Study of Inter-Laminar Shear Stress of Composite Structures
Study of Inter-Laminar Shear Stress of Composite Structures
Study of Inter-Laminar Shear Stress of Composite Structures
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
The variation of inter-laminar shear stress through the II. SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION OF ISOTROPIC
thickness direction is found out using these elements. Solid LAMINATED PLATE
element was selected for accurate prediction of inter- Consider the case in which bending of plate results in a
laminar shear stress distribution from the analysis. A generalized planar stress distribution. Normal stress
cantilever plate subjected to uniformly distributed load at component σz is zero at all points of the plate and the
end is examined using FE software ANSYS .The shearing stress component τxz and τyz are zero on the
distribution of inter-laminar shear stress through the surface z=±h/2 of the plate. The deflection of a rectangular
thickness will be compared with available literature.Inter- plate clamped along one edge and uniformly loaded along
laminar shear stress distribution through thickness direction the opposite edge (figure) represents an example of such
of orthotropic and angle ply laminate are found out using bending. From the theory of bending of rectangular beam
FE software. Agreement between the results will show the we know that in this case σz=0 at all point of the plate and
validity and accuracy of the proposed FE element. τxz is zero on the surface of the plate and varies along depth
Select the better element used for the determination of of the plate according to the parabolic law [8].
inter-laminar shear stress of adhesive bonded structure.
Sandwich composite structure is an example of adhesive
bonded structure. Sandwich composite structure with τxz=
stiffed composite face sheets bonded to the low-density
core. Sandwich composite structures are widely used in
man-made satellites, rocket, and missile, automotive and
aero plane. The main role of face sheet is to carry structural
loads. The core acts to separate the face sheets and increase
the moment of inertia of the panel with littlie increasing in
weight .It is an efficient structure for resisting structural
loads, the most common and dangerous failure in between
face sheets and core is interfacial de-bonding. This is due to
inter-laminar shear stress. A honey comb sandwich
structure consist a pair of thin, facings to carry the
structural loadings. A thick, light weight core is to separate
Figure 1: Geometry of isotropic cantilever plate
the facings to carry the loads the structural loading. Two
aluminum layers are capable of transmitting shear loads to Problem detention
and from the core. Two aluminum layers are joined using a A cantilever plate of young’s modulus of 40GPa of
thermo set adhesive. The solution for inter-laminar stress length 10mm having a cross section 4mm wide and 1mm
distribution in an adhesive layer within a bonded structure deep. At one end 4.7355N force is applied in transverse
is highly complex due to the predominantly inelastic nature direction. In this section, the 3-D solid element with one
of the polymeric adhesive. The present study provides an inter-laminar shear stress through thickness direction
analytical method for determine the inter-laminar shear studied. The configuration of the laminate and the
stress of adhesive bonded structure using graded mesh. coordinate system are shown in figure. The inter-laminar
Two aluminum plates are bonded using thermo set shear stress pattern obtained by the present study compared
adhesive. In case of bending, variation of inter-laminar with available one in the literature [4]. In the plate stiffness
shear stress through the thickness at the thin adhesive layer vary only across layer boundaries and thus, the integration
is found out using Finite element software ANSYS. In may be performed on the layer by layer basis in the
adhesive bonded joints, cohesive and adhesive failure due analytical fashion. For the purpose of convergence study of
to inter-laminar shear stress. The inter-laminar shear stress laminated cantilever plate with the tip transverse load is
values of these failure zone are directly determined from considered. Consider a four layer plate (l=10mm, b=4mm)
the analysis. with thickness t=1mm. All the degrees of freedom are
restrained at one end. Constant load 4.7355N is equally
distributes in z direction at other end.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
In solid element free edge inter-laminar stress values are
not zero. It gives more accurate values of inter-laminar
shear stress at the interface of different material. The
neutral axis is at the mid plane (z=0).
Top and bottom surface of the plates are free. So shear
stress at the top and bottom of the plates are zero.
Maximum shear stress at the neutral axis is given by
Material 2: E=10GPa, Poisons ratio=0.25 Case 3: Analysis of three layer (soft inner plies)
The cross section of laminate is shown in figure (a). In Here four layers isotropic materials with soft inner plies
this case, the two materials act as a single unit and thus will are used .The results for this case are shown in figure.
have single neutral axis. Because the laminate is symmetric, the shear distribution is
symmetric as well, with maximum at the laminate mid
plane. The analysis result has excellent agreement with
literature. The maximum value of inter-laminar shear stress
Let us convert composite section in to an equivalent is at mid plane equal to 1.327MPa.
section of material 2 as shown in figure (b). The equivalent
section of material 2 is obtained by multiplying the
dimension of material 1 in the direction parallel to the modular ratio between material 1 and material 2.
