01 7341026 Rev E - Introduction
01 7341026 Rev E - Introduction
01 7341026 Rev E - Introduction
Recommended Qualification Schedule........................................4
Design Qualification (DQ).........................................................5
2 | Section 1: Introduction
This Qualification & Maintenance package contains BioTek Instruments’ recommended
Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), Performance Qualification
(PQ), and Preventive Maintenance (PM) procedures for the ELx808 Absorbance Microplate
The CD contains: a manual in Adobe Acrobat PDF format; the Microsoft® Word source
files used to generate the manual; Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets for analyzing and
recording liquid test results; and, for Gen5 software users, protocols for performing the
liquid tests and analyzing/recording the results.
The manual contains:
Recommended Qualification and Maintenance Schedules
Step-by-step instructions and required materials lists for performing the
qualification and maintenance procedures
IQ Checklist, OQ Checklists, and PQ Logbook for recording that the
installation, operational, and performance qualification tasks were performed
Preventive Maintenance Logbook for recording that the preventive
maintenance tasks were performed
Traceability Logbook for recording information on equipment calibration,
test solutions, reagents, etc.
BioTek Instruments, Inc. conducts extensive testing on every new or serviced ELx808 to
ensure that it meets BioTek’s published specifications before leaving the factory. Many of
the factory tests have been documented in this manual for you to perform to confirm that
your reader continues to meet the published specifications.
“Published specifications” refers to the specifications that are guaranteed by BioTek.
BioTek recommends using the published specifications for your qualification procedures.
It is possible, however, that your intended use of the ELx808 may require less stringent
specifications. As a result, you may decide to customize the specifications for your tests.
When performing the qualification and maintenance procedures, please consider the
Proof that the qualification was performed should be kept for Good
Laboratory Practice (GLP) purposes.
Checklists, logbooks, and spreadsheets should be signed/initialed and
dated by the person performing the qualification and (if required) by the
person reviewing or approving the qualification.
Any printouts generated during qualification should be signed and
dated by the person performing the qualification, and kept with the
appropriate checklist, logbook, or spreadsheet.
All test failures must be corrected or sufficiently explained prior to
using the instrument for actual analysis.
The schedule below defines the factory-recommended intervals for qualifying an ELx808
used two to five days a week. The actual frequency, however, may be adjusted depending
on your usage of the instrument. This schedule assumes the reader is properly maintained
as outlined in Section 5, Preventive Maintenance.
Tasks/Tests Initially & Every Every
Annually Month 3 Months
Installation, Setup,
& Configuration
System Test
Software Filter Table
Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________