Click Microsoft Office 2016.
IV. Click Excel 2016.

3. How will you modify the data of a cell? Write steps.

Ans. To modify the data of a cell, the steps are:
I. Double-click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit.
II. Click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit, and then click anywhere
in the formula bar.
III. Click the cell that contains the data that you want to edit, and then press F2.

4. What is Excel? Explain any five tasks that you can do in Excel.
Ans. Excel is very popular spreadsheet program. It allows you to create and maintain the
data in tabular format. Excel is commonly used for storing, structuring and manipulating
the numerical values or information, called data, in the form of rows and columns.
The five tasks that we can do in excel are:
 Excel allows us to create worksheets, much like paper ledgers, that can perform
automatic calculations.

 Each Excel file is a workbook that can hold many worksheets.

 Quick data entry can be done easily using Auto Fill option.
 Data can be viewed in graphical form such as charts.
 Excel provides us the facility of sorting and filtering large amount of data, which will
save our time and make our spreadsheet more effective and attractive.

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