Edited by David A. Tirrell, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, and approved November 7, 2012 (received for review May 7, 2012)
Rapid, quantitative Western blotting is a long-sought bioanalytical (e.g., BSA), incubation with antibodies to accomplish the prob-
goal in the life sciences. To this end, we describe a Western blotting ing step, and washing before obtaining assay readout. Several
assay conducted in a single glass microchannel under purely fundamental limitations impede performance, including slow
electronic control. The μWestern blot is comprised of multiple steps: mass transport. In fact, antibody probing often requires an
sample enrichment, protein sizing, protein immobilization (blot- overnight incubation period to compensate for diffusional limi-
ting), and in situ antibody probing. To validate the microfluidic as- tations on antibody equilibration with antigen captured on the
say, we apply the μWestern blot to analyses of human sera (HIV blotting material. Moreover, material and reagent consumption
immunoreactivity) and cell lysate (NFκB). Analytical performance is extensive. A single 12-lane Western blot requires ∼300 mL of
advances are achieved, including: short durations of 10–60 min, mul- buffer and, most importantly, 1 μg of each detection antibody per
tiplexed analyte detection, mass sensitivity at the femtogram level, analyte of interest. Because of the power of the assay and in light
high-sensitivity 50-pM detection limits, and quantitation capability of these deficiencies, Western blotting requires continued in-
over a 3.6-log dynamic range. Performance gains are attributed to novation to improve throughput, minimize resource use, and
favorable transport and reaction conditions on the microscale. The advance analytical sensitivity and dynamic range (7).
multistep assay design relies on a photopatternable (blue light) and Alternative single-step assays have emerged to overcome con-
photoreactive (UV light) polyacrylamide gel. This hydrophilic poly- ventional Western blotting drawbacks, yet none afford the speci-
mer constitutes both a separation matrix for protein sizing and, after ficity of the two-pronged blotting assay (8–13). Primarily relying on
brief UV exposure, a protein immobilization scaffold for subsequent spatially encoded antibody-probing, single-readout assays have
antibody probing of immobilized protein bands. We observe protein been developed for ultrahigh sensitivity yet remain inherently
capture efficiencies exceeding 75% under sizing conditions. This vulnerable to nonspecific bias. Cross-reactivity is especially chal-
compact microfluidic design supports demonstration of a 48-plex lenging for biological matrices and availability of specific anti-
μWestern blot in a standard microscope slide form factor. Taken bodies can be limiting (10, 14, 15). The inability of single-step
together, the μWestern blot establishes a foundation for rapid, tar- assays to guarantee specificity in complex biological samples
geted proteomics by merging exceptional specificity with the underpins the need for targeted immunoblotting methods coupled
throughput advantages of multiplexing, as is relevant to a broad to protein separation processes (16).
range of biological inquiry. Recent innovation in protein analysis tools recognizes the
crucial protein separation stage and seeks to retain separation-
immunoblotting medical diagnostics | protein microarrays | systems based information. In an approach using slab gels, Ciaccio et al.
