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Lens Equation

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Basic Physics

The Lens Equation

R Horan & M Lavelle

The aim of this package is to provide a short self

assessment programme for students who want to
understand image formation by lenses.

c 2004 [email protected] , [email protected]

Last Revision Date: November 9, 2009 Version 1.0

Table of Contents
1. Introduction (Refraction and Lenses)
2. The Lens Equation
3. Concave Lenses
4. Magnification
5. Final Quiz
Solutions to Exercises
Solutions to Quizzes

The full range of these packages and some instructions,

should they be required, can be obtained from our web
page Mathematics Support Materials.
Section 1: Introduction (Refraction and Lenses) 3

1. Introduction (Refraction and Lenses)

Lenses use refraction to produce images of objects. Optical instru-
ments, such as telescopes or cameras, and your eyes work this way.

The surface of the lens in the diagram below is shaped so that spherical
wave fronts of light coming from a point, F , called the focal point,
emerge as parallel wave fronts (so-called plane waves).

• •

Note that the line drawn above through the middle of the lens is called
the principal axis.
Section 1: Introduction (Refraction and Lenses) 4

Convex (converging) and concave (diverging) lenses are drawn Was

⇔ ⇔

To understand image formation we use ray diagrams. Here is an

example for a convex lens:


The image of the top of the object is formed where the light rays
cross. In a perfect lens all the rays from a point on the object will
meet at one other point - so we only need to draw two rays!
Section 1: Introduction (Refraction and Lenses) 5

For a convex lens, we draw the ray diagram as follows:

• Draw a ray from the top of the object straight through the
middle of the lens. Its direction is not changed.
• Draw a ray from the top of the object parallel to the principal
axis. It is refracted by the lens to pass through the focal point.


From the diagram we see that the image in this example is inverted.
This is also an example of a real image as the light rays pass through
the image’s location and may be seen on a screen placed there.
Section 2: The Lens Equation 6

2. The Lens Equation

An image formed by a convex lens is described by the lens equation

1 1 1
+ =
u v f
where u is the distance of the object from the lens; v is the distance
of the image from the lens and f is the focal length, i.e., the distance
of the focus from the lens.

f F
u v

N.B. other sign conventions are sometimes used in the literature.

Section 2: The Lens Equation 7

Example 1 What image is produced by placing an object 6 cm away

from a convex lens of focal length 3 cm?
The question states that u = 6 cm and f = 3 cm. This can be substi-
tuted into the lens equation as follows:
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ = ∴ + =
u v f 6 v 3
1 1 1
= −
v 3 6
2 1 1
= − =
6 6 6
So v = 6 cm. From the ray diagram we see that this is an inverted,
real image.

v = 6 cm

u = 6 cm F
Section 2: The Lens Equation 8

Here are two quizzes similar to the above example.

Quiz If an object is 12 cm away from a convex lens of focal length 4 cm

where will the image be? (Draw a ray diagram of how this image is
formed to see if your answer is plausible.)
(a) v = 6 cm , (b) v = 8 cm , (c) v = 16 cm , (d) v = 3 cm .

Quiz If an object is 8 cm away from a convex lens of focal length 2 cm

where will the image be? (Draw a ray diagram of how this image is
formed to see if your answer is plausible.)
8 8
(a) v = cm , (b) v = 6 cm , (c) v = 10 cm , (d) v = cm .
5 3
Section 2: The Lens Equation 9

Example 2 What image is produced by placing an object 4 cm away

from a convex lens of focal length 8 cm?

The question states that u = 4 cm and f = 8 cm. This can be substi-

tuted into the lens equation as follows:
1 1 1
+ =
u v f
1 1 1
∴ + =
4 v 8
1 1 2
= −
v 8 8
1 1
= −
v 8
This implies that v = −8 cm. What does this negative result mean?
The ray diagram on the next page clarifies the nature of the image.
Section 2: The Lens Equation 10

The ray diagram is drawn using the two rules from p. 5.

v = −8 cm u = 4 cm F

We see that the image is on the same side of the lens as the object!
This is the significance of v, the image position, being negative. The
image is also upright.
It is also evident that the light rays only appear to pass through the
position of the image. No image would be cast on a screen placed at
the image location. This is called a virtual image. You can also
see a virtual image by looking in a mirror on a wall – your image will
appear to be behind the wall!
Section 2: The Lens Equation 11

Exercise 1. From the lens equation calculate the position of the

following images produced by a convex lens. Draw a ray diagram
in each case and state whether the images are real or virtual, and
also if they are upright or inverted (click on the green letters for the
(a) u = 6 cm , f = 2 cm (b) u = 6 cm , f = 4 cm
(c) u = 10 mm , f = 15 mm (d) u = 90 mm , f = 15 mm

