PR1 Module 2

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Gonzales, Jan Ervin D.

11- STEM A
Practical Research 1
Mr. Alison A. Gutierrez
Module #2: Qualitative Research and its Importance in Daily Life

What I Know
1. A 6. C
2. C 7. A
3. B 8. D
4. D 9. D
5. B 10. D
Activity 1: Question and Answer
Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. How will you use qualitative research in real life?

Living in a world with different race makes us more unique as an
individual. We might probably think and ask what are those unique traits, it’s similarities,
and differences. In such a way qualitative research plays a vital role in answering our
doubts and queries in that certain matters. It is usually expressed in words so I will use it
to understand concepts, thoughts or experiences for me to be able to gather in-depth
insights on topics that are not well understood.

2. What are the kinds of qualitative research?

The nine types of qualitative research are Case Study, Ethnography,
Phenomenology, Content and Discourse Analysis, Historical Analysis, Grounded Theory,
Narrative Report, Biography, Action Research,
What is it?
1. Can you recognize the nature of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics,

strengths, and weaknesses? Kindly provide your brief explanation .

Different kinds of Qualitative Research:

 Case Study- in this kind of research we only need minimal number of participants. At
times, a case study only needs one participant on the condition that the participant has a
unique experience.
 Ethnography- to write something about a culture.
 Phenomenology- distinctive method to study the structural features of experience and of
things as experienced.
 Content Analysis- quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such
certain words, themes, or concepts.
 Discourse Analysis- you might focus on: analyzing beyond words.
 Historical Analysis- a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an
understanding of the past.
 Grounded Theory- the goal of this research is to generate and come up with a new theory.

 Narrative Report- The purpose is to present a factual depiction of what has occurred.
 Biography- to write about person’s life story.
 Action Research- Action research is a form of investigation designed for use by teachers
to attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices in their own classroom.
The characteristics of research are: Human understanding and interpretation
in data analysis, Active, powerful and forceful in data gathering and rephrasing interview
questions, Multiple research approaches and methods that allows you to plan your study and
being multi-method research, Specificity to generalization on specific ideas will lead to
generalizations or conclusions, Contextualization, Diversified data in real-life situations on
collecting data in a natural setting, Abounds with words and visuals that presents people’s view
in a picture, video, drawing or graphs, and Internal analysis on examining the data yielded by the
internal traits of the subject persons.
Strengths of Qualitative Research
 All the problems and the topics covered under this research are in detail.
 This method majorly focuses on small groups which ultimately do not require more
expenses when compared to quantitative research.
 On the emergence of new developed information and findings, the revision, direction and
framework of the data can be done easily quickly.
 The data is collected from a small group which bounds it to be universal for a large
 The data with this method is collected based on genuine efforts and gives a clear vision
on what can be expected.
Weaknesses of Qualitative Research
 As the data is collected for a small group, due to which assumptions cannot be made
beyond the small group of people.
 It becomes difficult to demonstrate, maintain and assess the rigidity of the data.
 Collection of statistical data is not easy and cannot be done solely by using this method.
 As the data is in big quantity, analysis and interpretation of the data takes much time.
 The responses of the subjects might be affected as the researchers are bound to be present
during the process of data gathering.
 2. How do the strengths and weaknesses help us in writing the research proposal?

The strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research show us that gathering

unique, personalized data will always have advantages and disadvantages. It is the best to
understand all of this in order for us to decide whether we’re going to write a qualitative
research. Once we already start writing a qualitative research and we know its strength and
weaknesses we can have accurate subjective nature of the data and can come up with a good
research proposal.

What’s more?
Topic Purpose Type of Qualitative Reserach


Post Traumatic To determine the Phenomenological

Experiences of the experiences of those
COVID-19 Survivors survivors in the

To present the views

1.The perception of grade and opinions of grade
10 students to the 10 students about k-12
implementation of k-12 program.