biology electrophoresis achieved remarkable miniaturization and scale-up of the West-
ern blot workflow through a novel combination of highly multi-
plexed fluid handling and a large format slab gel (14). However,
W estern blotting is an indispensable analytical tool, benefit-
ing applications from clinical diagnostics to fundamental
questions in the life sciences (1–3). The broad relevance of
the approach conceded a loss in PAGE separation resolution
because of elimination of sample stacking by isotachophoresis
blotting stems from its highly specific results. Unlike separations (ITP), a sample preconcentration step standard in conventional
or immunological probing alone, blotting reports two physico- slab-gels that requires pore size and buffer chemistry dis-
chemical characteristics: molecular mass and immunoaffinity. continuities in the polyacrylamide sieving matrix. Furthermore,
Because of this specificity, numerous immunoblotting variants the workflow retained the conventional membrane transfer and
have emerged for measurements of proteins to RNA to bio- antibody-probing paradigm. In a commercial approach using
molecular interactions (2, 4–6). Nevertheless, despite being an capillary electrophoresis, downstream membrane electrotransfer
information-rich and widely used assay, the Western blot has was replaced with photoactivated capture of proteins onto the
crucial inadequacies. In particular, limitations in data density and inner wall of the capillary (17, 18). The capillary platform
throughput hinder progress for emerging pursuits, including sys- streamlined and automated Western blotting, but suffered from
tems approaches to biology. A major shortcoming of Western low protein-capture efficiencies of ∼0.01% (104-fold lower than
blotting is the resource-intensive nature of the assay, being com- membrane electrotransfer) and 3- to 5-h run times. In our own
prised of several steps requiring disparate pieces of equipment approaches using microfluidics, integration overcame some of
(Fig. 1A). the macroscale shortcomings, but we accepted either substantial
In the first stage of Western blotting, protein sizing, samples complexity in interfacing and device architecture or did not im-
are analyzed by denaturing PAGE. During PAGE, proteins plement the most widely used separation approach—protein
electromigrate through a polyacrylamide sieving gel, allowing sizing—as the first assay stage (7, 19).
determination of molecular mass. Once protein size is de-
termined, the protein separation is incubated with antibodies
(probing), thus allowing detection of interactions. Target identity Author contributions: A.J.H. and A.E.H. designed research; A.J.H. performed research; A.J.H.
is then established by linking immunoaffinity information to contributed new reagents/analytic tools; A.J.H. and A.E.H. analyzed data; and A.J.H. and
molecular mass. Although conceptually straightforward, sub- A.E.H. wrote the paper.
stantial preparation and manual intervention are required. To The authors declare no conflict of interest.
prepare for probing, the sized proteins are transferred from the This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
sieving gel to a blotting membrane. The blotting membrane Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
immobilizes the protein separation and is then subjected to 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].
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a series of handling steps, including blocking of nonspecific This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.
membrane interactions through coating with a dummy protein 1073/pnas.1207754110/-/DCSupplemental.
opposed to transfer to a separate sheet of hydrophobic material in con- a methacrylamide comonomer (BPMAC; N-[3-[(4-benzoylphenyl)
ventional Western blotting); (iii) removal of SDS by brief electrophoretic formamido]propyl] methacrylamide). As a corollary outcome, the
washing and electrophoretic introduction of fluorescently labeled primary
light-activated mechanism of the benzophenone-functionalized,
and (optionally) secondary detection antibodies specific to the target.
Finally, excess probe is electrophoretically driven out of each device and
hydrophilic gel means that no separate blocking steps are needed
peak intensities determined by fluorescence micrograph analysis. (C) Mod- after protein immobilization and before antibody probing. Owing
ular interfacing of standard microscope slide-sized chips with a scal- to the PACTgel functionality, the μWestern design is compatible
able electrode array accommodating 48 blots per chip in triplicate (144 with 48-sample throughput within a standard 1-inch by 3-inch
microchannels). microscope slide footprint (Fig. 1C).
platform. The precision and control offered by microfluidic in- the assay requires a transient-ITP buffer arrangement and a
tegration and photoresponsive materials achieves advances not large-to-small pore-size discontinuity a short distance along the
Hughes and Herr PNAS | December 26, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 52 | 21451
distributions spanning hundreds of micrometers to several milli-
meters can be stacked into final zones of equivalent width in the
completed separations, achieving stacking factors over a broad
range that can be tuned simply by manipulating the length of the
open channel region upstream of the separation gel. In seeking to
understand the sample enrichment limits in this system, the length
of the sample loading region was extended to 4 mm and the sample
loading times were increased to 30 s, yielding as high as ∼100-fold
stacking factors (Fig. S1). These ITP-enabled enrichment and
stacking qualities are important to obtaining high-separation res-
olution in subsequent sizing, as well as competitive limits of antigen
detection. Interestingly, we observe that band ordering in the ITP
stack is not necessarily governed by molecular mass, thus dynamic
band reordering is often detected during the brief transition from
ITP to PAGE (see band “x” in Fig. 2A).
