Journal of Clinical Microbiology-2002-Van Den Brule-779.full
Journal of Clinical Microbiology-2002-Van Den Brule-779.full
Journal of Clinical Microbiology-2002-Van Den Brule-779.full
0095-1137/02/$04.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.40.3.779–787.2002
Copyright © 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
High-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA has been simultaneously in one assay, i.e., HR-HPV group detection.
shown to be present in 99.7% of cervical cancers worldwide (1, The latter can be accomplished by HR-HPV GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR-
29), and the persistence of HR-HPV infection appears neces- enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or HC2 (7, 8, 25). However, there
sary for the development of cervical premalignant lesions and is a strong need to identify individual HPV genotypes to in-
invasive cervical cancer (14, 15, 20, 30). Therefore, HR-HPV vestigate the epidemiology and clinical behavior of particular
testing may have implications for the clinical management of types. Moreover, HPV typing is of importance for character-
women with cervical lesions (25) and for primary screening for izing study populations being used for HPV vaccination trials
cervical cancer (17, 20). In addition, several human papilloma- and for monitoring the efficiency of HPV-targeted therapies
virus (HPV)-targeted therapies have been or are being devel- and vaccines.
oped, and the first trials with prophylactic HPV vaccines are HPV type determination after general-primer PCR assays
being conducted. has been done by nucleotide sequencing (19, 28) or oligonu-
To date, the detection of HPV genotypes has been done cleotide probe (oligoprobe) hybridization (Southern dot blot-
predominantly by L1 general- or consensus-primer PCR assays ting [7, 16, 26] and EIA [8] formats) of the PCR products or by
(3, 6, 12, 16, 24, 26) and by the commercially available liquid HPV type-specific PCR (27). However, all of these methods
hybridization assay Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) (25). General- are very laborious (2). Recently, more convenient typing meth-
primer PCR assays enable the detection of a broad spectrum of ods based on reverse hybridization have been described; in
mucosotropic HPV types, since the primers anneal to a highly these methods, initially cloned HPV plasmids (4) and later
homologous region of the HPV types spanning a polymorphic HPV type-specific oligonucleotides (5, 13) were used. The
inner region, allowing specific HPV typing. Of these general- most recently described assays, the MY09/11 reverse line blot
primer PCR assays, the GP5⫹/6⫹ and the MY09/11 PCR assay (5) and the SPF line probe assay (13), can type 27 and 25
systems (3, 16) are the most frequently used and clinically HPV genotypes, respectively, in a nonradioactive format using
evaluated ones. Despite the existence of more than 70 HPV precipitating color substrates. However, these assays use indi-
genotypes, HPV testing for clinical purposes has been greatly vidual hybridization strips for each PCR product, and these
simplified and facilitated by testing for all HR-HPV types strips can be used only once. As a consequence, these assays
are rather expensive and not ideal for high-throughput analy-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Pathology,
Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Am-
Here we developed an easy and rapid reverse line blot
sterdam, The Netherlands. Phone: 31-20-444.4023. Fax: 31-20-444.2964. (RLB) assay for large-scale identification of 37 HPV genotypes
E-mail: [email protected]. after GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR. The assay is based on the use of a
TABLE 1. Conditions for GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR with in relation to the previous protocol (8) to minimize the possibility of cross-
PTC225 and PE9700 hybridization between related HPV types. First, the hybridization temperature
was increased from 37 to 55°C. Second, the oligoprobe sequence of HPV type 45
Conditions used with: was changed (Table 2), since the originally described 30-mer oligoprobe of HPV
PTC225 PE9700a type 45 tended to cross-react with HPV type 43 DNA despite the presence of
seven mismatches. The sequences of the EIA oligoprobes used in this study are
Start 4 min at 94°C 4 min at 94°C shown in Table 2. For HR-HPV and low-risk HPV (LR-HPV) group-specific
detection, oligoprobe cocktails for 14 HR-HPVs (i.e., HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33,
Cycles (n ⫽ 40) 20 s at 94°C (denaturation) 20 s at 94°C (denaturation) 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68) and 23 LR-HPVs (i.e., HPV types 6, 11,
In 24 s to 90°C In 33% of SA to 38°C 26, 34, 40, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 55, 57, 61, 70, 71 [CP8061], 72, 73, 81 [CP8304],
In 66 s to 48°C 30 s at 38°C (annealing) 82/MM4, 82/IS39, 83 [MM7], 84 [MM8], and CP6108), respectively, were used.