To determine the effects of

lack of sleep in the
2. Impacts of Sleep academic performance of
Insufficiency on the academic STEM students.
performance of STEM
students. Phenomological

The purpose of this case

study was to describe the
3. Campus Bullying in the
campus bullying
senior high school experiences of senior high
school students, their
problems encountered,
their emotional struggles,
their coping strategies and
even their insights and
Case Study
realizations that would be
useful in making
interventions in the future

To understand the origin of

language which is part of
culture of indigenous
people in Bataan.

4.Understanding the
patterns and places of
language literacy of
Indigenous people in


To recognize if the
events in the life of Dr.
Jose Rizal are
5.The accuracy of events accurate and to know if
in the life of Jose P. Rizal he is a reformist or


What I have learned

Explain the concepts you have learned by answering the following questions.
1. What comes to your mind when you hear qualitative research?
When I hear the word qualitative research the first thing come into my mind is
the word human because this research provides an overview of: the “Human” side of an issue in
terms of behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and relationships, and intangible factors such as
social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion.
2. Pretend you are the subject of a phenomenological study, how will the researcher obtain
data from you?
If I became the subject of a phenomenological study the researcher should
obtain any phenomenon that can be any problem, issue, or topic that originate in my personal
experience or insight. The researcher should study my personal experience that is already in the
past and no longer happening in the present.

3. Name the type of qualitative research best suited for the following topics.
a. Grade 11 Science Textbook- Narrative
b. Filipino COVID-19 Front liners in Europe- Phenomenology
c. Travails of SHS Graduates in Public Schools- Phenomenology
d. The Ifugao Wedding Practices- Ethnography
e. Relatives of COVID-19 Victims- Phenomenology

What I can Do

1. The Impact of Ferdinand Marcos’ Speech

In September 1972 Marcos declared martial law, claiming that it was the last defense
against the rising disorder caused by increasingly violent student demonstrations, the alleged threats of
communist insurgency by the new Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and the Muslim separatist
movement of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). One of his first actions was to arrest opposition
politicians in Congress and the Constitutional Convention. Initial public reaction to martial law was mostly
favourable except in Muslim areas of the south, where a separatist rebellion, led by the MNLF, broke out in
1973. Despite halfhearted attempts to negotiate acease-fire, the rebellion continued to claim thousands of
2. Life without gadgets.
Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. In the past few years, technology
has evolved in many ways and without a doubt is even better than before. People are always developing
something new that will improve human lives dramatically. Some of the creations that have changed our
lives for good are the computer, telephone, mobile phone, tablet, internet, electronic and voice mail,
etc. These days, it may seem, people have enslaved themselves to the modern day gadgets. This is why it is
hard to imagine a life without them. They help people socialise, stay in touch with the world, world
events, etc.Modern day gadgets even make shopping an efficient and convenient experience and send
messages and mails quicker than the postal service. Friends and relatives living in different parts of the
world seem a lot closer all thanks to modern gadgets, such as web cam, etc. Therefore, it is suffice to say
that life without modern gadgets would slow down and become less efficient.
1. The Impact of Covid-19 on Small and Medium Entreprises
COVID-19 has become a global emergency with leaving of death, economic and business devastation, it
impacted on the health system, economy, business, social movements, employees and employment
opportunities. Global governments-imposed restrictions to contain the spread of COVID 19 including;
stay at home, quarantine, social distance and limitation of social movements all these steps are
resulted the decline of supply and demand, the SMEs experienced dramatic revenue drops, and this
may increase the unemployment rate and prices of necessary goods. The SMEs overwhelming
competing challenges raised from the COVID 19 had taken steps to continue the existence including the
reduction of working hours, dismissal, halting some of business operations, temporarily close, it
increased the existing inequalities and vulnerabilities among the societies.
Definition of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is different from country to country, it depends
on the country’s economic development and the role of SMSs in the country. Also, the SMEs determine
the size of the business, the capital investment, the assets and business’ operations. According to
Pakistan Central Bank SMEs is characterized by the employment, asset or the combination of both
(Jasra, et al., 2011). Normally a business is an enterprise that produces goods or service for provision of
customer’s satisfaction. SME positively contributes the country’s economy, it creates opportunities to
the local communities both employment and business opportunities and it fulfills community needs,
most of the countries realized the importance of SMEs towards to country’s productivity.
This study focused on the impact of the lockdown impose by countries to contain the spread of COVID
19 and how the lockdowns effected the SMEs and the challenges that the SMEs encountered during this
pandemic disease spreading person to person. The studies indicated that the COVID 19 had significant
impact on the SMEs and resulted that some of SMEs temporarily or permanently closured their
business. Puntland government-imposed lockdowns, curfew, banning of all movements from outside
and other restrictions to fight the spread of COVID 19, these restrictions reduced the mobility of people
which resulted decline of supply and demand remained to fall the revenue.

5. Vocabulary Building of Students through Proper Solid Waste Management

Waste Management-Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in
population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is
affecting the lives of many people. Waste management is the managing of waste by disposal and
recycling of it. Moreover, waste management needs proper techniques keeping in mind the
environmental situations. For instance, there are various methods and techniques by which the waste is
disposed of. Some of them are Landfills, Recycling, Composting, etc. Furthermore, these methods are
much useful in disposing of the waste without causing any harm to the environment.
There's a lot of methods for waste management include recycling, landfills and composting. There are
various advantages of waste management. Some of them include: Decrease bad odor, Reduces
pollution, Reduces the production of waste, and produces energy and many more. Waste management
is aimed at protection of the environment and to enhance the safety of surrounding environment for
humans and animals. Hazardous wastes are disposed far from reach of humans and animals to prevent
harm. Environmental pollution is a major public health issue that is prevented by proper waste
management because fewer wastes end up in the environment. Recycling as a waste management
process enables saving of resources and prevention of accumulation of wastes.
Lesson 2
What I Know
1. True 6. True
2. False 7. True
3. True 8. True
4. True 9. False
5. False 10. False
Activity 1: Question and Answer
Directions: Answer the questions in 3-5 sentences. Write your answers in a space
1. What are the three types of approach to basic research? Describe each type.
The first type of approach is the Scientific or Positive approach which provides a
logical, systematic way to answer questions and removes subjectivity by requiring each
answer to be authenticated with objective evidence that can be reproduced which is used
in quantitative research. The second approach, which is Naturalistic Approach is contrary
to first type because it is used to understanding the social world in which the researcher
observes, describes, and interprets the experiences and actions of specific people and
groups in societal and cultural context and it is used in Qualitative research. Lastly, the
combination of the first and second approach is called Triangulation or Mixed method.

2. How do you differentiate soft sciences from hard sciences?

The Hard Sciences are those disciplines where quantitative research is widely
used whereas Soft Sciences are those disciplines where naturalistic approach of
qualitative research is the one being adopted.
What is it?

1. Can you figure out the importance of qualitative research? Organize your ideas by presenting three
important functions of qualitative research.

 It stimulates people interdependence or inter-personal relationships.

 It unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitude about a certain topic.
 Information is precise and reliable since it promotes collaboration of researcher and others
as well.

2. How do you inquire data in a certain field of study? Write your top three methods when collecting
data and describe each.
The three Main Methods of Data Collection are Interactive interviewing, written
descriptions by participant, and observation.
 Interactive interviewing is used when people asked to verbally describe their experiences
of phenomenon.
 Written descriptions by participant are used when people asked to write descriptions of
their experiences of phenomenon.
 Observation is used when there’s descriptive observations of verbal and non-verbal

Topic Purpose Type of Research Data

Qualitative Approach Collection
Research Choice


Post Traumatic To determine Triangulation Written

Experiences of the the experiences or mixed description/
COVID-19 Survivors of those Interview
survivors in the

1.The perception of To present the Interactive

grade 10 students to views and Naturalistic Interviewing
the implementation opinions of Narrative
of k-12 program grade 10
students about
k-12 program.

To determine the
experiences and
2. Impacts of Sleep effects of lack of
Insufficiency on the sleep in the
academic academic
performance of
performance of Written
STEM students.
STEM students. Naturalistic description/

The purpose of this

case study was to Phenomenological
describe the
3. Campus Bullying campus bullying
in the senior high experiences of
school senior high school
students, their Observation
encountered, their
emotional Naturalistic
struggles, their
coping strategies
and even their
insights and Case Study
realizations that
would be useful in
interventions in the
What’s More

What I have learned

Topics Subject Importance of the Research

1 Spices and Herbs To know its nutrient content use as medicine

2 Juan Dela Cruz Reading about the real-life story of a Filipino Inventor
and help us learn about his inventions and learn from
his successes and failures.

3 The New Normal To determine the perspective of parent and know their
Education suggestion on how their children cope up with new
normal education

4 Korean Car To know the different body parts of a Korean car model
and how to innovate our car models

5 Food To gather information about different bacteria living

inside the food and how to avoid food poisoning

6 SHS Learners To investigate the status of study habits and its

relationship with academic achievement of SHS

7 Lemon Leaves to investigate the chemical composition and medicinal

elements of lemon leaves to use as herbal plant and
treat diseases.

8 Asian Novels to gain a clear understanding of the History

Development of Asian novels

9 Higa-onon To know the culture and tradition of Higa-onon in

terms of wedding rites.

10 10.Corona Virus To investigate the nature and help scientist to develop a

Disease cure for the deadly virus.
What I can do
1. Social:
 It's a Means to Understand Issues and Increase Public Awareness because gathering
information from communities of people outside of our core (different age groups, social
classes, ethnicities, education levels, careers, etc.) and then shares that information within
our community. This kind of effort shows the necessary role of research in helping others
and raising social consciousness.
 Qualitative research is an approach used largely in the social sciences to explore social
interactions, systems and processes. It provides an in-depth understanding of the ways
people come to understand, act and manage their day-to-day situations in particular

2. Economical:
 Research benefits business. Many successful companies, such as those producing
consumer goods or mass-market items, invest in research and development. Different
industries that involve science and engineering processes (like agriculture, food and
beverage, manufacturing, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, computer software,
semiconductor, information and communication technology, construction, robotics,
aerospace, aviation, and energy) have high Research and Development expenses because
it is critical to the creation and improvement of their products and services. It Helps Us
Succeed in Business that adds development in our economy.
 It Is a Means to Find, Gauge, and Seize Opportunities because research helps people
nurture their potential and achieve goals by taking advantage of various opportunities.
This can mean securing employment, being awarded scholarships or grants, securing
project funding, initiating a business collaboration, finding budget travel opportunities, or
securing other little wins.

3. Political:
 Qualitative research allows us to investigate and discover new processes of political
communication. Qualitative interviews help us answer the how and why questions that
must be addressed in order to advance our understanding of political parties' use of new
communication technologies and their campaign work.

Additional Activities


Method of Research:
The analysis and interpretation of data produced four focal themes:
(1) participants’ preferred customized study materials;
(2) participants’ personal learning benefits, and
(3) missed learning opportunity and
(4) process of customizing and using.

Subject Area or areas of interest where the study belongs:

This qualitative narratological study was conducted to delve the
perceptions and experiences of STEM students on the utilization of customized
study materials.

The importance of the research work

The study was conducted to understand how the usage of self-developed

study materials play a vital role in maintaining and improving the academic

performance of STEM students of SEPNAS. The findings of the study are

significant inputs which are deemed beneficial to the learners of the 21 st century,
school administrators and teachers, parents, school, DepEd policy makers and

future researchers, because this can give empirical data as bases for improvement

of the country’s performance in the education sector.


1. True 6. True
2. False 7. True
3. True 8. True
4. True 9. False
5. False 10. False

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