Given this observation, we next sought to confirm that the
separation mechanism in the PACTgel is indeed governed by
protein molecular mass differences. Analysis of protein migration
in the PACTgel yields a log-linear molecular mass versus migra-
tion distance relationship over the 20- to 150-kDa analyte range
(R2 > 0.98 for ladder proteins) (Fig. S2), thus confirming this
characteristic of SDS-PAGE (21). Protein peaks with molecular
mass differences of >19% were resolvable (separation resolution
Rs ≥ 1) (Fig. S3), with resolution similar to conventional slab-gel
Western blotting. Although only uniform pore-size gels are studied
here, the PACTgel pore size distributions are tunable, thus
allowing enhanced resolution over specific weight ranges of in-
terest (22–24). Importantly, the first sizing stage is observed to
complete in compact 3-mm separation distances in separation
times of ∼60 s. Consequently, the duration of the sizing step in
μWestern blotting compares favorably to the 40–90 min required
for macroscale protein sizing. The high-performance of protein-
sizing benefits from the favorable scaling of electrophoretic
transport with miniaturization.
Fig. 2. Compact μWestern with integrated high-resolution SDS-PAGE, blot, Stage 2: In-Chip Protein Blotting by Photocapture. Next, to permit
and detection. (A) SDS-PAGE of fluorescently labeled six protein ladder antibody-based probing of the sized protein bands, we immobilized
(black), complete in 60 s (4× magnification; band weights are 155, 98, 63, 40, each species on the PACTgel polymer using UV irradiation of the
32, and 21 kDa). Channel aspect ratios are adjusted to produce gel-like images entire separation channel (Fig. 2B and Fig. S4). UV exposure
(see dimensions). (B) Capture efficiency of BSA (± SD, n = 3) for PACTgels activates benzophenone groups to undergo hydrogen abstraction
fabricated chemically or photochemically. (C, Left) Multiplexed μWestern
and covalent coupling to nearby biomolecules by a free radical
readout (red) in 40-min total assay times using primary antibodies for (i) OVA,
and (ii) β-gal, OVA, and TI; all at 1 μM. (Right) Fluorescence micrographs and
mechanism (19, 25). First, we compared protein capture efficien-
plot of SNR (± SD, n = 3) for electrophoretic introduction of red fluorescent cies for both chemically and photochemically fabricated PACTgels
primary antibody (Ab*) to OVA band at 4 min total assay time (arrow). (D) (i.e., gels without and with riboflavin) to determine the impact of
Forty-eight concurrent μWesterns of the four-protein fluorescent ladder the riboflavin-driven polymerization mechanism on the UV-initi-
probed for OVA and β-gal targets (1 μM each) with unlabeled primary and red ated protein capture. In both cases, characterization of fluores-
fluorescent secondary antibodies in 60-min total assay time. At top, total cence retained on the PACTgel after photocapture and
injected (“stack”) fluorescence on weight marker spectral channel at the end electrophoretic washout reveals a sigmoidal dependence of fluo-
of the ITP phase of SDS-PAGE acts as loading control. rescently labeled BSA capture efficiency on UV exposure time
(Fig. 2B). The capture time courses for chemically and photo-
chemically initiated PACTgel formulations show ∼100% BSA
microchannel axis to yield high-resolution protein sizing (Fig. 2A).
capture when UV exposure times are > 45 s. As negative controls,
For the gel discontinuity, we used an open channel-to-7.5%T PACTgel formulations lacking benzophenone were studied and
sieving PACTgel interface at ∼400 μm into the microchannel (SI exhibited negligible protein blotting (Fig. 2B).
