Spider Robot
Spider Robot
Spider Robot
Spider robot
Title Page
College Certificate
Block Diagram
Introduction to project
Working Procedure
____________________________________ ENGINEERING
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This is to certify that the dissertation work entitled INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SIX
____________________________ submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of
‘BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (B.E)’ in Electronics and Communication Engineering from
_______ College of Engineering affiliated to _________ University, Hyderabad.
________________ ____________
(External Examiner)
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mentioning of the people whose constant guidance and encouragement
made it possible. We take pleasure in presenting before you, our project, which is result of
studied blend of both research and knowledge.
We express our earnest gratitude to our internal guide, Assistant Professor ______________,
Department of ECE, our project guide, for his constant support, encouragement and guidance.
We are grateful for his cooperation and his valuable suggestions.
We express our thanks to the Head of the Department, Principal and College management for
all their support and encouragement.
We express our earnest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to M/S Wine Yard Technologies for their
technical support and guidance to complete the project in time.
Finally, we express our gratitude to all other members who are involved either directly or
indirectly for the completion of this project.
We, the undersigned, declare that the project entitled INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SIX
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering, affiliated to _________ University, is the work carried out by us.
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
This is an intelligent robot that can easily move on uneven surfaces too with the help of
his six legs, and he can take its own decision in case of any obstacle. This robot is quite
Legged robots are well suited to walk on difficult terrains at the expense of requiring
complex control systems to walk even on flat surfaces. But simply walking on a flat surface is
not worth using a legged robot. It should be assumed that walking on abrupt terrain is the typical
situation for a legged robot. With this premise in mind, we have developed a robust controller for
a six-legged robot that allows it to walk over difficult terrains in an autonomous way; with a
limited use of sensory information (no vision is involved). This walk controller can be driven by
an upper level which need not be concerned about the details of foot placement or leg
movements, taking care only of high level aspects such as global speed and direction.
The RF modules used here are STT-433 MHz Transmitter, STR-433 MHz Receiver,
HT12E RF Encoder and HT12D RF Decoder. The three switches are interfaced to the RF
transmitter through RF Encoder. The encoder continuously reads the status of the switches,
passes the data to the RF transmitter and the transmitter transmits the data.
This project uses 9V battery. This project is much useful for mines detection and
surveillance applications and also in fire factories and industries.
BLOCK DIAGRAM: Transmitter
SW2 RF Encoder
STT - 433
RF Receiver Bridge
Power – On
Robotics can be defined as the science or study of the technology primarily associated with
the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots. While other fields contribute the
mathematics, the techniques, and the components, robotics creates the magical end product. The
practical applications of robots drive development of robotics and drive advancements in other
sciences in turn. Crafters and researchers in robotics study more than just robotics.
Legged robots are well suited to walk on difficult terrains at the expense of requiring
complex control systems to walk even on flat surfaces. But simply walking on a flat surface is
not worth using a legged robot. It should be assumed that walking on abrupt terrain is the typical
situation for a legged robot. With this premise in mind, we have developed a robust controller for
a six-legged robot that allows it to walk over difficult terrains in an autonomous way; with a
limited use of sensory information (no vision is involved). This walk controller can be driven by
an upper level which need not be concerned about the details of foot placement or leg
movements, taking care only of high level aspects such as global speed and direction.
Radio frequency (RF) is a frequency or rate of oscillation within the range of about 3 Hz
to 300 GHz. This range corresponds to frequency of alternating current electrical signals used to
produce and detect radio waves. Since most of this range is beyond the vibration rate that most
mechanical systems can respond to, RF usually refers to oscillations in electrical circuits or
electromagnetic radiation
Electrical currents that oscillate at RF have special properties not shared by direct current
signals. One such property is the ease with which it can ionize air to create a conductive path
through air. This property is exploited by 'high frequency' units used in electric arc welding.
Another special property is an electromagnetic force that drives the RF current to the surface of
conductors, known as the skin effect. Another property is the ability to appear to flow through
paths that contain insulating material, like the dielectric insulator of a capacitor. The degree of
effect of these properties depends on the frequency of the signals.
Radio frequency (abbreviated RF) is a term that refers to alternating current (AC) having
characteristics such that, if the current is input to an antenna, an electromagnetic (EM) field is
generated suitable for wireless broadcasting and/or communications. These frequencies cover a
significant portion of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, extending from nine kilohertz (9
kHz),the lowest allocated wireless communications frequency (it's within the range of human
hearing), to thousands of gigahertz(GHz).
Many types of wireless devices make use of RF fields. Cordless and cellular telephone,
radio and television broadcast stations, satellite communications systems, and two-way radio
services all operate in the RF spectrum. Some wireless devices operate at IR or visible-light
frequencies, whose electromagnetic wavelengths are shorter than those of RF fields. Examples
include most television-set remote-control boxes some cordless computer keyboards and mice,
and a few wireless hi-fi stereo headsets.
