Monster Genetics Project: Project Description: You (Or You and 2 Partners) Are To Create A Poster of A
Monster Genetics Project: Project Description: You (Or You and 2 Partners) Are To Create A Poster of A
Monster Genetics Project: Project Description: You (Or You and 2 Partners) Are To Create A Poster of A
Project Description: You (or you and 2 partners) are to create a poster of a
Monster Family using Mendelian Genetics.
1. Randomly determine the traits for a Female and Male Monster
2. Have a Monster Marriage, and then make a Monster Baby using the traits
from Mom and Dad Monster.
3. Draw the Monster family on a poster to present to the class.
Monster Genetics Project Procedures
In Table 1.1, come up with 5 more original traits for your female monster. Refer to Table 1 for examples.
Be Creative!!!!!!!
Table 1.1 Additional Genotypes and Phenotypes for Female Monster
Trait Allele 1 Allele 2 Genotype Phenotype
Part 2 Procedure:
1. Complete the male monster trait tables below (2 and 2.1) in the same way that you used for the female
monster trait tables.
table 2.1 below, fill in the table with the same traits that you created for your female monster in table 1.1.
Table 2.1 Additional Genotypes and Phenotypes for Male Monster
Trait Allele 1 Allele 2 Genotype Phenotype
Part 3 Procedure:
1. Fill out the tables below with the Female’s and the Male’s Genotypes and Phenotypes.
2. These Tables are to be cut out and attached to your poster.
Part 5 Procedure: Making a Monster Baby: After the wedding, time to select the Genes/Alleles
1. Fill in Table 5 below with the monster traits from Tables 1 and 2, as well as the traits that that you
created from Tables 1.1 and 2.1.
2. Flip a coin to select which alleles will be used for Mom’s and Dad’s Selected Allele that will later be
used for your Baby Monster’s Genotype…heads = 1st letter of genotype, tails = 2nd letter of genotype.
Write the selected allele for Mom and Dad in each box for the corresponding trait.
3. Combine the alleles from Mom’s Selected Allele with Dad’s Selected Allele to determine Baby
Monster’s Genotype, and record this for each trait.
4. Determine Baby Monster’s Phenotype for each trait from Baby Monster’s Genotype.
Part 6 Procedure:
1. Record Baby Monster’s Genotype and Phenotype in Table 6.
2. This table will be cut out and attached to your poster as well
Poster with Tables 3, 4, & 6: Graded items: The tables, completion, neatness and creativity
Punnett Squares and Probability: 17 mono squares with labels, 2 dihybrid squares, and Probability of baby’s genes
The Tables 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, and 5: Competed tables