Quiz Which of the following combinations has an upright image 12 cm

away from a convex lens?
(a) u = 4 cm , f = 3 cm (b) u = 13 cm , f = 1 cm
(c) u = 3 cm , f = 4 cm (d) u = 6 cm , f = 6 cm
Section 3: Concave Lenses 12

3. Concave Lenses
Concave lenses always produce upright, virtual images. For a concave
lens, the lens equation is the same but the value of f is now negative.
Ray diagrams for such lenses are drawn using:
• a ray from the top of the object through the middle of the lens;
• a ray from the top of the object parallel to the principal axis
which the lens refracts so it seems to come from the focal point.


Section 3: Concave Lenses 13

Example 3 If an object is 6 cm from a concave lens with focal length

f = −3 cm, what is its position and nature?
From the lens equation
1 1 1
+ =
u v f
1 1 1
∴ + = −
6 v 3
1 2 1 1
= − − =−
v 6 6 2
So v = −2 cm. This is a virtual, upright image. W

Concave lenses always create

virtual images between the object •
6 3 2
and the lens.
Section 3: Concave Lenses 14

Here are some exercises with concave lenses. Be careful with the sign
of the focal length in the lens formula!

Exercise 2. Calculate the position of the images formed by the fol-

lowing concave lenses. (click on the green letters for the solutions).

(a) For an object with u = 12 cm if the focal length is −4 cm

(b) For an object with u = 6 cm if the focal length is −2 cm
(c) For an object with u = 4 cm if the focal length is −8 cm
(d) For an object with u = 240 mm if the focal length is −8 cm

In the next section we will see how knowing the positions of the object
and image enables us to work out the magnification of the image.
Section 4: Magnification 15

4. Magnification
The magnification M of an image is the ratio of the height of the
image to the height of the object:
image height
object height

This number is a dimensionless ratio (a length over a length) and does

not have any units. To calculate M for virtual images, consider the
diagram below:
From similar triangles:
hi ho
v u hi
hi 1 ho
⇒ =
vho u v
hi v
∴ =
ho u
Section 4: Magnification 16

This result also holds for real images:

θ v
u θ

From the diagram, using similar triangles:

ho hi
u v
and just as before:
hi v
M= =
ho u
i.e., exactly the same equations as before.
Section 4: Magnification 17

Rule: The magnification

factor M of a lens is always M=
positive and given by: u

Example 4 If an object is 8 cm from a lens and produces an image

4 cm from the lens, what is the magnification factor, M ?
v 4 1
M= = =
u 8 2
Thus the image will be half the size of the object.

Exercise 3. Calculate the magnification factor M or size of image

for the following cases. (click on the green letters for the solutions).
(a) M if u = 6 cm and v = 24 cm
(b) M if u = 6 cm and v = −12 cm
(c) The image height hi of an object with height 2 cm, if u = 3 cm
and v = −9 cm
Section 5: Final Quiz 18

5. Final Quiz
Begin Quiz Choose the solutions from the options given.
1. For a convex lens of focal length 3 cm, where will the image of an
object 12 cm in front of the lens appear?
(a) −9 cm (b) 4 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 3 cm
2. Which of the following properties does not apply to the above
(a) the image is real (b) the image is inverted
(c) the image is magnified by 4 (d) the image is magnified by 13
3. Select from the choices below the object position which, for a
convex lens with f = 130 mm, will lead to a virtual image
(a) 18 cm (b) 0.05 m (c) 300 mm (d) 260 mm
4. Select v, if u = 6 cm for a concave lens with f = 4 cm.
(a) −2 cm (b) −24 mm (c) −1 cm (d) −12 mm

End Quiz
Solutions to Exercises 19

Solutions to Exercises
Exercise 1(a) The object is u = 6 cm away from a convex lens of
focal length f = 2 cm. The image position can be found from the lens
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
+ = , ∴ = − = − = .
6 v 2 v 2 6 6 6 3
This implies that v = 3 cm. The image is real and inverted.

F v = 3 cm

u = 6 cm

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Solutions to Exercises 20

Exercise 1(b) The object is again at the same distance u = 6 cm,

but the convex lens has focal length f = 4 cm. The position of the
image may be calculated from the lens equation
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1
+ = , ∴ = − = − = .
6 v 4 v 4 6 12 12 12
This yields v = 12 cm. From the diagram, this is real, inverted image.

