I. Objective: Mindanao State University
I. Objective: Mindanao State University
I. Objective: Mindanao State University
I. Objective
II. Procedure:
Experiment A.
1. Put two ice cubes into a Ziploc bag. Measure the mass.
2. Let the ice cubes melt and then find the mass of the bag with the water again. Be
sure and wipe off any condensation from the outside of the bag.
Guide questions:
1. Is there any change in the mass before and after the ice cubes melt? Yes or No?
Discuss what happen.
3. Is the experiment exhibit the law of conservation of mass? Discuss your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University
Senior High School
Fatima, General Santos City
Experiment B
1. Prepare a piece of cardboard and measure the volume. Record the obtained
2. Light up any form of fire (match, candle, etc.). Burn the cardboard.
3. Observe what happen.
4. Make sure to make necessary precautions when doing the experiment. Conduct
the experiment in an open area.
Guide questions:
1. Obviously there is a change in the mass of the cardboard after it turns into ashes.
Is the law of conservation of mass observed in this experiment? Yes or no?
Discuss your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University
Senior High School
Fatima, General Santos City
Experiment C
1. Prepare 1/4 kilo (1 cup) of rock salt and 1/2 Liter of water.
2. Mix the rock salt and the water in a container.
3. Stir until the rock salt is completely dissolved.
4. Measure the volume of the mixture in Liters.
5. Pour the mixture in a small basin.
6. Leave the basin directly under the sun for several hours or days until the water is
completely evaporated.
7. Observe what will happen.
Guide questions:
1. What is the mass of rock salt and the water in kilograms before mixing them
together? Is there a change in the mass/volume after leaving the mixture under
the sun? Yes or No, discuss your answer.
3. Is the experiment exhibit the law of conservation of mass? Discuss your answer
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University
Senior High School
Fatima, General Santos City
Experiment D
1. Prepare 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 1/2 cup of vinegar and a medium size
2. Pour the vinegar in bottle of soda, preferably 12 ounce glass bottle.
3. Using a funnel, add baking soda to the balloon.
4. Attach the mouth of the balloon making sure you have carefully seal the bottle.
5. Lift the balloon to dump the baking soda into the bottle of vinegar.
6. To get most of the gas, gently shake the bottle.
7. Observe what will happen.
Guide questions:
1. What happen after mixing the vinegar and baking soda together?
When mixed together, vinegar and baking soda foams up and causes the
balloon to expand.
4. Is the experiment exhibit the law of conservation of mass? Discuss your answer.
Yes, it exhibits the law of conservation of mass. The compounds produced
came from the reactions of the substances and in the end all of the
substances that remained have the same elements from baking soda and