DLL English 4 Q1 WK 4
DLL English 4 Q1 WK 4
DLL English 4 Q1 WK 4
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the Read the story: Read the first paragraph , Refer to LM Read and Learn p. Refer to LM Find out and Show the class a video on
new lesson :Tower to the Moon” refer to LM, Find out and 35 Learn p. 38 making fruit salad.
( Presentation) Stop / pause at some parts and learn pp. 32
ask predicting questions
D. Discussing new concepts and Engagement Activities Where does the king sit? Which is task is done first ? Present a table with count -What do we do first?
practicing new skills no.1. Group Activity: What does he want to do? Second? Next?last?How do we nouns and mass nouns. - What do we do next?
( Modeling) -Draw a tower Could they build a tower with arrange the steps in a process Ask the class what they -What did we do after that?
-Write a letter the boxes? Why? Why not in order or sequence they are noticed on the two sets of -What did we do last?
-Write a trait that one must done? words. - What words did we use to
posses -Name other things which show the steps in preparing
cannot be counted. the salad?
-Name other things which can
be counted.
E. Discussing new concepts and ASK 5 pupils to stand in front Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM Think and Tell Classify the nouns as count -What steps do you follow
practicing new skills no.2 of the classroom. Ask each p.33 p. 36 nouns and mass nouns. Place in washing your hands? List
( Guided Practice) pupil to read an event in the the count nouns on the table the answers on the board
story Tower to the Moon. The and the mass nouns in the jar. and let the class read the
other members of the class paragraph.
arrange the pupils in front
according to the event in the
story they will read. Let the
pupils retell the story.
F. Developing Mastery Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM, Try and Learn Refer to LM Do and Learn Alphabet Game Ask the class to give 3 steps
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) p. 31 p.34 Exercise 4 p. 37 Group the participants into 4- on washing clothes as they
( Independent Practice ) 5. Ask each group to make a have learned on their EPP
list of mass and count nouns subject. Make sure to use
beginning with a particular signal words.
letter. (Groups can be given
the option of choosing the
beginning letter)
Group 1 - Count nouns
beginning with letter B
Group 2 - Count Nouns
beginning with letter R
Group 3 - Mass Nouns
beginning with letter S
Group 4 - Mass Nouns
beginning with Letter M
Group 5- Count Nouns
beginning with Letter P