In 30 s to 38°C In 44% of SO to 71°C
RLB of GP5ⴙ/6ⴙ PCR products. RLB analyses were performed using a
30 s at 38°C (annealing) 80 s at 71°C (elongation)
previously described system (10, 11, 23). The system is based on the use of a
In 18 s to 42°C In 62% of SO to 94°C
miniblotter for spotting in parallel up to 42 different oligoprobes containing a
In 42 s to 66°C
In 18 s to 71°C 5⬘-amino group on a carboxyl-coated nylon membrane. Subsequently, up to 42
80 s at 71°C (elongation) PCR products can be pipetted into the parallel channels of the miniblotter in
TABLE 2. HPV type-specific oligoprobes used for EIA and RLB typing of GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products
Sequence of oligoprobe for:
HPV type
showed perfect matches to all known HPV variants (18, 31, tions of the GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products showed that the sensitiv-
32), as determined by sequence alignments. ity of RLB detection was identical to that of EIA detection.
In order to determine the optimal concentration of the oli- Subsequently, serial dilutions ranging from 100 ag to 100 pg of
goprobes to be used for RLB, oligoprobe concentrations rang- cloned representatives of phylogenetically distant HPV groups,
ing from 25 to 400 pmol/l were applied to RLB membranes. i.e., HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 33, 39, and 51, were tested by
Subsequently, membranes were hybridized with GP5⫹/6⫹ GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR and the two different readout systems. RLB
PCR products derived from clinical samples which, on the and EIA reached the same detection level, and the sensitivities
basis of EIA typing, were found to contain HPV type 11, 16, 18, for these HPV types were identical to those previously de-
and/or 33 DNA. For all the HPV types, the most optimal scribed for EIA (8), as shown for HPV type 16 (detection level,
signals were obtained with 100 to 200 pmol of oligoprobe/l 100 ag) in Fig. 1 (lower panel). It was further evident that
(Fig. 1, upper panel). Consequently, 200 pmol/l was chosen dilutions showing borderline EIA signals gave rise to clearly
for generating the RLB membranes for subsequent experi- visible signals with RLB after a standard 5-min ECL exposure.
ments. No signal was obtained with HPV-negative samples, Subsequently, the specificity of RLB was evaluated with
providing evidence that the signals were HPV specific (Fig. 1, GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products for a panel of HPV types (14 HR-
upper panel). HPV types, i.e., HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56,
(ii) Sensitivity and specificity. First, the sensitivity of RLB 58, 59, 66 and 68, and 23 LR-HPV types, i.e., HPV types 6, 11,
detection was compared with that of conventional EIA detec- 26, 34, 40, 42, 43, 44, 53, 54, 55, 57, 61, 70, 71 [CP8061], 72, 73,
tion. For that purpose, GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products were gener- 81 [CP8304], 82/MM4, 82/IS39, 83 [MM7], 84 [MM8], and
ated from 100 pg of cloned DNAs of HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, CP6108) derived from either cloned HPVs or well-character-
31, and 58 and subjected to both EIA using specific probes for ized clinical specimens. RLB analysis with membranes on
the respective types and RLB. Hybridization with serial dilu- which oligoprobes of these 37 HPV types were applied clearly
showed specific hybridization without any cross-reaction. Even described (8). This cross-hybridization disappeared without a
when large amounts of PCR products for phylogenetically loss of sensitivity when EIA hybridization was performed at
closely related HPV types (i.e., HPV types 6 and 11, HPV types 55°C. Therefore, an EIA hybridization temperature of 55°C
39 and 45, and HPV types 33 and 58) were used in combination was applied for this study.
with longer ECL exposure times, no cross-reactivity was ob- In order to determine to what extent membranes can be
served. In contrast, with EIA, weak, mutual cross-hybridization reused, we repeatedly stripped and rehybridized the filters by
was occasionally found between HPV types 33 and 58 when applying the PCR products for the respective HPV types in
hybridization was performed at 37°C, the condition previously different channels per experiment. It appeared that the mem-
FIG. 1. Optimization of oligoprobe concentration for RLB. (Upper panel) Different concentrations of oligoprobes were spotted onto the
membrane and subsequently hybridized with GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products derived from clinical specimens containing HPV type 16, HPV types 16 and
33, HPV types 11 and 18, HPV type 16, no HPV (⫺), HPV type 33, and HPV type 16 from (top to bottom). Optimal signals were derived when
100 to 200 pmol of oligoprobe/l was used. (Lower panel) Dilutions of cloned HPV type 16 (pHPV16) DNA were subjected to GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR
and RLB, showing that 100 ag of HPV type 16 DNA can easily be detected.
