7XV5850/5851 Ethernet Modems For Office Applications: Function Overview
7XV5850/5851 Ethernet Modems For Office Applications: Function Overview
7XV5850/5851 Ethernet Modems For Office Applications: Function Overview
Ethernet Modems for Office Applications
Function overview
configuration of the modem.
• Serial baud rate and data format
(RS232) for the terminal devices is
selectable from 2400 Bd up to 57.6 kBd
with data format 8N1, 8E1.
Fig. 15/71 • An Ethernet interface LAN to the
7XV585x Ethernet modem 10/100 Mbit network.
• Better security with password protec-
tion and IP address selection is possible.
Fig. 15/72 Operation of various SIPROTEC protection unit generations via Ethernet modems
Using the office computer and DIGSI 4, If later an Ethernet connection is available
both substation 1 and 2 may be dialed up in the substation, the existing modem can
via Ethernet modems. A TCP/IP point-to- be replaced by an Ethernet modem. The
point data connection is established be- entire serial bus structure and cabling may
tween the office modem and correspond- remain unchanged.
ing substation modem when dialed up via
the network. This is maintained until the
office modem terminates the connection.
The serial data exchange takes place via this
data connection, with the modem convert-
ing the data from serial to Ethernet with
full duplex mode. Between the office mo-
dem and the office PC, the highest baud
rate is always used, e.g. 57.6 kB for
SIPROTEC 4 units. The serial baud rate of
the substation modem is adapted to the
baud rate required by the protection relays,
e.g. substation modem 1 with 57.6 kB for
SIPROTEC 4 and substation modem 2 with
9.6 kB for SIPROTEC 3 units. These set-
tings are only defined once in the modem.
The Ethernet modems are integrated in
DIGSI 4 similar to telephone modems. In-
stead of the telephone number, the pre-set
IP address assigned to the modem is se-