Material 1 Material 2
.5mm Analysis result From Literature[9]
.5mm .5mm Material 2 Case 4: Analysis of three layer (soft outer plies) :
Material 2
4mm 16mm Four layers isotropic materials with outer inner plies are
used .The results for this case are shown in figure. Because
(a) Composite laminate (b) Equivalent section of material 2 the laminate is symmetric, the shear distribution is
The width of material 1 parallel to N.A is 4mm.Hence symmetric as well, with maximum at the laminate mid
equivalent material 2 width for the steel plate will be 4×4 plane. The analysis result (pattern only) has excellent
=16mm. This is shown in figure (b). agreement with literature.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
In the case of isotropic four layer materials, the shear
stress distribution reduces to the beam theory parabolic
expression. Consider six cases, including monolithic
materials, three layer isotropic materials with soft inner
plies, soft outer plies and soft adjacent plies. The variation
of shear stress (as implemented in ANSYS) is compared
with the available literature presented by R.J.C. Nasa
publications [9] and Creemers[10].
Analysis result From Literature[10]
Case 5: Analysis of four layers with different stiffness and III. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS
equal poisons ratio: This chapter deals with the finite element modeling and
The model having finite element size .125mm and analysis of the isotropic plate subjected to shear loading.
keeping aspect ratio equal to one.0.0159N force is It’s mainly for determination of one inter-laminar shear
distributed 33×9 nodes end of plate. The results for the four stress through thickness direction using FEA software
layer cases are shown in figure. The peak occurs in the ANSYS. Three analyses are carried out by using solid
lower half of the laminate, which contains the stiffer element, shell element and layered solid element. Analysis
materials. The maximum value of inter-laminar shear stress of shell and solid element using ANASYS software
is at lower half of the laminate equal to 1.461MPa. (Current Version 13).Analysis of layered solid using
ANSYS (Current Version 10).
Methods of Predicting Inter- laminar shear stress.
Three elements are mainly used for the determination of
inter-laminar shear stress of composite structures. The best
method of predicting inter-laminar shear stresses is to
create a mesh of 3D solid elements, with at least one and
ideally more than one element through the thickness of
Analysis result From Literature[9] each layer of laminate. The inter-laminar shear stresses can
then be extracted directly from the full stress tensor, noting
Case 6: Analysis of Bi material with different poisons ratio: that σz, τxz, and τyz are all continuous across the layer
This case is identical to Case 2 except that the Poisson boundaries (the corresponding strains are not necessarily
ratios of the layers have been changed. The bottom (stiffer) continuous across layer boundaries)[2]. Assuming that
layer is given a Poisson ratio = 0.45, while the top (more composite structure is relatively thin is used layered shell
compliant) layer is given a Poisson ratio = 0.05. The results element. The efficiency comes from the fact that only one
shown in figure indicate that the Poisson ratio mismatch shell element is required through the thickness, because
causes a slight shifting of the shear stress distribution and shell theory is built into the element formulation. The
amplification of the maximum compared to the Case 3 disadvantages of this approach are that shell theory
results, which employed equal Poisson ratios assumes σz is zero, so this inter-laminar stress component
will not be calculated. Shell theory also assumes that the
out-of-plane shear strains are zero, i.e. γxz and γyz are zero,
which means the inter-laminar shear stresses cannot be
calculated directly from the stress-strain relationship [2]. If
the composite structure is not thin, use layered solid. It has
their own problems. It wills often stacking to ensure good
global deflection and stiffness characterization. This
complicates the inter-laminar stress calculation because the
Analysis result From Literature[9]
zero stress assumption at the top and bottom may not be
From the analysis plot the out of plane shear stress (τxz) clear for a complex, curved geometry.
variation through the thickness. Take nodal values through
the thickness from centre at a distance of 5mm.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
The finite element analysis code is internally calculating
the strain tensor in each element from the nodal
displacements, and all the strains, including the inter-
laminar strains, are assumed continuous. . Once the
material properties are applied to obtain layer stresses, the
inter-laminar stress distribution through the layers is
discontinuous, which is exactly opposite of what it should
be [2].
Analysis of Two layered Isotropic Material
Prediction of shear stress in xz direction through the two
layers of composite material using brick solid 185,Shell
281and layered solid 191.Brick solid 185 consists of two Figure 5: solid Model acted upon by loads and constraints.
equal thickness isotropic layers, one stiffer than other.
Eight solid elements are in the thickness direction (four
elements through each layer) direction. Shell 281 consist
four equal thickness isotropic layers. Two adjacent layer
stiffer than other two adjacent layers. In each layer consists
of top, middle and bottom layers. Layered solid 191
consists of only one solid element through the thickness. It
consist two equal thickness isotropic layers. Two adjacent
layer stiffer than other two adjacent layers. In each layer
consists of top, middle and bottom layers. Geometry of the
isotropic plate with coordinate system is shown in Figure1.
Input data used
Dimension of plate: 100mm×40mm×10mm ,Layer 1: Figure 6: shell Model acted upon by loads and constraint
Steel (Young’s modulus: 210000MPa, Poisons ratio: .3),
Layer 2: Aluminum (Young’s modulus: 68670MPa,
Poisons ratio: .3)
Modeling and meshing are shown in figure 2.The 2-D
cross section model is generated in the XY plane, where
global z-axis is the transverse direction .The area is extrude
about the Z-axis to get the 3-D model of the isotropic plate.