branes could be stripped and rehybridized at least 15 times were predominantly found, whereas HPV types 34, 44, 57, 61,
without a loss of signal. MM8, IS39, and CP8061 were not detected. Twenty-two per-
Evaluation of RLB. (i) Comparison of RLB typing with cent of the HPV-positive normal scraping specimens showed
HR-HPV or LR-HPV group-specific EIA. The performance of mixed infections. Interestingly, multiple infections appeared to
RLB for the typing of 37 HPV types in clinical specimens was be age dependent, being most frequent (50%) in women 15 to
first evaluated with HPV-positive cervical scraping (n ⫽ 196) 24 years old (data not shown). Of these mixed infections, 75%
and tissue biopsy (n ⫽ 100) specimens which were pretested by were double infections, 22% were triple, and 3% were quadru-
GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR followed by HR-HPV and LR-HPV group- ple. In cytomorphologically abnormal scraping specimens
specific EIA identification. A schematic outline of this proce- (n ⫽ 33; predominantly mild dyskaryosis), a slightly higher
dure is given in Fig. 2. Results are shown in Table 4. Repre- frequency of multiple infections (27%) was found. In addition,
sentative RLB results are shown in Fig. 3. RLB was performed biopsy specimens showing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
for 40 samples concurrently per membrane. Clear RLB signals (CIN I (n ⫽ 11), II (n ⫽ 20), and III (n ⫽ 30) and invasive
were obtained for all samples, and the identified types be- cervical carcinoma (n ⫽ 39) showed one or more HR-HPV
longed to the HR-HPV and/or LR-HPV groups for which EIA types in RLB, with HPV type 16 being the predominant HPV
scored positive. In addition to single HPV infections, multiple type (Table 4). However, considerably fewer multiple HPV
infections of up to four HPV types were found, and HR-HPV– infections were detected in these specimens than in the scrap-
LR-HPV multiple infections determined by EIA were success- ing specimens, ranging from 9% for CIN I to 3% for invasive
fully typed as HR-HPV–LR-HPV mixed infections by RLB carcinomas.
(Table 4). In HPV-containing cytomorphologically normal (ii) Comparison of RLB typing with EIA typing for HR-HPV
scraping specimens (n ⫽ 163), HPV type 16 (35%), HPV type types. In order to compare RLB and EIA for identifying
31 (13%), and HPV type 18 (9%) were most frequently found individual HR-HPV genotypes, we analyzed that 210 cervi-
among the HR-HPV types. Among the LR-HPV types, HPV cal scraping specimens previously scored HR-HPV positive in
types 42, 6, 70, and 73 (12.3, 2.5, 2.5, and 2.5%, respectively) the HR-HPV GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR-EIA analysis. Results are shown
TABLE 4. Detection of HPV genotypes by RLB in cervical specimens prescreened by HR- and LR-HPV GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR-EIA
No. of the following specimens in each category (typea [no. of times found]):
HPV double infections 27 (HPV 6/73, 16/18 [2], 16/31 [3], 16/39, 16/42, [2], 7 (HPV 16/18, 16/31, 16/42, 1 (16/31) 2 (31/51, 33/39) 1 (16/31) 1 (16/59)
16/52, 16/53, 16/70, 16/73, 18/42, 18/82MM4, 16/52, 31/45, 33/52,
31/33, 31/52, 31/56, 31/59, 31/66, 33/51, 39/43, 56/40)
42/81, 42/73, 56/40, 51/42, 56/81)
HPV at least triple 9 (HPV 16/31/51, 18/31/51, 18/31/56, 18/39/42, 31/51/42, 2 (16/33/52, 18/31/58)
infections 39/52/56, 52/6/11, 56/66/55, 16/59/42/83)
Type designations indicate the types found in the multiple infections; e.g., 6/73 means that types 6 and 73 were both found in double infections.
Including double infections.
in Table 5. The same GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR products were used for typing results were confirmed in 6 cases and EIA typing results
EIA and RLB typing. The typing procedures showed an excel- were confirmed in 7 cases.
lent overall agreement rate of 96.5% (kappa value, 0.77) when
the individual typing results were taken into account. A total of DISCUSSION
175 out of 178 single infections (97.7%) detected by one or
both methods showed identical typing results (Table 5). Com- In this study, we showed that GP5⫹/6⫹ PCR-RLB is an at-
plete agreement for all HPV types detected was found for 19 tractive alternative for easy, rapid, and high-throughput identi-
out of 27 double infections (70.4%) and for 3 out of 5 triple fication of individual HPV genotypes. The sensitivities of RLB
infections (60.0%). When partial agreement was allowed, i.e., were identical to those of EIA, and the intensities of EIA sig-
at least one identical HPV type in double or triple infections, nals (optical densities) always corresponded to the intensities
the typing results obtained by EIA and RLB were almost of spots in RLB. Despite the fact that for RLB, 20-mer oligo-
identical (Table 5). Among the mixed infections detected by probes that sometimes differed by no more than two nucleo-
one or both assays, RLB detected more HPV types than EIA tides from related HPV types were used, the method appeared
in eight cases, whereas EIA detected more HPV types in two to be highly specific; no cross-reactivity was found between
cases. In general, the additional HPV types detected by RLB closely related HPV types, even when high concentrations of
showed weak RLB spots, indicating relatively low viral loads PCR products and long ECL exposure times were used.