F = 4 cm v = 12 cm

u = 6 cm

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Solutions to Exercises 21

Exercise 1(c) If the object is at a distance u = 10 mm away from

a convex lens of focal length f = 15 mm, then the position v of the
image can be found as follows:
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
+ = , ∴ = − = − =− .
10 v 15 v 15 10 30 30 30
The negative sign shows that the image is on the same side of the lens
as the object, v = −30 mm. This is an upright, virtual image.

v = −30 mm F = 15 mm

u = 10 mm

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Solutions to Exercises 22

Exercise 1(d) The object is at a distance u = 90 mm away from a

convex lens of focal length f = 15 mm. The position v of the image
is calculated from the lens equation via
1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1
+ = , ∴ = − = − = .
90 v 15 v 15 90 90 90 18
The image appears at the same distance v = 18 mm as in Exercise 1
(c), but now behind the lens, i.e., it is real and inverted.


u = 90 mm v = 18 mm

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Solutions to Exercises 23

Exercise 2(a) Consider an object at a distance u = 12 cm away from

a concave lens of focal length f = −4 cm. The position v of the image
can be calculated from the lens equation:
1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
+ =− , ∴ =− − =− − =− .
12 v 4 v 4 12 12 12 3
So, an upright image appears at v = −3 cm from the lens on the same
as the object.

u = 12 cm F v = −3 cm

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Solutions to Exercises 24

Exercise 2(b) If an object is at a distance u = 6 cm away from a

concave lens of focal length f = −2 cm, then the position v of the
image can be found as follows
1 1 1
+ = − ,
6 v 2
1 1 1 3 1 2
= − − =− − =− .
v 2 6 6 6 3
So, a virtual upright image appears at v = − cm.
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Solutions to Exercises 25

Exercise 2(c) When an object is at a distance u = 4 cm away from

a concave lens of focal length f = −8 cm, then the position v of the
image may be evaluated from the lens equation as follows
1 1 1
+ = − ,
4 v 8
1 1 1 1 2 3
= − − =− − =− .
v 8 4 8 8 8
A virtual upright image appears at v = − cm.
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Solutions to Exercises 26

Exercise 2(d) Consider an object placed at a distance u = 240 mm =

24 cm away from a concave lens of focal length f = −8 cm, then the
position v of the image is determined from the lens equation
1 1 1
+ = − ,
24 v 8
1 1 1 3 1 1
= − − =− − =− .
v 8 24 24 24 6
Therefore, an upright image appears on the same side as the object
at the distance v = −6 cm.
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Solutions to Exercises 27

Exercise 3(a) When an object placed at u = 6 cm away from a lens

produces an image at v = 24 cm from the lens then the magnification
factor M is
v 24
M= = = 4.
u 6
This means that the image is four times the size of the object.
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Solutions to Exercises 28

Exercise 3(b) For an object at u = 6 cm away from a lens and its

image at v = −12 cm from the lens the magnification factor M is
|v| 12
M= = = 2.
u 6
Thus the image is twice the size of the object.
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Solutions to Exercises 29

Exercise 3(c)

Consider an object with

height ho = 2 cm placed
at u = 3 cm away from hi
the lens. If its image is at
v = −9 cm, then from the v
diagram, using similar tri-
angles, it follows that

ho hi 2 hi
= , ∴ = .
u v 3 9
From this equation one can find the size of the image
hi = 9 × = 6 cm .

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Solutions to Quizzes 30

Solutions to Quizzes
Solution to Quiz: From the question the distance of the object from
the lens of focal length f = 4 cm is u = 12 cm. Substituting this data
into the lens equation gives:
1 1 1
+ = ,
12 v 4
1 1 1 3 1 1
= − = − = .
v 4 12 12 12 6
So v = 6 cm. This is drawn below.

v = 6 cm

u = 12 cm F

End Quiz
Solutions to Quizzes 31

Solution to Quiz: According to the question the distance of an

object from the lens of focal length f = 2 cm is u = 8 cm. Plugging
these numbers into the lens equation gives:
1 1 1
+ = ,
8 v 2
1 1 1 4 1 3
= − = − = .
v 2 8 8 8 8
So v = cm. From the diagram,this is a real,inverted image.

F v = 8/3 cm

u = 8 cm

End Quiz
Solutions to Quizzes 32

Solution to Quiz: Consider an object at a distance u = 3 cm away

from a convex lens of focal length f = 4 cm. The position v of the
image is calculated from the lens equation
1 1 1
+ = ,
3 v 4
1 1 1 3 4 1
∴ = − = − =− .
v 4 3 12 12 12
So, an upright image appears at a distance v = −12 cm on the same
side of the lens as the object.
End Quiz

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