The 2-D model is meshed with shell 281element. The 3-D
model is meshed with solid 185 and layered solid 191 for
carrying out the structural analysis. Refinements are made
wherever it is required to simulate the actual situation.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
The loads are applied at the middle end. 10000N load is The best method is using multiple solid element method.
applied at other end in Z direction Take 9 nodal values The shell element not gives correct inter-laminar shear
through the thickness of solid element taken at a distance stress variation at the interface of soft and stiffer material.
30mm from centre to X direction and 10mm from Y The accuracy in modeling composite shells is governed by
direction. Layer wise information of shell element through the first-order shear-deformation theory (usually referred to
the thickness gives the variation of inter-laminar shear as Mindlin-Reissner shell theory).According to this theory
stress. In each layer of steel and aluminum consists of top, the element formulation is based on logarithmic strain and
bottom and middle layers. Table1 shows inter-laminar true stress measures. The element kinematics allow for
shear stress distribution through the thickness of solid, shell finite membrane strains (stretching). However, the
and layered solid element. curvature changes within a time increment are assumed to
Table 1
be small. Actual variation of inter-laminar shear stress at
Inter-laminar shear stress through thickness interface higher compared to shell element.
Thickness Solid Shell Layered
Element Element solid element
(mm) τxz(MPa) τxz(MPa) τxz(MPa)
0 4.22 0 3.89
2.5 15.27 16.18 14 Figure 8.1:Analatical Result Figure 8.2:Result from literature[9]
3.75 17.30 16.13 - From figures 5.1 and 5.2 inter-laminar stress prediction
using layered solid less accurate due to sudden jump the
5 16.17 16.07 20.79,6.98 value at the inter face .so the variation of inter-laminar
shear stress discontinuous at interface. If structure is thin
6.25 13.89 13.38 - shell is the best method. But assumption using shell theory
is opposing inter-laminar stress prediction. The best
7.5 10.50 10.699 7.93 method is using multiple solid element method.
Analysis of varying stiffness of Adhesive Case (a): The modulus of elasticity of adhesive layer is
Consider different cases of varing the stiffness of equal to 10GPa and poisons ratio equal to 0.3.
adhesive layer and adhesive thickness.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013)
Finite element analysis using solid element only give
this information. Shell and layered solid is not suitable to
provide this kind of information. So these elements are
rejected for this particular analysis.
Consider epoxy resin used for join two face
sheets.Youngs modulus of epoxy resin equal to 4.5GPa and
poisons ratio equal to 0.3. Figure shows inter-laminar shear
stress (τxz and τyz) through the thickness direction at a
Case (b): The modulus of elasticity of adhesive layer is distance 25mm from x direction and 10mm from y
equal to .1GPa and poisons ratio equal to 0.3 direction. The Maximum allowable shear stress of epoxy
resin is 50MPa.From analysis maximum inter-laminar
shear stress τxz at adhesive layer equal to 44.05MPa and at
adhesive to aluminum interface is 4.85MPa.So the adhesive
bond is free from adhesive and cohesive Failure at that
particular region.
Case(c): The modulus of elasticity of adhesive layer is Compare the variation of inter-laminar shear stress
equal to .001GPa and poisons ratio equal to 0.3 through the thickness direction using FEA software
ANSYS of isotropic material with available literature with
different cases. All the analysis results are excellent
agreement with available literature. Solid element is
suitable for the analysis inter-laminar shear stress of thin
adhesive layer. Shell and layered solid element are rejected.
Shell element not gives inter-laminar shear stress variation
at interface during bending. In layered solid a sudden jump
of inter-laminar shear stress is take place at interface. So
these two elements are rejected. It is validate by using FEA
In case 1 value of τxz at the centre equal to 43.44MPa software ANSYS. For the determination of inter-laminar
and value of τyz at the centre equal to 1.343MPa. Case 2 shear stress of thin adhesive layer graded mesh pattern is
value of at τxz at the centre equal to 16.71MPa and τyz at the used. Cohesive and adhesive failure takes place due to the
centre equal .505Mpa. In case 3 value of τxz at the centre inter-laminar shear stress. This paper suggests an analytical
equal to .241MPa and value of τyz at the centre equal to method used for the determination of thin adhesive layer.
.005MPa. The adhesive adherent interface two value of
inter laminar shear stresses are arise due to mismatching VI. FUTURE WORK
the elastic property of adherend and adhesive. Inter laminar
shear stress value is depend upon the stiffness of the Using integration inter-laminar shear stress is
determined by equilibrium equation. The variation stress is
adhesive layer. In case 1 to 3 the stiffness of thin adhesive
determined from analysis.
layer decreases from 10GPa to .001GPa.Inter laminar shear
stress value of τxz adhesive at the centre location is REFERENCES
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