Educ 2 - Module 1.2

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TOEduc 2 w/ FS 2: Facilitating Learning


TOPIC 1.2 : Child, Adolescent and Adult Learning



Rubrics for rating: (Content – 5; Organization of Ideas – 3, Grammar – 2)

Explain the meaning of the quotation by John Dewey about education from the
introduction of this topic.
“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.”

We have different perspectives about life. For me life is all about to fulfill your purpose and
search for meaning in your existence. Everyone has a purpose, of why they are in education. None of
us will be in education if we all didn't have a purpose. We are in education for living, to be a functional
person, and accomplish such goals. And for me to have a purpose is to have a meaningful goal. A goal
that will maximize my potential self, provide services and contribute to the welfare of the community.
In education, we will go through the process in order to achieve those goals where we learn not just
the concepts taught in the corners of the room but also the lifelong learning skills that will apply in
real life situations. As we go through with the experiences in education, we grow from the day when
we’re weak and helpless. With the help of education, we find our purpose and that’s where our life


Activity 1. Note the statement.

Conduct a simple interview with a child, adolescent and an adult. “Where you
want to live, in the city? or in the barrio? State your reasons for your answer.” Take note
their answers. Encourage each one to talk about or explain his/ her answer in greater


“I want to live in the city because there are many playground and mall.”

“I want to live in the city because I want so many people, many sights and many malls.”


“I’d prefer living in the city or somewhere near the boundary or in the suburbs. It’s
about accessibility for me, to the establishments for needs and leisure (sometimes lol) and
nearer to hospitals that can provide better care with more available tests.
Everything in the city especially in bigger ones are fast-paced and looks busy. I needed
that to keep me going and functional as well. It drives me to work hard too rather than feeling
more relaxed living in rural areas. Though I need to take a breather from time to time so I might
go on vacations for a quick refresh.”
Activity 2. Learners’ Development

As a whole, what are the developmental characteristics of young learners that

make them different from adolescent and adult learners?


 They can learn through  They are in search for personal  Adults are more
talking about themselves, identity. disciplined than
families and their lives.  They need activities that meet adolescents.
 They are curious to learn their needs and learning
 They have a clear
and discover new concepts expectations.
understanding of their
on their own.  They become disruptive when
 They like to use their they lose interest in the lesson learning objectives.
imagination and to discover or feel bored.  They need to be involved
things.  They need help and support in choosing what and
 They naturally need to from the teacher and to be how to learn.
touch, see, hear and interact provided with constructive  They prefer to rely on
to learn. feedback.
themselves and work on
 Because their attention span  They can draw upon a variety
is limited, they need of resources in the learning their own pace.
engaging and entertaining environment, including  They come to the
activities in order to not lose personal experience, the local classroom with a wide
interest. community, and the Internet. range of knowledge,
 They like to cooperate and  They need the teacher to build expectations, and
work in groups. bridges between the syllabus experiences.
 They need support and and their world of interests and
 They are able to do a
encouragement while experiences.
learning.  They can learn abstract issues wide range of activities.
 Teachers need to work their and do challenging activities.  Adults learn at various
students individually  Their personal initiative and rates and in different
because they need to be energy are moved into action ways according to their
guided. through meaningful intellectual ability,
involvement with relevant and educational level,
current content.
personality, and
 Personal initiative and energy
are moved into action through cognitive learning styles.
meaningful involvement with  They come into the
relevant and current content classroom with diverse
 Teacher-structured experiences, opinions,
 Minimal control by the learner thoughts, and beliefs
 Focus on training for events to which need be respected.
 Learner-centered
 Encourages convergent
thinking  Minimal control by the
 Focus on memory teacher
 Content supplied by teacher/  Encourages divergent
class materials thinking
 Based on specified content  Focus on thinking/ doing
standards  Content supplied
partially by students
 Outcomes evolve as
learning progresses
SELF-EVALUATION: (Content – 5; Organization of ideas – 3; Grammar – 2)

From the topic on Child, Adolescent and Adult Learning , I learned that …

I learned that individuals have different aptitudes, attitudes, perspectives, and preferred
learning styles that affect the learning process. They also have different backgrounds and experiences
they bring to the learning experience. These elements and factors exist no matter the age of the learner.
However, there can be a generalization that children and adults learn in fundamentally different ways.
Additionally, by understanding how a particular segment earns, educators and trainers can design
courses that will enhance the learning experience and maximize the effectiveness of the session for a
particular group. It is important to note that even though the approach to teaching adults and children
should be done in different ways to optimize the particular group's learning potential, much of the
basic principles of learning are the same for both groups.

Below is a list of classroom activities. Identify whose needs will be

addressed by each activity – Young? Adolescents? Adults?

ADULTS 1. Students go to the seashore to study different kinds of shells.

YOUNG 2. Students name and identify real fruits shown by the teacher.

ADOLESCENTS 3. Students are given ingredients and were asked to cook these using
their own method.

ADOLESCENTS 4. Students were grouped into three and were given two problems to

ADOLESCENTS 5. Students were doing an experiment and the teacher was present to
guide them.

YOUNG 6. The students were asked to tell stories about their family using pictures.

ADOLESCENTS 7. Students were asked to interpret a poem.

ADULT 8. Students were sked to interview five leaders in the community, from
which they were to make an assessment of how effective or ineffective
the leaders are.

ADOLESCENTS 9. Students were asked to make a table in two hours.

YOUNG 10. Students were asked to observe the leaves of plants in the garden.

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