Materials and Methods). Transparency mask lithography of the Interestingly, PACTgel protein capture efficiencies are signifi-
photopatternable PACTgel was used to define the gel interface. cantly higher than those previously reported by our group for gels
Photopatterning yields fine control of the interface position (co- operating under nondenaturing isoelectric focusing conditions
efficient of variation, CV, of 3.5%, n = 60). During the ITP (1.3–13%) (19). We hypothesized that the capture efficiency im-
stacking phase, a diffuse plug of protein injected at the micro- provement for SDS-PAGE stems from the denatured state of the
channel entrance is electrophoretically compacted into a ∼200- target proteins. Denaturation likely exposes buried protein residues
μm zone before electromigration across the sharp sieving gel in- to the sieving matrix, thus promoting hydrophobic interactions
terface. As is also shown in Fig. 2A, protein electromigration between the unfolded analytes and the PACTgel benzophenone
through the gel interface transitions ITP to SDS-PAGE, as the groups (19). Furthermore, the reduced requirement for protein
protein stack slows down substantially and the trailing glycine solubilizing agents (especially detergents) in SDS-PAGE compared
electrolyte overspeeds the stack (1, 20). In characterizing ITP, we with isoelectric focusing likely reduces steric (among other) barriers
observe reduced injection dispersion and >twofold sample to efficient coupling between proteins and the PACTgel. Second,
we observed low capture efficiencies for exposure times of <20 s.
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Hughes and Herr PNAS | December 26, 2012 | vol. 109 | no. 52 | 21453
An unlabeled primary and a fluorescently labeled secondary
antibody were used for immunoprobing. Assays of NFκB trans-
fected lysate and untransfected negative controls yielded similar
probing patterns in on-chip and conventional formats (Fig. 3A).
We included conventional GAPDH probing as μWestern loading
and biological controls; the total injected zone fluorescence of
the ladder proteins serves as a convenient alternative loading
control. With important implications to antibody screening
frameworks and systems biology, we observed total assay oper-
ation to consume <1 ng of each antibody, in contrast with ∼1 μg
consumed in conventional Western blotting.
In a second study to assess assay relevance, we applied our
μWestern assay to several purified HIV proteins (Fig. 3B). HIV
confirmatory diagnosis—presently a process that requires a cen-
tral laboratory and hours to complete—relies on Western blotting.
The μWestern and slab gel Western blot results agree to within
12% for the mass of the major bands of viral reverse transcriptase
and the envelope glycoprotein gp120 (Table S1). For the smallest Fig. 4. Sixty-minute μWestern for HIV antibody detection in human sera.
protein, capsid protein p24, a 25% error in the measured weights (A) Conventional confirmatory HIV diagnostic assay schematic. (B) Reactivity
is attributed to the reduced performance of SDS-PAGE at the of 1:100-diluted strongly reactive (++), weakly reactive (+), and nonreactive
lower mass end of the sizing range, which is incurred regardless of control (–) human sera to gp120 (200 nM) and p24 (1 μM) “bait” proteins
format. Nevertheless, precision in molecular mass prediction on- revealed by fluorescently labeled secondary antibody to human IgG (red). At
right, the conventional 6- to 18-h HIV Western blot, with gp120- and p24-
chip gives within-device CVs of <2% (n = 3 for each) across the
reactive bands indicated by arrows. The conventional blot employs whole
entire mass range. Minor bands for both gp120 (56 kDa; 40 HIV lysate, whereas the μWestern uses specific HIV antigens, accounting for
kDa) and p24 (49 kDa) observed only on conventional Western the additional reactive bands visible in the conventional blot.
blots are attributed to differences between the macro- and
microscale workflows, including differences in blotting effi-
ciency, in the SDS-PAGE and probing buffer systems, and in performed with 1:100 diluted human serum. Specific serum re-
the degree of analyte renaturation before immunoprobing. activity to each “bait” protein was determined using a fluo-
Potentially relevant to point-of-care μWestern applications, the rescently labeled secondary antibody directed to human IgG on
total wash and transfer buffer requirement is ∼300 μL, com- the PACTgel. The resulting dose–response was consistent with
pared with 300 mL consumed in the conventional assay. the expected antibody titer in each of three sera (strongly re-
In both of the above studies we sought to realize high-sensi- active, weakly reactive, nonreactive), in accordance with guide-
tivity measurement while enabling a capacity for quantitation in lines for determining HIV infection in humans (15).
