Bhi Ma Stuti: Canto 1, Chapter 9

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Bhiṣma Stuti

Canto 1, Chapter 9

Laying on the bed of arrows whilst forgetting the pain of the weapons that had struck him, Grandfather
Bhiṣma performs a prayer (stuti) with great devotion of Handsome Lord Krishna who is standing in front
of him.

Śrī Bhīṣma uvāca

Shri Bhīṣma says:

Iti matirupakalpitā vitṛsṇ ̣ a

bhagavati sātvata puṅgave vibhūmni ।

Sva sukham upagate kvacid vihartuṁ

prakṛtiṁ upeyuṣi yadbhavapravāhaḥ ॥ 32॥

I devote my intellect at this final time of my life at the feet of the infinite, Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna,
which has been purified extensively through various spiritual endeavours and is free from all desires;
The supreme being who continually remains situated in his glorious nature and also accepts nature with
the desire of doing pleasures, from which the tradition of creation remains.

Tribhuvana kamanaṁ tamālavarṇ aṁ

ravikaragauravarāmbaṙaṁ dadhāne ।

Vapuralakakulā vṛtānanābjaṁ

vijaya sakhe ratirastu me anavadyā ॥ 33॥

May I develop guileless love for Arjun’s friend, Lord Krishna, whose body is as beautiful as the three
worlds and hue is dark like a tamal tree; He, who wears yellow garments that shine like the rays of the
sun and has beautiful curly hair on a lotus-like face.

Yudhi turagarajovidhūmraviṣvak

kacalulitaśramavāryalaṅ kṛtāsye ।

Mama niśitaśarairavibhidyamāna

Tvacivilastakvace astu Kṛsṇ ̣ a ātmā ॥ 34॥

In the battlefield I remember that scene when:

My sharp arrows were piercing your skin when your lotus face suited the drops of sweat and your curly
hair had become dirty from the blowing dust of the horses’ blinkers; may my body, conscience and soul
surrender to such a handsome and armored Lord Krishna.

Sapadi sakhi vaco niśamya madhye

nija parayor balayo rathaṁ niveśayaṁ ।

Sthitavati parasaini kāyurakṣṇā

hṛtavati Pārthasakhe ratirmamāstu ॥ 35॥

May I develop supreme love in Arjun’s friend, Lord Krishna, who immediately rode His chariot between
the two armies on being commanded by his close friend Arjun and reduced the life-span of the army in
the enemy merely by glancing at them.

Vyavahita pṛtanāmukhaṁ nirīkṣya

svajanavadhādvimukhasya doṣabuddhayā ।

Kumatimaharadātmavidyayā ya -

ścaraṇ a ratiḥ paramasya tasya me astu ॥ 36॥

May my love remain strong at the divine feet of the Supreme Being, Lord Krishna, who destroyed the
attachment of Arjun by enlightening him by preaching the Gita when Arjun had turned away from the
battle due to the fear of committing a sin of killing his kinsfolk, on seeing us on the opposite side of the

Sva nigama mapahāya mat pratigñā

Mṛtamadhikartumavapluto rathasthaḥ ।

Dhṛtarathacaraṇ o abhyayāccaladgur

haririva hantumibhaṁ gatottarīyaḥ ॥ 37॥

I had taken an oath that I will ensure that Lord Krishna lifts a weapon; To fulfil my promise and prove it
to be better, Lord Krishna broke his oath of not lifting a weapon during the Mahabharat war. At that
time, He jumped off the chariot and ran towards me with the wheel of a chariot like a lion charges
towards an elephant to kill the elephant. He ran so fast that the cloth on His shoulder fell and the earth
began to tremble.
Śitaviśikhahato viśīrṇadaṁ śaḥ

kṣatajaparipluta ātatāyino me ।

Prasabhamabhisasāra madvaddhārtha ṁ

sa bhavatu me bhagavān gatir Mukundaḥ ॥ 38॥

Blood was flowing from his body as I, the gangster, has broken his shield with my sharp arrows and He
forcefully continued to charge towards me despite Arjun trying to stop Him. Despite being so ruthless,
you were still affectionate towards me, your devotee. May my shelter be you, Lord Krishna.

Vijaya ratha kuṭumba āttatotre

dhṛtahayaraśmini tacchriyekṣaṇīye ।

Bhagavati ratirastu me mumūrṣor

yamiha nirīkṣya hatā gatāḥ sarūpam ॥ 39॥

May I at my deathbed develop supreme Love for the charioteer of Arjun, Lord Krishna, who not only
looked beautiful protecting the chariot of Arjun with the horses’s reins in one hand and a whip in the
other, but also, provided salvation to those brave soldiers who saw this image of yours whilst dying.


praṇ ayanirīkṣaṇ akalpitorumānāḥ ।

Kṛtamanukṛtavatya unmadāndhāḥ

Prakṛtimagan kila yasya gopavadhvaḥ ॥ 40॥

The Gopis who were respected by Lord Krishna with a loving glance, sweet smile, loving gestures and
beautiful walk, became engrossed in you whilst discussing your leelas (pastimes) with utmost devotion,
when you disappeared during the Raas Leela; may my love develop in that Lord Krishna.

Munigaṇanṛpavaryasaṅkule antaḥ

Sadasi Yudhiṣtḥ irarājasūya eṣām ।

Arhaṇ amupapeda īkṣaṇ īyo

mama dṛśigocara eṣa āvirātmā ॥ 41॥

During Yudhishthira’s Rajasuya Yagya you were given utmost respects and worshipped in front of my
eyes in a senate filled with great Rishis and kings. You, Supreme Lord Krishna, everyone’s soul, is
standing in front of me today during my time of death.

Tamimamahamajaṁ śarīrabhājāṁ

Hṛdi hṛdi dhiṣtḥ itamātmakalpitānām ।

Pratidaśamiva naikadhārkamekaṁ

samadhigato asmi vidhūta bhedamohaḥ ॥ 42॥

As the sun is known for its many forms from many views, similarly unborn Lord Krishna in many forms in
the hearts of humans created by Himself; In reality, he resides in the conscience of every being. I have
attained that Lord Krishna having been liberated from all illusions and having known the Supreme Truth.

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