PSC PPP Form 103: Maximum Loan Calculation Worksheet
PSC PPP Form 103: Maximum Loan Calculation Worksheet
PSC PPP Form 103: Maximum Loan Calculation Worksheet
*If you are a Sole Proprietor, Self-Employed individual, Independent Contractor, or Single-
member LLC who wants to apply using the new SBA regulations (allowing Schedule C filers to
calculate the loan amount using GROSS earnings, not NET), this form isn’t required
Revised: March 10, 2021
Legal Business Name TIN (EIN or SSN)
The purpose of this worksheet is to accurately determine the following two figures that you will
input on your SBA Application:
IMPORTANT NOTE - Documentation must be uploaded to support every figure on page 1 of this
form. The SBA has made this requirement and there will be no exceptions.
To determine if you are eligible to use a Base Period other than 12 months, see the following:
First Draw (refer to 10, 11) or Second Draw (refer to 10, 11, 12)