for those types. Despite the advantage of its high specificity, the high strin-
Discrepant cases of EIA and RLB typing were subjected to gency of RLB requires that all variants of a certain HPV type
HPV type-specific PCR. The results are shown in Table 5. show a perfect match with the probe, since a single mismatch
With respect to single HPV infections, type-specific PCR con- may result in the failure of detection. Although the selected
firmed the EIA typing result in the three discrepant cases for RLB probes match perfectly the sequences of all HPV variants
which the RLB scored negative. With respect to the 10 dis- currently known (18, 31, 32), the possibility cannot be excluded
crepant cases in double and triple HPV infections, RLB typing that variants showing subtle sequence variations in the probe
results were confirmed in 6 cases and EIA typing results were region exist. Therefore, the probes may be subject to subtle
confirmed in 4 cases. Ultimately, when all 13 discrepant cases changes when more sequence information for HPV variants
of single and multiple infections were taken into account, RLB becomes available in the future. On the other hand, this RLB
system may be suitable for the identification of variants when carcinomas (1). Indeed, HPV type 26 was identified by RLB
probes are selected in regions where variants differ from each for a rare case of cervical carcinoma that previously tested
other. HR-HPV negative but LR-HPV positive by routine HPV di-
A comparison of RLB and EIA typing of HR-HPV types in agnostic tests in our laboratory (data not shown). We found
patient samples revealed excellent agreement, in line with the HPV types 26, 54, 70, and 73 in a substantial number of normal
identical sensitivities determined for the assays. The fact that smears (7%), and their clinical significance in CIN develop-
for the discrepant cases type-specific PCR confirmed about ment will be studied in ongoing follow-up investigations.
half of the RLB results and half of the EIA results further Multiple HPV infections were found in 22% of the HPV-
supports the notion that discordant results are not due to positive normal scraping specimens by RLB (Table 4). Inter-
possible differences in the sensitivities of the assays but rather estingly, these mixed infections appeared to be age dependent,
are due to sampling errors. Generally, the distribution of HPV being most frequent (50%) in younger women (data not
genotypes found in this study by RLB is in line with data from shown), most likely reflecting greater sexual activity. Although
previous studies (1, 13, 14, 20, 21, 29). Although we classified multiple HPV infections were rather uncommon in biopsy
HPV types 26, 34, 54, 70, and 73 as LR-HPVs, it is noteworthy specimens for CIN and invasive carcinoma, a substantial pro-
that their oncogenic potential is still unknown. These types portion of cervical smears showing dyskaryosis were found
have been reported to be rarely present in invasive cervical associated with multiple infections by RLB. This result sug-
TABLE 5. Comparison of typing of HPV in cervical use of two miniblotters allows the typing of up to 84 samples in
specimens by RLB and EIA less than 1 day, whereas conventional typing by EIA with
Identical EIA and Discrepant results individual probes takes 1 week for one full-time technician.
RLB results HPV type found by:
Typing may be even more rapid when a miniblotter with a
Infection larger number of channels becomes available. The identifica-
n Type-specific
HPV type n EIA RLB
tion of HPV types on exposed X-ray films can be facilitated
using a special raster (containing both the order of the HPV
Single 16 60 3 35 35 oligoprobes and the sample numbers) photocopied on a trans-
18 18 59 59
31 27 45 45
parent sheet. Alternatively, RLB images can be digitally re-
33 6 corded and processed using specific software packages. Also,
35 4 because the RLB method uses a nonprecipitating ECL sub-
39 9 strate, it has the advantage that nylon filters can be stripped
45 9
51 9
and successfully reused at least 15 times. In contrast, other
LR-HPV detection by EIA, which is at present one of the most Sherman, R. D. Burk, R. J. Kurman, S. Wacholder, B. B. Rush, D. M. Cadell,
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Wolinsky. 1989. Use of polymerase chain reaction amplification for the
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for technical support, M. Jacobs for helpful discussions, and P. Stern 17. Meijer, C. J. L. M., L. Rozendaal, J. C. van der Linden, T. J. M. Helmer-
for critically reading the manuscript. horst, F. J. Voorhorst, and J. M. M. Walboomers. 1997. Human papilloma-
virus testing for primary cervical cancer screening, p. 338–349. In E. Franco
and J. Monsonego (ed.), New developments in cervical cancer screening and
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