The RF spectrum is divided into several ranges, or bands. With the exception of the lowest-
frequency segment, each band represents an increase of frequency corresponding to an order of
magnitude (power of 10). The table depicts the eight bands in the RF spectrum, showing
frequency and bandwidth ranges. The SHF and EHF bands are often referred to as the
microwave spectrum.
RF Advantages:
1. No line of sight is needed.
2. Not blocked by common materials: It can penetrate most solids and pass through
3. Longer range.
5. Lower speed: data rate transmission is lower than wired and infrared transmission
The Intel 8052 is Harvard architecture, single chip microcontroller (µC) which was
developed by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems. It was popular in the 1980s and early
1990s, but today it has largely been superseded by a vast range of enhanced devices with 8052-
compatible processor cores that are manufactured by more than 20 independent manufacturers
including Atmel, Infineon Technologies and Maxim Integrated Products.
8052 is an 8-bit processor, meaning that the CPU can work on only 8 bits of data at a
time. Data larger than 8 bits has to be broken into 8-bit pieces to be processed by the CPU. 8052
is available in different memory types such as UV-EPROM, Flash and NV-RAM.
The present project is implemented on Keil uVision. In order to program the device,
proload tool has been used to burn the program onto the microcontroller.
The features, pin description of the microcontroller and the software tools used are
discussed in the following sections.
• Watchdog Timer
• Power-off Flag
DC motor
A DC motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity.
DC Motor Connections
Figure shows schematically the different methods of connecting the field and armature circuits in
a DC Motor. The circular symbol represents the armature circuit, and the squares at the side
of the circle represent the brush commutator system. The direction of the arrows indicates the
direction of the magnetic fields.
The brushed DC motor generates torque directly from DC power supplied to the motor by using
internal commutation, stationary permanent magnets, and rotating electrical magnets.It works on
the principle of Lorentz force , which states that any current carrying conductor placed within an
external magnetic field experiences a torque or force known as Lorentz force. Advantages of a
brushed DC motor include low initial cost, high reliability, and simple control of motor speed.
Disadvantages are high maintenance and low life-span for high intensity uses. Maintenance
involves regularly replacing the brushes and springs which carry the electric current, as well as
cleaning or replacing the commutator. These components are necessary for transferring electrical
power from outside the motor to the spinning wire windings of the rotor inside the motor.
Brushed DC motor
Brushless DC motors use a rotating permanent magnet in the rotor, and stationary electrical
magnets on the motor housing. A motor controller converts DC to AC. This design is simpler
than that of brushed motors because it eliminates the complication of transferring power from
outside the motor to the spinning rotor. Advantages of brushless motors include long life span,
little or no maintenance, and high efficiency. Disadvantages include high initial cost, and more
complicated motor speed controllers.
Keil compiler is a software used where the machine language code is written and
compiled. After compilation, the machine source code is converted into hex code which is to be
dumped into the microcontroller for further processing. Keil compiler also supports C language
Proload is a software which accepts only hex files. Once the machine code is converted
into hex code, that hex code has to be dumped into the microcontroller placed in the programmer
kit and this is done by the Proload. Programmer kit contains a microcontroller on it other than the
one which is to be programmed. This microcontroller has a program in it written in such a way
that it accepts the hex file from the keil compiler and dumps this hex file into the microcontroller
which is to be programmed. As this programmer kit requires power supply to be operated, this
power supply is given from the power supply circuit designed above. It should be noted that this
programmer kit contains a power supply section in the board itself but in order to switch on that
power supply, a source is required. Thus this is accomplished from the power supply board with
an output of 12volts or from an adapter connected to 230 V AC.
4. Now place the microcontroller in the GIF socket provided in the programmer kit.
5. Click on the Proload icon in the PC. A window appears providing the information like
Hardware model, com port, device type, Flash size etc. Click on browse option to select
the hex file to be dumped into the microcontroller and then click on “Auto program” to
program the microcontroller with that particular hex file.
6. The status of the microcontroller can be seen in the small status window in the bottom of
the page.After this process is completed, remove the microcontroller from the
programmer kit and place it in your system board. Now the system board behaves
according to the program written in the microcontroller.
1. Not line of sight
2. Not blocked by common materials: can penetrate most solids and pass through walls
3. Longer range
Forest Applications
Industries are using RF solutions for monitoring, control, process, inventory tracking,
data links and bar code reading devices.
Commercial wireless applications such as door announcers, security and access systems,
gate control, remote activation, score board and paging systems.
Automotive companies employing RF for wireless remote control, remote keyless entry
and safety applications
Consumer products including electronic toys, home security, gate and garage door
openers, Intercom, fire and safety systems, and irrigation controllers.
This project presents a six legged robot using RF communication and it is designed and
implemented with Atmel 89S52 MCU in embedded system domain. Experimental work has been
carried out carefully. The result shows that higher efficiency is indeed achieved using the
embedded system. The proposed method is verified to be highly beneficial for the security
purpose and industrial purpose.
1. WWW. howstuffworks.com
4. Magazines
6. Electrikindia
7. WWW.google.com
8. WWW.Electronic projects.com