DLL English 4 Q1 WK 4

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Grade Level IV Learning Area: ENGLISH

Dates and Time JUNE 24-28, 2019 JEAN FRANCIS V. DELA CRUZ
School Head

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards - Demonstrates understanding -Demonstrates understanding - Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding
of the elements of that English is stress-timed the elements of informational English grammar and usage in of writing as a process
informational text for language to achieve accuracy text for comprehension. speaking or writing.
comprehension. and automaticity
- demonstrates understanding
that word meaning changes
based on context.
B. Performance Objective Recall details ,sequence of -Reads aloud text with Recall details ,sequence of Uses the classes of words aptly Uses a variety of strategies
events and shares ideas on text accuracy and automaticity events and shares ideas on text of various oral and written to write informational and
listened to. - use strategies to decode the listened to. discourse literary composition
meaning of words in the
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Sequence at least three events Read words, phrases, poems Use graphic organizer to show Use clear and coherent Write 2-3 step directions
using signal words or stories with long vowel o understanding of texts (story sentences employing using signal markers
EN4LC-Id-2.7 sound sequence organizers) appropriate grammatical EN4WC-Id-33
Speak clearly using appropriate EN4F-Id-9 EN4SS-Id-2.15 structures: kinds of nouns Show willingness and
pronunciation and intonation (mass and count nouns) enthusiasm in reading or
(poems, chants, rhymes, EN4G-Id-33 listening to literary text
riddles) EN4-Id-20
II. CONTENT “Tower to the Moon” Who’s Afraid? Poem: Cooking in the Kitchen Mass Noun and Count Noun “I love the Market”
( Subject Matter) _Sequencing Events -Write rhyming words -Sequencing events -Following Direction
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 45-48 pp. 48- 50 Pp. 50-51 Pp. 52 Pp. 53
2. Learners Material Pages pp. 31-32 Pp. 32-36 Pp.36 - 37 Pp. 38-39 Pp.40
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LRDMS
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation maps Power point presentation Power point presentation, Power point presentation,
A. Reviewing past lesson or Presenting Unlocking of Difficulties Review of the past lesson Review of the past lesson about -Review of the past lesson Recite rhymes and poems
the new lesson Identify word or phrase which about sequencing events long vowel o sound about sequencing events using learned in previous lesson.
( Drill/Review/ Unlocking of Difficulties) has the same meaning as the graphic organizers. Call
underlined word. volunteers to share their
a. The teacher gave us the task assignments in class.
to clean the bookshelf. It is a
duty we need to do every
b. The officer commands his
men to march forward. In a
loud voice, he orders them to
move faster.
c. The stubborn boy fell from
the tree. His being hardheaded
brought him harm.
B. Establishing a purpose of the new What do you wish for yourself? What chores at home do you Have you tried cooking any Do you like cakes? What What ingredients do you
lesson (Motivation) What do you wish for your like to learn? dish? How was the food? flavor do you like best? know are needed in
family? preparing fruit salad?
In the story , Tower to the
Moon, identify the king’s

C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the Read the story: Read the first paragraph , Refer to LM Read and Learn p. Refer to LM Find out and Show the class a video on
new lesson :Tower to the Moon” refer to LM, Find out and 35 Learn p. 38 making fruit salad.
( Presentation) Stop / pause at some parts and learn pp. 32
ask predicting questions
D. Discussing new concepts and Engagement Activities Where does the king sit? Which is task is done first ? Present a table with count -What do we do first?
practicing new skills no.1. Group Activity: What does he want to do? Second? Next?last?How do we nouns and mass nouns. - What do we do next?
( Modeling) -Draw a tower Could they build a tower with arrange the steps in a process Ask the class what they -What did we do after that?
-Write a letter the boxes? Why? Why not in order or sequence they are noticed on the two sets of -What did we do last?
-Write a trait that one must done? words. - What words did we use to
posses -Name other things which show the steps in preparing
cannot be counted. the salad?
-Name other things which can
be counted.

E. Discussing new concepts and ASK 5 pupils to stand in front Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM Think and Tell Classify the nouns as count -What steps do you follow
practicing new skills no.2 of the classroom. Ask each p.33 p. 36 nouns and mass nouns. Place in washing your hands? List
( Guided Practice) pupil to read an event in the the count nouns on the table the answers on the board
story Tower to the Moon. The and the mass nouns in the jar. and let the class read the
other members of the class paragraph.
arrange the pupils in front
according to the event in the
story they will read. Let the
pupils retell the story.
F. Developing Mastery Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM Do and Learn Alphabet Game Ask the class to give 3 steps
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) p. 31 p.34 Exercise 4 p. 37 Group the participants into 4- on washing clothes as they
( Independent Practice ) 5. Ask each group to make a have learned on their EPP
list of mass and count nouns subject. Make sure to use
beginning with a particular signal words.
letter. (Groups can be given
the option of choosing the
beginning letter)
Group 1 - Count nouns
beginning with letter B
Group 2 - Count Nouns
beginning with letter R
Group 3 - Mass Nouns
beginning with letter S
Group 4 - Mass Nouns
beginning with Letter M
Group 5- Count Nouns
beginning with Letter P

After making the list, give it to

another group. The other group
will arrange the word list in
alphabetical order. Present the
list to the class.
G. Finding practical application of What will you do to make your Refer to LM Learn Some More Refer to LM, Try and Learn
concepts and skills in daily living dreams come true? p. 37 p. 39
( Application/Valuing)
H. Making Generalization and What helped you sequence the How do you pronounce words How do you sequence events in What are count nouns and How do you give directions
abstraction about the lesson events in the story? with long o? a story aside from numbering mass nouns? properly? What are the
( Generalization) the events? signal words used?
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, Do and Learn p. Refer LM, Do and Learn Refer to LM Try and Learn Refer to LM, Learn Some Refer to LM, Write about it
32 p.34 p. 36 More p. 39 p. 40
Write 1-5 to sequence the Fill in each blank with long o With the use of jars, arrange the Your mother sent you to the Write 3 directions for each
events as they happened in the words to complete the set of activities as mentioned in market/grocery store. With a task using signal words.
story “In A Minute” then retell rhymes. the poem “Cooking in the partner, prepare a list of things
the story. Kitchen.” you will buy. List all the count
nouns in one column and the
mass nouns in another.
J. Additional activities for application Give 5 pair of words that Make your own graphic
and remediation rhyme. organizer about the steps on
( Assignment) cooking rice.

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