Franchising Business Plan
Franchising Business Plan
Franchising Business Plan
l. Executive Summary
A. Company Name
B. Type of Business
C. CompanY Description
D. Key Personnel
E. Start-up Schedule and Competition
F. Funds Requested
G. Funds Use Statement
H. Fund RePaYment
ll. Marketing
A. Major Marketing Objectives
B. Market Plan and Pricing Strategy
C. Franchisee Recruitment Plan and Flowchart
D. Franchisee Prospectus
E.Franchisee Sales and Advertising
F.Franchisee Location Criteria Selection
G. Grand OPening Plan
H. Customer Advertising (Ongoing)
lll. Management
A. Headquarters
1. Organizational Structure
2. Policies
3. Personnel (Wage and Salary)
B. Franchise
1. Organizational Structure
2. Policies
3. Personnel (Wage and Salary)
C. Operations Manual
D. Training Manual
E. PERT Chart
lV" Financing and Accounting
A. Headquarters
1. Start-up or Turnkey Cosis (ltemized)
2. Financial Position for Securing Franchise
3. Pro Forma lncome Statement
4. Pro Forma Balance Sheet
5. Proiected Cash Flow
6. Breakeven Analysis
7. Ratio AnalYsis
8. Provision for Taxation
B. Franchisee .