μWestern blotting. For both NFκB and gp120 we observe Although promising, ongoing development of integrated serum
quantitative antibody signal readout over a linear dynamic range processing (31) and optimization of assay conditions is underway
of up to 3.6 logs, on par with expected performance for macro-
to reduce nonspecific background in the HIV μWestern. Electro-
scale counterparts (Fig. 3C and Fig. S6). Using ITP to obtain
a high stacking-factor enrichment, we measured a lower limit of phoretic transport of antibody probes through the dense PACTgel
detection of 50 pM for the latter analyte. This lower detection matrix produces nonspecific staining in the low-nanomolar probe
limit is comparable to enzyme-amplified chemiluminescent concentration range. This staining is strongly dependent on
readouts in conventional blots. Considered another way, the PACTgel pore size, and to a lesser extent on the degree of UV
detection capacity translates into measurement of 12 pg per 2-μL exposure during capture of separated antigens (Fig. S7). As the gel
sample or a total mass of 17 fg of gp120 per sample injection pore size decreases, large antibody probes can become irreversibly
volume. These results compare favorably to recent low-mass immobilized. Favorable to assay performance, however, we ob-
sensitivity (340 fg) slab gel Western blots (14). The mass limits served little impact of pore size on blotting background in the 7–
also suggest that we can detect the equivalent of ∼4,000 virus 8%T range that realizes optimal SDS-PAGE performance. A less
particles on a gp120 basis (4–35 copies per virion) or as few as dramatic increase in probing background as a function of UV ex-
∼20 particles for p24 (5,000 copies per virion) (29). As relevant posure time during antigen capture may be caused by decreased
to single-cell proteomics, the mass detection limit of ∼80,000 effective pore size because of the formation of accessory gel-gel
molecules we demonstrate is within the 104–106 molecule range cross-links, or because of the production of a hydrophobic ben-
expected for signaling proteins in single mammalian cells (30). zopinacol reaction product (26) that may encourage antibody
Building on the above HIV antigen study, we conducted a third immobilization within activated PACTgels. In any case, non-
study in which we sought to measure HIV antibodies directly in specific probing is only two- to threefold higher in BPMAC+
human sera. Currently, HIV diagnosis employs a conventional PACTgels than in BPMAC− control gels of the same nominal
Western blot as the final (confirmatory) assay, following a positive
porosity following UV exposure sufficient to cause near-quanti-
ELISA-based screening result (15). In a 6- to 18-h workflow, an
tative antigen capture.
HIV viral lysate is subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting
Specific to the HIV assay, we primarily attribute the background
(Fig. 4A). Diluted patient serum is incubated with a nitrocellulose
strip carrying the HIV protein bands. Any HIV-reactive anti- evident in the micrograph data of Fig. 4B to this basal nonspecific
bodies in the serum bind to specific HIV proteins on the strip. A probing caused by off-target immobilization of human IgGs pres-
positive result is indicated if two or more of the p24, gp41 and ent in serum at high concentrations (∼10–15 mg/mL), as well as
gp120/160 bands exhibit reactivity at least as intense as that of the by immobilization of the secondary antibody probe within the
p24 band on a blotting strip subjected to a weakly reactive control PACTgel matrix. To further enhance the assay performance, on-
serum (15). We translated the confirmatory HIV diagnostic assay going efforts are focused on minimizing nonspecific background
to the μWestern by assaying human sera against purified gp120 through on-chip sample cleanup, optimization of probe antibody
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and p24 HIV proteins (Fig. 4B). A mixture of these antigens was concentrations, and alternative approaches for probe introduction
subjected to the μWestern assay, and the first probing step and washout. After fully scrutinizing clinical specificity and sensitivity
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