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Artikel Pakan Buatan
Artikel Pakan Buatan
Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Ahvaz,
Department of Food Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani, Ahvaz,
Minute pirate bugs (Het., Anthocoridae) are recog- eggs of pentatomids (Woodroffe 1973), eggs and larvae
nized as potential biocontrol agents against many ar- of lepidopteran pests (Salehi et al. 2016) and whiteflies
thropod pests in different parts of the world (Omkar (Stansly 2010; Banihasemi et al. 2017). Orius albidipen-
2016). The bugs have economic importance due to their nis Reuter is a dominant species in many regions of
high colonization rates, mobility, prey consumption Iran (Hassanzadeh et al. 2013). Some characteristics of
efficacy and fecundity. Among various genera of the the species, including its ability to tolerate high tem-
family Orius Wolff is the most important genus which peratures and lack of photoperiod induced diapauses,
has worldwide distribution. These predatory bugs can make the predator an ideal candidate for mass rear-
attack many soft body insects including thrips (Tom- ing and augmentative releases against many field and
masini et al. 2004; Rajabpour et al. 2011), mites (Has- greenhouse pests in subtropical and tropical regions
sanzadeh et al. 2015), aphids (Akramovskaya 1978), (Sobhy et al. 2010).
Ali Rajabpour et al.: Developing an artificial diet for rearing Orius albidipennis Reuter… 277
Usually, the success of inoculative or inundative Table 1. Composition of artificial diet for rearing Orius
releases of natural enemies (NEs) depends on eco- albidipennis
nomic and efficient mass-rearing programs (Bueno Ingredient Weight
et al. 2006). Developing new methods for mass-rearing Distillated water 30 g
a natural enemy reduces biological control costs (Bue-
Lamb liver 50 g
no et al. 2006; Safaei et al. 2015). Mass rearing methods
for Orius continue to be improved by decreasing costs Fresh hen yolk 50 g
control, 0.005 g of E. kuehniella egg + date palm pollen Table 2. Life history and life table parameters ± SE of Orius
were used as a factitious diet. The insect was checked albidipennis reared on Ephestia kuehniella egg + date palm pollen
(control) and an artificial diet
and its life stages were recorded every day. After adult
emergence, a fresh bean pod was placed in the cylinder Parameter [unit] Artificial diet Control
every day. Each day, the number of eggs was recorded, Male longevity (day) 38.35 ± 0 .437 a 38.06 ± 0.799 a
then the pod was transferred to a new container and
Female longevity (day) 40.58 ± 0.641 a 39.95 ± 0.888 a
replaced with another pod for oviposition. Observa-
tions continued until bug death. Each treatment had APOP 2.642 ± 0.28 b 1.437 ± 0.155 a
Fig. 1. Curves of age-specific survival rate (lx), age-specific fecundity of total population (mx), age-specific maternity (lxmx) of Orius
albidipennis reared on an artificial diet and the control
Fig. 2. Curves of age-stage specific survival rate (sxj) of Orius albidipennis reared on an artificial diet and the control
Fig. 3. Curves of age-stage life expectancy (exj) of Orius albidipennis reared on an artificial diet and the control
survival rate of O. laevigatus are reduced when fed maculiventris Say (Het., Pentatomidae) (Wittmeyer
a liver based artificial diet in comparison with facti and Coudron 2001) fed an artificial diet.
tious food, E. kuehniella egg. Similar results were ob- The lower fecundity of the predatory bug fed an ar-
tained for O. strigicollis (Lee and Lee 2004) and Podisus tificial diet than the control may be due to the specific
280 Journal of Plant Protection Research 58 (3), 2018
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Acknowledgements 38 (3): 3–13.
Hassanzadeh H., Shishehbor P., Esfandiari M., Rajabpour A.
The research was supported by Iran National Science 2013. Collection of Orius species (Hemiptera: Anthocori-
Foundation under grant number 90002456 and Khuz- dae) in some counties of Yazd province, Iran. Munis Ento-
estan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources mology and Zoology 8 (1): 507–508.
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for his analysis assistance Research 34 (4): 299–303. DOI:
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