Design of Stand-Alone Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid System Under Amman Climate
Design of Stand-Alone Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid System Under Amman Climate
Design of Stand-Alone Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid System Under Amman Climate
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4 authors:
University of Jordan
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All content following this page was uploaded by Osama Ayadi on 03 October 2019.
Renewable energy application is gaining a wide acceptance by end users; however, considering the fact that renew-
able energy is intermittent, variable and cannot be predicted, the need of storage systems is becoming a necessity
at both micro and macro levels. Fuel cell technology is one of the most promising storage systems due to the fact
that hydrogen has high energy density. This paper presents a design of stand-alone PV-PEMFC hybrid system
for a small house under Amman climate. The simulation results show that the optimal size of PV array, fuel cell
(PEMFC), inverter, electrolyzer (ELE) and H2 Tank capacity were 10 kW, 1 kW, 5 kW, 6 kW, and 5 kg respectively.
Hydrogen proved itself as a low carbon energy source, which is environmental friendly and characterized with
high energy content per unit mass. Due to fuel cells technology, hydrogen can be used for inter-season storage.
Keywords: proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), PV system, hydrogen storage, stand-alone, hybrid
system, HOMER.
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
as shown in Figure 3. It consists of a photovol- system, as shown in Figure 4, with hydrogen gen-
taic (PV) cell array, an electrolyzer, a hydrogen eration via a proton exchange membrane (PEM)
(H2) storage, a fuel cell, a catalytic burner, a electrolyzer, compressed gas or metal-hydride
lead-acid battery, DC/DC converters, DC/AC hydrogen storage, and a PEM fuel cell [4].
inverters, diodes, a solar collector, and a water Djafour et al. (2014) presented the results of
storage tank. The results showed that the size of sizing a system of hydrogen production obtained
the solar-hydrogen system can be significantly through an electrolyzer, powered by photovoltaic
reduced [3]. solar modules installed in Ouargla, Algeria to
Dou & Andrews (2012) focused on the design meet the needs of hydrogen for a fuel cell of type,
of a control unit for a stand-alone solar-hydrogen PEMFC[5]. Figure 5 illustrates their model.
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
Figure 4. basic solar-hydrogen system for a Remote area power supply application Solar [4]
An off-grid PV system with hydrogen stor- In this part, the system is presented in
age was designed for a house in Amman with greater detail. Figure 6 below shows the setup
the following assumptions: House loads will be components.
used all year. The load of appliances will be es-
timated and off-grid PV system will be sized ac- Experimental system components are:
cordingly. Hydrogen storage will be designed for 1. Double cell PEM Electrolyzer stack
two days of autonomy. The required size of the 2. 80 cm3 Hydrogen storage tank
hydrogen tank will be calculated. Fuel cell will be 3. PEM fuel cell stack
used to convert hydrogen back to electricity when
needed. For this system, an experimental model 4. Fan Tutorial
was investigated in labs to maintain the I-V curve 5. 13 W Solar Module
of fuel cell and efficiency of overall system for 6. Lamps for lighting the solar module
a small scale load. Finally, proper simulation 7. Measuring transformer card
software will be implemented to maintain more
accurate outcomes for this system. This system 8. Lamp as a load
consists of: PV panels, H2 fuel cells, electrolyzer 9. Power output
and hydrogen storage. 10. Electrical protection
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
The first step is to power the two lights mod- again, H2 recombines with atmospheric O2 in
ules that are used to energize the photovoltaic so- the fuel cell to generate electricity which is fed
lar module. This is alternative to using the direct to the final load.
sun for solar module. After connecting all the components and
The second step is to connect the output of when the lights turned on, while keeping the seal-
the photovoltaic solar module to the input of the ing cap of fuel cell closed, the electrolyzer started
electrolyzer stack. The lamp modules need to be to split water into H2 and O2. Figure 7 shows the
switched on, the water tank of the electrolyzer lab experiment. When hydrogen accumulates
stack must be filled with distilled water and the in the tank, the sealing cap can be opened to al-
output of the electrolyzer stack connected to the low gas to flow through the fuel cell and produce
input of the gas storage tank. This enables the electricity.
hydrogen to accumulate in the storage tank. One The obtained characteristics I-V curve and
also needs to make sure to open the sealing cap Power-Time curve of this fuel cell are presented
of the fuel cell so that the gas can flow through in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
the fuel cell.
The third step is to connect the hydrogen System design
output of the storage tank to one of the hydro-
gen inputs of the fuel cell. The fan starts running The system design, as shown in Figure 10,
owing to the electric power generated by the compromises of the following components:
fuel cell stack. 1. PV modules
The electrical energy that comes from solar 2. Inverter
PV modules combines with the water in a device 3. Electrolyzer
known as electrolyzer. The electrolyzer generates 4. Hydrogen storage tank
hydrogen H2 and byproducts gas O2. H2 is stored 5. PEM fuel cell
in storage tanks for later use. When it is required 6. Water source (water tank)
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
System size = 315·90 = 28.35 kWp, On the basis of unit conversion data for
10% oversize. hydrogen:
Storage = (Number of days · Energy daily) / •• 1 m3 gas è 0.08988 kg
/ (allowable depth of discharge · eff. electrolyzer) = (4) •• 0.17446154 m3 è 0.0156 kg
= 2 · 5.620 / 1·0.79 = 14.23 kWh
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
system, mainly with the production of hydrogen gas, or in metal hydrides that have a high ener-
needed to run a PEMFC fuel cell. gy per unit mass on a system basis, without the
Since no fuel is burned to make energy, fuel self-discharge of a battery. The simulation results
cells are fundamentally more efficient than the showed that using a solar-hydrogen system can
combustion systems. Fuel cells are considered reduce the size of a PV system.
environmental friendly, as hydrogen is a low-car- Due to fuel cells technology, hydrogen can be
bon energy source. used for inter-season storage. The excess electric-
The advantage of using hydrogen for energy ity production in summer can be used to cover the
storage is that it can be stored as a compressed heating load in winter.
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 20(9), 2019