Personal Learning Plan
Personal Learning Plan
Personal Learning Plan
My Career Goals
My career goals are that I am undecided at the moment, but a few things I could go into are something with psychology,
a writer, an interior designer, or an event planner. 2/8/21
My Educational Plans
X Bachelor's degree (4 years of postsecondary education Military
or more)
Associate degree (2 years of postsecondary education) Employment
Apprenticeship Other
I have just accepted Mankato State and plan to go there for 4 years. 2/8/21
From Career Plan>Make Plans>Education Plans>What are your educational plans after high school?
Interest Profiler
Course Plan
Subject 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Total
Arts Art Concert Choir Concert Choir; Concert Concert Choir 2.5
Career and Computer Apps 0.5
Technical Education
Health/Physical Health; Ph-Ed Lifetimes Rec Class; 2
Education Team Sports
English Language
Proficiency (ELP)
Total Credits 5.5 6 7.5 2 21
English/Language Arts 4
Social Studies 4
Mathematics 3.5
Science 3.5
Wellness (Health/Phy Ed) 1.5
Fine Arts 1
Computer Applications .5
Senior Seminar .5
Electives 9.5
Student must also participate in Service Day, complete all testing requirements & pass Senior Boards.
Test Scores
Test Score Test Score
PreACT Composite 17
From Career Plan>Make Plans>Action Plan and Supports>What is your action plan for this year?
My Support Network
My parents and friends will support me to achieve my goals.
From Career Plan>Make Plans>Action Plan and Supports>Who will encourage and support you to achieve your goals?
Experiential Learning
Experiential Summary of Experience I learned I learned This helped I haven't
Learning Activity more about more about me think of tried this, but
myself different some things I'd like to
careers I'd like to do
in my future
Expert Presenters 3/27/18 Health Science X
3/27/18 Anisha Zak I chose
hospitality and music. I
thought the hospitality was
very informative and the
music one seemed more like
a hobby for me rather than a
full time career. In hospitality
I learned that customers can
be stressful. In music I learned
that you get a lot of freedom.
Hospitality changed my views
to think that I'm sure that I
want to do something with
people for a career. Music
changed my views on how I
love music a lot. 1/2/20
Tours and Field Trips We went on a tour of the X
Mankato college. I thought
the renovations were very
well done and it looked really
good. I learned that they have
a lot of majors and a lot of
good study abroad options. My
views were changed by having
it actually be the college I will
be attending this coming Fall.
Community-Based I listened to the PAC speaker X
Learning about college and education.
I thought the speaker did a
good job and the graphs were
helpful. I learned that how
much education you have
doesn't mean you won't make
as much as someone with
more education. It did not
change my views. I listened
to the graduates talk about
college and bills. I thought
they did a good job about
Experiential Learning
Experiential Summary of Experience I learned I learned This helped I haven't
Learning Activity more about more about me think of tried this, but
myself different some things I'd like to
careers I'd like to do
in my future
trying to get us prepared
for life after high school. I
learned that bills are very
expensive. It did not change
my views.1/2/20
Work-Based Learning
Job Shadowing
Service Learning
Youth Apprenticeship
From Career Plan>Make Plans>Experiential Learning Plans.
Comment by ELYSE BESTOR: