Thesis Manual
Thesis Manual
Thesis Manual
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline 2021
the examinable areas. As part of the efforts of the o f f i c e to facilitate research students
timely completion of their required academic research, this guideline has been compiled
in consultation with the concern organ and based on the requirements of the Graduate
areas facilitating uniformity and standardization in academic research and thesis writing.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
1.1 Introduction
To ensure quality and timely completion of a research project, clear guidelines and
procedures are necessary. Therefore, the main purpose of this handbook is to define the
parts and procedures necessary for the preparation of research projects/theses in line with
For students seeking to complete postgraduate degrees at Master’s levels, the PG office
requirements or fitness for purpose. The postgraduate level project demonstrates the
student’s readiness to join the community of scholars and practitioners in advancing the
knowledge and practice in the real world of business. Consequently, students are expected to
The research proposal for the project/thesis should consist of three major chapters, including
introduction, literature review and methodology. In addition, to the three major chapters, the
research proposal should also provide an abstract, reference or bibliography, implementation
schedule and, implementation budget. The three major chapters or sections (introduction,
literature review, and methodology) of the research proposal should correspond to the first
three sections of the research project report in terms of quality and comprehensiveness. The
only difference being that, the introduction and methodology sections are written in present
or future tense in the research proposal and past tense in the research project report.
1.4 Format and Type Requirements
1.4.1 Length, Spacing and Font Size
Double line spacing and a standard font size of 12 should be used for the text and front matter
materials except for the title page and tables where different line spacing and fonts may be
used. The final document should be of laser print quality. The print quality should be dark
and clean.
1.4.2 Margins
The margins throughout the report or manuscript should be at least 25mm or 1 inch on the
right, top and bottom. The left hand margin must be set to 30mm or 1¼ inches to allow for
1.4.3 Numbers and Percentages
Numbers in texts should be typed in “Arabic numbers”. For example chapter 1, table 2.1 or
figure 3.1. A sentence cannot begin with a number. A number beginning a sentence must be
spelt out in words. For example: “Twenty-five of the union representatives rejected the
employer’s offer”. Similarly, percentages should be written in words when they begin a
sentence. For example, “Sixty-five percent of the senior managers in the company were local
1.4.4 Version of English
The school recommends the use of clear UK English language which will contribute to a
positive assessment of the dissertation. If the candidate is using a spell-check facility he/she
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
should ensure that it is set to “UK English” and not to an American version. This is very
important because a number of words are spelt quite differently in American English. The
proper and clear presentation of the candidate’s work includes consistent and accurate
spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting. The dissertation should not contain any
spelling errors by the time it reaches its final draft. It is permissible for the candidate to ask a
colleague to check the spelling and grammar. A supervisor should assist the candidate by not
allowing the dissertation to be submitted in its final form until any required corrections have
been made.
Students are expected to compile their proposals to follow the format shown below:
Preliminary pages:
- Title page
- Declaration
- Dedication
- Acknowledgement
- Table of contents
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Abbreviation and Acronyms
- Abstract
The text
- Chapter One: Introduction Only these three are required at
- Chapter Two: Literature review
- Chapter Three: Methodology
- Chapter Four: Research findings
- Chapter Five: Summary, conclusions and recommendations
- References
- Questionnaire and interview Questions
- Research permit
- Research budget These two are only required at the
- Research program proposal stage
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
The exact nature of the contents and style of writing expected for each of the areas of the
proposal is discussed in the remaining part of this section one of the guideline.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
January, 2012
Jan, 2021
1.8 Declaration
It should include both the candidate’s and the supervisor’s declaration and duly signed.
Declaration by candidate:
This proposal/ thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree
in any other University
…………………………. ………………………………
Signature Date
Name of candidate and Reg. number
Declaration by supervisor:
I/We confirm that the work in this proposal/thesis was done by the candidate
under my/our supervision
…………………………. ………………………………
Signature Date
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Signature Dat
1.10 Acknowledgement
This is to appreciate the people who have assisted you direct or indirect the course of your
study. You should begin with appreciating your supervisors who have walked with you the
entire journey of your study. As a rule of the thumb abstract shouldn’t be more that 150
- Define terms in the text that are not common but as used in the study.
1.15 Abstract
This is a brief statement of the problem, objectives of the study, target population, sampling
technique and sample size, instruments, data collection, data processing and analysis, key
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
findings and major recommendations. The abstract is required for all research projects. The
purpose of the abstract is to provide a clear and concise summary of the:
• Purpose or problem
This is required when
• Methodology used writing the final thesis
• Major findings and conclusions
• Major recommendations or suggestions for policy and future research
The abstract should be approximately 300 - 400 words. It should be prepared after the three
chapters of the proposal or the five chapters of the project/thesis or the major sections of the
proposal or project have been written but presented as front matter material in terms of
sequence. The abstract is usually a one block, single spaced and without citations.
Note: paginate using roman numbers starting with the declaration page which is roman ii.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Chapter one: Introduction
In this section, the researcher defines the context of the study by providing a brief discussion
of key theoretical approaches and findings reported in earlier related studies. Trends related
to the problem, unresolved issues and social concerns are discussed. Authoritative sources or
citations should be provided in the section. It’s important to the following:
This thesis is structured as follows: the foregoing chapter one provides the research
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
background, research objectives, significance of the study, scope, and the limitations
encountered in the course of the study. Chapter two presents literature review on the
determinants of ICT adoption by SMEs and a conceptual framework. Chapter three deals with
the methodology employed in the study; the study findings and their
interpretation are presented in chapter four; while chapter five has conclusions of the study
and the policy implications.
Literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to your project.
However, start this chapter with an overview of contents of the chapter. This should be very
brief and precise.
This section should discuss current/relevant theory that supports the research problem been
studied. For example in marketing problem particularly consumer related, the underlying
marketing theory relevant to your project e.g. Consumer behaviour, brand research, customer
satisfaction) should be discussed.
This literature review section of the proposal should present a review of the literature related
to the problem and purpose. The literature review section should therefore be organized or
relevance to the research problem. It should be written using appropriate writing style of the
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
of Ethiopian Universities. Cite 3-5 references per key section in the text. Review the
empirical literature relevant to the problem being investigated showing clearly the linkage of
literature review to the research questions. During literature review, it’s important to note the
following points:
• You should evaluate what has already been done, show the relationships between
different works, and show how it relates to your project.
• Consider and discuss work that supports and work that opposes your ideas
• Make reasoned judgments regarding the value of others’ work to your research
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Topic: The effect of intensive growth strategies on the performance of commercial
banks in, Kenya.
The variables could be: innovative products, technology, Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), staff training and branch network. This could be
conceptualized as shown
Dependant variable
Independent variables
Market penetration
3.1 Introduction
The research methodology section of the proposal should provide explanation and description
of the methods and procedures to be used in conducting the study. Research methodology is
an important chapter in research work. It is important to start this chapter with an overview
of contents of the chapter. This should be very brief and precise.
It is necessary for the researcher to understand the philosophical position of research issues to
understand the different combination of research methods. 41
The researcher should identify and describe the characteristics of the population involved in
the study. Population refers to the entire group of people, events, or things of interest that the
researcher wishes to investigate. Population forms a basis from which the sample or subjects
for the study is drawn. Clearly identify the population and the target population and its size
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
and characteristics. Justify the source of the target population. Where necessary provide the
Sampling frame in the form of a table.
It is worth noting that for primary data the researcher can use more than one instrument, in
such a case he/she should justify why used more than one method. In addition, the researcher
should operation which part of the questionnaire/questions will address which objective (s).
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
method. Issues related to research permit, research assistants should also be discussed.
Finally the research should state the approximate time required to collect the data.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
2.1 Introduction
Research project/thesis reports consist of three main sections, the preliminary section or front
matter, the text or body and appendices or annexes.
The majority of research projects in business, economic and social sciences follow a five-
model chapter. The major sections in the five-model chapter include:
• Chapter 1: Introduction
• Chapter 2: Literature Review Already discussed at the proposal stage
• Chapter 3: Methodology
• Chapter 4: Research Findings
• Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Chapter Four: Research Findings
4.1 Introduction
This is generally the longest section of the research project. The objective is to present and
explain the data rather than draw interpretations or conclusions. The findings should be
presented and analyzed on the basis of the research questions, specific objectives or
Tables and figures should be used to present quantitative data when appropriate. A brief
description in words of what is shown in the table or figure should be provided. A general
rule is to prepare the table or figure and the text, in such a way that they can stand alone in
describing the outcomes of the study.
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Introduction
The section should start with a brief summary of the structure or organization of the chapter.
5.2 Summary
The final chapter of the research project should provide a summary of important elements
including the purpose of the study and research questions or specific objectives, methodology
used and major findings or results.
5.3 Conclusion
In this section, major conclusions drawn from the research findings should be presented.
5.4 Recommendations
Research projects/thesis often pave way for further work; consequently, the researcher should
provide suggestions for future research work based on the findings and conclusions generated
from the study.
A project/thesis should indicate the references of materials used in the development of the
Reference List
The reference list at the end of the project report provides the information necessary to
identify and retrieve each source. Researchers should choose references judiciously and must
include only the sources that were used in the preparation of the research project
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
i. Agreement of Text and Reference List
Reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list; conversely, each entry in the
reference list must be cited in the text. The author must make certain that each source
referenced appears in both places and that the text citation and reference list entry are
identical. Failure to do so can result in an expensive change after the research project report
has been bound.
The reference list format should provide the author’s last name and initials, the year of
publication, the title, the city, and publisher in that sequence. The entries in the reference list
should be arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author.(See Appendix)
i) Research Instruments.
ii) Letters of introduction
iii) Research Permits/authorization letter
3.1 Introduction
The examination process for project/ thesis in the School of postgraduate studies in Queens
college has 5 stages:
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Whether
deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious and punishable offense in research projects.
Students found guilty of plagiarism get an E grade in research project or may be disqualified
from a degree candidacy. Deliberate or accidental plagiarism occurs when a writer draws
words, phrases or passages from someone else’s work and presenting them verbatim as
his/her own work without providing complete documentation or source citation. Deliberate
plagiarism may include:
Documentation Styles
To avoid plagiarism in research projects, a researcher is required to acknowledge the sources
of words, facts, or ideas borrowed from other scholars. Most academic disciplines or
professional bodies require special documentation formats or styles in research project
reports. Consequently, the style used should be consistent with the requirements of each
discipline. For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) style is commonly
used in social sciences, business and economics fields; the Institute of Electrical and
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style is used in electrical engineering and computer science
fields; the Chicago style is used in history, philosophy and humanities; and the MLA style is
commonly used as a guide in English and foreign languages fields.
Most professional publications have abandoned the use of footnotes or endnotes as a method
of referencing within the text and have adopted instead the author/year method of
documentation. The author year method provides the reader with names and dates in the text
that can be used to identify complete bibliographic listings in the reference list. One main
advantage of the author/year method is that it offers key documentary information where
appropriate within the text in order to ensure continuity in reading and economic use of the
page particularly where lengthy documentary information is required.
APA style uses the author-date method of citation; that is the surname of the author and the
year of publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate point. For example: Human
(Harvey, 2001).
Cohen, L. Manion, L. and Morrison, K.R.B. (2007) Research methods in education, 6th
Edition. Routledge.
Cooper, D.R. and Schindler, P.S. (2006) Business Research Method, 9th Edition. Boston:
McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Kasi, P. (2009) Research: What, Why and How? A Treatise from Researchers to Researchers,
Saunders, M. et al. (2007) Research methods for business students, 4th Edition. London:
Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R. (2010) Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building
Research/Thesis Writing Guideline, 2021